Profitable business: how to open a private cemetery. Cemetery business plan: necessary documents and equipment

There will be no dependence on the authorities. Any person, becoming an entrepreneur, is responsible to himself. You just have to think about what is the best thing to do.

Private cemeteries in world practice

On the one hand, the idea of ​​starting a last resort business is very logical. However, world practice shows that the solution to this issue is ambiguous.

Even in the New World and in Europe, a hundred years ago, the existence of private cemeteries was common.

At present, this idea is clearly not welcomed by the authorities. Why is this happening? The fact is that many years of experience in running such a business has shown that privatization inevitably entails many problems related to landscaping, as well as ownership of the graves located on the territory.

Private cemeteries in Russia

Currently, the places where the last refuges are located are in the department of the municipality. How to open a private cemetery? Today in Russia such business is contrary to the current legislation. However, the Antimonopoly Federal Service has already made a proposal to change the regulations.

There is a possibility that in whole line legislative acts will still be amended, and private graveyards will appear on the territory of the Russian Federation. It is assumed that they will be allocated land leased for forty-nine years. According to experts, this will reduce the cost of funeral procedures. After the lease expires, the cemetery will not be demolished. The authorities will conclude a new agreement on the use of the land for another forty-nine years.

Pet burial

How to open a private cemetery until amendments to existing ones are adopted legislative acts? Currently, the business idea of ​​burying pets is being implemented in Russia. This problem is relevant not only for urban residents. It also worries the people of the countryside.

Today, more and more people keep animals in city apartments. Pets often become practically members of the family. However, their life expectancy is much shorter than that of humans. The death of an animal is tragic event for the owner. In addition, the burial of the animal becomes a big problem. It is impossible to do this within the city, and hardly anyone will dare to throw a dead pet in the trash.

Idea for business

Currently, private cemeteries for pets exist near the capital. However, there are still many free niches in the regions for such activities. Taking advantage of this idea is not difficult. At the same time, you can receive good dividends.

First steps

In order to organize your own business for the burial of pets, you will need to draw up a business plan for the cemetery. This document should develop the main provisions regarding the provision of such services. First of all, a cemetery business plan is a document in which it is necessary to reflect the criterion for choosing a land plot.

This should be an area located either within the city or on its outskirts, but away from residential buildings. This stage is the most difficult, because it is necessary to choose a site that is not of particular value to the city authorities. After that, you will need to conclude a lease agreement.


The business plan of the cemetery should provide for the tidying up of the leased area. Improvement of the territory will consist in marking the area for buildings. For advertising purposes, you will need to equip four or five graves.
The cemetery where pets will be buried must have the following:

A wall for cremated pets, which will be a brick structure divided into square meters;
- "Walk of Fame" for particularly distinguished animals, who during their lifetime were rescuers, circus performers, etc.;
- economy and VIP-class plots for clients with different financial capabilities;
- a service center for those owners who want to order a coffin, photo medallion, cemetery monuments and other ritual accessories for their deceased pets.

Initial investment

How to open a cemetery? You will need a certain amount of initial capital. Cash investments needed to pay for the leased land. The amount of this amount directly depends on the region in which the private churchyard is located. There will also be costs associated with landscaping. Their size can range from one hundred and fifty to three hundred thousand rubles. To promote a business, you will need advertising (prepare about ten thousand rubles).

What documents will be needed?

A pet cemetery business plan should include all the preparatory paperwork. A license to conduct this activity is not required. Nevertheless, before starting work, it is necessary to conclude a number of agreements with environmental services, with sanitary and epidemiological supervision, as well as with an animal disease control station.

A deceased pet is subject to mandatory examination by a veterinarian. In addition, all services must be provided in compliance with existing anti-epizootic measures. Special certificate number three requires even transportation carried out in special vehicles.

A prerequisite for this business is the daily disinfection of vehicles providing animal ritual services. Once a month, a specialist of the veterinary station should be invited. He will carry out a complete disinfection of vehicles.

List of rendered services

Foreign experience shows that a good income can be obtained by opening a pet ritual business. The pet cemetery should bring good profit. Its specific size will depend on the list of services provided. The main income of such cemeteries is formed from the amounts paid for the rented cemetery space. A considerable share will be paid for the provided funeral services.

