The most expensive and rare auction lots from around the world (34 photos). Russian auctions, the best selection for the right choice

Are you trying to figure out what other quality online auctions exist besides ebay? Then read this article and you will find out about other online auctions that, quite possibly, will become more attractive for you than ebay.

When it comes to shopping online for a variety of items, many people go to ebay first. But this does not mean that ebay is the best and most profitable online auction, besides it on the Internet, there are many other really good online auctions. That is why ebay is slowly becoming not the only available option for purchasing any product. This article will highlight a few other online auctions that have huge potential for growth in the future.


At the beginning of its journey, Amazon was an online bookstore. It was created in 1995 by Jeff Bezos. However, as Amazon developed, it began to expand and offer customers more and more new categories of goods. Currently on Amazon there are such products as,

  • Books
  • Electronics
  • video games
  • Food
  • Cloth
  • Furniture, etc.

UBid is a good alternative to replace the ebay marketplace. This online auction was launched back in 1997. Is it currently an online auction? where almost everyone is present. Over the past few years, UBid has become eBay's main competitor, thanks to the best range of products on offer.

ebid was launched in 1999 and has evolved quite a bit since then. fast pace. For many sellers, this is one of the best online auction sites as it does not charge anything other than a small amount for the sale of an item.

Onlineauction is an online auction where you can sell any product. To start trading on Onlineauction, you need to deposit a certain amount, plus a separate fee for each sale.


Another good option for people who are looking for an alternative ebay replacement. The main difference between this online auction and others is that there are no sellers. Exhibited only the goods that were purchased by the auction itself.


An online auction that purchases products from various companies and resell online. All products are purchased at lower prices.

A free online auction that allows sellers to earn money by selling their goods without paying any interest. This site earns with the help of advertising, which is placed in large quantities.

Previously, this online auction was called Bonanzle, but in September 2010 it was renamed. Offers its customers to negotiate with sellers in real time, allowing you to view various products virtually, using online broadcasting. In addition, the bonanza online auction describes in some detail the types of payment, delivery methods and all other features and services that you need to know.


It is not just an online auction, but more of a trading site where you can create your own stores and sell goods without paying a penny.

In addition to the above online auctions, you can visit such trading platforms as,

  • Internet auctions for non-profit organizations.

If you are interested in an online auction for a charitable cause, then there are several such auctions.

By selling various products at these auctions, you can help non-profit organizations fundraising.

Auctions and marketplaces in Germany and Europe. At most foreign auctions or marketplaces, you can you want to find and buy, as well as sell many things and goods. A huge thematic selection of sections and headings in each foreign online auction.

German, English, Swiss, Dutch and other European auctions for the sale of new and used cars, technology, paintings, wine, medals, antiques

German and European auctions and marketplaces in Germany and Europe for the sale and purchase of many new and used items, as well as rare and original goods. Each foreign online auction is distinguished by the thematic selection of sections and headings of the things presented on it. Online auctions in Germany, America, Great Britain, France, Italy, Spain, Scandinavia, Sweden, Portugal, Czech Republic, Poland, Bulgaria, Israel, Japan, China and other countries offer you only original products without intermediaries.

AuXion - online auction in Belgium

Online auction offers to buy and sell various things in Belgium. AuXion - Numismatics, bonistics, phaleristics, auction - simple and honest rules.

Auction - auction in Germany

Selling and buying goods on the German online catalog and auction calendar Auction in Germany. Auction - Auto, antiques and other goods, porcelain, glass, ceramic items.

Amazon - Worldwide auction of goods in Germany

Worldwide Goods Auction Amazon. Amazon DE - Germany's largest online supermarket or trading floor for all. The German Amazon is the largest European platform of the company after the American Amazon. Favorite place For online shopping across Germany.

Antikbuch24 - book auction in Germany

German Book Auction Antikbuch24, is a trading platform for buying and selling antique books and magazines in Germany. Antikbuch24 - Your antique bookstore, offers you many offers from the antique bookstore.

AuktionAto - free online auction house, flea market, for private sellers in Germany

Auktionato is a flea market in German. German auction Auktionato is a free, secure purchase of various goods in Germany.

Auktionshaus Bayer - Auction in Germany

Buy or sell new or used items on a German online auction trading house Auktionshaus Bayer in Germany. Auktionshaus Michael Bayer is active in the field Jewelry, clock and more.

