Where can you work if you can draw. Creative highly paid professions

Artist is a creative profession, originating from ancient times. In a professional context, an artist is a person who is engaged in fine art and earns money in this field. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in drawing and world artistic culture (see choosing a profession for interest in school subjects).

And in a more sublime, creative sense, this is a person who makes the world even more beautiful. He not only reflects the beauty of the world in his works, but puts his idea of ​​it, his feelings and thoughts into them, thereby refracting reality. Thanks to this, people perceive familiar things with different eyes and more deeply comprehend the inner essence of phenomena.

Not everyone has this kind of talent. Learn to draw, comprehend the laws of composition and plasticity, master the technique of mixing paints, learn the rules of application color palette Everyone can learn how to choose the right brushes, paints and paper. But the main condition for creating great paintings, in front of which thousands of people of different generations will freeze in admiration, is still TALENT.

The name of the profession comes from the word "hudog", which in translation from Old Slavonic means "skillful". More primitive During the Paleolithic period, he painted the ceilings and walls of caves with natural paints that he had at hand - soot, ocher. The whole world ancient history known to us thanks to primitive artists in their drawings depicting animals and people.

IN modern world artists use, in addition to traditional paints and canvases, other technical means.

Artists use colors, but paint with feelings.

Jean Baptiste Simeon Chardin

Features of the profession

An artist can work in different directions:

  • artistic and creative;
  • restoration;
  • research;
  • pedagogical;
  • artistic and educational.

In the artistic and creative sphere, the artist is directly engaged in creativity, expressing his impressions, feelings and emotions through artistic images. This is possible in any field of fine arts (painting, monumental, easel, theatrical and decorative, television and film).

In the field of restoration, the artist is engaged in the restoration of historical works of art with unique value. Usually, similar works are carried out on the instructions of the restoration council, so in such work the artist has to follow the established rules.

IN pedagogical sphere the artist acts as a teacher-mentor teaching the disciplines of fine arts in educational institutions different levels- primary, secondary, higher, as well as in advanced training courses.

The research activity of the artist consists in scientific research and developments on special topics or individual tasks in the field of his profession, designed in the form scientific articles, reports, etc.

In the artistic and educational sphere, the artist conducts educational work, shaping the society's aesthetic taste, the correct perception of works of art, etc.

In the modern world, the sphere of activity of artists has expanded significantly. For example, tattooing, which is wildly popular in our time, is skillfully applied by artists.

The most important thing for an artist is to reflect the spiritual essence of the era.

Ivan Dmitrievich Shadr

Pros and cons of the profession


  • Interesting creative work
  • The ability to work according to a free schedule - according to inspiration, not according to a schedule


  • Low demand
  • Unstable income
  • During periods of crisis in the country, even the lack of work is possible.
  • The income of the artist does not depend on his talent, but on the ability to sell his paintings.

Place of work

Artists, depending on their specialization, can work in a personal studio, private studios, art workshops, museums, publishing houses of books, magazines and newspapers, in advertising business, fashion stores and exhibition halls, V art schools and educational institutions.

Artists do not need to erect monuments, because they have already been created by their labors...

Antonio Gaudi

Important Personal Qualities

  • artistic talent that cannot be taught - it either exists or it does not; but if present, it can be polished;
  • rich imagination and fantasy;
  • observation - the ability to notice small details;
  • selectivity of attention - the ability to select from the surrounding reality what is necessary for a specific idea;
  • deep intuition that allows you to penetrate the very essence of phenomena;
  • visual-figurative thinking and spatial imagination, which allow you to creatively transform the surrounding reality and be able to see the unusual in the ordinary;
  • color perception and color discrimination - the ability to distinguish a wide range of different colors and shades;
  • artistic taste;
  • a sense of harmony;
  • patience;
  • physical endurance.

