Primary school how to draw a giraffe step by step. GCD on drawing "Giraffe

Good afternoon, in today's lesson we will learn how to draw a giraffe. The giraffe is the tallest animal on our earth, male giraffes reach a height of up to 6 meters. Giraffes have a very long neck, which helps them survive in the savannah with its sparse grass cover, so thanks to such a neck, giraffes can easily get leaves from tall trees.

Our giraffe has already eaten and is resting in the tall grass. Only its long neck is visible from the grass. In our today's lesson, we will tell not only about the stages of drawing this beautiful animal, but also dwell in detail on the structure of individual parts of the muzzle, eyes, mouth, ears. We will tell you how to draw hooves. Let's get started.

Step 1
Giraffes are similar to camels and cows. They have similar foreheads, eyes and ears. The head of a giraffe is square in front and triangular in profile.

Step 2
The giraffe's tongue is long and dark in color, and the lips are folded into the mouth and partially cover the teeth.

Step 3
Big and dark eyes and long eyelashes.

Step 4
The ears of the giraffe stick out, pointed at the ends and slightly resemble the shape of a spoon.

Step 5
From above, the hooves of a giraffe look like the hooves of a cow, but when viewed from the underside, we can see that they are flattened.

Step 6
Let's start drawing our giraffe. Let's draw an oblong shape for the body, and for the head we'll draw a bird's head shape. Let's draw guide lines for the nose and eyes, as well as the line of the neck.

Step 7
Let's move on to the details. Let's start with the head. Let's draw the contours of the muzzle, eyebrows and horns.

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Step 9
Let's draw the lines of the neck, passing into the lines of the chest and back.

Step 10
Now let's add the front legs.

Step 11
Let's work on the back and hind legs.

Step 12
Now let's add the tail.

Step 13
Let's draw spots on the giraffe's body similar to the drawing of a stone wall.

Step 14
Let's erase the auxiliary lines and our giraffe is ready.

Now you can decorate our giraffe, or rather yours. We hope you enjoyed our lesson. , if yes, then you can be the first to know about our lessons by subscribing to the newsletter. We publish new lessons on our website every week. We have a lot of interesting things, you will definitely like it! Good luck!

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These are very beautiful and the tallest animals on earth. Have your child draw it on paper. It will be quite simple to do this, you will need to look at the photo. Then you can draw them according to the instructions below.

Before you draw, you must consider that he has a very long neck. Therefore, the drawing will need to be depicted not in the center, but a little lower. Schematically, it will need to be depicted in the form of an oval.

The oval will need to be depicted slightly down in the part where the tail will be located. So the drawing will come out more realistic. Of course, we depict in stages, so remember that you will still need to add a tail, spots on the body, as well as other parts of the body.


The head should be higher than the body. It is also better to depict it as an oval. For children, such an oval will be very easy to make. This part will need to be tilted forward a little, so it will look very realistic. The giraffe has horns with small thickenings at the ends.

The ears should look like flower petals. Facial features should be soft and sweet, it will be better if adults just help children here. You can ask the children to depict the facial features as it turns out.


Now you will need to do a very important thing - draw the neck and connect it to the body. The connection lines should be very soft and remember to erase those lines that you no longer need. You will also need to apply spots on the neck, as well as on the body. They should be of medium size, they can be given absolutely any shape.


Carefully consider the photo, for children it will be useful and informative. After that, it will be easy for children to make his limbs. Feet should not be too big and not too small. The forelimbs have a thickened knee joint, and it would be better to depict it in the figure.

The hind legs must be correct form, take a good look at them before you start drawing. Also on the limbs you can depict spots that are characteristic of the color. Just schematically apply spots on the skin.

How to draw a giraffe step by step

Option one

Option two

Option three

Option four

First, draw two ovals on a piece of paper. The bottom oval should be twice the size of the top one.

Now you should draw a giraffe 4 legs. Two legs go out foreground drawing. Each of them consists of two straight lines and a small trapezoid. The two legs that remain in the background in the drawing are not fully depicted.

On the head of the giraffe, you need to draw protruding triangular ears.

And now, next to the ears, you should add horns, consisting of straight lines and small circles.

