native spaces. The legend of the three sisters Three sisters legend

In Ashtarak, the city where I live now, there is not much interesting, in fact ... But the churches are the most beautiful :) The four churches in the photos below are part of the local Ashtarak legend about three sisters who fell in love with one young prince ... The older two sisters decided to commit suicide, in the name of happiness younger sister… They jumped off a cliff into a gorge… Upon learning of this, the third sister, out of grief, also rushed into the gorge… The young prince, having learned that three innocent girls committed suicide because of him, became a hermit… And on the edge of the gorge, in places where the girls jumped down and died, three churches were built… And another church, the Church of St. Sargis, was erected on the other side of the gorge, in honor of the hermit prince…

In the photo below: the Church of St. Sargis. It was built in the 13th century, but was destroyed and later rebuilt.

The names of the three churches, allegedly built in memory of the girls, come from the color of the dress that each of the girls wore. Namely, dresses of red, white and apricot-orange colors. The church in the photo below is called Karmravor, which can be translated as "reddish". Built in the 7th century.

The remaining two churches, unfortunately, were not preserved. Today only ruins remain of them. The photo below shows the ruins of the only basilica in the city. It was erected in the 5th century, 2 centuries after the adoption of Christianity by Armenia. It is called Tsiranavor, which can be translated as "apricot-orange color".

Well, the last church is Spitakavor. According to legend, it was erected in honor of the youngest of three sisters. Upon learning that her two older sisters had passed away, she put on White dress and also committed suicide. Spitakavor is translated as "white". Built in 5-6 centuries.

All members of the family sat at a large table. They had already finished unloading their things, and even Corianna's small green backpack was empty.
Ellena told of how she once ran away with best friend Venus and another guy from class...
...Here her story came to an end. Corianna and Neona were discussing what Ellena had said. But suddenly dad interrupted their discussion:
-Do you know creepy story this old house where we have arrived?
-No! We don’t know!” the friendly sisters asked with great curiosity.
Tell us! - asked Elenna.
Despite being the eldest of the sisters, her eyes sparkled with curiosity the most.
“Now I will tell you a legend about the house of vampires and werewolves.” My father said mysteriously quietly.

There was dead silence...

So listen: “There was once a kind girl in the world. Her name was Maryam. One day she angered her knight father. What exactly, history is silent.
He took his favorite golden spear and threw it at the poor girl. And hit her right in the heart. And in the blink of an eye a white bird flew up unearthly beauty over Maryam. And flew deep into the sky. But she dropped her tear in the girl's heart. And that tear hardened and turned into ice.
Everyone thought the girl was dead. And they buried it on the third day in a crystal coffin. The whole kingdom came to say goodbye to her.
And the knight-father cried: “Oh God! What have I done?!” And he took the golden spear from the girl's heart. And pierced them with mine. And dropped dead.
Centuries passed, and people forgot about what happened. But some fool found that cave where the beautiful girl Maryam lay in her crystal coffin and the brave knight-father with his armor in a golden coffin. And that fool saw the beautiful Maryam through the crystal coffin. And fell in love with her without memory of his misfortune. “I only want to be with you!” he said. He opened the lid of the golden coffin where the girl's father lay. And snatched the spear from his heart. And he pierced his own with them. And dropped dead. And he met in the kingdom of the dead with Maryam and said to her: “I have come for you! I love you! So marry me!” And they took hands. And flew to Earth. And settled in the old house. And they did not want to let the knight-father go there. And the angry knight went home.
Half a century has already passed since they live in peace and harmony. And no one touched them. But suddenly in their an old house trouble came: the knight-father came from the land of the dead. And he turned the beautiful kind girl Maryam into a vampire. And she became angry, thanks to a tear of a white bird. This tear finally hardened and turned into very strong ice. And Maryam became a vampire girl. And her foolish husband turned into a werewolf. And the knight-father himself turned into a ghost and began to rule over them. And all the people were afraid of this old house. And no one inhabited it and did not wash it.
Shortly after the incident, for no reason, the ghost father, the vampire girl, and the werewolf boy disappeared from the old house…”

The father looked at the children: Corianna bit her nails in horror, Neona sobbed, and Ellena said:
-But what happened? Why did they leave the old house???
-They say that “the vampire girl became completely angry and lost her mind. She found in the cave where she was buried, that same golden spear and pierced the heart of the vampire guy ... And then her own. The ghost-father could not stand the loneliness and pierced his own heart ... "

Silence fell... Only Korianna's sobs broke through it.

And what happened to their bodies? - Neon said in a barely audible voice.
“And the bodies, for no known reason, disappeared forever,” the father finished the legend. By the way, his name was Alex.
While dad was telling this terrible legend, all family members, or rather Corianne, Neona, Ellen and even dad himself, have already finished their dinner. We went to clean up and get ready for bed. Tomorrow the sisters have to go to new school.
...But I will tell you about it in the next chapter!)

