Michael Jackson is alive: the main evidence of the "grand scam" and eyewitness accounts. Evidence or Fiction: Is Michael Jackson Really Alive? michael jackson where is he now

fans legendary singer sure that he is alive, and provide evidence.

Fans of Michael Jackson, who died in the summer of 2009, claim that their favorite singer is alive and well. As evidence, pictures appear every now and then, which depict the king of pop.

Producer Yana Rudkovskaya recalls how she talked with a Western music manager and he suggested that a “grand scam” was being planned.

“It just became known that Jackson announced a tour of 50 concerts. And this manager told me: “There will be no concerts. On the eve of them, Michael will disappear. And the whole world will shudder from the most grandiose scam of the century!

Rudkovskaya said.

According to the Russian producer, the death of the pop king was beneficial to him. Stagnation in creativity, debts, constant persecution in the press - all this put incredible pressure on Jackson.

Relatives noted that it was not Michael's wallet that suffered the most, but his pride - the star could not get used to fading.

And after the death of the singer, his compositions again soared to the top of the charts, "compacts" were swept away in a day, books about the king of pop culture were resold for incredible money, and only millionaires could afford to buy Jackson's autograph.

It was the singer's dream, a repetition of his finest hour, a second wind.

“Jackson was torn to pieces and he would be damn pleased with it,” one of his show makers said at the time.
Well, of course, "death" would solve all the singer's debts, which have accumulated a lot.

“After all, this is the best chance to hide somewhere and from the side to observe the turmoil in the world, the shock that his death caused. At the same time, the organizers of Jackson's tour break a huge jackpot: it is unlikely that people will go to hand over already purchased tickets.

Rudkovskaya is sure.

Those who attended Jackson's last rehearsal are also inclined to the version of the "fake death". According to eyewitnesses, he moved on stage as if he were not 50 years old, but 25. But shortly before that, he did not get up from a wheelchair. They say that it was his double, of which Jackson had many. The king of pop wanted to be remembered as young and energetic. The double sang, of course, to the soundtrack - Jackson's dance can be faked, but the "signature sound" is impossible.

The obsession of Michael Jackson led to the fact that, in fact, no one knew what the singer really looked like.

The doctors who declared the death of the legend of the scene could easily mistake any of the doubles for Jackson.

But the strangest thing in this story is Michael's funeral. There are no grief-stricken, crying relatives in any photo or video frame. Brother the singer generally looked very joyful. Literally an hour after the funeral, he was already handing out interviews right and left and shone in front of the cameras. It is unlikely that a heartbroken person would be capable of such a thing.

A lot of eyewitness stories about meetings with the singer also “walk” on the network.

Some saw him in Spain at a gas station in a huge black hat and beard. Others are on the rides in Cologne, Germany. He appeared to someone surrounded by “colored” guards and “a boy of about nine” in Australia. And someone even hugged him.

Michael Jackson is alive and planning a new UK tour, Michael Jackson's stylist has announced.

According to him, the king of pop, whose family is now trying to dispute numerous allegations of sexual violence over children, hiding and someday will return to the music scene, writes Mirror.

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Speaking to a group of believers that Michael did not die on June 25, 2009, Steve said that they need to wait a bit.

"This is a spoiler," he wrote in in social networks. “And in a couple of months, or at the latest at the end of the year, you will get very good news. It's almost unbelievable. And even the family doesn't know... but I do."

While Earnhardt didn't specify what the news would be, he started spreading rumors last June when he shared a highly cryptic photo on social media.


It featured a man's leg in Jackson's famous white socks and baggy black trousers, and the caption: "In a recording studio, somewhere in the world, in an unknown place." He further wrote: "He will come soon." However, despite Steve's promises, nothing of the sort has happened yet.

Steve is not only person, close to Michael, who launched the fantastic theory. Producer Teddy Riley, who worked with him on the Dangerous album, was shocked to admit that he wouldn't rule out a conspiracy theory suggesting that Michael is still alive.


In 2010, a year after reports of his passing, he tweeted: "If people can think Elvis is still alive, why can't I think Michael is still alive." Teddy's comments came only a day after a fan tweeted about the theory proposed by rapper Akon.