Cemetery prices in Moscow for one grave start from five thousand rubles a year. Owners whose pet's ashes are placed in the wall contribute a little less. The annual fee for a place is three thousand rubles. A grave located on the Walk of Fame is much more expensive. Here, for one place, you will need to pay fifteen thousand rubles a year.

If your company will carry out the delivery of animal corpses to the cemetery, then you will need a special transport equipped with a refrigerator. The fare for transportation will vary depending on the mileage.

On the territory of the cemetery, you can build a building, equipping it with a cremation oven. In the absence of financial opportunities, a veterinary clinic can do this, with which an appropriate contract must be concluded. The cost of services rendered by the crematorium will be about eight thousand rubles. This tariff is set for individual incineration of ashes.

The profitability of your business will also depend on the range of services of the service center, which can make monuments and portraits of your favorite pets by order of the owners.

Not far from the cemetery, it is advisable to open an animal shelter. In it, the owners will be able to find a new friend. A veterinary clinic can also be built at the cemetery, which will provide services for euthanizing old and sick animals.

Now you can calculate the profitability of the zoo-ritual business. By renting burial sites, every hundred clients will receive an amount from three hundred to five hundred thousand rubles a year. The provision of funeral services will bring income from 0.5 to 1.5 million rubles. The services of the service center will allow you to take from customers from two hundred to seven hundred and fifty thousand rubles. Thus, the annual income will be from 1 to 2.75 million rubles.

On May 28, in the suburbs of Sharya (Kostroma region), the first private cemetery in our country was solemnly opened. Its appearance was initiated not only by its owner, Yevgeny Golovin, but also by local residents, the administration of the city and the district.

Cemetery "Country"

At one o'clock on the outskirts of this small town, near the territory surrounded by a gray even palisade with rare, neat white columns, about twenty people shifted from foot to foot. Lyudmila Kosterova, head of the public reception office of the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Central federal district in the city of Sharya and the Sharya district, and the film crew of the local TV channel, and correspondents from newspapers, as well as just guests and just curious. Black umbrellas, dark outfits, flowers... It seems that the people gathered here came to the funeral. Even the sun, watching the gathering of guests at the cemetery, could not stand it and for the first time in a whole week crawled into plump gray rain clouds.

Everyone was waiting for the main persons of the action - the priest and the owner.

Something is late, - two guests are talking in a whisper and looking around. - Could have warned by phone. Yet we do not live in the tundra. Would have come later.

Directly above the heads of the public on the gate, in large black letters, neatly printed: "Agency of funeral services. Cemetery" Zagorodnoye ". The quiet rustle of wide tires on the sand, and, finally, everything is assembled. Light rain fell from the sky.

Well, let's start, probably, - met the audience, opening the door of the jeep, Evgeny Golovin, the owner of the cemetery.

“You can start,” said Archpriest Father Seraphim, who had come to consecrate the cemetery, in a bass voice, having managed to put on a festive golden phelonion in two minutes, straighten the pages already quite wrinkled from excitement from the psalmist and pour holy water from two one and a half liter plastic bottles into a silver vat. But as soon as the priest waved the censer, and the psalmist struck the first note, someone from the crowd suggested, just in case, "according to the original Russian tradition" to cut the ribbon. Scissors, after a long search, were found in one of the guests' cosmetic bags.

It seems to me that you need to cut it from this side towards the cemetery, they say, welcome from this world to the next, - one of the ladies suggested gracefully waving her hand, the rest silently supported her.

The blunt, short blades of the scissors dug into the fabric, tormenting her flesh in vain for about five minutes. As a result, the threads still gave up, and the path to the cemetery was opened. By this point, the rain had turned into a downpour. A whisper passed through the crowd: "It's raining - Charrier brings happiness." The priest fumigated the audience with incense, read several pages from the sayings of Peter Mogila and the Serbian breviary, sometimes straying on difficult-to-pronounce ancient Slavic words.

Look, and someone is already buried there, - one of the guests chattered over the holy father and hymns, pointing his finger at the wreaths and a fresh mound.

Yes, he could not wait for the opening, we were persuaded for a very long time, and in the end we agreed, - the owner explained. - A young guy crashed on our roads on a motorcycle. His name was Alexander Pankov.

Paying no attention to the blasts of heaven that had opened up, the priest, under a wall of rain, made three religious processions, sprinkled everyone abundantly with holy water and, ending the ritual, said: "Glory to you, Lord, it has happened!" Then he carefully folded the Bible, got into the car and drove away.