Where to study as an artist

The propensity for this profession can manifest itself quite early - even in childhood. Attentive parents, noticing these abilities, can identify the child in an art circle or a special school. Subsequently, with some success, a novice artist will be able to improve his professional level in art colleges, institutes and academies of arts, which are available in any major city countries.

You will develop a sense of harmony and style, learn to combine textures, shapes and colors. Master 4 classical technique painting: pencil, ink, watercolor and oil. In the course of 20% theory and 80% practice. , the missed class can be attended with another group. Groups of 5-7 people. Upon completion of the exam, a diploma is issued. Possibility of payment in installments. Branches in 33 cities of the Russian Federation. All schools operate on the basis of an educational license.

Russia has adopted a three-tier system art education: school, college, university.

  • Moscow State Academic Art Lyceum named after N. Tomsky
  • St. Petersburg State Academic Art Lyceum named after B. Ioganson
  • Taganrog Children's Art School
  • Krasnoyarsk art school them. IN AND. Surikov.
  • Moscow State Academic art institute them. V.I. Surikov
  • Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture
  • Moscow Art and Industrial Institute. S.G. Stroganova
  • Saint Petersburg state institute painting, sculpture and architecture named after I.E. Repin.
  • St. Petersburg State Art and Industry Academy named after. A.L. Stieglitz
  • FGBOU VPO Krasnoyarsk State Art Institute,
  • Gzhel State Institute of Art and Industry.


The artist's income depends on the place of his work, specialization, demand and fame. Freelance artists have an irregular income: they can earn nothing for years, and in a matter of weeks receive a huge fee. Artists who work on a permanent basis, for example, in a publishing house, printing or design company, can expect a salary of 20 to 70 thousand rubles a month, depending on the size of the company and the amount of work performed.

Salary as of 08.05.2019

Russia 15000—80000 ₽

Moscow 30000—120000 ₽

Career steps and prospects

A freelance artist has no other choice for a successful career than to become a genius and recognized during his lifetime. As they say, the first part of life a person works for the name, and the second part - the name for the person. Outstanding paintings are valued very highly, and with the advent of the NAME, the cost of paintings increases many times over. For some successful artists, the queue of customers has been standing for years.

One way to do successful career is to open your own art salon or professional studio. A research and teaching career in this profession is also possible.

A qualified painter requires knowledge of:

  • theory of fine arts;
  • techniques, styles, types and various genres of fine arts;
  • laws of drawing, painting, composition, graphics;
  • history of Russian and foreign art;
  • theory and history of arts;
  • color science and light design;
  • principles of human perception of a work of art;
  • historical and modern technical and technological processes in the creation of paintings;
  • expert and restoration work in various art forms.

Professional qualities and skills in the field of artistic and creative activities:

  • possession of various techniques and technologies of fine arts;
  • the ability to create works of art at a high professional level;
  • the ability to professionally use artistic tools and materials, techniques and technologies;
  • knowledge of the features of various historical styles and trends in architecture and art: Renaissance, Baroque, Classicism, Rococo, Gothic;
  • knowledge of the most important principles of lighting design of the performance;
  • knowledge of the main monuments of church painting and architecture (world and ancient Russian);
  • knowledge of iconography and biblical history, as well as the origin of ornaments and fonts;
  • the ability to use archival materials in order to study and reproduce famous paintings;
  • possession of various types and techniques monumental art(mosaic, fresco, sgraffito, stained glass);
  • the ability to formulate orally, in writing and with the help of visual arts one's creative idea, the process of its creation and the idea of ​​the author's work;
  • knowledge of safety precautions when working with artistic tools and materials, on scaffolding, theater stage and in film sets.

In the new century, innovative technologies are actively developing, but at the same time there are problems associated with the psychological state of people and the environment. There are new professions associated with the information business, many of them can be classified as creative.

Each time opens up new opportunities for self-expression and the use of talents. Entering the 21st century is characterized by rapid progress innovative technologies, computerization, discoveries in the field of medicine. Along with this, the new time has outlined a range of urgent problems related to the psychological state of people and the environment. Completely new professions have appeared, which a few decades ago could only be learned from the works of science fiction writers.

