Sunstroke project biography. SunStroke Project, history, line-up, discography, singles, videos, achievements and awards, interesting facts

Sunstroke Project is the group that will represent Moldova at the upcoming Eurovision 2017. This is a musical trio, which consists of three talented young people. Learn more about the team.

Sunstroke Project - line-up and band history

Sunstroke Project is Sergey Yalovitsky, Anton Ragoza and Sergey Stepanov. Anton is a talented violinist and composer all rolled into one, creating songs for the band. Prior to that, for some time he was a conductor in the Chisinau Orchestra in Moldova, and also won several significant awards for his performance classical music. But despite this, he is an experienced musician working in the fashionable genre of electronic music. Stepanov is a phenomenal saxophonist, and Yalovitsky is the voice of the band.

At first, Anton Ragoz and Sergey Stepanov wrote their songs for a couple of their instruments. In 2007, the musicians decided to create a duet and called it Sunstroke (“Sunstroke”). Their repertoire consisted of remixes of popular songs using live instruments.

The next step to fame was the Evolution Party project. In it, the Sunstroke group participated on a par with such stars of the European scene as Lexter, the German trance group Fragma, music producer Yves La Rock and Michell Shellers. In 2008, the duo decided to complement the symbiosis of two musical instruments vocals - and another member appeared in the team, Pasha Parfeniy. In the autumn of the same year, the updated line-up of the group with an updated name - Sunstroke Project - participated in the Dance 4 Life competition, which is held by DJ Tiesto, a well-known musician in the world of trance.

The group won its first real fans when they participated in the national selection for Eurovision with a song called No Crime. Then they took only third place, but this test was an important step in the career ladder.

In the summer of 2009 the band released two official singles - In Your Eyes and Summer. The new tracks were released by fashionable sound producer Alex Brashovean, who previously collaborated with O-Zone group. They immediately found themselves in the rotation of major radio stations in the country, and a little later the first concert tour took place, within which they visited the countries of the former CIS and cities of Russia. In addition, they released remixes of compositions by some European stars.

When Pasha's contract with the group ended in the summer of 2009, he decided not to renew it, but to take up solo career. After that, a casting was announced for a new vocalist, and of all the contenders, Sergey Yalovitsky turned out to be the most worthy. The first track presented by the new line-up was Believe.

In 2011, the Sunstroke Project entered into a cooperation agreement with a small Ukrainian music holding Lavina Digital, and soon played more than two hundred concerts in different countries Europe.

The following year brought them the gold of the WCOPA (International Talent Olympiad) as the best instrumental and vocal group in the world. In addition, the singles Walking in the rain (“Walking in the rain”) and Epic Sax (“Epic saxophone”) took pride of place in the rotations of the largest Russian radio stations.

Participation in Eurovision

We talked about the first attempt to pass the qualifying round above. For the second time, the musicians went to try their luck in 2009 with the single Run Away. It turned out to be victorious, and the group went to Oslo to represent Moldova at the International Eurovision Song Contest 2010 together with singer Olea Tira.

The audience of the show especially remembered the saxophone solo from Sergey Stepanov: they began to call him Epic Sax Guy, and remixes of this melody gained several million views on YouTube. That year, the musicians managed to win only twenty-second place - between the Norwegian Didrik Solli-Tangen and the team from Cyprus, John Liligrin with The Islanders.

The next time, in 2012, the team of musicians - Sunstroke Project and Olea Tira - were again chosen as representatives from Moldova, but did not pass the selection.

In 2015, the team again participated in the local preselection, but at the event itself they acted as bloggers together with Lydia Isak. This year the group will again represent their country at the Eurovision Song Contest in Kyiv. This time with the song Hey Mamma.

Stylish melody in modern electronic style, saxophone theme and groovy male voices- that's what the audience should expect from the performance of the guys. Sunstroke Project are experienced Eurovision participants, so let's wish them good luck.

*RU-CONCERT is the official concert agent of the Sunstroke Project Group in Russia and the CIS.

Project Sun Stroke Project - it is a symbiosis of violin, saxophone, live vocals and fashionable chaos of music.

The project has existed for more than a year, but it already has several official remakes of world hits, and its own singles, which occupy the leading lines of the charts in Romania and Moldova…

Popular hits from the SunStroke Project

  • run away
  • epic sax
  • Party
  • Walking in the rain
  • no crime

Command structure:

Anton Ragoza(Violin) - the composer of the team, until recently the conductor chamber orchestra, winner of a series of prestigious awards in the field of classical music. He is also a track arranger for many artists. It has great experience performances in the modern electronic genre team “SunStroke project” in many cities.

