Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy "Prisoner of the Caucasus. The Caucasus in the life and work of L.N.

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Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

"Prisoner of the Caucasus"

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“Zhilin didn’t jump on the horse, they shot at him from behind with guns and hit the horse. The horse hit from all over - Zhilin fell on his leg.

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“Zhilin showed with his lips and hands that they gave him a drink. Black understood, laughed, called someone: "Dina!" A girl came running - thin, thin, about thirteen years old and her face looked like a black one ... She was dressed in a long, blue shirt, with wide sleeves and without a belt ... "

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“The next morning, she looks at the dawn of Dina She went out of the door with a doll. And she has already removed the doll with red patches and shakes it like a child, she lulls herself in her own way.

“Since then, fame has gone about Zhilin that he is a master. They began to come to him from distant villages: who will bring the castle to fix, who will watch.

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“He began to look at the Russian side: under his feet there was a river, his village, gardens all around ... Zhilin began to peer - something looms in the valley, like smoke from chimneys. And so he thinks that this is the very thing - a Russian fortress.

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“Tears under the steep, took a sharp stone, began to turn the lock from the block. And the lock is strong - it won’t knock down in any way, and it’s embarrassing. Dina came running, took a stone and said: Let me. She sat down on her knees and began to twist. Yes, the little hands are thin, like twigs - there is nothing strength.

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Zhilin Kostylin Mother of Dina Tatary care help respect asks for help love does not disturb love, care kindness

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Comparative characteristics Zhilin and Kostylin.

kind (thinks of mother);

hopes for himself;

active person;

managed to take root in the village;

hardworking, cannot sit idle;

helps everyone, even his enemies;

magnanimous, forgave Kostylin.


a weak person, does not hope for himself;

capable of betrayal;

limp, discouraged;

does not accept other people.

kind, strive to help people;

capable of self-sacrifice.

TATARS are hard-working;

able to understand and appreciate a good person


in life

and creativity

L.N. Tolstoy

Work completed

10 "A" class student

MKOU secondary school No. 6 settlement Zaterechny

Kislyakova Elena

Head - Krayushkina I.V.

HYPOTHESIS : The Caucasus had a great influence on the formation of the personality of Leo Tolstoy, which was reflected in his work


  • find out the influence of being in the Caucasus on the worldview of L.N. Tolstoy,
  • determine how the theme of the Caucasus is reflected in his work

METHODS : search additional material, analysis, generalization.


  • Leo Tolstoy's stay in the Caucasus.
  • Interest in folklore and everyday life of Caucasians.
  • Caucasian cycle of his work.



In the forties of the 19th century - during the rise of Russian democratic thought - Tolstoy came to the Caucasus as a young officer. He lived in Chechnya from May 1851 to January 1854 - almost constantly among Chechens and Cossacks, among whom he made many friends. In the diaries and letters of this period, there is evidence of Tolstoy's deep interest in the life of the Chechens. He sought to "understand the spiritual structure of the local peoples", their manners and customs, and make his own judgments.

Tolstoy undoubtedly looked back and regarded Pushkin and Lermontov as his predecessors. He spoke about love for the Caucasus in 1854 in terms that literally coincided with Lermontov’s poems (from the introduction to Izmail Bey): “I begin to love the Caucasus, although with a posthumous, but strong love.”

About the influence of the Caucasus on his life and work, Tolstoy wrote in 1859: “... It was both painful and good time. Never, neither before nor after, have I reached such a height of thought as at that time ... And everything that I found then will forever remain my conviction.


In 1852 he recorded two Chechen folk songs- according to their Chechen friends Sado Misirbiev and Balta Isaev. He later used these and other records in his works.

In December 1852, Tolstoy sent from the Caucasus to the St. Petersburg magazine Sovremennik, progressive in the most popular magazine of that time, his first military story, The Raid. Prior to that, the story "Childhood" was published in the September issue of the magazine. When Tolstoy's next Caucasian story, "The Cutting of a Forest," appeared in Sovremennik, the editor of the journal, N. A. Nekrasov, wrote to I. S. Turgenev; "Do you know what it is? These are sketches of various types of soldiers (and partly officers), that is, a thing hitherto unknown in Russian literature. And how good!"


During the years of service in the Caucasus, Tolstoy paid much attention to the collection and promotion of North Caucasian oral folk art, publications of Chechen folklore.

