Angarskaya weight. Nadezhda Angarskaya

Actress Date of birth November 30 (Sagittarius) 1982 (36) Place of birth Mirny Instagram @nadezhdaangarskaya

On Russian stage V Lately there are more and more talented comedians. Fortunately, many of them are women. Traditionally, the club of the cheerful and resourceful is the forge of personnel, and after that the “grown-up” comedians scatter around popular and not very TV projects. Angarskaya was lucky - after KVN she got on the show comedy woman. Pretty quickly, the character of the new artist fell in love with the audience. Her success was ensured not only by acting skills, but also by excellent vocal skills.

Biography of Nadezhda Angarskaya

Nadezhda was born in cold Yakutia, in the small town of Mirny. At the age of five, Angarskaya moved with her parents to live in Neryungri, another city in the Republic of Sakha. Here the girl finished school, after which she decided to conquer the capital. As it turned out, the provincial was not expected in Moscow. Hope is gone qualifying round to the acting department, but took the documents and went back to her homeland.

As a result, the girl had to study at the mathematical faculty of the Yakut State University. However, her career took a completely different direction. Vocal ability Hopes were visible from childhood. She constantly performed at the Neryungri cultural center with songs of various genres. IN university years Angarskaya got into the local Club of the cheerful and resourceful, although she did not specifically strive for this. The girl was so imbued with the spirit of KVN that she soon became one of the leaders of her team - Deja Vu. Her stage partner was the equally talented young artist Yevgeny Borodenko.

The path to the Major League of KVN for Deja Vu was not easy. First there were games at the local level, then participation in the Premier League. And only in 2009 the team was able to break into the Major League. Deja Vu performed excellently at the traditional Sochi festival. The team was noticed largely due to the excellent vocal abilities of the leader.

Gradually, Angarskaya, who performed with Deja Vu, gains fame and popularity. As a result, a talented artist was invited to the Comedy Woman project. However, to the surprise of many, the girl refused the offer, betting on the game in the team. When the management invited Nadezhda Angarskaya to Comedy Vumen for the second time, she had no choice but to agree.

So, since 2010, Angarskaya began to work in a new team for herself. The work was not easy, but interesting. The actress was able to demonstrate her talents not only as a comedic actress, but also as a good vocalist.

Personal life of Nadezhda Angarskaya

Despite the busy schedule, Angarskaya managed to create strong family. She is married to Jordanian Raed Bani. The couple had a son in October 2015, who was named David.

Latest news about Nadezhda Angarskaya

In May 2017, Nadezhda was invited to film set Provincial television and radio channel. Users social networks who watched the guest of the studio, were able to cook, sing and joke with journalists. As fans of the star noticed, Angarskaya was able to get in shape after giving birth.

Participant of the show "Comedy Woman".

Nadezhda Angarskaya was born on November 30, 1982 in Mirny, Yakutia. When the girl was five years old, her family moved to Neryungri, the Republic of Sakha. After school, she decided to leave for Moscow and enter the acting department there. After passing the qualifying round, Nadezhda realized that the theater was not her element, and went back to Neryungri.

Then she went to study in Yakutsk State University, choosing a profession far from the world of art. Nadezhda Angarskaya entered the Faculty of Mathematics, graduating in 2004. Since childhood, the girl had a strong voice, she even graduated music school. I had occasion to perform at the Alexander Pushkin City Center for Culture and Spirituality, performing songs in a variety of, sometimes even opposite in style, genres.

In her student years, her friends began to attend KVN games, and gradually she herself became involved in the game. Nadia got into the Deja Vu team. The team members immediately appreciated the talent of the girl. The artist became a front-line leader, often she got the main job. From the moment of its formation to the highest league of KVN, the Deja Vu team has come a long way in twelve years. In 2005, Angarskaya managed to become Miss KVN twice in the Asia league in Krasnoyarsk, and a year later the girl repeated these results at the Siberia league games in Novosibirsk.

