How to draw a crocodile step by step. How to Draw Animals: Crocodiles, Alligators, Caimans and Gharials

The crocodile is one of the most dangerous and famous animals on the entire globe. Its length is 2.5-3 m. They appeared a very long time ago, about 260 million years ago. Their skull has a similar structure to the skulls of extinct dinosaurs. On the paws of a crocodile, 4-5 fingers. The life of alligators is quite long, it is about 85 years. Literally, "crocodile" is translated as "pebble worm". In total, there are about 25 various kinds crocodiles. Some of the most common are the Nile, combed, Kuban, Australian, Philippine, sharp-nosed, Siamese, swamp, river, Madagascar. Many are attracted to this animal, and many would like to have his image in their home. How to draw a crocodile with a pencil? Let's take a look at the article.


Before starting the creative process, let's study the anatomical appearance of a crocodile. The appearance of the alligator confirms its adaptation to aquatic environment. This animal has a powerful jaw with a row of sharp fangs, a small oval body, a long tail, skin consisting of rigid processes, four short but powerful and thick legs, allowing the crocodile to move, swim and get food.

How to draw a crocodile step by step

The whole process of drawing an alligator consists of six steps. The body of the animal consists of ovals, to which is attached a small thick head with a powerful jaw. Four powerful paws with sharp claws are attached to the body. Try to draw the crocodile as alive as possible, as if he is about to leave the image and pounce on his prey. So let's get started.

Step 1

Studying the question of how to draw a crocodile, let's start with the contours of the torso. First of all, we depict an elongated thin oval. On the right side, add a small circle, this will be the head of the animal. On it we outline the level of the eyes and the oblique line of the alligator's mouth. Next, draw an elongated tail - a curving thin line. Add one more line to this line, the tail should be long and thick. From the oval-body we outline a line of paws with four fingers on each.

Step 2

We continue to "animate" the head of the crocodile: add an eye, nostrils and an open mouth with a number of sharp teeth. The contour of the mouth should not be too long. Then we circle the paws. The limbs should be short and thick with widely spaced fingers.

Step 3

Delete all extra contour lines. We check the proportions and correct inaccuracies. Next, draw the inside of the mouth, the alligator will instantly become more "alive". Additionally, we add small folds on the head of the crocodile.

Step 4

Let's continue studying the question of how to draw a crocodile. We make the body of the animal more clear. We proceed to the chitinous cover. We start with zigzag lines on the back, gradually moving to the tail. Draw short folds on the alligator's cheeks. Add small stripes to the head and paws.

Step 5

Let's put even more sharp triangular lines on the back of the crocodile, these will be horny growths. We draw every detail clearly. Then we add a row of fangs to the open mouth. Next, we add sharp claws to the fingers of the limbs. In conclusion, we erase all unnecessary lines and make the outline of the animal clearer and brighter. Here is how to draw a crocodile.


If desired, you can color it with a cool gray-green color. Do not make the alligator bright green, only the crocodile Gena from the famous cartoon looks like this, in reality the animals have a greyish-green dirty color. Also, your alligator's skin can be gray, yellowish, dirty green, brown, olive, or light brown. Add black (dark brown) stripes or spots to the crocodile. Colors should be cold, washed out and muted. After coloring the alligator, add its place of residence, it can be a river, lake or bushes. Good luck with your drawing and creativity!

In this lesson, let's try together draw a crocodile- the most ancient and most dangerous animal of our planet. The drawing of a crocodile is actually quite simple, one has only to draw a huge predatory "toothy" mouth and it will already be clear that this is a crocodile. But in order to draw a crocodile like a real one, and not like a crocodile Gena from a cartoon, it is better to draw in stages, at first with a simple pencil and then color with colored pencils.
The crocodile is a very dangerous and predatory animal, and in order to convey its character in the picture, first of all, you need to draw an open long mouth, widely spaced paws and a tail bent from tension. The crocodile, as if preparing to jump off your picture and grab the prey.

1. Start drawing with simple outlines

Start drawing a crocodile with a simple sketch of the torso - a slightly inclined line and four circles. Please note that there are two large ones in the center, and small ones along the edges. And also that the line divides all the circles in half.

