What talismans are suitable for Aquarius? What representatives of the fauna patronize Aquarius? If you are a Capricorn by date of birth, then it is best for you to start.

Lovely, kind, caring, joyful - they radiate the light that pours out of them. Dolphins are mammals that live in 2 elements: sea and air. You can buy a symbol of the sea and tranquility in the Replica House online store.

The Dolphin pendant is a cute piece of jewelry with a relative of whales and killer whales. An openwork dolphin made of bronze reminds us of a bright childhood, of the days when we visited the dolphinarium. The spectacle, which touched when the dolphins jumped out of the water, performed various tricks. These are kind mammals that make you believe in the goodness of the soul and gives you faith in the best. Unfortunately, we cannot often go to the sea or overseas, visit the dolphinarium, so this pendant will become our joy on sad evenings.

Dolphin pendant as a cure for all diseases

The Dolphin pendant will not only please our eyes, but also help. It is known that dolphin therapy is the best way out of depression. Alcohol, stress, lack of sleep, lack of vitamins and sunlight adversely affect our health. This is where dolphins come to the rescue. They set an example of positive behavior and become healers. Dolphin therapy perfectly copes with diseases nervous system, metabolic disorders. If a person develops depression, then one hour spent with these mammals will greatly improve morale. Not everyone can afford dolphin therapy, and there is not always time for this. This is where our online store comes to your rescue.

You can buy a dolphin pendant. There are legends in which dolphins rescued people who were shipwrecked. They pulled them out of the water, thereby saving lives. Dolphins are a salvation from sad thoughts, they are inspired by stories associated with wonderful water rescuers. A friend of a person in a different guise with one look inspires confidence and gives faith in the best. You have the opportunity to purchase a pendant and wear a good creator around your neck.

You can buy a pendant with a dolphin at any time. For an affordable price, you can give joy to a loved one. Such a gift will appeal to people who cannot live without the sea. Creative and romantic people who enjoy the sunset, who write poetry and look for beauty in everything that surrounds us, will be pleasantly surprised by such a present. Such a pendant is a harmony of everything light and pure. Looking at the sea, we feel how all the weight falls off our shoulders. Difficult everyday life takes a lot of energy, and sometimes there is not enough energy, time and money for traveling. A small dolphin, which can be used as a pendant on a bracelet, worn with a chain or pendant, used as a keychain, will become an indispensable thing.

The meaning of the dolphin pendant

At different peoples the dolphin had its own symbolism. The meaning of the dolphin pendant is multifaceted and mysterious. In Christian symbolism, the dolphin was associated with Christ. The dolphin, depicted with an anchor or a ship, was the personification of the church, which was under the auspices of Jesus. In Christianity, the symbol was associated with rebirth.

Many myths said that dolphins are divine beings. They are good and prophetic. With one jump, they are able to fly up to the sky to take their place in the constellations.

For the Romans, mammals symbolized the journey of the soul. Soul passed long way across the sea of ​​death. IN Greek mythology the goddess Aphrodite was often accompanied by these mammals. In Hinduism, the dolphin was the horse of Kama. God Kama is the god of love.

According to the legend in Sumerian-Semitic mythology, people lived like animals until the first man came out of the water. He was like a half-dolphin. He taught people writing and science.

A talisman with a dolphin will be a wonderful gift for your soulmate. The gentle and kind mammal depicted on the pendant will become the guardian of feelings. Looking at the talisman, you will be full of strength. Every day will dip you in sea ​​tale. Usually tourists bring shells and figurines with dolphins from the sea. You will not need to spend your money on such a trip. You can simply buy a mascot on our website. A pendant with a dolphin will warm your soul and fill you with warmth. The original bronze jewelry will suit men and women. If your close person born under the sign of the water element, then such a present can be presented for a birthday or other holiday. You can also give a talisman to people who travel often.

It is necessary to give gifts with meaning, so that a person receives not only joy from the gift, but also some benefit. For an affordable price, you can buy on our website a thing that will set you up for good. If you are not in the mood, depression will attack, then you just need to put on the pendant, and everything will come to its senses.