A group of such specialties is associated with the information business. The avalanche of information that falls upon us daily from all possible sources, is not always reliable and of high quality. It is quite obvious that the information field will be mastered in the coming decades, and this will require highly qualified specialists. One of the advantages of working on the Internet is the lack of attachment to the workplace. You can be in Russia or abroad, your working tools are a computer, the ability to think creatively and own several programs.

Creative professions of the XXI century


The work consists in writing texts for Internet resources. The focus can be very different: advertising, scripts, information, analytics, slogans. A copywriter must have the ability and comprehend a large amount of information on a particular topic. Of course, to write high-quality texts, creativity is needed, in an easy-to-understand form and choose interesting information. The level of payment at the beginning of work is low - about 20 rubles per thousand characters, but the work of experienced copywriters is estimated much higher - up to 1,000 rubles. for 1 thousand characters.

Content manager

The task of the content manager is to fill the site with articles, photos, etc., as well as to coordinate the work of all those working on the site - copywriters, moderators. This work is responsible and requires extensive knowledge. Payment depends on the number of projects, each of which is estimated at about 8,000 rubles.

Web Designer

A website designer must be creative and have skills in working with computer programs. A creative, knowledgeable and attentive web designer receives about 15,000 rubles for each project.


The terms of the webmaster's tasks are administration, support, updating the site. Such a specialist is able to create a website himself, replacing a web designer and programmer. He may be the owner of the site created by . Obviously, the amount of knowledge, skills and experience must be on top. The cost of work depends on the project, but you can safely count on the amount of 30 thousand rubles.

Internet coach

A specialist who has fundamental knowledge in any field and provides online consulting or training. Coach psychologists consult via Skype, lawyers work on forums and specialized websites. You can develop a training course and sell it. Each consultation of an Internet coach costs at least 800 rubles.

Event manager

The organizer of holidays and corporate events must have a developed aesthetic taste, the gift of communication, the ability to negotiate, select venues and teams for organizing events. The event manager himself writes the scenarios for the holidays, thinks through all the subtleties and ensures the holding.

"Eternal" professions for creative people

Along with prestigious modern ones, such as an economist, lawyer, IT specialist, creative professions continue to develop, changing in accordance with new trends. Mastering the art of an artist, director, actor, writer is impossible without natural abilities that require development.

Entering a university that trains representatives of creative professions is not easy, but this does not stop young people who decide to devote their lives to art. Applicants pass creative competitions and entrance exams, neglecting the fact that actors and artists earn less than computer scientists, managers and merchants of various sizes.


When a person answers the question about the profession that he is a writer, many questions inevitably arise. For example, how you can control inspiration and develop the habit of working on a schedule. Most writers prefer to call themselves writers or literary workers, separating craft from creativity, since money and talent do not always go hand in hand. It is not uncommon for writers to have another "earthly" profession, which serves as a source of income, but remains a way of self-realization.

A logical question arises: “Why do we need universities that train writers, if it is impossible to master the profession in the absence of talent?” Only a writer, perhaps not the most gifted, will be able to enter a literary institute. The task of teachers is to polish abilities, to teach to distinguish good literature from the bad, to introduce professional tools and explain the principles of their operation.

Upon graduation from the university, not all certified writers become famous writers, but many may work as teachers, editors, literary agents, etc.

To enter the Literary Institute, you need to pass a creative competition by submitting a work own composition, according to the results, a list of persons admitted to the exams is compiled.


Representatives of the fourth estate are considered by many to be people close to the court, influential and a little dangerous. IN Soviet times journalists were credited with the best features: a sense of justice, honesty, incorruptibility and insight. Of course, a person conveying information to the people had to have exceptional intellectual abilities, the ability to extract secret data and interpret them, penetrating into the depths of what is happening. “International journalist” 30 years ago was pronounced almost with the same feeling as “cosmonaut”.

