Demetrius parental Saturday: the history of establishment, traditions, prayers. Dmitrievskaya parental Saturday, prayer

In the Russian Orthodox Church, there is a tradition to set aside certain days of the year for the general commemoration of the dead. One of them is Dmitrievskaya parent saturday.

On this day, all the dead are commemorated - memorial services are celebrated, the graves of the deceased are visited, relatives and friends gather for memorial meals.

Thousands of Christians enter Orthodox churches, light candles, bring bread and other products, write notes for the dead. Live faith in God and love for neighbors!

What November is parental Saturday

IN Orthodox prayer books there is a prayer for the dead, which Christians read at home during the daily cell rule. But the church considered it necessary to spend several days in the year of the church-wide commemoration of the dead. Why?

The holy fathers compare private prayer with a small boat in which the Christian himself struggles with huge waves one or two oars. And the church one - with a large ship, where there are sails, a lot of rowers. From this comparison, it becomes clear which prayer will be stronger and will be able to reach God.

On November 8, the church honors the memory of one of its saints - martyr. Dmitry Solunsky. And on the Saturday preceding this day, a day of universal remembrance of the dead is held.

The establishment of this tradition is attributed to Prince Dimitry Donskoy, who introduced it after the bloody Battle of the Don. This year, the memorial day falls on November 3rd.

It is called parental because we, as Orthodox Christians, have a duty to pray for our father and mother, those people thanks to whom we got the opportunity to live on earth.


Saint Prince Dmitry was orphaned at the age of 9 and later was next to St. Alexy. Subsequently, the matured prince did not start anything without the blessing of the church.

On the foundations of faith, his family life. Two of the born children of the prince became the successor of St. Sergius of Radonezh, with whom Dmitry always maintained a close relationship.

Before the decisive battle, the prince drove into the monastery and received the blessing of the elder for the battle, who predicted a good outcome for him. After the end of the battle and the complete defeat of the enemy, Dmitry immediately went back to the elder to thank him for the prayers.

Panikhidas began to be served for the fallen soldiers. Even a special day was allocated for this (shortly before the name day of the Grand Duke), which was called Dmitrievskaya Saturday.

Dmitrievskaya parental Saturday service

On this day, the liturgy is served in churches. It is complemented by prayers for the dead and other church hymns. If this day falls any religious holiday, then the commemoration is transferred to an earlier Saturday.

In the liturgical charter, this day is not mentioned as a memorial day, in contrast to the Ecumenical Parental Saturdays. There is an opinion that he replaced the pagan feasts that existed among the Slavs at that time.

Previously, Dmitrievsky Saturday in Rus' was celebrated solemnly. Memorial services were served at the graves of deceased relatives, meals were arranged. It was believed that the deceased soul also takes part in the memorial dinner, so someone's refusal to feast on the ashes was perceived as a sin.

Among the people, this memorial day was considered the main one (it was called Grandfather's Saturday), since autumn always had great importance in the life of the peasants.

Is it possible to work

Parental Sabbath must begin with a visit to the temple. The departed are looking forward to our prayers, because they bring them significant relief in the other world.

Each of us can light a candle to a deceased father, mother, brother, sister. If it is not possible to visit the temple, then it is necessary to make a fervent prayer at home.

You can send notes to the temple through other people, for example, neighbors, relatives, ask them to light a candle for the repose. All names in the notes must be written in the church way. Svetlana is Fotinia, and George should be written instead of Yuri.

The name that the person received at the time of baptism should be written. If nothing is known or forgotten about him, this issue should be resolved through a priest.

On this day, it is customary to bring refreshments and alms to the temple for poor people and distribute them to everyone who wishes. After the end of the service Orthodox people they visit the graves of the dead, put them in order, read prayers, arrange memorial meals.

A visit to the temple should begin with a Friday evening service. A great memorial service is read on it. In the morning, on Saturday, a liturgy is served with prayers for the dead. After that, a general memorial service.

After completing all the necessary actions to commemorate the dead, you can, if you wish (possibility), devote time to other activities or work. In Rus' in memorial days women have always been cleaning, cooking, baking pies.

