How to draw anime step by step for beginners new. Anime and Manga

Anime is a special Japanese drawing technique. Drawings in this style differ from other genres, primarily in the way the face and eyes are drawn. Eat different types anime, such as comics or manga. It also includes the popular cartoon about Pokemon. Pokemon in a large number, but Pikachu is considered the main one, with its owner. Drawing characters in this genre is quite exciting, because the picture comes out with a contrast, even if you draw with a regular pencil. Drawing anime eyes and face is not difficult, because the eyes are usually always large, and the oval of the face can be approximated. Characters in this genre always have colorful bright clothes, with fairly simple elements, which makes the drawing process easier. The main thing is that the colors look juicy and bright. Even if you create with a simple pencil, it is worth making the picture very contrasting, with almost no penumbra. In this article for beginners, you will learn how to draw anime step by step with a simple pencil.

Initial contours of a guy in anime style

When you draw any picture in stages, it is necessary at the first stage to correctly mark the outline of your drawing. To draw a boy, you first need to draw his main contours.

To make it easier for you, make the primary outline of rectangular figures that fit the body parts. First a rectangle for the head, below a contour for the neck. Lower 2 arcs from it, they will indicate the shoulders. From the left shoulder line, take another line, which in the future will be the boy's hand. Draw a circle on the edge of the arm line, it will indicate the elbow. Then continue to draw the hand using rectangles and simple lines. At the end right line shoulder, draw a circle for the elbow, and then draw lines from it with a rectangle for the brush. And now you can roughly outline the details of the costume of your drawing.

Draw an oval face

The face shape in the anime genre is like a rectangle that is connected to a triangle. You need to draw and then connect these two shapes, and then delete the line that formed after joining. As a result, you will have an oval face, with a sharply narrowed chin. At this stage, you can add some details of the costume.

Adding more details to the picture

Now with an eraser you can remove all unnecessary contours and start detailing them. On the lines that you got, draw the final shape of the face. Then, on top of the face, draw an arc-shaped visor, with a round base for a cap. Now draw the ears and next to them triangles that will represent the hair. Starting from the sleeve, outline the arm along the previous contour. Then you need to select the legs and draw a collar. In the right hand we will draw a Pokémon. To do this, draw a rectangle for the body and a circle for the head. If the picture at this stage has exact proportions, then the hardest part is over.

The final stage of the drawing

At this stage, you need to learn how to decorate images with details, the main of which are the eyes and face. This is where the face should start. Make the eyes of a large elongated shape with large black pupils. Draw the mouth in the form of an inverted triangle, and the mouth is tiny. This technique is used to give the face of people the shapes and proportions of anime.

Now add small parts clothes: belt, pockets, buttons. Don't forget the t-shirt. Draw the gloved hands from the rectangles on the hands. Then “turn” the triangles for the hair into the hair itself. With an eraser from the outline for Pikachu, remove the excess and draw a regular face, which consists of circles. Add tail, arms and ears.

Paint the resulting image

Well, in the end, make the picture contrasting and bright. Sharp, vibrant colors are main feature drawings in this style. You can shade the image with a simple soft pencil, just add contrasting, bright shadows.

Video lessons

Fine art is a good hobby for a person of any age. This may turn into real profession if you learn how to master a pencil.

And skill develops only through practice. The more you train, the better you get.

Fashionable today, anime art is one of the most popular types drawing by artists of all ages.

Anime is not only drawings of comics and frames from cartoons, it is a whole direction in art. Anime cartoons are very popular in our country.

Songs are written about this, and the music selected for cartoons is real masterpieces.

Anime is the whole world. Peculiar, original. Let's plunge into it headlong, creating our own comics and sketches in this style.

How to learn to draw a girl's face: eyes, nose and hair with a pencil

Step-by-step creation of a girl's face in anime style:

Drawing a guy from scratch: full body

draw anime in full height- a little more difficult. More details here.

Step-by-step instructions - draw a guy in full growth in anime style:

  1. We draw a cross, where the vertical line indicates the position of the body, and the horizontal line indicates the upper line of the shoulders.
  2. We finish drawing horizontal lines, denoting the hips, knees and feet.
  3. We draw the joints in circles. They indicate the position of the hands. At this stage, it is easy to fix everything, paint on it.
  4. Now we draw the head. First, the ball, then the exact lines of the cheekbones, the chin. From above, with strokes, we apply the contours of a hairstyle or headdress. Refine the line, erase unnecessary strokes.
  5. We finish the drawing: we make the body, the contours of the clothes. We erase everything superfluous and complete the composition, clarifying the details.