Love for the Caucasus, a deep interest in the peculiarities of the life of the highlanders are reflected in many of Tolstoy's works.

Tolstoy's reflections on the fate of the highlanders formed the basis of the Caucasian cycle of his work ("The Raid. A Volunteer's Story", "Cutting a Forest. A Junker's Story", "From Caucasian Memories. Degraded", "Notes of a Marker", "Notes about the Caucasus. Trip to Mamakay- Yurt").

In the Caucasus, Tolstoy saw war and people at war with his own eyes. Here he learned how to get a job peasant life without serfdom from the landowner.


IN Caucasian stories the general view of the writer on life, on war in the world took shape - in other words, the philosophy of being, embodied in artistic images. War and peace are sharply contrasted, and war is condemned because it is destruction, death, separation of people, their enmity with each other, with the beauty of the whole "God's world."

In the Caucasus, Tolstoy's philosophy of love and self-sacrifice was first developed - and these are the most cherished feelings of a Russian person.


The Caucasus had a great influence on the formation of the views of the writer and was reflected in his work.


  • http://elbrusoid.org/content/liter_theatre/p137294.shtml - Songs of the highlanders
  • Independent newspaper dated 06/01/2001 Original: http://www.ng.ru/style/2001-06-01/16_song.html
  • "Tales and stories" LN Tolstoy, Moscow, " Fiction", 1981, series "Classics and contemporaries".
  • "Leo Tolstoy", an essay on life and work; K.N. Lomunov, 2nd edition, Moscow, ed. "Children's Literature", 1984
  • K. Kuliev "The poet is always with people", M., 1986

Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy 1828-1910

Zhilin and Kostylin -

two different characters

Prisoner of the Caucasus

How will we work in the classroom

  • Read carefully
  • Write competently
  • Speak clearly and accessible
  • listen carefully


Ready to co-create

lines of the writer's biography, the content of part 1 of the story, what is the antithesis

analyze what they read, express their thoughts, evaluate the actions of the characters, work in a group

What do I see, what do I hear, what do I feel when I hear the word Caucasus?

Getting ready for work

Charging for the brain Why is the story called "Prisoner of the Caucasus"?

The action of the story takes place in the mountains of the Caucasus

Tolstoy hints that Zhilin was captured not only physically, but also mentally

Why in the lesson devoted to the story of L. Tolstoy, are there images of A. Pushkin, M Lermontov? Get the error!

In creativity great importance has a theme of cruelty and war

The great writer Leo Tolstoy grew up in Yasnaya Polyana not far from Moscow

In the same place in his house, he organized a school for peasant children.

The story “Prisoner of the Caucasus” was written for adults

In his Caucasian stories, Tolstoy embellishes, depicting mountaineers

Tolstoy respected the mountain peoples, and their customs and way of life

He believed that the enmity between nations would continue

story story

Lev Tolstoy

and Sado Meserbiev - two kunak

Lexical work

captured, captive

Antithesis -

Prisoner -

Captivate -

this opposition

1) seize, 2) seduce, attract, subdue

captured, captive

1) what actually happened, actually happened

2) a story about a real event, incident

Flight of an eagle Fizminutka for the eyes

Thank you charger!

Eyes are ok

Comparative characteristics of Zhilin and Kostylin Group work

  • Describe how the trip of Zhilin and Kostylin begins
  • Analyze, as appearance, the names of Zhilina and Kostylin help to understand the character of the characters.
  • compare, how Zhilin and Kostylin behave when they notice the Tatars
  • Argument, Is it good or bad that Zhilin and Kostylin decide to break away from the convoy

How can we explain why two people behave differently under the same conditions?

Five lines or cinquain


  • 1 noun
  • 2 adjectives
  • 3 verbs
  • 4-word phrase expressing attitude to the topic
  • 1 word is a synonym for the first word
Author's chair

