Horoscope for the second decade of June. Financial horoscope: Leo

June 2017 will bring change, or rather lay the groundwork for change. Given time will become a point of change for everyone. Perhaps there will be crises in relationships and financial areas. The Full Moon on June 9 will continue the process of transformation that began in May. If May brought disappointment in love, pain, loss of hope, then the energies of June will have a healing effect. The energy of June will point to your weak spots and shortcomings. It will collide your expectations with the reality that exists around. One can expect crises that activate various energies. The emotional field will become much more mobile, this can lead to the emergence of great passion, acts of self-sacrifice and the desire to express yourself brighter. In the subconscious, programs of the victim, irrational enemies and fear of slander can be activated. These programs can bring feelings such as anxiety, fear, and loss of energy. You need to work hard on yourself. Bringing programs into consciousness and enriching them with other energy is the only way to avoid a destructive impact on your life.

For some, the energies of this month can activate the energy of violence and cruelty, so quarrels can become protracted. The nature of relationships in the family should be monitored, because too active energy can lead to aggression and drama.

At the level generic energies there may be a feeling of alienation or a feeling of irrational, invented guilt. If these sensations manifest themselves, then there are secrets in the family that you do not know about, and secrets create an energy crisis. In all situations, only self-discipline and emotional maturity can help. You can lose faith, and all the events of June will test you for strength, how much your faith is alive in your inner world.

By doing meditations, playing your karmic theaters, you can make a big quantum leap in your development, find true love and correct your attitude in the material field.

During this period, many unexpected events can occur related to the field of love and finance. This is a transformation in the field of these energies. Events can bring destruction, transformation and then healing.

Accurate horoscope for June 2017 for all zodiac signs

Aries 03/21-04/20

Aries men and women will want to establish themselves within the society in which you are. Women will play a big role. You will have to go through some important conflicts and even defend your positions by force. Try not to get into conflict, because it can bring disappointment. Don't force your desires on people. If you have not found a couple, then the time from June 5 to June 15 is very good for that. to show off with better side and draw attention to yourself. You have to fight old habits and patterns of thought. Horoscope for Aries for June 2017 warns you that June can be a very busy month for you and it can call into question your authority and professionalism, if you can control your emotions, you will win.

Taurus 21.04-21.05

June for Taurus - will be a calmer month for you, and a man's behavior or decision making by a man will play a big role. Your career may go up or your financial situation will improve. Communicate and make new contacts, show increased attention to your soulmate, if any. If you have any untied business relationship, something related to money or official papers, now there may be a chance to change everything. The energy of this month will help lift your self-confidence programs. If you don’t work out your opinion about yourself, then you will have to wait a long time for such a chance that will push you to new horizons. Also, the energy of the month can activate your shadow side, for example, aggressive reactions or impulsive ones, which can lead to conflicts and the emergence of new defensive reactions.

Gemini 22.05-21.06

Horoscope for June 2017 can bring you great luck in love and new acquaintances. If you are single, then in mid-June you can enter an exciting relationship that can become a relationship of your whole life, only your internal karma programs or generic undeveloped aspects can block. If you already have a partner, then you will have to share a lot of sexual energy with him, get ready for joint intimate and romantic adventures. After June 20, some twins may experience insecurity and low energy, which will make you more withdrawn. But mental energy will increase, and you will be able to concentrate on some important project that will bring you profit.

Cancer 06/22-07/22

In June, Cancer energy can be activated, and you invest it in new projects or relationships. The energy will lead you, accompany and help you, find the right paths to perfection. Treat people in a friendly way and show your knowledge and professionalism. The vibrations of June will make you irresistible in the eyes of others. Take care of your image, enjoy what you have and smile more often, this will attract harmony into your life. Creativity will help you express yourself and open up to society in a new way. G horoscope for Cancer for June 2017, the end of the month will force you to finally close the doors to the past, and start living differently. The most important thing is not to let emotions take over at the end of the month, otherwise someone will try to provoke you into a duel, try not to pay attention to it.

