Guar gum in cosmetology. Guar gum - what is it and why is it eaten? Guar gum in home cooking

What is guar gum and what is it used for? Many of us love ice cream, jams, yogurt and similar goodies. Buy them often and eat them with pleasure.

Sauces, ketchups, mayonnaises are also an obligatory product that is always present in the refrigerator. These products are from different taste categories, but they have one common characteristic - the presence of category E additives in the composition.

Guar gum is just the same food additive, which is designated as E412. What is this substance? How is gum used in different industries?

Is guar gum necessary or harmful for our body?

Guar gum has several names. The most popular are guar and guarana, but it is labeled as E412 on the labels. Do not be afraid of such a complex name and encryption.

By its nature, guar gum is completely natural origin, without any chemicals. It is extracted from the seeds of the guar tree or the pea tree. It can also be released randomly from the bark of said tree in the form of wood glue.

The main importer of gum is India. The greatest use of the additive occurs in Food Industry. It acts as a thickener, stabilizer and is able to give products the desired viscosity.

The possibilities and ways of using guar gum do not end there.

The primacy in the use of guar is occupied by ice cream and chilled desserts. This is due to the fact that the additive able to slow down the process of ice crystallization.

That is why, when eating ice cream, we do not feel prickly ice crystals on our tongues.

The stabilizing properties of guar allow it to be used in the production of jams, toppings, jellies, cheeses, sausages and milks.

It is clear that sausage does not need viscosity. Here the point is in another ability of gum - to extend the shelf life of products. The astringent properties of this dietary supplement open up many possibilities for the manufacture of fats and oils.

Guar gum also helps thicken the consistency of ketchups, sauces, and condiments.

Additive E412 can also be found on the labels of canned fish, juices, ready-made dry soups, salads and even bakery products.

Such rich possibilities of guar gum can achieve many goals:
Increase the elasticity of the manufactured consistency
Add creaminess and softness to products
Adjust viscosity
Retain moisture
Prevent crystallization when frozen
Increase the amount of dough (when kneading dough)
Extend the shelf life of food

Guar gum is also used in the medical industry. It is part of drugs for diabetics, dietary supplements and other medicines. In medicine, it is also used as an astringent, extracting all the beneficial properties.

Cosmetology also uses guar in the manufacture of creams and masks. Good masks based on guar gum for owners of dry skin type. After all, it is able to create a protective film and retain moisture.

The composition of which this additive is included, gives the hairline smoothness, shine and strength, significantly moisturizes them and eliminates the effect of split ends.

Guar gum is also used in many other industries: oil, textile, paper, coal.

Benefits of Guar Gum

Taking into account the list of applications of guar gum and its natural origin, it is worth talking about the considerable benefits of this substance for the body.

1) The use of supplements in reasonable amounts practically does not harm our body, but on the contrary, it has a beneficial effect on it. The stomach receives a huge benefit from this: the microflora improves, the work of the entire gastrointestinal tract normalizes.

2) E412 stabilizer has a slight laxative effect.

3) Gum is able to cleanse blood vessels and remove cholesterol from the body. True, participation in these processes of this product is scanty, but it still exists.

4) In addition to cholesterol, guarana is able to remove toxins.

4) It slows down the absorption of fats and harmful substances. The theory about the ability of guar gum to reduce weight has been refuted.

In this direction, only one fact has been confirmed - gum perfectly satisfies the feeling of hunger. Therefore, after eating yogurt or ice cream, you do not want any food for a long time.

I would especially like to note the ability of this supplement to influence the processes of sugar absorption in the body. Guar gum can slow them down, so it is recommended for diabetics.


An allergic reaction is possible, but this is quite rare. The E412 supplement can also slow down the absorption of nutrients, vitamins and useful elements, as well as affect the functioning of the digestive tract.

With an excess of a substance in the body, it can cause flatulence, nausea, headaches, vomiting, stomach pain and dizziness. Such symptoms of poisoning are characteristic of any product that enters the body in excess.

