Painted rooster. How to draw a rooster with a pencil in stages? Felted wool roosters

Knowing the world Small child gradually learns to memorize colors and shapes, fruits and vegetables, animals and birds. Every day he, like a sponge, absorbs more and more knowledge. It would seem that only yesterday he knew almost nothing, but today, listening to fairy tales, he shows with a satisfied smile where the cow, the dog, and where the hen are in the book. He also knows who the Cockerel is - the Golden Scallop, and with pleasure will try to draw this character with his mother.

It will be especially interesting for the kid to color the picture, because he likes rich colors, and this bird has such a bright comb and feathers on its tail! Show the rooster, and then help decorate it. You will see, this activity will bring joy not only to the baby, but also to you. And how to draw a rooster in stages, we will explain in detail. So, let's get started without delay!

Depicting poultry

Of course, for the first time it is better to draw a rooster with a pencil, so that in which case the wrong outline can be easily corrected. First you need to outline the body of the bird. It will consist of three figures.

Draw a circle approximately in the middle of the album sheet. On the right side up, “attach” to it another slightly elongated circle of the same size, and on the left, draw an isosceles triangle closely with the sharp end up. Now about how to draw a rooster in more detail.

IN upper corner triangle, draw a small circle - the head. An oval extends down from it - the so-called cock's "earrings". Then, at the bottom of the torso circle drawn very first, add two oval shapes close to each other, similar to chicken eggs. This will be the base for the legs. Next, circle the rooster along the contour, carefully drawing the smooth curves of the neck, the line of the magnificent tail, and the convex breast. The initial outlines are no longer needed, they can be wiped off with an eraser. The bird layout is ready!

Next stage

Move on to the little things. To understand how to draw a rooster that looks like a real one, take a close look at the picture. A high carved comb should be depicted on the head, and “earrings” on the chin. Draw a sharp thin beak between them, select a light area for the eye.

Draw a small oval eye there and a pupil in it. Going down, zigzag separate the neck from the rest of the body. Then draw a wing, and again a zigzag, this time separating the body and tail. Carefully draw the "legs" from which thin legs come out, with three fingers each. There are small claws on the fingertips. Draw a cascade of feathers on the tail with frequent curved lines.

Finishing the drawing, clearly draw the main contours with a pencil, and to make the picture more believable, complete it with small strokes and dashes scattered all over the body. They will depict small feathers. Voila! The bird is ready!


From now on, you know exactly how to draw a rooster, and if necessary, repeat it easily and quickly. Now hand the child or felt-tip pens, and let him finish the portrait of the bird with his own hands.

Drawing a cockerel in stages for preschoolers

"Cockerel-golden scallop" Master class with step by step photos.

Drawing using paper tone.

Sidorova Zoya Grigorievna, educator MBDOU " Kindergarten combined type No. 8 "Aistenok", Michurinsk
Description: this master class is intended for children from 6 years old, educators, teachers additional education, loving parents and creative people.
Purpose: for decorating a room, a gift, can serve as a work for an exhibition, competition.
Target: drawing in mixed media drawing technique.
1. Introduce the techniques of using paper tones in drawing.
2. Learn to paint in gouache on a sheet of colored paper a landscape of Russian nature, a rooster, using different techniques drawing: sketching with a simple pencil, printing, poke, drawing with a brush tip.
3. Develop the ability to mix paints on a sheet of paper, on a palette.
4. Cultivate the ability to notice and reflect the beauty of nature in the drawing.

Dear colleagues, today I want to continue the topic of drawing on colored cardboard. Every shade colors evokes some associations. I decided to draw a cockerel, bright, beautiful. Immediately the question arose: on what color background to draw it? I decided that it should be yellow - the color of the sun, sunrise, sunset.

- Cockerel, cockerel,
golden scallop,
butter head,
silk beard,
That you get up early
Eat loudly
Do you let the kids sleep?

Why "cockerel - golden comb"?
He has a golden scallop, sunny - so the people came up with.
The word "golden" can also be used in figuratively: not only "made of gold" or "golden color", but also "beautiful", "exquisite", "valuable", "good".
The expression "scarlet gold", denoting gold of the highest standard? But "scarlet" is nothing more than "red". So the comb of the cockerel was probably compared with just such gold.
Not an alarm clock and not a mother
Gets up early in the morning.
Petya the cockerel wakes up -
The loudest voice:
To meet the sun
Rise with the sun

Why does the rooster crow?
But the sonorous song of a rooster was once very important not only as a clock. True, it all started with a clock. Indeed, in ancient times, not every person could afford a watch, but then roosters were in every yard. Even the ancient Greeks believed that the crowing of a rooster begins the first hour of the day.
Roosters sing not just for beauty. With their singing, they predict the weather with great enthusiasm and accuracy. Roosters begin to sing immediately after sunset - the weather will change. When the rooster crows before 9 pm, it is a sign that the weather will change and it will rain soon. In winter, singing at this time indicates the onset of an imminent thaw.
So, with the help of crowing, the rooster warns the rivals in advance that this area is occupied and they should look for a free “place under the sun”. And only if all suitable places are populated, the battles will begin.