Now the situation has changed dramatically - journalists are scolded by everything and always, they are accused of venality, immorality and avarice. The writing brethren, no doubt, will survive all periods of persecution and popular contempt, because anyone can be taught to hammer nails, but not everyone can compose fascinating texts from words.

There are more and more jobs for journalists, new TV channels, radio stations and online publications are opening, so every graduate has a job opportunity.

Learning the art of journalism is, of course, easier than becoming a real writer, but the ability is definitely needed. Typically, the tendency to journalism is found in school years, future press workers write essays with pleasure, easily put thoughts into words.

This profession is not easy and often dangerous, but a person who has become a journalist by vocation is happy with such a life.


This profession is not taught almost anywhere, usually people with higher education who have completed voice acting courses become announcers. The one-year tuition costs approximately $4,000 and is open to applicants who have passed an interview. A professional announcer must be able to perceive vast amounts of information, have good diction without an accent, and to work on television - telegenicity and the ability to hold on well. In the courses, future announcers are taught the technique of speech, acting, plasticity and similar skills.


In their youth, many dream of acting in films or playing on stage, but the mediocrity in this profession is so noticeable that the unsuitable leave the profession naturally. 95% of applicants are eliminated even in the first rounds of admission, those who passed the competition will have to study special disciplines with venerable teachers.

Competitions for theater universities are usually huge, but the demand for actors is declining, so only a few can break through and gain popularity.

Interior designers, stylists, make-up artists

These professions are now in demand, as people have a taste for a comfortable and aesthetic life. The difference between designer housing, trendy and beautiful clothes, well-groomed appearance and what we are able to do on our own has become clear. Creative people create images from unexpected combinations of objects, colors and lines, getting great results that are close to works of art.

Talented stylists work in fashion magazines, advertising, and on television. Politicians and big businessmen have appreciated the effect of attracting professional stylists and are now actively using their services when creating an image.

The makeup artist's field of activity is the creation of images for advertising campaigns of cosmetic companies and modeling agencies, private practice and work in beauty salons.

If desired, creativity can be found in every profession, but, unfortunately, not every profession is defined as creative. What creative professions exist and are such for sure? Let's find out!

In order not to be mistaken in defining the profession as a creative one, we will first understand what creativity is.

Creativity is the creation of unique, exclusive spiritual or material values, something new and singular, something that is not created in production, not on a stream. No one can repeat what was created by the master in the process of creativity. Only the creator himself can do this, but even with him his creation will not turn out to be completely identical to the previous one. So, what professions are creative?

What creative professions exist?

Let's find out what creative professions are and list them. Professions in the field of art, of course, can be called the most creative.

Actor, painter, writer, poet, singer, theater and film director, dancer, choreographer, musician - masters of these professions create spiritual values, give emotions and impressions.

Undoubtedly, what is created or will be created by these people cannot be repeated by anyone. This list can be replenished with such professions as a cameraman, video director, sound engineer, editor, costume designer, props master, special effects master, illuminator, decorator, screenwriter, animator.

The alluring world of fashion. Creativity is closely woven into any profession related to this magical and beautiful world. What creative professions exist in it? Fashion designer or fashion designer, fashion designer, image maker, stylist and, of course, the most attractive profession for young people is a model on the catwalk.

Rapidly developing computer technologies have given rise to new specialties and professions that are also related to creative ones - graphic designer, animator, computer special effects master, web designer, copywriter

What other creative professions are there?

Are there other professions that are creative? There are also many of them. Hairdresser, make-up artist, manicure and pedicure master, make-up artist, tailor - in all these professions there is creativity, imagination and artistic taste are required to help the client make a choice, help him emphasize his natural beauty, hide flaws.

Architect, interior designer, landscape designer are some of the most sought-after creative professions today.

