5 world oceans. An important feature of this reservoir is that it is the freshest


The ocean is the largest component of the world's water area. The waters of the oceans wash the continents, which often serve as their boundaries. This, however, is not the point. The oceans differ from each other in features that are only inherent to them - the circulation of water and air masses over their surfaces, an independent system of currents, the salinity of the waters, the nature of the bottom, the climate of the adjacent continents, the features of the animal world that are characteristic only for this part of the World's water area, etc.

There are five oceans in total on Earth. However, until recently it was believed that there were only four of them - the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian and Arctic Oceans. The fifth - the Southern Arctic Ocean - appeared on the maps quite recently.

The largest is the Pacific Ocean, washing the shores of five continents. Its borders are: in the east - North and South America, in the south - Antarctica, on the western side - Eurasia and Australia. The northern boundary between the Pacific and Arctic Oceans runs along the 62°30´ parallel in the Bering Strait. Ocean area - 179.7 million square meters. km, the average depth is about 4000 m. The largest ocean of the planet received its name in 1520. During world travel flotilla of 5 ships under the command of Ferdinand Magellan, the waters of an unfamiliar ocean for more than 3 months were surprisingly calm, for which he was named Pacific.

The Atlantic Ocean is the second largest. Its area is 91.66 million square meters. km. Water Atlantic Ocean wash the shores of Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America. The Atlantic is the boundary between the Old and New Worlds. Why the ocean is called the Atlantic is not exactly known. Perhaps this is the "guilty" of the hero ancient Greek mythology Titan Atlant, and, perhaps, the name comes from the mysterious Atlantis that once sunk in the depths of the ocean. Today, perhaps, the most impressive object of the Atlantic is the warm current of the Gulf Stream, which has a noticeable effect on the climate of the coastal European states.

The third largest - 76 million square meters. km - warm Indian Ocean. It is located between Asia, Africa and Australia. The Indian Ocean is characterized by the highest salinity compared to the waters of other oceans. Especially salty water in the Red Sea, which is part of indian ocean. The Red Sea is one of the warmest on the planet.

In the penultimate place is the "youngest" Southern Ocean. In fact, as an independent one, it was distinguished by the previously mentioned Benhard Varenius back in 1650. The Southern Ocean is the body of water that surrounds Antarctica. Its conditional area is 20.327 million square meters. km. At the time of Varenius, Antarctica, which was not yet discovered, was also ranked among the waters of the Southern Ocean. Later, he was either indicated on the maps or disappeared. Some countries recognized it, others did not. Finally, in 2000, the International Hydrographic Organization decided to single out the Southern Ocean as an independent one. Its northern boundary runs along 60° south latitude. From the south it is limited by the coastline of Antarctica.

One of my favorite cartoons is Finding Nemo. How I worried about these little fish who went on a trip. Then I asked my mother: “Do such fish live in our village, in the pond?” Mammy then replied that they live in the oceans. And then a new flurry of questions fell upon her about how many oceans there are on the planet, who lives in them. The conversation lasted several hours, and I would like to retell part of it here.

How many oceans are on earth

There are four oceans on our planet:

All of them, combined together, are called the oceans.

The most beautiful place in the ocean

The most amazing place from the cartoon, where clown fish and many equally amazing creatures live, is the Great Barrier Reef.

It is located off the coast of Australia and is the largest coral reef in the world.

The fish depicted in the cartoon really live there. Nemo and Marvin are clown fish.

Dory is a fish with a slightly frightening name "blue surgeon".

Nemo's mentor in the aquarium is a horned zankl.

You can see the underwater world of the Great Barrier Reef with your own eyes - excursions are sent to some of its sections. Divers really go down into the ocean, just like in the cartoon. But they are strictly forbidden to touch the reef and its inhabitants.

deep-sea inhabitants of the ocean

Remember the scene where Dory was attracted to a light that grew out of some big scary fish?

Such a fish actually exists. It's called the anglerfish. Female anglerfish have a special "fishing rod", at the end of which there is a small glow.

At great depths, where this miracle of nature lives, it is very dark. Curious fish come to the light to find out what is there. And instantly fall into a predatory toothy mouth.

Another strange animal of the ocean depths is the drop fish. Very reminiscent of the faces of students before the session. “Why do I need all this?”, - as if this strange fish tells us. She really has a reason to be sad, because in Asian countries it is considered a delicacy.

