Maria Maksakova gave an interview to Andrey Malakhov about meeting her husband and reconciliation with her mother. Maria Maksakova reconciled with her mother after a major quarrel Malakhov visiting Maksakova

After the death of her husband in Kyiv, Maria Maksakova did not give interviews for a long time, but soon made an exception for Andrey Malakhov, the former host of the Let They Speak show. According to the star, Maksakova herself invited him to come to Kyiv and listen to her talk about life after his broadcast in Andrey Malakhov. Live".

The girl began her interview with a story about a meeting with her husband, a former State Duma deputy and member of the Anti-Corruption Committee Denis Voronenkov.

“At first everything happened in the State Duma, we just said hello, everything was rather formal. Although he said that even then he liked me terribly, he didn’t show any kind of appearance, so it was impossible to guess about it, ”Maksakova Malakhov began her story.

“Then Sergey Naryshkin invited both of us to the festival of Russian culture in Japan, and there at some point Denis made a remark to me - supposedly I am not trying to help my brother.” The fact is that Mary's brother was then accused and detained of stealing a large amount of money. The girl decided to be frank with a friend and spoke about the problems with her son. The boy weighed more at that time native mom and had no interests. Voronenkov advised the girl to send her son to the Suvorov Military School, promising that her son would change there. Soon it did.

Also, Maksakova told Malakhov about her reconciliation with her mother Lyudmila. After the death of her husband, the media misrepresented the words of Lyudmila Maksakova, saying that the mother is “glad at the death of her son-in-law.” Because of this, Maria stopped communicating with her mother and harbored that resentment. “She was slandered, now it is already obvious. (After Voronenkov’s death, the media quoted Lyudmila Maksakova as saying that she was allegedly “glad at the death of her son-in-law,” after which Maria stopped communicating with her mother - Ed.). I just couldn’t understand why she didn’t defend herself: if she was slandered, then she could go to court, because this is an absolutely winning case. I thought: since she does not defend herself, it means that she indirectly confirms her guilt. - the girl is indignant.

The mother first decided to write to her daughter for the sake of reconciliation and told in detail the day on which the interview took place. “It turned out that she simply did not want to get involved with this category of people, she considers it above her dignity. She did not say a phrase that she was allegedly happy with the murder of Denis. I’m sorry that this phrase turned out to be fatal, and I didn’t communicate with her for almost half a year, I was very offended by her. But she told me step by step how she spent that day, and I realized that she really did not say this. She texted me first and then I called her.” Maksakova told Andrei about reconciliation with her mother.

With bitterness, Maria told about that fateful day when her husband died. Denis went to a meeting and did not take his wife with him, who did not get enough sleep and was not able to. The girl is very sorry that she was not with her husband that day. My assistant called me and asked: “What about Denis?” I replied, “It’s okay, I guess. He left the house half an hour ago. And then I turned on the TV, saw everything - and ran. Of course, I hoped that he was alive, because they said that one was dead, the other was injured. If he were alive, I would get him out of any state ...

Maksakova's story has already become the second broadcast for Malakhov, who recently said goodbye to Channel One. The presenter left with "Let them talk" and is now building a career with new interviews and programs.

Based on materials:

In the program "Andrey Malakhov. Live ”Maria Maksakova decided on straight Talk with a famous host. The TV journalist went to visit the opera diva, who is now in Ukraine. Talking with Andrei Malakhov, the singer recalled the story of her acquaintance with Denis Voronenkov, who was shot dead in the spring in the center of Kyiv.

According to Andrei Malakhov, the opera diva called him on Friday, immediately after the broadcast of the program dedicated to Boris Korchevnikov was shown on TV. “Can you come to me in Kyiv? I want to tell you all about love, ”the host of the words conveyed famous singer. The TV journalist accepted the offer of the artist and went to the capital of Ukraine. Maria Maksakova met Andrey Malakhov with lard and vodka.

“When did you decide to cut your hair?” - With these words, the host began the dialogue. “In order not to flirt, half of my hair just fell off after the incident. Apparently my decision was made for me. nervous system”, The opera diva replied, adding that she could not eat for more than two weeks. Because of such a diet, which you would not wish even for an enemy, Maksakova lost a lot of weight.