Dolphin is a creature that lives in two elements, sea and air. He serves as a link between the earthly and heavenly and is the king of fish, the savior of shipwrecked people, the guide of souls to other world. The dolphin is an allegory of salvation, inspired by ancient legends that portray it as a friend of man. It symbolizes the sea, sea power, safety and speed, freedom, nobility, love, pleasure.

Two dolphins, looking in different directions, personify the duality of nature, the cosmic flows of involution and evolution, two dolphins together - the golden mean between extremes, a symbol of balance. Dolphin with an anchor means prudence.

IN Sumero-Semitic mythology, the dolphin is associated with Enki - the god of wisdom, the owner of the underground world ocean fresh water. According to legend, people lived like animals until the first man emerged from the sea, the cultural hero Oannes (an epithet of the god Enki) in the form of a half-dolphin (according to another version, half-fish-half-man). He taught the inhabitants of Babylonia writing, science, construction, and agriculture. In addition, the dolphin is an attribute of the goddess Ishtar and is dedicated to Atargatis, the goddess of fertility and prosperity in West Semitic mythology.

At Egyptians Isis, goddess of fertility, wind, water and navigation, may be depicted with a dolphin.

IN Hinduism the dolphin is the horse of Kama, the god of love.

IN Minoan culture he personifies power on the seas. Almost four thousand years ago, ancient artists depicted dolphins on a fresco of the Palace of Knossos on the island of Crete: like sea deities, huge animals, smoothly gliding, perform their dance in clear waters, protecting the peace and tranquility of the underwater kingdom.

IN Greek mythology dolphins often accompany the gods - Aphrodite, Poseidon, Apollo, Dionysus. A dolphin can have both lunar and solar signs: next to Delphic Apollo, it symbolizes light and the sun, but if depicted with Aphrodite or Eros, then it has lunar symbolism. In its origin, Aphrodite is close to the Phoenician Astarte, the Assyrian Ishtar, the Egyptian Isis, and often, like them, is depicted with dolphins. Dolphin is one of the incarnations of Poseidon. According to legend, one of the dolphins married the god of the seas and Amphitrite. After a fight with the monstrous Python, Apollo in the form of a dolphin catches up with the ship of the Cretan sailors and brings it to the pier of the city of Chrisa. From there, through the fertile valley, sailors come to the foot of Parnassus, where the main shrine of the Hellenic world is located - Delphic oracle and the temple of Apollo, and become the first Delphic priests. According to legend, the Tyrrhenian were turned into dolphins. sea ​​robbers who did not see the mighty god Dionysus in the beautiful youth captured by them. Since then, they are destined to serve forever in his retinue. In the ancient mysteries, Dionysus was compared to a magical dolphin diving into the abyss and rising to the surface of the water... He is immortal and exists outside the boundaries of space and time, either appearing or disappearing in an endless chain of incarnations...

At Etruscans and Romans the dolphin symbolizes the journey of the soul through the sea of ​​death to the promised land. In Mithraism, the dolphin is associated with Mithra, the symbol of light.

IN Christian symbolism the dolphin is identified with Jesus Christ as the creator and savior, with resurrection and salvation. A dolphin with an anchor or a ship represents the church led by Christ. In Christianity, this symbol sometimes replaces the ark of salvation and rebirth. A dolphin pierced by a trident or chained to an anchor means the crucified Christ.

The myths of many peoples speak of a dolphin as a divine being, possessing the gift of prophecy, capable of flying out of the water with one jump and reaching the sky in order to take its place among the constellations...


Towards the day in the clear space
He swims, sitting on a dolphin;
The wind subsides, and the gray wave
Slightly splashing, echoing the sweet cithara.

And Nereids with him in a consonant choir
They sing, leaving the underwater chamber,
And multiply the echo, weaving voices
In the solemn amphitheater of the sea.

Nereus with Dorida, and the great himself
Neptune, and old Glaucus, with wonderful singing
Awakened, emerge from the abyss.

Oh, the power of irresistible music!
You are treated with equal admiration
Winds and waves, gods and dolphins.

