And dawn here quiet presentations. And the dawns here are quiet

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Boris Vasilyev Boris Vasilyev was born on May 21, 1924 in Smolensk After graduating from the 9th grade, at the age of seventeen he volunteered for the front. In 1943, after a shell shock, he entered the military-technical academy of armored and mechanized troops. After graduating in 1948, he worked as a test engineer for combat vehicles.

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In 1954 he left the army and took up professional literary activity. Printed since 1954. Fame brought him the story of 1969 "The dawns here are quiet." Author of many short stories, novels, plays, and journalism. More than 15 films have been made based on books and scripts by Boris Vasiliev. Boris Vasiliev - Laureate State Prize USSR, prizes of the President of Russia, Independent prize of the movement named after academician A. D. Sakharov "April", international literary prize"Moscow-Penne", prizes of the Union of Writers of Moscow "Venets", Russian Academy cinematographic arts "Nika" - "For Honor and Dignity".

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“The Dawns Here Are Quiet...” In the story “The Dawns Here Are Quiet...” tragic events take place at the 171st junction, little known to anyone, in the forest, away from which the Germans are bombing the Murmansk road around the clock. The title of the story is the exact opposite of the events of the story itself. Before the symbol, both heroic and tragic at the same time, rises the feat of foreman Vaskov and five anti-aircraft gunners.

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To the foreman, dissatisfied with the behavior of the soldiers (in particular, the craving for opposite sex) send volunteer girls, many of whom have just finished school. Soon a report arrives that a sabotage mission is going through the nearby swamps. german group. And this group must be stopped at all costs.

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These girls dreamed of Great love, tenderness, family warmth - but they fell to their lot brutal war and they fulfilled their military duty to the end. Boris Vasiliev asks the question: “Why, a woman, called by nature to give life, goes to war to kill?” And in the course of the story, we learn that each of them had their own, special account for the enemy.

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So, Rita Osyanina takes the place of her husband, a border guard, who died on the very first day of the war, in the ranks of the defenders of the Fatherland ...

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The student Sonya Gurvich had her entire family in Minsk at the start of the war. Relatives ended up in the Jewish ghetto. And Sonya goes to the front to contribute to the victory and bring the end of the war closer, and hence the liberation of her own.

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Lisa Brichkina had a dream: she really wanted to study, but the war mixed up all plans, and Lisa went to the front to return her dream.

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In front of the daughter of the red commander Zhenya Komelkova, their mother, younger brother and sister were shot. She was hidden by a neighbor. And Zhenya volunteers to take revenge.

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“... Five girls, five girls were in total, only five! ..”

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History of creation
According to the author, the story is based on a real episode during the war, when seven soldiers, after being wounded, served at one of the junction stations of the Petrozavodsk-Murmansk railway, did not allow a German sabotage group to blow up railway on this area. After the battle, only a sergeant survived, the commander of a group of Soviet fighters, who after the war was awarded the medal "For Military Merit". The author began to work with this plot. And suddenly I realized that nothing would come of it. It will just be special case at war. There was nothing fundamentally new in this story. Work is up. And then suddenly it came up - let the hero have not men, but young girls in submission. And that's it - the story immediately lined up.

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But a small detachment is cut off from its own. And you can find a way out only at a price own life. These girls dreamed of great love, tenderness, family warmth - but a cruel war fell to their lot, and they fulfilled their military duty to the end ...
At the beginning of June 1942, five anti-aircraft gunners and their commander, foreman Vaskov, having gone on reconnaissance, unexpectedly discover that German troops landed in this seemingly still far from the front area. This must be reported to headquarters.

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Liza Brichkina
The war destroyed her very cherished dream: get an education in a technical school. He promised to arrange a guest of his father, who liked Lisa, in a technical school with a hostel. Liza is drowning in the swamp, through which she was supposed to get help, but she crunched loudly under the weight of Elizabeth's body when she was dragged into the quagmire and she tried to get out, because the fate of the detachment depends on how quickly she gets to her own. The girl dies first, but her death was not soon known.

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Sonya gurvich
Sonya came to the war from her student days. She does not part with a volume of her favorite poems. But Sonya Gurvich has a family in the rear, and she dreams of hastening the end of the war, and hence meeting with her relatives. A student dies from fascist bullets. She ran for the pouch, which was presented to the foreman. But after a while Sonya's cry was heard. Everyone ran to the place where the girl went, and there she lies with half-closed eyes.