Mary's first meeting with her future husband took place in State Duma. According to the artist, Voronenkov did not show that he began to have any feelings for her. Then the performer, together with fellow deputies, went to Japan for the festival Russian culture. “Somehow it happened that ... And he made a remark to me. He said: “Masha, your brother is in a difficult situation, he is in jail, and I don’t see that you are trying to help him.” I told him: “Listen, my brother is wrong,” Maksakova said. According to Maria, her relative was surprised at the resemblance between her sister and the politician. Soon the singer became close to Voronenkov, who tried to help her loved one.

The conversation turned to children. The singer admitted that when her son studied at the Suvorov Military School, she regularly kept in touch with him. But life made its own adjustments, and the teenager was taken from educational institution. “I was so happy - he called me for 15-20 minutes, I knew his life in detail,” recalls the artist. On July 23, the boy had a birthday, he turned 13 years old. The performer called the child to congratulate him on the holiday.

During a conversation with the presenter, Maria Maksakova also spoke about the fact that she had reconciled with her mother Lyudmila. More recently, the artist was offended by her parent because of her harsh remarks about Denis Voronenkov.

“We reconciled... She was slandered. I couldn't understand why she didn't defend herself. I thought that in this way she indirectly confirms her guilt. It turned out that she simply did not want to get involved with this category of people. She did not say that phrase ... I'm sorry that that phrase turned out to be fatal. I was very offended by her, but she told me step by step how she spent that terrible day. She wrote to me, then I called her, ”the artist shared.

In addition, the singer spoke about her daughter Lyudmila. “With her, the story is even scarier. When I left, or rather, took my legs away from their father, I realized that I had to work hard. I had a woman whom I trusted very much, Zoya Epifanova. She has been by my side all my life. (...) It so happened that Zoya and I parted ways, and Lucy went after Zoya ... Lucy called me a couple of times after what happened, ”the performer shared.

At the same time, Maria Maksakova has serious disagreements with the father of her senior heirs, Vladimir Tyurin. “He took advantage of my situation and actually took the children away,” the singer believes. The star considers the beginning of her relationship with a man a fatal mistake. “He was an absolutely shady person and took me famously into circulation. He spent four months isolating me from friends and girlfriends. And then I got pregnant, that's all, ”said the performer.

Andrey Malakhov asked the artist if she knew about the illness of Dmitry Hvorostovsky, with whom the singer had previously crossed paths at work. “Well, of course ... We used to communicate. Periodically sang in some concerts. I wish Dima willpower, because he copes, he succeeds. Of course, it is very difficult… In general, he is a holiday person,” Maksakova said.

Marriage with Denis Voronenkov Maria Maksakova recalls with a smile. Andrey Malakhov asked how the star was proposed. “I went to India to Goa. He thought and decided to come to me. He asks: “Tell me, what will happen if I propose marriage?” I tell him: “I won’t go, but I’ll run,” the artist recalled. As a result, the marriage ceremony took place on March 27 - the day of the theater.

Immediately after the marriage ceremony, the artist lost her twins. However, fate gave Maria Maksakova and Denis Voronenkov another chance to become parents. The politician doted on the chosen one. “He carried me in his arms, I was to such an extent happy woman. Yes, it is difficult to come to terms with the fact that there was happiness, and now it is no more ... But it was! - says the performer.

“I was ready to forgive everything in my life - beauty, talent ... Everything except personal happiness. And no matter how sad and tragic our love ended, it was a huge mutual love. (…) As long as I am alive, I will love him. What did those who did it achieve? – said the singer.

The singer says that she would not change anything in her life except for one thing. reminiscing about tragic event, Maria Maksakova could not contain her emotions.

“Only in the morning on my day I would go with him. Then I slept and stayed at home, so I didn’t go with him. I should have gone with him. In my presence, they would not have killed him, they would have killed two ... Of course, I hoped that he was alive. Even very ... I would get him out of any state, ”said the singer.

Then the singer was offered the services of a doctor and a psychiatrist. “I said I didn’t need anything and I wouldn’t take any pills,” Maria said. Now she is doing everything possible to continue to live and raise a common son with Denis.