Important! Use the most hard pencil for drawing contours. It's the easiest to erase.

When the contours suit you, erase the excess and circle the drawing with a soft pencil. Anime is often depicted with the softest pencil for crisp lines.

When portraying a man, remember the proportions of the body. After all, men, too, are both full and very thin.

It is not necessary to draw broad shoulders and muscular arms for every male character. Consider height and build. The length of the neck, the shape of the face also depend on this.

Girl body for beginners

The female body in anime style is a great topic for a new drawing.

Remember a few rules:

  • beauty female body in the anime, it is depicted a little exaggerated when compared with the normal proportions of a living person.
  • Waist - very thin, slightly wider than the neck.
  • The girls are depicted as very thin, but the head remains disproportionately large.
  • The girl's hair is depicted as lush, regardless of length.
  • Chest - feminine, rounded, slightly wider than shoulders.
  • Thin hands.
  • Waist is very thin.
  • Hips - wide relative to the waist. Their width repeats the chest.
  • The legs are very long, the shapes are rounded.

Starting to draw a girl, consider the details. Will your anime girl be dressed up, or are you posing as a naked lady on the beach.

Such drawings are excellent if you draw a girl with her back in a dimly lit room.

Here it is enough to mark the contours, as described above. Determine the joints of the elbows and knees, using them to describe the position of the arms and legs.

We shade everything around, leaving light places around the figure. She is completely shaded.

Leave short reflections in places by determining the incidence of light yourself. Hair can be of any shape.

You can draw long and loose curls that cover half of the back. The classic beauty is excellent.

Important! Carefully erase the outlines and joints from the drawing. The end result should look like it's not drawn, but printed.

This is what skill is: your drawings should be alive.

Examples of drawn pictures

You can make money on anime art if you learn how to transfer the image visually to paper, transforming it into anime.

Such portraits are in demand among schoolchildren and adults. The Internet unites, and anime cartoons - fine art It is liked by both children and adults. Look at example drawings.

If you want to make money on this skill, use our tips:

  • Bring your art to perfection. If you take money from people - then for real art.
  • Train with family and friends. Learn to convey emotions.
  • It is good to consult with professionals. Self-taught people can be gifted, but cutting your skills requires serious experience and professionalism.

    Go to a drawing school, show masterpieces, get good advice. You can write to the Internet with practicing artists.

  • Starting to draw to order, remember that the client is always right. Place ads online. Draw templates: attach photos and drawings to them so that people can see what you are capable of.
  • Make animated sketches of wedding photos. It will get good profitable business: A comic depicting an anime-style wedding.
  • The most profitable will be practical work: you have to go to the embankment or avenue with a canvas and a pencil.
  • Tools must be professional.
  • Offer services to local schools.

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Attach a piece of paper to the photo and translate it. Simplify the hair to “flaps”, enlarge the eyes and make big highlights in the pupils. The anime portrait is ready. But that's enough if you want to know how to draw yourself in

You have read the description of the process of creating many cartoon characters. But the anime style has enough nuances and special details. The characters from the manga immediately catch the eye, and it is impossible to confuse them with any other heroes of ordinary cartoons. Learn this and then drawing anime style portraits will be easy for you.

Facial expression

Want to convey emotions, but don't know how? Drawing a face in anime style is one thing, another is to convey Emotions are drawn quite simply, one might even say, with symbols.

For example, pink lines on the cheeks show that the character is embarrassed, a wide-open mouth with a grin when talking - he is angry, two arcs instead of eyes - the eyes are closed, and, most likely, the character is experiencing pleasure.

However, without studying this “alphabet”, one can easily guess the state of mind of the hero. If a person is smiling in a portrait, look at how it is portrayed in anime style, and do the same.


It is easy to draw a head in full face. But it's boring and gets boring quickly. How to draw yourself in anime style so that your head is dynamic? Imagine that the head is a ball. Draw a line exactly in the middle on which the eyes will be located. Now rotate this ball along with the line to change the angle of movement.

Draw lines for the nose and lips and then draw the face in detail. The work must always be done by outlining figures. Draw in detail - and it turns out that it turned out not at all the movement that we would like.

Major Mistakes

Anime in portraits obeys general rules. Nose, eyes, mouth, ears take their position on the head. If you can't draw a normal head, it's too early for you to think about how to draw an anime-style portrait. Skill depends on experience.

Draw more sketches, practice. This helps to identify errors and eventually fix them. So, instead of opening an anime style portrait drawing guide every time, study the list of common mistakes you should be aware of and try to eliminate them.

