Check car documents online. Checking a car before buying

There are many reasons: the only opportunity to buy the best vehicle for a certain budget, the need for a model that is no longer produced, the car has already been “run in” - all additional functions have been installed and units have been developed. One way or another, buying a used car is a more complicated and risky process than buying a new car.

During the operation of the vehicle by the previous owner, it may acquire certain defects. This is one of the main reasons why the resale value of a car decreases. However, not every breakdown and defect is critical. If the car is relatively cheap, then some minor defects are more profitable to fix yourself. So, the goal of the driver choosing and inspecting the car is to compare various aspects condition of the car (legal, cosmetic and technical), and then decide whether to make a purchase or refuse it.


First of all, you need to check the legal and technical papers of the used car. This is necessary in order not to waste time on examining other aspects if the car turns out to be “problematic” - with fake numbers, taken on an unpaid loan, and so on. Careless purchase of such a car can lead to problems with the law and loss of money.

Vehicle Passport

The main document of the car is the TCP. It is necessary to check exactly the original copy of the form. In the case when the seller offers a duplicate, there is a risk that he is hiding something - a used car may be credited, pledged or stolen. Another trick that scammers resort to is selling a car with a copy of the passport, while the legally strong original remains with them. Of course, it can be issued due to loss or damage to the old one, but in this case, the document will have a mark on the original number.

From the vehicle passport, you can find out information about past owners and their number. If there are too many copyright holders in the document, especially in a short period of time (three or more per year), then there is a possibility that the attackers tried to cover their tracks in this way before the law.

In the case where the title is not in doubt, you need to check the rest of the legal aspects of the car. These include the VIN code, service book, and so on.

VIN code

The vehicle identification code is indicated in the PTS and on the car body (usually under the hood and on the dashboard). It is a 17-digit number that encodes information about the year of manufacture of the machine and its characteristics, as well as information about the manufacturer. It is recommended to immediately write down the VIN code in order to later check the used car through the traffic police database.

The vehicle identification number must match the corresponding number in the PTS. Depending on the specific model, the code may be located on the pillar, under the hood, on the dashboard or elsewhere - manufacturers place a plate on a body part that cannot be removed. It is important to pay attention to the presence of damage to the engraving of the code, as well as to its entries in the TCP. In the case when scratches and other traces of impact are visible on the numbers, the driver may be dealing with an illegal VIN replacement.

Other documents

In the case when a used car meets all expectations and has a small price, you should suspect something is wrong. As practice shows, they can have hidden problems - most often in terms of the law. One of the most effective ways to find out about fraud is to check the status of important inscriptions in documents. So, if the margins in the papers are damaged, blurred, or look aged against the general background, it can be assumed that they have been forged. This applies to TCP, technical inspection books of all other documents.

It is advisable that the seller provide a service book for the car. From it you can understand how often the car was serviced. First of all, this will allow you to find out the attitude of the owner towards the car, and secondly, whether it is in working order and how often unscheduled repairs were made. It is recommended to contact the service - perhaps they will be able to tell you about the fate of the used car.

If the seller is not the owner of the car, but makes a deal by proxy, you need to verify its authenticity. In addition, the document must indicate the right of this person to sell the car.


Checking the body before avoiding unpleasant situations with coverage and quality of parts. In addition, by appearance of a car, one can assume about its real mileage (in the case when there is a suspicion that the driver is hiding it) and about the state of other technical units. Before inspection, the car must be washed, and the process itself must take place in sufficient light.


The condition of the body coating is responsible not only for the beauty of the car, but also for its technical aspects and reliability. In addition, based on the type of paint layer, one can assume the quality of the assembly of the machine and subsequent repairs, as well as its involvement in accidents.

The integrity and condition of the coating should be carefully checked. Tap the bottom of the car, the lower parts of the wings, the area around the headlights, the sills and other body parts with a plastic screwdriver handle. If the sound on impact differs from that of an all-metal coating, then it can be assumed that the elements are in poor condition or have been completely replaced with plastic ones.

The paintwork layer should not have chips, swelling and cracks. In the event that one or another part was clearly painted separately from the body, you should ask if the car was involved in accidents that are not reflected in the documents.