According to Maksakova, she does not delete SMS from her deceased spouse. In the last message, Voronenkov shared his emotions from the interview with her. “The editor-in-chief is delighted, he says that he reads in one breath,” Maria quotes her husband’s message. After the former State Duma deputy sent a message, he had only about a minute to live. Then a fatal shot rang out that claimed the life of a man.

After a break for advertising, Andrei Malakhov announced that the broadcast was live, so the editors have the opportunity to follow the comments of Internet users. “Dear viewers, why so much anger?” - asked the presenter and urged to listen to the story of Maria Maksakova to the end. When the TV journalist was in Kyiv, the artist sang him a song about love.

According to Maria Maksakova, her husband spent about $30 million on the previous family. Apparently, disputes about the inheritance of Denis Voronenkov continue. The singer said that Julia is extremely reluctant to make concessions. “He couldn’t negotiate with her, she didn’t give him anything,” says the artist.

Andrei Malakhov asked the singer if she was dreaming of Denis Voronenkov. "Every night. Lives with me ordinary life, gives his advice, ”the opera diva answered.

Then the artist showed Andrei Malakhov an apartment. “Did you have traditions with Denis?” the host asked. “You know, we lived like in a sandbox ... Like two children. We had such a close relationship that we never parted for a second. (…) I missed him all the time. He told me: “Masha, I love you more. You'll see". (...) Of course, I cherished every second, thanked God for what he is, ”the singer shared.

At the end of the interview with opera diva The host turned to her. Andrey Malakhov expressed the hope that Maria Maksakova would be able to find her happiness again.

“I am very sincere to you, thank you very much. I pray that he, as a person who loved you, he will do everything to make you happy, and in your life there was that person who would make you smile, ”said the presenter to the singer.

TV presenter Andrey Malakhov, after leaving Channel One, immediately interviewed the disgraced opera singer Maria Maksakova. The artist moved to Ukraine last year, for which she was declared a traitor. Malakhov flew to her in Kyiv and was the first to Russian journalists take candid interview. This act caused a storm of indignation among the audience. Malakhov was called a traitor and began to accuse that the showman was preparing the ground for the singer's return to Russia. But it was especially surprising that all this was happening on a state channel.

Why Andrey Malakhov left

In early August, TV presenter Andrei Malakhov left Channel One, where he had worked for 25 years. The departure of the permanent host of the scandalous program “Let them talk” was discussed long before the official departure, and various versions were put forward. According to one of them, Malakhov had a conflict with the producers, who demanded that he bring more politics to the talk show, according to another, the TV presenter wanted more independence. He himself eventually spoke about the reasons for Woman's day magazine. According to the TV presenter, one of the reasons for switching to another channel was "the crisis of the genre in absolutely everything."

I turned 45 in January. And just before the birthday there was a crisis of the genre in absolutely everything. Starting with those programs that began to seem secondary - this was already in The Simpsons - and ending with complete dissatisfaction with their position. I have always been subordinate. A human soldier following orders. And I wanted to be independent. I looked at my colleagues: they became producers of their programs, they themselves began to make decisions. And suddenly an understanding came: life goes on, and you need to grow, get out of the tight framework.

Malakhov also refused to comment on the versions that he left the "First" due to conflicts or political topics. At the same time, the showman added that on Channel One “drop by drop they burned out what was dear to him and to which he was mentally attached. After Malakhov's departure to "Let them talk" they really switched to political topics, mostly scolding Ukraine. This made the audience so furious that they even demanded.

What was in the interview with Maksakova

At the end of August, Andrei Malakhov personally goes to Kyiv to talk with singer Maria Maksakova. In an interview, the ex-deputy of United Russia, without restraining her emotions, spoke about the death of her husband, a deputy of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, who was shot dead in Kiev, and that she was ready to leave him in any condition.