“Akon said he believes Michael is in hiding and will return one day. What do you think about this,” they wrote, and received an unexpected response. "Akon is my friend and we think alike." Producer Akon is also said to have been close to Michael Jackson and even released a song called Cry Out Of Joy after his passing.


When Michael Jackson's death was announced in 2009, several people were so overwhelmed with grief that they refused to acknowledge that he was really dead.

However, debunking any crazy theories, authorities have officially confirmed that he tragically passed away in Los Angeles following a heart attack. And personal doctor Conrad Murray was convicted of manslaughter.

Do you believe that Michael Jackson is alive and just hiding from justice?

0 September 26, 2017, 12:25

All sorts of conspiracy theories, in which part of the earth's population believes, is a story that has touched the stars of show business. Some of us believe that the world is ruled by a secret government, someone believes in reptilian people, and from someone you can easily hear that Elvis is alive.

the site has studied the most incredible theories related to the life and death of celebrities.

First, let's remember which stars the fans or haters declared dead, although the "dead" themselves sometimes did not even know about it.

Avril lavigne

The most famous, perhaps, such a legend is that Avril Lavigne died in the early 2000s and was replaced by a double. Apparently, the rumors were related to the fact that the appearance of the Canadian singer changed quite a lot some time ago. But fans did not begin to think in such banal categories as cosmetic procedures or even plastic surgery. No: according to them, Avril is dead.

Theories were put forward that the star was killed, and also that she committed suicide, unable to withstand the stress, stress and death of her beloved grandfather. Fans compared Avril's songs before and after 2003 (when, according to their assumptions, the substitution took place). They considered the moles on the body of the "old" and "new" Lavigne and were increasingly convinced that the current Avril was not who she claims to be.


Marshal Mathers, known to the world like Eminem, also changed in appearance, and this gave fans reason to believe that the rapper was replaced with a double. There is a legend that in the mid-2000s, the real Eminem died of an overdose, and music producers, not wanting to lose money, came up with a scam with a fake Marshal. According to another hypothesis, the rapper has not been with us for 18 years, and since then the musician's double has managed to re-record all his songs, so no one remembers how the real Eminem's voice sounds.

Britney Spears

Britney Spears is one of those stars around which there are many conspiracy theories. Let's start with the fact that she, like some other celebrities, was declared dead by unknown "jokers". Last summer, hackers hacked into Sony Music's Twitter and posted the "official" news that Britney had died. The manager of the star hastened to refute the fake news, however, some people still think Spears is dead.

There were rumors that back in the late 90s, Britney, along with her then boyfriend Justin Timberlake, got into a terrible car accident, and the singer could not be saved, and her lover ... is still in a coma. As you already understood, both artists, according to this theory, were replaced by people very similar to them.

Supporters of the legend about the death of the singer even find confirmation of their innocence, for example, they say that on all Spears' albums since 2007, instead of her voice, the vocals of the singer Maya Mary, the back vocalist who worked with the star, sound.

If rumors about the death of a particular star do not appear so often, then almost every celebrity who has left this world is “revived” by fans. Most often, such rumors are spread by fans who are not ready to get used to the idea of ​​leaving their idol. Indeed, it is much more pleasant to think that the beloved singer did not die, but settled somewhere on a tropical island and reads the news of his death with a laugh.

One such favorite of the public is Michael Jackson, who died in 2009. According to a popular hypothesis, the performer did not die at all, but only imitated his own death in order to get rid of his rather scandalous image and the load of debts. There were rumors that Michael was even seen getting out of the van in which his supposedly dead body was being transported.

Another wave of rumors began in 2016, when the daughter of the musician Paris Jackson published a selfie from the car, in which the fans imagined the King of Pop himself in the back seat. The fans decided that Paris thus showed the world that her father was alive.

The death of Princess Diana so shocked the public that various rumors began to spread at lightning speed and do not stop even now, 20 years after the fatal accident. Let's not recall the talk that Diana was allegedly liquidated by decree of the ruling monarchy: a lot has already been said and written about this. Not everyone believes that the princess is actually dead. A few years ago, photos flashed on social networks, which depicted a woman reminiscent of Diana in wheelchair. Then there were rumors that the princess played tragic death in order to permanently get rid of any ties with the royal family. It was even said that she secretly attended the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton.