When you see the E412 encryption on the label of a purchased product, you will not ask yourself the question “is this not some kind of chemistry, is it harmful or useful?”.

Now you know for sure that this is guar gum - a product of natural origin with many useful qualities.


Guar gum, or guar gum, is a food additive related to stabilizers, emulsifiers, thickeners. It is used in industry as a thickener to increase viscosity. In the article, you will learn about the benefits, harms and uses of guar gum.

What it is

Guar gum is an extract from the seeds of the pea tree or guar.. This leguminous crop is grown in Pakistan, Australia, USA, Africa. The largest producer of guar gum is India: it accounts for more than 80% of the world production.

As a thickener, guar gum is used in the production of textiles, paper, and cosmetics., in pharmaceuticals and food production.

However, more than 70% of the resin produced in the world is used in the oil and gas industry.

The demand for it is so high that in many Indian states the peasants are supplied with free seeds, everywhere they are campaigning to grow instead of cotton.

It's connected with sharp increase prey shale oil and gas. Guar gum is not only the main ingredient in hydraulic fracturing fluids, but also the cheapest.

In the food industry, guar extract is used as a fixative, stabilizer and thickener and is designated by the index E412. Knowing about the unequal attitude of buyers to additives with the E index, many manufacturers write guar or guarana on product packaging.

It is part of:

  • chilled products (cocktails, cold desserts, ice cream), slowing down the formation crystal ice, stabilizing the consistency;
  • ketchups, sauces, giving them a denser consistency;
  • dairy and meat products, jams, cheese products, jelly as a stabilizer;
  • canned fish and meat, canned soups, juice concentrates, improving the structure of the product;
  • bakery products as a replacement for expensive baking powder.

How to choose a good product

You can buy guar gum in stores selling health food products, components for home cosmetics, or from wholesalers that supply it to the food industry. Some may sell the product through their own retail outlets.

When buying a thickener from a wholesaler, study the circle of its regular customers. If these are well-known brands, then the probability of buying a low-quality product is low.

In online stores, you should rely on reviews, and in retail outlets- find out from which wholesaler raw materials are purchased, where they are packaged.

Composition and chemical properties

Guar gum is a plant-based polysaccharide.

This light powder is tasteless and odorless. Dissolving in water, it turns it into a viscous gel.

100 grams of the product contains:

  • proteins - 4.6 g;
  • fat - 0.5 g;
  • carbohydrates - 0 g.

Calorie content of 100 g of the product is only 0.2 kcal.

The glycemic index is low.

Health impact

Once in the body, the supplement behaves like fiber, having a similar effect.. It practically does not dissolve in the intestines, but all the useful substances from it are successfully absorbed through the intestinal walls into the blood. Like fiber, it successfully removes harmful toxic substances from the body, fights the slagging of the body.

On the basis of guar gum, drugs have been created, remedies for constipation. Many dietary supplements designed to prevent atherosclerosis.

It is in the composition of products that cleanse the body, for and fat deposits.

For men and women

The supplement can be used as a cleanser to combat constipation. Due to the high content of soluble fiber, it can reduce the content of cholesterol in the blood serum and be used as a means of preventing the development of early heart attacks and strokes.

For pregnant and lactating

Pregnant and lactating women, like everyone else, consume daily products containing the supplement.

If it is possible to use natural products in the diet, then this will positively affect the health of the mother and baby.

But there are no contraindications to the use of products and medicines containing guar gum.

For children

IN childhood consumption of products containing guarana is higher. After all, children love various jellies, yogurts, ice cream.

Although no cases of poisoning have been identified, but should beware of allergic reactions, limit consumption.

The product can be used in as a lung laxative, body cleanser.

For the elderly

The use of dietary supplements for the prevention of atherosclerosis, containing the addition of guarana, may be useful in old age.

It is possible to use guarana to cleanse the body of toxins as a mild laxative.

