Does the volcano really work? How do slot machines work at Vulcan Casino?

many gambling people united by the desire to win at the casino, which is successfully used by scammers. Divorce in an online casino strikes with its rare stupidity and simplicity, but, nevertheless, continues to lure gullible users with sky-high promises of fast and easy money. There are several practiced divorce schemes in a virtual casino, which will be discussed.

What binds them all is that the swindlers feed you with guaranteed promises of winnings in online casinos, but they want only one thing - your money. In the end, everything ends up being a scam. Before you get hooked, remember that the freeloader pays three times.

The oldest method of divorce, when a stranger contacts you by e-mail or in another way and colorfully talks about a wonderful miracle known only to him. win-win strategy online casino games that will provide you with constant winnings.

The goal is clear - you pay money, and you get well-known information, for example, the Martingale strategy or some other heresy, and you will see from your own experience that it is almost impossible to deceive an online casino.

How not to fall for such a scam? Elementary, ask yourself the question: “Why does a stranger show such care to you?”. The answer is obvious.

2. The next popular scheme of divorce in online casinos: Playing for other people's money.

"Caring" scammers offer you a remote job with a guaranteed earnings of $149 - $189 per week, without investing a cent and playing only 20 minutes a day.

How it works?

A one-stop site is created, as a rule, a copy of the page of popular social networks: Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, YouTube or a blog where the author promises you a stable income and vows to realize your innermost dreams.

What follows is a description of the “magic” system and specially designed rules that should never be violated. However, the author cautions that this technique is effective only under his guidance, otherwise you will fail. It's funny, isn't it?

If you are ready, you undergo training, as a result of which, for the “lucky one”, the sponsor himself opens a new account - the so-called confirmation of qualification.

Your duty is to play for 20-30 minutes according to the proposed strategy, which is guaranteed to bring $90 a day. I wonder why not $70 or $120? Although this question, the author strives to anticipate.

From the amount won, you are promised to make weekly bonus deductions of 30% in size.

What is the deception?

The site where the sponsor has created an account will turn out to be a fraudulent one-day online casino that can last up to several months. This breeding casino may belong to the scammer himself. Needless to say, you will not be paid a cent, but will only be given the appearance of easy money.

Option one: you will successfully beat the online casino according to the proposed method, however, after a week you will not be charged anything, motivated by the tuition fee. The mechanism is simple, an ingenuous user, inspired by stunning profits out of the blue, gets hooked, creates his account and starts real money. Naturally, he is convinced that in practice the "secret method" of earning money turned out to be a scam.

Option two: the user loses the sponsor's amount and becomes a debtor. He receives threatening letters demanding compensation for losses. Comments are superfluous.

Trying to cheat the casino, the player himself becomes a victim of a divorce of scammers specializing in online casinos.

3. Free system 100% winnings in online casino

The third trap of scammers is not far removed from the first method. This scheme of divorce in an online casino is also based on the desire for freebies and fast money. This time, the speeches of heaven again promise an immediate enrichment at the game of roulette, one has only to use the free ingenious system of 100% winnings.

How it works?

A caring author in video clips describes the advantages of his "new" system. You should always bet on one thing: black/red or even/odd, and double your bets in case of failure, in each subsequent spin. In case of a win, the color or parity of the numbers is reversed.

What's the catch?

You follow the link to a reliable online casino. Register in it and start playing, however, the enrichment technique turns out to be illusory. Once again, you are slipped the risky Martingale strategy, the probability of winning on which is very debatable.

Let's take a look at this strategy as an example:

You decide to start with a bet of 0.10 cents and always age on black. If you lose, you must double last bet. In practice, in a casino, falling on the same color is possible 15-18 times in a row.

  • 1 spin - 0.10 cents
  • 6 Spins - $3.20
  • 2 spins - 0.20 cents
  • 7 Spins - $6.40
  • 3 spins - 0.40 cents
  • 8 spins - $12.80
  • 4 spins - 0.80 cents
  • 9 Spins - $25.60
  • 5 spins - $1.60
  • 10 spins - $51.20

Already on the tenth spin, you need to bet 51 dollars 20 cents.