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I have always had some confusion with the number of oceans. In the children's encyclopedia given by the parents, it was written in black and white that there were four of them. However, when I opened an English textbook with an article about the oceans, the number five appeared.

Ultimately, when school test in geography, I came across the question: “How many oceans are there on our planet?”, I thought for a long time what answer is still correct. Let's figure it out together.

Oceans - how many are there

IN currently, the official number of oceans is four. We list them in ascending order (the area in brackets is indicated in millions of square kilometers):

Where has another ocean gone

He didn't go anywhere. It’s just that at a certain moment, another ocean was really singled out - the Southern Ocean, which “bite off” part of the area of ​​​​the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic oceans. The reason for the division was that the warm waters of these three oceans were separated from the cold ones due to the current Western winds. These cold waters were considered until a certain time the Southern Ocean. At that time, the physical map of the world looked like this in a simplified way.

But over time, scientists decided that there were still four oceans. So they continue to count at the moment.

Now I would like to talk about one of the most FAQ about the oceans, which in childhood did not give me peace.

Why is there salt water in the oceans and seas

The first assumption on this score is this: the cause of everything is the rivers. They contain a small amount of salts that the river carries into the seas and oceans. And, since these substances do not evaporate, they gradually accumulate, making ocean waters more and more salty.

The second assumption is related to the fact that there are a huge number of volcanoes in the oceans. In ancient times, there were a huge number of eruptions, during which the air was enriched with acids.

These acids returned to the oceans, entered into a chemical reaction, from which salts were obtained.

Which of the two theories is correct has not yet been established. I am inclined to believe that both causes affected the salinity of the oceans.

Useful6 Not very


It is believed that there are only four oceans in the world:

1) Great (quiet) - the largest in scale of 178.7 million km2, and a depth of 11034 m, all over the world. 2) Atlantic - takes second place in size 91.6 million km2, named after the mythical island of Atlantis .3) Indian - has a scale of 76.2 million km2, occupies 20% of the water part of the earth; 4) The Arctic - the smallest, its volume is 20.327 million km2., And the depth is 5527 m. But there is one more interesting fact- in 2000, scientists in the field of hydrography decided to single out another ocean, which is located between the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian, and called it the Southern Ocean (or Antarctic), its area is about 14.75 million km2.

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For me, the ocean, in addition to its splendor, is a place that holds many secrets. Indeed, despite all the technical achievements of mankind, the ocean remains explored by less than 10%.

Number of oceans on the planet

In addition to the four oceans that have long been known to mankind (the Pacific, the Arctic, the Indian, the Atlantic), more recently, another one, the South, was plotted on the world map. However, at different stages of history, opinions on the division of the World Ocean varied greatly. Some adhered to the established opinion about four oceans, while others, having drawn conditional boundaries, decided to “finish” the fifth. Nevertheless, at the beginning of our century, the International Geographical Organization adopted a document on the division of the water surface into five parts. However, this document has no legal force, and therefore the correct answer is four oceans.

Mysterious Atlantic

  • Sable Island;
  • Bermuda Triangle;
  • cemetery of the Atlantic.

Sable Island. This place has long been infamous among sailors and is known as the "Wandering Island", in the vicinity of which there are hundreds of shipwrecks. The shallows that surround the island are constantly moving as a result of the collision of two powerful currents (warm Gulf Stream and cold Labrador). Since the end of the 16th century alone, according to available records, 495 shipwrecks have been recorded. Absolutely insane is the theory that an island that moves an average of 175 meters per year is nothing but a living organism based on silicon.

Bermuda Triangle. There are many speculations trying to explain its mystery. Some say green men, black holes and temporal anomalies are the culprits, but there are other, more well-founded assumptions. The most realistic hypothesis is that gas bubbles rising from the bottom of the ocean cause a decrease in the density of water and air, as a result of which ships and planes “fall through” to the bottom.

Cemetery of the Atlantic. The place is located south of Sable Island, in a place where all the same currents collide: the warm Gulf Stream and the cold Labrador, which causes multiple whirlpools and shoals. This place is a kind of trap that over the course of several centuries has become the "homeland" of more than 1500 shipwrecks.