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Galya quarter
Galya was an orphan, she lived in an orphanage. On the first day of the war, their entire group was sent to the military commissar. Everyone was assigned, but Galya did not fit anywhere either in age or height. The girl did not give up, and in the end she was identified as an anti-aircraft gunner. Galya Chetvertak with the foreman went to reconnaissance, and when she was sitting, hiding in the bushes, the Nazis passed two steps away from her. Galya cannot stand the nervous tension and betrays herself. She tries to run, but the bullet catches up with her. It was the third loss in the small detachment.

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Zhenya Komelkova
In front of the eyes of the daughter of a red officer, their mother, younger brother and sister were shot. Zhenya is hidden by a neighbor in her house. She goes to war to avenge the deaths of her loved ones. Zhenya, shooting back, lures enemies into the forest. But she alone cannot cope with them and dies from enemy bullets.

B. Vasiliev

“And the dawns here are quiet…”

  • Born May 21, 1924 in Smolensk. Father is a regular officer of the Red Army.
  • After graduating from the 9th grade, at the age of seventeen he volunteered for the front. In 1943, after a shell shock, he entered the military-technical academy of armored and mechanized troops. After graduating in 1948, he worked as a test engineer for combat vehicles.

  • In 1954 he left the army and took up professional literary activity. Printed since 1954. Fame brought him the story of 1969 "The dawns here are quiet." Author of many short stories, novels, plays, and journalism. More than 15 films have been made based on books and scripts by Boris Vasiliev.
  • In 1993, he signed the "Letter of the 42".
  • In 2006 participated in the release of the book "Autograph of the Century".
  • The theme of the Great Patriotic War occupies a central place in the work of Boris Vasiliev.

“And the dawns here are quiet…”

  • In the story "The Dawns Here Are Quiet..." tragic events take place at the 171st junction, little known to anyone, in the forest, away from which the Germans are bombing the Murmansk road around the clock.
  • The title of the story is the exact opposite of the events of the story itself. Before the symbol, both heroic and tragic at the same time, rises the feat of foreman Vaskov and five anti-aircraft gunners.

  • These girls dreamed of great love, tenderness, family warmth - but a cruel war fell to their lot, and they fulfilled their military duty to the end.
  • Boris Vasiliev asks the question: “Why, a woman, called by nature to give life, goes to war to kill?”

  • And in the course of the story, we learn that each of them had their own, special account for the enemy.
  • So, Rita Osyanina takes the place of her husband, a border guard, who died on the very first day of the war, in the ranks of the defenders of the Fatherland ...

  • In front of the daughter of the red commander Zhenya Komelkova, their mother, younger brother and sister were shot. She was hidden by a neighbor.
  • And Zhenya volunteers to take revenge.

  • The girls have no military experience, but they go into battle. At the cost of their lives, they managed to stop the Nazis, one foreman remains alive, who was able to capture several enemy soldiers. He is seriously injured, demobilized and adopts the son of the deceased Rita Osyanina.
  • Approximately twenty years later, he arrives with his adopted son at the place of his mother's death and meets there resting boys and girls.

  • Front-line soldier Stanislav Rostotsky filmed Boris Vasiliev's story "The Dawns Here Are Quiet..." with bright sadness about his generation - swept away by the war, "did not love", did not live the time he had measured. About the unaccomplished, irreplaceable, lost.

"... When we showed this film in Venice, the semi-hostile tuxedo hall of two and a half thousand people, unable to stand it, began to applaud ordinary Soviet girls in military overcoats while watching, applauding their deeds ..." - S. Rostotsky.

Martynov Andrey Leonidovich (24.10.1945)

Roles in the film are played :

  • Viktor Avdyushko Andrey Martynov - Petty Officer Fedot Vaskov Olga Ostroumova - Zhenya Kamelkova Irina Shevchuk - Rita Osyanina Elena Drapeko - Liza Brichkina Lyudmila Zaitseva - Platoon Assistant Sergeant Kiryanova Ekaterina Markova - Galina Chetvertak Irina Dolganova - Sonya Gurvich Alla Meshcheryakova - Marya, Fedot's landlady Kirill Stolyarov - Sergey Stolyarov Igor Kostolevsky - In love with Sonya Gurvich
  • film crew Script writers: Vasiliev, Boris Lvovich Rostotsky, Stanislav Iosifovich Director: Rostotsky, Stanislav Iosifovich Cameraman: Shumsky, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Production designer: Serebrennikov, Sergei Aleksandrovich

Drapeko and Zaitseva with the director of the film "The Dawns Here Are Quiet..." S. Rostotsky.

Books written by B. Vasiliev.