Juan de Argijo

Compatibility horoscope: the talisman of the zodiac sign Libra animal is the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Libra needs amulets that can make them stronger and more determined. Talismans should symbolize harmony and universal balance. When choosing an amulet or amulet for representatives of the sign, it should be borne in mind that they strive for the ideal. Therefore, mascots for them should be flawless, tastefully decorated and fit into the interior or wardrobe. It is very important for a sign that the amulet is beautiful. The practical value is not so important.

Talismans for Libra according to the sign of the Zodiac may have the following properties:

  • book - enhances intuition and develops thinking;
  • image or figurine of scales - protects from life's problems;
  • items with oriental or ancient Greek symbols - give courage;
  • bronze - freedom from outside opinion;
  • copper - helps to restore faith in oneself;
  • gold - brings financial success;
  • heart-shaped figurine - reduces manifestation negative qualities character.
  • coin. Coins-amulets from Siberian monks, more details here.

The patron saint of Libra is Venus, so things made in the shape of a heart are suitable for them.. Talismans for this zodiac sign can be made from almost any material. In this case, the form prevails over the content. A precious pendant or a wooden figurine in the form of a heart makes Libra brave, enterprising and resourceful.

Books are not just talismans for representatives of this zodiac sign. good library or favorite work can be an excellent source of energy for Libra. Reading a book, the sign rests, gains wisdom and gets rid of the effects of stress.

For a Libra man, a figurine or image of Cupid or the Old Norse god Odin is suitable as a talisman. This will make him more courageous, determined and purposeful. According to the Zodiac sign, it is useful for a Libra woman to have a bowl in the house: a real one made of bronze, in the form of a drawing or engraving. Such talismans will help preserve beauty and protect against diseases.

Lucky number for representatives of the sign - 6. It often occurs to them in life, foreshadowing pleasant changes. Also, any number that is divisible by 6 or contains a six will be favorable. Good luck to Libra is brought by the numbers 2, 5 and 9. The number of the fate of the sign is two, therefore important events it is advisable to plan for dates containing this number.

The sign loves paired items or symmetrical two-piece items. The image of scales or real pharmaceutical scales with bowls will become strong amulet for representatives of this zodiac sign. They protect them from the negativity of their enemies, help them cope with their own doubts, and balance the positive and negative traits character.

Suitable metal is bronze. From it you can make a bracelet or pendant in the shape of a heart.

Jewelry metal enhances Libra's confidence, teaches them to make decisions independently and quickly.

Also, bronze, as an energetically strong metal, attracts money to its owner and returns faith in oneself during a period of depression.

Libra reacts negatively to wearing cobalt jewelry. Another suitable metal for them - copper. But he can wear his sign only during periods of doubt in his own strength or beauty. It is useful for Libra to have a few gold jewelry. Metal contributes to the achievement financial well-being and gives strength for new achievements. Another useful metal is silver. It enhances health and protects against damage.

Libra has a patron tree. The main one is olive. This tree is especially suitable for those born on September 23-24. A twig, fruit or a painted plant helps in difficult situations, improve the speed of reaction and thinking. Scales can carry a piece of wood or olive bark with them.

Hazel - suitable tree for representatives of the sign born between September 23 and October 3. A plant, objects or furniture from its branches brings comfort and tranquility to the life of Libra according to the zodiac sign. Rowan is the patron tree of Libra, whose birthday falls between October 4 and 13. A sprig or bunch of berries helps in work, improves mood and attracts happiness.

Libra, born from October 14 to October 22, can use maple as a talisman. This tree has a positive effect on the psychological state of the sign, strengthens physical health. Such a patron from the plant world does not let Libra get bored alone, attracting friends and lovers to them. Any suitable sign wood can be used for interior decoration or furniture making.

The badge has a main plant talisman. This is a rose. The flower not only pleases the eyes of Libra, but helps them tune in the right way, calm down after a hard day and raise self-esteem. A plant suitable for Libra most often has a neat shape, lush flowers of small size. These include chrysanthemum, hydrangea, lilac and orchid.

The sign most often chooses a medium-sized animal with a calm disposition. In addition, a pet must be beautiful, because Libra is different. good taste. A suitable animal for representatives of this astrological period is a decorative dog (greyhound, chihuahua, terrier, lapdog) or a long-haired cat (Persian, Norwegian Forest, Siberian). The sign loves to communicate and he needs a sociable animal. A talking parrot, a playful dog or a nimble hamster will do.