Are the eyes evenly spaced on the line? Many novice artists fail to draw the same eyes, they do not know what to do with it and how. Drawing yourself in anime style isn't just about making eyes the size of a galaxy. After you draw them, mark the bottom and top extreme points and draw lines through them. This will help to find out if the eyes are drawn evenly.

Is the chin centered between them? Draw a line down the center of the face between the eyes and make sure the chin is on that line. It should also cross the mouth and nose. Centered, a third or a quarter - it depends on the perspective in which the head is located.

Are the ears at the same level as the eyes? The upper point of the auricle is located at the level of the eyebrows. Lobe - in line with the tip of the nose. But these are individual values, so there may be deviations from the given rules - consider this.

Watch anime based on manga by different authors, so as not to wonder how to draw yourself in anime style. Learn different styles manga and enjoy watching at the same time. Many otaku (avid anime fans), without studying the principles, make a good "anime" drawing the first time.

IN last years anime cartoons have become quite popular not only among children, but adults also like them. Everyone has their favorite characters, and many try to copy them by depicting them on their own. How to draw anime with a pencil step by step? This is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

Anime technique

Anime is classified as a special technique Japanese drawings which are performed with a pencil. This picture has several differences from other genres. First of all, this applies to the image of the face and eyes. There are several types of anime. For example, manga or comics.

Anime cartoons attract the attention of many viewers not only with the originality of the drawing, but also with the meaning of their plot. Often this is what causes the question among fans: “How to draw anime with a pencil?”

The image of anime cartoon characters is quite an exciting thing. Even if you only use a pencil. Depicting facial details is a simple task. So, let's look at a simple way of how to draw an anime with a pencil in stages.

Action algorithm

To achieve accuracy and the desired quality of the drawing, it is necessary to adhere to certain order execution. Now it will become clear to you how to draw anime. Follow the instructions step by step.

1. It must be remembered that all the characters of such cartoons are characterized by some universal details: huge eyes and small mouths. Noses are usually indicated schematically. Some characters have disproportionately long legs.

2. Prepare necessary supplies. You will need an ordinary album. The paper should be thick, and the pencil should be soft. It is recommended to sharpen it with a knife - the sharpener will not be able to properly cut the end of the stylus for more convenient drawing, as thin lines will need to be sketched. Hatching is also easier to apply if the pencil is sharpened at an angle.

3. Application of preparatory markings. A line is drawn from top to bottom in the central part of the sheet - this is the designation of the growth of the future anime hero. We divide the straight line into six identical segments. The first part from above is reserved for the head. Three segments from the bottom remain for the legs. Shoulders, pelvis are indicated. Then you need to outline the remaining contours of the body. Schematically depict the character's hands.

4. In the place where the head should be, draw an oval and divide it into two even parts using a thin horizontal line. On it we mark two points that serve as the centers of the eyes. We make two transverse strokes (lower eyelids).

5. In accordance with the lower eyelids, draw the upper lines. Then we perform the irises and pupils. It is not difficult. Please note that the pupils and irises in anime drawings do not have the correct round shape. In most cases, they are extended from top to bottom. Then we outline thin eyebrows above the eyes.

6. In the central part of the face, draw the nose. Most often it is depicted as small and not detailed. We outline the ears. We draw a small mouth - we draw a small horizontal stroke just below the nose. You can depict lips, but this is optional.

7. The hairline is located high, at a considerable distance from the eyes. It is recommended to draw strands in separate curls. Draw the character's hairstyle in accordance with his character. It can be neat or messy, simple or elaborate. The main thing is to give freedom to imagination.

8. The contours of the character's figure are drawn. This stage of the drawing is similar to the image human bodies in the classical genres of drawing.

9. We erase extra extra lines with an elastic band and color the drawing. He's ready! So we have determined how to draw an anime with a pencil in stages.

Character image

Quite often, the main characters of anime cartoons are girls. They are amazingly beautiful, and many want to learn how to portray them. Let's move on to how to draw an anime girl in stages.

anime girl

Sketching the character's face. We start by drawing a circle. Then we split it in half. If the girl in the figure is shown in half a turn, then the face is divided into two uneven parts. You can make a bias, as if the heroine lowered her eyes. It all depends on imagination and desire. Another circle is drawn, which will serve as the basis for the character's head. The chin is marked under the first circle, then you need to mark the points of the cheekbones and outline the shape of the girl's face. We designate the contours of the mouth, nose and eyes. Let's move on to the hair. Pay attention to the girl's hairstyle: her hair is gathered or loose, perhaps a braid is braided, or curls are laid in an intricate high hairstyle. Pay attention to all the necessary details. Don't forget to sketch out the outlines of the ears.