  • And the dawns here are quiet... (1969) Tale
  • There were and weren't. (1977-1980) Novel
  • Didn't appear on the list. (1974) Tale
  • Hello from Baba Lera ... (1988)
  • Magnificent six. (1980) Story
  • Veteran. (1976) Story
  • Prophetic Oleg. (1996) East. novel
  • Meeting engagement. (1979)
  • Whose are you, old man? (1982) Story
  • Wilderness. (2001) Novel
  • A long day. (1960) Film screenplay
  • The house that grandfather built. (1991)
  • Tomorrow was the war. (1984) Tale
  • And there was evening, and there was morning. (1987)
  • Ivanov boat. (1957) Tale
  • Gambler and Breter, Gambler and Duelist: Notes of a great-great-grandfather. (1998)
  • Prince Yaroslav and his sons. (1997) East. novel
  • My horses are flying. (1982)
  • Don't shoot white swans. (1973) Novel
  • Burning bush. (1986) Story
  • Another flight. (1958) Film screenplay
  • The very last day. (1970)
  • Knock and it will open. (1955) Play
  • Tankers. [Officers] (1954) Play
  • Soothe my sorrows. (1997)
  • Exhibit No.
  • Skobelev, or There is only a moment ... () East. the novel - according to chronology and heroes, is an offshoot of the novel "There were and weren't."

Screen adaptations of B. Vasiliev's works:

  • "Another Flight" (1958)
  • "Long Day" (1961)
  • "Trace in the Ocean" (1964)
  • "Royal Regatta" (1966)
  • "On the way to Berlin" (1969)
  • "Officers" (1971)
  • “And the dawns here are quiet…” (1972)
  • "Ivanov boat" (1972)
  • "Aty-bats, there were soldiers" (1976)
  • "Don't Shoot the White Swans" (1980)
  • "Defendant" (1985)
  • "At the call of the heart" (1986)
  • "Riders" (1987)
  • "Tomorrow there was a war" (1987)
  • "Who are you, old man?" (1988)
  • "I am a Russian soldier" (1995).
  • “The Dawns Here Are Quiet…” - television series, China, 2005