Body geometry

It is possible to fully and efficiently check all the joints of the body only at a special stand. If this is possible, then you need to pay attention to the fact that the gaps between the parts separate from the body (including doors, hood and trunk lid) are of normal size and are the same on all sides. Doors on both sides must close with the same sound and with equal effort. Distortions of elements may indicate that the car has been in an accident or is simply poorly assembled. If the driver confirms that the car was involved in an accident, you can safely bargain in your favor.


It is necessary to check the parts of a used car that are hidden from normal view for rust. Corrosion reduces the reliability and durability of the body. In addition, by its quantity, one can assume the real age, if the one stated in the documents is in doubt.

Attackers who want to sell a used car more profitably hide corrosion with cosmetics. Through holes are sealed with paper tape, after which, together with the entire bottom of the machine, they are covered with a protective agent. Small defects, as a rule, putty. You can check the integrity of the body with a magnet, which will show in which parts there is no metal. can only be made on a lift, but some defects can be detected on your own.

Body parts

It is recommended to inspect the towbar or the place where it should be installed. If there are noticeable a lot of scratches, it can be assumed that the car often carried heavy loads - this reflects badly on the condition of the engine.

Uneven tire wear is a reason to assume a broken body geometry. Either the owner has not adjusted the chassis for a long time, which also has a bad effect on the car.

It is necessary to pay attention not only to the gaps of the doors and the hood and trunk lids, but also to their hinges. These body parts are often damaged in an accident, so obviously corrected, distorted or too new parts may be suspicious.


When inspecting the interior of a used car, you should first pay attention to the condition of the skin. Armchairs, dashboard and interior as a whole must be in acceptable condition. If the mileage of the car declared by the seller is suspicious, you need to pay attention to the pedals, steering wheel, seat and driver's mat. Their wear and damage suggests how many thousands of kilometers the car has traveled.

As for the functionality, all switches, buttons and knobs in the cabin must be in good working order. They should work without being too loose, but not too tight.

It should be dry under the floor mats of a used car. Moisture and the smell of rot may indicate that the vehicle has been sunk.

In addition, the airbags should be checked. First of all, the security of the future driver depends on this. In addition, the absence of protection mechanisms in the corresponding grooves suggests that the car was involved in an accident. An unscrupulous seller can install plugs instead of airbags, as their replacement is quite expensive.

Checking the chassis of the car

The condition of the undercarriage most affects the operation of a used machine. In order to avoid problems and dangers on the road, it is necessary to check all important aspects - the engine, transmission, suspension and other details.


First of all, you need to pay attention to the motor. It does not have to be absolutely clean - this may indicate that the seller "" to the deal and hid the smudges of technical fluids. At the same time, obvious abundant traces of oil indicate a breakdown. Thus, the normal state of the exterior of the engine is covered with some amount of road dirt adhering during operation.

The next thing to consider is the texture of the oil. It should not have inclusions, and the filler neck should not have plaque. In addition, attackers pour thicker oil into a used car to hide severe engine wear. The color of the coolant must be uniform. Muddy marks indicate oil ingress. The rubber hoses of all tanks must be flexible and free from cracks and leaks.

In order to check the performance and condition of the engine, it is recommended to start it at idle. It is necessary to pay attention to the oil - no steam or oil splashes should come out of the neck of the container.

The engine should start smoothly and evenly. The engine in good condition starts 1-3 seconds after turning the key. At the same time, the smoke Idling should not have a clear color. In the case when it gives off a lot of bluish, the oil is most likely burning. White smoke- a possible sign of coolant getting into the engine.

Other aspects

As for the clutch, the stroke of this pedal should not be more than 3 centimeters. For a more detailed check, it is recommended to move off. The clutch pedal should be pressed smoothly, without noise and resistance.

To check the shock absorbers, you need to press on any edge of the car. A good system will stop oscillation after the first or second swing cycle.

Check in motion

After the inspection of the condition of the parts of a used car is over, it is necessary to test it in action. This stage is the most important and the decision to buy depends on it.

The engine should start quietly - quickly, without noise and smoke. Gear shifting should also be smooth. If a creaking sound is heard when decelerating, then the gearbox gears are worn out. Tapping during movement indicates that the gear or differential mechanism is worn out.