The best mascots for other zodiac signs:

Talismans for zodiac signs

In order to choose your talisman correctly, you need to study your horoscope well, since each astrological sign has its own talisman animal. To facilitate the search, we decided to give in this chapter their division according to the signs of the zodiac.

The symbols of Aries (from March 21 to April 20) are the ram and the deer. In principle, you can wear both of these talismans in turn. The noble deer will bring good luck, and will also serve as a good deterrent to the stubborn and sometimes too zealous Aries in its self-affirmation. It's just great if your talisman is red, yellow or green, since it is these colors that patronize this sign.

But the symbols of Taurus (from April 21 to May 20) are the winged cow and bull, as well as the owl and the golden calf. Do not forget that the bull is considered a purely male symbol, but a cow is quite suitable for you. This talisman will give determination and endurance.

If you choose an owl as a talisman, she will share her wisdom with you, and the golden calf - wealth and spiritual generosity. Moreover, the talisman in the form of a calf does not have to be made of gold; it is quite possible to make this amulet from copper or gilded silver.

The sign of Gemini (from May 21 to June 21) is not associated with the names of animals, but nevertheless it has its advantages, and if you are lucky to be born under this sign, you can choose any representative of the natural world you like as a talisman. Learn more about their properties, described above, and choose the one that suits your character best.

The main thing - do not forget that you must purchase two talismans at once - this is required by your sign. It is best if these are toys or decorations in gray, light yellow, gray-blue or orange.

The symbols of Cancer (from June 22 to July 22) are cancer and crab. These amphibians as talismans are very good and useful. They will help you increase intelligence, contribute to the development of memory. A frightened cancer moves back or to the side, but at the same time, if it is very necessary, it goes forward without hesitation. It is good if your talisman is white, light blue, blue or silver. In no case do not get a green talisman, as it is considered unsuccessful for cancer.

Under the sign of Leo (from July 23 to August 23) are born mainly strong people, which are already very early age begin to show their character. The talismans of this sign are the lion and the swan. Softness and strength are very harmoniously combined in this sign, so it’s better if you have these two talismans, they together will attract such love from relatives and boys to you that you don’t even dream of.

In addition, the swan talisman will protect you from human deceit, and the lion talisman will help improve your health. The colors they should be painted in are purple, gold, orange, scarlet, and black (white is unfortunate).

For a person born under this sign, an eagle and a ladybug are suitable as talismans. The eagle is considered the king of birds, and the ladybug is the messenger of God. Leo is the only sign where all animal mascots are kings and rule over their brothers.

Perhaps the sign of Virgo (from August 24 to September 23) is the most romantic of all the signs of the zodiac, so you can consider that you are really very lucky, you were born under lucky star. He, like the sign of Gemini, does not carry an animal principle, which means that you can choose any totemic symbol you like (it is better if it is a grasshopper), but taking into account that it carries feminine, as it is the most feminine of all zodiac signs. Colors - white, blue, violet and green.

The sign of Libra (from September 24 to October 23) suggests an owl, a snake and a dolphin as mascots. You can choose any if you wish, or you can purchase all at once. The dolphin talisman will help to avoid possible disasters while traveling and to guess the thoughts of the interlocutors, which in itself is already important. The snake will improve health, and the owl will endow it with wisdom. Talismans will be more effective if they are colored dark blue, green colors, as well as sea wave or pastel.

The talismans of Scorpio (October 24 to November 22) are the scorpion, the serpent and the eagle. Scorpio and Ophiuchus will in every possible way protect their master from the "bites" of the authorities, friends and relatives. In addition, they contribute to the development creativity, fantasy and deep reflection.

The talisman with the image of an eagle will help to assert oneself in a circle of friends, gain authority, and make only the right decisions. But it also activates such qualities as ruthlessness and ruthlessness, sometimes reaching cruelty. Don't let these qualities develop.

But Sagittarius (from November 23 to December 21) has only one talisman - a centaur. We have already described this mythological creature with the body of a horse and the torso of a man. This is a very intelligent and devoted creature. The same qualities will be transferred to the owner of the talisman. As a rule, a person who has a talisman in the form of a centaur is fond of sports and has great success in almost any of its forms.