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B. Vasiliev

  • “And the dawns here are quiet…”
Born May 21, 1924 in Smolensk. Father is a regular officer of the Red Army.
  • Born May 21, 1924 in Smolensk. Father is a regular officer of the Red Army.
  • After graduating from the 9th grade, at the age of seventeen he volunteered for the front. In 1943, after a shell shock, he entered the military-technical academy of armored and mechanized troops. After graduating in 1948, he worked as a test engineer for combat vehicles.
In 1954 he left the army and took up professional literary activity. Printed since 1954. Fame brought him the story of 1969 "The dawns here are quiet." Author of many short stories, novels, plays, and journalism. More than 15 films have been made based on books and scripts by Boris Vasiliev.
  • In 1954 he left the army and took up professional literary activity. Printed since 1954. Fame brought him the story of 1969 "The dawns here are quiet." Author of many short stories, novels, plays, and journalism. More than 15 films have been made based on books and scripts by Boris Vasiliev.
  • In 1993, he signed the "Letter of the 42".
  • In 2006 participated in the release of the book "Autograph of the Century".
  • The theme of the Great Patriotic War occupies a central place in the work of Boris Vasiliev.
“And the dawns here are quiet…”
  • In the story "The Dawns Here Are Quiet..." tragic events take place at the 171st junction, little known to anyone, in the forest, away from which the Germans are bombing the Murmansk road around the clock.
  • The title of the story is the exact opposite of the events of the story itself. Before the symbol, both heroic and tragic at the same time, rises the feat of foreman Vaskov and five anti-aircraft gunners.
To the foreman, dissatisfied with the behavior of the soldiers (in particular, the craving for the opposite sex), volunteer girls are sent, many of whom have just finished school. Soon a report arrives that a German sabotage group is moving through the nearby swamps. And this group must be stopped at all costs.
  • To the foreman, dissatisfied with the behavior of the soldiers (in particular, the craving for the opposite sex), volunteer girls are sent, many of whom have just finished school. Soon a report arrives that a German sabotage group is moving through the nearby swamps. And this group must be stopped at all costs.
These girls dreamed of great love, tenderness, family warmth - but a cruel war fell to their lot, and they fulfilled their military duty to the end.
  • These girls dreamed of great love, tenderness, family warmth - but a cruel war fell to their lot, and they fulfilled their military duty to the end.
  • Boris Vasiliev asks the question: “Why, a woman, called by nature to give life, goes to war to kill?”
And in the course of the story, we learn that each of them had their own, special account for the enemy.
  • And in the course of the story, we learn that each of them had their own, special account for the enemy.
  • So, Rita Osyanina takes the place of her husband, a border guard, who died on the very first day of the war, in the ranks of the defenders of the Fatherland ...
The student Sonya Gurvich had her entire family in Minsk at the start of the war. Relatives ended up in the Jewish ghetto. And Sonya goes to the front to contribute to the victory and bring the end of the war closer, and hence the liberation of her own.
  • The student Sonya Gurvich had her entire family in Minsk at the start of the war. Relatives ended up in the Jewish ghetto. And Sonya goes to the front to contribute to the victory and bring the end of the war closer, and hence the liberation of her own.
Lisa Brichkina had a dream: she really wanted to study, but the war mixed up all plans, and Lisa went to the front to return her dream.
  • Lisa Brichkina had a dream: she really wanted to study, but the war mixed up all plans, and Lisa went to the front to return her dream.
In front of the daughter of the red commander Zhenya Komelkova, their mother, younger brother and sister were shot. She was hidden by a neighbor.
  • In front of the daughter of the red commander Zhenya Komelkova, their mother, younger brother and sister were shot. She was hidden by a neighbor.
  • And Zhenya volunteers to take revenge.
The girls have no military experience, but they go into battle. At the cost of their lives, they managed to stop the Nazis, one foreman remains alive, who was able to capture several enemy soldiers. He is seriously injured, demobilized and adopts the son of the deceased Rita Osyanina.
  • The girls have no military experience, but they go into battle. At the cost of their lives, they managed to stop the Nazis, one foreman remains alive, who was able to capture several enemy soldiers. He is seriously injured, demobilized and adopts the son of the deceased Rita Osyanina.
  • Approximately twenty years later, he arrives with his adopted son at the place of his mother's death and meets there resting boys and girls.
Front-line soldier Stanislav Rostotsky filmed Boris Vasiliev's story "The Dawns Here Are Quiet..." with bright sadness about his generation - swept away by the war, "did not love", did not live the time he had measured. About the unaccomplished, irreplaceable, lost.
  • Front-line soldier Stanislav Rostotsky filmed Boris Vasiliev's story "The Dawns Here Are Quiet..." with bright sadness about his generation - swept away by the war, "did not love", did not live the time he had measured. About the unaccomplished, irreplaceable, lost.
  • "... When we showed this film in Venice, the semi-hostile tuxedo hall of two and a half thousand people, unable to stand it, began to applaud ordinary Soviet girls in military overcoats while watching, applauding their deeds ..." - S. Rostotsky.
Stills from the film “The Dawns Here Are Quiet…”
  • Martynov Andrey Leonidovich (24.10.1945)
Roles in the film are played:
  • Viktor Avdyushko Andrey Martynov - Petty Officer Fedot Vaskov Olga Ostroumova - Zhenya Kamelkova Irina Shevchuk - Rita Osyanina Elena Drapeko - Liza Brichkina Lyudmila Zaitseva - Sergeant Kiryanova Ekaterina Markova - Galina Chetvertak Irina Dolganova - Sonya Gurvich Alla Meshcheryakova - Marya, Fedot's landlady Kirill Stolyarov - Sergey Stolyarov Igor Kostolevsky - In love with Sonya Gurvich
  • film crew Script writers: Vasiliev, Boris Lvovich Rostotsky, Stanislav Iosifovich Director: Rostotsky, Stanislav Iosifovich Cameraman: Shumsky, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Production designer: Serebrennikov, Sergei Aleksandrovich
  • Drapeko and Zaitseva with the director of the film "The Dawns Here Are Quiet..." S. Rostotsky.
Books written by B. Vasiliev.
  • And the dawns here are quiet... (1969) Tale
  • There were and weren't. (1977-1980) Novel
  • Didn't appear on the list. (1974) Tale
  • Hello from Baba Lera ... (1988)
  • Magnificent six. (1980) Story
  • Veteran. (1976) Story
  • Prophetic Oleg. (1996) East. novel
  • Meeting engagement. (1979)
  • Whose are you, old man? (1982) Story
  • Wilderness. (2001) Novel
  • A long day. (1960) Film screenplay
  • The house that grandfather built. (1991)
  • Tomorrow was the war. (1984) Tale
  • And there was evening, and there was morning. (1987)
  • Ivanov boat. (1957) Tale
  • Gambler and Breter, Gambler and Duelist: Notes of a great-great-grandfather. (1998)
  • Prince Yaroslav and his sons. (1997) East. novel
  • My horses are flying. (1982)
  • Don't shoot white swans. (1973) Novel
  • Burning bush. (1986) Story
  • Another flight. (1958) Film screenplay
  • The very last day. (1970)
  • Knock and it will open. (1955) Play
  • Tankers. [Officers] (1954) Play
  • Soothe my sorrows. (1997)
  • Exhibit No.
  • Skobelev, or There is only a moment ... () East. the novel - according to chronology and heroes, is an offshoot of the novel "There were and weren't."
Screen adaptations of B. Vasiliev's works:
  • "Another Flight" (1958)
  • "Long Day" (1961)
  • "Trace in the Ocean" (1964)
  • "Royal Regatta" (1966)
  • "On the way to Berlin" (1969)
  • "Officers" (1971)
  • “And the dawns here are quiet…” (1972)
  • "Ivanov boat" (1972)
  • "Aty-bats, there were soldiers" (1976)
  • "Don't Shoot the White Swans" (1980)
  • "Defendant" (1985)
  • "At the call of the heart" (1986)
  • "Riders" (1987)
  • "Tomorrow there was a war" (1987)
  • "Who are you, old man?" (1988)
  • "I am a Russian soldier" (1995).
  • “The Dawns Here Are Quiet…” - television series, China, 2005
  • %D0%9B.
  • The work was done by a teacher of Russian language and literature
  • MOU secondary school No. 1, Lobnya
  • Bychkova Natalia Mikhailovna.
  • April 2009