Autorola - car auction in Germany

German car auction Autorola. Auction Autorola charges a fee from both the seller and the buyer. But, Cars for sale through German Auto Auction are the best bids for your car in Germany.

Auctions Gärtner — Auction for a philatelist

Auction philatelic area Auctions Gärtner. Auctions Gärtner - auction valuation of coins, Examination of valuable and other coins.

Autobid - car auction in Europe

European automotive autobid auction , allows you to participate in the auction to buy a car directly from home (Europe). All registered car dealers can directly participate in the auction not

Auvito - auction prototype of Avito in Germany

The old well-known German auction Auvito, which became the prototype of the Russian Avito. A German site similar to "Avito" offers free, private German ads. Board of free announcements for Russian speakers in Germany (Germany).

Ankaufalarm - Book auction in Germany

Get the chance to sell your old and new books, CDs, DVDs and games at the German Ankaufalarm auction in Germany.

The popularity of online auctions is due to several factors:
- the opportunity to buy goods, the variety of which is not limited to the assortment of the retail network;
- enough low prices compared to the cost of a similar product in stores;
- the possibility of buying rare and exclusive goods;
- Excitement and satisfaction from the conclusion of the transaction.

Among the registered users of online auctions there are not only professional sellers, but also those for whom the sale or purchase of goods on the Internet is analogous to going to a thrift store. Russian users prefer both foreign and domestic online auctions.

The advantage of working with foreign sites is a larger number of participants, and Russian auctions attract with a clear interface and low shipping costs due to the absence of customs costs.

The most popular foreign online auctions

The most popular platform for buying and selling goods on the Internet is This is not only the first site of its kind in the world, but also the largest audience to date. In many countries, including Russia, the company has representative websites, through which you can read the descriptions of goods in translation.

Also, one of the oldest and most popular online auctions is, where purchases can be made both directly and through intermediaries. The site combines the properties of an auction and a classic online store.

No less successful among Russians are online auctions specializing in the sale of Chinese goods. The most popular Chinese auction site is, which allows you to purchase goods good quality at domestic prices.

Since the registration process on requires the number of one of the Chinese mobile operators, and descriptions can only be read using an online translator, a large number of intermediary sites have arisen.

The most popular Russian online auctions

The leader of the Russian segment of online sales is the auction. Although the number of registered users is significantly inferior to giants like Ebay, this site in most cases allows you to successfully find the right product at an affordable price, or you can act as a seller yourself.

In addition to the leading auction, domestic users use the services of such sites as, Astra24 and Despite being less popular, quite exclusive lots can be found on these sites.

Now it is difficult to imagine how the search for buyers took place in those days when the global network had not yet made us so closer friend friend as much as possible. However, in some aspects, people remain old-fashioned and valuable things (at least those that they consider valuable) to this day. We will get to know the ten most popular of them below.

1 Christie's - the most luxurious

Christie's has long been at the top of the list of world leaders in luxury goods auctions. 43 countries, twice as many offices, two headquarters in London and New York and the largest offline auction revenue in Europe, in the billions of dollars.

2 ebay - the most electronic

You may not find celebrity jewelry or priceless art here, but you can buy just about anything on ebay. Where, for example, could you buy the very first Superman comic book? Only here. And, moreover, the electronic nature of the auction does not interfere with transactions of millions: the same Superman was sold for 3.2 million dollars.

3 Tsukiji - the most odorous

You can, as they say, turn your nose, but the Tokyo fish auction is also hugely famous! And the stakes here are serious. Just a few months ago, a 212-kilogram tuna sold here fell short of $1 million, and in 2013, an even larger fish was sold for $1.7 million.

4 Heritage Auctions - the most diverse

The world's largest auction, which sells a wide variety of collectibles, is located in Dallas (Texas, USA). Bidding takes place both online and offline, and the auction house sells art objects, antiques, books, coins, banknotes and stamps, comics and everything related to them, site names, rights, music, posters, entertainment items, jewelry and accessories, meteorites, minerals, sports collections, houses, wine and many other things.

5 Sotheby's is the most scandalous

The world's largest art dealer is known for the scandals that accompany its activities. Price collusion with Christie's was no match for the storm that erupted in 1997, when it was revealed that some of the items sold at auction were, to put it bluntly, of dubious provenance. After that, there were more copyright scandals, but it seems that in last years Sotheby's has decided to live honestly.

6 Poly International Auction Company - the largest

And here we have the largest auction house of art in the world, formed in 2005, selling mainly Asian art. The company is headquartered in Beijing and, although it has far fewer offices than Christie's or Sotheby's, the company's revenues far exceed those of these 300-year-old auction houses.

