Effective merchandising in a pharmacy external design. The rule of shelf life and rotation of goods on the shelf

Most competent pharmacy workers from the first steps try to set the buyer in a positive way and avoid any manifestations of negativity. Incorrect placement of goods is a costly mistake, so preferences for a medical representative must be approached with caution. To understand how fair his arguments for expanding the company's assortment are and whether it is worth responding to a request to rearrange the drug to a better place, the pharmacist and pharmacist need to have basic merchandising skills.

What does merchandising do?

As you know, there are different categories of goods on the pharmaceutical market. All marketed products, and there are about 30 thousand of them, can be divided into three parts:

1. medical products;
2. cosmetics and dietary supplements;
3. medicines.

As for the latter, as you know, prescription (ethical) drugs should be dispensed only on prescription. OTC group (OTC), which is on free sale, without the obligatory presentation of a prescription. However, we all understand that de facto the pharmaceutical market in Ukraine is OTC.
In addition, dietary supplements, skin care products and other parapharmaceutical products are beginning to take up an increasing share of the domestic “pharmacy basket”. By increasing the promotional activity of manufacturing companies in the total pharmacy sales the share of medical cosmetics is gradually increasing. This is also facilitated by the growth in the number of pharmaceutical markets, where the probability of making spontaneous purchases is much higher than in classical pharmacies. That is why merchandising events are of particular importance in our market.

What is merchandising?

It seems that one of the most successful definitions of this term was given by the American Marketing Association (American Marketing Association - AMA): "Merchandising is a field of marketing activity aimed at focusing the attention of buyers on certain products." In essence, merchandising is the ability to maximize your turnover without changing the topography of the pharmacy.
Here is another definition, synthetic: "Merchandising is one of the components of marketing aimed at improving products and increasing sales of a retail enterprise." In other words, merchandising is a set of activities that includes the development and implementation of methods, as well as all kinds of technical solutions, the purpose of which is to promote goods and attract customers to a particular outlet to increase its profits.

Historical reference
For the first time, merchandising was discussed in the United States during the Great Depression (1930-1935). It was a difficult period for the country, one of the most severe crises hit the population. The struggle for the buyer has increased a hundredfold. Merchandising has become one of the ways to improve competitiveness. Thoughtful placement of goods contributed to increased sales. Soon, pharmacies also took advantage of new technologies.

What is the role of merchandising in a pharmacy?

Now in Ukraine in many pharmacy chains there is such a staff unit as a marketer. The task of a marketer is to make more people enter the pharmacy with the help of promotional, promotional, advertising and other events. And merchandising activities affect the potential buyer already inside the pharmacy, as soon as he crossed its threshold. Whether a person who comes to a pharmacy is “converted” into a client depends on inner harmony pharmacies and from the professionalism of the pharmacists of the first table.
One often hears from the directors of pharmacy chains: “I took a marketer, but there’s no sense!”. I ask: "Why not?" “Yes, sales are not growing!” - they answer.

It is advisable to deal with this issue.
The foundation for the success of a pharmacy is based on three pillars: positioning, including price, service, work with personnel. Still, it is very useful to find out where the chain breaks in a well-established customer-oriented pharmacy work. At the stages of attracting people to the pharmacy? Perhaps leaves something to be desired better job personnel or insufficient level of services provided to customers? Or maybe the pharmacy itself does not pay due attention to merchandising activities. The importance of using these techniques is confirmed by a number of indicators (studies by the Point of Purchase Advertising Institute):

3 purchases out of 10 are made thanks to a well-designed storefront;
drugs displayed in a well-designed showcase sell 6 times better than those displayed in traditionally designed showcases.

It would be appropriate to quote the well-known motto of the merchandiser, which reveals the connection between merchandising and commercial success.

The absence of goods on the shelves is suicide for the institution; the usual arrangement of goods on the shelves is just a defense against competitors. And only the correct placement of goods is an attack and success.

Proper arrangement of goods of different types of demand

Pharmaceutical products divided into 3 groups have their place. The purchase of a number of goods is a rather intimate matter, such as the choice of feminine hygiene products, products for the care of problem skin, dietary products. Some products, such as antifungals or lice medicines, seriously lower the status of the buyer, and if such products are in a crowded place, many will prefer to go to another pharmacy.
A shelf organizer is often used, for example, to separate prophylaxis from flu medicines. In pharmacies, the allocation of zones is possible in groups of over-the-counter drugs and related products. Many buyers do not know that homeopathic medicines on the trading floor are separated into a separate group, and do not understand the principle by which groups are broken, for example, cold, cough, flu remedies. The most persistent customers immediately ask in which department the desired product is located, while the polite and shy ones, having stood in one line, go to the tail of another. Or they leave without even making the planned purchases.
Pharmacies located in business districts can create a special “office” zone, where there are means to reduce psychological stress, fatigue during sedentary work in the office, work with a computer, to quickly eliminate the first signs of colds, restore voice for those who often speak at meetings. Such accents help the pharmacy to acquire the image of an assistant to business people.
Do not forget that merchandising also includes such activities as the timely introduction of drugs into the defect and the competent placement of POS-materials (POS - point of sale - point of sale). By the way, this is not the last tool that can increase sales of your product.
Here are some features of the display of drugs and the placement of POS materials in a pharmacy:

Increasing sales volume when moving goods from the dead zone and from hand level to eye level; decrease - from eye level to hand level.
The most effective is the placement of drugs at eye level. So, by simply rearranging a product from shelf to shelf, you can significantly vary the volume of its sales, up to 80%.
On the lower shelves, which are considered a "dead zone" for an adult, it is advisable to place goods for children, then they will be at the level of the child's eyes, and he will be able to pick them up. Creating a sense of multiplicity of goods also leads to an increase in turnover. And again, let's recall the locomotive rule we have already considered: in the vicinity of the leading brand in this group, you can place a drug that needs to attract attention.

Do not forget that a properly organized retail space allows the visitor to fully realize all the motives for making a purchase, both rational and emotional. Maximizing the turnover of a pharmacy by optimizing the use of its resources - material and human - is the main task of merchandising.
The principles of merchandising are based on the basic physiological characteristics of human behavior and perception environment. Speaking about the placement of the drug at eye level, it is important to emphasize the need to provide the buyer with ease of perception. The same purpose is served by the arrangement of drugs in groups. After all, a person begins the search for the right drug, having decided on the localization of the group to which it belongs. Creating a sense of the multiplicity of goods is achieved by placing several samples of goods side by side and reflecting them in mirrored showcases. The multiplicity effect of a product can be enhanced and its recognition increased if the display is carried out around the leading brand.
A good solution is "locomotive principle" when not the leading, but the most advertised brand is used. At the same time, they proceed from the following considerations: the buyer will certainly pay attention to the advertised drug, but there should always be a choice - because if it turns out that it does not meet all the requirements (for example, the price does not suit you), the client will automatically switch his attention to the neighboring drug. This layout is also appropriate for new drugs.
There is an opinion that the most expensive goods of the group should be placed on the “hottest” places. This is true, but we should not forget about the calculation by type Price Leader. It can become optimal for pharmacies whose target audience is the population with low solvency, when the price of the drug, rather than brand awareness, may be a more significant factor in making a purchase decision. This is very important point. Preparations according to this principle should ideally fit into the assortment, taking into account the needs of the target audience of this pharmacy.
It should also be remembered that seasonal drugs should occupy the best places in the windows at the peak of the season (for example, in spring - antihistamines, in winter - colds, etc.), and out of season they can be moved back. Often in pharmacy supermarkets you can observe the layout “under the ruler” or, even worse, pyramids and others. geometric figures from packages. Visually, this seems to be beautiful, but psychologically, most people do not want to break the existing symmetry. In some cases, window display design is worth sacrificing expediency. When there is a gap in the row of standing drug packages, it creates the illusion of a brisk trade (someone has already bought this drug or product) and emotionally stimulates the acquisition.
The task of merchandising is not only the placement of goods, but also the effective use of advertising on the trading floor. Five years ago, pharmacies were happy to place on the sales floor all the promotional materials that medical representatives brought to them, and even asked to bring more. Today, too, you can sometimes find pharmacies that are abundantly and unsystematically filled with promotional products. However, the placement of POS materials will be most effective at eye level near the cash register or in places as close as possible to it. The buyer often studies promotional items, bored in line when there is simply nothing to do.
In addition, it should be borne in mind that most people are right-handed and have a fairly standard type of behavior in the room, that is, after a short rectilinear motion turn their attention to objects located on their right hand in a clockwise direction. Thus, it is possible to place promotional materials opposite and to the right of the entrance to the pharmacy.
Of course, there is no universal way to place products and visual support. It all depends on the characteristics of a particular pharmacy (form trading floor, entrance location, etc.). You can accurately determine the direction of customer flows by observing the movement on the trading floor for 30-40 minutes. It's also worth putting yourself in the buyer's shoes and considering how your products and POS materials will be placed most appropriately in your particular case.

(To be continued)

The display of goods on the windows previously had to comply with the requirements of the OST "Rules for the release (sale) of medicines in pharmacies" (Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 80), currently the order has been canceled.

The windows display over-the-counter drugs and samples of available products. Medicinal products are displayed separately in showcases: medicinal products for internal use and medicinal products for external use. Within groups, drugs are arranged according to their pharmacotherapeutic characteristics.

Showcase classification:

1. According to the location, the following types of showcases are distinguished:

Facade windows ("look" at the street);

Outdoor showcases (street);

Intra-pharmacy trade showcases;

Demonstration showcases (in the trading floor).

2. According to the trademark, the showcases are divided into:

Showcase-warehouse, catalog;

Air showcases - with a small amount of goods, they are better perceived visually;

Thematic (demonstrate medicines, medicinal herbs, medical devices used in certain diseases);

Combined (drugs of several pharmacological groups);

Specialized (demonstrate drugs of one pharmacological group, parapharmaceutical products, sanitary and hygiene items).