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    “And the dawns here are quiet...” - this is a story about the war. The action takes place during the Great Patriotic War. At one of the railway sidings, soldiers of a separate anti-aircraft machine-gun battalion are serving. These fighters are girls, and they are commanded by foreman Fedot Evgrafovich Vaskov. At first this place was a quiet corner. The girls sometimes fired at the planes at night. One day something unexpected happened. The Germans showed up. Pursuing them in the forest, the girls, led by Vaskov, enter into an unequal battle with them. They die one after another, but rage and pain, the desire for revenge help Vaskov win.

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    Fedot Vaskov is thirty-two years old. He completed four classes of the regimental school, and in ten years he rose to the rank of foreman. Vaskov experienced a personal drama: after the Finnish war, his wife left him. Vaskov demanded his son through the court and sent him to his mother in the village, but the Germans killed him there. The foreman always feels older than his years, since from the age of 14 he begins to work. Fedot Evgrafovich Vaskov (Andrey Martynov)

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    Junior Sergeant Rita Osyanina married the “red commander” at the age of less than eighteen. She sent her son Alik to his parents. Her husband died heroically on the second day of the war, and Rita found out about it only a month later. Rita learned to hate and voluntarily went to the front to avenge her husband. She has a son, Albert (Alik), about whom the mortally wounded Rita tells Vaskov and asks to take care of him. Rita Osyanina (Irina Shevchuk)

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    Sonya Gurvich is a girl from the doctor's family. Her parents most likely died in Minsk. At that time she was studying in Moscow, preparing for the session. In the detachment, she was a translator. Sonya Gurvich (Irina Dolganova)

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    Galya Chetvertak does not know her parents. She was thrown into Orphanage. Accustomed to surround everything with mystery, she made the educators and teachers worry about this. Galya told everyone that her mother is a medical worker. It was not a lie, but desires posed as reality Galya Chetvertak (Ekaterina Markova)

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    Liza Brichkina was the daughter of a forester. One day, their father brought a guest to their house. Lisa liked him very much. He promised to place her in a technical school with a hostel, but the war began. Lisa always believed that tomorrow would come and be better than today. Lisa was the first to die. She drowned in the swamp, rushing for help. Liza Brichkina (Elena Drapeko)

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    Zhenya Komelkova (Olga Ostroumova) “Redhead Komelkova, despite all the tragedies, was extremely sociable and mischievous. Either for the amusement of the entire squad, he will bring some lieutenant to numbness, then at a break to the girl’s “la-la” he will dance the gypsy according to all the rules, then suddenly he starts telling a novel - you will listen.

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    All the girls tragically die. The story ends with a letter from a careless tourist who learns that "they once fought here too," and tells that he saw an old man without an arm, and with him young guy named Albert Fedotovich. The tourist also writes that they erected a monument on the grave. "I wanted to help them carry the stove and - did not dare." And he ends his letter with the following phrase: “The dawns here are quiet, quiet, I just saw it today.” This story tells us about young girls who, at the call of their hearts, went to the front and died so that we, the next generation, could live.

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