Eyes are a special nuance in anime pictures. They are usually large in size compared to classical drawings. The eyes should be large and expressive. Let's move on to the proportions of the nose. He is usually not detailed in anime drawings, so it is not difficult to depict him.

When the base of the character is ready, you can draw contours, add hair details, and draw shadows on the face. We draw the eyes so that the main emphasis is placed on them. You can depict only the face or draw a girl in full growth. The choice is yours.

Application of skills

Now you know how to draw an anime girl. Then you can start depicting plots with several characters. Now you can draw various moments from anime series. In this case, it will be necessary to depict not only the character, but also environment, background. The upside is that it will help you learn how to portray different kinds of emotions. It's no secret that anime drawings very accurately and quite original convey the feelings and mood of the characters.

Additional benefits of the lesson

Recently, anime drawing contests have become popular. Some artists even arrange exhibitions.

So learning several ways of how to draw an anime with a pencil in stages will be quite useful. This can bring not only pleasure, but also profit.

Now many young people are interested in drawing in anime style. Let's try to figure it out together - what is it and how to draw it all right?

Step 1

Draw the chin and cheeks. Focus on drawing them on both sides the same. Although it may look simple, even the slightest mistake can make the drawing unattractive.

Step 2

Draw the neck. Notice how thin it is.

Step 3

Draw the nose and mouth. Most anime artists draw the nose and mouth VERY small. However, some do not, so decide for yourself.

Step 4

Add eyes. Notice how far apart and how close to the nose they are.

Step 5

Add eyebrows. Notice how much longer they are relative to the eyes.

Step 6

Add ears and you have created a face. Note that I have added a hairline. Big head...
Please note: the corner of the ear is directed towards the eye.

View in 3/4.
About the average head size (for anime). She doesn't look very attractive until you add hair. Hair takes up such a large section in anime that it needs a separate tutorial.

The structure of the guy's face is different (in most cases). The guys' faces are usually more elongated, the chin is more pronounced.

When drawing a guy's neck, you can draw it similar to a woman's neck (but usually only for young boys, including teenagers). Or, as shown, you can draw it more developed.

Side view
Man and woman - style 1
More realistic and more pronounced. Their noses do not end sharply. Their eyes are smaller. The chin of guys is more protruding than that of girls.

Man and woman - style 2
Their head is more round. Their eyes are bigger.
You can draw an almost straight line from the tip of the nose to the chin. (i.e. lips and chin are weakly expressed - approx. per.)

Common Facial Shading Methods
There are many ways to shade the face, here are a few.
Try to leave some space between the shadow and the nose.
Sometimes there are highlights above the cheek and on the lip.

eye drawing
Simple eye drawing
Step 1.

Draw a shape like this to make the white base of the eye.
It will only serve as a guide and you will erase it when you are done.

Step 2

From each corner, draw a line pointing outward, then connect them with an arc.

Step 3

After creating the arcs, paint over the resulting shapes.

Step 4

Add the shapes shown.

Step 5

Color in these shapes and sketch in the iris.
Erase the guide lines and you are done. Now you have a simple eye.

Drawing more complex eyes
Step 6

Continue from step 5, draw some eyelashes from the upper left corner of the eye.

Step 7

Creation of "soft" eyelashes.

Create"soft" eyelashes on both ends of the upper eyelid. See instructions above. (Instruction: draw lines very close together. At the end of each stroke, reduce pressure on your pencil (or XD tablet) to get soft ends.)
Step 8

Add small eyelashes to the lower eyelid.

Step 9

Add creases above the eyes and you've made the eyelids.

Remember that the eyelids are usually very thick and do not have a lot of eyelashes raised up like a real eye.
Drawing the iris and pupil
If you have a tablet, sketch out the iris (as in the eye above) and take advantage of your drawing software to create some really adorable anime eyes.
Since not everyone has a tablet, I will draw the iris and pupil as if with a pencil.
Step 1

Draw the base of the pupil half.

Step 2

Paint over, moving from a darker shade to a lighter one (along the gradient).

Step 3

Add shadows at the top and at the bottom.

Step 4

Some artists add a second ring.

Step 5

Add lots of highlights and you are done.
When observing in the galleries of professional anime artists, I noticed that almost all anime artists draw them from similar angles.

On a face looking straight at you, the eyes are sometimes placed at an angle (the arrows illustrate this angle).