For the correct formation of the calculation, the principles of shelfing are used. Shelfing - presentation of goods in a showcase.

Exist different ways product display in the window:

1. Horizontal - the goods are presented along the entire length of the shelf at one or two levels.

The most effective in terms of sales are the places in the center of the shelf. Worse sold goods, exhibited to the left and side of the center of the showcase.

It is preferable to use the "pyramid principle" - in the center drugs that give the greatest profit, to the right of the leader - more expensive, to the left - cheaper.

2. Vertical - presentation of goods in the entire height of the equipment. Here the “strong” places are at eye level and at hand level. "Weak" - at the level of the legs and at the level of the hat.

3. Block - a certain type of product completely occupies vertical or horizontal blocks. The color scheme of the packages should change from light to dark, in the direction in the direction of the movement of buyers.

4. Frontal - the first sample of the product is displayed so that it can be seen in full, the rest, following it, may be partially visible or not visible. This type of display is usually used for self-service pharmacies.

There are four levels of presentation of goods on the showcase (Figure 2):

I. Hat level (above 1.7 m). It is placed on the product, the packaging of which is attractive enough to be seen from afar (for example, teas, cosmetics, small packages), so that it is more convenient for the buyer to view and get the goods. It is not recommended to put bulky heavy goods on this level. This level provides 10% of sales.

II. Eye level (1.1 - 1.7 m) - the most favorable level, provides 40% of sales. Impulse products, novelties, well-known products, as well as products with the most attractive price for a pharmacy visitor are placed here.

III. Hand level (0.6 -1.1 m). Here they place goods of seasonal and spontaneous demand, widely advertised goods, essential goods. This level provides 30% of sales.

IV. Leg level (0.2 - 0.6 m). Provides 20% of sales and is designed for bulky, bulky, heavy products, the inscriptions on which are better read from above (water, juices, diapers)

When moving goods from the level of the legs to the level of the hands, the implementation increases by 10%, from the level of the legs to the level of the eyes - by 45%. When moving goods from the level of the hat to the level of the hands, the volume of sales is reduced by 45%, and from the level of the hat to the level of the legs - by 80%.

Also, when laying out goods, it is advisable to be guided by the principles of merchandising.

1) The rule of trade stock. The formation of the required level of stock of a pharmacy, sufficient for the constant availability of the selected number of assortment items, should be carried out taking into account an integrated approach. Trading stock - a set of drugs and other goods stored in a pharmacy to cover future needs. Too much inventory worsens the turnover of goods of running groups and financial resources, and a lack of inventory leads to the loss of customers and a significant decrease in sales.

2) The rule of product rotation in the pharmacy and the shelf life (FIFO rule).

The movement of goods from the warehouse to the trading floor, as well as its sale, must be carried out according to the FIFO principle “First in, first out”, i.e. depending on the timing of their delivery and storage, the first to be transferred to the trading floor or the product that arrived at the pharmacy first should be sold. Incoming batches of goods must be sold only after the previous ones have been completely sold out. Controlling the order of receipt of goods and their shelf life, as well as FIFO rotation of the displayed drugs, is useful not only to increase the profits of pharmacies, more precisely, to prevent losses, but also for the convenience of the first-timer. In the self-service department, goods coming from the warehouse are placed at the back, as customers first take what is closer.

3) Submission rule. Items displayed on the shelf or advertised by POS must be available in sufficient quantities to meet demand. Encouraging a customer to first buy something and then deny him this opportunity is at least not ethical. If there are no drugs or goods on sale that are actively advertised in the media or on the sales floor itself, the pharmacy not only misses out on possible profits, but also undermines the trust of customers. Before posting a promotion, make sure that the pharmacy has sufficient stock and that the wholesaler does not run out of stock. Before placing a POS material, check if the exact dosage form or product form that is depicted on it is in stock.

4) The rule "Facing the buyer". The product must be located frontally, taking into account the angle of view of the buyer. The main information on the package should be easy to read, not covered by other packages and price tags. The packaging of a drug or product is a unique carrier of information designed for promotion. By closing this information, the pharmacy loses a powerful advertising tool. It is better to have fewer drugs on the shelf than to put them in a dense mess. To correct the position of preparations relative to the angle of view of the buyer, you can use stands, slides.

5) The rule for determining the place on the shelves. When allocating retail space, specialists begin by assigning a place to each product in accordance with the volume of sales. The share of the product on the market should correspond to the share of the product on the shelf. If the drug has a pronounced therapeutic effect, high sales figures and active advertising support, then it should not be removed from the window, citing the fact that the product is already selling well. On the contrary, it should be given special attention, placed in a priority place. If the drug brings 30% of the profit (100% - all the profit from this therapeutic group), then it can be assigned 30% of the shelf occupied by the therapeutic group.