Sergey Stepanov(Saxophone) - is the author of parts for saxophone, also one of the best jazz musicians of his city and winner of 3 awards in this field… He has extensive experience in performing in the team of the modern electronic genre “SunStroke project”; in many cities …

Vocalist Sergey Yalovitsky(Bucharest - Chisinau) - is the most prominent representative new wave vocalists, this is evidenced by top places- "Duet of the Year 2007, 2008" - first place, "Songs of the World" - 2nd place, "Eastern Bazaar" (Crimea) - 2nd place, "Faces of Friends" Festival (07) - Grand Prix, Golden voice (18 countries and 80 participants) - 2nd place, etc. Sings in all genres… SunStroke Project together with Olea Tira represented the Republic of Moldova at the Eurovision Song Contest 2010, which took place in Norway. The group with the song "Run Away" won the national selection, the final of which was held on March 6, 2010 in Chisinau.

The bright performance of the "SunStroke Project" is built on modern instrumental processing of hits from world pop music, accompanied by live vocals. The group's repertoire includes a large block of Romanian pop hits by such performers as INNA, MoRandi, AKCENT, etc. All pensions are performed in Romanian, Moldovan and English. The main sound is electronic violin and saxophone.

The SunStroke Project group offers its listeners several options for a live show, which include not only hits that many people know, such as: Walking In The Rain, Run Away, Sax U Up, Epic Sax, Play With Me, Believe And More.. But also world dance works in the unique sound of the SunStroke Project, created in collaboration with the best club DJs in Europe. All covers are made in the signature style of the SunStroke Project Mix, with bright vocals, electronic violin and saxophone. All compositions are designed in the style of Commercial House, so the dance mood and positive mood are guaranteed!

Case of cover compositions in the style of SunStroke Mix:
1. Avicii - Sweet Dreams
2. BodyBangers - Sunshine Day
3. DJ Wayko - El Mariachi
4. Housebrothers - To The Moon & Back
5. Steve Angello vs. House Of Pain - Knas Around
6. Kurd Maverick - Ring Ring Ring
7. Andrew Steel - La Revolution In Paradise
8. Sid Templer press. SCAM - Club Belgrade
9. Spit - Falling
10 Eric Prydz - Pjanoo

Sun Stroke Project- group from Moldova. Together with Olea Tira, they represented the Republic of Moldova at the Eurovision Song Contest 2010, which took place in Norway. The group with the song "Run Away" won the national selection, the final of which was held on March 6, 2010 in Chisinau.


  • The SunStroke Project group was founded in 2008 in the city of Tiraspol (Transnistria). The group included violinist Anton Ragoza and saxophonist Sergei Stepanov, who met while serving in the army.
  • The name of the group appeared due to a curious situation, when Anton and Sergey served in the army (orchestra) and went to work in the field, Anton received a sunstroke. As a result, the guys decided to call their group "SunStroke Project".
  • The band members met producer Alexei Myslitsky in one of the clubs in Odessa. Alexey suggested that the team come to Chisinau and try their hand at the Moldovan music market.
  • From 2008 to 2009 Pavel Parfeniy was the vocalist of the group.
  • In 2009, the group performed for the first time in the National Final of Eurovision 2009, where the group took third place with the song "No Crime".
  • After Pasha Parthenia left the group, a casting was announced, thanks to which new vocalist Sergei Yalovitsky.

Group composition

  • Anton Ragoza - violin, composer
  • Sergey Stepanov - saxophone
  • Sergey Yalovitsky - vocals


  • run away
  • Summer
  • no crime
  • Sax You Up
  • In your eyes
  • Walking in the Rain
  • Sax You Up
  • Superman
  • Scream
  • Party (Official Audio)
  • Go on


  1. Sunstroke project feat Pasha - No Crime (3:04)
# Sunstroke project - Rain (4:50)
  1. Sunstroke project - In your eyes (3:52)
# Sunstroke project - Sax U Up (4:00)
  1. Sunstroke project - Scream (3:25)
# Sunstroke project - Summer (03:31)
  1. Sunstroke project - Walking in the rain (3:25)
# Sunstroke project - Epic sax (3:56)
  1. Sunstroke project
# SunStroke Project - Listen (3:23)
  1. Sunstroke project feat Olia Tira - Run away (2:59)
# SunStroke Project - Set my soul on (3:21)
  1. Sunstroke project feat Jucătoru - Go on (3:28)


