Andrey skorokhod got married a few days ago. Andrey Skorokhod: biography of KVNschik and Comedy Club resident Andrey Skorokhod personal life

Andrey Igorevich Skorokhod - comedian, resident comedy club, former member KVN team "Diode and Triod", screenwriter and singer.

Childhood and youth

Andrei was born and raised in a small Belarusian town with an unusual name Starye Dorogi. As a child, he gave his parents a lot of trouble with his restless character and not always exemplary behavior, which he more than compensated for with funny antics and sweet spontaneity.

The boy arranged home concerts, sang, danced, composed poems and funny reprises on the go, which incredibly touched those around him. In order to direct the energy of their son in a peaceful direction, his parents enrolled him in all the circles that only existed in the local House children's creativity. Andryusha played the clarinet, burned wood, wove macrame, performed on the puppet theater stage, visited the sports tourism section and played in KVN.

At the same time, he managed to study well at school and pleased his parents with high marks. In all subjects, except for chemistry and physics, he had "nines" and "tens" (in schools in Belarus, a 10-point grading system).

Comedian career

Having received a certificate, he left for Minsk and entered the budget department of the Moscow Economic University (BSEU). But the cybernetics, which he studied there, quickly bored the young student, and he was again drawn to creativity. With a friend Maxim Voronkov, they organized student team KVN "Lost Thoughts" and began to devote all their time to its development.

Very soon, the guys made their way to the Higher League of Belarus and became residents of the local Comedy Club, however, they paid for this with expulsion from the university for absenteeism. This circumstance did not upset Skorokhod in the least, since he had already mentally said goodbye to the profession of a cybernetics economist and did not see his future in this area. He made another attempt to get a higher education and entered the Vilnius European Humanities University at the Faculty of Law, but withdrew the documents after the first session.

Andrey Skorokhod on the stage of the Major League of KVN

Deciding to dedicate later life humor and stage activity, Andrey unexpectedly faced serious difficulties. The Lost Thoughts team broke up, and the Belarusian Comedy was not going through better times. There was no work, there was a catastrophic lack of money, and pride did not allow returning home.

Everything changed after a chance meeting with Slava Komissarenko, from whom Skorokhod borrowed a small amount of money. After some time, Slava called Andrei and jokingly offered to work off his debt in the Triod and Diod KVN team, which at that time was looking for a screenwriter to create numbers. So Skorokhod not only unexpectedly ended up in Moscow, but also “lit up” in the Major League.

Two years later he was invited to the Comedy Club on TNT. The audience warmly welcomed the former KVN worker, laughing heartily at his amusing miniatures. Particularly popular are the numbers in which Skorokhod performs with other Comedy members: Demis Karibidis, Marina Kravets, Timur Batrudinov, Zurab Matua, Dmitry Sorokin and Maxim Averin. Some miniatures with his participation have already entered the Golden Fund of the Comedy Club and have become a kind of calling card artist.

"Comedy Club": Andrey Skorokhod and Demis Karibidis

One of his favorite roles is “redneck rapper Glebati” (a parody of rapper Timati).

I am Glebati, I am from Detroitsk. I was born black to a white family on September 13, 1996, the day Tupac Shakur died! Now just add 2+2, manigaz: I'm Tupac reincarnated!


In February 2018, Olga Buzova was going to sue Andrey Skorokhod. It all started with the fact that Andrei on Instagram, which he runs on behalf of Glebat, compared Buzova with the Predator from the film of the same name, and then “liked” someone else’s comment, which seemed offensive to the singer.

Buzova called Skorokhod an "underdog" and announced that she would not leave the insult unpunished, but would defend her honor in court. The comedian tried to reduce everything to a joke by calling Olga to a rap battle, but she left the offer unanswered.

He has a heightened sense of justice, for which he often suffered from childhood, teachers constantly called his parents, because Andrei Skorokhod started a fight, protecting the little one, or insulted the teacher, revealing the truth. His biography began in 1988, in the small Belarusian town of Starye Dorogi, which had the only House of Culture. And Andrei studied in all circles at once - from knitting knots in macrame to theatrical circle. He himself does not remember when Andrei began to participate in KVN. City competitions of the club of cheerful and resourceful always came out in different age categories and he, growing up, did not miss a single season.

Having entered the University in Minsk, he participates in the KVN team of his faculty "economic cybernetics". The first-year student was distinguished by artistry, spontaneity and the ability to quickly respond to the situation, he soon became part of the main team of the institute's team and studies faded into the background. When the transition to the Higher Belarusian League took place, the university administration expelled Skorokhod for poor progress from the third year. In the future, he will have attempts to continue his education, but everything will be unsuccessful - there is so little time that he cannot even come to the exams. Tours, competitions, radio recordings in MP3 format and participation in the television version in the Belarusian Comedy Club - all this becomes his new life.