6) The rule of priority places. Products that generate the most profit and have the best sales figures should be on the best places in the trading floor and on the trading equipment. The most sold and profitable products should be in a priority place. It is necessary to analyze sales figures and select priority places accordingly. Demand should be defined in terms of money, not in terms of the number of packages sold. For example, a drug worth 100 rubles, which is sold 1 pack per month, should occupy a large share on the shelf, and not a drug worth 5 rubles, which is sold 10 packs per month. For a pharmacy, the lack of a profitable product on the shelf is a waste of money. In accordance with this, the location of the product on the shelf should take into account the sales performance of drugs in the pharmacy.

7) The rule for placing price tags. The average buyer will not buy a product if he has no idea about its price.

· The price of the product should be clearly marked and clearly visible to the buyer, the price tag should not cover the packaging of the drug or product.

· Price tags should be arranged in such a way that it is extremely clear to the buyer which price tag refers to which product.

· The location of price tags should take into account the angle of view of the buyer.

· All price tags in the pharmacy must be designed in the same style, it is allowed to change the background and some details to draw attention to certain drugs or products.

8) The rule of optimality. Intra-pharmacy advertising should be placed for no more than 15-20% of drugs or goods. In the same way that a pharmacy defines its assortment, a pharmacy must select POS materials for the most profitable part of the pharmacy assortment. The manufacturer always strives to place the maximum range and promotional material in pharmacies with a high level of sales. Thus, in the pharmacy it is necessary to single out a person or group responsible for the work on the design of the trading floor.

9) Buyer Assistance Rule. The task of advertising in a pharmacy is to ensure that the buyer meets the product. A buyer considering a product is more likely to buy if he receives the information he needs about the drug or product. Information in a pharmacy should be presented in such a way that it is easy for customers with different individual characteristics to obtain it.

10) Rule KISS.KISS - (short for Keepisshortandsimple) -Keep it short and simple. It must be remembered that POS materials are made by people, even with special education, humans tend to make mistakes. Therefore, before placing an advertisement in a pharmacy, think about how it will be perceived by pharmacy customers and how it will affect sales.

So the phrase "Doctors and pediatricians around the world recommend ..." led to the fact that pediatricians stopped prescribing this drug, as they were opposed to doctors. Look at the promotional material like an ordinary pharmacy visitor and decide on its placement. Another important point of application of the KISS rule is the name of the therapy group. It is not necessary to use professional pharmaceutical vocabulary in appeals to the buyer. Inscriptions intended for buyers should be understandable to a person without a medical or pharmaceutical education. So, it is advisable to replace Antipyretics with Antipyretics.

2. Do not overload the pharmacy with POS materials.

3. POS-materials should be placed only on the most profitable drugs or goods, i.e. on those drugs that "are already selling well."

4. POS materials should be placed next to the drug or product, or on the way to it.

5. Do not use old and damaged POS materials. POS materials should not interfere with first-timers or buyers.

12) The rule of cleanliness and neatness. Shelves, products, and promotional materials must be kept clean and undamaged.

Most often, in the pharmacy you can find damaged wobblers, worn and deceived stickers, and mobiles that have faded in the sun. All these promotional materials must be replaced with new ones or removed from the pharmacy. Due to the rapid wear of wobblers, many pharmacies refuse to place them. Another problem is traces of adhesive substance for fixing POS materials. Before attaching POS materials to the point of sale equipment, make sure that no marks are left on the point of sale equipment after removal. Pharmacy visitors will appreciate the cleanliness and tidiness of the pharmacy, spend more time shopping and come back for repeat purchases.

13) The rule of figure and background. The selection of one drug (the leader in the group) against the background of others increases the sales volume not only of this drug or product, but also of the group as a whole. A person always singles out one object from the environment, while other surrounding objects become the background for some time. We use the Rule of Shapes and Backgrounds when we want to focus the buyer's attention on a particular drug or product for its promotion.

The selection of a figure against the background can be achieved by:

1. quantity or size, for example, the quantity of one item is larger than the other, or the item is large in size.

2. bright colors. Red Yellow, orange colors recognized by humans more quickly. Also, a person pays attention to shiny or luminescent paints. A product with brightly colored packaging is more likely to become a figure.

3. non-standard shape product or packaging. In this case, the effect of novelty is triggered: a person tends to quickly notice everything new and unusual in his environment. Therefore, a non-standard, original product or packaging will be quickly noticed by the buyer.

4. backlight. What is well lit is better seen. Used when trading in goods that the buyer should consider carefully.

5. POS materials. Properly placed POS materials are designed, firstly, to draw the attention of the buyer to a particular product, and secondly, to separate it from other similar products.

Within the framework of the Rule of figure and ground, we also find the answer to the question of why a person pays attention to what is in the center. It automatically starts looking for a shape in the background, even if it is not selected.