The only negative quality that this talisman carries is excessive irascibility, sometimes reaching rage and uncontrollability. Therefore, the owner of the talisman should show more restraint and not get annoyed over trifles. The lucky colors of this sign are blue, cyan, purple and crimson.

The symbols of Capricorn (from December 22 to January 20) are considered a black cat and a goat - an animal stubborn and uncontrollable. An affectionate and calm cat with its grace and poise softens the extravagant actions of a goat. The presence of a black cat in the house will bring peace and happiness, good luck and happiness to the house of Capricorn. good mood. He will take from his master all negative energy, and in return will infect him with her calmness and confidence.

But if your parents for one reason or another do not want to take a cat into the house, it is quite possible to purchase a black toy kitten or hang a calendar or a picture with its image in your room.

But you definitely won’t be able to bring kids into the apartment. But if you live in a private house, there is a chance to keep at least one. It is very interesting to watch the little goats. They like to climb somewhere, from where they cannot even get down without help. For example, in the villages in the cold season, kids are taken to the hut, where these tomboys manage to climb on the chest, and on the bed, and even on the table. The goat talisman will infect you positive energy and cheerfulness, as well as give cheerfulness.

The lucky colors of this sign are dark green, black, ash grey, blue, pale yellow, dark brown and all dark tones.

For Aquarius (from January 21 to February 20), a dolphin or a whale is quite suitable as mascots. The best option is, of course, a dolphin, but it does not matter. This talisman will protect you in long road from possible disasters and intentions bad people. It's just great if you get a talisman in gray, purple, purple or blue-green.

The symbol of Pisces (from February 21 to March 20) is two fish swimming in different directions. The talismans of this sign are a turtle and a fish. The turtle will protect you from misfortunes along the way, and will also help you become more purposeful. A talisman in the form of a fish or a pendant with its image will teach you not to lose your head under any circumstances and always make the right decisions.

The lucky colors of this sign are considered to be purple, violet, blue, lilac, aquamarine and steel.

Your talisman animal according to your zodiac sign

The date of birth of each person largely determines further fate, character, purpose in life and even hidden opportunities. To improve the life of a representative of a certain Zodiac Sign, an animal talisman that is connected with him on a mental level can.

Your date of birth is a set of numbers that carry in their meaning a hidden code of fate. Calculate it, find out your own destiny and even change the course of life by adding successful adjustments, the ancient science of numerology will help. And your spirit animal will be a great addition happy life. Such a talisman works like a magnet, attracting only positive combinations of circumstances.

How to use an animal mascot

The cult of animal worship has been known since antiquity. The Egyptians honored the cat, but the cow is still considered divine creation in India. Each element to which one or another Zodiac Sign belongs corresponds to a certain animal that will become the guardian of your luck, peace and health.

People whose talisman is, for example, a cat or a hamster, is much easier. Such a living amulet can be made at home, and interaction with it will strengthen internal forces. But what if your totem is an exotic creature? Keeping the same elephant at home is almost impossible. In this case, you should acquire figurines or images of an animal, and also, if it is a bird, its feather.

Earth Signs and their talismans

Calf. Your living talisman, which has the greatest power, is an owl - a sacred animal that will give patience, increase connection with the cosmos, and help to bring any desires to life. Wealth and prosperity will be presented to the representatives of Taurus by a figurine in the form of a bull. And the cow will help in family life and love.

Virgo. Representatives of this Zodiac sign are suitable for a grasshopper. Such a small animal is able to attract love, prosperity, success, health to Virgos. Also, by nature, swallows are very close to them, which will help to cope with adversity and misfortune, giving strength and optimism.

Capricorn. A goat or a cat will help Capricorns. Totem animals will attract capricious fortune, help you acquire luck and health for the rest of your life. If you cannot get such pets, then do not miss the opportunity to communicate with them live.

Talismans of fiery zodiac signs

Aries. A ram or a sheep will become assistants for the representatives of Aries in creating strong family. And the patronage of a powerful deer will help to repel the incoming negativity and acquire additional strength to achieve your goals.