The sun came out of the sky, turning the downpour into mushroom rain.

Favorite city can sleep peacefully

You see, everything happened by itself with the cemetery - after grand opening and the consecration began to tell the owner of the funeral agency Yevgeny Golovin. - I began to engage in "sad" craft seven years ago. The idea arose after I killed my friend Victor for almost a week to organize the funeral. I, local, ran like clockwork, signing the necessary papers, traveling around the city and suburbs in search of a coffin, wreaths, knocking out, almost in the truest sense of the word, a place in the cemetery. After everything was found, and the funeral was over, I realized that this industry needs to be developed. So I got down to business: behind me I have an unfinished pedagogical university and an unacquired profession of a teacher of labor, the army and three years of service in the police. And so I rented a small room in the local House of Culture. It was so cramped that only I could fit in there on a chair and a table. He hung a sign "Funeral accessories" on the door and hung the same leaflets on all the pillars of the city. And it began, I went to the manufacturers in an area twenty kilometers from the city, looking for good coffins. We have a lot of sawmills, but to knock down such a thing was taken only from raw wood, without even upholstering it with cloth. At night he painted and decorated the coffins. Slowly business developed, people came to me.

As soon as the funeral service began to work on the conveyor principle, and the small room turned into a spacious two-story house-office, Golovin began to think about the cemetery. By that time, he had already managed to build a chapel opposite the office.

The chapel - for ease of farewell to relatives, - continued, not daring to leave his new brainchild, Evgeny Nikolaevich. - We still have a tradition from the village time - it is necessary to say goodbye to the dead in the house. There is no such premises in the city, and since we are still quite Big City and we even have six-story residential buildings - it’s hard to drag a body back and forth even without an elevator. So I built a chapel according to my own project, a local artist made a crucifix, painted icons. In November, Father Seraphim consecrated it, with the approval of the Kostroma diocese. And after that, the only thing that did not suit me and the clients in business was complete absence places in our three city cemeteries. They are not just overcrowded, according to all laws and universal standards, they should have been closed ten years ago. Their condition is terrible, some time ago I asked the administration to allow them to put things in order, to remove all unnecessary garbage. But they refused, as well as to allocate land within the city. But with the idea of ​​a new private cemetery was supported by the administration of the Sharya district. In February, the paperwork began. And in April, we were already allowed to do preparatory work. So now my clients will have even less problems.

A place on the "Zagorodny" is not so expensive - only 700 rubles, plus a monthly subscription fee, if it's hard to take care of the grave yourself. True, Golovin cannot yet say anything intelligible about the size of the fee, not everything has been fully calculated.

A total of 21,000 graves will be planted on 15 hectares of cemetery land. So, at the rate of two people a day, the cemetery will be filled to capacity just in the 49 years allocated to Yevgeny Golovin for this enterprise. At the end of the term, anything can be created on it. For example, Golovin's predecessor was going to build a flax mill on the site of the current churchyard, but there was not enough money.

I can't buy land, it's too expensive for me, - the entrepreneur continues. - But I rented it for 49 years. Of course, the district administration will take some kind of rent, but the amount has not yet been discussed. For us, after all, the exact same laws of the Russian Federation apply as for the state "last refuge for the body." And then, take, for example, the state cemetery in Sharya, where they bury under power lines, which cannot be done, because they are often repaired. So there all the relatives who got places are warned that the graves can be demolished at any moment.

Unlike the state churchyard, it is not allowed to "sit down" with the dead in the new cemetery, as well as to bury urns. But if the client wants to "lie down" next to a relative, you need to pay in advance for two or three places, depending on the size of the family. They say that Golovin's queue has already gathered for those who are eager to take care of "the last of their people" in advance.

There will be no problems with this, we will place everyone! - in parting assures Golovin.

In the city administration, they are keeping quiet about the cheerful prospects of the entrepreneur, referring to the fact that the experience is new, the business is young. But in the area, managers were more optimistic.

It's good that he opens a cemetery, - Irina Lebedeva, chairman of the committee for managing property and land relations of the administration of the Sharyinsky district of the Kostroma region, commented to RG. - All our churchyards are in a deplorable state, everything is overcrowded. And then I think that a place in a private cemetery will not cost too much. After all, we discussed with him that prices should be affordable, almost like in state graveyards. In addition, the people supported us. We carried out monitoring in winter, interviewed all residents of the city and villages. It turned out that the majority voted for a new and clean, albeit private, cemetery. The only complaint was about prices. And then Golovin himself - a respected man, well-known in the city. He does charity work, helps churches, administrations.

