Ulyanovsk Regional Art Museum. Ulyanovsk Regional Art Museum Ulyanovsk Art Museum estate portraits

The Ulyanovsk Regional Art Museum is the only collection of works in the region visual arts . One of the oldest in the Volga region was founded in 1895 as an art section of the historical and archaeological museum of the Simbirsk Provincial Scientific Archival Commission. The founder of the museum was Polivanov Vladimir Nikolaevich (1848-1915).

The Simbirsk (since 1924 - Ulyanovsk) Art Museum has been open to the public since July 25, 1920. Its collection has more than centennial history. The long process of the formation of the collection and its functioning is closely connected with the names of famous Simbirians - cultural and art figures, collectors, patrons, donors - all who were not indifferent to the fate of such an important social institution which is an art museum.

At present, the collection of Ulyanovsk artistic The museum has 11127 exhibits.

The museum received its present name in 1992. It is the successor of the Gallery. IN AND. Lenin in the fine arts, opened in 1970 as a branch of the Ulyanovsk Regional artistic museum. The museum is a complex exposition of the art of the 20th century. The permanent exhibition presents: art of the early twentieth century, Russian avant-garde, Soviet art of the 1930s - 1980s, works by A.A. Plastova. The museum holds up to 10 exhibitions annually. There are several directions in exhibition work: exhibitions Ulyanovsk artists, conceptual exhibitions and exhibitions-versions from funds, exhibitions from other museums, cities and countries. Annual concerts are held, the "summer assemblies in the museum" are especially popular.

The museum occupies the second floor of I.A. Goncharov, a monument, which is an original version of a public building of the early twentieth century. House I.A. Goncharov was built in 1912-1915 in honor of the 100th anniversary of the birth of the writer according to the project of the Simbirsk architect A.A. Chaudet (1863-1918). The project provided for the placement of a library (1st floor) and a museum (2nd floor) in the building. Its memorial significance is clearly expressed in the architectural appearance of the building.

The museum was created on the basis of private collections and includes works by Western European and Russian masters of the 16th-20th centuries. The Department of Western European Art contains paintings from Italy, Spain, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Holland, Flanders, as well as original and printed graphics by artists from these countries. Of great interest to visitors is the collection of arts and crafts, which contains antique ceramics, porcelain from Russia, Germany, France of the 18th-19th centuries, Russian furniture. The museum has a rich collection of Russian art of the 18th-20th centuries. Concerts, musical and poetry evenings, scientific conferences and meetings are held in the halls of the museum.

Collection ancient Russian art includes examples of icon painting of the 16th-17th centuries. Pskov and Yaroslavl schools, unique icons of the 18th-19th centuries, peasant primitive. A significant section is made up of local icons of the 18th-19th centuries, which are different from the icons of other Russian lands. Collected on the territory of the Simbirsk province, these icons are the rarest monuments national history and culture, and reveal in style and iconography closeness to the Simbirsk wooden sculpture of the 16th - early 20th centuries, the collection of which is the pride of the museum's collection.

Collection of Russian Art XVIII - 1st half of XIX in., gives you the opportunity to get acquainted with the works of the world famous masters F. Rokotov, D. Levitsky, V. Borovikovsky, K. Bryullov, A. Ivanov. Unique section of the collection national art are academic drawings artists of the era of Russian classicism - G. and I. Ugryumov, A. Egorov, V. Shebuev.

Collection of Russian art of the 2nd half of the 19th century. includes works of academic and realistic art of this period - works by D. Martynov, K. Makovsky, landscapes by I. Aivazovsky, I. Shishkin, A. Savrasov, F. Vasiliev, paintings by I. Repin, V. Polenov and others.

In the collection of Russian art late nineteenth- beginning of XX century. the works of members of the leading art associations of Russia of this time are presented: "World of Art", "Union of Russian Artists", "Jack of Diamonds" - works by N. Serebryakova, K. Korovin, P. Konchalovsky.

Of particular value are the works of Russian avant-garde artists - N. Goncharova, O. Rozanova, M. Larionov. Currently, these works have become classics of world art of the early twentieth century. and are regular participants in major exhibition projects carried out in Moscow, St. Petersburg and abroad.

In the art department of the 20th century, which includes works by leading Soviet artists century, a collection of paintings and sculptures on the Lenin theme, created by the classics Soviet art- A. Gerasimov,

www.site/M1516 - official page
Ulyanovsk Regional Art Museum - W1179, official site www.ulmus-art.ru/

Local Attractions:
Office building. Built in 1807 according to the exemplary project of A.D. Zakharov by the Simbirsk architect M.M. Rushko on Upper Naberezhny Boulevard (on the New Crown). It housed: the provincial government, the Treasury Chamber with the Provincial Treasury, the Control Chamber. Currently, the building houses one of the faculties of the Agricultural Academy

House of the nobility. The building was built in 1847 according to the project of the architect I.A. Benzemann. The main premises were occupied by: the Noble Assembly, the Provincial Zemstvo Council, the Karamzin Library, the museum and library of the Simbirsk Provincial Scientific Archival Commission. Currently, the building belongs to the Ulyanovsk Regional Scientific Library. IN AND. Lenin