14) Eye Level Rule. In the zone of the greatest concentration of human attention are objects located at eye level, more precisely, in the zone of ± 20 cm from the eye level of an adult of average height, which usually means the second and third shelves from the top with a standard five-six-shelf rack. Items placed at eye level sell much better than other shelves. When placing products that are designed for children, you need to take into account the level of the child's eyes.

15) Dead Zone Rule. Everything that a stationary person sees around him is called the visual field. Objects that fall into the lower part of the visual field are often left without attention. At the same time, the lower left corner is the most unfortunate - there the person's gaze stops least of all. Accordingly, the lower shelves, as the least inspected, should be occupied by large packages (for example, baby diapers) or product stock.

16) The rule of switching attention. In addition to the fact that a person is inclined to single out a figure in the visual field, he needs to switch attention, i.e., to search for the next figure in the background. This means that it is impossible to place the same type (even bright) product in a long, strict line without visual accents. In such cases, switching attention can be provided by POS materials: vertical delimiters, shelf talkers, etc.

The other extreme - too much product of different shapes, colors and sizes in one place - also does not allow a person to easily switch from one item to another, accounting for only 5% of sales.

17) Grouping Rule. The Grouping Rule reflects the peculiarities of a person's perception and the peculiarities of his thinking. It is easier for a person to perceive information if it is grouped. Ideally, the product should be grouped for several reasons at the same time, for example, by therapeutic group, brand, type of product, method of application (external, internal), etc. The main task is to lay out the product so that the buyer can easily orientate yourself in it.

18) Rule 7 ± 2. According to research in the field of psychology, the scope of a person's perception is limited - at one point in time he can "grab" and remember only five to seven, a maximum of nine items. In a pharmacy, this number is reduced to 3-5, because during the purchase process, the buyer performs several actions at the same time. It can be recommended that the number of products, brands or POS materials in one row, on one showcase does not exceed five. For example, five remedies called "for diseases of the veins," five kinds of toothbrushes, and so on.

19) Rule of visual perception of color. Color has a strong effect on a person emotional impact. Not the last role is played by the saturation of the color, its shades or combination with another color. Bright, saturated tones attract attention much faster than pale ones. Light shades are more pleasing to the eye than dark ones. A person's perception of color and attitude towards it also depend on what kind of object is in front of him and what function the color carries. Using the same colors when designing the interior of a pharmacy, creating an advertisement or drawing attention to a particular drug or product, it does not always lead to the same desired result. Successful lighting increases sales, and unsuccessful lighting reduces sales of even in-demand goods. People tend to fix their eyes on those objects that are well lit and, accordingly, clearly visible. The general level of illumination that creates mood and affects the desire of the buyer to approach and examine the product. The low level of lighting in the trading floor, combined with spot lighting of individual products, creates a cozy atmosphere in the pharmacy, conducive to a leisurely choice of drugs or goods. High level illumination has a stimulating effect on a person, causes an atmosphere of celebration, celebration. Accent lighting highlights individual elements/showcases and draws attention to them. When there is insufficient lighting, customers will tend to quickly walk through the pharmacy, they are not inclined to stop at the windows and examine the goods. Some pharmaceutical companies are successfully using this technique by placing flashing lights next to the drug or by embedding them in a product packaging sample.

Merchandising in a pharmacy is an area of ​​marketing activity aimed at advertising over-the-counter drugs by attracting the attention of visitors to certain products at the point of sale in order to increase sales.

Knowing the general rules of merchandising that apply in a pharmacy, you can increase the turnover of your organization and thereby profit.

Product marketing rules:

Trading stock rule. The formation of the required level of pharmacy inventory, sufficient for the constant availability of the selected number of assortment items, should be carried out taking into account an integrated approach.

The rule of rotation of goods in the pharmacy and the shelf life (FIFO rule). The movement of goods from the warehouse to the trading floor, as well as its sale, must be carried out according to the FIFO principle “First in, first out”, i.e. depending on the timing of their delivery and storage, the first to be transferred to the trading floor or the product that arrived at the pharmacy first should be sold.

Presentation rule. Items displayed on the shelf or advertised by POS must be available in sufficient quantities to meet demand.

Buyer facing rule. The product should be located frontally, taking into account the angle of view of the buyer. The main information on the package should be easy to read, not covered by other packages and price tags.

Shelf placement rules. When allocating retail space, specialists begin by assigning a place to each product in accordance with the volume of sales. The share of the product on the market should correspond to the share of the product on the shelf.

Priority rule. Products that bring the greatest profit and have the best sales figures should be in the best places on the trading floor and on commercial equipment.

The most sold and profitable products should be in a priority place. It is necessary to analyze sales figures and select priority places accordingly. Demand should be defined in terms of money, not in terms of the number of packages sold.

The rule of placing price tags. The average buyer will not buy a product if he has no idea about its price.

1. The price of the product must be clearly marked and clearly visible to the buyer, the price tag must not cover the packaging of the drug or product.

2. Price tags should be arranged in such a way that it is extremely clear to the buyer which price tag refers to which product.