Eh, roads: dust and pits

Sharya is a small town. Only 39 thousand people live in it, but, according to residents of the Kostroma region, after Kostroma, it is in second place in terms of the level of crime.

Here, large jeeps often explode, private houses blaze, and young people, in their free time from idleness, shoot from Kalashnikovs at monuments, lanterns and shop windows, one of the local residents, conductor Anna, who is waiting for a regular bus to the village of Kozlovo, shared with RG. .

According to local legend, the name of the city, strange for the Russian language, comes from the Tatar word "sharya", which means "pit" in translation.

The city really strongly resembles a large pit: old black two-story houses sag under the weight of their own roofs, and it seems that they are about to fall apart, and the roads in general are more like a colander, only flatter and elongated.

Asphalt on the roads in some places, of course, lies. But basically, it either bristles towards the sun, as after a nuclear explosion, or disappears without a trace in the depths of the earth. So, for example, in this city, for the first time I "flyed" in a passenger car, like from a springboard. The car sped along one of the main streets of the city. Suddenly, the asphalt potholes ended along with the asphalt, and about a meter away from us, the road continued, however, half a meter lower. The taxi driver suggested that we get out if we did not want to fly, but we could not miss such an extreme, perhaps presented once in a lifetime. Then he backed a little, accelerated and, like a skier, rushed headlong into the abyss. For a moment, all four wheels were in the air.

We have almost every day someone dies on the roads, unless, of course, they shoot him, - complained the virtuoso taxi driver Anatoly Rybkin. - So we have a lot of taxi drivers injured, all with experience, but anyway, they either break their necks or their legs and arms, and so every year.

But entrepreneur Yevgeny Golovin does not give money to the roads, because he believes that anyway they will not reach the roads themselves. In the meantime, according to city statistics, Yevgeny Nikolayevich's main clients are young people, who are dying more and more often on deadly highways.

Cemetery- this is a piece of territory intended and allocated for the burial of the dead or their ashes after cremation.

On the territory of Moscow there are more than 70 active cemeteries. Cemeteries rightfully belong to the most famous necropolises of the Russian capital. This is due to the fact that they arose much earlier than others. Moscow churchyards(in the 18th century), and thanks to the preserved ancient tombstones, they now represent a historical and cultural value. Legendary artists, famous scientists, musicians, athletes and others are buried here. prominent figures. celebrity graves and the convenient location of old churchyards not only attract visitors, but motivate them to buy what is in short supply place in the cemetery for your loved ones. The largest necropolis in Russian capital today is considered a cemetery.

Current cemeteries in Moscow open for burials

Modern cemeteries in Moscow are landscaped, exemplarily well-groomed and offer services for the regular and beautification of burial sites. However, there is a shortage of space in conveniently located Moscow cemeteries, and therefore burials in most necropolises are made mainly in existing ones. relatives and family graves. However, there are graveyards where the traditional type of burial is now carried out. This, and cemeteries.

Some Moscow cemeteries provide entire plots for the creation of family crypts, relatives and family burials (as well as a cemetery).

Church of the Resurrection of the Word at the Vagankovsky cemetery

Religious Muslim cemeteries

Orthodox churches operate on the territory of many Moscow necropolises. temples and chapels where funerals, memorial ceremonies and other services are held. Along with this, cemeteries in Moscow provide conditions for burials according to Muslim traditions, including separate plots for Muslims. Muslim cemeteries there are on, and necropolises.

Moscow columbariums

In addition to the traditional coffin burial, many Moscow cemeteries offer specially designated areas for burial. This type of burial is made in niches. It should be noted that at the necropolises in the Russian capital, as a rule, open columbariums. Less common (but they still exist) are burials of urns with ashes in a sarcophagus. This type of burial is carried out in cemeteries.

Some Moscow necropolises do not have on their territory operating crematoria. This, and cemeteries. Crematoria provide services not only to Muscovites, but also to residents other cities Russia.

How many cemeteries are there in Moscow in total?

There are about 150 cemeteries in Moscow and the Moscow region, including those on which burials have been discontinued or are made in only related graves. Wherein active necropolises in the city and region less than half - about 70.

Prices: how much does a place in a cemetery in Moscow cost?