The legend of the three sisters of the Crimean coast, a few miles from Alushta, lived an honest fisherman with his wife. They were very humble and good people. The doors of their old hut were constantly open for travelers who could find lodging and shelter in it. And orphans and poor widows could receive here not only food, but also words of affection and consolation. What to say locals deeply respected this family. Good fame went about them along the coast. And near with good there was bad fame - about these native children good people about three daughters. Eldest daughter Poplar looked ugly, short, awkward. And by nature, she is very mean. In order to annoy her neighbors, she climbed onto the roofs, eavesdropped on other people's secrets, and then talked about him all over the coast. But the most monstrous thing about her was that she cursed her parents day and night for her ugliness, for her small stature. The middle daughter's name was Pomegranate, she was obsessed with pink. She reproached her parents for not being pretty enough and her cheeks not pink. And if she were pink, like a flower, everyone would stop and admire her with admiration. Concerning Cypress, she was beautiful and cheerful in character. However, under the influence of older sisters, she also sneered at her parents. Say, they gave birth to her into the light of day at night, and not during the day, because of this she is so funny and frisky. It was not easy for parents to hear the reproaches of their children. But what will you do? The love of parents is helpless and blind. The old people silently endured the antics of their daughters, endured their ridicule. And in order to prevent trouble, they often went to the mountains. There they could live for several days. Once, when they were at home, all three of their daughters broke into the house. Enraged by some incident, they began to beat their father and mother with their fists. “Oh heavens,” the parents pleaded. “Is there such a force that can protect us from our own daughters!” And as soon as they uttered these words, a voice rang out from nowhere: “Topolina!” You curse your mother, your father for being small. So transform yourself into the highest tree, on which there will never be flowers or fruits. Not a single bird, besides the raven, will nest on you ... - Your wish, Grenade, will also come true. You will turn into a tree pink flowers and everyone will stop and admire them. But no one will smell these beautiful flowers, because they will be odorless. Your fruits will be bright red in the middle, they will not be able to satiate anyone, quench anyone's thirst, because they will not ripen ... - You, Cypress, will suffer the fate of your sisters. You complained about your cheerful nature - you will become a sad and beautiful plant ... The girls, frightened to death, ran out of the hut. Their parents ran after them. But their children were no longer there: in the yard there were three hitherto unknown trees. One lifted up its branches, as if it wanted to become even higher, the other was covered with pink flowers, and the third froze in sad silence. And people named these three trees after their daughters - poplar, cypress and pomegranate.

Located in the Bay of Kotor, the small town of Prcanj is famous for its enviable geographic location and breathtaking views, but this historic city also offers a great opportunity to plunge into the mythical past of Montenegro. The cobbled streets of Prcanj, surrounded by buildings from the 17th and 18th centuries, will guide you through the city with rich history, with stone villas, gardens and olive groves that dominate the waterfront for the most part.

Church erection Mother of God is perhaps the most impressive attraction in Prcanj. This magnificent masterpiece of architecture took 120 years to build, and the walls are covered with numerous paintings and sculptures, including works by Piazetta, Tiepolo and Balestra.

One of the most famous places in Prcanj is the palace "Tre Sorelle", which translates as the Palace of the Three Sisters. Built in the 15th century, this famous mansion was built and owned by the aristocratic Buka family.

Legend has it that three sisters who lived here fell in love with the same sailor. And when he went out to sea, they stood at the windows waiting for him to return. As the legend goes, for many years these sisters waited for their sailor, who never returned. As the years passed and the sisters began to die one by one, their windows were boarded up - all the windows were boarded up except the window of the last sister, who had no one to board up her window, and thus this window remains unboarded to this day, with the exception of from the rest.

Prcanj is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the Bay of Kotor and visitors to the city can not only visit the Tre Sorelle Palace, but also easily explore the surroundings, as well as the historical city of Kotor, which is just a few minutes walk from the palace.

The most famous part of the Blue Mountains in New South Wales is undoubtedly the rock formation at the top known as the Three Sisters. The peaks are located 110 km west of Sydney. The "Three Sisters" is a group of three stepped free-standing sandstone stone pillars, each bearing a given name. The first rock, called Meehni, rises 922 meters above sea level, the second is Wimla, a little lower - 918 meters, the smallest of them ends at a height of 906 meters and is called Gunnedoo.

The Blue Mountains began to form 200 million years ago and were originally a large bay in the ocean, surrounded by high mountains. Over time, the bay was filled with sand and rocks washed out from the mountains. All this was compressed under the influence of time and the forces of nature into a rock called sandstone. Pressure from the interior of the Earth was slowly pushing the formation out, turning it into a plateau. Over the millions of years of its existence, precipitation and winds flowed into the fractures, and the rock succumbed to erosion, acquiring a new relief. Now the plateau consists of wide valleys with narrow gorges surrounded by steep sandstone cliffs.