The bird walks around the yard
Wakes up the kids in the morning
At the top of the scallop,
Who is this? (cockerel)

I get up early
I sing with a clear voice.
I'm raking the grass
I collect grains.
I have a comb
Who am I children? ...... (cockerel)

Materials needed for work:
yellow cardboard;
gouache, two brushes: pony or squirrel No. 1 and No. 2;
double glass-non-spill for water,
simple pencil, palette.

Let's get to work.
Place the yellow card vertically

With a simple pencil, we outline the horizon line

Shade the sky near the horizon with red gouache (we blur the paint with water so that the transition is gradual)

With green gouache we draw irregularities on the surface of the soil (we dilute the gouache with water on the palette so that it is not thick)

On the horizon line, draw a forest in blue, purple

To draw grass using the printing technique, we will use a small piece of cardboard (2 cm wide) and green gouache poured into the gouache cap (can be diluted on the palette)

To draw grass, dip the end of the cardboard rectangle in green gouache and apply it to the sheet

Drawing a cockerel with a simple pencil
Draw a circle in the middle of the sheet

We draw a bend with a line according to the sample, forming the silhouette of a bird.

From the side of the cockerel's head, draw a beard (two ovals in the form of droplets) and an oval for the cheek

We erase the auxiliary line of the circle, draw the beak, outline the scallop

We complete the scallop with cloves, draw two ovals for the legs

Separate the neck part, draw the eye

Paws are thin, look slightly forward

We place the wing in the center of the body in the form of an oval, outline the feathers

We make the connection line of the neck and torso zigzag, draw long tail feathers

We color the cockerel with gouache
We paint the head and neck with yellow gouache

We paint the scallop, beard, upper part of the neck with red gouache, the near-eye and cheek with white gouache

The wing can be painted with lilac paint

Coloring the long tail feathers different colors, the body is green.

We paint the paws, cover the back with beautiful feathers, draw the feathers of the tail and wings with white gouache with the tip of the brush

We paint the cheek with orange gouache, draw feathers on the body, neck with strokes, draw the wing in more detail

We put our cockerel on the wattle fence

We draw a sunflower: the middle is a brown oval, yellow petals. We draw daisies by priming with white gouache

The stalk and leaves of a sunflower are green

Carefully modifying the head

Draw the tail feathers

We shade the feathers on the wing with black gouache

We draw a rooster step by step with a pencil, paints, for children and adults.

Do you want to learn how to draw, but don't have time to attend specialized classes? It's never too late to start! In this article, we have collected many lessons for self-study drawing. The topic of this lesson: draw a rooster with different techniques.

Of course, you can attach a sheet of paper to the screen and redraw this magnificent bird, but this is a quick and, one might say, useless task. After all, drawing lessons not only teach you how to draw beautifully, but also develop both hemispheres of the brain, calm and make a person happy.

Take two for drawing. simple pencil. T-hard and TM - hard-soft.

Take a hard pencil. We draw the contours of the rooster. The clarity of the lines is not important here, it is important to draw them barely noticeable. But here the proportions should be maintained as accurately as possible. For convenience, draw the sheet into identical sections.

The next step is the contours of small details - the head, "earrings", paws.

Look at the picture and do as it is general outline rooster hard pencil. Then we pick up a hard-soft pencil.

The next step is to draw the details of the rooster. Start with what seems easiest (or what you want to draw first). We can recommend to draw first: paws, tail, wing, and after the head. Try to make it as "live" and pleasant as possible. It depends on the location and size of the eyes, the angle of the beak. At the end, draw a comb and "earrings".

The outline of the rooster is complete. If you plan to draw a rooster with pencils, felt-tip pens, paints, then at this stage it is worth moving on to them. But we will show in this lesson how to completely color the rooster with a pencil.

With curved lines, select the tail and breast as in the picture. Draw an eye inside. Look at your rooster, at the picture. See if you missed anything. Add at will. For example, spurs on the paws or another detail.

Now we make bolder strokes in different directions (look at the picture) and different shapes and sizes. If necessary, blend the pencil with your finger or an eraser to create shadows.

Cockerel is ready! How do you like our lesson? Did you like it? So, let's continue to study the following techniques!

Draw by cells like both children and adults. After all, it is much easier, and also convenient to do in notebooks, notepads and notebooks. Please note that drawing by cells gives a lot of inspiration to children that they can draw cool! But it depends on inspiration whether the child will be engaged in drawing seriously.

For a child, it is best to pre-number the cell on the sample and on the sheet for creativity. After that, select the highest / lowest point as desired and draw from it.

For variety, the cells in the figure can be filled with a variety of characters, thereby creating a unique pattern.