3. The location of the price tags should take into account the angle of view of the buyer.

4. All price tags in a pharmacy must be designed in the same style, it is allowed to change the background and some details to draw attention to certain drugs or goods.

Merchandising rules regarding POS - materials.

KISS rule. Keep it short and simple.

2. Do not overload the pharmacy with POS materials.

3. POS-materials should be placed only on the most profitable drugs or goods, i.e. on those drugs that "are already selling well."

4. POS materials should be placed next to the drug or product, or on the way to it.

5. Do not use old and damaged POS materials. POS materials should not interfere with first-timers or buyers.

The rule of cleanliness and tidiness. Shelves, products, and promotional materials must be kept clean and undamaged.

Visual merchandising rules.

Rule of figure and background. The selection of one drug (the leader in the group) against the background of others increases the sales volume not only of this drug or product, but also of the group as a whole.

We use the Rule of Shapes and Backgrounds when we want to focus the buyer's attention on a particular drug or product for its promotion.

Eye Level Rule. In the zone of the greatest concentration of human attention are objects located at eye level, more precisely, in the zone of ± 20 cm from the eye level of an adult of average height, which usually means the second and third shelves from the top with a standard five-six-shelf rack.

Dead zone rule. Everything that a stationary person sees around him is called the visual field. Objects that fall into the lower part of the visual field are often left without attention. At the same time, the lower left corner is the most unfortunate - there the person’s gaze stops least of all.

Attention Switching Rule. In addition to the fact that a person is inclined to single out a figure in the visual field, he needs to switch his attention, i.e., to search for the next figure in the background. This means that it is impossible to place the same type (even bright) product in a long, strict line without visual accents.

grouping rule. The Grouping Rule reflects the peculiarities of a person's perception and the peculiarities of his thinking.

Rule 7 ± 2. According to research in the field of psychology, the scope of a person's perception is limited - at one point in time he can "grab" and remember only five to seven, a maximum of nine items.

Rule of visual perception of color. Color has a strong emotional impact on a person.

Pharmacy merchandising is a set of measures for placing goods and promotional materials on the shelves and shop windows of a pharmacy in order to sell the goods as soon as possible. Speaking more globally, this concept includes not only the display of goods in a pharmacy, but also the planning of a trading floor when a pharmacy opens, when it is necessary to determine: where the pharmacy display cases will be located, how customers should move around the trading floor, etc. Kugach V.V. Merchandising in a pharmacy as an integral part of pharmaceutical care / V.V. Kugach // Recipe. - 2010. - No. 4. - S. 26-32.

The main goals of merchandising in a pharmacy are:

The first goal of merchandising is to increase the convenience of buying (increasing customer loyalty).

The main goal of merchandising is to facilitate the search for the goods necessary for the client in the pharmacy, to make the purchase process convenient and even enjoyable for the buyer. It should also be remembered that the pharmacy does not sell drugs as such, but a complex of medicinal products + trading service - in other words, "service". If the process of making a purchase meets the needs of consumers, then the buyer gradually develops loyalty to this particular pharmacy. And next time he will go to your pharmacy.

The second goal of merchandising is to increase the completeness of the display of the assortment.

This goal is due to the fact that the consumer rarely pays attention to all the goods presented in the pharmacy. An increase in the number of goods not just displayed on the trading floor, but that have attracted the attention of the buyer, can significantly increase sales.

The third purpose of merchandising is to draw attention to individual products.

An important goal of merchandising is not only a general, but also a selective (selective) increase in the sale of certain pharmacy products. Most often, the pharmacy has to achieve:

  • - increase in the turnover of the promoted product or group of products of a certain brand (for example, during a manufacturer's promotion);
  • - increase in the sale of "quiet liquid" goods;
  • - promotion of new drugs or products on the market.

The fourth goal of merchandising is to increase the time spent by the buyer in the pharmacy.

Every commercial enterprise has an interest in extending the time voluntarily spent in it by the buyer. With each additional minute, the probability of the buyer making a purchase increases. Kugach V.V. Merchandising in a pharmacy as an integral part of pharmaceutical care / V.V. Kugach // Recipe. - 2010. - No. 4. - S. 26-32 ..

Research is at the heart of merchandising psychological characteristics behavior of buyers in the places of sale of goods. As a result of such studies, the factors that can influence the customer's decision to purchase were identified. Among these factors may be the format of the pharmacy, and the planning of zones, and the placement of advertising materials in the pharmacy, and the design of pharmacy windows, i.e. how exactly the drug packages are laid out on the shelves in the pharmacy, etc.

Merchandising can stimulate unplanned purchases, as well as influence the choice of the buyer in favor of more expensive drugs (with partially planned purchases). This, by the way, facilitates the work of top managers to increase the average check through the use of sales skills. But merchandising (in terms of the power of influence on the buyer's decision to purchase) of course will never be able to compare with the influence that a first-timer can have using sales skills in a pharmacy, thereby stimulating the purchase of expensive drugs, related purchases, etc. Slavich-Pristupa A. WITH. Advertising and merchandising in a pharmacy / A.S. Slavich-Pristupa. - St. Petersburg: Littera, 2006. - 88s. .