A common misconception is that the more the face goes into a 3/4 turn, the further that eye will move towards the edge of the face. It is not right!
See the shapes that define the area with the eyes? Let me say that these lines are guidelines.
How more angle turning towards you, the smaller and narrower the guide lines will be (at the far end of the figure - approx. per.), but they do not change their position.

This is one of the few angles where you have to draw the eye on the edge of the face.

Drawing closed eyes.
If the eyes curve downward (like a U), then the character is sleeping, meditating (thinking), or in a peaceful state.
If the eyes are arched upward, then the character is very happy or smiling.

different eyes
Remember, you should not draw eyes "strictly according to the template". Get creative, mix and match various ways to create your own unique eyes.
Many anime-style eyes have a sloped upper lid:

Round eyes:

Cat or snake eyes:

Eyes used for zombies or hypnotized characters:

When drawing eyes with tears, make the drops big and draw the highlights/reflections in the eye more than you would normally do.

Side view of the eye.
Keep your distance. Pay attention to how far the eye is removed (from the bridge of the nose - approx. Per.).

Drawing noses and mouths
Mouths and noses (in anime) are usually quite small compared to the rest of the face. In anime-style pictures, the main focus is usually on the eyes.

drawing anime ears
Almost every anime artist draws ears in their own way. Draw creatively! Ears can be anything for different characters, so have fun.

Bangs drawing.
There are many ways to draw anime bangs.
This lesson divides bangs into two categories: bangs with a certain organization of the strands (hereinafter, for brevity, I will call them combed bangs - translator's note) and messy bangs.
Combed bangs.
Combed bangs are bangs that cover the entire forehead, and perhaps most commonly drawn bangs. However, there may be certain quirks when drawing them, as they are not straight.
Point and Guide Method.
Step 1.

This helps in creating the first guide lines. Create a dot or circle directly above the face.

Step 2

Create a guide curve. Outline the boundaries of the large strands of bangs. Note that all lines are directed towards the point.
Each strand of hair will follow the same curve as the guide.

Step 3

Start sketching each strand.
Remember to keep the sequence of bends and draw strands in the direction of the point.

Step 4

Finish sketching the bangs.
Note that the middle strand serves as a way to mark the middle. Strands of bangs on both sides of the middle strand are bent in different directions.

Step 5

Clean up your sketch or outline the strands.

You can also add more bangs.

The point and guide method used above was also used for this illustration. The point was placed much higher to make the strands less curved.

Side view
Step 1.

This is the same guiding principle used in the Point and Guide Method. The only difference is that it is rotated.

Step 2

Start sketching each strand. Draw curves where the guide line bends, and make the end of the strand where the guide stops.

Step 3

Erase the guides and lines that shouldn't be visible. Remember to adapt the guide and change it to suit your character's personality.

If you draw strands by picking a point on another strand and going from there, your bangs will probably look like this. The strands are likely to be deformed and further separated, and will give the same effect as shown in the picture on the right. Drawing in this manner is best used for spiky hair.

By drawing the strands in their entirety and then going back and erasing so that they don't show up, you can get straight strands that look combed as shown here.

Bangs don't always have to be V-shaped. By changing the look of the tips, you can get completely different images.

Step 1. Draw a straight line and give it a curve near the tip.
Step 2. Draw a straight line (or it can have a curve that suits you).
Step 3 Add some thin strands here and there.

Step 1. Draw two lines.
Step 2. Make additions that look like two ends or strands, then connect them.
Step 3 Add some thinner bangs to give it more variety.

V-shape Hair. Eyes.
Hair can be a problem when they close important features character, especially the eyes. Although the following methods are not realistic, they are often used as alternatives.
Method 1

Finish the bangs before they begin to fit over the eyes. This is the most common of the commonly used techniques.

Method 2

Draw the eyes over the hair.

Method 3

Draw the hair over the eyes, but make the outlines of the eyes visible.

messy bangs
Messy bangs... well... messy. They may or may not follow a particular pattern, and they are usually divided into sections that may point in completely different directions.
Guide points Guide points (like the point in the Point and Guide Method) should help you keep your bangs under control.
STEP 1 There are countless options, but it helps to try different bangs and hairstyles.

Drawing hair attached to the head above the forehead

Wedges on the hairline should be aligned with the line of facial symmetry.

Remember that the hair is not glued to the head. They have volume even when pulled back.
Hair detailing isn't just about how many lines you add or how many strands of bangs you add to capture the character's personality. Many details can be added with shadows and highlights.