However, the most interesting thing is that if by the 10th spin luck still smiles at you, the total amount of the previous loss will already be $51.10, and your profit will be only 0.10 cents, as, indeed, in previous bets. Not thick, right? However, the chance of losing remains very high. Like this simple arithmetic revelations.

It is also important to choose a table to play online. They differ in the casino by the possible limits on the minimum - maximum rates. So, perhaps after the sixth spin you will not be able to double the bet, due to restrictions, and therefore win back.

What is the benefit to a scammer, you ask?

It is no secret that affiliate programs are often practiced in virtual business. Any person on his resource or blog can place a link to an online casino. There is nothing criminal in the affiliate programs themselves.

The online casino divorce scheme is activated when you are preliminarily misled and promised a enrichment technique. You innocently follow the link and lose using it. The fraudster himself is guaranteed to receive a profit, the percentage of deductions from the amount you spent, according to the conditions affiliate program. The benefit is obvious.

If, after all the above schemes of deception in a casino, it seemed to you that only scammers are to blame for everything, it’s in vain: in any, even the seemingly most reputable casino, you can encounter such incredible ways of deceiving users that ordinary scammers never even dreamed of. And the danger lies in the fact that novice players will not be able to notice a divorce in a casino in any way - because they have no idea how it all works.

One of brightest example such a "scam" - roulette without zero, the most popular variety of the classic board game. Casinos offering this game to their users deceive them by default - although they promise "absolutely fair play without any house advantage. What's the catch? Everything is very simple: for each round played, the institution takes a commission - and, as it is right, quite a small one, and players, especially beginners, often do not even notice that little by little money is simply “leaking” from their account.

The second common scheme of cheating in a casino is no deposit bonuses. Probably every novice player has come across this tempting offer - the institution offers a completely free “gift”, starting capital for getting to know gambling. But in the end, it will be expensive to pay for such a “gift”: the player will not be able to withdraw the winnings received with the help of such bonuses until he fulfills many conditions - and it is often impossible to fulfill them without investing your own money.

To play or not to play in an online casino is up to you. However, it is always worth remembering a few simple rules: to earn gambling ah, you need to choose those where the programmed advantage of the casino is minimal, and the player himself can influence the course of the game and, finally, understand all the rules of the selected game.

I hope this article will help you avoid these scams. Remember that online casino scams are based primarily on your greed, and no strategy guarantees winnings. This will help you not fall for the false promises of scammers and avoid divorce.

How to win at Vulcan casino

Hello friends! Do you want to know how I raise 10,000 - 20,000 rubles daily without risks? Then read my review about the Vulkan casino, in which I will clearly show my winning scheme absolutely FREE, which I have been using for more than six months!

In the photo above (sorry for the quality), I raised 12,800 rubles from 2,000 rubles invested. In life, I don’t like to take a lot of risks, that’s why I play according to the minimum rate and with a cool head, which I advise you to do! During the game, let's take Crazy Monkey as an example, I constantly change the number of lines and the bet, which makes it possible to bring down the algorithms of the robot that gives out winnings (read on, I will explain in more detail below). I think that you all understand perfectly well that any casino will not exist for itself, so it builds the program system in such a way that there are much fewer winners and losers. But nevertheless, the program MUST give winnings according to a special algorithm, which was once known only by the casino itself, otherwise the casino will lose interest in itself.

I have 2 higher education and both are mathematical. Very for a long time worked with programs of this type, which are encrypted on the basis of CC Hybrdum S6. Every year they try to modernize this program, but still they manage to unravel it, which is exactly what I manage to do too.

The scheme is updated approximately once every six months, therefore, with today 3.09.2018 You have 5-6 months to earn the life of your dreams with the help of Vulkan casino. Until today, I really did not want to share this secret, because I was afraid that the casino would close this shop.

