Astrological forecast by date of birth on.

Signs of the elements of Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) in 2016 will face a number of trials, while we are talking about the esoteric side of life. Perhaps you will be able to go through the rite of initiation, you will be trusted with some secret information or something similar, with a high degree of probability, old dreams will come true in 2016. In other words, for the water signs of the Zodiac, this will be a time of comprehension, awareness and acceptance of some hidden knowledge, which not everyone can touch. How good (or not) it is - everyone decides for himself. It is important to understand that 2016 provides almost inexhaustible opportunities in terms of spiritual progress, but responsibility also increases in direct proportion to the growth of awareness. For example: how much responsibility does an ant have? In fact, quite a few, but in comparison with the Sun, its sphere of responsibility is really insignificant. And the point is not that the ant is a kind of animated creature, but the Sun is not. These are phenomena of the same order, everything in this world is a phenomenon of the same order, which just differ in capabilities that determine the sphere of responsibility.

The signs of the elements of Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) in 2016 will definitely not have any problems on the “love front”. Of course, here everything is again quite individual, and much depends on the actual features of the position of one or another zodiac sign. But in general, the sphere of personal relationships will be the “strong” side of the life of signs. air element. Of course, it is not at all necessary that you are “caught” cheating. This is not at all about indulging "carnal desires", but about harmonious ratio various phenomena and situations concerning you and your soulmate. 2016 will be romantic, gentle, affectionate and frank. You may be in for a lot of disappointment, but don't worry - everything will happen as it should. And if a loved one left you, then this is not a reason to let go of a beard, a cockroach from a jar, but life is out of control. Perhaps you really didn’t fit together ... well, or he had some kind of flaw, and somehow you didn’t notice it.

The element of the Earth in 2016 will be subject to stellar influences to a much lesser extent than the rest of the zodiac signs. Although it would be foolish not to note the increased dynamics of the influence of Mercury on the representatives of this group. In general, we can say that in the working and financial direction, the zodiac signs of the elements of the Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) at this stage will be “ok”. Of course, there is also the personal aspect to consider. In other words, if you do nothing, it is unlikely that something will work out. You know, to fulfill your sacred duty to the family, it’s not enough to wash the dishes or go into the yard and chop a bunch of firewood. Everything is much more interesting and larger, and if you see it differently, this does not mean at all that it is so. In 2016, the earth signs are going to have some “radical change” in terms of spiritual evolution.

Each new year, standing on the threshold, forces us to prepare for it in advance, as for a difficult and dynamic period in life. The greatest worries are raised by questions related to success in the professional sphere, as well as in personal life - will there be an opportunity to improve one's destiny, is there a collapse of plans for a happy future ahead? We wish you that in 2016 you forget about all the troubles in life, let every moment of it be full of love, tenderness and happiness!

In 2016, which will be symbolized by the red Fire Monkey, Aries will have to go through quite a lot of changes that will be associated with both professional and personal life. It is now that the impulsiveness and stubbornness inherent in the representatives of this sign will be appreciated, thanks to which they will be able to achieve great success, both in their professional activities and in family relationships.

The character of Aries is mainly dominated by such traits as energy, self-confidence, one might even say, to some extent, self-confidence, and if someone begins to doubt the correctness of their actions, a storm of indignation appears, because they are one hundred percent sure of their decisions. That is why in 2016 the representatives of this zodiac sign will behave very purposefully, which will have a direct impact on their lives, give more self-confidence, so they can quickly cope with almost all emerging difficulties.

2016 for representatives of the Aries sign promises to be a very favorable and fruitful period, during which you will not have to experience any difficult restrictions. However, this will only happen if you know how to properly treat your own hard-earned money. The stars do not advise this year to make senseless spending. We can say that throughout the year Aries will have a completely satisfactory financial situation. However, it is worth preparing for the fact that difficult situations may arise in the middle of the year, which you can solve quite quickly, while there will be no serious impact on the financial situation.

Aries business horoscope for 2016

Throughout 2016, Aries will simply get great pleasure from their own work. This year they will receive only good news, thanks to which there is a great opportunity to establish themselves in their careers. The horoscope for the year of the red Fire Monkey predicts that the representatives of this sign will have to devote a lot of time to their work, because new large projects are ahead that require a lot of attention. Without fail, all steps must be carefully calculated and well thought out so as not to accidentally make a fatal mistake. Aries must be cautious and very attentive, because often the near future, as well as the result obtained, will depend on the decision made.