Elvis Presley

Elvis Presley died in 1977 - presumably from an overdose of a certain drug, but the cause of death is still unknown. At the insistence of the star's father, the results of the examination will be made public only in 2027, the year of the 50th anniversary of the artist's death. This adds fuel to the fire: some people still believe that Elvis is alive.

The tragedy was surrounded by a lot of rumors and conjectures. Legends spread that a wax mannequin was buried instead of Presley - therefore, allegedly, a mistake was made on the singer's grave in his second name (Aaron instead of Aron). The reasons why, they say, the singer started staging his death is the desire to hide from the mafia or end a career that was already moving towards its decline. Presley was not in the best shape then - he recovered greatly, he was criticized for the fact that his vocal abilities were becoming more modest. Since the day of the death of the legendary singer, eyewitnesses have constantly stated that they saw him in different points planets - most often in the state of Tennessee.

Photos of "alive" and "aged" Elvis Presley appear on the network every now and then.

The death of a rock star still haunts Nirvana fans and conspiracy theorists. It seems that no one believes in the suicide of a musician, despite farewell note left by Cobain. Some argue that Kurt took too many drugs on the day of his death to be able to even just hold a weapon in his hands. Others suspect his wife, Courtney Love, of the murder of the Nirvana leader: she allegedly found out that Cobain wanted to divorce her and took revenge on him.

And some fans do not consider Kurt dead at all: in their opinion, the rocker could imitate his death and thus leave both show business and his wife. As evidence, they cite the fact that the photos taken at the site of Cobain's suicide did not show his face.

No less myths around the death of Jim Morrison: the leader of The Doors died in 1971 at the age of 27. The musician died in Paris, the autopsy of his body was not carried out. Someone believed that Jim was killed by drugs (which is the most common version), others talked about a heart attack. There was even gossip about the criminal nature of the tragedy - allegedly Morrison was killed by a drug dealer. Meanwhile, immediately after the death of the cult musician, legends appeared that Morrison did not die, but simply decided to hide from the glory that bothered him. Jim's former colleague in The Doors, Ray Manzarek, contributed to the spread of such gossip.

There are too many strange circumstances surrounding his death. Nobody saw him dead, I don't even know if he's dead or not

- said the musician, finally convincing some of the fans that Morrison just ran away from his own popularity.

Photo Gettyimages.ru

The King of Pop turned (would be) 59 years old

August 29, 1958 in the town of Gary american state Indiana was born a man who turned the world upside down. And not vice versa. He sang and danced for his fans for 44 years. On the birthday of the king of pop, rock and soul music, as the great Elizabeth Taylor called him, Michael Jackson, we will debunk the most common myths about this mysterious personality and talk about what the tabloids didn't write about.

Tour B.A.D. Photo courtesy of Michael Jackson|Michael Jackson: United Fan Family.

"breaking news"

70-80s - the heyday of Rupert Murdoch's corporation, tabloids capture a huge part of the audience. Gossip and fiction about popular artists are read from cover to cover, people in power use yellow newspapers for their own purposes. Not one artist suffered from such deals. Among these - the most popular artist on the planet Michael Jackson.

Jackson, while still a little boy, had to experience the cruelty of journalistic attacks. He was only 9 years old when one of the tabloids wrote that "The Jackson Five" does not perform a little boy with good vocal and choreographic data, and a 42-year-old dwarf. Michael cried a lot.

Michael Jackson at the dawn of his career. Photo courtesy of Michael Jackson|Michael Jackson: United Fan Family.

And such rumors about him went from the very beginning of his career. Do not dissemble, some fables about himself were launched into the press by Michael himself. For example, the situation with the pressure chamber.

On the set of an advertisement, Michael's hair on his head caught fire from pyrotechnics. The burns were serious, the singer underwent surgery, and the doctors kept him a gorgeous head of hair. After this incident, with the compensation paid, Michael opened a burn center. Once Jackson came to inspect the purchased medical equipment. Playfully lay down in one of the pressure chambers, folded his arms and closed his eyes. In an interview with the famous presenter Oprah Winfrey, who visited him at Neverland, Jackson said that the next second he heard the sound of a camera shutter, and the next day all the tabloids printed articles that Michael Jackson was sleeping in a pressure chamber to preserve eternal youth, and illustrated with a photograph. These rumors Jackson fueled his comment that yes, it will help him live to 100 years. Of course, it was a joke on his part, but quite respectable people still believe in this myth.

