Why dream of rotten teeth, pulling teeth in a dream? The main interpretations are what rotten teeth dream of for a man or woman. Why do rotten teeth dream: interpretations of famous dream books

Even in ordinary life losing a tooth means a very painful loss for a person, because, as you know, new teeth do not grow in adults. Therefore, parapsychologists and astrologers associate with something extremely important for us, with something that cannot be returned back and on the course of which we cannot influence either. So why dream rotten teeth?

Rotten teeth in a dream - to a quarrel

Traditional dream books interpret dreams in which we see rotten teeth very widely. It is generally accepted that a tooth in a dream symbolizes a loved one, even a relative. Therefore, in some dream books, dreams in which you see rotten teeth are harbingers of a quarrel with loved ones and loved ones, such as with a husband or wife, and in some even the death of someone from the family or close circle.

Also, a dream with rotten teeth may mean that soon you will receive bad news from home, from relatives, among whom someone will become seriously ill or even die.

Dream about rotten teeth and your professional activities

Dream Interpretations of a different plan that connect teeth in a dream with our professional activity, career, growth at work, portend imminent obstacles, failures to a sleeping and seeing person, so you should beware and in the near future do not do things that are not well thought out and do not make hasty decisions, try to weigh your every word and action, and perhaps such a dream with its negative meaning will bypass you.

However, another dream book indicates in its interpretation of dreams the completely opposite meaning of what was seen in a dream: such dreams can mean a change in business, a quick rise through the ranks, success in business and a brilliant completion of plans, because in fact real life rotten teeth should be treated, which will certainly lead to an improvement in their condition.

Pay attention to your health if you dreamed of rotten teeth

Rotten teeth seen in a dream can mean an imminent deterioration in health. Thus, the body, as it were, is trying to let you know what exactly is wrong in it. Perhaps, even if you do not suspect that you have any problems with the oral cavity, it is still worth checking with a dentist.

This is the simplest explanation of such a dream that psychology can give. Pay attention to this, because right now you are most susceptible to disease, so do not forget about the obligatory constant precautions that are aimed at maintaining your health and preventing disease.

Thus, such dreams, the key vision of which is rotten teeth, can portend health problems, both in particular with oral health, and general condition person.

Teeth in general an important part organisms are one of the fundamental of our health, therefore, dreams in which we see our teeth as rotten can mean a deterioration in health, a decrease in strength, stamina and the ability to restrain diseases in their initial stages, preventing them from developing and giving complications, a decline in our physical and moral strength, decrease in vital energy.

Such dreams show that this moment you are particularly susceptible to negative influences external environment, to diseases, so you should take care of yourself and your health. But in addition to the physical state, you should pay attention to the emotional and psychological state.

At least find time for relaxation and mental relaxation, because most likely, as indicated by a dream with rotten teeth, soon you will be subject to severe depression, stress that will be so strong and significant that it can unsettle you for a long time, and, of course, cause serious damage to your health.

Try to change the situation, get more rest, limit your household chores, and in ideal for you - to leave for some time away from home and familiar surroundings.

Do not be afraid to lose the spiritual contact that connects you with your family and loved ones who surround you every day, because just such an escape to a short time from everyday fuss, duties, hassle is able to restore a person's vitality and renew his energy sources much better and more efficiently than drug treatment in a hospital.

Your fate and dream of rotten teeth

Rotten teeth in a dream in some world dream books mean our inability to make important decisions, make serious, life-changing deeds, and generally be the master of our own destiny. If in a dream you are treating rotten teeth, then such a dream will be a harbinger of imminent changes in your life and your state of mind for the better.

Such a dream suggests that you will soon find the core that you have always lacked, strengthen your life position, temper your spirit. Events will happen to you that will push you to such changes, give you an incentive to work on yourself, which will be the beginning of a whole series of positive metamorphoses.

Rotten teeth dream of heartache

But also such dreams in which you see your rotten teeth can be interpreted as early messengers of what you will have to endure in the near future. heartache. This may be the loss of a loved one or a loved one, and also be associated with possible grief and disappointment that you will experience through the fault of loved ones, which is also comparable to a loss to some extent. Not physically, but emotionally, the loss of intimacy with the person you once trusted.

Such dreams portend quarrels with friends or good acquaintances, warn a person who has a dream about a betrayal that one of the closest people is ready to commit, so you should beware and try not to give a reason for a quarrel to both enemies and loved ones, because discord is due to this promises and cannot be flattened by itself so easily.