It is recommended to find a flat stretch of road without traffic and check how the car behaves if you take your hands off the steering wheel for a while. She shouldn't turn around. The opposite indicates a poor tuning of the chassis or a distorted body. Also, the cause of uneven running can be a banal difference in pressure in the tires of the wheels.

When driving a car, the driver should not feel the backlash of the systems, their “torn” or hard work. The inconvenience can be caused by a lot of wear and tear on a used car.


Checking the legal, cosmetic and technical condition allows you to choose a used car that will not cause its new owner problems with the law and during operation. However, in the secondary market it is almost impossible to find a car of the desired model that will not have any defects at all. Minor breakdowns should not interfere with the purchase and subsequent repairs at your own expense. At the same time, the cost of a used car may fall during the auction.

In addition, with a used one, it is impossible to know with high accuracy all aspects of its condition. Best Option will contact the service of an independent expert.

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  • every second car has a serious hidden defect;
  • every tenth car has a legal background;
  • every third car survived a serious accident;
  • in every fifth car, the mileage of the car is “twisted”.

To avoid such and other troubles when purchasing a vehicle, just read this article.

Checking a car before buying

Before buying, it is necessary to verify state numbers, body numbers, engine and chassis numbers.

First of all, you need to make a reconciliation state numbers, body, engine and chassis numbers with data in the search database. To do this, it will be enough to drive this car to any traffic police post, where it will be checked on a computer. If at least one match is found, the car will be impossible to remove or register.
If these numbers do not appear in the database, then, most likely, they are “killed”. This can only be verified by the police department. This service is paid, but a certificate of examination is issued.

How to check a car for fault for free

In whatever country the car was manufactured, it leaves the factory line already with registration information, the VIN code. It is applied to the body and is a very important value for any vehicle. It is also called the body number. Documentally, it is called: "Vehicle Identification Number". Consists of 17 characters ( letters and Arabic numerals).
Online, you can check the car for free. There are several quite accessible sites on the Internet. But the most popular is the traffic police website.

Traffic police website, how to check a car by VIN code

This service works in all regions of the Russian Federation. With the help of this site, you can easily and completely free of charge learn the following:

  • information about the search for the vehicle;
  • information about restrictions on vehicle registration.

It takes quite a bit of time to check the car on the traffic police website.

To get to the official traffic police is very simple. On the top panel of the site, click the "Services" button with the mouse and click "Vehicle Check". In the window that opens, you will be prompted to enter the VIN code number, or body number, chassis number of the car frame. Below will be suggestions on which operation to undergo. The results appear on the screen, they can be saved, printed.
It takes quite a bit of time for this procedure, literally from two minutes. But we must remember that this site only works on cars with Russian registration.
Also on this site you can check the registration of the car in the traffic police

Car loan check

An extract on the absence of collateral obligations for a car can be obtained from a notary for 100 rubles.

When concluding a car loan agreement, it remains with the lender, and is returned to the car owner only after the loan is fully repaid. But some scammers report to the traffic police about the loss of their TCP and receive a duplicate. On the basis of this duplicate (quite real), an unscrupulous borrower sells his unpaid car. And all debt obligations along with the car are transferred to the new car owner.
There are several signs by which you can determine with great certainty that a car is collateral:

  • an entry in the CASCO insurance policy about the lending bank;
  • the presence of a duplicate of the TCP;
  • little time has passed since the acquisition (usually a car loan agreement is concluded for no more than three years);
  • the TCP indicates that the car was purchased under a commission agreement;
  • too low cost of the car;
  • lack of a contract for the sale of a car.

Also, the vehicle can be pledged to a pawnshop or a private person. In this case, the encumbrance is problematic to check. In the link you can track about movable property pledged to legal entities and individuals.
An extract on the absence of collateral obligations can be obtained from any notary for a symbolic price of 100 rubles.
If after buying the car it turns out that it is in pledge, then the only way out is to file a claim with the court. But the court decision is not always in favor of the applicant. Therefore, you should carefully study all the documents and check the history of the car.

Car check for theft

If a stolen car is found by the police, it will be returned to the original owner.