Di-mit-ri-ev-skaya ro-di-tel-skaya sub-bo-ta - one of the main-new mi-nal days of Russian Pra-in-glory-no- go ka-len-da-rya.

In general, every sub-bo-ta is a special day for christian. By the sub-bo-those, according to the biblical-wise in the West-in-va-nia, your-re-world-ra, and she became “a day after koya ”, - this is why we call this - on the last day of the week (under black-ki-vayu - on the next!) a few of -nen-nim Hebrew word shabbat). But on the same day, having fallen asleep in the flesh, Christ completed the re-creation of this “about-vet-shav-she-go” - vet-ho-for-vet-but -go - mi-ra and, descending into hell, raised-ve-steel on-cha-lo a new life. Do you remember the tro-par from the Passover Hours? "In the coffin pl O tski (flesh), in A what about the shower e yu (du-shoy), I ko (as) God, in ra And (paradise) with one-fight-no-one, and on the pre-hundred-le was the EU And , Christ e , with Father e m and Doo-hom, all is-full I i'm neop And san.

In this way, in each sub-bo-tu, there is a co-ver-sha-e-sya in-mi-but-ve-nee of the departed, - do not leave us for all- where, but ter-pe-whether waiting for the next day of the all-general Resurrection. Among these days, you-de-la-yut-sya special general church annuals - “ro-di-tel-sky sub-bo-you”, called -nye so in a way that each christi-a-nin prays first of all for his ro-di-te-lei.

Di-mit-ri-ev-sky sub-bo-ta in-lu-chi-la your name on behalf of the saint-ve-li-ko-mu-che-no-ka Dee -mit-ria, ko-men-dan-ta gre-che-go-ro-da So-lu-ni (or Fez-sa-lo-nick), kaz-nyon-no-go for is- ve-da-christianity in the year 306 (his pa-myat is October 26 / November 8). He was a man-of-a-ve-in-en-ny - and in a way he considers it in-a-kro-vi-te-lem in-and-new, but on the icons he is bra-zha-et-sya in do-spe-hah and with a co-drink. Tired of this day, according to the voice of the pre-yes, another Di-mitri - our glorious great prince Di-mitri of the Don-sky - in- after the sign of that Ku-li-kov-sky battle, which happened on September 8, 1380, that is, on the feast of the Nativity of the Pre- holy Bo-go-ro-di-tsy (according to Juli-an-sko-mu ka-len-da-ryu).

“And the great prince remained behind Don in that place for seven days, - from-me-cha-et-to-pi-sets, - until then, ka couldn’t from-de-pour christ-sti-an from the non-human ta-tars: someone could, it’s like-ro-no-no, but God knows about others, after all, co-ver-shi-moose is God's court-house. And the great prince of the priest-no-kam ordered to sing over-sepulcher-songs-but-singing over the kill-you-mi, and rise-whether the priests-no-ki eternal pa-myat to all right-in-glorious hri-sti-a-us, killed by ta-ta-ra-mi on the field of Ku-li-ko-vom, between Don and Me-chey. And the great prince himself with his brother, and left-shi-mi-sya in-and-on-mi, shouted-si-whether with a loud voice with a cry and following many-mi-eternal memory ”(Tales and news about the Ku-li-kov-sky battle. L., 1982, p. 194) .

Since then, every year, sub-bo-ta, before-she-stu-yu-shcha-day of pa-my-ti Di-mit-riy So-lun-sko-go, in-holy-scha-et-sya hri-sti-an-sko-mu in-mi-no-ve-niyu of the dead, first of all - in-mi-but-ve-niyu in-and-new, “on the field of marriage not for the Father's life his life in the-lo-living-shih ".

Yuri Ru-ban
cand. ist. on-uk, Ph.D. bo-go-word-via

For the dead Apo-so-so-reading

I can’t do anything myself from Se-bya: as I hear, so I judge, and My judgment is just; because I’m not looking for My will, but in the glory of Me [Father].”