  • Run Away (feat. [[Olia Tira|Olia Tira])]
  • Sunstroke Project and Olia Tira - Superman (Live)
  • Sunstroke Project - Set My Soul On
  • Sunstroke Project - Walking in the rain (Official Video HD)

Achievements and awards

In 2010 SunStroke Project and Olea Tira represented Moldova at the Eurovision Song Contest 2010 and finished 22nd.

In July 2012 SunStroke Project and Boris Koval were awarded gold medals at the international competition "World Star" in Hollywood

In January 2013, the song "Walking In The Rain" took 1st place in the Superchart Radio Record

After the Eurovision Song Contest 2010, Sergey Stepanov, thanks to his extravagant appearance and movements on stage, is known on the Internet under the pseudonym Epic Sax Guy. A lot of videos have been posted on YouTube, with a looped playback of a saxophone loss and a video sequence with Sergey dancing, parodies or remixes.

In 2012, Olya Tira and the Sunstroke Project with the song "Superman" were accused of plagiarizing the song "Mr. Originality" by the Romanian artist Simplu. As a result, the guys did not even go to the first stage of the national selection contest Eurovision 2012.

"Sun Stroke Project"- a musical group that combines in its work different musical genres: dance, pop, club music, house, representing a symbiosis of modern violin, saxophone, live vocals.

The group's current members are Sergey Yalovitsky, Anton Ragoza and Sergey Stepanov. Anton Ragoza is the band's violinist and main songwriter, Sergei Stepanov is the saxophonist, and Sergei Yalovitsky is the band's vocalist.

The group "SunStroke" was formed in 2007 by two young Tiraspol residents during their service in a military band. Initially, the group included only violinist Anton Ragoza and saxophonist Sergei Stepanov. The name of the group was chosen by Anton when one day he received a sunstroke on the parade ground. They began to remix popular songs, adding the sound of live instruments to them.

Then there was participation in the "Evolution Party" along with such celebrities as Lexter, Michell Shellers, Fragma, Yves La Rock.

After this performance, it was decided to combine the sound of two instruments with vocals. So a new member appeared in the group -. In November 2008, the SunStroke Project participated in the Dance 4 Life Festival, hosted by a star trance music DJ Tiesto.

Fame for the SunStroke Project group was brought by the release of the first single "No Crime", with which the group took part in the national selection for Eurovision, taking 3rd place. The group begins to appear the first fans. In July 2009, the tracks "In Your Eyes" and "Summer" were released, produced by Alex Brashovyan, who previously worked with the group. The tracks immediately got into the rotation of all radio stations in Moldova. In the same year, the group went on their first tour of the cities of Romania, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Russia. The group also creates remixes of compositions by Axwell, Yves La Rock, and other famous artists.

At the end of July 2009, the contract with Pasha Parfeni ended, who decided to start solo career and left the group. A casting was announced to fill the vacant position of the vocalist. Among the many candidates, Sergei Yalovitsky was chosen. He already took part in the preselection for Eurovision 2008 under the name Jay Mon with the track "Point of view". Immediately after that, the group recorded a new version of "In Your Eyes", and the first new single released with Yalovitsky is "Believe".

At the end of 2009 "SunStroke Project" again participate in the national selection of Eurovision. Together with Olya Tira, they present the track "Run Away", which brought them victory at the national stage. So in the history of the group a new page was opened - the Eurovision Song Contest in Oslo. The saxophone of Sergey Stepanov at the competition became known throughout the Internet as a meme "Epic Sax Guy". Remixes of his saxophone solo garnered millions of views on Youtube, despite the fact that the group took only 22nd place in the competition. The SunStroke Project build on their success with the release of the tracks "Sax U Up" and "Epic Sax". Other singles from this period were "Scream", "Listen" and "Play With Me".

In 2011, the SunStroke Project signed a contract with Lavina Digital, then held about 200 concerts throughout Europe. The group re-applied for participation in Eurovision 2012 with the song "Superman", but did not pass the pre-selection. In the summer of 2012, the SunStroke Project won gold medal at the WCOPA competition in Los Angeles as the best vocal-instrumental project. At the end of 2012, the songs "Walking in the rain" and "Epic Sax" take first place in the charts of the largest radio stations in Russia - DFM and Radio Record. The band's tracks are used on various TV shows in Russia.