Another myth says that Michael Jackson wore a black mask to protect himself from infections, because allegedly after “so many plastic surgeries” the pop color has lowered immunity. In his autobiography Moonwalk, the singer told a very different story: after he had to pull out a wisdom tooth, the doctor advised him to wear a bandage so that Michael would not swallow germs. “I liked this bandage. It was great - much better than sunglasses- and for some time I walked in it for the sake of laughter.< >I want to hide at least a part of myself, at least a little rest from people. Designers sewed several black masks for Jackson, which became a kind of barrier for cameras.

Michael Jackson wore a mask to hide his face from the paparazzi. Photo courtesy of Michael Jackson|Michael Jackson: United Fan Family.

There are many video sequences with photos of Jackson on the Web. different years- on years. You can see how Michael has changed. According to the "slander" of the tabloids, people discussed how many dozens of operations the singer had done. In his interview with Martin Bashir (although he did not include it in the final version of the program), Michael said that he survived two operations on his nose - the first after an injury, and the second - also not cosmetic: “So I can breathe, take more high notes and sing cleaner,” admitted the singer. Another intervention of surgeons was needed after a head burn, as described above. “I didn’t change my cheekbones, I didn’t change my eyes, nothing happened to my lips. It's all fiction, ”Michael convinces. He explains changes in appearance by puberty, growing up, and skin disease.

Michael Jackson attributed facial changes to growing up rather than plastic surgery. Photo courtesy of Michael Jackson|Michael Jackson: United Fan Family.

And now about the most, probably, the main and exciting myth about Jackson - this is skin whitening. What they just didn’t attribute to him: he lay in milk baths, and rubbed a whitening cream into the skin, and transplanted it in pieces (imagine how many operations you need to undergo in order to transplant 98% of the skin?). Of course, these rumors have nothing to do with reality. The truth is that around the time of the release of Thriller, Jackson began to show signs of a genetic disease called vitiligo, which affects only 2% of the population and changes the pigmentation of the skin over time. It is not fatal, but has a number of side diseases (lupus) and contraindications (Jackson walked under an umbrella so as not to get into the sun).

Michael had to wear an umbrella to keep out the sun. Photo courtesy of Michael Jackson|Michael Jackson: United Fan Family.

He first spoke about this in 1993 in an interview with Oprah Winfrey. The same information was confirmed by Jackson's permanent stylist Karen Faye Kissinger for 27 years.

Jackson's make-up artist Karen Faye Kissinger at work. Photo courtesy of Michael Jackson|Michael Jackson: United Fan Family.

In one of the TV shows, she said that at first she had to cover up light areas of the skin with a dark tone, but after a while Jackson's entire body was covered with white spots and had to be turned into a white man with makeup.

By the way, dark spots are clearly visible in the clip They don't care about us.

Signs of vitiligo are clearly visible on Jackson's skin. Photo courtesy of Michael Jackson|Michael Jackson: United Fan Family.

Black or white

With such a disease, it was as if it was destined for Jackson to smash racial prejudice to smithereens. The universe, as it were, sent a signal to humanity - here he is a black man who became white, but nothing has changed from this.

Michael Jackson turned the music industry towards black artists. This threshold was the video for the song Billie Jean, which became the first music video black artist shown on MTV.

The theme of racism constantly figured in one way or another in his works - songs, videos. For example, Jackson's 11-minute Black Or White video, which, by the way, not everyone has seen, is a shortened version on TV. In fact, the clip is replete with symbols, which is called "read between the lines." In particular, the black panther that Jackson turns into is a symbol of one of the African anti-nationalist groups of those years. Against the background that Michael somehow leaves behind - in the past, symbols of the (banned in the Russian Federation) Ku Klux Klan, war footage, appear and burn in the "fire hell". In the part of the clip banned for public display in the USA, Jackson in the gateway of a certain ghetto beats the windows of houses and a car with racist inscriptions, signs of the same KKK and screams furiously, protesting against social inequality due to the difference in skin color. "I'm not going to live my whole life" colored "! - says Michael, saying that there are no "blacks" and "whites" - there is a planet of people created for everyone.