Try to protect yourself from unnecessary worries and worries that can be caused by communication with ill-wishers, do not support conflicts and do not pay attention to provocations, carefully consider your every word and weigh every action, because in this way you will protect yourself from troubles and showdown .

Why does a rotten tooth fall out in a dream?

If a rotten tooth falls out in a dream, then it is possible that your environment will soon lose a person who brings discord. However, this dream may portend imminent difficulties, multiple problems, troubles, which, however, you will safely survive, and even become stronger and wiser.

Dreaming of rotten teeth indicates a breakdown that you experience in reality. Also, sleep can serve as a harbinger of a deterioration in well-being. You need to pay attention to your health, because your susceptibility to diseases is very high now.

A dream in which you see how your rotten teeth fall out, but there is no blood, portends all sorts of losses and sorrows. It can be both sadness through troubles and quarrels with friends, or even the death of a distant, unfamiliar person, perhaps one of your distant relatives with whom you have not communicated for a long time. Or such a dream may indicate an imminent loss of authority and respect among your circle of friends.

However, do not rush to get scared and upset because you dreamed of rotten teeth. Perhaps, with the help of sleep, higher powers give you the opportunity to reconsider your affairs and attitude towards people, from which you will only benefit if you manage to manage it correctly.

It's time to take your own life seriously. Don't live in the past, look back. However, there is a physical explanation for such a dream. There is a possibility that at night you actually experienced a toothache, so the subconscious mind reacted to it through night vision.

The meaning of sleep - rotten teeth

Why do you dream of rotten teeth that you managed to pull out painlessly? The dream interpretation claims that the plot hints at the need to get rid of worries about the past. Remove people or things from your life that are holding you back or preventing you from moving forward. Immediately after the implementation of the recommendation, it will become easier to breathe.

The interpretation of the dream of rotten teeth filling your mouth is quite positive. In reality, you recently managed to avoid big problems by saving yourself and loved ones. Soon you can not be afraid of material losses, severe conflicts or health problems.

If in a dream it was not possible to immediately remove rotten teeth, the process caused the wildest pain and discomfort, in reality you are doing work that will require a lot of effort. Moreover, you can only do it qualitatively on your own, so you should not rely on the help of outsiders. There is a possibility that in order to achieve a quality result, you will need to sacrifice something.

Other interpretations

Also, the appearance of rotten ones may mean that the dreamer is currently engaged in improving the quality own life. Night vision symbolizes your lack of need to pull the cart of past problems with you. Also, through a vision, the subconscious mind can express a desire to start changing something, despite the fact that no decisive action has yet been taken.

If the removal of unusable teeth was carried out by a professional doctor in a clinic, in reality you have decided on your desires in the form of constant maintenance of cleanliness, communication only with reliable people who are trustworthy. It was difficult to make such a decision. However, you have to learn to live without what you are now trying with all your might to get rid of.

It also contains an interpretation of the dream interpretation - what is dreaming of, accompanied by a profuse hemorrhage. In fact, you are driven by the desire to dot the “and” with your loved ones. The dream expresses the initiative to either break off any connections or finally improve relations. There is a risk of a protracted scandal with blood relatives.

An unpleasant omen is what rotten teeth dream of, following the Russian dream book. He claims that a black streak has come in your life. However, do not relax, all problems can be solved. Try to take care of yourself on your own, active work and caring for loved ones will help you survive troubles without consequences.

The article on the topic: "dream book rotten teeth in one's mouth" provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Rotten teeth to see in your mouth

Dream Interpretation Rotten teeth to see in your mouth dreamed of why in a dream Rotten teeth to see in your mouth? To select the interpretation of sleep, enter keyword from your dream to the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Rotten teeth to see in your mouth by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

How is a dream interpreted from dream books, in which rotten teeth were dreamed of in oneself or another person

Rotten teeth - an unpleasant picture. But if they dream, then this is not such a bad sign as, for example, those that have fallen out. Usually, rotten teeth indicate the onset of forced change and the death of an important part of the past. It is worth reconsidering relationships with loved ones and your views on life. Dreamed rotten things indicate physical and emotional decline, which should be restored. It is advisable to limit communication with people who cause hostility. There is a high probability of betrayal by friends and relatives. A bad interpretation is a reason to be upset. You need to correctly understand the meaning of sleep, and then it will be easier to cope with the consequences.