Leo 23.07-22.08

The beginning of June 2017 can bring energy chaos and misunderstanding between you and society. But the energy of this month may change some conditions in your life. After the fifth of June, you will have an increased need for love and a desire to plunge headlong into affection and feelings. Professionally, the time from June 6 will be somewhat tense and difficult, creative impulses and initiative will go unnoticed. You should not be rude or insult someone who will not do what you want. The time of this month will force you to close the past behind you and start life from clean slate. It is also worth paying attention to the proposals or the appearance of some person from abroad.

Virgo 23.08-22.09

The first half of June will charge you with good energy, especially if it concerns some kind of professional reinstallation. You will have the opportunity to analyze your attitude towards someone or something and completely change your mind. Stress and tension will subside after the fifth day, then you can communicate with those people. With relatives frankly and tell them your claims and wishes. After June 12, Virgo women may again have problems in relationships. These conflicts may appear due to the wrong distribution of sexual energy. Immerse yourself in work or creativity at the end of the month and get a good result.

Libra 23.09-22.10

Horoscope for Libra in June 2017 says that new incentives and motivations are opening up for you. There is a wave of energy that visited you in your early youth, so you have to transform it. Remodel and accept. For example, through playing sports or changing your image, then you can bring something constructive into your life. Otherwise, aggression and splashing of emotions on loved ones await you. If you start to change now, you will activate the programs of success in yourself and open up to new energies. A strong energy is building up inside you now, which can lead to conflicts, so be careful about those thoughts that are destructive in nature. In the second half of the month, do not make important decisions. Postpone it until July, then you'll be on the right track.

Scorpio 23.10-21.11

The first month of summer - June 2017 will bring a lot of energy to scorpions, you can use it both to build relationships and take care of your health, most importantly, do not be aggressive and do not show discontent, then something important will leave you. You'll have to change your expectations, it's worth lowering your standards a little. People will notice your professionalism, skills, so thanks to your strengths fortify positions. Forecast for scorpions in mid-June, it is common to bring a decrease in energy with you, so you should not make decisions alone, in addition, some misunderstandings with a partner may appear. Those who do not have a partner can meet a person who can impress with something, but still turns out to be not yours. moderation and philosophical view may appear only at the end of the month, and before that, drops and instability are possible.

Sagittarius 22.11-20.12

You need to prepare for seriousness and responsibility in everything, the energy of this month will test your faith and desire for a goal in everything. Forecast for June 2017 for Sagittarius says that this month will be very easy, open and pointing to new opportunities, the most important thing is to use them correctly. But it is also important to find a middle ground, between “taking and giving”, be careful who and what you give and how much you take, so that a cloud of debt does not form, which will draw in all your luck. This month you will have opportunities to do something for your business, the energies will lead you further, so do not stop, take on improvement. From June 5, there will be a good chance to find your person, but you will have to take the initiative and look for common points of contact with him. Around the twelfth of June, the energies will subside a little and a zone of conflict will appear, so do not lift the glove. Otherwise, they will call you powerful, and if a break occurs with someone, then for a long time.

Capricorn 21.12-20.01

In June, luck opens its gates for you, now you need to be active. Because even though the Wheel of Fortune turns to you, but still, the competition does not sleep and right away, you will have to fight something, grind and show your best side. Capricorn Horoscope for June 2017 broadcasts that the period will be a little confusing and it will not immediately be possible to give an objective assessment of everything that happens to you. But later everything will fall into place, and you will be able to correctly assess the circumstances. This month will bring with it the Challenge of Fate, that is, you will understand or see something, or you will need to cope with some important task, then the most important thing that you need to be guided by is nobility and responsibility. Only after June 23 will the tension drop a little, and you will be able to free yourself from competition.

Aquarius 21.01-20.02

Fate weighs your energies and emphasizes the positive, if you created something good in the past, then it will immediately come to you. The will must turn on, and now you should actively invest in your projects, no matter what they concern, love or business. At the beginning of June, some Aquarians may experience an explosion in energies, and this will cause some kind of activity around you and in your inner world. You will have a need for love and partners should be ready for this, do not be afraid to talk about feelings and needs, then you can get more out of your partner. Only because of high expectations are conflicts and quarrels possible. Aquarius Horoscope for June 2017, namely the second half of the month promises to receive a lot of energy of optimism, good news and opportunities to move forward.