In order to sell a stolen car, scammers forge documents, knock down numbers. This car cannot be registered. And if a stolen car is found by the police, it will be returned to the first owner.
In order not to be in the ranks of deceived car buyers, you must follow the following recommendations.
External inspection of the car:

  • the presence of factory markings on the glasses. If it is not there, you need to find out the reason for replacing the glass;
  • Availability of a complete set of keys. The lock should not have damage, traces of dismantling;
  • VIN code on the body, chassis numbers, power unit, bodies must match the records in the documents.

Verification of documents:

  • seller's identity card;
  • negotiations about where the car was purchased, whether it is pledged, whether it is encumbered with a car loan;
  • offer the seller to go through all the stages of identifying the car for legal cleanliness;
  • if the car is deregistered, check the transit numbers;
  • check availability . All individual numbers in the policy must match the entries in the TCP and correspond to the numbers in the car itself.

Checking the car according to the database of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

If the seller refuses to check the car, there is a possibility that the car is stolen.

If the seller agrees to check the car in the traffic police for verification against the database of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, then this must be done. If the seller refuses to check the car, then there is a possibility that the car is stolen.
You can check the information on the car of interest on your own on the Internet on the traffic police website by the VIN code.
You can request information from the expert bureau to check the history of the car. But it is somewhat expensive - 2500 rubles. An act of forensic examination is issued.

Checking the owner by the state number of the car

  • official request to the traffic police. In the application, in addition to the state number, you can indicate any available information on the car. As well as the reason why this request was necessary;
  • contacting a private detective;
  • communication on thematic forums on the Internet in the area where this car is parked;
  • on auto sites offering such services.

Vehicle mileage check

Determining whether a mechanical odometer is twisted:

It is visually impossible to understand if the electric odometer is twisted.

  • scrupulous inspection of the bottom of the machine, the condition of the drive mounting nuts for mechanical damage;
  • figures unevenly spaced to each other;
  • mechanical damage on bolts, rivets, housing.

It is visually impossible to understand if the electric odometer is twisted. This can only be determined by professionals in expensive service stations. They will determine the actual mileage.
But there is also indirect evidence of twisting the speedometer:

  • the condition of the brake discs, door handles, headlight optics, turbine and pipe, timing belt, engine and suspension, pedals, steering wheel, seat upholstery, interior plastic, levers, etc .;
  • year of car manufacture.

Car accident check

This is the most important aspect. Even a very lazy buyer needs to check the car for communion in an accident. There are two ways to investigate the involvement of a car in an accident:

  • together with the seller (who has nothing to hide), you can contact the traffic police with a request;
  • on the Internet, enter the VIN code or state number on the portal.

You can find out the STS number by car number upon an official request to the traffic police. This information is confidential and is released in special cases. For example, when investigating an accident.

Fake Vehicle Title

You need to know that there are four levels of forgery of a vehicle passport:

Before buying a car, you must carefully check the title for authenticity.

  • A simple two-sided form printed on a color printer with a fake hologram pasted on. Such a fake can be identified both by light and by touch. The hologram should not be felt, it is one with the form. Only through a magnifying glass on a hologram is a car visible, on windshield which has the inscription "Russia. Russia". With the light of a flashlight on the upper left corner, at an angle of 30 degrees, the inscription "PTS" is visible. When palpating the inscription "Vehicle Passport", a bulge is felt. In the left upper corner the raised rosette pattern changes color from green to grey. The watermarks are clearly visible. On the line of the inner fold there is a dark stripe with a closed inscription "passport of the vehicle";
  • Classic form. High-quality paper, paint, protective markers are used;
  • Counterfeits on original forms that are not always recognizable. The year of manufacture of the form (lower left corner) should not be younger than the year of issue of the TCP;
  • Original Titles (stolen, bought for next to nothing from old, broken cars). License plates with PTS are transferred to the car, and only specialists can notice this.

Indicator of hidden defects of the car body

This device can easily detect the thickness of the paintwork and vehicle body defects. With its help, you can understand what is the condition of the car body, what work was done earlier, etc. With a simple design, it is easy to handle. Can significantly help in choosing not a new car.
We tried to show in this article in great detail and scrupulously how to legally check the car before buying. Where and how to carry out all kinds of checks on the car. Read the article and be careful!