Sagittarius. The partridge will become the guardian of the hearth for Sagittarius. This animal will give its owner inner strength, which will be easy to direct to the realization of his destiny. The deer will be able to provide Sagittarius with protection and strengthen the fortitude.

A lion. A large figurine of the king of animals will give warmth to the house of Lions. This talisman animal will strengthen the strong-willed qualities of its owner, give unlimited opportunities, energy and initiative. The eagle that rules the sky will help Leos improve their personal life and social status. A ladybug pacifies the impulsiveness, hot temper and short temper of this Zodiac Sign.

The element of Air and its animal talismans

Aquarius. The dove is able to endow the representatives of this Sign with good opportunities and protect them from adversity on life path. Vigor and self-confidence, which Aquarius often lacks according to the horoscope, will be presented by a statuette of a goat.

Twins. Raven will help keep the Gemini faith in their own strengths and love for knowledge. The bird will enhance intuition, and in some representatives it may even develop psychic abilities. The picture of a mighty elephant will give peace and tranquility to its owner.

Scales. inner harmony representatives of this Sign will give a goose. The second bird-talisman of Libra is a dove, which will protect their lives from misfortune, anxiety and illness. But the donkey will help you not to go astray, endow you with purposefulness and increased intuition.

Water Signs and their spirit animals

Cancer. Protects from troubles and gives vitality representatives of this Sign - Cancer. But peace, inner balance and harmony Cancers will provide cute little animals: hamsters and rabbits. Such animals can be kept at home and constantly charged with their positive energy.

Fish. Turtles and fish help fish on their way of life. This Sign of the Zodiac would do well to acquire an aquarium: it will bring success and good health.

Scorpion. family well-being, love and understanding will give the Scorpions a quail bird. But the gazelle will give the qualities that the representatives of this Sign lack so much: activity and vigor.

The talisman animal will become a strong energy support. The main thing is that the image of your living amulet is constantly nearby. You can also attract good luck with the help of your own Zodiac Sign: the test will help you become more successful at no extra cost. Be happy, good mood, and don't forget to press the buttons and

What animals are mascots for zodiac signs

By the date of birth of any person, you can tell a lot about his character, future fate, and even pick up effective talismans. Natural stones and minerals, metals and trees, different in their effects, are suitable for certain signs of the zodiac. But a special place in this area is occupied by animal talismans.

Depending on which of the twelve zodiac signs you belong to, various animals will be able to protect you and make life easier, as they will be mentally suitable for you.

The meaning of the animal talisman

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of animals in our lives. Even in modern world our smaller brothers always remain close to us, and in ancient times the life of the whole people as a whole often hung from them.

Many tribes had a sacred beast, the killing of which, even unintentionally, was punished in the most severe way: by execution. Such animals include, for example, a cat, which was worshiped by people in Ancient Egypt, or cow, whose cult was deified in India.

Other nationalities believed that their family descended from a certain animal, which means that this is no longer just a smaller member of the family, but an ancestor who deserves the greatest honor. Such examples include, for example, the monkey cult in China.

Also, since ancient times, mankind has noticed that for certain people, specific types of animals are more suitable than others: they are able to store and protect a person, both on a physical and spiritual level.

Such animal talismans can share life energy and even heal people.

To determine which animal will become your amulet and amulet for life, you should refer to the date of your birth: it is according to the signs of the zodiac that such a gradation occurs.

How to use such a talisman

If you have already determined which animal is your amulet, then you may be faced with the question of how exactly to bring its power into your life. After all, if your amulet is, for example, a cat or a rabbit, then you can easily get such an animal at home. By caring for him, you will strengthen your bond and be constantly under his protection.

But what if your talisman is, for example, a snake or a bear? It is unlikely that an ordinary modern resident of a metropolis will have the opportunity to provide such an animal with everything necessary for life, so that it is constantly nearby. In this case, you will need to purchase or make your own stylized image or figurine of your talisman. It can be anything: an ornament with an image, an interior detail or embroidery on clothes.

In addition, it is sometimes possible to acquire a part of the animal itself: for example, its tooth or claw. Of course, it should be remembered that harm to the beast itself is unacceptable.