In They don't care about us, Jackson, usually completely apolitical, chastises the authorities for inaction: "They don't care about us." In the song, Jackson mentions President Roosevelt, black rights activist Martin Luther King, who "would never allow such ".

Two music videos were shot for this song directed by Spike Lee. One is world famous. In the second, Michael introduced himself as a prisoner in a prison. Against the backdrop of footage of violence, including by government officials. Something reminds... Ah, yes. Michael again looked into the future: high-profile police killings of blacks in the United States now happen quite often. And the same Michael, against whom so many absurd accusations were made, points to the injustice of many trials against people, despite the accepted international declarations and the presumption of innocence.

The song caused a strong reaction immediately. Michael Jackson was accused of anti-Semitism for saying about Jews - "Kick me, kike me / Don" t you black or white me", where "Kike" is an insulting name-calling. In an interview with Diana Sawyer, Michael denied all accusations: "I love all peoples - Arabs, Jews<>blacks." However, Jackson still had to remove these words from the song with the help of sound effect and re-release the album. And the prison version of the clip was completely banned for showing scenes of violence.

Jackson raises other themes in his works that are relevant to this day and not only in American ghettos, but also in our cities. In particular, these are street fights. Jackson grew up in a crime-prone neighborhood. His brother Jermaine and mother Katherine Jackson said that Michael and his brothers had every chance of being killed in street fights. And Jackson in Beat it advises: if you get into a mess, go away to save your life, switching to simple language, get off while you are intact. The Beat it video, in which Michael separates two fighting gangs and unites them with a dance, is significant not only for the plot, but also for the fact that only 18 people were professional dancers, the rest are real members of the Los Angeles criminal gangs. The video won two Grammys and was included in the list of the 500 greatest songs of all time by Rolling Stone magazine.

An 18-minute film was made for the song "Bad". short film based on a novel by Richard Price and directed by Martin Scorsese. Price's story is about young man from a "difficult" area, which stood up to be true, went to study at a prestigious institution, and succeeded there, became an excellent student. But when he returned home for the holidays, he did not find common language with your old friends. Misunderstandings led to the death of a teenager - he was killed in one of the troubles in which his peers involved him. Jackson did not play the tragic finale in the video. In an interview, he said that he sings "Bad", but means "good": "when you are strong and good, then you are bad." By the way, in this clip, Michael reveals another talent - the now well-known Hollywood actor Wesley Snipes.

Artist of all times and peoples

Jackson received his first award when he was 14 years old: it was a Grammy for an ABC song performed by The Jackson Five.

During his long career, Michael Jackson has received more than 700 awards, of which 372 are musical, the rest are for charitable activities. He has 25 Guinness World Records. In fact, Michael Jackson only in 2000 was mentioned in the book of records 10 times, setting a record for the number of Guinness records in a year.

Four records for Jackson's Thriller album, including being the best-selling album of all time (still unbroken) and the longest-serving Billboard chart topper, 37 weeks at No. 1 and another 43 weeks in the top ten. Released in 1982, the Thriller video created a buzz and gave an incredible impetus to the development of the entire music industry. The 14-minute mini-movie became an example for other performers - they also started filming interesting clips With storyline. And here Jackson's innovation is undeniable - the latest special effects at that time to this day give the impression that the video was filmed quite recently, meanwhile, "Thriller" is already 34 years old! By the way, the clip was converted to 3D and .


- 13 grammy awards, 8 of which Jackson received in one night, which is an unrivaled achievement;

26 American Music Awards, including the most successful pop artist of all time (380 million records sold worldwide)

16 World Music Awards»;

26 Billboard Awards;

- With 6 BRIT Awards, Jackson is the most awarded international singer in the history of the award.

Eight Grammys in one night. 1984 Photo courtesy of Michael Jackson|Michael Jackson: United Fan Family.

Jackson is also the artist of the century, the artist of the millennium, the most recognizable person on Earth.

On account of Jackson and several patents. One of the most famous was the anti-gravity boots he used to lean in Smooth Criminal. This trick was used not only in the video, but also at concerts.

Michael Jackson's famous tilt. Photo courtesy of Michael Jackson|Michael Jackson: United Fan Family.