Pisces 21.02-20.03

Horoscope for Pisces in June 2017 year promises change. This month will be a turning point in your destiny, just take responsibility for everything that happens, do not go with the flow. A career will please you, so catch chances and offers. You will impress others with your directness and confidence. In mid-June, energies will open that will help strengthen your position in society, make new contacts, open up to communication and get new chances. The second half of the month will make you work through the mistakes of the past, make you return to the past, make reflections and reevaluate everything. Letting someone go or asking for forgiveness in your soul will help you move on and develop. At the end of June, Pisces will need to concentrate on working with some kind of documents or papers.

In contact with

The horoscope for June 2017 portends a busy and fruitful month. This is the time when they will come to you interesting ideas, moreover, you have enough energy to turn them into reality. The Sun and Mercury are in Gemini until June 21, 2017, making you mobile and sociable. The influence of the planets gives the talent to convince others, which helps to advance their own interests.

People of the fire signs of the Zodiac (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) will discover new opportunities for themselves in familiar circumstances. The harmonious aspect of Saturn and Uranus supports the desire to achieve one's own. Many will become bolder and more self-confident, will decide on what previously seemed unthinkable. You have a huge supply of energy, but it is better to use them not in entertainment, but to direct them to more reasonable and practical activities.

Representatives of the signs of the Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) in June 2017 are lucky in love. And even if you have to endure disappointment, do not worry - in the end everything will happen the way that is best for you. In general, relationships, not only love, but also business, family, friendship, are yours. strong point. If we talk about love, then common intellectual interests play a significant role in helping lovers get closer.

The signs of the element of Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) will achieve a lot at work and in the financial sphere. With Jupiter on your side, there are excellent chances of success. Coming good time for travel, in distant lands you may be lucky. Rely on the support of the stars, but do not forget that personal contribution is also needed. In other words, if you do nothing, it is unlikely that something will work out.

People of the water element (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) are full of energy. New prospects for growth open up for you, but responsibility also increases. Not everything will unfold as planned, because there is an element of uncertainty. Change is inevitable and most likely for the better. There are good chances that your dreams will come true.

All these are general tendencies of the first summer month, but situations can develop in different ways, sometimes even fundamentally differently. More June horoscope and astrological forecast on love, career, finance and health, read below.

Horoscope for June 2017 for the signs of the Zodiac

(March 21 - April 20) (September 24 - October 23)
(April 21 - May 20) (October 24 - November 22)
(May 21 - June 21) (November 23 - December 21)
(June 22 - July 22)

The horoscope for June 2017 predicts energy in all areas of life. You will want to act not only based on your own desires, but also for the benefit of society. Changes, bright emotions and meetings with new people are expected this month. If there are small problems, it is better to solve them immediately. In June, you need to communicate with friends more often, organizing trips to nature and entertainment. In order to develop professionally, you need to go to courses and learn foreign languages.

The horoscope for June 2017 promises a successful resolution of issues related to the acquisition of housing and relocation. Carefully fill out the documents so as not to make mistakes and not be in financial loss. In mid-June 2017, you should contact a lawyer or lawyer, as well as deal with the registration of the inheritance. The horoscope for June 2017 warns that when it comes to travel, you need to be careful. Unforeseen circumstances may arise that disrupt plans. At the beginning of June, there is a chance to expand opportunities in the field of work and career. If you want to get a new specialty, then strive to achieve the goal.

The horoscope for June 2017 predicts real gifts of fate that will give confidence and self-control. You can expand housing, start a family and plan the birth of a child. Only in everything it is necessary to observe accuracy and punctuality, so as not to fall into difficult situations. In love, violent emotional outbursts are possible, so it is worth controlling mood and behavior. The end of June 2017 is ideal for traveling and holidays abroad. Everything will be fine with finances, so you can please yourself and your relatives with gifts. Try to create comfort around yourself, as well as attract close people to this.

Horoscope for June 2017 Aries
Aries in June 2017 will be set up like a real fighter. You want to prove to the world what you are capable of. Well, Aries will succeed if he pacifies his pride and ambitions. In your personal life, you need to be softer with your chosen one, and also not start romances on the side. In June, Aries should pay attention to nervous system. A relaxing bath before bed and walking will help restore deteriorating health.