The singer also spoke about her mother, who openly rejoiced at the murder of Voronenkov, and about her children, whom she still cannot see. Most of the program was dedicated to the late husband - Denis Voronenkov. Maksakova told touching stories about their acquaintance and life together, about how a working relationship turned into a romance and a wedding. Malakhov also asked the singer about the former roommate of the singer Vladimir Tyurin, who is called crime boss and some consider the murder of the deputy to be a possible customer. However, Maksakova at first rejected this version.

When I met Denis, he came to the restaurant himself, I was even surprised by this act, and said that he was very happy for me, that he could not do anything good for me in life, which he sees from Denis, that he is a very decent person, and he is sure that I will be happy with him.
Maria Maksakova, singer

But then Maria added that she just wanted to believe that jealousy was not the reason for her husband's murder. As the singer noted, although Tyurin did her a lot of evil in her life, she does not conduct “any advocacy” against him, because “more scary person I have never seen in my life.

Let them talk

Despite the fact that the interview was mainly devoted to Maksakova's family and personal life, the audience quickly turned the story into a political direction, again starting to accuse the singer of treason. Moreover, angry comments from Internet users began to arrive during the live broadcast, to which Malakhov drew attention and asked the audience not to be so cruel.

She tells you about all this for the first time. And it may be worth listening to and hearing a person who frankly tells you the story of his life.Andrey Malakhov, TV presenter

On the Internet, however, the intensity of passions did not decrease, and Malakhov himself fell under the distribution. Users of social networks began to talk about the betrayal and betrayal of the TV presenter himself.

Some doubted professional qualities Andrei and were extremely surprised that such an interview was aired on a state channel.

A minority of the interviews were to their liking. For example, Malakhov was praised by the editor-in-chief of Ekho Moskvy Alexei Venediktov.

Why they don't like Maksakova

In October 2016, Maria Maksakova, together with her husband, State Duma deputy from the Communist Party Denis Voronenkov, left for Kyiv. Voronenkov soon received Ukrainian citizenship, and then suddenly began to criticize the Russian government in the press and even testified in the case of former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych. After that, the Investigative Committee of Russia put him on the wanted list for a certain raider seizure, and on March 23, Voronenkov was killed by an unknown person in the center of Kyiv. The singer, who previously belonged to United Russia, was expelled from the party.

Naturally, in Russia both the deputy and Maksakova were dubbed by many as traitors and defectors. At the same time, in one of the July issues of “Let them talk” with Malakhov, it was seriously discussed that the murder of Voronenkov was staged, and he himself did plastic surgery and fled to Israel, which Maksakova allegedly also knows, but hides. The singer herself was not in the studio.

Also, the release of the program on August 21 was dedicated to Maria Maksakova, already with a new presenter - Dmitry Borisov. In it, the guests of the program directly accused the singer of betraying their homeland and wished never to return. Here, as Channel One says, "the most dramatic moments."

Why then Malakhov went to Kyiv

Internet users, in addition to accusations, also began to put forward versions of why Malakhov decided to do an interview with Maksakova at all. According to one of the theories put forward, they want to return the singer to her homeland.

Some have suggested that Maksakova's interview is just another kind of victory for Rossiya over Channel One. In 2016, the “second button” really outperformed the “First” in the ratings, which Malakhov himself admitted before leaving.

The fate of Channel One in August really became one of the main topics in social networks. And not only Malakhov is to blame for this, although his departure. Then "First" closed the cult program "So far, everyone is at home", giving reason to say that. Although "Let them talk" was discussed more. Against the background of talk that Malakhov left allegedly because of politics, Medialeaks recalled,. And they were found, although the program turned into a farce and a circus. Perhaps now this feature will accompany any transmission of Malakhov, no matter what channel he works on.

Published on 29.08.17 22:59

Malakhov was attacked because of the failed show, and Sadalsky accused Maksakova of a monstrous lie.

The famous Russian presenter Andrey Malakhov flew to Kyiv to opera singer Maria Maksakova, who previously invited him for an interview. Full version published on the YouTube channel of the project "Live", which is aired on the channel "Russia".

At the beginning of the program, Malakhov said that Maksakova called him with the words: "Come to Kyiv and I will tell you all about love." Then he said that he had to get to Kyiv through Riga, since in Kyiv intcbatch There are no direct flights from Moscow. And here he is with a film crew in Kyiv.