Animal mascots for earth signs

Earth-bound zodiac signs include Capricorn, Virgo, and Taurus. People born under this zodiac sign are very stubborn and pragmatic. For them, the most important thing in life and everyday life is order and clarity; in chaos and creative disorder, they experience almost physical suffering.

They get the greatest surge of strength and reassurance when they are busy working with the earth: it can even be caring for indoor plants or just a walk in a small forest or park.

Animals, which are a talisman for them, are also tied to the earth, this allows you to create the greatest connection between a person and an animal.

The animal amulets of Taurus include:

  • Owl. This sacred bird will provide any person who is born under the sign of Taurus with great wisdom and patience. In addition, it will effectively replenish your internal reserves, concentrating energy and space on itself. It is not worth starting an owl at home, you can hardly provide this bird with proper care, but it is necessary to have an owl figurine for each Taurus. It is best if it is made of natural onyx, or made from improvised means by your own hands.
  • Golden Taurus. Such a symbol must be present in the life of every Taurus: it is such a bull that will give financial stability and abundance in the house.
  • Cow. This animal is capable of family life Taurus full and harmonious.

Virgo is best for:

  • Grasshopper. This little insect is able to give Virgo almost everything: love, well-being and protection. Of course, you are unlikely to succeed in starting a live grasshopper at home, so get a yellow jasper figurine of it.
  • Pig. This gentle and kind little animal will give Virgo well-being and satiety for life.
  • Siskins and swallows. Small singing harmless birds are the best suited for Virgos by nature. Such feathered creatures will remove all unnecessary suffering and maintain the excellent mood of the Virgin, regardless of the external situation.

If you are a Capricorn by date of birth, then it is best for you to have:

  • Black cat. This strong and agile beast will bring good luck in all endeavors and luck for any Capricorn. Even if you cannot get such a cat at home, do not pass him on the street: feed and stroke, the cat will definitely thank you.
  • Goat. This small domestic animal will bring health to people born under the corresponding zodiac sign. Of course, it simply won’t work to have a goat in an apartment, but having his figurine, preferably from green malachite, is simply a must.

Animal mascots for fire signs

The signs of the fire zodiac include Aries, Sagittarius and Leo. These zodiac signs they are very active and like to act immediately, without preliminary long deliberation. They strive, first of all, for family comfort and warmth, this is the primary goal in their life, which pulls everyone else along with it.

In addition, these signs of the zodiac are very strong internally and this attracts other people who flock like moths to the light of these signs.

Animals that will keep and improve fiery people are also distinguished by exuberant energy and special grace, such as a deer.

Aries should pay special attention to the following animals:

  • Deer. This mighty and beautiful forest animal will reliably protect all rams from any negativity and provide them with additional strength. If you get a chance to get yourself a piece of deer antler, be sure to use it. Such a talisman will be your best assistant in all endeavors.
  • Sheep and ram. Warm and quiet domestic sheep and ram will be the most the best helpers for rams in their main goal: creating a strong family and a large hearth. It is very good if you place a picture depicting these animals in your house, for example, above your bed.

If you are Sagittarius by date of birth, then you should ask for help from such animals:

  • Deer. This horned graceful beast, like the ram, will be able to provide protection for Sagittarius. You can decorate your home interior with any image of a deer, and also, for example, put his photo on the screen of a mobile phone.
  • Partridge. This mother hen symbolizes all those family values which are so necessary for any archer. She will give them to everyone born under this sign. In addition, the partridge is able to endow its owner with rich creative internal energy, which will help to effectively and quickly achieve their goals. Her stylized image can be worn as a keychain or decorate the walls of the apartment with a suitable picture.

For Leo, the following animals will become talismans:

  • A lion. The king of beasts carries powerful strength and energy, which he willingly shares with his owner. Also, this solar beast will be able to bring with it an ebullient activity and warmth that can warm many around Leo himself. The image of the king of beasts is best transferred to the image of a plausibly executed figurine, but always of a large size.
  • Eagle. This bird also takes the place of the king, but of the heavenly world. He concentrates in himself the highest power, which he extends to Leo. In addition, he is able to improve personal relationships and provide Leo with a reliable family life. As a talisman, you can carry an eagle feather with you.
  • Ladybug. This completely harmless insect, which is simply not capable of harming anyone, compensates for Leo's hot temper and balances his quick temper. That is why Leos are advised to always carry a small figurine or picture depicting a ladybug.