Ho-chu to-remind-thread that in the XIV century, on September 8th, according to Juli-an-sko-mu ka-len-da-ryu co-ot-vet-stvo-va-lo 16 -mu september-rya according to gri-go-ri-en-sko-mu (ho-cha this calendar itself was introduced later). That's what it is is-to-ri-che-ski unconditional yes-that Ku-li-kov-sky bit-you. In this way, in-torture from-to-me-chat this event at the present time on September 21, co-me-with the holiday Birth-de-stva Bo-go-ro-di-tsy, os-no-va-ny on the element-men-tar-noy chrono-no-lo-gi-che-no-gra-mot-no-sti . (Christmas-de-stvo Bo-go-ro-di-tsy come-ho-dit-sya on September 21-ry-en-sko-mu ka-len-da-ryu only- ko in the XX-XXI centuries; in the XXII century, it shifts to September 22, etc.)

Ra-di is-to-ri-che-sky right-wed-whether-to-du-et to make a clarification. This sub-bo-ta is our na-tsio-nal-ny mi-nal day, based on pre-da-ny. That's why Di-mit-ri-ev-sky sub-bo-you are neither Greek, nor even in Russian ofi-qi-al-nom Church-kov-nom usta-ve (Ti-pi-horse). Direct participation in his mouth-new-le-nii Di-mit-riy Don-sko-go-the-same under-ver-ga-is-sya justified-no-van-no-mu with me. How to write from the Western author many times, but re-from-yes-vav-she-go-sya ru-ko-vod-stva according to god-service-zheb- no-mu usta-vu, “Di-mit-riy Don-skoy, after-gre-be-niya killed on-bo-and-sche, at-ka-hall there to sew pa-ni-hi-doo on them. Then, returning to Moscow on September 21 (September 29, according to gri-go-ri-en-sko-mu ka-len-da-ryu. - Yu. R .), commanded all the churches to send her from-right-to pa-no-hee-du about the murdered-en-nyh. Finally, upon arrival in Tro-i-tse-Ser-gi-e-vu lav-ru, at-ka-hall and there to make pa-ni-hi-du ( Russian let-to-writing according to the Ni-ko-nov-sko-mu list, published by the Imperial Aka-de-mii na-uk, vol. IV, p. 124). In let-it-pi-syah, don’t say-for-but that Di-mit-riy Donskoy indicated the hall for mi-but-ve-niya in-and-new sub-bo-tu before Dmit- ri-e-vym afternoon<…>”, that is, before the day of your-th-th-so-name-nit-stva. “It’s natural to think, mother, that after the end of him, on the sub-bo-ta before Di-mit-ri-e-y day for mi-but- ve-tions of the dead" ( Ni-kol-sky K., pro-to-and-e-ray. In-so-bee to the study of the Charter of the divine service of the Right-in-the-glorious Church. M., 1995, p. 506, approx. 1)

When you determine-de-le-nii, yes, you Di-mit-ri-ev-sky sub-bo-you in a specific year, on-to-learn-you-vat the following-du-yu-ka -len-dar-but-bo-go-service in-right-ki (in-from-be-zha-nie pu-ta-ni-tsy, yes-lea all yes-you - according to new -mu style). If pa-myat Di-mit-ria So-moon-go (November 8) comes on Sunday, then we-lu-cha- I eat the most late Di-mit-ri-ev-sky sub-bo-tu - November 7th. If, however, pa-myat Di-mit-ria So-lun-sko-go comes to sub-bo-tu, then this sub-bo-ta cannot be a ro-di-tel -skoy - and pa-ni-hi-yes pe-re-no-sit-sya on the previous-she-stu-u-schu-sub-bo-tu (November 1). But if with a sub-bo-that one before pa-my-tyu St. Di-mit-ria sov-pa-yes-et is the feast of the Kazan icon of God of God Ma-te-ri (November 4), then Di-mit-ri-ev -sky sub-bo-ta co-ver-sha-et-sya another week earlier. Based on these rules, it’s easy to determine-de-pour that the very early Di-mit-ri-ev-sky sub-bo-that can be 28 ok -tyab-rya.