A cook-culinary, a confectioner creates masterpieces from ordinary products, making a magical and delicious fairy tale. The bartender arranges real art shows and performances behind the bar, creating and inventing different kinds drinks. The sommelier will tell you which wine to choose, which wine goes best with the dish chosen by the client, which wine will best emphasize the taste of this dish. He studies wines, their qualities, selects wines and all this also requires a creative streak and good taste.

The barista is a coffee specialist, he always knows what kind of coffee to offer the client, and he can make not just coffee, but a coffee cocktail to please the client with an unusual, but surprisingly delicious combination of coffee and various ingredients. The tea ceremony master is the creator oriental tale. No wonder this profession originated in the East, in Japan and China, where it still enjoys great respect. Sommelier, barista, master of the tea ceremony - these are rare creative professions, but very interesting ones.

Such a profession as a mass entertainer, which is now called beautiful word- an animator, carries a considerable share of creativity. You have to be a screenwriter, and a director, and an actor in order to organize people's leisure, entertain them and help them take a break from everyday life.

Photographer and photo artist are prestigious and interesting professions. They can notice and capture the wonderful moments of life, amazing small details, sometimes very imperceptible, they visually preserve the memory of their life for people.

Florist - works with flowers, only he can gather in beautiful bouquet the most inconspicuous flowers, highlighting and emphasizing their beauty. Advertising specialist - no business can do without representatives of these professions, they are in demand and their work is well paid.

More and more interest in manual creativity is growing. What are the creative professions in this segment? Master of folk crafts - creates beauty with his own hands without the use of any machines and devices. Painted crockery from Gzhel and Khokhloma, trays from Zhostovo, handmade shawls from Orenburg and Pavlov Posad, felt boots, folk toys from Dulevo, lace from Vologda, jewelry and jewelry boxes from Palekh - every year they are gaining popularity and value, which means that this profession is becoming more and more popular.

A master glassblower is a magician whose hands produce unique fragile masterpieces. People will always use dishes or decorate their homes with glassware, which means that this profession will always exist.

Jeweler is certainly a creative profession. Creating masterpieces from precious metals and stones, the jeweler gives joy and a sense of beauty to many people. The master cabinetmaker creates unusual and ecological handmade things from pieces of wood, which are used in everyday life, in the construction and design of houses, decorate our homes.

A blacksmith can forge a simple fence grate from pieces of iron, or he can make a work of art that will live for centuries. Needlework - various embroidery, sewing, knitting, felting, making handmade dolls and toys - all this is becoming more and more popular and can also be related to creative professions. But, even if needlework does not become your profession, then this type of creativity can bring you additional income.

What creative profession to choose?

It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. There are no criteria which creative profession is better and more interesting. It is impossible to give a clear and unambiguous answer that it is this creative profession that will allow you to earn a lot of money or help you climb the career ladder.

Everything is individual and depends on the talents, inclinations and desires of a person. And also, importantly, from his ambitions. The most important thing is to choose exactly what your soul lies to, what is closest to you and understand what you are interested in doing. As soon as you understand your desires, then the question “Which creative profession to choose?” will not occur.

And there is also a big plus in favor of choosing a creative profession - most creative professions are successfully combined, intertwined with each other, growing into each other. You can choose several specialties related to creative professions, and successfully engage in all. For example, you can start with a modeling career, and then become a fashion designer.

A craftsman can also work as a jeweler at the same time. An artist can be a writer and a singer, and a director can write beautiful scripts for his films or plays for his performances.

An architect, in parallel with the design of houses, can master the profession of a cabinetmaker and create wooden parts of the interior of the houses that he designs. The photographer can simultaneously work as a graphic designer and use his photographs in his work. And in this way it is possible to combine all existing creative professions.

The animation world has entered new round development. The profession of an animator is again in demand. In addition, in addition to the animation itself, there are such types of employment as model development, modeling and other technical training. Certainly, one cannot do here higher education in area fine arts and experience in creating cartoon images.

