Series "Tuzik, Murzik and others". Series "Tuzik, Murzik and others" Long way home

Publisher: Aquilegia-M. This publishing house is engaged in the production of fiction and educational literature for children and youth. For little readers - a series of "Kids", "Poems for kids", "Classics".

For older children (9-14 years old), the series "Magic Series", as well as " Funny stories", a series of "Modernity and fantasy", as well as "Tuzik, Murzik and others".

The "Erudite" and "Encyclopedia for the Curious" series are addressed to everyone who is interested in unusual facts, riddles in different fields of knowledge, for whom the material of the school curriculum is not enough.

Examples of books in the series "Tuzik, Murzik and others":

This is history domestic cat, which, through the fault of human whim and cruelty, was forced to wander in search of owners. On his way to the house, the Cat had to overcome many obstacles.

Thug and Ryzhik. Tatyana Nilova tells real stories that happened both in Russia, where she spent her childhood, and in America, where she lives now.

The book "Hunting Hut" includes stories and novels by Nikolai Krasilnikov about wildlife.

The book "Long Way Home" includes eight stories about domestic and wild animals, bees, and fish. The heroes of the works of Vladimir Kamenev live according to the laws of Nature, without violating them.

The story "The Island of Calmness" is well known to both Russian and foreign readers. The book has been published three times in Japan. This fascinating story tells about the mysterious fate of the expedition of Captain Paltusov and its unusual participant - a talking parrot.

The Tale of the Famous children's writer, laureate of many literary prizes Valery Mikhailovich Voskoboynikov "Girl, Boy, Dog" rightfully belongs to the best works of children's literature.

Forest Cinderella

What do you think, who can be the father of a little elephant? Of course, an elephant, you say. But not always.

About how the baby elephant turned out to be the son of ... an ordinary ram, how a smart toad named Georges, like a real doctor, treated a person, about who the Forest Cinderella is, and also why every mountain has its own jaguar, you will learn by reading this fascinating a story about big and small inhabitants of our vast planet.

For elementary and middle school age.

14x20 cm, 192 pages.

MRI. Adventure story about real cats

Hello reader!

We wanted to tell you about our adventures, and it seems we succeeded. We are the Persian cat Masya (officially Leo), the Egyptian cat Babka Eshka and their owner Dina Krupskaya, translator and editor of children's literary magazine for children "Cucumber".

Almost all the characters in our book are real, as well as the places where the action took place. For middle school age.

14x20 cm, 272 pages.

This work - one of the best works about cats that only exist.

This is the story of a domestic cat, which, through the fault of human whim and cruelty, was forced to wander in search of owners. On his way to the house, the Cat had to face good and evil, loyalty and betrayal, to know human warmth and love, indifference and intransigence. For middle and senior school age.

Sergeev Leonid Anatolievich 2016


For children , About animals , Russian literature

The story "Alma" is based on real events. The dog saved by the writer has always remained his devoted, sincere friend. In 2010, for the story "Alma" Leonid Anatolyevich Sergeev was awarded the International Literary Prize S.V. Mikhalkov. For primary and secondary school age.

Sergeev Leonid Anatolievich 2016

Zoo in my apartment

For children , About animals

"The Zoo in My Apartment" is a collection of non-fictional stories about animals, written with great love for those "whom we have tamed." Few of the authors manage to write so penetratingly, and at the same time easily, about "our smaller brothers." The stories of Leonid Sergeev are rightfully among the best works of children's literature. For elementary and middle school age.

Khrapov Nikolay 2016

Forest Cinderella

For children , About animals

What do you think, who can be the father of a little elephant? Of course, an elephant, you say. But not always. About how the baby elephant turned out to be the son of ... an ordinary ram, how a smart toad named Georges, like a real doctor, treated a person, about who the forest Cinderella is, and also why every mountain has its own jaguar, you will learn by reading this fascinating story about big and small inhabitants of our vast planet. For elementary and middle school age.

Nikonov Alexander 2016

I'm with you, Werk!

Fiction , For children , Foreign literature , About animals

Two inseparable friends, Sasha and Misha, pick up a wounded puppy on the road. The boys hide him in the forest omshanik, take care of him, protect and treat him. So between the dog and the boys, mutual love, devotion and fidelity are born. The guys grow up, mature, but cannot imagine their life without four-legged friends. In the harsh and dangerous conditions of army service, the friendship of the border guard Alexander and his devoted dog Verka. For middle school age.

Vereshchagin Pavel 2016

Red named Red

For children , About animals

It's good to have a friend in life! Inventor, fidget, mischievous - you never get bored if he is around. He rejoices when you feel good, and does not find a place for himself when something is wrong with you. For your sake, he is ready for anything, and it doesn’t matter at all that this friend cannot speak, and expresses all his feelings only with his ears and tail ... In 2015 Children's jury International literary competition them. V.P.Krapivina called Pavel Vereshchagin's story "A Redhead named Red" her winner.

Rick Tatiana 2016

Fiction , For children , Russian literature

The turtle house is my home! More precisely, ours: mine and my family. No, we are not turtles! We are me, the writer Tatyana Rick, my sister Olya, my brother Misha, my parents: mother Lena and father Gena, my son Vitalik and other people and animals. There are a lot of animals: a cat, dogs, parrots, a fish, a turtle... And all of us, like a turtle under a shell, live comfortably in our sweet home, make friends and love each other. I invite you all to my turtle house - to get to know my family and my animals, to laugh, mourn and rejoice with us.