Helpful1 Not very good


No matter how paradoxical it may sound, but most of our planet called Earth is occupied by rivers and reservoirs. I turned to scientific calculations, and found out that this is about 70% of the entire territory of the earth's surface. And most of this area is occupied by the oceans.

Parts of the World Ocean

Most researchers distinguish four oceans:

  • Quiet.
  • Indian.
  • Atlantic.
  • Arctic.

Also, some scholars focus on Southern Ocean. Scientists distinguish the region of the southern parts of the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans.

The importance of the oceans in human life

Even in ancient times, the most big cities built at the intersection sea ​​routes. Thanks to the oceans, people made the first trips around the world, discovered uncharted islands and even continents. At a certain time, more precisely in the XV century, sea ​​travel constituted an integral part of the life of human civilization. This time is called the golden age of navigation.

maritime trade

Have you ever wondered which of the modes of transport created by man is the most in demand? I will answer this question - these are sea vessels. Due to the fact that all the oceans are interconnected, it is possible to get from mainland to mainland by the shortest routes. Huge sea tankers carrying multi-ton cargo, oddly enough, are the cheapest type of cargo transportation.

The state of the oceans today

Unfortunately, humanity has not learned to appreciate what it has. Forests are cut down rare species animals are exterminated and the oceans are polluted.

Plastic items are easy to manufacture and easy to use, but what happens to them after use? Much of the plastic waste ends up in the ocean. They are distributed unevenly. The current and the wind carry them throughout the ocean and gradually they surround entire continents.

It seems to me that our duty is to help nature, if only for the sake of our own comfort. It is not so difficult to think about the fate of a discarded thing. Separate waste collection significantly reduces the burden on nature. We have learned to keep our body and home clean, and the next step should be the cleanliness of the planet.

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I think everyone knows that the surface area of ​​water on Earth is many times greater than the area of ​​dry surface. Most of the water surface is occupied by four oceans. Which ones you can read below. Oceans of the planet. There are several oceans:

  • Quiet
  • Arctic
  • Indian
  • Atlantic

But scientists have put forward the existence of a fifth ocean - the South, since there are special currents and other conditions that are not typical for other oceans.

The Pacific Ocean is the largest

Undoubtedly, it is the largest ocean, whose area is 170 million square kilometers. Huge size is not the only advantage: its depth reaches about 11 million kilometers. Various interesting animals live at different levels of depth, adapted to local conditions, which is why the Pacific Ocean is home to a variety of creatures. One of these amazing inhabitants is the frilled shark, it is also called the frilled shark. It looks like an eel or a large snake.

An ocean covered in ice

It has its own characteristics that distinguish it from others. The water in the ocean is so cold that the fauna and flora of the ocean are poor. Only here lives the northern polar bear, an animal whose silvery-white fur is beautiful and valuable. Despite the small number of inhabitants among animals, the ocean is a place of food for numerous birds: penguins, gulls and many others.

third largest ocean

The Indian Ocean is characterized by high salinity of water, so the flora is scarce. But the ocean is home to a wide variety of whales. One of which is the blue whale, whose size is impressive and terrifying at the same time.

Although the blue whale is a protected animal, it is endangered: today there are about 10 thousand individuals in the world. The reason for such a small number of whales is man. People exterminated this mammal because of its useful qualities: subcutaneous fat, mustache (fashionable corsets for girls were made from them) and others. Man pollutes the water of the ocean - the home of the whale.

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What does the ocean mean to me? The fact that these are boundless expanses of water that amaze with their volumes and the living world. Of course, they can be dangerous and insidious, but at the same time, they are of great benefit. earth's atmosphere(After all, the hydrosphere and atmosphere are closely related). So, I would like to talk about the number of oceans in the world and their features.

The largest of the largest water giants

Of course, first of all, we are talking about the Pacific and Atlantic. It cannot be said that they are similar to each other, each is amazing and unique in its own way. Quiet, as everyone knows from school, is the largest of all (178 million km²). And besides this, its main feature is the Mariana Trench (or depression). In my opinion, this is the most unexplored object on Earth. If you just think about the facts about its depth of 11 kilometers, then your eyes are on your forehead. Next is the Atlantic Ocean, which is famous for its extremely cold currents. Its area is far from the Pacific, only 91 million square kilometers, although the greatest depth indicator is very impressive - more than eight and a half kilometers.