It is 2016 that will be the most eventful period of life for representatives of this zodiac sign, because now literally all doors will be open for them. Thanks to this, Aries can easily solve almost any problem that arises, which can be associated not only with professional activities, but also with family relationships.

Thanks to their own determination and self-confidence, Aries will be able to make a rapid jump up the career ladder. It is worth fearing black envy, because a bad person may appear in life who will envy all the achievements and success that Aries could achieve in a relatively short period of time. In order not to harm future success, the stars are advised to exercise restraint when communicating with their partners.

Aries love horoscope for 2016

At the very beginning of 2016, representatives of this zodiac sign will have to experience a stormy surge of feelings in a relationship, reminiscent of an active volcano that is ready to explode at any second. Almost throughout the year, Aries will attract members of the opposite sex like magnets.

In the year of the Red Fire Monkey, Aries will radiate an incredibly strong positive energy that will increase their attractiveness to the opposite sex and will not leave anyone indifferent. They are in excellent not only psychological, but also physical condition, thanks to which they are ready for new love relationships that will bring unforgettable impressions and fill a boring life with new colors. Aries will be able to achieve any goal, to conquer the object of sighing, no matter what sacrifices this requires from them, they are ready for anything.

Lonely Aries, who have not yet met their soul mate, at the beginning of 2016 will meet an extraordinary person who will conquer them literally at first sight. Such an acquaintance promises to grow into a long and strong relationship filled with real, sincere emotions. Some representatives of this sign will even be able to start a family during this period.

The situation on the personal front will change slightly in the middle of the year. Now comes a serious period when it is worth paying more attention to your work. It is because of this that Aries will not be able to devote much time to their family and loved one. But, at the same time, you should not worry that serious conflicts may appear. After all, your partner knows that even if you devote yourself completely to work, you never forget about your own family, which always comes first.

By the end of 2016, many Aries will feel their former self-confidence and will infect others with endless optimism. It will seem to Aries that the Sun shines only for them, perfectly illuminating the path of life.

Last year, Taurus had to endure not the best period in their lives, because they had to solve not only their own, but also other people's problems. 2016, the year of the red Fire Monkey, will finally give the long-awaited time of calm, many positive moments await Taurus ahead. Of course, it is unlikely that there will be less worries, but now they will bring more pleasure, which will appeal to active, homely and hardworking Taurus.

Taurus always stand firmly on their feet, because they are not used to backing down in the face of difficulties and are ready for anything to achieve their goal. Calmly Taurus will feel in 2016, provided that they have not only a stable material income, but also a small supply of finance, which will come in handy in difficult times. Almost every Taurus knows a lot of ways to increase their savings. Well-developed intuition, which has repeatedly helped out before, will help representatives of this sign to cope with this difficult task.

Throughout the year, representatives of this zodiac sign will be provided with an excellent mood, so that they will not despair even in the most difficult situations. But be careful, the stars advise Taurus in 2016 to refrain from making large and unnecessary expenses. After all, sooner or later, there will be simply an irresistible desire to acquire some completely unnecessary thing. You should refuse such a purchase, because very soon you will have to invest money in a business that will bring a decent profit.

Taurus business horoscope for 2016

Since January 2016, a fairly favorable situation in the professional sphere will develop for almost all Taurus. Many will be deeply immersed in their affairs and, thanks to increased enthusiasm, will be able to achieve great success. The stars do not advise you to stop there, because it is thanks to the manifestation of such perseverance that you can get much more, and rapid career growth will be a great bonus.

Slightly slow down the professional activities of Taurus in the second half of 2016. However, you should not immediately succumb to panic attacks, because this year the stars do not predict any unpleasant turns. That is why it is worth calming down, thinking it over well, gathering your thoughts and gradually getting out of a difficult situation, because with very little effort, Taurus will be able to see the right path to the top in their professional activities.

By the end of the year of the Red Fire Monkey, Taurus will have the feeling that they will be able to solve all problems, which in the end will actually help achieve their goals.

Taurus love horoscope for 2016

At the beginning of 2016, Taurus will have to go through not the happiest moments in a relationship with a loved one. For some, life will seem easy, but for others, you will have to work hard. But, in any case, the achieved result promises to be quite successful. If you decide right now to find out the relationship with your loved one and get answers to all your questions, then this is the best time to get the desired result, the other half will not be able to avoid answering again. However, not everything goes as smoothly as we would like it to, and some Taurus will have to go through not the easiest moments of parting.