This drawing is of a more advanced level, but we are sure that both beginners and more will like it. experienced artists. We outline with a hard pencil the outline where the rooster will be located.

We outline the contours and details of the rooster with a pencil (an example can be taken in the first lesson). Check the correct proportions, correct the drawing if necessary.

We finish drawing the rooster schematically. Don't get attached to small details, because now it is only important overall picture and proportionality.

Now we wipe the excess (a lot of lines), if they were drawn thinly and without pressure, then the lines will be erased easily, but if you pressed hard on a sheet of paper, then it is better to put another sheet and circle it.

It turned out such an excellent detailed outline of the rooster. Please note that watercolor is one of the most difficult paints to apply, so watercolor pencils may come in handy for beginners.

Have you chosen watercolor? We start with the background. Apply with a brush or foam sponge, darkening towards the middle and brightening towards the edges. Try not to touch the rooster, as it can be difficult for beginners to lighten the right places.

Now we decorate the rooster gradually. We recommend starting with one part and gradually moving to the right or left.

We detail the feathers on the wing. Carefully draw each feather, combine several colors in one stroke. Don't be afraid to experiment.

The next step is to draw the neck. Feathers on it are smaller and thicker. Highlight as needed with a clean brush and water.

We draw a comb. It should be bright and red.

We detail each feather on the tail with a separate color. The colors will overlap a little, don't worry watercolor drawings those are good, the colors merge with one another at the transitions, forming a unique style of watercolor.

The comb has dried up and you can darken the tips (as in the figure), thereby giving it volume. We draw the eyes. We draw a highlight with white paint.

We return to the tail. The top of the tail has already dried up and you can draw the middle and bottom.

At the very end, we draw the paws and add the necessary highlights and darkening to give the rooster volume and liveliness.

The rooster is ready, it remains to buy a frame!

How to draw a rooster's head with a pencil and paints?

In that step by step wizard In the class, we propose to draw in detail both the head of the rooster and draw the rest of the body to it. We will not, as in previous lessons, dwell on the description of what pencils and paints to draw with, but we will give the maximum number of step-by-step illustrations for drawing a rooster in different styles.

Drawing a merry rooster Drawings of a rooster for children with a pencil for sketching

In conclusion, we add that drawing is primarily creativity. It cannot be instilled by force, but to discourage the desire to draw and sow self-doubt - in an instant. Give the child pencils and paints in his hands only when he has good mood, and there is a desire to create!

Video: Easy Drawings #376 How to Draw a Rooster / 2017

Well, what could be more beautiful than beautiful, good and good morning that starts at 5 with a cock crow? That's right - everything. Unless some specific perverts and thrill-seekers love the singing of a rooster, which today we will learn to draw. Probably, the Almighty did not really like to wake up in the morning, and the idea of ​​​​creating a bird with an annoying howling voice came as a practical solution for hard everyday life. But why should a person be punished like that? An alarm clock is one thing - you hit it once or twice and sleep as much as your heart desires (then, of course, run like a roasted rooster around the house, getting ready to study and work), another thing is a nimble bird that does not shut up even by 8 o'clock.

But the cock is not the only mechanism for destroying a good start to the day. He was given a few more roles, so let's see:

  • Rooster is a fighter. Boxer even. Cockfighting is a very popular thing in our time. And they fight desperately and to the last pen. If you suddenly want to become a cocky manager of a rooster, just find one, buy him a pear, stick around with fluff and let him out hungry and angry at her, train a real beast.
  • Rooster is a hero. In ancient times, it was believed that dark forces like to wake up at night. And in modern times, they somehow don’t walk around in broad daylight. But there was one thing that made the whole dark force dump from cemeteries, streets and nightclubs - the cry of a rooster. As soon as the rooster howls three times, for some unknown reason, all evil from the earth hides and trembles. That's how cruel he is, that cock.
  • The rooster is a sign of the Chinese horoscope. And then he stuck his ego with a red forelock. If a person is called a rooster, it is not always so insulting. Maybe he is referred specifically to the horoscope, speaking of him as a person of high morals, conservative views and straightforwardness. But, my recommendation - it's better not to call anyone a rooster. Chinese horoscope will not always help you.

Now you know more about coco. And, therefore, it is time to bring your wild and immense dream to life, and draw it! You definitely won’t draw it at 5 in the morning, but now is the time!

How to draw a rooster with a pencil step by step

Step one. We denote by circles the three parts of the body, these are the head, torso, large tail and below an arbitrary stone on which the rooster sits above our world.
Step two. Outline the contours, add a semblance of a head, wings and the tip of the tail. Step three. The rooster cries almost all the time, which means we draw him an open, screaming beak. We also draw a mane and feathers all over the body, especially on the tail and wings. Do not forget about the paws, correct them too. Step four. Now it remains to give our rooster more contrast and shadows, draw the details. Outlining desired lines bold, and we erase the auxiliary ones. And here are some more birds for drawing.