According to the Federal Law on Burial and Funeral Affairs, every person after his death is guaranteed «… provision of a plot of land free of charge for the burial of the body (remains) or ashes”. Relatives can receive all additional privileges and conveniences on a reimbursable basis both from the cemetery administration and through ritual agencies. Usually this a place for the grave closer to the entrance to the cemetery or to the road, more large and non-standard plots for the grave or (rarely) places from the reserve fund. Such additional services do not have a price cap. But still, most plots for the grave in Moscow are provided free of charge.

Opening hours of cemeteries in Moscow and the Moscow region

All Moscow cemeteries open to the public at the same hours. Opening hours of the necropolises:

  • 9:00 - 19:00 (May - September),
  • 9:00 - 17:00 (October - April).

Burials in Moscow cemeteries daily, from 9:00 - 17:00.

Now in Russia , alas, often there are problems with burial. Namely, it is not easy to bury our loved ones the way we want it. And the point here is not only in material possibilities (although this is also), but also in the fact that in our great and really huge country, there is a catastrophic shortage of convenient areas for cemeteries. It started yet V middle of the last century. By the way, it was then because of problems with good places for burial, and now a very persistent tradition has arisen to enclose allocated family plots. So they began to visually separate "ours" from "theirs", thus saving the issued land from someone else's claims to it.

The problem of the lack of good (and convenient) areas for burial was and is especially acute V cities, even relatively small ones. That's quite real example. Some of my relatives, according to one of the late grandmothers, live V a small town in the Voronezh province. They have 2 there cemeteries both out of town But V relative accessibility. The old one, located next to a residential area, is already closed for new burials. They bury only on existing family plots. A new, operating one was opened further away - near the landfill for the processing of household waste. The place, frankly, is not trump at all. But now the townspeople are glad that there are still places on it. However, they fill up at an alarming rate.

Private cemeteries V Russiaand other countries.

My brother told me that he had recently buried a friend. Just six months ago, there was emptiness around the fresh grave - only a dirt road passed there. A week ago, my brother visited the grave and was amazed: a densely “populated” area literally spread around it. Apparently-invisibly fresh graves. They say that literally in a year the territory for new burials will be completely closed, and next cemetery open very far 28 kilometers from the city. Horror, but nothing can be done: there are simply no lands suitable for sanitary standards. How do you get there if you don't have a car? How much time and effort will people have to spend visiting and caring for expensive graves?

And this is the story of a small town. A V regional centers, and even more so in megacities, the old prestigious cemeteries located within the city are generally overcrowded a long time ago and are considered closed. That is you can bury there, but only very close relatives Vold family graves, and even with special permission. Or for a lot of money moreover, the amount is established (legally or not) by financially interested persons from the administration cemeteries . It is often determined quite arbitrarily, so it is difficult to calculate and plan in advance. IN In Moscow, the cost of a place in a prestigious churchyard generally starts from 150 thousand rubles. These circumstances explain the great interest of Russians in the idea private cemeteries which could solve at least some of the emerging problems.

What is calledprivate cemeteryand what it might look like.

In fact, uh that's quite normal cemetery, but much more civilized and well-groomed than most municipal. At private churchyards often build crematoriums, columbariums, complexes for funeral ceremonies, be sure to put chapels and other temples, V which you can sing to the deceased and pray for his soul, put candles, order a liturgy. Such cemeteries in accordance with the burial legislation and other norms of the state in whose territory they were established.

From neighboring countriesprivate cemeteries

is on Ukraine and VKazakhstan, but they not quite traditional. I mean, their existence and work cannot be said to be completely legal. This is especially true of Ukraine, where such graveyards appear spontaneously. There are they near Kiev, Zaporozhye, in the west of the country. And here V Their presence and work are not regulated in any way by the legislation of the state. The Rada (Ukrainian legislative body) is only going to adopt private cemetery law. However, this does not prevent these Ukrainian necropolises from looking chic, since only wealthy people can buy places on them from the owners of the territory. Such a pleasure is very expensive, and an annual fee for landscaping also relies. But the graves are provided with year-round care, they are guarded, you can buy a place for a family tomb and even a ready-made crypt.