For special categories

Studies have shown that guar gum helps diabetic patients by slowing down the absorption of sugars in the small intestine.

It also finds application in sports nutrition, programs to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.


There are no special restrictions, but it should be used with caution in allergic reactions, which can manifest themselves in the form of wounds, sores, itching and diarrhea.

Do not combine products containing a thickener with medications and vitamins. Otherwise, the absorption of drugs will be significantly hampered.

There is no limit or daily allowance for products that contain guar gum.

It has not been proven that its presence in food can harm health, have a harmful effect on the body.

This does not mean that guarana can be eaten in unlimited quantities. With excessive use, diarrhea, flatulence is possible. Vomiting, stomach pain, nausea are not excluded.

The additive included as a thickener in medicinal preparations is strictly dosed. Taking medicines in strict accordance with the doctor's recommendations is easy to avoid trouble.

How to use in cooking

Product contained in hundreds of finished products and semi-finished products presented on store shelves. But you can try to cook dishes with it yourself.

Many simple recipes are easily reproduced in the home kitchen.

Ice cream

Thickened ice cream is easy to make at home. Here is the easiest ice cream recipe:

  • two tablespoons of sugar and a teaspoon of guar gum are added to 1 liter of milk;
  • whip;
  • after the appearance of bubbles, pour into molds;
  • put in the freezer until completely frozen.

Here is another simple ice cream recipe using this substance:


Every owner of a blender will easily prepare this light mayonnaise. The cooking algorithm is as follows:

  • mix in a blender bowl 1, 50 g of sunflower oil, pour 3 g of guar gum into the mixture;
  • beat with a blender until thick;
  • add 150 ml of low-fat, 2 tablespoons of wine vinegar, 30 g of finished, salt;
  • you can add a little sugar, but you can not add;
  • beat again to get a homogeneous mass.

For weight control

Guar gum is included in weight loss products, but in many countries, primarily the United States, the use of dietary supplements with guar gum is prohibited due to repeated reports of cases of intestinal and esophageal edema.

Numerous studies and meta-analyses have shown that guar gum supplements are not effective for weight loss.

Application in medicine

Guar gum is used as a filler in many medicines.

As an independent medicine, has not found much use, although official medicine does not deny its effectiveness in relieving constipation, treating Crohn's disease.

In US hospitals and nursing homes, the supplement is used to thicken fluids and foods when feeding patients with dysphagia (a symptom of difficulty swallowing).

A guar-based compound is found in artificial tears to treat dry eyes.

In cosmetology

The product is not very popular among manufacturers of elite cosmetics, but it has no equal in the budget segment. As a thickener, emulsifier, stabilizer, it is included in gels, creams, face serums, body and hair care products.

The use of gum contributes to:

  • effective moisturizing of the face;
  • gentle cleaning of the epidermis;
  • protection of the skin from wind, temperature extremes, ultraviolet radiation;
  • restoration of the structure of damaged hair, giving it shine.

Gum can also be used in home cosmetology. However, experts do not recommend doing this without special need.

High quality requirements for raw materials, risk side effects, the cost of acquiring ingredients makes it more preferable to go to the nearest pharmacy for ready-made products.

But if there is a desire and a lot of free time, then you can take a chance and prepare a couple of useful tools.

Universal cream

It is suitable for all skin types. Eliminates irritation, cleanses, brightens, regenerates.

You can cook like this:

  1. Combine 1 g of guar gum with 120 ml of lavender hydrolate, infuse until all solid particles have dissolved.
  2. In a fireproof bowl, mix 60 ml of peach kernel oil, 4 g of stearic acid, 16 g of emulsion wax. Heat the mixture in a water bath.
  3. The combined mixtures are whipped with a mixer. The mixture of gum and hydrolate should be warm before combining.
  4. You can add essential oil.