On the head of a charming giraffe, you need to draw eyes with long cilia.

Now you need to draw a giraffe tail with a heart instead of a brush at the end.

More attractiveness and charm of a giraffe will be added by neat round lips. In addition to them, on the muzzle of the animal, two small dots should show barely noticeable nostrils.

On the tips of the legs of the giraffe, narrow triangular hooves should be depicted.

Now it's time to remove all the extra pencil lines with an eraser and draw small spots of the most diverse shapes on the giraffe's body.

Round beads painted on the animal's neck can emphasize the femininity of giraffes.

And on the ears of a spotted beauty, round earrings will look very original.

Now the giraffe should be colored. Its head, ears, neck, torso and legs can be painted in beige or light brown, spots on the body and tail can be made red, hooves brown, eyes blue, lips bright red, and beads and earrings can be painted in any, the most unexpected color. . Not a single giraffe can resist the charm and beauty of such a charming giraffe.

Drawing a giraffe step by step for preschoolers

"Drawing a giraffe" Master class with step by step photos.

The use of paper tone in drawing.

Sidorova Zoya Grigorievna, educator MBDOU " Kindergarten combined type No. 8 "Aistenok", Michurinsk
Description: this master class is intended for children from 6 years old, educators, teachers additional education, loving parents and creative people.
Purpose: for decoration of the premises, a gift, can serve as work for an exhibition, competition.
Target: drawing in mixed media drawing technique.
1. Introduce the techniques of using paper tones in drawing.
2. Learn to paint in gouache on a sheet of colored paper a landscape of the savannah, a giraffe, using different techniques drawing: creating a sketch with a simple pencil, print, poke, paint with a brush tip.
3. Develop the ability to mix paints on a sheet of paper, on a palette.
4. Cultivate the ability to notice and reflect the beauty of nature in the drawing.

Dear colleagues, today I want to present a master class on drawing on colored cardboard. This type of drawing allows you not to paint or draw the entire sheet, leaving and using a paper tone that complements the main idea. Today I took cardboard to draw the savannah orange color, which corresponds to the tonality of the planned landscape.

He is a spotted giant -
Neck long as a crane:
On safari goes "count",
And his name is giraffe)

Walking in hot Africa
Long neck surprises
Himself tall, like a closet,
Yellow, dotted... (giraffe)
The longest necks in the world...
The giraffe is the tallest animal on earth, its height reaches 4.5-5 meters, and its weight is about half a ton. This is a very graceful and beautiful animal with graceful movements and, by the way, a good runner (speeds up to 50 km/h). Giraffes live in the African savannas and feed on leaves and young branches, the daily diet of the animal is about 100 kg of greenery.
Dark and light spots scattered on the body of a giraffe make it difficult to catch the characteristic outlines of the animal against the background of foliage, thanks to this color feature, giraffes have a remarkable ability to suddenly appear and disappear.
The long neck, so convenient for obtaining food, causes the animals a lot of trouble at the watering place: they have to spread their legs wide and reach for the water. This position makes them vulnerable, and it is no coincidence that predators lie in wait for giraffes at the watering hole. Often, giraffes come to the watering hole in pairs, and they take turns guarding: one looks around while the other drinks.

Giraffes defend themselves from lions and leopards with the help of kicks, the power of which allows them to break through the skull of the beast. Therefore, the giraffe giraffe never kicks. In general, these animals have a peaceful character, quarrels and conflicts in the herd are rare. Pregnancy in the female lasts more than 14 months, the cub is born almost two meters tall and after a few days is ready to follow the mother. The first weeks of life are dangerous for young animals, of which approximately one in three dies from the teeth of predators. Adult giraffes usually live to the age of 20-30 years.

Let's get to work. For the drawing we need: orange cardboard; gouache, two brushes: pony or squirrel No. 1 and No. 2; double glass-spill for water, a simple pencil, a palette.