In 2015 "SunStroke Project" take part in Moldovan preselection for Eurovision with two songs - "Lonely" and "Day After Day" (with Michael Ra), where they took third place with "Day After Day". The band visited Eurovision 2015 in Vienna together with Lydia Isak as video bloggers.

In 2011-2014, the tracks "Sunshine Day", "Set My Soul On", "Party" and "Amore" were released. The group's most recent singles are "Dam Dam Dam", "Home" and "Maria Juana".

"Hey Mamma" was released digitally in 2017. The song was created by DJ Michael Ra and the SunStroke Project. Alina Galetskaya wrote the text, she also wrote the text of “Run Away” in 2010. Yuri Rybak, well-known from the show “Dancing” on TNT and his participation in Eurovision 2013 and 2016, worked on the production of the number.

The SunStroke Project's performance at Eurovision 2017 was very spectacular, which brought them third place in this music competition - an excellent result for both the group and the country.

Below are brief biographies of each member of the SunStroke Project.

Anton Ragoza- violinist, founder of the SunStroke Project group, author of the group name and author of most of the group's songs, composer, arranger.

Born in 1986 in Tiraspol, Republic of Moldova. He inherited his love for music and violin from his father. At some point, I realized that music is his life, everything he wants to do. enrolled in music school quite late - at the age of 13, which did not prevent successful studies. Then he studies at the College of Music in, becoming a violinist, violist and conductor. Participates in numerous national and international competitions, receiving prizes in the field of classical music. However, Anton's musical tastes are multilateral, they are formed under the influence of the albums "Scooter", "The Prodigy", "Moby", etc.

While living in Tiraspol, Anton wrote a lot of music for the SpeX band, which performs trance-instrumental music. Anton has accumulated rich experience of performing in the bands performing modern electronic music.

He went to serve in the army, where he plays in a military band. There he met Sergei Stepanov. Trying to give a new sound to the instruments, they began to experiment. Their duet was becoming more and more popular, and they decided to come up with a name for it. Anton once got a sunstroke on the parade ground and suggested the name "SunStroke". Without wasting much time, they released their first album, called "Don" t word more ...".

After military service, the musicians decided to turn the SunStroke Project into a trio, the duet was joined by singer Pasha Parfeni. They sang in clubs, mainly in Tiraspol and Odessa. One day in Odessa, they met with MC Mislea, who invited them to come to and try their hand at the music market in Moldova. For some time Anton worked as a conductor in one of the Chisinau orchestras. Anton never aspired to popularity, always preferring to stay in the background, and only composing music that touches people's hearts.

Among the members of the group, he is distinguished by his original style, constant mobility and crazy behavior on stage. Anton is very active, always on the move, he has a thousand plans and ideas, but at the same time he loves to spend time with his family, play football and travel. He is afraid to fly on airplanes.

Sergey Stepanov- saxophonist and founder of the SunStroke Project, aka Epic Sax Guy (named after entering the Guinness Book Eurovision-2010).

Born in 1984 in Tiraspol, Republic of Moldova. He admits that from an early age he fell in love with music, and the desire to express his feelings through music was so great that he constantly worked in this direction. He entered a music school in Tiraspol, and since his mother insisted that he also study dancing, he followed her advice, even if he did not like it. Now he admits that, although he has been playing the saxophone for a long time and achieved great success in this dance moves which he performs while playing the saxophone made him famous.

He has been playing with musical groups dreaming of becoming a famous saxophonist. In 2005 Sergey Stepanov graduated from the College of Music in Tiraspol. After college, military service followed, where he met with Anton Ragoza, with whom they created the SunStroke group, known today as the SunStroke Project.

His musical taste was formed under the influence of the albums of Leonid Agutin and Valery Syutkin, he studies the saxophone, listens and performs a lot jazz music David Sanborn and Erik Marienthal, and later contemporary DJs David Guetta, David Vendetta and Tiesto, who left a significant imprint on his style and musical thinking, were added to the list.

For Sergey, it is important that the music he performs contains the breath of life that inspires and gives him creative energy. Professional performance and stage movements made him famous.

On the Internet, he is known as the Epic Sax Guy. There are many videos on YouTube with his performances of remixes and parodies of Sergey's dances.