Buying a used car has its advantages and disadvantages. Among the first, it should be noted the prices for such vehicles, which are ten times less than the cost of a new car. But after all, buying a car (or another vehicle) on the secondary market is insidious in its own way, because no one knows how this car was operated, and whether it was suddenly listed as stolen.

To be sure of your decision, you should properly inspect the machine before buying. But it is actually not difficult to do this, even if you want to become a car owner for the first time. And our today's article will tell you how to check the car before buying.

Pay attention to ads

In the last few years, the vast majority of transactions regarding the purchase and sale of vehicles are no longer carried out through newspapers, but through the Internet. If you are looking for a suitable option specifically on car buying and selling sites, pay attention to the structure of the ad. First of all, look at the photo. If not, most likely, the seller wants to mask obvious body defects on the car, hoping that the buyer will forgive any scratches, dents, etc. upon inspection (especially if it is a purchase in a completely different area). Remember what big photo laid out by the seller, the more he can be trusted. Also see the description carefully. But this is not enough to make a purchase - you should definitely call the seller and clarify all your questions.

How to communicate with the seller by phone?

Before clarifying all the nuances regarding the machine, write down full list all questions on a separate sheet of paper (any person tends to forget something). Then in one call you will be able to compose complete picture about the car.

What should you ask the seller?

First of all, you need to find out if he is the full owner of this vehicle. Why is it necessary for you? The point is that in Lately there are a lot of people who buy a car by proxy. In practice, after the transaction, the car is transferred to your property, but in fact the same seller is its legal owner. The buyer under the contract is only to whom the "owner" has given permission to use this vehicle. You definitely won’t be able to sell such a car, and it will be extremely difficult to re-equip it (for example, install HBO). Therefore, if you were told by phone that the car was issued by proxy, immediately discard this option.

Another question that you should definitely find out is what account the owner of the car is your seller. Remember that the higher this number, the more likely that the car is in a condition unsuitable for normal driving (in simple terms, the car was not exploited, but “killed”). Of course, there are such drivers who, even after 10 owners, are kept in practically new, conveyor condition. Unfortunately, however, there are very few such examples.

Next, you should clarify whether there are any damages on the body. Often, unscrupulous sellers say that there is practically not a single rust on the car, and as a result, upon inspection, we see rotten metal. But here you still need to verify the information with the photo. If the data matches what the seller said, we continue the conversation.

By the way, if you were told that the car has no body damage, then during the inspection you have every right to ask for a discount (after all, you were promised a car without rust!).

This was just a basic list of questions to ask the seller before making a deal. Do not hesitate to ask questions, because a considerable amount of money is at stake, and spend a lot of time traveling to the place of inspection and leave feeling complete disappointment hardly anyone wants to.

How is the car?

If the seller did not indicate the VIN code of the vehicle in the description of the ad, be sure to specify it during a telephone conversation. The fact is that, having the Internet and this long intricate combination of letters and numbers with you, you can independently determine all the secrets of this machine in a few minutes. To start checking, it is enough to find any suitable autoportal (you need to type in a search engine a key like “decrypting the VIN code of the car” and go to any site you like) and enter this information. As a rule, it is considered free. But there are also services that take a certain amount of money for decoding the VIN code (but not more than 100 rubles). Compared to free services, these provide much more information about this car, so before buying, you will already know whether it was listed as collateral or whether it was bought on credit.

How to check a car for theft?

Fortunately, with the development information technologies You don't have to go to the traffic police for this. How to check the car before buying for fines and theft? Knowing the VIN code of the vehicle, you can use the same paid code decryption services to find out how many times it was fined, whether it was listed as stolen, and if so, at what time and period. You can also check the car for arrest on the Internet. But this information is purely paid. How to check a car for theft in the traffic police? You can also check the car for fines and other "surprises" directly at the State Inspectorate. This service is considered free, but in fact it is a very long and bureaucratic procedure. You can also check the car on the traffic police website. It is much more convenient and faster, but here you should not hope for a "freebie". Yes, and scammers should be wary. The real information base of the traffic police allows you to check the car by VIN (traffic police of the Russian Federation) in almost a few seconds.