IN Kazakhstan in last years state cemeteries are transferred to privatehands - to companies that won the corresponding tender. Of course, businessmen are not interested in mazars (graves), which are located V bare steppe (such cemeteries in majority in the country), and city graveyards V Almaty, Aktobe and so on. New owners lead the territory V order, set prices for renting plots and for all kinds of services - organizing funerals, arranging and cleaning the territory, ensuring security and other benefits. By the way, prices are rolling out significant, which causes V Kazakh society outrage. After all former city cemeteries become privatewhere everyone used to be buried - both rich and poor. Now people with low incomes are suffering because of the exorbitant cost of maintaining the graves.

IN European Union sameprivate cemeteries- it's quite common. There, the municipalities make sure that a certain social justice reigns in their territories. Here, for example, my second cousin aunt from Latvian Riga recently buried her husband just on the first in Latvia private churchyard. It was opened there in the early 2000s. So it has areas of premium and VIP classes with chic monuments, crypts, even lawns and plants from botanical garden. And there are economical territories where standard steles stand, but the same cleanliness and grooming reigns. You can even buy expensive seats V installment for 2 years. Payment for the maintenance of the grave is made every year. But if V For 5 years, money for the site is not received, then the monument is removed, and the mound is leveled. Business and nothing personal.

IN Russia

unfortunately so far legally and officially open such cemeteryit is forbidden. This no concept at all V federal law “On burial and funeral business” (No. 8-FZ of January 12, 1996), which today regulates everything. But it is known that the Duma has long been discussing (with varying success) a new draft law "On Burial and Funeral Business." It suggests the possibility of opening private cemeteries . This initiative is also V In 2003, submitted to the Antimonopoly Committee, concerned about the poor state of affairs V ritual Russian business.

However, the adoption of the law is constantly delayed due to all sorts of disagreements and contradictions that arise. For example, legislators fear that graves located on private lands, may actually become the property of the owners or tenants of such cemeteries . In addition, a lot of adjustments need to be made at the same time. V Land Code of the Russian Federation and many other legislative acts. So V best case Funeral Licensing and Opportunity to Invest to cemeteries can get (and then not soon) some IP V Moscow and St. Petersburg. It will be like a pilot project that will show in practice all the pros and cons of existence private cemeteries in Russia.

About rumors.

From different sources known that, according to the new bill, to open private cemetery in Russia it will be necessary not only to obtain a license and win an auction for a land plot suitable for a churchyard. Besides, you will need to sign a number of contracts: with environmental services, with sanitary and epidemiological supervision, with morgues and municipal ritual services. IN in general, to collect a huge package of documents and approvals.

These graveyards will be located on lands specially designated for burial. Their the arrangement must also comply with the specified standards. There it is necessary to provide economical and expensive sites for people with different financial capabilities, as well as places for burying ashes in the urn (including columbar wall), and for traditional funeral. Mandatory criteria for opening such cemeteries there will be a ritual hall and appropriate landscaping (paved and landscaped alleys, plumbing systems, lighting, and so on). themselves burial plots are supposed to be given to those who wish Vlease for a period of 25 years with the possibility of subsequent renewal. For rent, a certain amount of money will be charged - a one-time fee. And for the care of the territory - another annual one. And, of course, such cemeteries will offer all kinds of ritual services: burial, making and installation of a monument, additional improvement of the grave, and others.

Despite the absence of the necessary law, V Russia still has several small cemeteries, which can also be in a certain sense call private. Although they are presented as municipal enterprises. One of them is located V Kostroma region. It was still open V 2004 the owner of a ritual office. He got the land V lease for 49 years from the local municipality and works in coordination with all city authorities. Second private cemetery in Tolyatti is part of the city churchyard, given individual entrepreneur. He invested significant funds, as it were, on the terms of a public-private partnership. IN as a result, the businessman gained control of the old territory the graveyard that was brought in order, partially re-planned and equipped there generic sites of the VIP category. Not free, of course. However, those who wish to put the remains of their relatives there are not transferred.

IN In general, we have the horse (as usual, when it comes to entrepreneurship) ahead of the cart. But what if the cart slows down, and the demand is not just there - it is literally huge? Of course, different opinions can be expressed on this topic. On the one hand, illegal business is bad and leads to chaos and corruption. On the other hand, we already have enough corruption in this area. It simply cannot but be with a severe shortage of good cemeteries and places on them. Representatives of all municipal unitary enterprises and state unitary enterprises take advantage of these circumstances and pump money out of them. Bribes, bribes, bribes. So I'm in favor of private cemeteries appeared with us as quickly as possible, and I consider the already existing options for their work to be a good thing.

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