Love horoscope for June 2017 Aries
Career horoscope for June 2017 Aries

Horoscope for June 2017 Taurus
The horoscope for June 2017 advises Taurus to be careful in words. Otherwise, you may accidentally offend the people you love. For achievement financial well-being in June, Taurus needs to sign contracts with foreign partners. Allergies and decreased immunity are possible, so adjust your diet and do not self-medicate. In love, Taurus will hurt himself if he resumes a relationship with a former lover.

Love horoscope for June 2017 Taurus
Career horoscope for June 2017 Taurus

Horoscope for June 2017 Gemini
Gemini in June 2017 should find a hobby that will give not only moral satisfaction, but also bring income. Change anger to mercy, then everything will work out in your personal life. Gemini can fall in love at first sight, as well as seriously think about starting a family. Give up bad habits in June, then there will be no trouble with health. A good month for learning a new profession and profitable investment money.

Love horoscope for June 2017 Gemini
Career horoscope for June 2017 Gemini

Horoscope for June 2017 Cancer
The horoscope for June 2017 predicts a great June 2017 for Cancer, when there will be many promising projects and tempting offers in terms of love. Money problems are temporary, so do not lose heart and borrow money from friends. Morning jogging, physical exercises and swimming will help Cancer to maintain good health. In June, a fight with competitors is possible, so do not lose your temper and “turn on” your intuition.

Love horoscope for June 2017 Cancer
Career horoscope for June 2017 Cancer

Horoscope for June 2017 Leo
Leo in June 2017 will have enough energy and strength to achieve what he wants. Worthy partners will surround you, and your financial situation will please you. In order to make a career, Leo needs to be more proactive. Just don't confuse this with arrogance. In order to pull up the forms, in June you should go to the gym. IN family life harmony is expected if Leo does not bring all the work problems into the house.

Love horoscope for June 2017 Leo
Career horoscope for June 2017 Leo

Horoscope for June 2017 Virgo
If Virgo in June 2017 does not doubt her abilities, she will easily and quickly come to success in different areas life. Profitable offers are possible from business partners, so they should be carefully considered. The horoscope for June 2017 advises Virgo to be attentive to the state of health, and also not to forget about preventive measures. In personal life in June, you will have to dot the "i" with the former chosen one.

Love horoscope for June 2017 Virgo
Career horoscope for June 2017 Virgo

Horoscope for June 2017 Libra
If Libra seriously gets down to work, then in a short time they will improve their financial situation and move forward on career ladder. In love in June 2017, you will be torn between several chosen ones. In terms of health, Libra may have problems with the cardiovascular system. In order to maintain peace and harmony in the family, you need to organize holidays for loved ones more often in June.

Love horoscope for June 2017 Libra
Career horoscope for June 2017 Libra

Horoscope for June 2017 Scorpio
The horoscope for June 2017 recommends Scorpio in June 2017 to show creative imagination in work. Only in this way, you will be able to prove yourself to your superiors and raise your reputation in the eyes of colleagues. In a relationship with a loved one, Scorpio needs to be less rigid in June. To stay healthy and not catch a cold, you should not sit under the air conditioner. In family life, trust your spouse more, and do not bake him with suspicions.

Love horoscope for June 2017 Scorpio
Career horoscope for June 2017 Scorpio

Horoscope for June 2017 Sagittarius
If Sagittarius in June 2017 will only have fun and feast, then financial success he definitely can't see it. To make a career, too, will require a lot of effort, desire and investment. Sagittarius needs to help teenage children choose a profession. A lot of money will be spent in June on treatment and medical examination. The month is quite traumatic, so Sagittarius should be more careful on the road and when working with power tools.

Love horoscope for June 2017 Sagittarius
Career horoscope for June 2017 Sagittarius

Horoscope for June 2017Capricorn
The horoscope for June 2017 advises Capricorn in June 2017 to approach all issues with a share of reason. Then, you can protect yourself from numerous problems in love, finances and communication with friends. You should not take part in adventures, frauds and risk money. If Capricorn is negligent about his health, then in June he will definitely come down with a cold and get out of the rut for a long time. By the way, get treated in a hospital, not on the advice of your neighbors.

An astro forecast for the first summer month will help you find out what is in store for the stars, which dates are most favorable and what difficulties the near future will bring. By opening the veil of secrecy, you can save yourself from many troubles and embark on the path of a happy life.