Other terrestrial oceans and their number

I will continue with the Indian Ocean, for which the main aspects can be distinguished:

  • an area of ​​just over 76 million square kilometers;
  • the depth indicator is slightly behind the Atlantic (7.7 km);
  • the volume of water is 282 million km³.

He is special in his environmental issues which follows from the economic activity of mankind.

The smallest of all of the above and with the smallest depth is the Arctic Ocean. More than 14.5 million km² is an area, and the deepest point is 5.5 kilometers under water. No wonder you can see the word "Northern" in the name, in addition to the location, it also characterizes the climate in which the ocean is located. It is very harsh and cold, and breaking through the icy deserts can be extremely difficult even for the most modern technology. Summing up all the information, it is easy to calculate that there are only four oceans on our planet. Sometimes a fifth one is distinguished - Southern, but this is not yet recognized by all scientists.

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The ocean fascinates me. I even dream of someday taking a transatlantic cruise and sailing ... to Antarctica. Yes, I am a little (or even a lot, haha) dreamer.

But usually I only see the ocean in nature films. Even so, he makes an impression. He is alive! The movement of the waves is breathing, the sound of water is a song, and the depths are a mystery. He seems intimidating, but at the same time strong, powerful, amazing, magnificent!

Earth and its oceans

How many oceans are on Earth? First of all, there is a huge body of water on Earth called World Ocean. It is so huge that it takes 71% area of ​​our planet. That is why Earth looks blue from space.

The World Ocean itself is one, but is conditionally divided into four others:

  • Quiet;
  • Atlantic;
  • Indian;
  • Arctic.

Sometimes a fifth is distinguished - South ocean that washes the coast of Antarctica.

But why was the ocean suddenly divided into parts?

The oceans were conditionally separated from each other for a reason. Each of them has its own:

A different conditions in turn favor different living organisms.

The oceans are truly amazing. I would like to tell a lot more about them, but a whole series of very weighty books can be written about the oceans and their inhabitants.


All water on the planet is called the World Ocean, which, in turn, is divided into four other oceans: Pacific, Arctic, Atlantic and Indian. The very first open ocean was the Indian. Currently, it is rightfully considered the warmest body of water on the planet. It is curious that in summer period waters near its coasts warm up to 35oC. The area of ​​this ocean is 73 million square kilometers. In terms of its size, it is in third place, behind the Pacific and Atlantic oceans.

The water area of ​​this reservoir is distinguished by a rich variety of animal and plant organisms. Scientists consider this ocean special: the fact is that its waters can change their course in the opposite direction. This happens twice a year. The Indian Ocean borders India, Australia, East Africa and Antarctica.

The Atlantic Ocean was discovered next. After Christopher Columbus tried to find a way to India, all mankind learned about a new large body of water. It was named after Atlas, the Greek titan, who, according to ancient Greek mythology, was endowed with courage and an iron temper. It should be noted that this ocean justifies its name, since in different times year behaves completely unpredictably. The area of ​​the Atlantic Ocean is 82 million square kilometers. Its maximum depth is considered to be a depression reaching 9218 meters! It is curious that a long and large underwater ridge stretches through the entire middle of this reservoir. The waters of the Atlantic Ocean play a big role in shaping the weather in Europe.

Next in line was the Pacific Ocean. In fact, he got his name at the behest of personal emotions. During a trip around the world on this reservoir, the navigator Magellan was lucky with the weather - there was complete calm and tranquility. This is what prompted this name. However, the Pacific Ocean is far from being as quiet as it seemed to Magellan! Near Japanese islands and off the western coast of North America often, and the reason for this is the Pacific Ocean, which was raging due to high seismic activity. This reservoir is considered to be the largest in the world. Its area is 166 million square kilometers, and its water area covers almost half of the globe! The waters of this ocean wash the territories from East Asia to America, including the coast of Africa.

The Arctic Ocean is considered the smallest in area, as well as the coldest and calmest ocean. The fauna and flora of this reservoir is a very rare phenomenon, since not every organism can exist in such harsh conditions. This body of water coast of Canada and Siberia. Distinctive feature of this ocean lies in the fact that most of its water area is covered with glaciers, which does not allow to fully explore this water body. Its greatest depth is a depression 5,000 meters high. Already closer to the Russian territory in the Arctic Ocean there is a continental shelf, which determines the depth of the coastal seas: the Chukchi, Kara, Barents, East Siberian and Laptev Seas.