By the way, this check should be done even before the transaction. If this car is listed as stolen, the traffic police has full right confiscate it from you, and no one will return the money for the purchase to you.

Vehicle inspection

So, if everything is clear according to the VIN, the seller is adequate and the car in the photo is in good technical condition, we go for an inspection. How to check the car before buying? First of all, attention should be paid to the external part, that is, this part of the car is the most valuable and expensive, so its condition should be as close to ideal as possible. If the car is very dirty, ask the seller to wash it (by the way, this can also be clarified by telephone conversation). Thus, it will be simply impossible to hide any defects. Inspect the body only during the daytime and, just in case, take a flashlight with you to check the condition of the bottom.

If there is no corrosion there, we inspect the body further. Move away from the car a few meters and look at the details of the cladding from different angles. The color of the body elements must be the same. If it is different, then the car was involved in a traffic accident. How to further check the car before buying? Now you need to inspect the body for dents. This can be done without special tools. Since the most vulnerable elements in the car are the front and rear bumpers, we check them. Sit down and look at the paintwork at a right angle. Ideally, it should display elements evenly environment(due to the application of a proprietary varnish by the manufacturer). If you notice any irregularities, then the car has already been subjected to minor damage.

It also happens that after an accident, part of the metal was processed professionally, with the application of putty and body color paint. In this case, it is simply impossible to determine the dent (except with the use of expensive tools). However, this is not as significant as, for example, rotten thresholds, because traces of dents are invisible even from close range!


Pay attention to the rubber seals of the side and windshields. They should not "ride" from side to side. In this scenario, the slightest drop will certainly penetrate into the interior of the car. Also, the surface of the windows should not contain cracks - a serious fine is due to the traffic police for this. And, of course, toning. If a film is applied to the glass, ask what light transmission it has. According to the rules, it is allowed to install tinting with no more than 70 percent transmittance of daytime solar radiation.

Checking the technical data sheet

Ask also technical This will allow us to find out whether the numbers on the car were "killed" or not. Just check the body number and check Vehicle VIN with the real one. It is often located on the right near the front passenger seat. Sometimes you have to remove the rugs, but these are trifles. On trucks the number is stamped in such a way that it can be seen almost at a glance. In general, before buying, find out in advance on the Internet or from friends where exactly this stamping is located on the specific model of the machine that you are going to purchase.

Service book

Also, special attention should be paid. On it, you can find out whether this car was officially brought to Russia or sold through the dealer network. Ask the seller where the car was serviced all this time, and ask for documents that confirm


Next, it's time to move to the inside of the car. But you need to start not from the cabin, but from the trunk, as it can hide a lot of secrets. Ask the seller to open the lid and get a "spare wheel". After that, carefully inspect the niche in which the wheel was stored. If you notice water or signs of corrosion here, this indicates that there was a blow to the back of the car earlier, and the body repair was performed poorly or incompletely. A great difficulty in this aspect is represented by vehicles equipped with LPG type "propane". In this case, the spare tire niche is filled with a round cylinder, and it will be simply impossible to remove it from there.

What's under the hood?

If you did not find bright defects and corrosion on the body, it's time to inspect the engine compartment. First of all, it is necessary to inspect the engine for various smudges. Remember that a serviceable motor should not contain traces of oil, antifreeze and other liquids on the walls from the outside. You also need to check the oil level. On the dipstick, it should be at the “MAX” or “Normal” level. If you find that the oil is foaming, this is very bad sign. This shouldn't happen on a car! During the conversation, ask if the battery has been changed recently.

Let's hit the road!

And now a test drive. It’s better, of course, to drive yourself, but the seller has the right to refuse you this for your own safety (there are many examples when robberies happened on a test drive and the car was simply taken away). But you can also determine the correct operation of all mechanisms as a passenger. In this case, arrange with the seller to fulfill your requests during the test drive.