My background:

My name is Dmitry. I myself come from the city of Blagoveshchensk. Born into a poor family of a Mathematics teacher and a road builder. Since childhood, I wanted to get out of this poverty, because there was no money even for travel. It was insulting and shameful in front of my classmates, who were always neat, and I wore my father's old clothes. Since childhood, my mother taught me mathematics in depth. Thanks to which, in principle, now I can solve the programs used in the casino. After school, I went to Moscow and entered the Moscow State University. Already there I was interested in the types of devices used in the casino. Further, after graduating from the university, I entered the second higher education, but already in St. Petersburg, where I was invited to work at the Vulkan casino to develop programs. Well, here it’s easy to guess how I understand all these programs and predict their actions. After working there for 5 years with a tail, I had a fight with the authorities and quit. Then I worked for half a year at Gazprom and at the same time I thought about how I could teach a lesson to the same casino that had so ungratefully dumped me. And in just a week I developed a scheme and understood how to beat them. This is where my story of constant winnings at online casinos began ...

How long will the winning scheme at Vulcan casino last?

Many of you are very interested this question, since everyone wants to earn forever on this working scheme. And I will tell you that it is quite real. As long as there are casinos, there will be schemes, but these schemes are rarely shared openly. The schemes, as I said, live for about half a year, then you have to solve everything in a new way, but the algorithms themselves are approximately similar to each other.

I will share this scheme absolutely FREE to collect positive feedback about your work. You have a chance to try my scheme in action and get good earnings every day. You will be able to close all your debts, pay off loans, mortgages, and finally buy the car of your dreams! But for this, you will need to thoroughly study this scheme of earning money at the Vulkan casino.

As soon as the scheme stops working, I will definitely figure it out in a few days. new scheme, but I will provide it only on a paid basis. If you manage to raise a good cash on the way of earning, which I will describe below, then it will not be financially difficult for you to buy new schemes, the only question is the desire to earn on an ongoing basis.

Why is the winning scheme specifically at the Vulkan casino, and not at any other?

I repeatedly heard this question from my friends, whom I told about my way of earning. The fact is that Vulkan has been on the casino market for a long time. It really won my trust, since you can withdraw money from it without any problems. The rest of the casinos give a smaller percentage of winners, which complicates the work of the winning script, which I will talk about today.

Why play online casino Vulkan, if you can come to a real casino?

Firstly, it is now very difficult to find a legal casino in any city, since all casinos and slot machines are now banned. Only the state ones remained, but what the hell will you win there. That's why everything large casinos began to develop on the Internet, the volcano occupies a leading position in this regard. Secondly, if you use my winning scheme in a casino where employees of this institution work, you will be exposed very quickly, since you will constantly withdraw money from the cashier. Naturally, the owner of the casino will not like this situation very much, he will definitely track how you constantly win and simply add you to the black list and you will never enter it again. But on the Internet, at least in the Vulkan casino there are no such problems!

What if the casino won't let me withdraw the money I've earned?

This, by the way, is the most common among beginners who want to make money with the help of games on devices. I will tell you so that I have never had problems with the withdrawal of my earned money. My colleagues also regularly share their achievements with me and say that the Vulkan casino has no problems with this and never had. But they sin about other companies, like “Azino THREE Axes” and the like, in short, newcomer offices in this market. And of course, the competition factor plays here and there are rumors about problems with the withdrawal of funds. So don't worry, everything will be fine.

And the state will not take care of me if I regularly withdraw a lot of money?

Thank God we live in a vast country in which so far every corner is not being monitored. So on this moment no one will put you down. But I highly recommend getting yourself several cards of various banks and electronic wallets at once. And withdraw your winnings evenly on them. This will give you a 100% guarantee that the tax office will not deal with you. Now, if every month you withdraw more than 1 million rubles a month to the same card, for example, from Sberbank, then they can block the card and start checking.

In short, when you start rowing money with a shovel, you will also find ways to withdraw money ...

Where to start to make money at the Vulkan casino?

  1. Go to the official website and register

2. Next, select the game and learn the interface on the demo version. I must say right away that the demo version works like a lure using a different script and allows absolutely everyone to win, so my method in the demo does not work. But in order to train at least a little, this stage must be passed!