And suddenly there comes a moment when everything collapses overnight - the Belarusian Comedy Club disintegrates and Skorokhod is left with no destiny. He has no profession, no housing, it is a shame to go to his parents. He decides to try his luck at the Moscow Stand Up contest, which is run by residents on the TNT channel, and borrows money for the trip. Friends give money, but in exchange they ask to work on a script for the Triod and Diode team, so he begins cooperation with the Smolensk KVN and at the same time joins the ranks of the Moscow club.

Skorokhod is a master of improvisations, his performances are always enchanting, he skillfully combines humor with music,

Skorokhod Andrey. Biography: where was born

The famous humorist was born on June 24, 1988. His hometown is called Old Roads (Republic of Belarus). Mom and dad Andrew - ordinary people with an average income. They always spoiled their son by buying him expensive toys and clothes.

Andrei Skorokhod, whose biography we are considering, loved to attract attention from childhood. At home, the boy arranged concerts. He composed songs on the go and danced funny. Parents understood that they were growing an artist.

School years

Andrei studied for quarters and fives. The boy was drawn to knowledge and did not skip classes. But with the behavior he had big problems. Skorokhod's parents were regularly called to school because of his hooligan behavior. Andrey either talked to the teachers, or started a fight with one of his classmates. Remarks often appeared in his diary.

Parents tried to direct the indefatigable energy of their son in a peaceful direction. They enrolled him in different circles. But Andryusha did not stay long in any of them. Skorokhod Jr. studied macrame, playing the clarinet. For several years he visited sports Club, but did not achieve tangible results.

In high school, our hero acted as part of the KVN school team. Andrei really liked to joke on stage and hear loud applause. Teachers also noted his acting abilities.

student life

At the end high school Skorokhod recovered to Minsk. There he easily entered the Economic State University. Andrew was very upset by the separation from his parents. But the guy understood that without higher education unable to secure a decent life. Skorokhod studied at the faculty This is a relatively new and promising direction in science.

Conquest of television: a game of KVN

Did Andrei Skorokhod plan to work in his specialty? The guy's biography could have turned out differently. But within the walls of the university, he met the joker and entertainer Maxim Voronkov. The guys created their own KVN team, called "Lost Thoughts". The most gifted and active guys from the course were accepted into the team.

Andrey Skorokhod became the ideological inspirer of the team. Biography, KVN and creativity are intertwined. Our hero no longer imagined himself outside the stage. He spent less and less time studying. As a result, the negligent student was expelled. But Andrew did not fall into despair. The guy continued to write jokes and organize performances within the same team.

Soon a branch of the Comedy Club was opened in Belarus. Skorokhod and Voronkov were invited to work on a new project. Novice comedians could not miss such a chance. For several months, more than 20 programs with their participation were filmed.


The Belarusian version of Comedy Club did not stay afloat for long. At some point, the project was closed. Overnight, Voronkov and the escort lost their jobs.

In 2010, Slava Komissarenko, Andrei's longtime friend, invited him to perform as part of the Smolensk KVN team "Triod and Diode". Our hero, without thinking twice, agreed. The team managed to perform successfully in the Major League and take an honorable 3rd place. And in 2012, the team completely became the champion of the KVN game.

Comedy Club Resident

In 2013, new creative horizons opened up before Andrey. At that time, he was already a famous KVNschik. But young guy wanted further development careers. And soon the opportunity presented itself.

Andrei Skorokhod was invited to try his hand at the Moscow Comedy Club. The comedian did not expect that someday he would receive such a tempting offer. He agreed to become a resident of the Comedy Club. A few days later, Andrei signed a corresponding contract with representatives of the TNT channel. Before the first performance, Skorokhod was very worried. But everything went extremely well. The audience warmly accepted the former KVNschik. Andrew himself managed to become part of the team. He became friends with Garik Kharlamov, Demis Karibidis and other recognized comedians.

A major, a waiter in a restaurant, a dancer, an oligarch - who just didn’t play on stage Andrei Skorokhod (Comedy Club). The biography and personal life of the new resident immediately interested the audience, especially the female part. Handsome man with an amazing sense of humor - isn't that a dream?!

Andrew Skorokhod. Biography: personal life

Our hero is a tall, brutal and self-confident guy. It is easy to guess that he has no problems with the opposite sex. In high school and at the university, he had affairs with girls. ABOUT serious relationship Andrew did not think at that moment.

Is his heart free today? We hasten to please the humorist's fans - he is a bachelor. Skorokhod is not legally married. They say he doesn't even have a girlfriend. And it's all because of the tight work schedule. Andrei has to live in three countries - Russia, Ukraine and his native Belarus.

In 2013, there were rumors about the wedding of Skorokhod and actress Nastasya Samburskaya (Univer). The network even posted photos from their celebration. But it soon became clear that Nastya and Andrey just starred in a commercial.


Now you know where he was born, studied and how Andrei Skorokhod came to popularity. The biography of the humorist was examined in detail by us. We wish this charming guy success in his work and personal life!