Discuss the work in groups, choose one that is most interesting

Reflection How did we work in the lesson? What did I understand from reading the chapters of the story? How do I evaluate the actions of heroes? What have we learned? Internet resources http://fanread.ru/img/g/?src=11235040&i=260&ext=jpg http://www.a4format.ru/index_pic.php?data=photos/4194dd05.jpg&percenta=1.00 http://museumpsk.wmsite.ru/_mod_files/ce_images/111/498750_photoshopia.ru_251_zaron_p._a._s._pushkin_na_severnom_kavkaze.jpg https://a.wattpad.com/cover/25475816-368-k327538.jpg https://a.wattpad.com/cover/49226435-368-k629910.jpg http://www.krimoved-library.ru/images/ka2002/1-3.jpg http://rostov-text.ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/sado.jpg https://static.life.ru/posts/2016/07/875153/35fc09a2dae9b33985e6472f3a8a2bca__980x.jpg http://s1.iconbird.com/ico/2013/6/355/w128h1281372334739plus.png http://www.iconsearch.ru/uploads/icons/realistik-new/128x128/edit_remove.png http://feb-web.ru/feb/lermenc/pictures/lre166-1.jpg http://www.planetaskazok.ru/images/stories/tolstoyL/kavkazskii_plennik/53.jpg http://russkay-literatura.ru/images/stories/rus-literatura/lev_tolstoj_kavkazskij_plennik_byl.jpg http://www.planetaskazok.ru/images/stories/tolstoyL/kavkazskii_plennik/50.jpg

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Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy "Prisoner of the Caucasus" And as I then believed that there is that green stick on which it is written, something that should destroy all evil in people and give them great good, so I believe now that there is that truth and what will be she is open to people and will give them what she promises. L.N. Tolstoy

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What stories L.N. Do you know Tolstoy? What does the writer appreciate in people, what does he reject? Why does the author appeal to children?

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The author claims that people different nationalities can find mutual understanding, because universal human moral values- love for work, respect for a person, friendship, honesty, mutual assistance. And vice versa, evil, enmity, selfishness, self-interest are inherently anti-human. Love is hindered by all sorts of social foundations, ossified national barriers, protected by the state and generating false values: the desire for ranks, wealth, career - everything that people think is familiar and normal. What problems does the author raise in the story "Prisoner of the Caucasus"?

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Can people live in peace and friendship? What separates them and what connects them? Is it possible to overcome the age-old enmity of people with each other? Which people have these qualities, and which do not?

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Different tempers, different fates Zhilin and Kostylin. Zhilin Kostylin Who was the first to decide to go ahead of the detachment? Why? He understands the danger well and relies only on his strength, agility, speed of his horse. Impatient, irresponsible, guided by his own whims, and not by knowledge of the situation. Capture Who is the bravest hero? "Only an agreement - not to disperse." "I won't give myself up alive!" "His vision blurred, and he staggered." “Instead of waiting, I just saw the Tatars, rolled up to the fortress.” “The horse stopped under him, and the gun stopped.” Conclusion: Zhilin resisted, but it was impossible to escape from the hands of the enemies. Conclusion: the officers were captured because of the frivolity and cowardice of Kostylin, who was afraid of danger.

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Why Zhilin, seeing the betrayal of Kostylin, thought: “It's bad. The gun is gone? Ransom letter. "Oh, it's worse to be shy with them." “If he wants to scare me, then I won’t give a penny, and I won’t write. I was not afraid, and I will not be afraid of you dogs. “Zhilin wrote a letter, but he wrote it wrong on the letter, so that it didn’t come through. He thinks: "I'm leaving." "He wrote a letter home, five thousand coins will be sent." Conclusion: Zhilin understands that paying a ransom can ruin his mother, relying only on himself, actively looking for a way out. Conclusion: Kostylin accepts all the conditions of his enemies, hopes for help from home. Does not fight, passively submits to circumstances.

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The first month in captivity Looks out, elicits how he can escape. “He walks around the aul, whistles, otherwise he sits, doing some needlework - either he sculpts dolls from clay, or weaves wickerwork from twigs.” "Zhilin was a master of all needlework." “Kostylin wrote home again, kept waiting for the money to be sent and was bored. For whole days he sits in the barn and counts the days when the letter will arrive; or sleeping." Conclusion: Zhilin is sociable, active, good master. But his main goal is to escape from captivity. Conclusion: Kostylin is weak-willed, indifferent to the environment, passive.