An affordable rosemary gel recipe for oily skin. A small number of its components, provides a simple but effective care. It is prepared like this:

  1. Dissolve 0.2 g of guar gum in 15 ml of water. Whisk. Leave the emulsifier to swell for 5-7 minutes. Whisk again.
  2. Add 1 drop of rosemary oil to 5 ml of hazelnut oil, stir.
  3. Pour the mixture of oils into the gum solution and beat with a mixer.
  4. Pour into a clean jar. The gel can be stored in the refrigerator, but not more than a week.

We consume guar gum almost daily.

The food industry will never let go of this cheap supplement, and the amount of it in our diets will only grow.

I would like to believe that there is still a little more benefit from it, but there is no harm at all.

In contact with

There have already been some great articles in the community on this topic, but today I want to summarize my experience with several substances from these groups that have not yet been written about. I apologize in advance, dear community members, if I missed something somewhere and wrote it incomprehensibly.
The group of thickeners includes a lot of substances.
Today I will talk about gums, Arrowroot and lecithin.

Comedy Gums have been used as thickeners/emulsifiers/stabilizers/g gelling agents for a very long time and successfully.
If you look at the composition of many food products, cosmetic preparations, then, for sure, you will come across such names - X anthan gum, Guar gum.
What are their advantages - they are available, inexpensive, act with different meanings acid-base state of the environment ( pH ) , perfectly tolerate freezing and heating.
Since I often face the task of making the maximum number of homemade dishes in a short time without compromising their composition and taste, I had to call on the achievements of modern chemistry to help. It may well not be Haute cuisine, but I know that I will not refuse to use all these substances in my kitchen.
I used to buy gum in Internet shop in England, now you can find it in our stores in the ingredients section for gluten-free baking (you just need to carefully read the composition of the powders, not their names).
Xanthan gum and guar gum are light cream-colored powders that form lumps when dissolved, but are easily broken up by a mixer.
Approximate dosage - from 0.5 tsp. up to an incomplete teaspoon per 1 glass of liquid or 0.5-1% of the weight of the dish.
For me, this substance has become just a "magic wand" - any dish can be thickened in a matter of minutes without heating. Moreover, this gives unlimited space in the manufacture of various kinds of desserts and sauces.
Including, I do not need to buy mayonnaise and there is no need to use raw eggs(In principle, I never use them when cooking without further heat treatment).
Here is a basic homemade mayonnaise - 1 tsp. mustard, 1 tbsp. oil (grape seed, or olive, or sunflower - to taste) 1 tbsp. wine vinegar, 0.5 tsp. sugar, salt, pepper - to taste, 1/3 tsp. gums - mix in a small container and lightly beat with a hand blender into a homogeneous sauce. Such mayonnaise can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5-7 days without the danger of food poisoning, it does not delaminate during storage.
Quick homemade chocolate - I prepare in advance a mixture of crushed chocolate (milk or bitter) 50 g + good Dutch cocoa 2 tbsp. + granulated sugar -2-4 tablespoons, 1 tsp. gums. The powder must be kept tightly closed jar. I put 1-2 tbsp of this mixture in a cup. and pour hot milk while stirring - it turns out an amazingly tasty thick chocolate drink. You can add vanilla, chocolate or coffee liqueur if you wish, and you can adjust the degree of sweetness / bitterness at your discretion.
As an example of a dessert - if you cook pears in red wine, then there is no need to evaporate the syrup for a long and tedious time - you just thicken it with gum (hot or cold).
Here is a dessert made in minutes: currant sweet juice whipped to form a stable gel-like foam with guar gum and a few drops of calcium chloride solution.

Great for making homemade ice cream.
In addition, they have proven themselves well in the manufacture of quick cosmetic masks at home - a little vegetable / fruit puree / sour cream - a little gum - you have a wonderful and effective mask that you can smear on the face and it will not slip while you rush around the kitchen ...

Arrowroot - a vegetable component, used in the same way and in the same dosages as starch. Its advantage is the absence of a starchy aftertaste in the finished product and is much more effective in thickening acidic substrates (for example, sour cherry or rhubarb pie fillings).