Kamenev Vladimir 2015

Long way home

For children , About animals , Russian literature

The book "Long Way Home" includes eight stories about domestic and wild animals, bees, and fish. The heroes of the works of Vladimir Kamenev live according to the laws of Nature, without violating them, and therefore it sometimes seems that they wiser than people. Each story makes the reader think, reflect on many things. As O. B. Korf, a specialist in children's literature, noted, "Kamenev writes in such a classically simple, stylistically pure manner that one cannot even believe that he is our contemporary."

Voskoboynikov Valery 2015

Island of calm

For children , Adventures , Russian literature

The story of the famous children's writer, laureate of many literary awards Valery Mikhailovich Voskoboynikov "Island of Calmness" is well known to both Russian and foreign readers. The book has been published three times in Japan. This fascinating story tells about the mysterious fate of the expedition of Captain Paltusov and its unusual participant - a talking parrot.

Krupskaya Dina Valerievna 2015


For children , About animals , Russian literature

Hello reader! We wanted to tell you about our adventures, and it seems we succeeded. We are the Persian cat Masya (officially Leo), the Egyptian cat Babka Eshka and their owner Dina Krupskaya, translator and editor of the children's literary magazine for children "Cucumber". Almost all of the characters in our book are real, as are the places where the action took place. For middle school age.

Voskoboynikov Valery 2015

Girl, boy, dog

Fiction , For children , Russian literature

The story of the famous children's writer, winner of many literary awards Valery Mikhailovich Voskoboynikov "Girl, Boy, Dog" by right belongs to the best works of children's literature. It's exciting and at the same time Touching story about a missing dog and the guys taking care of it. The book is addressed to readers of middle school age.

  • Nilova Tatiana 2014

    Thug and Ryzhik

    Fiction , For children ,
  • After the incredible success of the Sapiens Cat Diary, the author of the book, the cat Barsik, decided to take on a new role. Because the social media gaining momentum, he became a blogger. The number of his fans is steadily growing. However, Barsik does not stop there. He is thinking about organizing a movement for equal access to gadgets for the feline family. Cat sapiens is sure that if his tailed brothers had the opportunity to use the Internet, he would have long ago become one of the millionaire bloggers.

  • The turtle house is my home! More precisely, ours: mine and my family. No, we are not turtles! We are me, the writer Tatyana Rick, my sister Olya, my brother Misha, my parents: mother Lena and father Gena, my son Vitalik and other people and animals. There are a lot of animals: a cat, dogs, parrots, a fish, a turtle... And all of us, like a turtle under a shell, live comfortably in our sweet home, make friends and love each other. I invite you all to my turtle house - to get to know my family and my animals, to laugh, mourn and rejoice with us.

  • Imagine, on the first of September, you, as if nothing had happened, went to the third grade, but instead found yourself ... in a dog's clothing! And from all sides dangers, adventures and even real battles lie in wait for you. How to survive in a dog world? It’s good that the best girl, Vaska, is still nearby! True, and she now has a tail upright ... Fortunately, the human intellect helps out in the most difficult moments and friendship is tested for strength. The fantastic adventures of Grisha and Vaska will not let you get bored even for a minute! Even if you like cats more… Woof!

  • It's good to have a friend in life! Inventor, fidget, mischievous - you never get bored if he is around. He rejoices when you feel good, and does not find a place for himself when something is wrong with you. For your sake, he is ready for anything, and it does not matter at all that this friend cannot speak, and expresses all his feelings only with his ears and tail ...

  • The book includes stories and novels by Nikolai Krasilnikov about wildlife. As the famous naturalist writer Leonid Sergeev said, “Nikolai Krasilnikov talks about four-legged and feathered pets so capaciously, picturesquely, with light humor that you feel like a participant in many events ... Krasilnikov is not just a writer who owns his craft, but a Writer who opens the world around to children ".

  • What do you think, who can be the father of a little elephant? Of course, an elephant, you say. But not always. About how the baby elephant turned out to be the son of ... an ordinary ram, how a smart toad named Georges, like a real doctor, treated a person, about who the forest Cinderella is, and also why every mountain has its own jaguar, you will learn by reading this fascinating a story about big and small inhabitants of our vast planet.

  • If people understood what their pets are talking about, they would learn a lot of interesting things about themselves. It just seems to us that the life of pets is monotonous and boring. In fact, the everyday life of the furry brethren is full of the most exciting events.

  • This is the story of a domestic cat, which, through the fault of human whim and cruelty, was forced to wander in search of owners. On his way to the house, the Cat had to overcome many obstacles, face good and evil, loyalty and betrayal, learn human warmth and love, indifference and intransigence. “The Tale of the Cat is the story of my cat, which we took from the street. Beaten, he was lying under a bench near the entrance. In the veterinary clinic they said: the cat is old, besides it is badly crippled, and they offered to euthanize. We decided to treat him. He lived with us for five years. When I wrote the story, it seemed to me that this whole story could actually happen to our cat before meeting us.

  • "The Zoo in My Apartment" is a collection of non-fictional stories about animals, written with great love for those "whom we have tamed." Few of the authors manage to write so penetratingly, and at the same time easily, about “our smaller brothers”. The stories of Leonid Sergeev are rightfully among the best works of children's literature.

  • Akvilegia-M publishing house is proud to present a unique work - the diary of the cat Barsik. Agree, a rare case when the author of the book is a representative of the fauna. Negotiations about this edition were complex and lengthy, since Barsik for a long time did not dare to agree to the publication of notes about his personal life. Be that as it may, the creation of our little brother in front of you. However, Barsik asked to be noted that all the indisputable merits of the diary belong to him. And if the reader notices any shortcomings in the text, then all claims should be made to Tamara Kryukova. You never know what she distorted when translating from a cat.