If you dreamed that your entire dentition was affected by caries, you should expect disagreements with friends or close relatives. Caries dreams of dirty quarrels and an unpleasant showdown.

To dream that rotting occurs in your mouth - to possible problems in the professional sphere: obstacles may arise on the way to the goal. Such a dream also warns that a person will commit rash actions.

Dreaming of sick teeth often indicates health problems. Such a dream portends the occurrence of depression and apathy, unpleasant incidents are possible. There is a high probability of a decrease in protective capabilities, both emotional and physical.

If the dreamer sees a damaged dentition in a dream specific person, which means that he subconsciously wishes him harm or expects an unpleasant dirty trick on his part. When we are talking about a friend, then the disease will soon strike him.

I dreamed of enemies with rotten mouths - you should not expect dangerous plans from them in reality, they are completely powerless in their endeavors. Blackened teeth in other people means future success in the business you have begun.

If you dream of rotten teeth that fell out with blood, then the dreamer's relatives may experience health problems in reality or the connection with a very close person will break off. Blood symbolizes deceit, therefore, you should be careful about dubious offers and new acquaintances.

The loss of decayed teeth that have fallen out with blood is a very bad sign. It can portend the death of familiar people. Such a dream is considered bad for women who are about to give birth.

If you dream that a rotten tooth fell out without blood, this indicates existing problems. In addition, such a dream symbolizes uncertainty, discontent or embarrassment.

Also, if there was no blood, there may be minor health problems, or the person will miss his own benefit. If you dream that a tooth staggered for a long time before falling out, then some problem that haunted you will be resolved in reality.

If in a dream the teeth fell out without pain and blood, then in reality all accumulated problems will be resolved or gossips will suffer from their intrigues. Such a dream symbolizes the loss of emotional peace and joy in life. One tooth fell out - to bad news, two - to the onset of difficult times or the appearance of life's barriers. If several pieces fell out in a dream, then a series of misfortunes should be expected.

To feel pain when teeth fall out means that events will soon come in reality that will cause physical or moral suffering. This may be the loss of a relative, serious financial difficulties, the collapse of hopes or the betrayal of a loved one.

There are several dream books developed by experts in oneiromancy, in which rotten teeth are interpreted in different ways:

  • Miller's dream book unequivocally interprets such a dream as a harbinger of loss, misfortune and health problems.
  • According to Vanga's dream book, rotten teeth portend failures, quarrels, illnesses, and if the tooth fell out without blood and pain, then all accumulated problems will be resolved.
  • As indicated in the dream book of Sigmund Freud, dental rot can mean the disclosure of defamatory information or fear of punishment.

Regardless of the interpretation of sleep, you need to be attentive to the signals that your own body gives. Human body knows what he needs, even if he hasn't noticed the symptoms yet. Such dreams may indicate real problems with teeth, so you should definitely consult a dentist.

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We will find out why a rotten tooth is dreamed of by interpreting our dream book. Should I beware of such dreams?

Why dream of rot? It doesn't matter where it is and how exactly you dream about it. The main interpretation of such a dream is bad thoughts.

Condemnation from others, dirty gossip and rumors - this is a short list of what such a dream can mean.

Dream books around the world interpret such dreams in different ways, because the way rot is represented in your dream is very important for interpretation.

Oracles, famous dream books have long verified that dreams associated with teeth and rot have a special influence on a person’s life. We will try to give the clearest answer to the question: " For what dream of rotten teeth

Rot and dirt have fundamentally great importance: the way they are presented in your dreams reflects the reality of the dreamer. Most often, rot in dreams is just a person’s moral problems, as well as the desire of others to deceive or “dirty” the dreamer.

Why dream of a rotten tooth that fell out?

You can’t answer right away, you need to find out exactly how the sleeping man saw this dream, all the details.

    To begin with, try to remember and write down your dream, answering questions according to the plan.:
  • whose teeth have you seen in a deplorable state?
  • how exactly did you see them, from a distance or as if looking into a mirror or any other reflective surface?
  • what did you do in this dream?
  • Having answered these questions, feel free to check our dream book.

    Dream about teeth in your mouth

    This speaks of good health sleeping. Remember exactly how you saw your teeth. If in a mirror, it is extremely important how it looked. The dream book of Sigmund Freud paid special attention to this detail.