Michael Jackson immediately has 2 stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame: as a member of The Jackson Five and as a solo artist. By the same principle, Jackson was twice inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Even after his death, Michael continues to collect awards and break records: in 2009 he was posthumously awarded four music awards American Music Awards for the album "Number Ones"; in 2010, Michael was posthumously awarded the most prestigious Grammy - for the achievement of his entire musical career, for his special contribution to the development of music.

"All this time we thought we knew him well, but he really knew us well," said the 'Nsync' member as he introduced Michael Jackson at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction ceremony.


Charitable activities of Michael Jackson are not particularly known to the general public. The tabloids literally “ate” the musician with “dirty jaundice”, but they could not drown out his love for all people on Earth. Despite dozens litigation, thousands of impartial publications, allegations of pedophilia, Michael continued to help children, because he considered it his duty to help ensure a decent standard of living for them in any corner of the world. In every country where he performed, Michael visited an orphanage or a children's hospital. Jackson supported the poor, including paying for the education of especially gifted children (through UNCF), donating millions of dollars to disaster victims, children of the poor African countries for the fight against drugs. By the way, for using the song Beat It in a social video against drunk driving, Jackson was personally awarded by President Ronald Reagan. George W. Bush awarded Jackson four times, two awards for charity. Jackson also received awards in other countries: Brazil, Africa, India, and others. charity project with the song We Are The World, which was performed simultaneously by several dozen of the most famous performers raised $63 million for the hungry in Africa. Another record for Michael is that he supported 39 (!) charitable organizations at the same time.

It is worth adding to this that Michael did not receive any profit in Russia. In 1993 (just when the first charge of child molestation was brought against him in the United States), Jackson refused the fee due to the fact that a concert at the Luzhniki stadium required complex organization; and in 1996, Jackson transferred his earned fee for performing at the Dynamo stadium to Moscow and Moscow region orphanages.

Jackson in Moscow orphanage. In a few seconds, he learns that the boy cannot see.

In fact, the data on the awards and achievements of Michael Jackson are in the public domain, and you can talk about them for a very long time. However, the press ignored such information, writing stories about one of the kindest and most sensitive people in the world. One can only guess how many tears the king of pop shed alone, because he preferred to cry alone with himself, which he openly told Oprah Winfre.

In an interview with Shmuley Botich, when asked how he managed, despite everything, to remain generous and give his heart to complete strangers who tore this heart apart more than once, Michael replied: “I’m just more sensitive to human pain, more responsive to love ".

Michael Jackson is alive!

I would like to complete the article with the story of the creation of another work by Michael Jackson, the meaning of which many do not know - this is the song and video Smooth Criminal (“The Elusive Criminal”). The clip plays on the "gathering" of bandits in the mid-40s. However, the lyrics of the song contain completely different messages. In the chorus, Michael exclaims "Annie, are you OK?". Why Annie? Not without reason. Annie is a girl who drowned in Paris in the 1880s due to an unhappy love. Since the identity was not identified, her beautiful young face was taken death mask. Based on this mask, a mannequin was developed, on which students practice the CPR procedure - “cardiopulmonary resuscitation”. When trying to save a person with whom an emergency has occurred, doctors must determine whether he needs this procedure. To do this, shout loudly “Annie, Annie, are you OK?” If the victim does not respond, proceed to CPR and artificial respiration. Thus, the lyrics of the song are directly related to CPR: "Mouth To Mouth Resuscitation, Sounding Heartbeats - Intimidations", which in translation: "Mouth to mouth, revival, heart rate - intimidation." So the singer, who possessed considerable medical knowledge, with the help of his work paid tribute to the first aid medicine necessary for cardiac arrest.

And the most interesting fact about this clip. At the very beginning, a beat resembling a heartbeat sounds. This is Michael's heart beating: the sound was recorded on tape and digitized. In a bitter twist of fate, at the age of 50, the king of pop died of cardiac arrest. However, Michael Jackson took care of his beloved fans - they can listen to the beating of his heart forever.

I express my deep gratitude for the help in writing the material to the VK community

It's incredible, but more and more supporters are in the most fantastic version: Michael Jackson is actually ... alive! Here is what producer Yana told us:

Yana Rudkovskaya: Michael Jackson is ALIVE!