Showman Date of birth June 24 (Cancer) 1988 (30) Place of birth Old Roads Instagram @andreiskorohod

As you know, laughter prolongs life. But there are very few people who know how to cause laughter with their behavior, their jokes and the ability to react with lightning speed to an extraordinary situation. And even fewer of those who are not afraid to be funny. One of these is Andrey Skorokhod. The young man made his favorite profession what he knows and loves more than anything in the world - to make people laugh in spite of all the vicissitudes of fate, finding topics for jokes where they, it would seem, cannot be. He made himself and gives his talent to millions of fans.

Biography of Andrei Skorokhod

About your childhood and school years the humorist himself tells with his inherent humor and self-irony.

Teachers considered him a natural disaster, as the boy always tried to be in the spotlight. Parents often went to school, but not because of poor progress - Andrei studied perfectly. But the behavior "limped", and strongly. He fought with classmates, bickered with teachers. As he himself claims - because of a heightened sense of justice and the inability to veil his thoughts.

Personal life of Andrei Skorokhod

After classes at school, he did everything that was available in a small town - circles, sections, clubs, and KVN became a favorite pastime.

After graduating from school, without much difficulty, he entered the Faculty of Economic Cybernetics at the Belarusian State Economic University.

Almost from the very first days of student life, together with a new friend Maxim Voronkov, the guys create the university KVN team “Lost Thoughts”, she immediately went to the top league of KVN of Belarus.

Latest news about Andrey Skorokhod

This became Starting point in the career of a showman and the collapse of a career as an economist. KVN occupied all free and non-free time, and student Andrei Skorokhod was soon expelled for systematic absenteeism and poor progress. But the young man himself was not the slightest bit upset.

He was enthusiastically engaged in the affairs of his team, organized tours, wrote scripts, and performed on stage himself. And in addition, the Belarusian version of the Comedy Club appeared, where the two founders of the team became coveted performers. They started filming programs and after a series of releases it became clear that studying at the university faded into the background forever.

But then the “black streak” began - the team broke up, the Comedy Club programs stopped filming and the artist was left without a livelihood. Returning home is a shame and a shame. So temporary earnings began, which became fateful.

In 2010, at the suggestion of a friend Stanislav Komisarenko, Andrey wrote a script for the Triod and Diode KVN team. And just a few days later, the author received an invitation to permanent job as an author. Already in 2012, the team became the champion of the Major League.

And in 2013 Andrey Skorokhod was invited to comedy club already in Moscow, of which he is a resident to this day.

talent and charisma young actor make it very attractive to millions of fans. But to say for sure whether his heart is occupied today is impossible. He's either really in " active search”, or carefully hides the name of the beloved. Only one thing is known for certain - Andrei is not married.

He himself explains this fact very simply and banally - because of the dense tour schedule there is simply no time left for personal life. But he dreams of simple and completely understandable things for everyone. A beautiful country house with a well-groomed lawn, a beloved wife, kids and a big dog.

And all this will definitely happen, because dreams tend to materialize.

Andrey today continues to work at the Comedy Club. It turned out that he sings pretty well and now he performs with musical numbers. His sketches are always sparkling, cause bursts of laughter and make you not only laugh, but also think about what was said from the stage by the actors.

He closely cooperates on stage with Demis Karibidis, the duet always gets a standing ovation. Many jokes posted on YouTube are gaining millions of views.

And the sketch “Exam at the University of Rap”, where he plays with Zurab Matua, Dmitry Sorokin and Andrey Averin, has become a revelation for many. No one has yet guessed how to interpret the classics in such a way, adjusting it to modern literary trends.

The Don Corleone number invariably evokes a flurry of emotions at every concert.

Filming on television, touring with the artists of the Comedy Club, writing new jokes and composing numbers - this is what this moment is a talented author, performer and charismatic showman.

Belarusian and Russian stand-up comedian and TV presenter.

Biography of Andrei Skorokhod

Andrey Skorokhod from childhood he showed himself as creative person. As a child, he made up stories, played in the nursery puppet theater, studied at music school clarinet class. While studying at school, Skorokhod became interested in kaveen.

Having received a certificate, Andrey moved to Minsk and entered the Belarusian State Economic University. Together with a friend, he founded the Lost Thoughts KVN team. The team began to develop rapidly, but Skorokhod himself abandoned his studies and was soon expelled. At this time, he began to play on the stage of the Belarusian "Comedy Club" and organized the tour of "Lost Thoughts". In 2010, Slava Komissarenko invited Andrey to work on the scripts for the Triod and Diode KVN team, and in 2013 Skorokhod became a resident of the Moscow Comedy Club a.

The creative path of Andrey Skorokhod

On the stage of the country's most famous stand-up project, Andrey often performs in a duet with Demis Karabidis. His other famous role is the role of rapper Glebati (a parody of Timati).

In 2018, Skorokhod became one of the hosts of the project "