In 2014, Sergey was included in the Eurovision 2010 Book of Records, which includes the most spectacular moments of the song contest in different years. In 2017, the group sang again at the Eurovision Song Contest, where they took third place with the song "Hey Mamma". Many tabloids of the world wrote "Epic Sax Guy is back", and new videos of him dancing appeared on the Internet.

At the same time, he admits that sometimes he feels awkward on stage, but his graceful movements delight the audience. In 2011, he married Olga Deliu, they had a son, Mikhail, who is the best achievement in their lives. He loves movies and food, the gym and table tennis. And in spite of it manly appearance he is afraid of dentists.

Sergey Stepanov loves his country, because his family and friends are here, he can create high-quality work here, there are growth prospects.

He sincerely believes that in order to achieve success in life and on stage, courage is needed, an insane love for life, music and everything you do, because the public loves courageous artists, enthusiasts of their work. So he follows his dream, to the delight of his fans.

Sergei Yalovitsky- lead singer of the group "Sun Stroke Project".

Born in 1987 in Chisinau in a family of musicians, which determined his fate from the very early childhood.

As a child, he successfully participates in music competitions, performs on the school stage and at other events. The decisive factor in the development of his career was the Star Rain competition, after which Sergey was admitted to the Elat cultural and sports center, where he continues to perform on stage, participating in various concerts and competitions. It was formed under the influence of the style and music of the bands: Prodigy, The Offspring, Linkin Park. Later he became interested in the work of Stevie Wonder, George Benson.

During this time he has gained the experience needed to occupation singing, and becomes a singer on sea cruises. Its program included productions worldwide famous musicals such as "Cats", "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat", "Amazing Grace", "Phantom of the Opera", etc. In three years he visited 35 countries on four continents - South America, Africa, Europe and even Antarctica.

He is truly proud of the music the band plays and especially that it is so highly acclaimed by the public.

Like the other two members of the group, he is a good family man and enjoys spending time with his loved ones. During the tour, he likes to travel, meet new people, enjoy the band's music. He believes that he has chosen the most beautiful profession, does it with soul and enjoys the fact that the public understands and appreciates it.

Today we can say that the group "Sun Stroke Project" defined by such concepts as music, friendship, passion, success. The members of the group are three young, dynamic, active and full of life people who have already won the audience both in Moldova and abroad, becoming famous.

They have great plans for the future, they plan to launch an album recorded in a completely new way.


In your eyes
- Rain
- Summer
- Run Away (feat. Olia Tira)
- No Crime
- Sax You Up
- Walking in the Rain
- Sax You Up
- Rain Scream

,art director hotel "Russia". In fact, she introduced me to Sunstroke. The conversation with the guys passed in one breath. Young, talented, sincere, cheerful, free. They light up, they charge, inspire and stimulate. In a word, they justify the name of their group.
In the yard the beginning of spring - time to rise mental strength, emotions and desires. It's time to bring to your attention my conversation with these cool guys.

So spring has come to Tiraspol. And what about the weather in Chisinau?

Sergei Yalovitsky: It's sunny in Chisinau now. We even have such a sign: wherever we come, it becomes warm everywhere. For example, when we arrived in Naryan-Mar ( Russian Federation), the air temperature rose from minus 40 degrees to minus 20. So it is with any city. It's like magic. And now we have returned to Chisinau, and there is rain and sleet, but literally the next day the sun came out.

You have such a profession - to give people positive, smiles, joy. It's your job. How do you rest?

Sergey Stepanov: And we don't stress. (laughs)
Sergei Yalovitsky: Yes, we just don't get tired of work. And in general, any work should be high. Otherwise, it can be very difficult or sometimes even impossible.
Sergey Stepanov: Joking aside, we actually have a very hard job. And rest is essential. The guys have a family, children. Free time they spend with them. And I, for one, am a film buff. If I don't watch one or two films a day, then it's not my day. That's my hobby. Cinema is the greatest art form. You can draw inspiration from it.

Tell us who and when discovered that you have a musical talent?

Anton Ragoza: The realization that I was a musician did not come right away. Long years study and hard work on oneself, work and the desire to be the best. Probably, these qualities eventually opened a talent in me.
Sergei Yalovitsky: I don't have at all music education. But my father is a musician. I have loved to sing since early childhood. I just turned on the tape recorder and tried to repeat the songs of Steve Wonder or Al Gero. So I learned to sing. Dad criticized me, said that I was fake. But I didn't stop singing because I really liked it. The fact that my father scolded me, he stimulated me to grow and move forward.