    It has been noticed that if a person saw his reflection in a mirror in a dream, especially if he examined his teeth, then in reality the dreamer is very worried about his health.

    Dirty cracked mirror indicates that a person is facing serious financial difficulties.

    A beautiful, clean mirror in a chic frame testifies to a person’s love for his own reflection, a person is prone to narcissism.

    If at the same time in a dream the sleeper saw problems with teeth, rot or dark spots, then you should pay attention to your behavior in society. Perhaps people unfairly consider you stricken with megalomania. There will be attempts defame your good name. Be on your guard.

    See a rotten tooth that fell out

    Seeing yourself from the side with a dissatisfied dual sign, you may have to evaluate your actions and actions from the side in reality.

    If you saw how your “double” showed you his teeth during a dream and you saw a problem one among them, pay attention to recent events. In this dream, your subconscious is trying to pay attention to problems.

    If a rotten tooth fell out in a dream?

    Such a dream is interpreted as outside help, no matter a relative or close person, and perhaps even an outsider, will solve your problem. If you had a tooth pulled out and you saw blood, wait for help from blood relatives. But there is one caveat: if in a dream you pulled out a healthy tooth, then expect financial losses.

    Seeing a tooth with blood in a dream

    Treated as problems with relatives. Look around, someone from your family needs your help. Don't be indifferent. The problem is really serious. If you saw a tooth from another person try to figure out what is wrong and how to fix it.

    Hold rotten tooth in hand dream book interprets as the ability and ability to keep a problem situation under control.

    Take a closer look clean hands indicate that you will get out of the situation without any significant losses, dirty hands - get ready for hard work, you will not be able to stay away.

    You examined your teeth in the water, remember exactly where you did it. If you looked in a lake or reservoir, that is, anywhere where there is no current or other constant movement of water, then such a dream is interpreted as an attempt to understand yourself in reality. Stagnant water speaks of the course of events.

    The dreamer has time and desire to understand himself. Even if in a dream a person saw a rotten tooth or teeth, this only speaks of an internal a person's desire to understand in their shortcomings.

    Pull out a rotten tooth in a dream

    Get rid of problems by force. Such a dream is interpreted as a subconscious struggle of a person with himself, the sleeper is trying to get rid of the most important problem for himself, most often such a dream is dreamed of by people struggling with some kind of addiction. For example, tobacco. You should not be afraid of such dreams, they just reflect dreamer's state of mind.

    If a tooth crumbles in a dream?

    If the tooth crumbles or you removed it yourself, then this is interpreted in dreams as a desire to get rid of the problem.

    And the more persistently in a dream a person tries to get rid of a problem tooth, the more difficult the situation in reality.

    You need to judge a good or bad dream by its end, but if a person gets rid of it at the end, then in real life everything will end successfully.

    In the event that the tooth crumbled itself, without any extra effort, it means that problems will solve themselves, remember this if necessary.

    Find a rotten tooth with worms in your dream

    Not the most best sleep, this can be deciphered as the appearance of a problem out of nowhere. Get ready for a series of troubles, small or large, depends on the dreamer's intuition.

    If you saw a damaged tooth in a child?

    Expect surprises, if for a girl, then unpleasant, for a boy, on the contrary.

    Seeing healthy teeth in a dream - good sign everyone knows about it. Seeing a rotten tooth or teeth is more likely to health problems, sometimes mental.

    Perhaps you are biting yourself for failures invisible to the world, reconsider your outlook on life and think about your self-esteem.

    In general, these dreams do not carry serious problems, they rather warn, inform the person about the problems that are most often in your head.

    Low self-esteem or financial difficulties are not a reason suffer from nightmares. Rot and dirt rotten teeth fall off a person only in case of frivolous troubles, problems that are senselessly afraid. Don't expect big problems.

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    Rotten teeth according to the dream book

    If you dream about how rotten teeth fall out, then the time has come for a change. The past has outlived its usefulness, the dream wants to say that it is not worth clinging to. At the same time, the dream book offers a more prosaic interpretation: perhaps you just haven’t been to the dentist for a long time, and it worries you, which is why you had such a dream.

    Why dream that you managed to pull out a rotten tooth effortlessly and absolutely painlessly? The dream encourages you to finally decide to let go of something that is not only completely unnecessary, but also pretty much spoils your life. The dream interpretation is encouraging that the separation will not be as painful as you imagine it to be.