3. Study absolutely all the buttons, tips, and preferably even play different games presented by the casino itself. But don't play too hard either. free games, otherwise you'll get used to the freebie and won't even try my mining secret real money from an online machine.

Well, now the most important thing, I will show you my winning scheme at the Vulcan casino:

  1. We put 2000 rubles on deposit
  2. Open the game Crazy Monkey for money
  3. We start with a bet of 100 and 5 lines and roll over it
  4. Next, go to 7 lines with a bet of 140, roll a little
  5. Then on 9 lines with a bet of 180
  6. Get a bonus
  7. If we raise more than the initial deposit by 2 - 2.5 times, then we withdraw this amount, if not, we continue to roll
  8. After fixing the amount, we start the game again according to the same scheme and so on until the winning amount is 10,000 - 20,000 rubles per day, then the program will not let you win, this is 100% verified by me many times.
  9. Do the same the next day
  10. Remember that here the main thing will stop in time, since the program will not let you win more than 2 - 2.5 times

And here is my video example for clarity of the scheme:

Other games have their own schemes and more profitable schemes that can make you a Millionaire from one game! BUT if you are a beginner and have no experience of such games and have not sharpened your emotional background for this game, then you still need to earn extra money on the scheme above. And only then, if you write good comments to me, I will lay out more impressive schemes.

As soon as you master the scheme, I ask you - do not lose your head, work painstakingly every day, earn money while fate gives you this chance, do not spend it on any garbage, especially do not drink, do not take drugs, set yourself a goal, find a big dream , for example, a good apartment, a cool car, a tidy sum in a bank account. And you will be happy.

I know a couple of bad examples among my friends, who raised 100,000 rubles a week and just squandered this money for nothing. As a result, the money ran out, they earned more on this method, again they spent the money on booze, girls, saunas, and then once the scheme stopped working ... And they run to me, ahhh Dimon, help, pliz. And I told them 50 thousand rubles for the info of the new script. And of course they didn't have that money. And I don’t want to give them just like that, because they flush this money down the toilet. You can not give such people a chance, because they did not deserve it. Don't be like that and I will definitely help you in the future!

And I repeat once again - the most important thing is to play with a cool head, do everything carefully and do not immediately try to raise x10. As long as you have little experience, you will not be able to raise large sums, but you can make 10 - 20 thousand rubles clean per day without problems.

Conclusion: this scheme will work for me, you and other players until the algorithm changes, you have at least half a year to raise a tidy sum. Further, if you want to raise your capital, I will share the following working scheme, but for money. The main thing is to do everything wisely and take your time. A win-win option if you follow my instructions on the winning scheme at Vulkan Casino! I wish you good luck and a great life!

Real legends have already begun to be written about the popularity of Vulkan slot machines. This is the easiest kind of carefree leisure for everyone - millions of lovers of easy pastime daily connect to the most popular in the open spaces. former USSR online casino and find themselves in a world of riot of colors and indescribable emotions, drive and stunning victories. Any gamer wants to choose a really working game strategy that will minimize costs as much as possible and increase their profits in the game. Is there a magic plan? Maybe. However, you should always remember that not only the chosen strategy plays a decisive role in gambling, but also the player's luck factor. However, experienced visitors to the resource slots that there are at least five betting strategies that increase the chances of winning:


Martingale is considered to be the most popular strategy in the world of betting. Theoretically, this method can be used in many gambling games. Its principle is that if a visitor to the Vulkan casino made an unsuccessful bet, then he doubles his next bet. And then the game proceeds according to the same principle. In the end, the gambler will surely expect a win that will more than cover all the losses from previous bets. This strategy is based on the theory of probability - with each subsequent bet, the chance to win increases. This strategy is ideal for those whose deposit amount can cover significant losses in the game.


Everything is exactly the opposite of the previous strategy. The bet should be halved after a loss, and doubled after a win. To some, these actions will seem strange. Many people are familiar with the situation when, in the game of Ropes, after a win, the system gave out a series of losing combinations. You can test this strategy in action first in demo mode.