Graphic Designer

Graphic design professionals are behind the logos of many of the brands that have made history. They use their imagination and artistic ability to create images that will impress potential customers. Graphic designers are also involved in the creation of websites and various visualizations. Of course, for such work, the ability to draw will not be enough. You also need to learn special computer programs and develop a professional portfolio.

Fine arts teacher

If you have a burning desire to instill a love of art in others and feel that you are able to do this, perhaps you should try yourself as an art teacher at a school or higher education institution. Learning to draw opens up the complete freedom of lessons in the way that you like best. This is an opportunity to share your experience. younger generations and maybe learn something from them.

Museum/gallery worker

Museum curators and their team interesting work preparing installations for exhibitions. Also, any museum needs the management of archives and the processing of daily documentation, maintenance museum exhibits etc. This is a quiet, calm, but responsible job. As statistics show, interest in art is still high and there are no prerequisites for such work to lose its relevance.

Landscaping / interior design

Today it is the most demanded direction for creative, thinking people. And of course, such work requires artistic thinking and visual skills. To master a profession / landscape, you will need additional education, development of computer software, drawing up a client base and a database of suppliers of design elements and much more. Yes, it requires investment and a lot of patience. However, such work, as a rule, quickly pays for itself. In addition, this gives you the opportunity to reveal all your creative potential and find yourself in different directions of design.

Art therapy

This direction of psychological adaptation to this moment has not been widely adopted. However, it is very promising. Art therapy specialists now work in large diagnostic and consultative centers, private centers and centers for social and psychological adaptation. Art therapy is included in the complex treatment of people with psychological, psychiatric and neurological problems.

It's good when work and hobbies coincide. In this regard, girls and young people who are representatives of creative professions are very lucky. They can be divided into truly creative and those having points of contact with other areas.

For example, the profession of a designer is considered creative, but it can be directly related to construction, acquiring a certain “technical” shade of creation (designer of furniture, interior, facades, etc.) Professions of an artist, musician, actor, writer, and others do not have such a shade and therefore can be considered truly creative.

Name Overall profession rating Medium wage*
Jeweler 62 0
Artist 50 0
Photographer 69 0
Florist 61 0
Stylist 66 0
Director 55 0
Hairdresser 67 0
Multiplier 50 0
landscape designer 64 0
Illustrator 62 0
Interior designer 76 0
Designer 80 0
gallerist 42 0
Visagiste 69 0
Actor 65 0

* - according to the Federal State Statistics Service for 2017.

** - expert assessment of the portal editors on a scale from 0 to 100. Where 100 is the most in demand, the least competitive, with a low entry barrier in terms of knowledge and accessibility of obtaining it, and the most promising, and 0 vice versa.

For those who cannot live without psychological tests, this time no luck. We offer this article instead of the "To be or not to be a designer" test. Its theme will affect you - then you will be designers (if you can master the technology and, of course, work with customers). Will not become close - not to be. Or not yet. The article is about environment design, but if you want, you can think in a similar way about other types of design ...

Are you ready to invent artistic images every day in your chosen form of creativity? And if you are not ready, but do not imagine a life without art, perhaps you will like to perform the duties of an art manager?

In art, everything is interconnected: for example, artists are inspired by the works of composers, and they are able to embody literary works V musical works- from operas to popular hits. However, at the time of choosing a creative profession, rarely does anyone hesitate between theater university, conservatory and study at the faculty of painting. Even having talents in several areas, such people from childhood, as a rule, prefer only one of the arts, visiting music school or, say, a literary circle. At the same time, another problem is very common - the problem of choosing between a creative and "ordinary" profession: sometimes the entire inner circle of the applicant insists on a more "realistic" option, which means anything but a creative occupation.

How to believe in your talent and convince your parents and admission committee? How to turn viewers, listeners and readers of your works into admirers of your talent? How to carry your inspiration through long years creative career? What is the role of creativity in professions that are not directly related to art? These questions will be answered by the articles in this section, as well as the history of art, the love for which distinguishes most of these creators.