However, very recently...

... in 2000, the International Hydrographic Organization united the southern parts of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans, creating the fifth addition to the list - the Southern Ocean. And this is not a voluntary decision: this region has a special structure of currents, its own weather formation rules, etc. The arguments in favor of such a decision are as follows: in the southern part of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific oceans, the boundaries between them are very arbitrary, to Antarctica, have their own specifics, and are also united by the Antarctic Circumpolar Current.

The largest of the oceans is the Pacific. Its area is 178.7 million km2. .

The Atlantic Ocean extends for 91.6 million km 2.

The area of ​​the Indian Ocean is 76.2 million km2.

The area of ​​the Antarctic (Southern) Ocean is 20.327 million km 2.

The Arctic Ocean covers an area of ​​approximately 14.75 million km2.

Pacific Ocean, the largest on Earth. It was named so by the famous navigator Magellan. This traveler was the first European to successfully swim across the ocean. But Magellan was just very lucky. There are often terrible storms here.

The Pacific Ocean is twice the size of the Atlantic. It occupies 165 million square meters. km, which is almost half the area of ​​the entire oceans. It contains more than half of all the water on our planet. At one point, this ocean stretches 17,000 kilometers across, stretching nearly half the globe. Despite its name, this vast ocean is not only blue, beautiful and serene. Strong storms or underwater earthquakes infuriate him. In fact, there are large zones of seismic activity in the Pacific Ocean.

Photographs of the Earth from space show the true size of the Pacific Ocean. This largest ocean in the world covers one third of the planet's surface. Its waters stretch from East Asia and Africa to America. In the shallowest places, the depth of the Pacific Ocean averages 120 meters. These waters are washed by the so-called continental shelves, which are submerged parts of continental platforms that start from the coastline and go gradually under water. In general, the depth of the Pacific Ocean averages 4,000 meters. The depressions in the west connect to the deepest and darkest place in the world - the Mariana Trench - 11,022 m. It was previously believed that there was no life at such a depth. But even there, scientists have found living organisms!

On the Pacific Plate, a huge stretch of the earth's crust, there are ridges of high seamounts. There are many islands of volcanic origin in the Pacific Ocean, for example, Hawaii, the largest island of the archipelago Hawaiian Islands. Hawaii has the most high peak in the world - Mount Mauna Kea. It is an extinct volcano with a height of 10,000 meters from the base at the bottom of the sea. In contrast to the volcanic islands, there are low-lying islands formed by coral deposits that have accumulated over thousands of years on the tops of underwater volcanoes. This vast ocean is home to a wide variety of underwater life, ranging from the world's largest fish (the whale shark) to flying fish, squid and sea lions. The warm shallow waters of the coral reefs are home to thousands of species of brightly colored fish and algae. All sorts of fish, marine mammals, mollusks, crustaceans and other creatures swim in the cool deep waters.

The Pacific - people and history

Sea voyages across the Pacific Ocean were undertaken in ancient times. About 40,000 years ago, the Aborigines crossed by canoe from New Guinea to Australia. Centuries later, between the 16th century BC. e. and X century AD. e. Polynesian tribes settled the Pacific islands, daring to overcome vast water distances. This is considered one of the greatest achievements in the history of navigation. Using special canoes with a double bottom and sails woven from leaves, Polynesian sailors eventually covered almost 20 million square meters. km of ocean space. In the western Pacific, around the 12th century, the Chinese made great advances in the art of maritime navigation. They were the first to use large ships with several masts located on the underwater part of the vessel, steering and also compasses.

Europeans began exploring the Pacific Ocean in the 17th century, when the Dutch captain Abel Janszoon Tasman sailed around Australia and New Zealand on his ship. Captain James Cook is considered one of the most famous explorers of the Pacific Ocean. Between 1768 and 1779 he mapped New Zealand, the east coast of Australia, and many of the Pacific Islands. In 1947, the Norwegian traveler Thor Heyerdahl sailed on his Kon-Tiki raft from the coast of Peru to the Tuamotu archipelago, which is part of French Polynesia. His expedition served as proof that the ancient native inhabitants of South America could cross vast sea distances on rafts.