“By the word of the Lord-under-him” in the Ancient Church-vi on-zy-wa-li from-re-che-of church pro-ro-kov. The most-bo-more-important-for-mi-na-fosses and in the process-se for-mi-ro-va-nia -ner-ski-mi or li-tour-gi-che-ski-mi for-mu-la-mi. (Bla-go-da-ryu for this clarification ar-hi-mand-ri-ta Ian-well-a-rya . - Yu. R.)

Ho-ro-sho-know-my-to-us Greek word kr And sis re-re-vo-dit-sya as “raz-de-le-nie”, “judg-de-nie”, “court”, “pri-go-thief”, “dispute”, “choice”, “window-cha-nie”, “re-re-breaking moment”, “cri-sis”. In-pre-ki one-but-meaning-but from-ri-tsa-tel-no-mu me-chan-sko-mu meaning (“oh, when will this next damned crisis end and stability»!), reasonable hri-sti-a-nin always pre-be-va-et in so-sto-i-nii kri-si-sa - that is, in the co-hundred-i-nii of the spirit-hov-no-go sore-ve-niya and su-yes over your own thoughts-la-mi, well-la-ni-i-mi and steps -ka-mi. So he goes to something, so that the last and final Last Judgment (= Terrible Crisis!) God does not become unexpected for him -given and "terrible" in the literal sense of this word.

Demetrius parental Saturday - the nearest Saturday before the day of memory of St. Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica (October 26 / November 8). Installed after the Battle of Kulikovo Field. Initially, the commemoration was performed for all the soldiers who fell in this battle. Gradually, Demetrius Saturday became the day of requiem commemoration of all the departed Orthodox Christians. Some folk traditions are associated with Demetrius Saturday, probably rooted in the pre-Christian past.

Autumn commemoration of the dead among non-Slavic peoples

Among the ancient Celts, one of the main holidays of the year was Samhain - the celebration of the end of the warm season. On this day, according to the beliefs of the Celts, the usual barriers between the mortal world and the other world disappeared, so that people could visit the afterlife, and spirits could come to earth and even interfere in the affairs of mortals. This day was associated with some important events in Celtic mythology and history. The notion of special closeness to the inhabitants underworld became the basis for combining Samhain with the commemoration of the dead.

Such customs are also known among other peoples of Eurasia. So, among the Chuvash people, October (yupa) is considered the month of special commemoration of the deceased ancestors, the time of the “yupa irtterni”, that is, a commemoration.

In the 8th century in Rome, and from the ninth century. throughout the West 1 Nov. began to be celebrated as All Saints' Day. In 994-1048. abbot of the Cluniy Monastery of St. Odilo fixed for 2 Nov. commemoration of all the departed faithful; this tradition became widespread in the Latin Church. Mn. researchers see in the establishment of these memories an attempt to church pagan traditions European peoples.

Demetrius parental Saturday in Slavic countries

In Russian manuscripts, Demetrius' Parental Saturday is rarely mentioned, is not noted in translated liturgical books (Typicons, Menaions), and is only occasionally indicated in original Russian monuments - cathedral Officials and monastery Obikhodniks, reflecting the features of the real liturgical practice of ancient Russian cathedral churches and monasteries that are not described in the Typicon.

One of the first mentions of Dimitrievskaya Saturday as a day of commemoration of all the dead is contained in a collection of Novgorod origin of the 15th century, but the tradition of commemoration on this day is probably much older.

In the monastery Obikhodniki, Dimitri's parental Saturday is the day of remembrance of the deceased brethren. So, the dining room Obikhodnik of the Trinity Lavra, 1st floor. 16th century instructs to offer “monastic food to all the brethren in this monastery of the deceased, and they feed on Saturday at Dmitrievskaya” in the Charter of the Volokolamsk monastery of the same time it is said that “on Saturday Dmitrovskaya, according to our reverend father, the head of this holy monastery, hegumen Joseph and all the brethren.” Demetrius Saturday is also mentioned in the decree on the meal of the Tikhvin Monastery, written in 1590, in the Obikhodnik of the Holy Trinity Lavra of 1645 and in the consolidated Charter of the Holy Trinity and Kirillov Belozersky monasteries of the beginning. 17th century