Thus, the pharmacy organization must have a clear policy regarding merchandising in the pharmacy. Those. we need to clearly understand what needs to be done, and what we will get as a result of these actions. And for this it is necessary that the head of the pharmacy, as well as ordinary employees, be trained in the skills of pharmacy merchandising, i.e. knew the rules for displaying goods in a pharmacy.

Pharmacy merchandising has two features in the presentation of products in a pharmacy:

  • 1. The presence in the field of sale of medicines and dietary supplements of a number of requirements of regulatory documentation for storage, display and sale, which the merchandiser must adhere to in his practice;
  • 2. The lack of accurate information from the buyer, why one or another drug is better than another, which does not give him the right to choose.

To date, the current legislation clearly prescribes the possibility or impossibility of laying out one or another commodity unit of the pharmacy assortment. According to the regulatory documentation, namely, the industry standard OST 91500.05.0007-2003 "Rules for the release (sale) of medicines in pharmacy organizations. Basic provisions", approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 80 of 03/04/2003, the entire pharmacy range can be divided into:

  • 1. Assortment available on prescription;
  • 2. An assortment sold without a doctor's prescription.

This document clearly states "6.1. Dispensing (sale) of medicinal products is carried out by prescription and without a doctor's prescription…". It is also clearly stated that "...6.11. For information about medicines and other products authorized for dispensing from pharmacies, various types of display cases can be used, where medicines sold without a doctor's prescription and samples of available goods are displayed ... ". The list of over-the-counter drugs is regulated by the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 578 dated September 13, 2005 "On approval of the list of drugs sold without a doctor's prescription."

With regard to the display of prescription drugs, Order No. 80 of 2003 does not clearly prescribe a ban on the display of this group of goods, although it is implied.

When laying out medicines and other products of the pharmacy assortment, the storage of the latter becomes. As you know, in the trading floor, on the windows, not dummies are often laid out, but the drugs themselves, as well as other pharmacy products. In this way, display cases also become storage equipment to some extent. The main documents for the storage of medicines are the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation 377 dated November 13, 1996 "On approval of instructions for organizing the storage of various groups of medicines and medical devices in pharmacies" and the industry standard OST 91500.05.0007-2003 "Rules for dispensing (realization ) medicines in pharmacy organizations. Basic provisions "approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 80 dated March 4, 2003. According to these documents, the entire range of medicines and goods sold in a pharmacy can be roughly divided into:

  • 1. An assortment that does not require special conditions storage;
  • 2. Assortment requiring special storage conditions.

But on the other hand, showcases cannot ensure the fulfillment of all storage requirements, namely, protection from light, high temperature, moisture and other aggressive factors prescribed in the current regulatory documentation. It follows from this that only those assortments that do not require special conditions can be laid out in the windows.

For the most part, the assortment requiring special storage conditions includes:

  • ? Medicines and dietary supplements that require storage in a place protected from light;
  • ? Medicines and dietary supplements that require storage at low temperatures;
  • ? Medicinal plant materials;
  • ? Rubber products;
  • ? Dressing material and aids.

Group data product range cannot be put on display, because showcases will not be able to provide any protection from light or from low temperatures. With regard to rubber products, in addition to all other requirements, storage at a relative humidity of at least 65% is added; some of them must be kept hanging. Speaking of dressings, the regulatory documentation does not state that they should be stored in a place protected from light, but it is indicated that the racks should be painted over with light oil paint from the inside.

There are two ways out of this situation: the first is to clean everything in the cabinets. But then the meaning of the shop windows is lost, because. the range that does not require special storage conditions is quite small. Another way out of this situation is to lay out dummies instead of medicines and biologically active additives, i.e. empty secondary packaging. Those companies that care about the promotion and sales of their products are willing to provide models for pharmacy organizations. Or you can do without representatives. Regulatory documentation does not prohibit the storage of a medicinal product or biologically active additive in accordance with the specifics of storage without secondary packaging. These secondary packages can also be used as dummies.

Showcases are also perceived as storage equipment and are subject to the same placement requirements as shelving and cabinets. According to paragraph 2.8. order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation 377 of November 13, 1996 and clause 3.20. industry standard OST 91500.05.0007-2003, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 80 dated March 4, 2003, the entire pharmacy assortment should be stored:

  • ? at a distance to the outer walls of at least 0.6-0.7 m;
  • ? at a distance to the ceiling of at least 0.5 m;
  • ? at a distance of at least 0.25 m from the floor.

Accordingly, showcases must be designed and placed in compliance with these conditions.