The building of the Simbirsk Public Assembly. It was built in the southern part of Novy Venets boulevard according to the project of the architect F.O. Livchak. According to its purpose, it was typical " people's house". IN different time Palace was located here working culture, cinema "Red Star", garment factory. Currently - the building of the regional philharmonic society

Organization area:
exposition and exhibition 530m 2
storage facilities 53m 2

The number of employees:
42, of which 14 are scientific

Average count visitors per year:

The structure of the organization includes:
archive, science Library, expert group

parent organization:
Ministry of Art and Cultural Policy of the Ulyanovsk Region - R1599

Branch or subsidiary:
Museum "Estate of the People's Artist of the USSR A.A. Plastov" - M1477
A.A. Museum Plastova - M1517
Museum of Fine Arts of the XX-XXI centuries. - M1518

Membership in organizations:
Commonwealth of Museum Workers of the Volga Region - R1079

Partner organizations:
Ulyanovsk State University - R1270

Sponsors, patrons and grant givers:
Batyrev S.A. - CEO LLC "Furniture Factory "Good Style"
Vikhalevsky Yu.E. - General Director of the State Unitary Enterprise IPK "Ulyanovsk Printing House"
Ivanov D.V. - General Director of CJSC "Ulyanovsk - GSM"

Storage units:
11607, of which 10645 items of the main fund

The most valuable (unique) collections:
Collection of Russian drawings of the late 18th - first half of the 19th century. - 60 units ridge
Porcelain collection of Germany and France of the 18th - 19th centuries. - 327 units ridge
Collection of Western European Paintings of the 16th - 19th Centuries. - 162 units ridge
Collection of Russian and Western European engravings of the 16th - 19th centuries. - 368 units ridge
Collection of Russian painting with sections of ancient Russian and ecclesiastical art and provincial portrait XVIII V. - 540 units ridge
Collection of clocks and artistic bronzes of the 18th - 19th centuries. - 64 units ridge

Official name of the organization: Regional state state-financed organization culture "Ulyanovsk regional Art Museum".

Types of activities and priority tasks in which the museum needs the help of third-party organizations and foundations: investment projects, restoration work, new methods of working with visitors, holding public events.

Copyright (c) 1996-2016 Ulyanovsk Regional Art Museum

Ulyanovsk Regional Art Museum is one of the oldest museums in the Volga region, keeps the most valuable cultural heritage, which has an all-Russian and global importance. The collection of the Art Museum began to form in 1895 as an art section of the historical and archaeological museum of the Simbirsk Provincial Scientific Archival Commission. After the revolutionary events of 1917, the museum included nationalized collections of Simbirsk nobles, industrialists, merchants: V.N. Polivanova, E.M. Percy-French, A.V. Zhirkevich, V.P. Meshcherinova, N.Ya. Shatrov. In the 1920s-1930s, the museum was actively replenished with monuments received from the State Museum Fund, the Pushkin House of the Academy of Sciences, and the State Hermitage.

Over the past decades, a significant, original collection has been formed, which has more than eleven and a half thousand exhibits. The museum funds contain unique collections Russian and Western European painting, sculpture, graphics of the 16th-20th centuries.

Among the masterpieces of Western European art, which determine the originality of the collection, are the works of outstanding masters of France, Spain, Holland of the 16th-17th centuries: N. Largillière, Ya.V. Scorel, J. Valdes Leal, K. Keininck, D. Teniers.

The pride of the museum are paintings by D. Levitsky, F. Rokotov, V. Borovikovsky, K. Bryullov, A. Ivanov.

The collection of estate portraits created by serf masters of the Simbirsk province is unique.

The Department of Decorative and Applied Arts contains antique ceramics of the 4th-3rd centuries BC. e., porcelain from Russia, Germany and France, artistic furniture, Russian and Western European glass.

The museum has significant monographic collections, without which it is impossible to fully imagine the work of K. Bryullov, V. Khudyakov, A. Plastov, D. Arkhangelsky.

The museum complex includes an art museum and three of its branches: the Museum of Contemporary Fine Arts. A.A. Plastov, “Museum-estate of A.A. Plastov” in Prislonikhe and the Museum of A.A. Plastova.

The main expositions are located in unique architectural monuments the beginning of the twentieth century, the House-monument to I.A. Goncharov and the mansion of Baron von Shtempel, built according to the project of A.A. Shode.

The Art Museum, fulfilling its mission of forming an aesthetic space in the region, stores, replenishes, studies and publishes its collections.

The annual audience of the museum and its branches is more than 120 thousand visitors, more than 2500 excursions are held for them, about 300 lectures are given, more than 60 stationary and traveling exhibitions are organized.

The museum successfully represents the Ulyanovsk region far beyond its borders, confirming its high cultural potential by participating in international and interregional exhibition projects, conferences, and seminars.

Reviving the traditions of spirituality, charity, patronage, museum staff build a variety of partnerships with business representatives, industrial enterprises, public organizations, educational institutions. All of them provide real assistance to the museum, contributing to the preservation cultural heritage helping to carry out educational, scientific, restoration, exhibition and other projects.

The Ulyanovsk Regional Art Museum adequately and honorably fulfills the high mission entrusted to it.