At the end of 2008, the team reached the final of the First League, and bypassing the Premier League, according to the results of SMS voting, got into the Premier League. The audience learned about the Deja Vu team only in 2009 after performing at a festival in Sochi. Then the vocal data of Nadezhda Angarskaya was noted by both the audience and the jury members. In 2010 in Jurmala music festival the performance of "Deja Vu", built on the artistic data of Angarskaya, brought the team "Small KiViN in the light."

The game in KVN brought Nadezhda Angarskaya wide popularity. When a member of the Deja Vu team began to be recognized as a separate person, she was invited to the popular comedy TV show Comedy Woman. The girl refused the first invitation, because at that time she and the team were making grandiose plans. When Angarskaya was called to Comedy Woman for the second time, she nevertheless decided to accept the invitation.

So, by the end of 2010, Nadezhda joined the new team. For her new job became both happiness and a test: the shooting lasted for 18 hours, in a hot studio for a long time had to be on heels. The other members accepted her as if she had always been one of them. Thanks to the strongest vocal abilities, Nadezhda Angarskaya was constantly in the spotlight. The girl has real charisma.

As of November 2018, the artist periodically performs at celebrations with concert program"... to be a woman." Every year, together with the members of the KarTush group, it gives two solo concerts in his native Neryungri, one of the events is always charitable.

Nadezhda Angarskaya is the star of the television comedy show "Comedy Woman", which is full of bright and outstanding girls. Each of them has its own role and its own history. Only one thing unites all the participants - once unknown girls were able to succeed and become recognizable throughout Russia.

The biography of Nadezhda Angarskaya begins at the end of November 1982 in the administrative center of the Republic of Sakha, the city of Mirny, where the future humorist lived for the first five years of her life. Then the family had to move to the city of Neryungri of the same Republic. Here the girl received a general education, and then entered the State University of Yakutia at the Faculty of Mathematics. In 2004, she received her diploma in higher education in system programming.

Angarskaya Nadezhda Viktorovna

It may seem unusual to some that a well-known humorist owns such a complex profession. However, this is not surprising, given the fact that Nadezhda's mother was an electrical engineer, and her sister became a civil engineer, so we can safely say that the analytical mindset is passed down in the Angarsky family from generation to generation.

But Nadya Angarskaya did not devote everything free time study - in her childhood and youth there was always a place for creativity. When the family moved to Neryungi, the girl went to study at a music school, where her concert activity began. For several years on stage, she performed vocal compositions in various genres. This is how it developed creative life Hope up to high school.

1997 was a significant year for the future comedian, because it was in this year that she first tried her hand as part of the Deja Vu team. Club of Cheerful and Resourceful urban scale. Very soon Angarskaya became the face of the team, as she stood out from the crowd of participants with her charm and unique charm.

Carier start

2005 - Nadezhda received proof of public recognition in the form of the title "Miss KVN" within the Asia League. On next year she again became the happy owner of the title, but already in the Siberian League.

Three more years later, that is, in 2009, Deja Vu played for the first time in the Major League, but could not get to the champion title. A year later, the future comedy participant, together with the KVN team, was able to take home with summer festival Small KiViN in light.

In 2010, Angarskaya received an offer that was impossible to refuse - participation in comedy show Comedy Women. But, contrary to expectations, the girl nevertheless decided to develop herself in a different direction - as a vocal artist and vocal teacher at a liberal arts college. Fortunately, the creators of the show were not used to giving up just like that and made Nadia a second offer. This time the girl agreed.

Angarskaya and Comedy Woman

The Comedy Vumen project brought Nadezhda Angarskaya all-Russian fame. She easily fit into the current composition. At least that's how it seems from the outside. In fact, long hours of work are behind the feigned lightness. Wumen Angarskaya devoted 18 hours a day to shooting in comedy, which was given with great difficulty, because she had to not only try on a new stage image, but also to get used to the new format of performances, which is very different from the KVN numbers.