Outside the monasteries, Demetrius Saturday was perceived as a day of prayer for the dead for all the departed faithful. Tsar John IV the Terrible ordered on Dimitri's Saturday "to sing requiems and serve masses in all churches and give general alms, and put food." In the Official of the Moscow Assumption Cathedral on October 23. contains the following entry 2nd floor. XVII century: “Before the memory of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius, on Friday evening there is a memorial service for all Orthodox Christians.” IN Old Believer manuscripts there is a compilation from Obikhodnikov and Charters dedicated to Dimitri's parental Saturday with the title: "It is fitting to know about the Saturday before the feast of the Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica."

In the 17th century Dimitrievskaya Saturday , in all likelihood, it has not yet been associated with the commemoration of the soldiers who fell in the Battle of Kulikovo. So, in the synodic of the RSL. Trinity. No. 818, XVII century, the names of the monks of the Trinity Monastery who fell in the Battle of Kulikovo are written out, but this commemoration is not linked to Dimitriev Saturday. The tales of the Battle of Kulikovo also do not contain an indication of the establishment of the Demetrius parental Saturday blgv. book. Dimitry Donskoy. Only in the Cyprian edition of "Tales of Mamaev massacre", Created in ser. 16th century and which has come down to us as part of the Nikon Chronicle, it is told that blgv. The prince turned to St. Sergius with the words: “And so that you sing a ponafida and serve mass for all those who were beaten for them. And so be it, and give alms, and feed the Monk Abbot Sergius, and all his brethren, ”but even in these words Dimitriev’s parental Saturday is not associated with the Battle of Kulikovo.

It can be assumed that the association of Dimitri's parental Saturday with the commemoration of the fallen on the Kulikovo field appeared only in the 18th or even 19th century. Famous spiritual verse late origin, published by several collectors of spiritual poems of the 19th century, called "A poem about Dimitrov's parental Saturday, or the Vision of Dimitri Donskoy" (beginning: "On the eve of Dimitrov's Saturday ...").

The verse describes the vision of blgv. book. Demetrius of Donskoy during the Divine Liturgy: the prince sees the fallen on the battlefield Rus. and Tatars. warriors, hears predictions about his death and about the tonsure of the princess into monasticism. The verse ends with the words: "And in memory of the wondrous vision, he appointed Dmitrovsk Saturday." Thus, even this verse, which is considered an argument in favor of the establishment of Dimitriev's Saturday as a day of commemoration of the soldiers who fell on the Kulikovo field, interprets Dimitriev's parental Saturday differently.

November 3 is the last day of commemoration of the dead this year. Parishioners pray for the repose of the souls of deceased relatives and friends, visit their graves in cemeteries.

Memorial Saturdays are very important days, since a person whose earthly path has already ended cannot beg for the forgiveness of his sins and correct the mistakes made during his lifetime. However, it is quite capable of being alive. Parental Saturdays exist so that we do not forget about the dead, honor their memory and, most importantly, ask the Lord for mercy for relatives and close people who have gone to another world, thereby facilitating their afterlife.

Many Christians pray every day for the repose of the dead, but especially important days of remembrance, according to the traditions of the Orthodox Church, come five times a year. All parental Saturdays for Orthodox Christians are especially important days when it is necessary to commemorate the dead and pray for the granting of the Kingdom of Heaven to all deceased relatives and friends. First of all, we are talking about about the parents, which is reflected in the title.

Dmitrievskaya parental Saturday is a transitional holiday. It is not tied to a specific date, but to the Saturday before the day of memory of Demetrius of Thessalonica - the great martyr, whose life, miracles and deeds are remembered on November 8 (October 26, old style). On the weekends on the eve of the holiday, a Divine Liturgy for the dead is served and requiems are read.

Traditions of Dmitrievskaya parental Saturday November 3, 2018

November 3 (the eve of the day of St. Demetrius of Thessalonica) is another day of commemoration of deceased relatives. Special memorial services are held in temples. People pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, ask God to forgive their sinful deeds and grant them the Kingdom of Heaven.