With summer approaching, many people are thinking about the upcoming vacation. Replenish strength and internal reserves, get a lot of impressions - all this is possible if you get to a place that is favorable for you. You can find out which country suits you according to your Zodiac Sign using the travel horoscope.


The month does not promise to be easy: the influence of your patron planets is weakened. However, the often changing position of the antagonist-Moon will not allow turning the next 30 days into a struggle for existence. It will not be easy, but by enlisting, you will be able to achieve harmony both personally and in business area life.

In the period from June 1 to June 8, you will not be disturbed by the negative influence of the Moon, which will provide an opportunity for well-coordinated and constructive work. Aries will not be lucky enough to rest, but you will be able to solve many issues related to money. Most auspicious days for additional earnings - June 6 and 7. Starting on the 10th, the Sun will rush to your aid, which will enter into union with Pluto. The positive impact of the planets will help protect yourself from possible mistakes, and the experience of past years will indicate a happy coincidence. The most successful days for showing love and finding yourself are June 26 and 27.

Negative days, as the horoscope shows, will be much more. You may really want to go on vacation, but your success in the work field can overshadow thoughts about vacation. Astrologers do not recommend being zealous on June 9, 16, 17, 20, 21 and 25: weakened energy can seriously affect emotional well-being. But representatives of Aries will treat health too independently. It can get to the point that you yourself will diagnose yourself and prescribe a course of treatment. Of course, you should not go too far. It is better to visit a doctor and entrust your health to a professional.


The beginning of the month may be difficult for you, but by June 6, Venus will move into the constellation of Taurus and envelop you with support. The strong position of your patron will last until July 3, which will help to establish personal life and. The same cannot be said about the Moon: most of the time it will be in a neutral position. Astrologers warn that you should not wait for the wind of change: your affairs will go peacefully and quietly. And the plans started on the most successful days - 9, 16, 17 - will help solve many problems and thereby contribute to an increase in prosperity.

Many ups and downs and struggles are expected in the working sphere: only by taking the will into a fist will it be possible to cope with possible difficulties. You may be overtaken by money problems in the period from 11 to 15 June. The weakened position of the night luminary and aspects with Uranus will not bring any benefit, but will only aggravate an already difficult situation.

Peace of mind is likely to be undermined by financial problems, but success awaits you in love. Gentle feelings can replenish your strength and bestow harmony. In a family union, everything will turn out as well as possible, there will be topics for conversation and cute surprises. Lonely Taurus will be able to brighten up their existence with a passionate romance - decisive actions should be planned on the 20th, 21st, 25th, and before that you should reciprocate, but you do not need to go on the defensive. Too big a risk to frighten away your admirer or admirer with serious intentions.


At the beginning of the month, you will have to endure the first five days, and then the patron Mercury will take you under his wing. His influence will be on you. material life, and given that he will be in a strong position, success awaits you. Most likely, Gemini will be rewarded for their hard labour, and the reward will be to your liking. Pleasant events tend to change your life, especially on June 6, 8 and 9. The abundance of connections that your patron will enter into will bring positive energy and emotional respite. From the middle of the month, you can feel a surge of sexual energy - on the one hand, this will strengthen your union. But you can’t forget about the romantic side of life, otherwise you can lose your spiritual connection with your partner.

Health problems can await imprudent Gemini. The aggravation of sexuality, according to astrologers, can cause a lot of trouble, especially if there is no constancy among partners. Focusing on work and communication with family will help throw out excess energy. The beginning and end of the month will be an energetically difficult time, especially the period from June 21 to 30. Mercury will weaken its influence, which threatens to worsen mood and some squabbles with the opposite sex.


The most turbulent time awaits you from June 6 to 20, when drastic measures and exit from the comfort zone will be required. It's all because of the increased negative influence emanating from your opponent, Mercury. Taking care of yourself and your body will help to cope with it, which will increase confidence. June is the month when you have to get out of your shell and get a taste of life. Mood swings can occur on June 6 and 7 due to the weakened position of your patron, the Moon. Difficulties in relationships are worth waiting for if you are too focused on yourself and own desires. But truly auspicious days, when you can comprehend the generosity of the Universe, fall on the 20th and 21st.