The Fibonacci principle is a mathematical sequence when the sum of the previous numbers is equal to the next term. If on some slot the player lost, then next bet should increase, and in case of a win, decrease. This one is great for games where the chances of winning and losing are distributed 50/50, for example, American roulette here and in a number of other slot machines.

Naked pulls

Principle this method lies in the fact that in spite of everything to make identical bets in the game. This makes it possible to clearly control the existing bank. If you pre-calculate the number of approaches to the game, then the strategy will limit possible losses.

One game

This technique involves getting a gesheft from the first trip. Further game continues on it. Your initial deposit is intact. In case of losing the first bet, the player moves to the next slot and proceeds according to the same algorithm. In this strategy, the player needs to indicate the amount he is willing to risk.

Of course, other strategies are used at the Vulkan casino, but they all need to be tested in practice.

There are a lot of rumors on the Internet about the secret schemes of the Vulkan casino, but they are allegedly available only to the elite. All this is sheer nonsense, because even you can now try the Vulcan virtual club deception scheme for money! Algorithms work absolutely legally, just experienced people in this business have found a gap in the operation of certain gambling games. Reviews indicate that the schemes are working and the administration of the Volcano even covers some by repairing their slots. Nevertheless, there are so many games here that it is unrealistic to resist all anti-schemes. Today we have selected for you a couple of options on how to beat the casino and raise money. Use it and you will definitely be satisfied with the result!

VulkanStavka cheating scheme on the Colombus slot machine

We choose this slot machine at the VulkanStavka casino and start testing the winning cheating scheme with a deposit of 382 rubles. It will be possible to raise at least 7,000 rubles! By the way, this is a daily limit, so if that much has fallen into the account, then stop playing. Mind your own business and don't forget to request a withdrawal. You need to play according to this algorithm:

  • 5 line 5 credits - 3 spins;
  • 9 line 18 credits - 1 spin;
  • 5th line 10 credits – 1 spin;
  • 7th line 70 credits - 1 spin;
  • Line 9 270 credits - 1 spin.

If you get lost according to the earnings scheme, go back to step 1 again! The slightest mistake breaks the whole scheme of the game and it will no longer be possible to win. You can try through mobile app Volcano 2020 or through the browser. And there and there everything works, checked!

How to beat Vulkan 24 by systems in The Money Game slots

A multi-level winning scheme has also appeared for this slot. We have already tested whether such systems work and how to beat Vulkan 24 with them, so do not be alarmed that there are several steps here. You will need to enter with the amount of 418 rubles. Profit will total 23,000 rubles! You can’t knock out more from the machine, only the next day! The hacking scheme algorithm is as follows:

  • 5 level 20 credits twist 2 times;
  • Level 7 28 credits 1 time;
  • Level 3 9 credits 1 time;
  • level 7 35 credits 2 times;
  • Level 9 270 credits 1 time.

This is a fresh scheme, so everything was rovered just recently and works. Free spins bonuses are an obvious plus. They simultaneously help to make money using a hacking scheme. The main thing is not to overdo it, because there is a limit of 23,000 rubles!

Is it possible to hack the Vulkan casino according to the schemes in Gonzo of Quest

Even for such a popular machine, there was a scheme for hacking the Vulkan casino. We try with a deposit of 400 rubles! There are also very attractive winnings, according to the algorithm it is easy to raise up to 23,000 rubles! Today we give you the most juicy schemes, with minimum investment. And yet, how to beat the slot and take so much money? Certainly! Algorithm:

  • Level 7 140 credits - 1 spin;
  • Level 1 20 credits - 3 spins;
  • Level 3 60 credits - 1 spin;
  • Level 7 140 credits - 1 spin.

Do not believe the truth or the exchange of this scheme? Surely, the amount of winnings is embarrassing. Do not worry, everything has been checked for a long time and according to this algorithm, the machine really breaks down and gives out an impressive amount of money. Try it right now, you still have practically nothing to lose!