Many historians associate the appearance of this Saturday with the Battle of Kulikovo. Dmitry Donskoy, after the victory, suggested that Orthodox dignitaries establish a day of commemoration of their souls in honor of the soldiers who fell in battle. The clergy agreed, naming Saturday in honor of Prince Dmitry.

Those who cannot visit the temple to pray for the departed can do so at home. On this day, it is customary to give alms, therefore, when going to the temple, do not forget to take treats with you, which must be distributed to the poor after the service.

After the memorial service, Orthodox believers can go to the cemetery and clean up the graves of relatives. In this case, you need to take treats that are left on the grave with you.

Dmitrievskaya parental Saturday in 2018, what to do

IN folk traditions On November 3, they say goodbye to autumn and welcome winter. On the day of commemoration of the dead, they cleaned the houses, put the plots in order in order to start sowing work as early as possible in the spring. After attending the service in former times and now, believers arrange memorial dinners, where, according to tradition, they also set the table for departed relatives, believing that their souls descend from Heaven to look after the living. Previously, before Dmitrievskaya Saturday, they always visited baths, and after washing they left brooms, believing that the souls of the dead would also want to wash.

On Dmitriev Saturday, many go to cemeteries to clean up the graves, leave a memorial and light candles taken in temples or churches. On the churchyards they read prayers for the dead and ask them for help and support.

You can pray for the dead not only during parental Saturdays, but also on ordinary days. Priests note that regular prayers offered to the Higher powers provide great support souls of the dead and help them get to Heaven. Sincere prayers coming from the heart will surely be heard.

Meal rules for Dmitrievskaya parental Saturday

When arranging a memorial meal, you must adhere to important rules. First of all, try to serve dishes that the deceased liked during his lifetime. In ancient times, there was a tradition to put additional cutlery on the table and fill the plate with treats.

It was believed that in this way it was possible to show the deceased that they still love him and keep a memory of him. During the funeral dinner, it is forbidden to abuse alcohol, otherwise you can anger the souls of the departed. It is better to serve soft drinks or Cahors on the table.

Prayer for the dead

Give rest, Lord, to the souls of your departed servants: my parents, relatives, benefactors (their names) and all Orthodox Christians, and forgive them all sins, free and involuntary, and grant them the Kingdom of Heaven.

It is more convenient to read the names from the commemorative book - a small book where the names of living and deceased relatives are recorded. There is a pious custom to keep family memorials, reading which both in home prayer and during church services, Orthodox people commemorate many generations of their deceased ancestors by name.

Church commemoration on parental Saturday

To commemorate your deceased relatives in church, you need to come to the temple for worship on the evening of Friday on the eve of parental Saturday. At this time, a great memorial service, or parastas, is performed. All troparia, stichera, hymns and parastas readings are dedicated to prayer for the dead. On the morning of the memorial Saturday itself, a funeral service is performed Divine Liturgy followed by a general memorial service.

For church commemoration for the parastas, and then separately for the liturgy, parishioners prepare notes with the remembrance of the departed. In the note, the names of those commemorated in the genitive case are written in large legible handwriting (to answer the question “who?”), with the clergy and monastics being the first to be mentioned, indicating the rank and degree of monasticism (for example, Metropolitan John, Sheikhumen Savva, Archpriest Alexander, nun Rachel, Andrei, Nina). All names must be given in church spelling (for example, Tatiana, Alexy) and in full (Michael, Lyubov, not Misha, Lyuba).

In addition, it is customary to bring food to the temple as a donation. As a rule, bread, sweets, fruits, vegetables, etc. are placed on the canon. You can bring flour for prosphora, Cahors for liturgy, candles and oil for lamps. It is not allowed to bring meat products or spirits.

Demetrius parental Saturday - the closest Saturday before the day of memory of St. Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica. This year it will be celebrated on November 3rd.

As on other parental Saturdays, a funeral Liturgy and a memorial service are served in the morning. On the eve of the evening, the Great Panikhida - Parastas is served. The translation of this word from the Greek - "anticipation", "intercession" - reflects the meaning and meaning of parental Saturdays for believers.