    If you dreamed that you had rotten teeth in your mouth, know that you managed to avoid major troubles. The dream interpretation claims that if such a dream occurred shortly before full awakening, there is no doubt that trouble has just bypassed you. The dream is in a hurry to inform you that you are no longer in danger of illness, quarrel or loss or theft, which until this moment hung over you.

    When you dream that you are trying to pull out a rotten tooth, but this is given to you at the cost of pain and considerable effort, the dream means that the task you are currently working on is not one of those that are solved by themselves. The dream book warns that it will take a lot of effort on your part. It is possible that you will have to sacrifice something, since you have decided that the end justifies the means.

    Why else dream of rotten teeth

    A person's rotten teeth are dreamed of by those who seek to change something in their lives and consider the past so unsightly. Dream Interpretation believes that you should not force events. A dream can only reflect your intention to change something. This dream is not necessarily regarded as a call for hasty action.

    You mustered up the courage and decided to make a choice in favor of cleanliness, reliability and trust - that's what you dream about that you had to remove rotten teeth in the dentist's office. One dream book knows how difficult this decision was for you. The dream warns that getting rid of what rotten teeth symbolize for you in a dream is only the beginning of the journey. You have yet to learn how to do without it.

    If in a dream you decided to pull out rotten teeth, and a lot of blood was shed during the procedure, the dream suggests that you seriously intend to sort things out with loved ones. The dream indicates your radical attitude: either put things in order in the relationship, or stop them altogether. The dream interpretation does not exclude the possibility of a divorce or a break in relations with blood relatives.

    According to the Russian dream book, to see rotten teeth in a dream - alarm signal. A dream indicates that an unfavorable period has come in your life. At the same time, the dream suggests that this is not a reason to give up and surrender to chance. It is much more efficient to take security measures. Sleep advises especially to beware of illness and accidents.

    It's probably like that....

    Let's see where the dream is, the night is there ...

    Guys, everything is true about troubles and changes in life.

    I know that when rotten and diseased teeth fall in a dream. This is to death. If with blood, then a blood relative. And I have no blood. And just a couple of days later, the matchmaker died. He was sick, and we basically knew that he would die. I did not expect...

    I dreamed of a tooth, it was a little rotten, what does this mean?

    I dreamed that the doctor pulled out two front teeth. And they didn't get sick. With a tobacco black-yellow coating ... One is upper, the other is lower ... One was vomited with blood ...

    I had a dream, I painlessly pulled out my rotten teeth.

    I probably have the most favorable option, because. if you believe the dream book, then my fate changed its mind and saved me from serious problems that were nearby 🙂 It even felt better, otherwise it became creepy after sleep, I thought some kind of horror lurked 🙂 Thanks to the dream book 🙂

    Guys about the changes it's definitely true! Everything is exactly like that! 🙂

    I dreamed that two rotten teeth fell out, without blood and without pain. Why this dream?

    Thank you, I was recently accused of stealing, but after a while they were found by my friends.

    Night do not sleep, think.

    I dreamed that two teeth were loose, and one was rotten. What is it for?

    And at first I had troubles, and then I had a dream. I see in a dream I have rotten teeth. And the trouble is that they stole my wallet with money and cards, and after that I got sick myself and my child also got sick.

    And I dreamed that all my teeth were rotten in my mouth. What is it for?

    And in a dream I pulled out a lot of rotten teeth from my son with ease, what could this mean?

    I dreamed that my entire lower jaw on the right side fell off, with pain. I brought it back with an effort, a day later my father died.

    I dreamed that all my teeth were rotten and one of the most rotten ones fell out without pain without blood, please tell me why this could be a dream?

    There were difficult relationships. And yet they broke up with the guy, after which I dreamed that two rotten teeth fell out. No pain and no blood. Do you think this dream is due to a breakup?

    I dreamed of rotten teeth without blood and my own aunt died.

    Today I had a dream about how I pulled out a rotten tooth myself, and I have a problem with my wife, it’s right to change my life, as indicated in the dream book.

    I dreamed that my tooth ached badly, I looked all rotten, loosened it with my finger and pulled it out without pain and blood. Then such relief appeared, what is it for?