Anton, I know that you went to study music rather late. Why did you choose the violin?

Anton Ragoza: It was not my choice. This is my father's choice. It was he who took me to a music school, gave me a violin and said: "Hold it and play." Frankly, at first I was not too happy about it. It so happened that I was the oldest in the class, and I was hurt that the children who are younger than me know more and play better. It always spurred me on, and I kept trying to complete tasks three times faster and play three times better. So I got involved. Despite the fact that at first I did not want to study, then I could no longer stop and could not imagine life without music.

Sergey, why a saxophone?

Sergey Stepanov: I have an uncle. It rarely appears in my life, but when it does, it changes dramatically. When I was 12 years old, he asked me what I would like to do in life if I were financially independent? But at that time I had no serious hobbies. He asked me to think seriously about this issue. On reflection, I realized that it must be music. I went to music school on my own. My parents were sympathetic to my choice. For the first saxophone, since it is a very expensive instrument, all the relatives chipped in.

I read that Anton Ragoza and Sergey Stepanov met in the army. How did you get the idea to unite your talents, create a band? And another question: what difficulties do young musicians face? Why did you have to leave Transnistria?

Anton Ragoza: The biggest challenge is, of course, finances. Unfortunately, a lot depends on money. If you have talent, it is important that there is a person who could invest in you, in your development. At the beginning of any creative way When it comes to recording your first album in a professional studio with quality sound, it's a problem because it's so expensive. This is the reason why we had to leave. So we got a chance to professionally do what we really love. Even now, living in neighboring Moldova, we have to travel around Europe, Russia, America with tours. In a word, everything rests only on finances.
Sergey Stepanov: You didn't answer the first part of the question. The fact is that when we served in the army, we dreamed of becoming rich and famous. (laughs) And we realized that the shortest way to this is to make a super mega band, which will be the hallmark of our country.
Anton Ragoza: Here you can also add that our team is the only one of its kind in the world. There are no more analogues. No one in the world has yet repeated the combination of violin, saxophone and vocals. So in that respect we are unique.

How did you decide to take part in Eurovision? How did you implement this idea?

Sergey Stepanov: Probably, any artist of the pop genre wants to get into this hyped contest. Living only three months in Moldova, we took third place in the national qualifying round- it was already a big victory for us. On next year we tried again, and due to our talent and minimal material investments (by European standards, of course), we managed to win the national selection and get to the Eurovision itself.

Did you manage to achieve the results you were counting on by becoming participants in this competition?

Sergei Yalovitsky: Of course, I wanted to win. But the main goal for us was to get to Eurovision. Even that was already a victory. After that, our bar was raised. This gave us the opportunity to reach another level of our career.

Probably, after the competition, the ranks of your fans have significantly increased. Tell us how you feel about such popularity?

Sergey Stepanov: (laughs) Oh, these fans are tired!.. Just kidding! Of course, we have always strived for this, dreamed about it and were ready for attention to our persons. It's an indescribable feeling when fans stand at the door of the hotel where you are staying, with posters in support of you, when you find out that they are selling amateur photos of you on stocks. This is a whole culture, of course, while this is all a curiosity for us. In general, listeners and fans of our work are absolutely adequate people. They can calmly come up and say how they treat us, give some advice. Panic in this regard, of course, like some artists, we do not have. But we are extremely happy when the halls at our concerts are packed. For us, this is the biggest compliment. We are always happy to communicate with everyone after the concert, take pictures. It is a great success when there are people who accept you, understand your work.

A star fever sick?

Sergei Yalovitsky: No, absolutely
Sergey Stepanov: Great people do not suffer from this. (laughs)

Tell me, what do you sing only on English language- is this your, so to speak, “trick” or is there a reason for that?

Sergei Yalovitsky: No, it's not a feature. We now have plans to record a track in Romanian together with Olya Tira. There are also plans to record songs in Russian.
Anton Ragoza: The fact that all our songs are in English is explained by the fact that we have been focused on Europe so far, the main performances were in European countries. Now we are planning to tour in the CIS. We pick up all the old records and write tracks in Russian.
Sergei Yalovitsky: Taking this opportunity, we call on all poets who write in our format to send their poems in Russian. We are ready for cooperation.