Nadezhda Angarskaya: “I found my husband through the Internet”

Today, a successful comedian continues her career as part of the Comedy Woman show, but still has not forgotten about her love for vocals.

Musical career

The beautiful vocals of Angarskaya were noted back in school time and every year it gets better and better. Today, the girl continues to give concerts where she performs songs by famous artists.

It is noteworthy that in Neryungri, the humorist is better known as Angarskaya Nadezhda Viktorovna - a vocalist who twice a year gives charity concerts with the KarTush group.

Hope with her husband

In the weather behind success, the famous comedian completely forgot about her personal life, but female happiness itself found her. Raed Bani, a stately man with Jordanian roots, first saw Nadia on his computer screen and was fascinated by her. Not only did he not know how to find her, but he did not even speak Russian. However, this did not prevent young man organize a date and turn Nadezhda's life into real fairy tale. In 2013, the couple legalized their relationship, and two years later they had a son.

Personal data

An outstanding woman, Nadezhda Angarskaya, has no less outstanding forms, which explains the public interest in her personal information.

On stage, the girl looks much taller than her colleagues, and this is not surprising, because Nadezhda Angarskaya's height is 178 cm, and often the girl walks in high heels.

At the beginning of her career in comedy, the artist weighed almost 120 kg, which did not fit into the generally accepted standards of beauty at all. No matter how hard she tried, the girl could not fake anything with it. They say that love works wonders, and all fans of female humor could be convinced of this. During a relationship with her future husband, Nadezhda Angarskaya lost more than 30 kg! Before pregnancy, she weighed no more than 90. After giving birth, the artist quickly recovers and today the weight of Nadezhda Angarskaya has again begun to decline.

Changes in the figure and female happiness could not but be reflected in the face of the girl - she began to look radiant and much younger than her years. It is not surprising that in recent times, fans are increasingly interested in how old Nadezhda Angarskaya is, because you can’t give her more than 27 in appearance. In fact, in 2017, Nadezhda Angarskaya’s age will cross the mark of 35 years.

One way or another, the image of a cheerful and cheerful girl on stage fully reflects the character of Nadia in Everyday life. It seems that household chores, tedious work and taking care of their son David only give the girl strength. Today, fans are waiting for new achievements from her on the humorous stage and are happy to hear that Nadezhda's personal life has worked out in the best way.

StarHit was the first to be invited by 33-year-old Nadezhda and her husband, 30-year-old musician Raed, to visit their new family nest, and also introduced them to their eight-month-old son David. Comedy Star woman acquired two-room apartment in a house on the sixth floor near Prospekt Mira.

Angarskaya likes almost everything here. The ideal location is three minutes walk to work, Comedy Woman's office. Infrastructure: shops, fitness club, beauty salons - everything is at hand. Only now there is nowhere to walk with a child.

“Natasha Medvedeva still jokes that, they say, it was not necessary to buy an apartment far from the park zone,” Angarskaya smiles. - And I answer her: “Well, wait a minute! I took it when I was barren."

Fortunately, the doctors who assured Nadezhda that she would not be able to have children were mistaken, and the acquisition of housing almost coincided with the pregnancy of the star. Housewarming was already celebrated by the three of us. Especially for our visit, Nadia's husband went to the market, where he bought berries and sweets.

“Guys, help yourself with strawberries,” Angarskaya suggested. - Take dates and figs. They are from the homeland of Raed - from Jordan. After giving birth, I went on a special diet. I eat everything only natural and walk a lot. It has already taken 10 kilograms. I want to achieve the same result as in 2014 on your project “Lose Weight with StarHit”, when I lost 15 kilograms.”

Over a cup of coffee, Angarskaya said that the repairs were done in six months. My husband and I argued a lot. Immediately chose only tiles in the bathroom and wallpaper in one of the rooms. Favorite place Nadi - bedroom. The kitchen turned out to be cozy, which is combined with the living room.