The best-known natural emulsifier is egg yolk due to its high lecithin content.
You will not find a single chocolate bar that does not include lecithin as an emulsifier in its ingredients.
Why emulsifiers are important - they prevent the smallest droplets of fat from sticking together into large ones - thus, the fat droplets are evenly distributed throughout the product, which has a very positive effect on its consistency and taste.
It can be purchased at health food stores as a dietary supplement. It has the appearance of yellow granules, well soluble.
I use it in many cases when I need to create a good stable fat / water emulsion - sauces, minced meat for sausages and cutlets.
I recently conducted an experiment - in conditions of temporary time trouble, instead of long and tediously whipping butter and sugar for dough - I quickly mixed butter and sugar with my hands, then added 1 tsp. granules of lecithin and quickly beat the mixture with a mixer until smooth. Then I began to add one egg at a time to the mixture and nothing “cut off” for me - as it usually happens when the butter is not beaten enough with sugar. The finished product was fluffy and soft.
I want to mention this aspect - emulsions from vegetable oils with lecithin, thickened with gum are the basis for baking excellent light and dietary confectionery at home. In general, the use of gums allows you to make culinary products more dietary, while minimally affecting the taste of the finished product.
In conclusion, for a very long time I would like to test the use of alginates and carrageenans in practice to obtain new amazing textures (like Heston Blumenthal and Ferrand Adria), but so far this is only a dream, it is planned for the future...

INCI: Guar Gum

Description: Guar gum is a gray-white or yellowish powder that is made from the seeds of Cyamopsis tetraganoloba, a plant known as guar, or more simply: pea tree (Indian acacia).

By chemical structure Guar gum is a non-ionic polysaccharide of plant origin. The molecular structure is a straight chain formed by galactose and mannose, hence guar gum is a galactomannan.

Galactomannan is a high molecular weight hydrocolloid. When dissolved in cold and hot water, guar gum forms a highly viscous gel. The viscosity of the gel depends on temperature, time and concentration of guar gum.

Guar solutions are stable at temperatures not exceeding 90C and require conservation (unstable against mold).

Guar gum is often used in combination with many other gums, especially xanthan gum, and there is a synergistic reaction. For example, mixtures of guar gum and xanthan gum have much more a high degree viscosity than individual gums.

Guaran, guar (E412) - food additive, belongs to the group of stabilizers (E400-E499), used in the food industry as a stabilizer, thickener and emulsifier.

Easily dissolves in both cold and hot water;
- leaves a light film on the skin;
- remains stable in solution at a pH level of approximately 4 to 10.5
- is a good thickener of mixtures (for comparison - 8 times stronger than corn starch);
- has a high viscosity;
- resistant to oils, fats and other natural solvents;
- able to retain moisture on the surface of the skin;
- works also at low temperatures;
- compatible with many other hydrocolloids used in the food industry;
- has a weak preservative property.

Interaction with other possible components:

Strong acids provoke hydrolysis and loss of viscosity;
- concentrated alkalis also reduce the viscosity of the solution;
- adding borax - leads to the formation of a gelatinous mass;
- guar gum is combined with starches, alginates, agar-agar, xanthan, other resins, etc.;
- dissolves in cold or hot water, forming a viscous paste - a colloidal solution.

The viscosity achieved depends on temperature, time, concentration, pH, stirring speed and powder particle size.
In cold water, maximum viscosity can be reached after 1 to 4 hours.

Input in mix: 0,1 - 5%

Most common dosages: 0.1 - 1%

We have all eaten yogurt more than once. For many, it is one of the favorite treats due to its lightness and delicate taste. Others use it solely to lose weight. Still others enjoy the fruity flavors of yogurt, believing in its ability to improve the digestion process in the stomach. We constantly use yogurt, but do not even think about its ingredients. We do not think why, after eating it, as a rule, the feeling of hunger disappears? Or why it has such a beneficial effect on the digestive system, lowering the level of fats and cholesterol. The thing is that one of the constituent ingredients of yogurt is guar gum. This is a special food additive of the group of stabilizers E400-E499, which is obtained from the seeds of the Indian guar plant, also known as the pea tree. In addition to most yoghurts, it is commonly used to make all kinds of sauces, puddings and other food products, and it is also known to be used in the manufacture of some cosmetics. That's all about this and will be discussed on the site further in the article "Guar gum: harm and benefit, application."