What are your plans for the near future?

Anton Ragoza: We do not build long-term plans, only six months ahead. Now, on April 27, an award will be held in Kyivmusic Awards, in which we will take part as stars, and not as contestants. Now we are going to shoot a video for a song that, unexpectedly for us, has taken a leading position in many top ratings. After that, we have a tour, then to prepare for the award, which I have already mentioned.
Sergey Stepanov: Our most important plan is to create the kind of music that will conquer the audience, which will appeal to listeners not only in our region, but also beyond.

What kind of music is in fashion now? Do you try to follow, follow trends, or do you have your own line that you do not turn off?

Sergei Yalovitsky: Every man to his own taste.
Anton Ragoza: Every region has different fashion. In Germany, for example, - rock and electro, in America -RnB, in Russia - pop, chanson.
Sergey Stepanov: Yes, you can't please everyone. We do what we like first of all.

Genre aside, what is a successful single?

Sergey Stepanov: This is the one that sold out for the ringtone.
Anton Ragoza: This is the one where there is a cool saxophone melody. (laughs)
Sergei Yalovitsky: This is that single, for example, written in Russia, and somewhere in Africa some girl says: “Dad, listen, what a great song.”

I learned that Sergey Stepanov and Anton Ragoz used to have a dream to perform in the Pridnestrovian capital on Republic Day. This is true?

Sergey Stepanov: Yes, when we were younger, September 2 was a special holiday, we often came famous artists, it was a sea of ​​sound, a sea of ​​people, everyone fun mood. Yes, it has come true, and more than once.

Are there still some childhood dreams that have not yet come true, but would you really like to?

Sergey Stepanov: Now one dream is to live the life of everyone's favorite star. (laughs)

Do you have a rider? And what does it include?

Sergey Stepanov: Yes, sure. Our rider is divided into two parts. This is sound - the equipment that is necessary for the performance, and household - a hotel.
Anton Ragoza: In our case, the requirements are quite simple, but they must be clearly executed. All without pathos.

Have you read any lies about yourself in the press?

Sergei Yalovitsky: Full.

Is there anything that particularly bothers you?

Anton Ragoza: No, there is no such thing, because it is always nice when they write about you. It doesn't matter if it's true. Black PR is also PR.
Anton Yalovitsky: It's especially nice to hear from music TV channels about how cool clones we have. Imagine, we live in Chisinau, and we have clones in Moscow who act instead of us. Still, it seems, there are our clones in Azerbaijan. Well, it's convenient. Savings on our flights, accommodation.
Sergey Stepanov: Well, that's it, let's not promote them anymore. (laughs)

Let's not PR and move on to the traditional blitz poll:
What do you love the most?

Sergey Stepanov: Eat and sleep.
Sergei Yalovitsky: House.
Anton Ragoza: More than anything in the world, I love myenu.

What don't you like?

Sergey Stepanov: Wake up early in the morning.
Sergei Yalovitsky: The same, honestly. Now it’s not quite possible to sleep, because a daughter was recently born and it’s not up to sleep yet.
Anton Ragoza: Solidarity with the guys.

What is the most important thing in a woman for you?

Sergey Stepanov: Sense of humor.
Sergei Yalovitsky: A woman should be in charge of everything.
Anton Ragoza: The most important thing is that it belongs entirely to one man.

And what is the main thing in a man?

Anton Ragoza: A man should be like me (laughs)
Sergey Stepanov: Charm, purposefulness.
Sergei Yalovitsky: Strength and wisdom.

Is there anything you really regret?

Sergei Yalovitsky: I have nothing.
Anton Ragoza: And I don't.
Sergey Stepanov: I regret that I did not feed the hamster for three days, and he died.L

And the last question. What is your biggest success at the moment?

Sergey Stepanov: It must be Eurovision after all.
Anton Ragoza: Our luck is that luck follows us all the way.
Sergei Yalovitsky: This is what I met guys in my life and now we are on the same team.
Anton Ragoza: Yes, we are a great lucky trio. Each of us has something special. And together we are ready for big wins and together we can do what we do best.

Thanks a lot guys! I wish you a worthy financial reward, so that you succeed in everything you have planned, and the number of fans grows!

Anton Ragoza: We hope that today we have one fan more?

Yes, definitely! Thank you for the interview!

Sergey Stepanov: What are you, thank you!