Animal mascots for air signs

Air signs include the zodiac signs Libra, Aquarius and Gemini. These signs are highly intelligent and generous towards other people. They value comfort very much and strive to provide it not only for themselves, but also for their family. However, the representative air element very tensely converge with new people, showing great distrust of them when they meet. They are very rational and like to weigh their every step so as not to omit a miscalculation.

Also, people born under the indicated signs often have seething energy and a craving for travel and learning new things.

It is for this reason that the talismans of the animals of air signs are mainly birds.

Such amulets for animals for Aquarius include:

  • Pigeon. This free bird is capable of endowing any Aquarius with the energy that is required to carry out the vigorous activity characteristic of this sign. Also, such a bird provides Aquarius with successful travels and protects him from various troubles along the way. Many of these birds live in cities, Aquarius should take special care and participation in relation to them.
  • Goat. This pet, which has great integrity, brings good luck to the life of any Aquarius. Therefore, be sure to get a figurine of such an animal.

For people whose date of birth falls under the sign of Gemini, talismans will be:

  • Crow. This cunning bird, possessing an outstanding intellect, will support the craving for knowledge of the world in Gemini. In addition, the raven is able to strengthen intuition and develop magical abilities in an individual person. It is very good if at home you hang a talisman made from crow feathers with your own hands.
  • Elephant. This majestic beast will give Gemini peace and strength, both physical and spiritual. Be sure to place his portrait in the house.

If you are Libra, then your assistants will be:

  • Goose. Such a poultry will give Libra more confidence and calmness, which they will need in many situations. It is worth carrying a large goose feather with you.
  • Pigeon. He, like Aquarius, will add a little strength to Libra and protect him from any negativity.
  • Donkey. Despite its seeming stupidity, this animal has a high intuition and will willingly share it with its owner. To attract his strength to his aid, Libra should have his stylized figurine at home.

image of dolphins

Hello everyone, you are on the site Your Feng Shui.ru!

Since ancient times, people have revered and respected dolphins, considered them mysterious and divine animals. Since they belong to two elements - to Water and Air. Dolphins have been living in the deep sea next to fish for many centuries, but they are not their “brothers”, but a dolphin has been a friend and “brother” to a person since ancient times. From many legends, we have heard more than once that dolphins save people who have fallen into shipwrecks. And it is also believed that they are the guides of the souls of the dead to the other world.

not without reason feng shui dolphins are considered a symbol of helpers and patrons. Beautiful, kind, strong, wise dolphins will protect you from the evil eye and bring harmony to your home. Feng Shui says that it is enough to have figurines or images of dolphins in the house to influence various aspects life: love, friendship, family relationships, bring the people you need into life ().

Types of dolphin talismans in Feng Shui and their application

family of dolphins

Quite often in esoteric stores you can see a figurine with two dolphins on the crest of a wave. Such an "inseparable couple" symbolizes harmony in marital relations, attracts well-being into a person's life in love relationships. It is best to put such a figure in the bedroom in the southwestern sector.

There are more figurines feng shui dolphins of three or more dolphins jumping out of the water. This talisman promises well-being in the relations of all family members. Saves from quarrels, troubles. It will bring respect and mutual understanding to the relations of close people. It is best to place such dolphins in places where all family members gather. For example, in the living room, dining room. It is possible to locate three or more Feng Shui dolphins near (it will protect your house from bad people and attract good ones), as well as in the children's room (it will attract faithful and devoted friends to your child's life). It is best to choose the northwestern direction of the room for this (in Feng Shui, this is the sector of helpers and patrons).

figurine "three dolphins"

The statuettes described above may be from various materials: made of wood, stone, metal or various alloys.

I would also like to add that the dolphin can be used as an individual protector talisman. This is, as a rule, a figurine of one dolphin, made of stone suitable for a certain person according to the horoscope. If stick in this matter general rules, then it is possible to use feng shui dolphin from onyx. By itself, this stone is a strong protective amulet, and if a dolphin is made from it, then such a talisman will have double power. It will bring peace and harmony into your life.