    Women's dream book: why do rotten teeth dream

    As a rule, a dream in which a person sees some teeth (no matter in what condition) is a harbinger of an early meeting with ill-wishers, enemies, as well as various diseases. If the sleeper sees in a dream that he has lost a tooth, then in reality he will be possessed by some kind of obsessive desire, wearing a low one, negative character. Following it in the future can greatly harm the reputation, honor and dignity, as well as cross out the achievements of a person. When the sleeper sees that his tooth has been knocked out or broken, this is a warning that in reality you need to be more attentive to your work. Otherwise, you can get a serious conflict with employees and superiors due to your own negligence. He has been maturing for a long time. If the teeth dream in a dream, at first they are healthy, and then they themselves collapse, rot and break - in reality, the sleeping person will be overwhelmed with work and everyday chores.

    When a person in a dream spits out rotten teeth - in reality, he is expected to severe illness. It is urgent to pay special attention to the state of your body. The dream of rotten teeth or their complete absence from other people, as a rule, symbolizes the impotence of the enemies of the sleeping person. This is an auspicious dream. When a doctor removes rotten teeth to a person in a dream, in reality a serious and long-term illness awaits him. For sick people, a good dream is one in which their rotten teeth magically become beautiful and healthy. This means that the disease will soon pass. If a person dreamed that he was cleaning them, or they were artificial, in reality he would have a grueling and long struggle for his success and happiness.

    Russian folk dream book: why do teeth dream

    In this source, beautiful and healthy teeth are a symbol of energy and vitality. This dream promises good health.

    What rotten teeth dream of, as a rule, personifies the anger and aggression that the sleeping person feels towards one of the people around him. If a person bites someone in a dream, in real life this means that a lot of negativity towards some person has accumulated in his soul, and there is an irresistible desire to take revenge. The dream says that revenge will come true. When a rotten tooth grows in a dream, it is a symbol of impotence and discouragement in some difficult life situation. Just a dream of rotten teeth portends a disease. This dream can also mean unfulfilled hopes and aspirations.

    Italian dream book

    Loss of decayed teeth is interpreted in this source as a loss of fighting spirit and vitality. If a person’s rotten teeth fell out in a dream, this is a harbinger of imminent death. The sleeper himself will not necessarily die. Death may await someone from his family or people close to him. This dream can also mean a very strong, almost overwhelming fear of death. If rotten teeth fall out from some other person, the dream suggests that the sleeper subconsciously wishes for the death of this person.

    Anchor points:

    Dreamed rotten teeth are less negative than those that have fallen out. Bad and corrupted, they mainly signal a period of forced change, the death of some important part of the past. It makes sense to reconsider your views on life and current relationships with your inner circle.

    Somewhere there is a gap that requires a radical solution. You should not hold on to long-obsolete and unnecessary connections, it is better to let them go. Rotten teeth in a dream talking about emotional or physical decline and the need to restore them. Change your usual surroundings for a while. It is also advisable to limit communication with people you do not like. Betrayal by relatives and friends or a quarrel is not excluded.

    Seeing rotten teeth in another person

    Seeing another person's rotten teeth - the dream says about his illness. Such teeth are a clear symbol of the presence in your close circle of a dangerous ill-wisher, capable of causing serious harm by his actions. Therefore, it is worth paying increased attention to what you say or do. Responsibly and scrupulously carry out their official duties to avoid conflict with superiors or colleagues.

    Have rotten teeth

    Having rotten teeth in oneself is a reflection of the loss of peace of mind, experiences and bad feeling . The sudden collapse of all plans, discord in the family, which can lead to a sharp deterioration in health. You should not dedicate outsiders to your projects.

    Teeth that fall out

    Falling teeth- promise the dreamer huge troubles and hardships, which will be quite difficult to cope with. This, in turn, will have an extremely negative impact on a person's self-esteem. Expect possible public humiliation or humiliation. Don't get involved in your affairs extra people. Someone's planned intrigues against you can have some success.

    Baby's teeth are falling out

    To see what is losing teeth - will happen in the near future small troubles or setbacks. Small gains from any unpleasant situation. Colds in children.

    Rotten teeth falling out without blood

    Dreamed of rotten teeth falling out without blood- over time, all enemies and ill-wishers will disappear from your life on their own, without having time to cause harm. Difficulties that arise during this period will not bring great grief and will be easily overcome. It's time to make a fateful decision.

    Teeth with blood

    Rotten teeth, with blood- they talk about a high probability of a quarrel or serious disagreements with relatives, about the dreamer's subconscious desire to sort things out with his family or his faithful. The radical mood of a person is so great that the result of a quarrel can be complete severing all ties, up to divorce.