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First escape. “If you skin your legs, they will heal, and if they catch up, they will kill you, worse.” "Get up, sit down on the backs - I'll take it down if you can't walk." “And the devil pulled me to take this deck with me. I would have left long ago." "Hooked a stone with his foot, thundered." "Cut up all the legs ... lagging behind." "I can't, I can't." “I can’t, I don’t have the strength.” "Salted" - weakened, tired. “As Kostylin screams: “Oh, it hurts!” "Go alone, why would you disappear because of me." Conclusion: he is busy looking for roads, and all his behavior is subordinated to this goal: he notices everything around him, rejoices at his will, worries about the success of his escape, tries not to notice pain and fatigue; does not leave his comrade in trouble .. Conclusion: Kostylin is weak-willed, unwilling and knows how to fight, passively follows a comrade, all his thoughts are focused on himself. He does not see the environment, he is afraid.

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Why did the escape fail? The escape failed because of the selfishness and effeminacy of Kostylin. He does not feel responsible to his comrade, is unrestrained, impatient. - Why does the writer contrast Zhilin and Kostylin? The author shows how much in life depends on the person himself. In the same circumstances, some turn out to be heroes, others are unworthy of being called people. Before the second escape, "Well, Kostylin, let's go, let's try last time; I'll put you up." "No, I can't seem to get out of here. Where will I go when there is no strength to turn around? Conclusion: despite all the hardships, Zhilin did not lose the will to live, the desire for freedom. Conclusion: Kostylin refuses to escape, does not believe in himself, surrenders to the mercy of his enemies.

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Zhilin and Dina. The spiritual closeness of people from the warring camps. The affirmation of humanistic ideals in the story. On the territory of the Caucasus there is a war. IN AND. Dahl wrote: “An offensive war is when an army is led against a foreign state; defensive - when they meet this army to protect their own. -Does the author condemn the highlanders for fighting the Russians? For the peoples living in the Caucasus, this war is defensive, the highlanders desperately resist, not letting the Russians into their territory, but the Russian army conquers the Caucasus and pays a high price with the lives of many thousands of Russian soldiers and officers. -Why is the old man in the turban angry at the Russians?

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How and why did the owner's attitude towards the captives change? Zhilin evokes sympathy from the owner with his courage and feeling human dignity, and among ordinary Tatars, with their skill, diligence, willingness to do good people, and Dina, who saw in him good and an honest man. But after an escape attempt, the owner tightened the living conditions. Zhilin is a prisoner for whom the owner will receive a ransom, and if this fails, he will kill him. Human relations come into conflict with enmity and self-interest. After the officers escaped, the owner does not laugh, speaks hostilely to them, and threatens to kill them. Conclusion: People could live in friendship, but this is hindered by national strife, leading to war. Self-interest also interferes. -Which of the Tatars treated the captives with particular hostility? - How does this old man appear before us? Tell his story.

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What triumphs in the story? In the story about the war, it is not enmity and hatred that triumph, but kindness, the spiritual closeness of people from the warring camps.

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Lev Nikolaevich
"Prisoner of the Caucasus"

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“Zhilin didn’t jump on the horse, they shot at him from behind with guns and hit the horse. The horse hit from all over - Zhilin fell on his leg.

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“Zhilin showed with his lips and hands that they gave him a drink. Black understood, laughed, called someone: "Dina!" A girl came running - thin, thin, about thirteen years old and her face looked like a black one ... She was dressed in a long, blue shirt, with wide sleeves and without a belt ... "

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“The next morning, she looks at the dawn of Dina She went out of the door with a doll. And she has already removed the doll with red patches and shakes it like a child, she lulls herself in her own way.
“Since then, fame has gone about Zhilin that he is a master. They began to come to him from distant villages: who will bring the castle to fix, who will watch.

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“He began to look at the Russian side: under his feet there was a river, his village, gardens all around ... Zhilin began to peer - something looms in the valley, like smoke from chimneys. And so he thinks that this is the very thing - a Russian fortress.

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“Tears under the steep, took a sharp stone, began to turn the lock from the block. And the lock is strong - it won’t knock down in any way, and it’s embarrassing. Dina came running, took a stone and said: Let me. She sat down on her knees and began to twist. Yes, the little hands are thin, like twigs - there is nothing strength.

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for help
does not disturb
love, care

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Comparative characteristics of Zhilin and Kostylin.
kind (thinks of mother);
hopes for himself;
active person;
managed to take root in the village;
hardworking, cannot sit idle;
helps everyone, even his enemies;
magnanimous, forgave Kostylin.
a weak person, does not hope for himself;
capable of betrayal;
limp, discouraged;
does not accept other people.
kind, strive to help people;
capable of self-sacrifice.
able to understand and appreciate a good person