7 Copenhagen auction is the most hated

The fur trade in recent years has earned a huge mass of negativity that comes from public figures protesting against the industrial keeping of fur animals. But protests are protests, and the fur auction in Copenhagen remains the largest place where furs are traded, and they trade quite successfully. At each auction, at least 7 million mink skins are sold, not to mention other types of fur.

8 Mecum auctions - the most driven

Up to 1000 cars are sold at a time at the Mecum auction, known as the largest in America, and maybe in the world. Auctions take place in largest cities United States, such as Las Vegas, so buying a luxury car is a good reason to travel.

9 Drouot - the oldest

One of the most famous auctions in the world - Drouot (Drouot) - is also the oldest. It is not surprising that during its existence it has acquired its own newspaper (and now a website, of course), and is located in a hotel called Drouot-Richelieu, on Rue Drouot.

10 Silk Road is the most illegal

The most famous darknet marketplace is Silk Road ( Silk Road) traded in a variety of prohibited goods until 2013, when he was covered by the FBI. But after the closure, of course, other sites came to its place, where illegal auctions take place. They sell accounts, trade secrets and much more dangerous things here.

The vast majority of Russian Internet sites are organized by analogy with Western sites. To begin with, let's look at the main types of auctions that are held on the Russian equivalents of Ebay.

Standard Auction

The seller sets a minimum price for his goods. Next, the auction is held to increase the initial price. The seller also indicates the period of the auction. The owner of the goods (lot) becomes the bidder whose bid will be the last and maximum. It is also possible to set a “blitz price”. It's about about the rate that allows you to close the auction ahead of schedule.

Reverse auction

The principle of trading is opposite to the previous method. The seller sets the maximum price and duration of the auction. The cost of the goods is automatically reduced. At the same time, the price can change several times a day or a week. When exactly is the lot in Once again will rise in price, no one knows. The winner of the auction is the buyer who is ready to buy the goods at the current price. Internet auctions in Russia use this type of auction much less frequently.

Scandinavian auction

Russian legislation does not provide for a law that would prohibit auctions of this type. However, a number of rules still allow classifying trading on the principle of a Scandinavian auction as a gambling activity. The buyer pays for each bid. It is worth noting that such auctions, both in the USA and in most European countries recognized as a type of auction.

Dims auction

Not very popular with Russian sellers and buyers. All participants in the auction must pay a certain amount to pay off the cost of the lot that is put up for auction, as well as to cover all costs associated with the auction. The winner is determined computer program. In fact, this is a typical lottery.

The most popular Russian analogues of Ebay

Ebay has become an inspiration for many Russian Internet entrepreneurs. It is not surprising that such a large number of similar resources have appeared. Let's look at the most popular of them. - (from 08/20/15 stopped working)

This is the largest and most famous analogue of Ebay in Russia. The Internet resource began to work in December 1999. For a long period, Hammer had no competitors. Today, this Internet site is visited by more than 200,000 people a day. Molotok charges the seller a commission from the transaction in the amount of 3%. This takes into account the cost of the goods. This analogue of Ebay in Russia is actively supported by the European company Allegro Group.

Well-known Internet site Krasnodar Territory. was founded in 2008. But the next analog of Ebay became really popular only in 2011. Now the founders of the project are significantly expanding the geography of the project and are trying to cover other regions of Russia. Most of the offers are, of course, cars, children's things and household items.

No less well-known analogue of Ebay in Russia and the Internet resource You can buy and sell anything. Every minute in the catalog there are several new lots. On this resource, there are sellers and buyers of antiques, vintage items, rare items, books, etc. There are also many ordinary users who want to sell unnecessary things or buy cheaper household goods.

For true connoisseurs of antiques, an Internet site was created. There are very few highly specialized online auctions in Russia. This resource is a welcome exception. The Internet project was launched in 2004. The site has over 15,000 registered users. This is not exactly an analogue of the Ebay website, but, nevertheless, the principle of bidding is very similar to the Western Internet platform.

This resource will be of interest to webmasters. A well-known online auction in Russia puts up domain names for auction. On this moment over 50,000 domain names for sale. The resource also allows you to reserve vacant domains.

Above are only the most famous online auctions in Russia. Some users make good money selling certain goods or old things. Others save the family budget by participating in auctions and buying cheap. You can buy really high-quality, necessary and inexpensive things.