The opposition of the Moon to Venus on June 5 can push you to make life-changing decisions: the most important thing is to listen to your intuition. On the 16th and 17th, attention should be paid to planning your funds: it is possible that a profitable deal or free money will be provided that can be put into circulation. However, your emotional state will be unstable, as will the position of the night star. Depressing thoughts that can overtake you will affect the work of the body. Your best bet is to try a balanced diet and cleansing diet. On June 11 and 12, try not to overwork, directing energy towards self-development.

a lion

Leos may not expect a carefree and joyful life at the beginning of summer. You will have to spend a lot of effort to avoid the negative influence of the planets. Forgotten or deferred obligations will certainly play with you bad joke during the period of the strengthened position of the enemy-Mercury. Until June 6, you can still work slipshod and neglect your expenses, but then the stars will demand your full concentration, which will be difficult to tune in to. Astrologers recommend restraining yourself in purchases, especially on June 6, 8 and 9: there is a risk of acquiring only burdensome things that can ruin you.

Four successful June days will help replenish strength, but they will be critically lacking. Try to strengthen the biofield and attract into your life positive emotions to deal with negativity. The most unfavorable time will come when your antagonist the Moon will strengthen its positions - June 9, 16, 17, 20, 21, 25. At this time, it is useful to immerse yourself in your inner world, analyze mistakes and build a plan of action for the future. There is a possibility that in the period from June 21 to 27 you will experience an urgent need to communicate with friends and a loved one. You should not refuse meetings, only you should count on the location of people on the 26th and 27th - before that, all your attempts to impress and establish contact may fail.


The month will bring several joyful moments, but Virgos will not be able to get inner satisfaction. Most likely, in the pursuit of material values, you simply exhaust yourself, so June should pass you away from stressful situations. Summer time seeks to show you that everything can be changed and happiness is somewhere nearby. The first days of the month can inspire you, especially on June 2, when the square of the Moon and Mars will affect your energy like a balm from all troubles. It will be possible to catch luck by the tail with the help of your cunning and wisdom. Be vigilant on June 6 and 7: there is a possibility that someone from the environment will begin to stare at your place or appropriate the merits that rightfully belong to you.

In family life, you will have to maneuver and yield, like a ship on the high seas. From June 6 until the end of the month, you will need a lot of effort to maintain harmony in your relationship. But, of course, this can be achieved through mutual trust and long conversations with your spouse. It is better for lonely Virgos to wait a little with a serious relationship, it is advisable to go with the flow. If you have someone, enjoy his presence, if not, take care of yourself. On June 20 and 21, there will be an opportunity for a profitable investment of money. And nothing will hurt your budget if you listen to your superiors, conscientiously fulfill your duties and plan all purchases in advance.


The month promises to be favorable for starting new relationships and active work. Astrologers advise Libra to listen to their intuition and forget about innate tact for a while. There comes a time when you have to act out of selfish motives and think only about your own well-being. Initially, you will experience mood swings, perhaps even some emotional breakdowns. But starting from June 6, the positive influence of your patron, Venus, will increase, which will provide you with an influx of strength and help change your life for the better.

You should beware on June 3, 4, 10, 17, when the antagonist Sun will enter into alliances with Pluto and Jupiter. Their negative impact will weaken your energy, increasing your susceptibility to other people's opinions and gossip. During this period, you need to think about your own peace of mind so let your loved one take the reins. Together you will be able to fight back the conversations behind your back, which will increase the harmony in the family union. Lonely Libra will be able to get what they want without much effort. Enough light flirting, involuntary smiles, and the heart of a person is already yours. If your relationship has just begun, then in the middle of the month take the initiative and invite your sweetheart or lover on a date.


The coming month will pass for Scorpions in a positive way: it is possible that June will give you new acquaintances that will turn your world upside down - in good sense. A weakened for the most part, the Moon will not be able to harm desires and goals. But representatives of this Zodiac Sign, inspired by success, can completely lose their heads and begin to show arrogance towards loved ones. At the beginning of the month, you have to postpone all new projects and devote time to getting to know influential people. So that luck does not take long to wait, you should think in the right direction and attract only those individuals who have achieved success. high position in society. Communication with such persons will help you reconsider your aspirations, which will serve as an incentive to move towards your dream.