In the twentieth century, the exploration of the Pacific Ocean continued. The depth of the Mariana Trench was established, and unknown species of marine animals and plants were discovered. Tourism industry development, pollution environment and the establishment of beaches threaten the natural balance of the Pacific Ocean. Governments of individual countries and groups of environmentalists are trying to minimize the damage caused by our civilization to the aquatic environment.

Indian Ocean

Indian Ocean is the third largest on Earth and covers 73 million square meters. km. This is the warmest ocean, the waters of which are rich in various flora and fauna. The deepest place in the Indian Ocean is a depression located south of the island of Java. Its depth is 7450 m. It is interesting that the currents in the Indian Ocean change their direction to the opposite twice a year. IN winter time, when monsoons prevail, the current goes to the shores of Africa, and in summer - to the shores of India.

The Indian Ocean stretches from the coast of East Africa to Indonesia and Australia, and from the coast of India to Antarctica. This ocean includes the Arabian and Red Seas, as well as the Bengal and Persian Gulfs. The Suez Canal connects the northern part of the Red Sea with the Mediterranean.

At the bottom of the Indian Ocean are huge sections of the earth's crust - the African Plate, the Antarctic Plate and the Indo-Australian Plate. Shifts in the earth's crust cause underwater earthquakes that cause giant waves called tsunamis. As a result of earthquakes, new mountain ranges appear on the ocean floor. In some places, seamounts protrude above the surface of the water, forming most of the scattered islands in the Indian Ocean. There are deep depressions between the mountain ranges. For example, the depth of the Sunda Trench is approximately 7450 meters. The waters of the Indian Ocean serve as a habitat for various representatives of the animal world, including corals, sharks, whales, turtles and jellyfish. Powerful currents are huge streams of water moving through the warm blue expanses of the Indian Ocean. The West Australian Current carries cold Antarctic waters north to the tropics.

The equatorial current, located below the equator, circulates warm water counterclockwise. The northern currents depend on monsoon winds that cause heavy rainfall, which change their direction depending on the season.

Indian Ocean - people and history

Seafarers and traders plowed the waters of the Indian Ocean many centuries ago. The ships of the ancient Egyptians, Phoenicians, Persians and Indians passed along the main trade routes. IN early middle ages V South East Asia settlers crossed from India and Sri Lanka. Since ancient times, wooden ships called dhou sailed in the Arabian Sea, carrying exotic spices, African ivory and fabrics.

In the 15th century, the great Chinese navigator Zhen Ho led a large expedition across the Indian Ocean to the shores of India, Sri Lanka, Persia, the Arabian Peninsula and Africa. In 1497, the Portuguese navigator Vasco da Gama became the first European to sail a ship around the southern tip of Africa and reach the shores of India. It was followed by English, French and Dutch traders, and the era of colonial conquest began. For centuries, new settlers, traders and pirates landed on the islands lying in the Indian Ocean. Many species of island animals that did not live anywhere else in the world became extinct. For example, the dodo, a flightless dove the size of a goose that lived in Mauritius, was exterminated by late XVII century. Giant tortoises on Rodrigues Island have disappeared XIX century. Exploration of the Indian Ocean continued into the 19th and 20th centuries. Scientists have done a great job of mapping the topography of the seabed. Currently, Earth satellites launched into orbit take pictures of the ocean, measure its depth and transmit information messages.

Atlantic Ocean

Atlantic Ocean is the second largest and covers an area equal to 82 million square meters. km. It is almost half the size of the Pacific Ocean, but its size is constantly increasing. From the island of Iceland to the south in the middle of the ocean stretches a powerful underwater ridge. Its peaks are the Azores and Ascension Island. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge - a large mountain range at the bottom of the ocean - is getting wider by about 2.5 cm annually. The deepest place in the Atlantic Ocean is a depression located north of the island of Puerto Rico. Its depth is 9218 meters. If 150 million years ago there was no Atlantic Ocean, then over the next 150 million years, scientists suggest, it will occupy more than half of the globe. The Atlantic Ocean greatly influences the climate and weather in Europe.

The Atlantic Ocean began to form 150 million years ago, when crustal displacements separated the North and South America from Europe and Africa. This youngest of the oceans is named after the god Atlas, who was worshiped by the ancient Greeks.