With a simple pencil, we outline the horizon line in the middle of the sheet

We shade the sky near the horizon with pink-white gouache (we mix the colors on the palette)

We draw the sultry sun of the savannah: a white circle, around it - white semi-arcs

With brown and white gouache we draw irregularities on the surface of the soil (we dilute the gouache with water on the palette so that it is not thick)

Draw the mountains in blue along the horizon line, purple

Draw a giraffe
We draw with a simple pencil a diagram of the torso, neck, head (a large oval, a small oval, a line connecting these ovals)

According to the scheme, we draw the neck of a giraffe

In circles we denote large joints, from them we draw lines of the legs

According to the scheme, we draw the legs of the animal, partially circling the auxiliary circles

Eraser to remove auxiliary lines

We draw the head. We make the muzzle sharper, draw horns, ears

We draw a mane along the neck, a long tail with a brush

We paint over the silhouette of a giraffe with yellow gouache

The sun will revive a little yellow

On the yellow background of the silhouette of the giraffe, we begin to draw the spotted color of the animal, which resembles quadrangles. We leave a yellow gap between them.

To the stomach, the spots become smaller and completely disappear (there are no spots on the stomach and legs from the knee)

We paint over the mane, hooves, the tip of the tail, the eye with black, draw something else with thin lines, with the tip of the brush

Draw trees
It is necessary to explain to the children that in Africa the trees are different, the branches grow more to the sides. The crown is not thick, almost transparent.
With black gouache we draw a small tree almost on the horizon. It is small because it is located far away.

With the same black gouache we draw the trunk of the second tree. It is larger because it is closer to us

Draw small branches with the tip of the brush

Draw grass and leaves
To draw grass using the printing technique, we will use a small piece of cardboard (2 cm wide) and brown gouache poured into the gouache cap (can be diluted on the palette)

To draw grass, dip the end of the cardboard rectangle in gouache and apply it to the sheet

Add green paint

With the same piece of cardboard and green gouache we draw leaves in the crown of trees, placing the cardboard parallel to the bottom edge of the sheet

Drawing ready

Can be framed

The giraffe is one of the most amazing animals on Earth. It differs from the others in a rather absurd body structure: an unusually long neck and legs (and the back ones are shorter than the front ones), a back with a diagonal slope, meaningless horns ... But all this does not prevent giraffes from being rather graceful creatures, moreover, the highest on planet.

All this contributes to the fact that the image of these animals is very popular in art. Their characteristic silhouette immediately evokes associations with the hot countries where they live. Therefore, the question of how to draw a giraffe is of interest to quite a few artists, both beginners and experienced ones. In particular, how to correctly depict the proportions of the animal, emphasize the features of the structure.

Also interesting is the aspect of materials, which will most favorably emphasize the sultry atmosphere of the savannah, along which the long-legged handsome man wanders. Pastel, ink, ink - there are quite a few interesting options. Therefore, we will cover only the answer to how to draw a giraffe with a pencil, pen or any other material at hand. Add colors to the image will give you the opportunity to do it yourself.

In this article, we will look at several options on how to draw a giraffe. You will learn how to portray an adult animal in cartoon style and a cub, which, depending on the execution, can take the form of both a completely realistic animal and a character in a children's fairy tale. Since it is problematic for a novice artist to follow general instructions, we will tell you how to draw a giraffe in stages, and illustrate each step.

At the beginning of the work, you should sketch out the main proportions of the animal. We determine the size of the body, the length of the neck and the shape of the muzzle.

Now add the legs.

We paint the muzzle and add the mane, ears, horns, tail. In these animals, it is rather short (especially in comparison with other parts of the body), with a brush at the end.

Our drawing is almost finished. It remains only to add spots characteristic of the skin of a giraffe.

Now the work is finished. remove extra lines, outline the contours and enjoy the result.

How to draw a giraffe in color? To do this, you can either apply any coloring matter, such as gouache or watercolor, or scan the image and use it. This is how the work done in Photoshop by a non-professional user looks like:

How to draw a giraffe that has not yet reached adulthood? In principle, the technology remains the same: first, the main proportions are outlined, and then each is drawn. But in the case of a cub, it should be remembered that the legs are visually the longest part of the baby's body. Also, the horns of a small giraffe are not yet fully formed.

So, we start sketching out the contours.

Our cub will lie on the grass, so the legs can be left unattended for now. Refine the contour of the muzzle.

Add eyes, nostrils, ears.

Adding a neck.

Now we are working on the legs. First over the front.