The most favorable days are June 6, 7, 20 and 21. Of course, there are not many of them, but in order to complete the most important, there should be enough time. Try to single out among the mediocre goals only those that, in your opinion, are of the greatest importance. On June 16 and 17, obstacles are possible, it is worth showing courage and determination. But on the 20th and 21st, there is a chance that the forces will leave you: the sextile of the Moon and the Sun will negatively affect your internal resources. In love, according to the horoscope, neither ups nor downs are expected, but the attention of the opposite sex can be obtained at the cost of high aspirations.


Sagittarius should pay attention to the Moon and Mercury, the antagonists of your constellation. Their strong positions during the month can disrupt plans. If you stay in dreams and build castles in the air, June may go far for you lucky star. Rationality will be lacking between June 6 and 20, and you will need people who can take your desires under their tight control. It is necessary to pre-paint a plan of action, which will have to be strictly adhered to. It is possible that the accumulated cases can come unexpectedly and all at once, but grabbing everything in a row, trying to be in time everywhere, is not the best tactic. Divide responsibilities both at home and at work. As for the financial situation, June 6 and 7 are energetically pleasant days when you can increase your income with mental work.

Time under the auspices of lunar activity will hinder you in any endeavors. On June 9, 16, 17, 20, 21 and 25, astrologers do not advise taking on difficult obligations and entering into discussions with superiors. Things will be almost the same on the love front: most likely, you will only be interested in personal feelings. Ignoring the problems and experiences of a partner, you risk turning a person away from you. Lonely Sagittarians will have a huge choice of whom to give their heart to. Starting from June 21 and until June 30 there will be no end to fans and admirers, but to talk about serious relationship it's inappropriate here. Most likely, these are just signs of attention, flirting and a good time.


For Capricorns, June will be an excellent month, which, however, will require a full concentration of strength and intelligence. Your patrons Venus and Mercury, who have been in weak and neutral positions for so long, will finally get stronger. In early June, you still have to decide your own fate and treat favorably the needs of loved ones. And June 6 can bring a huge amount of joy, new ideas and desires. The abundance of connections of your allies with other planets will give you the opportunity to make a really important decision in life. Although the influence of Mercury will be positive right up to June 20, money should be treated with care. Considerable expenses await you, which can give joy. But if you let all your finances down the drain, serious problems and even debt obligations can arise.

In love, one should show tolerance and tenderness towards a partner. Although some things in the behavior of a loved one can make you very angry, keep your composure. Possible jealousy, which can destroy your relationship, is expected on June 20 and 21. The negative influence of the night star can overshadow your mind, so there is no need to rush to conclusions.


In June, nothing will prevent Aquarius from enjoying life: the positive influence of Mercury and Venus will contribute to the achievement of their goals. A great start to summer will help resolve many issues and relax for the next few months. Until June 6, you need to plan out your forces and determine your tasks: you may be overcome by lethargy and lack of desire. You have to pull yourself together if you want to get the most out of the coming 30 days. It is best to start building your happy future on June 8, 9, 13, 14: the union of the planets will help you acquire unlimited positive influence.

Lonely Aquarius can try their luck from June 21 to 30: your patron Venus will boost your self-confidence and romantic mood. Most likely, your love is at arm's length, it remains only to stretch it. Couples at the beginning of the month will not have enough compromises. Do not pull the blanket over yourself - yield in the name of peace and harmony in relationships. Success in money will provide you with useful acquaintances or friendships. The strong position of Mercury, which is in charge of money, will only last until June 20th. Do not miss the chance to get capricious fortune to help you.


June can bring with it some financial difficulties that can be overcome only with the proper distribution of your income. Luck in money is a fickle phenomenon: in order for finances to always be in your wallet, you need to clearly plan your expenses, especially during the period of the strengthened position of Mercury from June 6 to 20.

The extremely whimsical Moon in the coming month can affect your mood. Her weak and neutral stance can disorient you when interacting with people, which risks ending in a depressed state and intrusive thoughts. You can deal with this through self-improvement. Feeling out of place, it is best to retire and read the mantra.

Days unfavorable for the emotional state - June 11, 12, 26, 27. From June 6, Pisces will be subject to the rule "unlucky in money - lucky in love." Your patron Venus will help improve your personal life with your strong position. It is necessary to throw all your strength into strengthening the hearth, show love and care towards family members and less often express words of criticism. Most likely, loved ones are already tired of listening to notations, and they simply do not have enough of your warmth. IN sexual life a major shift is expected. It is necessary to live in the moment and get the most out of the present.