- When they announced the death of Jackson, I remembered how I talked with a Western music manager. It just became known that Jackson announced a 50-show tour. And this manager told me: “There will be no concerts. On the eve of them, Michael will disappear. And the whole world will shudder from the most grandiose scam of the century!

- And what is this scam?

“Just don't be surprised. First of all, Jackson's death is beneficial ... to him! It's no secret to anyone that last years the life of a star was going downhill. Debts, harassment in the press, stagnation in creativity ... Do you know that immediately after the announcement of his death all over the world, Michael's songs soared to the first lines of the charts? And his CDs swept out of stores in one day? He dreamed about it! He dreamed of repeating that fantastic success when he was torn apart and he really was a king. But at the same time, he dreamed of being left alone, stopped following every step. Michael also wanted to get out of debt. And the best way out would be to make everyone think that he died. "Death" would solve all Michael's problems. No need to work out a tedious concert tour and think about how to pay off debts.

Genius of creativity and PR

“After all, this is the best chance to hide somewhere and from the side to observe the turmoil in the world, the shock that his death caused. At the same time, the organizers of Jackson's tour break the huge jackpot: it is unlikely that people will go to hand over already purchased tickets. They are more likely to keep them as a keepsake. Plus the tour was insured. In the world musical get-together, in which Dima Bilan and I have many friends, everyone knows very well that Jackson is a fantastically creative artist and the most inventive PR man. He didn't think of that! And the version that he just played his death, finds more and more evidence...

- For example?

- People who were present at the last rehearsal of Jackson's new show assure: on stage, Michael did not look like a deeply ill, exhausted person. But a couple of months ago he did not get up from a wheelchair, and he met his 50th birthday in it! And suddenly such a surge of strength! He danced like he was not 50, but 25! Don't you think this is strange?

- Indeed, in these photos, Jackson looks fresh ...

That's it! There is an opinion that on that day it was not Jackson himself who was at the rehearsal, but his ... double!

He will be back in 2 years

– Doppelgänger?!

“Jackson had a lot of them. And he used them when he did not want to go out. Therefore, they say that there was a double at the rehearsal! The man on stage never sang a single line live! But he danced well. Because Jackson's dance can be faked, but vocals can't! It's too "branded". This rehearsal was arranged specifically to ensure peace " latest photos Jackson." On them he looks not old and healthy. This is how Jackson would like to remain in the memory of people. To then return in a completely different way and shock everyone again.

But if he's alive, where is he hiding? He has a bright appearance. They recognize him...

“How do people know exactly what he looks like now?” In recent years, Michael covered his face with glasses and scarves. It is possible that he has long since changed his appearance.

– And what about the doctors who recorded his death? And the opening?

- Once again - not a single person knows what Michael Jackson really looked like in recent years! Doctors could well have mistaken any of his doubles for a singer! Jackson could also negotiate with doctors. But the strangest thing in this whole story, I personally think the behavior of his loved ones. Have you seen on TV at least one story where his children are crying, depressed? No. But they showed a brother who did not look heartbroken at all! Already in the first hours after Michael's death, the brother made some statements, gave interviews ... People do not behave like this in the first hours of the death of a loved one.

“If all this is true, when will Jackson return?”

- He will live somewhere in a place forgotten by God, rest, gain strength. At this time, there will be huge income from the sale of his unreleased songs, and there are more than 200 (!). Plus books dedicated to him. There will be a huge demand for all this in the world all year round. And in a couple of years, Michael can return. And make the biggest splash in the history of music!

- But will the fans who are crying and grieving now forgive him?

- Yes, they will be only happy! He will give them such a miracle! Fairy tale! It looks so much like him!

Eyewitness account: Kevin Mazur: Three days before his death, Michael danced like a 25 year old!

Photographer Kevin Mazur took these sensational photos three days before Michael Jackson's death during his last rehearsal in Los Angeles. Here's what Kevin told our magazine:

- When Michael came on stage, I thought: “Wow! He is back! It's the old Michael! He moved like a 25-year-old guy, not like a sick person. And he danced from the heart, performed complex movements. I enjoyed photographing his famous moonwalk! Just look at these photos! Michael was excited and happy! Everything was wonderful! If he was really sick, he would never have danced like that. I was so happy to photograph him before returning to the stage!

Source- magazine "Secrets of the Stars"