From the threshold of her Kyiv apartment, Maria met the host, as expected, with lard and vodka. In an interview, she told the host about her love, about her relationship with her husband and mother, shared revelations from her life.

A frank conversation began with a question from Malazova and a sharp change in image opera diva and the secret of her weight loss. The answer was simple - the tragedy was the reason for everything and she began to lose her hair and decided to cut it, in addition, after the shock she experienced, she did not eat for 16 days, which led to a change in weight.

Also during the conversation, Malakhov asked about the day of the tragedy and whether he remembers how Voronenkov died. Maksakova said that until the last she hoped that her husband would be alive, and she would be able to leave him in any condition.

"If he survived, I would get him out of any state," she said and burst into tears.

She also, with tears in her eyes, told Malakhov that she still regrets that she did not accompany her husband Denis Voronenkov on the day of his death.

"I will go to my husband's grave and will live in Kyiv," she said.

In addition, Maria said that she was able to make peace with her mother, actress Lyudmila Maksimova, whom she was offended by after information about her mother's gloating over the death of her son-in-law reached her. She also spoke about children and life before Voronenkov (from her first civil marriage she has two children - a son and a daughter, ba remained in Russia).

Andrey Malakhov - "Live". Maksakova spoke about life without Voronenkov

In turn, Stas Sadalsky saw this interview and openly accused Maria Maksakova of lying on her Instagram page.

"One lie breeds another...
I just looked in the internet and I view a refugee with Malakhov
Not a word of truth!
Lies - the same alcoholism.
Liars lie and die.
So that you are empty, Maria," he wrote, accompanying the publication with a screen from a video interview.

Netizens, on the other hand, supported Sadalsky to a greater extent and criticized Maksakova.

“Manka the Merry Widow and Mother Cuckoo; She has a very uncomfortable apartment, just like she herself is uncomfortable ... Malakhov was right in front of her! We found a star! Every time they make programs about her, and we watch and discuss! are waiting...
ismir2660I don't know why, but Malakhov fell in my eyes. I’m completely silent for this slut whore, a disgrace; I support Malakhov in everything! Because he is a pro in his field and you can trust him!; Judge not lest ye be judged! Sadalsky, you are an adherent of the commandments! Why are you violating them? And the program is not boring about anything with their Maksakova, nonsense for the people. Moreover, they drag her from channel to channel, and here Andrey himself went for tea to the former deputy, the next Shurygina will be about hard fate broadcast. We don’t have time to shake off the noodles from our ears .....; She doesn't suit short haircut, like, ringworm .... ((((; akriska "- this is how netizens commented on Sadalsky's post.

In addition, Malakhov himself also received a portion of negative criticism from the Web. According to many, this release was a failure. A lot of dissatisfaction was caused by the topic of the program. First talk show former host "Let them talk" was dedicated to the opera singer Maria Maksakova. The reason for the outrage is an ambiguous attitude towards the heroine of the program.

"Terrible release. Why politics again? Why this woman again? Why this terrible background music?" - wrote dimkapusher. "The format is a failure. An oppressive eerie musical background, an intimate conversation with a sufferer who has forgotten about her children, IS THIS" exclusive "? It's impossible to watch," says Eva Winner. "Malakhov disappointed", "Return Borya!!! This is a failure", "The program has become worse! The best presenter left, and Malakhov comes to visit the traitor of the Motherland! I did not expect this", "Now the same nonsense is only on another channel. Malakhovshchina, in a word," the audience is indignant.

Also, many commentators wondered if the new show with Malakhov would have "stories with ordinary people, as before in "Let them talk."

"It is necessary to discuss topics that are closer to the people, and the rating will be higher," they advised the host of the program. However, in fairness it should be noted that there were those who liked the transfer with the new presenter. "Malakhov!!! You are the dove of Peace," one of the users said.

Recall that Maksakova's husband, Denis Voronenkov, was killed on March 23 in the center of Kyiv. His security guard, a member of the security services, wounded the alleged killer, who later died in the hospital. Proceedings were opened under the article "premeditated murder". Voronenkov was buried in Kyiv on March 25.