Where does a pharmacy start? The pharmacy does not even start from the porch. Acquaintance with her begins when the pharmacy sign comes into view of a potential buyer. The first impression sometimes means a lot to the buyer, and if there is no desire to enter, the most beautiful interior will remain unclaimed. The external design of pharmacies in conditions of an almost identical range and similar pricing policy has become a significant success factor in the competitive struggle of companies selling pharmaceutical products. In sociological surveys, people note a presentable appearance pharmacies as one of the motives for her regular visits, along with the convenience of location, preferential policy and the competence of pharmacists.

The external design of the pharmacy also includes various additional designs. These can be brackets that are attached to the wall of the building next to the sign (a green “cross” or a sign of a medical institution “bowl with a snake”); pillars - portable information boards that can be installed on the sidewalk at some distance from the entrance to the pharmacy - they are designed to notify the potential buyer in advance that there is a pharmacy on his way.

All premises pharmacy organization it is recommended to place in a building united in a single block, isolated from other organizations. The pharmacy should provide for the possibility of entry for people with impaired functions of the musculoskeletal system, for example, the presence of a ramp. Pharmacy doors should open inward, as if inviting entry, and not outward, repelling the customer. It is desirable to have inscriptions: “Open”, “Closed”, “Push”, “Push”. It is equally important to ensure the convenience of climbing stairs and crossing the threshold. If a staircase leads to the door, you should take care of the handrails and rubber edging on the edges of the steps that prevent slipping. You should also regularly clean the entrance to the pharmacy from dirt, ice and snow.

Pharmacy organizations must have a sign indicating:

corporate name of the organization;

· location;

the mode of operation of the organization.

It is advisable to write the name of the type of pharmacy organization in font so that the inscription can be distinguished at any time of the day from a distance of at least 25 meters. When placing a pharmacy organization inside the building, the sign must be on the outer wall of the building.

A pharmacy organization providing drug assistance at night should provide an illuminated sign with information about work at night, indicating hours of operation, a bell to call a pharmacist.

pharmacy requirement pharmacist compliance

Requirements for the interior design of a pharmacy

The majority of the population consider prices to be the main criterion for choosing a pharmacy, but such a factor as the design and internal atmosphere of the outlet is no less important. These factors have a strong influence on the dynamics of consumer demand.

The minimum composition of the pharmacy premises includes: a trading floor, a material room, a staff office, an office of the head of the pharmacy and a bathroom. The pharmacy should be equipped with special production equipment, showcases, refrigerators, cash registers, disinfectants, household equipment, etc.

There are several rules in accordance with which showcases should be designed:

1. Only over-the-counter drugs and pharmacy products can be displayed on the sales floor, since it is prohibited to advertise prescription drugs in order to avoid giving the buyer the impression that it is safe and unnecessary to go to a doctor;

2. drugs for internal and external use are placed separately;

3. within the pharmacological groups, drugs are arranged according to their pharmacotherapeutic characteristics: cough medicines, cold medicines, etc.;

4. goods are arranged in groups: dressings, optics, etc.;

5. Medicinal products requiring special storage conditions are not put on showcases. In this case, only the secondary packaging is exhibited;

6. each product has a properly designed price tag;

7. when designing shop windows, you must use the rules of merchandising.

As mentioned above, each product must have a price tag. All price tags in the pharmacy should be issued in the same style. The following details must be on the price tag:

ь name of the goods;

ь price per unit of goods;

ь date of receipt;

ь signature of the financially responsible person (head of the pharmacy).

In the trading floor of the pharmacy organization, in a conspicuous place, there should be an information stand containing the following information:

number and validity of the license for pharmaceutical activities, as well as information about the authority that issued the license;

· about the state registration and the name of the registering body;

The pharmacy must have a book of reviews and suggestions, which is provided to the buyer at his request.

The interior decoration of the pharmacy premises is carried out in accordance with their functional purpose. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the interior of pharmacy premises has not only hygienic, but also psychological significance.

All premises must be dry, meet sanitary standards and ensure the safety of goods. Room decoration should take into account the features production process(finishing materials must be moisture-resistant, moisture-repellent, anti-corrosion, fire-resistant, with limited static electrization, non-toxic and must not emit odor), sanitary and hygienic (should not be a source of dirt and dust, must withstand wet processing and disinfection) and psycho-physiological requirements.

The pharmacy must have heating. Ventilation of most rooms should be natural through vents and transoms. The temperature in the premises of the pharmacy should not be lower than +18°С, and in the sales area not lower than +16°С. Lighting should be both natural and artificial. Illumination of public service workplaces - 300 lux; other rooms - 150 lux. Fluorescent lamps are used as a light source.

Before starting work, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning of the premises using disinfectants; dry cleaning in the pharmacy is prohibited. Daily wipe the equipment of the trading floor and industrial premises. spring-cleaning production facilities should be carried out at least once a week. They wash walls, doors, equipment, floors, cabinets for storing medicines Sanitary day in pharmacies is carried out once a month (ceilings, window panes and frames between them are washed).

Production waste and garbage must be collected in special containers with a drive cover and removed from the premises at least once per shift. Hand wash basins, sanitary facilities and waste containers are washed, cleaned and disinfected daily.