Origin of guar gum

The pea tree from which gum is obtained is a leguminous plant, sometimes reaching two meters with hollow stems. Its flowers are collected in tassels, and the beans, reaching 5-10cm, have cream-colored seeds. Usually the pea tree is harvested in October.

This annual plant is native to India, although today it is quite common in Afghanistan, Sudan, Ceylon and Pakistan. It is usually grown for food purposes, and the waste serves as a good fodder for livestock. However, a very large export goes to the countries of Europe and the USA, where guar gum is also used for the production of cosmetics.

Benefits of Guar Gum

Guar gum has a huge list useful properties. It is considered to be a physiological laxative, which normalizes the functioning of the intestines, stomach and digestive tract, stabilizing its microflora. Also, this substance is able to lower the level of cholesterol in the blood, as well as detoxify the body.

Guar also has reactions that inhibit the development of obesity and atherosclerosis.
The active ingredients of guar are fatty acids and galactomannan. According to its chemical content, guar gum is a natural polysaccharide and is found in pea beans. It is these beans that are the main reason for the cultivation of this type of plant.

One of important features What attracts regular consumers of yogurt is the feature of guar gum contained in it to curb appetite, as well as lower the level of fats, lipoproteins and liporeteids, due to its absorbent properties.

Studies by Jerusalem scientists of Israel on the study of galactomannan have shown that guar gum has the properties of hypoglycemic agents that reduce the intensity of sugar absorption in the stomach, which, as is known, is widely used in the prevention and treatment of diabetes. This can make a breakthrough in science and take scientists to a whole new level of research on such a disease as diabetes.

Applications of guar gum

Not many people know about the medicinal properties of guar gum. However, those who are going to use it in the future for medicinal purposes should know that guar is not only a strange name that looks so much like some kind of chemically harmful substance. This substance can also be used for constipation, atherosclerosis, and diabetes. Guar gum is also useful for those who suffer from the problem of obesity, in addition to the targeted fight against fat, it is used to cleanse the body in various programs.

People have found wide use of guar gum in the food industry, in the manufacture of products such as jams, ice cream, and even in some varieties of sausages, one of the components is guar. However, it is not used at all to give sausage healing properties. The fact is that guar gum is also excellent remedy increasing the shelf life of foodstuffs. That is why, the export of powder obtained from pea tree beans is rapidly gaining growth every day.

Harm of guar gum

Any substance, before mass use in the food industry, initially undergoes various tests and studies in order to get on the shelves along with other stabilizers and flavors. However, the popular opinion about all nutritional supplements is not very credible. Therefore, we prepared an answer in advance to the question: “How harmful is guar gum?”.

It is worth recalling that guar is a derivative of plant origin and is practically not associated with chemistry. The only case When gum can be harmful, it is with its excessive use. There may be signs of nausea, diarrhea, accompanied by pain in the abdomen. However, nothing strange, the same symptoms can be noticed by overeating, for example, jam.

Guar gum in cosmetics

In addition to the food industry, guar gum is also widely used in cosmetics, due to its unique viscosity when mixed with water. Guar resin forms a special protective shell on the face. Preparations containing guar gum are recommended for people with dry skin type, since the main features of such preparations are moisturizing and moisture-saving properties.

In cosmetics, guar plays the role of various thickeners, emulsifiers. It is also used as a cleanser and protector. It is commonly used in creams, lotions and shampoos at a concentration usually not exceeding 5%.
So if you suddenly notice guar gum in cosmetics, know that this drug can be extremely useful, but do not forget to also pay attention to other components of the cosmetic product.