People whose earthly journey has ended can no longer correct their mistakes and repent of their sins, but the living can ask the Lord for mercy for them. Every day, Christians pray for their dead loved ones, and 7 times a year the whole Russian Orthodox Church turns to God, interceding for all his dead children.

What is parental saturday

Parental Saturday - in the Orthodox tradition, the day of special commemoration of the departed Orthodox Christians, and above all, their deceased parents. Canonical days of visiting the graves of ancestors and other relatives, where memorial services are performed. The days of special commemoration of the departed in the Orthodox Church are five parental Saturdays: Meat-Feast Ecumenical Parental Saturday (Saturday 2 weeks before Lent); Trinity Ecumenical Parental Saturday (Saturday before the day of the Holy Trinity, on the 49th day after Easter); parental 2nd Saturday of Great Lent; parental 3rd Saturday of Great Lent; parental 4th Saturday of Great Lent.

Big parental Saturday in November 2018: when will it be. Dimitrievskaya parental Saturday in 2018 falls on November 3.

The Day of Remembrance of the Dead on Saturday on the eve of the Day of Remembrance of the Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica (November 8, according to a new style) was established after the bloody battle on the Kulikovo field, which took place on the holiday of Christmas Holy Mother of God in 1380. At first, on this day, they prayed for the repose of precisely those at the cost of whose lives the victory was won. Over time, Demetrius Saturday became the day when all Christians “from the beginning (from the beginning of time) of the dead” are commemorated.

As on other parental Saturdays, a funeral Liturgy and a memorial service are served in the morning. On the eve of the evening, the Great Panikhida - Parastas is served. The translation of this word from the Greek - "anticipation", "intercession" - reflects the meaning and meaning of parental Saturdays for believers. People whose earthly journey has ended can no longer correct their mistakes and repent of their sins, but the living can ask the Lord for mercy for them. Every day, Christians pray for their dead loved ones, and 7 times a year the entire Russian Orthodox Church turns to God, interceding for all her dead children.

Parents Saturday in November 2018: what not to do

On this day, it is forbidden to scold the dead. Only good things should be remembered about them, otherwise you can anger their soul.

Also, during the commemoration, one cannot laugh or sing songs. Despite the fact that the holiday is not of a mourning nature, do not forget that on this day you remember loved ones who are no longer among the living. Therefore, the fun will be inappropriate.

Dimitriev parental Saturday in 2018, what to do on parental Saturday

Parental Saturdays are days of special commemoration of the departed, when with our prayers we can provide great help to our relatives and friends who have passed away from earthly life. Five of them are reserved for the commemoration of deceased relatives, two more and the requiems performed at the same time are called ecumenical. Parental Sabbaths involve the observance of certain rules that all believers should be aware of.

On Dmitrievskaya Saturday, as on other memorial Saturdays, they visit the temple, where funeral services and memorial services are held, light a candle and pray. As on many parental Saturdays, it is customary to help the poor and the needy on this one. It is believed that Dmitrievskaya Saturday- the time when winter replaces autumn, so you need to finish all the preparations for frost before this day. By tradition, on the eve of Saturday, they visit a bathhouse. It was believed that if someone had not had time to get married before that day, they would not get married this year, as severe frosts were coming. And if it’s cold on Dmitry and it’s snowing, spring will be late and cold, but if there is a thaw, spring will be warm.

It is believed that Dmitrievskaya Saturday is the time when winter replaces autumn, so you need to finish all the preparations for frost before this day. By tradition, on the eve of Saturday, they visit a bathhouse. It was believed that if someone had not had time to get married before that day, they would not get married this year, as severe frosts were coming. And if it’s cold on Dmitry and it’s snowing, spring will be late and cold, but if there is a thaw, spring will be warm.

By ancient custom, on parental Saturdays, it was customary to eat kutya - an obligatory dish of the funeral meal. Sweet porridge was usually prepared from whole grains of wheat or other cereals with the addition of honey, as well as raisins or nuts. True, today few people follow him.