Ancient peoples, such as the Phoenicians, began exploring the Atlantic Ocean around the 8th century BC. e. However, it was not until the ninth century A.D. e. The Vikings managed to get from the coast of Europe to Greenland and North America. Christopher Columbus, an Italian navigator who was in the service of the Spanish monarchs, began the "golden age" of the exploration of the Atlantic. In 1492, his small squadron of three ships, after a long storm, entered the Caribbean Bay. Columbus believed that he was sailing to the East Indies, but in fact he discovered the so-called New World- America. He was soon followed by other navigators from Portugal, Spain, France and England. The study of the Atlantic Ocean continues to this day. Currently, scientists use echolocation (sound waves) to map the topography of the seabed. Many countries fish in the Atlantic Ocean. Humans have fished in these waters for thousands of years, but modern trawling has led to a significant reduction in fish stocks. The seas fringing the oceans are polluted with waste. The Atlantic Ocean continues to play a huge role in international trade. Many important trade sea routes pass through it.

Arctic Ocean

Arctic Ocean, which is located between Canada and Siberia, is the smallest and smallest compared to others. But at the same time, it is the most mysterious, as it is almost completely hidden under a huge layer of ice. The Arctic Ocean divides the Nansen Submarine Threshold into two basins. The Arctic Basin is larger in area and contains the greatest depth of the ocean. It is equal to 5000 m and is located north of Franz Josef Land. In addition, here, off the Russian coast, there is a vast continental shelf. For this reason, our Arctic seas, namely: the Kara, Barents, Laptev, Chukchi, East Siberian, are shallow.

Our planet is the most amazing of all the planets of near and far space.

On its surface there is a unique layer - the hydrosphere. This is the water shell of the Earth. It is found on other planets, but only on ours it is in three states of aggregation - solid, liquid and gaseous.

In addition to water, on the surface of the Earth there is land - solid areas of the earth's crust. These areas are fragments of the cooling earth's surface. The earth can be compared to an egg - inside it is a liquid red-hot mantle, and Earth's crust is just a thin shell.

The surface of the Earth is heterogeneous, it has a different thickness and is divided into "fragments" - tectonic plates that move with different speed and in different directions. Sometimes they collide and diverge. In different periods of the existence of the planet, the answer to the question, how many continents are on Earth, was different and the reason was in tectonics.

More than three hundred million years ago, there was only one mainland - Pangea. under the influence of magmatic eddies, it split into two continents - Laurasia and Gondwana (about 200 million years ago). Only 40 million years ago, the surface of the planet acquired the appearance that is familiar to us: now there are six continents on the planet:

  • the largest is Eurasia;
  • the hottest is Africa;
  • the most elongated from north to south - North America;
  • South America;
  • the coldest is Antarctica;
  • the smallest is Australia.

The continents move relative to each other and may soon reconnect. For example, North America is moving towards Eurasia at a rate of about 20 mm per year.

In addition to the continents, the Earth is rich in islands. The largest of them is Greenland. An island belonging to the North American tectonic plate.

More than half of the Earth's surface is covered by water - the oceans. On any map, you can see that the entire huge water mass is a single massif. However, science identifies several oceans.

The biota of the ocean depends on the physical parameters, therefore, the flora and fauna in different parts of the oceans will be different.

So how to answer the question how many oceans are on Earthusing knowledge about the structure of our planet? Most scientists distinguish 4 oceans:

  • Pacific Ocean;
  • Atlantic Ocean;
  • Indian Ocean;
  • Arctic Ocean.

In some sources, the fifth ocean is distinguished - the Southern. It is located in the southern hemisphere of the Earth and washes the coast of Antarctica. Opponents of its isolation believe that this ocean is the place where the other oceans meet, water masses they do not have time to mix in this part, so they retain their integrity. In any case, there is no clear definition of the number of oceans yet, but it is safe to say that there are no more than five and no less than four.

In addition to the physical parameters of the sea, they differ in size: in depth, the width of the water surface, and the coastline. For example, it has been established that the largest sea in the world in terms of surface area is Sargasso (Atlantic Ocean basin) - an area of ​​​​6000 thousand km 2, and the deepest is Coral (Pacific Ocean basin), having a depth of 9174 meters.

In Russia, the most major sea is the Bering Sea (basin of the Arctic Ocean) - an area of ​​\u200b\u200b2315 thousand km 2.