With the clutch depressed, the gears should engage without rumble, jamming or jerking. When driving on a flat roadway, try taking your hands off the steering wheel for a few seconds - in this case, the car should not go to the side. Then sharply apply the brake and watch the vibration on the steering wheel (ideally, it should not be at all). Finally, drive over rough roads and listen to the work of the suspension. The latter should not emit characteristic knocks, squeaks and noises. By the way, the steering wheel, when hitting holes, should not break out of your hands and transmit blows to the driver. As for the smoothness of the ride, it is different for each car, so it is simply impossible to focus on specific criteria.

Work of other elements

After you have checked the body and the technical part of the car, find out how well the acoustics, power windows, alarms and other elements of standard and non-standard equipment are functioning. So, you have figured out how to check the car before buying and what aspects to pay attention to when inspecting. We wish you successful transactions!

Buying a new car though previously used, it is always a holiday in the family. In an era of economic crisis, more and more Russians refuse to buy a car in a car dealership and are increasingly inclined to buy a car from their hands. Yes, this significantly saves the family budget, since immediately after leaving the salon new car loses up to 20% of its value. However, when buying a car with hands, we often get a “pig in a poke”. How to protect yourself and independently, without involving independent experts, check the car when buying it from hand?

It must be admitted that the used car market today is flooded with numerous scammers. Broken and drowned cars are restored and sold in ads on popular sites for buying and selling cars - "in excellent condition." The mileage of the car is twisted and even the official dealer will not be able to identify in the car's computer given fact. Broken parts are painted over, documents are forged. If after an external examination you have no doubts and the decision to buy this car from your hands is made, then the car must pass at least one level of control and you can do it yourself at no additional cost.

To help the buyer of used cars, the State traffic inspectorate has implemented a free and public service for self-checking vehicles. To do this, you will need a computer, phone or tablet with Internet access and an identification number (VIN) of the desired car. Scanned copies or originals of documents containing the VIN of the vehicle are not required. It is enough to ask the current owner of the car for a 17-digit number, which, for example, is contained in the vehicle registration certificate. The identification number contains letters and numbers. Any VIN will look something like this: XUGHF676DF3011100 .

With the help of the traffic police online service for checking cars, we can independently find out:

  • vehicle registration history with the traffic police;
  • participation of the vehicle in an accident;
  • finding the car wanted;
  • the presence of restrictions on registration actions with the car.

How to check a car through the traffic police website?

In order to independently check the legal purity of the car before buying it from hand, we go to the official website of the State Traffic Inspectorate in the services section and select the item - “Checking the vehicle”. Link to a direct transition to this service - After that, in a special field, you must enter the full identification number of the car. When the VIN is specified, you can start an independent check of the car; for this, in each field, you must click on the link “request verification” and enter the code suggested by the system. What will we see in the traffic police service?

According to the first check point - “History of vehicle registration in the traffic police”, we will have access to the make and model of the car, year of manufacture, chassis, color, engine displacement, power and type of vehicle. The most important! we will see the periods of ownership of the vehicle and persons - natural or legal. In fact, only the first criterion for self-checking a car when buying from hand will give us full information O technical side cars and number of owners.

The next stage is “Checking for the participation of the car in an accident”. If the car has not been involved in an accident, the system will report that as a result of the traffic police check, there are no accident records with this vehicle. If the car was in an accident, the circumstances of the accident and their number will be indicated.

Further, the car can be checked for its presence in the wanted list. Simply put, this means that the car is stolen. After the attackers steal the car, its rightful owner will write a statement to the police. From this moment on, the car in the traffic police system receives the status "Wanted". This means that it is impossible to take any legally significant actions with it. If you buy a car that is wanted, then you simply cannot register it with the State traffic inspectorate.

Finally, the last way to check a car is to have vehicle restrictions. The most common way to restrict a car is a ban on registration actions. This means that the current owner of the vehicle is evading payment. In this regard, the bailiff, who is searching for the debtor, imposed a ban on registration actions on his vehicle. Due to this restriction, it will be impossible to remove the car from the traffic police register. First pay off the debt and only then make the sale of the car! As you can see self check car allows you to find out a lot of details, in this regard, we strongly recommend using this service when buying a car with your hands! A timely refusal to make a deal on a car that does not have full legal purity will save your nerves, time and money.

Video instruction of the expert "How to check the car on the bases?"