2. Outline of the head and body of a crocodile

Perhaps this stage will be the most difficult. It is necessary to draw the outlines of the shape of the body and head, more precisely, the mouth of a crocodile, and also mark out additionally two small circles for the paws.

3. Crocodile drawing comes to life

Now, when you remove the extra contour lines from the head and torso, and also draw the eye, you will see how easy it is to draw a crocodile. Without a tail and paws, however, the crocodile immediately seems to come to life.
At this stage of the drawing, you still need to draw general contour paws (three) and add two more circles for the tail.

4. Head, tail and paws of a crocodile in detail

Check if all the proportions of the picture of the crocodile are accurate, and if necessary, correct the inaccurate details of your drawing. Now you need to draw a completely crocodile tail in the picture. This is pretty easy to do, since we have a pointer in the form of circles. Looking at my drawing draw the tail.
You also need to draw the claws on the paws and continue the line of the mouth. If you draw a crocodile with an open mouth, then do not forget to draw fangs, you can’t call them teeth somehow.

5. The final stage of the drawing

At this step, you only need to remove all preliminary contours(circles) and draw in detail the eyes and paws, as well as draw a line delimiting the back and belly of the crocodile. After all, the skin of a crocodile is covered on top with horny pointed growths, you also do not forget to draw them. And the belly is more like snake skin.

6. Drawing a crocodile with a simple pencil

Color with a simple pencil crocodile drawing not necessary. The crocodile will look much more spectacular in the picture "in color". Just keep in mind that the green color of the skin is only for the crocodile Gena from the cartoon. In nature, they are usually less pretty.
To make the drawing of a crocodile more realistic, draw it on the river bank among the bushes. This is where crocodiles live.

After all, you always want to draw a picture of characters from a read book about a traveler frog or how a frog turned into a princess. Drawing for children with a simple pencil is best done in stages, at first outlining only general outlines.

Turtle does not have resemblance with a crocodile, but like crocodiles, they are the most ancient animals of our planet. Drawing a turtle is very exciting, but it is not the easiest task.

Frogs are prey for some snakes. She seems to hypnotize her with her gaze. And the poor frog, numb with horror, resignedly awaits its fate. In fact, the snake cannot hypnotize. The topic of this lesson is "How to draw a snake", or rather a cobra.

Elephants have no enemies, but a crocodile can sometimes attack him, grab his trunk. There is even a cartoon about how a crocodile grabbed a curious baby elephant by the trunk.

There is nothing in common between a crocodile and a giraffe, except that crocodiles also live in Africa. Drawing a giraffe will not be a difficult lesson for you if you have tried to draw a horse before. Almost the same body structure, only the legs of a giraffe are slightly longer than those of a horse, and of course a very long neck. But if you draw in stages, first with a simple pencil, and then color it with colored pencils, the picture of a giraffe will be like a real one.

Pictures of dragons are definitely difficult to draw. In fact, a dragon is a symbiosis of a lizard and a bird, and in the drawing of a dragon it is necessary to reflect the plasticity of these two creatures. The dragon, like the crocodile, has sharp spikes on its skin.

For those who want to learn how to draw a crocodile, further step by step lesson with explanations. Since the crocodile here looks quite harmless and looks more like a cartoon character, the lesson may appeal to children and their parents. Follow each step of this tutorial, repeating all the lines so that your drawing is no less beautiful.

Since we will be drawing the crocodile in color, here are the pencils you will need. If you don't want to color the drawing, use one simple pencil or pencils of different hardness and softness.

1. Oval and center lines. Represent the head of a crocodile. Based on the center lines, in the future we will draw elements on the crocodile's head.

2. We begin to draw the outline of the crocodile's head.

3. Here we draw eyes, nostrils and add lines that make our crocodile more or less recognizable.

4. At this stage, draw the lower part, the pupils and the continuation of the mouth.

5. Here we draw a full view of the crocodile - a curved torso, paws and tail.

6. With cones with a rounded upper edge, we denote outgrowths-thorns on the back and tail of the crocodile. Also pay attention to the longitudinal line that we drew on the stomach and tail - in this place there will be a border of the color of the crocodile, in the lower part the color should be lighter.