Horoscope by zodiac signs: auspicious days of the week

Astrologers say that each sign of the Zodiac according to the horoscope has its own favorable days of the week. IN...

Each of us has our own life values ​​and priorities, which are determined to some extent by...

Life is not complete without troubles at work or at home. Each zodiac sign is unique, so...

Throughout life, each person tries to gain some certainty in tomorrow, for this, people build strong houses, try to find a stable income, create a friendly family, and so on. But, you see, it is better to know what awaits us tomorrow than to make guesses and illusions, and various forecasts help us in this. In this category you will find the most accurate horoscope for June 2017. What's in store for us this month?

According to all forecasts, June promises to be hot and the weather has nothing to do with it. Emotions will go off scale, and luck will indulge you every now and then in all areas of life. But be careful - do not be arrogant, because the period of luck will pass, and faithful friends will remain, so try not to lose them this month.

June is also a good month for traveling, many people suddenly want to conquer new peaks, cities, learn as much as possible about the culture of other countries. Moreover, this will be facilitated by the financial situation, and time, and mood. So do not waste the moment to spend this month for the benefit of yourself and your loved ones.

Career horoscope for June 2017

Be prepared for the fact that new opportunities will open up and new profitable projects will appear. This is just the moment when you can show your professionalism and competence, which your superiors will definitely appreciate. But do not think that everything will come into your hands by itself, if you want to succeed at work, you will have to work hard. But do not forget about your health and your rights, you do not need to work without rest at all, in this case you will lose more than you will gain.

This month is not expected in the team major quarrels and disagreements, only petty squabbles, but you don’t need to interfere in them at all, they can figure it out without you. Also, listening to gossip is completely useless - this can lead to unpleasant consequences, from which only you will lose. And do not discuss your projects and plans with colleagues, even with those closest to you. Quietly do your job and pay no attention to anyone.

For those who are looking for work, in the first half of the month, various tempting offers can fall out of nowhere. But you don’t need to immediately follow them, but it’s better to check everything carefully. If this is not done, then in the end you will either be deceived or disappointed, and working conditions only seem so good at first glance. But you should not miss the chance either, the main thing is not to trust anyone's word - carefully read the contract, communicate more with ordinary employees, whether they are satisfied with the work, conditions, bosses. Believe me, such caution will only save you from unnecessary problems.

Family horoscope for June 2017

At the very beginning of the month, some will have an unpleasant conversation with loved ones, which will most likely be connected with money or problems at work. You don’t need to panic right away, this won’t fix the situation, it’s better to think about how to solve the problem. The outcome of this conversation, according to all the forecasts of astrologers, should be positive, the main thing is to pull yourself together.

With children, this month you will have a special connection, you will suddenly begin to understand your child more, and he you. Therefore, this moment should not be lost, during such periods the family becomes close-knit, friendly. Communicate more with your child, spend time. Moreover, the long-awaited vacation has finally come, which means that you can go on a hike with the whole family, go to a camp site for the weekend and much more. It will be interesting for any child, and you will have a rest from work and everyday problems.

Love horoscope for June 2017

This month, many will be overwhelmed by feelings, they will want adventures and something unusual. Perhaps that is why there will be many betrayals and deceit. Be careful, this may affect you, do not break firewood. Destroying old relationships is very easy and simple, but think about whether you will regret lost family, for the sake of a fleeting affair, which will be forgotten very soon.

Lonely people in June will feel a special need for another person, they will suddenly want love and care, find someone with whom it will be possible to overcome everything. life problems and grow old together. And fate will give you such an opportunity! Some, having met a potential partner, will begin to deceive in order to show themselves better than they really are. But this is a bad idea, everything will turn against you, and therefore, it is better to be yourself. Believe in yourself, because you can be better and more interesting!

Health Horoscope for June 2017

The cardiovascular system will be at risk this month. So be careful not to overheat. It will also be necessary to establish a diet, especially since the season allows you to consume more vitamin.

In general, many will feel great, and the energy will overflow. The only thing that can let you down is your hair, skin and nails. To avoid this, use various creams and be sure to wear a hat before going outside.