A New South Wales Aboriginal Tradition of Three Sisters

To see the beauties of the mountains located at Echo Point, just a couple of kilometers from the freeway, in national reserve people come from all over the world. And no wonder, because the rocks serve calling card The Blue Mountains and their formation are shrouded in Australian Aboriginal lore.

According to legend, in the Jemison Valley, in ancient times, there lived three girls of the Gandangarra tribe. They happened to fall in love with brothers from the neighboring Nepin tribe. Aboriginal laws did not allow marriages between different tribes. The brothers got angry and started a bloody clash. The father of beauties, during the military conflict, decided to protect his daughters, and turned to the sorcerer with a request to save the children. The sorcerer took the lovers to the mountain and turned them into three rocks. He intended to undo the spell as soon as the battle was over, but fate had decreed otherwise. The sorcerer fell on the battlefield. The girls remained three slender rocks, because there was no one to turn them into people. Since then, the "sisters" have risen above the valley, as a reminder to future generations of the vicissitudes of reckless love.

At any time of the day, in the rays of the sun, the figures of girls amaze visitors to the reserve with an incredible play of color. After sunset, their silhouettes impress with their grace against the night sky.

The second legend of the three sisters

But there is another legend about the three sisters that has survived to this day. It says that the sisters Mihni, Wimla and Gannedu had a medicine man father named Taiwan. In those same ancient times, a monster lived in the gorge or evil spirit Bunyip, whom everyone was afraid of. Passing near the gorge was so dangerous that every time, going in search of food, the father hid his daughters on a rock, behind the stones. But one day, having said goodbye to his daughters, the father, as always, waved goodbye to them and began to descend down the rocks into the valley. Left alone, the beauties were frightened by a large centipede that suddenly appeared next to them. Mihni took a stone and threw it at the centipede. The stone continued to fall off the cliff, crashing into the rock and falling into the valley, angering Bunyip. The stone rock behind the sisters began to crumble and they were left standing on a small ledge at the top of the mountain. All living things froze around. The birds stopped singing, the animals froze, while Bunyip climbed out of his hiding place to look at the frightened sisters. As he approached, the agitated father, far below, turned his daughters to stone with the help of a magic bone. The monster got angry and started chasing Taiwan. The medicine man decided to turn into a lyrebird bird to avoid the attack, but during the transformation he dropped his magic bone. Bunyip calmed down, and Taiwan returned in search of his magic bone, but did not find it. Until now, in the mountains you can hear the singing of the lyrebird, scurrying about in search of a magic bone. Three silent stone sisters silently stand in anticipation of the reverse transformation.

giant staircase

Today, many accomplishments of the past are forgotten. But in Katoomba, there is a fresh legend about the human feat of two enthusiasts who carved nine hundred steps from the valley to the top in the rock. These heroes were James Jim McKay (1869 - 1947) and his assistant Walter 'Wally' Botting (1887 - 1985) with their associates. From the side of Echo Point, a panorama of the mountain range is visible, but it is partially covered from view by grown trees. Nowadays, you can rent a telescope or use binoculars, but the opportunity to climb to the rocks itself attracts visitors.

In February 1911, a local newspaper reported that James McKay had climbed the rocks. He climbed the mountain without assistance, without ropes and other special equipment in casual clothes and shoes, and made sure that with the desire and funds, an excellent hiking route could be laid here. Initially, the idea was ridiculed, but by 1916 permission had been obtained from the council to begin work on the project. By 1918, McKay and associates had done a quarter of the work, but interrupted the activity due to the high cost of the project.

For a whole dozen years, the realization of the idea was suspended until, in the early 30s of the last century, photographer Harry Phillips released a colorful brochure with views of Kotumba. This served as a new impetus for the continuation of work, because it became obvious that the project contributes to the development of the tourism industry in the region, and therefore the flow of funds for the development of the territory as a whole. This pamphlet renewed interest in the project, and in 1932 McKay continued to pursue his dream. On October 1, 1932, the official opening of the route took place. The opening was attended by politicians of all levels, including Premier Stevens of New South Wales. It was he who announced the work of the observation deck. At the end of a memorable day, three climbers climbed the highest of the cliffs and hoisted the Australian flag there.

Nowadays, daredevils, taking with them drinking water and having spent about three hours of their time, enthusiastically use the route created in the last century by the brave McKay. The reward for courage is a magnificent view of the local flora and the panorama of the picturesque cable car, laid at an angle of 51 degrees, which is on currently is the steepest cable car in the world. Previously, this road was used to transport coal and shale, but in 1945 the mine was closed and the route became purely tourist.