7. We erase all the center lines that were necessary at the initial stage.

8. Start sketching with color. Here we sketched the lower part and the eyes.

9. Let's sketch the upper part. Note that the upper part is drawn darker. in green than the bottom one.

10. During the color sketch, the lines of our crocodile became pale, which is why the contours of the details are not clearly visible. Therefore, we take a dark pencil and designate them again.

How to draw a crocodile?

Such a predator as a crocodile is not so difficult to draw. We offer our instructions for beginners and for children who want to portray a toothy beast.

Drawing Ovals and Centerlines

More precisely, you will learn how to draw a crocodile by reading the instructions:

  • Let's start by drawing the head. Let's place it, for example, in the left corner, below. Drawing her around.
  • We attach the body, with an oval outline.
  • The tail should extend from the body in a thin line.
  • We return to the head. We draw a mouth, an uneven line. Specify a place for the eyes and nose.
  • Let's move on to the paws and toes. We draw the lines spread out in different directions. This will be our future paws.

These elementary tips will help you learn how to draw a crocodile step by step.

Draw outlines

  • Next, we dive into the details. We draw nostrils, teeth. The lines that were intended for the paws are outlined with a smooth line. Moreover, the fingers must be connected.
  • Next, draw a zigzag line along the back. Draw wrinkles on the cheeks. And short stripes on the paws.
  • We draw small lines on the crocodile's body, depicting the rough cover of its skin.
  • After the end of the drawing sketches, we make outlines with smooth lines. Erase extra lines. And we can start decorating.

Masterpieces with a pencil

Thus, with the help of this article, you or your students will be able to learn an easy way to draw a crocodile with a pencil. A consistent instruction will help any beginner. Moreover, a pencil is the easiest tool to learn how to draw. It is easier for them to draw and then remove unnecessary contours at the end of the work.

How to draw a crocodile Gena is thought of by both many inexperienced artists and parents of babies. After all, children simply adore the good crocodile and his best friend- charming Cheburashka. Drawing a crocodile Gena is not at all difficult, much easier than the most ordinary alligator. This character of the popular puppet cartoon has a fairly simple structure and is not at all aggressive. appearance. Therefore, absolutely every person will be able to understand how to draw Gena the crocodile in stages, regardless of the level of his artistic skills and abilities.
Before drawing the crocodile Gena in stages, it is worth preparing all those items that will inevitably be needed in the process of work:
1). Pencils of various shades;
2). Pencil - both mechanical and sharpened ordinary are perfect;
3). A black pen with a gel refill;
4). sheet of paper;
5). Eraser.

If all the essentials have already been prepared, then you can proceed to learning how to draw Gena the crocodile with a pencil in stages, and then color it:
1. First, draw the outlines of the head of a good-natured crocodile;
2. Draw the body to the head. Remember that Gena the crocodile wears an elongated jacket;
3. Draw the legs peeking out from under the jacket, as well as the tail;
4. Draw a hand behind the back;
5. Draw the outfit of the crocodile in more detail, depicting the buttons, the collar of the shirt and jacket, as well as the butterfly;
6. Draw a hat on the crocodile's head. Then draw elevations on his head, in which the eyes are located. Draw a cheek under the eyes, which is indicated quite clearly due to the fact that the hero is smiling;
7. Draw a smile. Then draw the upper part of the crocodile's head, depicting a characteristic hollow between the eyes and nose;
8. Draw the pupils in the eyes of Gena the crocodile. Then outline the earth and grass;
9. Now you know how to draw Gena the crocodile with a pencil and you can move on to coloring it. But first you need to take your time to circle it with a pen;
10. Using an eraser, remove the pencil lines;
11. Color the eyes blue and black, and shade the head tightly with green, dark green, blue-green and yellow;
12. Paint the jacket burgundy and red-brown, the bow tie brown, and the buttons light brown. RU