“We made a mistake with the headset,” Angarskaya continues. - When they found it and calculated the cost for us, it seemed that it was too expensive. But in the end bought after the rise in prices. They acted like millionaires. But it's beautiful! And our special pride is the loggia, where my husband and I set up an office.

There is a table, a computer, an electric piano on which Raed plays. According to Angarskaya, they looked at the apartment in the fall, went out to the loggia, saw a bright orange maple outside the window and were stunned ... “We also bought housing in the Moscow region, twice as large as this in area, now we are doing repairs there,” says the star. - But, having lived in the center, I can’t imagine how I will go there. The proximity of home to work allows you to spend a lot of time with your son. I put David in a kangaroo backpack - and we walk all day, winding circles around the house. And if I'm on tour, either Raed sits with the baby, or a nanny comes who lives in a neighboring house.

Date of Birth: November 30, 1982
Place of Birth: Mirny, Russia
Height: 178 cm
Weight: 80 kg


Nadezhda was born on November 30, 1982 in the small town of Mirny, where she lived for five years. After that, she and her parents moved to Neryungri. Here the girl finishes school and, in the hope of becoming an actress, leaves for Moscow. In the capital, Nadezhda passes a qualifying round at one of the leading universities, but she understands that she does not like the theater and leaves back for Neryungri.

After some time, Nadezhda entered the Yakut State University at the Faculty of Mathematics. She chooses a profession that has nothing to do with the world of art, and this is no accident. In her family, all representatives are only technical specialties, her father is an electrician, her mother and sister are engineers. Nadezhda received her diploma in 2004.

As a child, Nadezhda graduated from a music school and often performed at the central house of culture. She had a strong voice, allowing her to sing songs of various genres.

Nadezhda in her student years very often visited KVN games with friends and over time she herself began to participate in them as part of the DejaVu team.

Here she stayed for 12 years and made a serious way to the major leagues. In 2005, Nadia participates in the Asia League in the Miss KVN contest and takes first place. A year later, Angarskaya repeats her achievement at the games in the Siberia League.

In 2008, DejaVu is supported by the audience in the framework of SMS voting and the team gets into the First League, bypassing the Premier League. This group became really popular in 2009, after a performance in Sochi. At this time, everyone appreciated the vocal data of Angarskaya.

Participation in KVN made Nadezhda a famous and recognizable person. She received several invitations to participate in Comedy Woman. The first time, Angarskaya refused, but when offered again, she agreed.

In 2010, she fit perfectly into the women's team and began to participate in filming, which sometimes lasted 18 hours a day. Since joining the TV show, Angarskaya has been dubbed the most vociferous participant.

Nadezhda's vocal data has always attracted the attention of the audience. She constantly performed in her city, performing folk songs. Both in Russian and English. Now Nadezhda performs at corporate parties with the program "Being a Woman". Periodically, she, together with the KarTush team, visits Neryungri with charity concerts.

Hope does not believe that her musical career not started yet, because she sings musical works other performers. In time the girl plans to record solo album, which will contain only her songs. Moreover, the videos with her are now very popular.

Not so long ago, hope visited the program "Where is the logic" with her lover.

Hope got married in November 2013 with a native of Jordan. Raed Bani first saw his chosen one in videos on TV and fell in love. He made a marriage proposal in the city of Petra in Jordan. The marriage was quite interesting, because the groom did not understand the speech delivered in the registry office, and Nadezhda translated it for him.

In 2015, the newlyweds had a son.

In 2016, a program was released on television in which Nadezhda showed her cozy nest and in what conditions her son is growing up.

In 2017, the girl starred in one of the programs of the Provincial TV channel. IN live she sang several songs with journalists, and also prepared an interesting entertainment program.

IN currently Nadezhda Angarskaya participates in the TV show "Comedy Woman" and promotes her solo career singers.

Photo by Nadezhda Angarskaya

Photo of Nadezhda Angarskaya with her husband