Slots are popular entertainment for thrill-seekers. Their relevance is due to the fact that online gamers can choose the machine they like. At the same time, there is no need to visit a real institution. How to win at Vulkan casino? Are there clear methods for getting the jackpot?

Features of a gambling establishment

"Volcano" is a well-known entertainment platform where any visitor can recharge with positive emotions, have a good time by launching the device they like. The range of the portal is very diverse. History, adventure, fruit, maps, ocean, animals, cartoons, fairy tales- a lot of topics, so that each user can pick up something to taste.

The casino cooperates only with well-known manufacturers of gaming software, so there are only high-quality simulators here. The design of the portal is bright and colorful, and the controls are simple and straightforward. When using it, there will be no difficulties even for beginners. Before asking the question "how to win at the Vulkan casino", you need to study in detail the rules of the site, its features, capabilities and functionality.

Registration is required to gain full access to the site. However, creating a game account is optional. If you wish, you can run demo versions of slots without any restrictions. This will help to test unfamiliar machines without real financial losses.

How to beat the casino?

Is it possible to win at the Vulkan casino? Certainly. But here it’s worth mentioning right away that there is no 100% guarantee of enrichment. Therefore, it is categorically impossible to trust people who, for a monetary reward, promise to reveal secret methods for obtaining prizes. There are a lot of scammers, so you need to be vigilant.

To achieve victory, it is important to take into account some of the nuances. Firstly, before starting the game, it is imperative to determine the amount of money that it will not be a pity to lose today. Only after that you can place bets.

Secondly, you should not neglect the use of the demo mode. It makes it possible to find out the characteristics of new simulators without replenishing the game account. The gamer will receive positive emotions, an invaluable experience, without risking anything, saving money for a future successful game.

How not to lose the state?

Happy winners say, sharing tips on how to win at the Vulkan casino, that online slots should first of all bring pleasure, help throw out adrenaline, and only then become a source of additional income. You can’t visit a gambling establishment every day at the same time like workplace hoping for a substantial reward. This approach is fundamentally wrong.

You should not go to extremes, succumb to emotional impulses, you should be able to stop at the right time. For example, if a gamer lost three times in a row on one gambling machine, then it is necessary to change the slot. With positive results, proceed in a similar way. When winning combinations have fallen out three times, it is not necessary to increase the bet, it is better to move on to the next simulator.

Experienced gamers who have learned from their own experience whether it is possible to win at the Vulkan casino successfully apply the following rules in practice:

  1. You cannot start the reels in the state alcohol intoxication, during depression, or experiencing real rage. Such circumstances will not contribute to the achievement of victory.
  2. Having determined the amount with which it is permissible to part, it should be distributed evenly over several devices.
  3. If an online machine provides bonus rounds, then they should always be used.
  4. How else to win at the casino "Vulkan"? To do this, it is important to keep personal statistics, remembering emulators with the maximum return and blacklisting unsuccessful slots.
  5. You can resort to the following technique: make the initial bet high, and then continue compiling winning combinations already received funds.

Getting a bonus in "Bananas"

How to win a bonus in Bananas? Casino "Vulkan" provides users with a variety of slot machines. At the same time, the Bananas slot is considered the most popular and favorite. The simulator does not have a separate bonus round, but it still has interesting features. So, additional funds are brought by the following symbols on the reels:

  • "Suitcase". Money is awarded for Scatter in any case, even if there is no winning streak. Two symbols will multiply the winnings by 2 times, three - by 5, four - by 20, five - by 500. If more than three suitcases appear, then the gamer is given several free spins.
  • "Happy Banana". Wild is able to replace other symbols on the drawn line, bringing additional winnings. He can double the size of the victory. The popularity of the device is explained not only by high-quality graphics, thoughtful execution, but also by generous returns. Thus, the answer to the question "how to win a bonus at Bananas" from the Vulkan casino becomes clear.

You should not expect colossal victories with every visit to an entertainment venue. It is worth approaching the game reasonably, deliberately and positively, not succumbing to the impulses of raging feelings. Then luck will surely smile.