This year, the planet Uranus will have a great influence on Taurus, so you will be more demanding of your loved one. It is worth being prepared for the fact that not everyone is able to withstand such strong pressure, and as a result, there will be a risk of a break in relations. That is why the stars advise representatives of this zodiac sign to reconsider their behavior in relations with the chosen one, of course, if parting is not included in your plans. To save a relationship, you should moderate your ardor a little.

For lonely Taurus, the horoscope predicts many opportunities to meet your soul mate in 2016. You will be literally overwhelmed with a bright feeling of sincere and mutual love. Many representatives of this sign will understand that a loved one is very important to them and decide to marry.

And in the future, Taurus will remember 2016 with a pleasant shudder, because right now they will be able to enjoy the sweetness of love relationships and romantic meetings more than ever. Some Taurus will be happy to know that soon there will be a pleasant replenishment in the family - the birth of a long-awaited baby. The stars are advised to make every effort to maintain a relationship with a loved one, because a love relationship is a very delicate matter, which can be destroyed even by a minor quarrel or a thoughtlessly spoken word.

Gemini is one of the most powerful signs of the Zodiac and the year of the red Fire Monkey promises to be not the best period for them, filled with serious and numerous trials. In 2016, representatives of this sign will have to reconsider many values. If outwardly everything seems to remain in its place, then global changes will take place in the inner world.

Gemini have one interesting feature character - they try to look at any problem from the outside and try to solve it as early as possible, without postponing it for later. It is thanks to this feature that representatives of this sign can easily solve even the most intricate issues that have arisen this year and go through all the trials that will fall to their lot. All the work that has begun will literally boil, and thanks to the great enthusiasm, the Gemini will be able to cope with it much faster than expected.

Many Gemini in 2016 will constantly think about where and how they could make money. These individuals do not like the restriction of their own freedom, therefore it is not at all surprising that they prefer precisely those types of activities that give the greatest independence. Some Gemini will even decide to cheat to get what they want. There is a risk that the Gemini will get too carried away with making money and may not be able to stop before dubious transactions. Indeed, in order to be free, Gemini also needs material independence, and therefore sometimes they will embark on dirtier adventures without experiencing any pangs of conscience.

Gemini business horoscope for 2016

2016 promises to be a very favorable period of time for Gemini's professional activities. The most important and positive events for Gemini will take place at the beginning of 2016. During this period of time, you should expect a large number of excellent opportunities for rapid career advancement. Therefore, you must be extremely careful not to accidentally miss them. The first half of the year will be full of just a huge number of important meetings, while the Gemini will show great zeal in their work.

In the second half of the year there will be a slight decline in activity, which will also affect the performance of Gemini. As a result, small problems will have to be solved, but such troubles will not prevent the Gemini from gathering strength again and continuing to move up the career ladder. At the same time, in the second half of the year, along with minor troubles, quite serious problems may suddenly appear, which will have a direct connection with both new projects and old ones, which the Twins have been working on since last year. The horoscope advises you to learn how to properly distribute your time so that you can not only work, but also have a good rest. It is thanks to this that it will be possible to realize all your plans, as well as find time for friends.

Some Gemini will be able to notice that one of their favorite hobbies will become sources of not only stable, but also quite a decent income. There will be a great opportunity to make a good deal related to your favorite hobby. Of course, it will take quite a lot of time to solve certain issues, but this will positive influence to your financial situation.

Gemini love horoscope for 2016

The beginning of the new 2016 promises to be quite prosperous for the representatives of the Gemini sign, because now they will experience a complete physical and peace of mind. You can easily find contact with both relatives and friends. Those Gemini who have been married for a long time will receive a lot of joy from him this year, because relations with the other half will be filled with complete mutual understanding and harmony. If, in the near future, your loved one will have to go on a business trip, you will not worry too much, because you can have a great rest, deal with yourself, thanks to which you will understand how dear this relationship is to you.

Some Gemini in 2016 will feel an unpleasant feeling of dissatisfaction and anxiety, but they will soon be able to understand what exactly provoked their appearance. There is a possibility that a romantic relationship with a lover has simply reached a dead end, but don't worry, your partner will not give up and will begin to take immediate action to revive the fading feelings. Thanks to this, personal relationships will improve very soon and you will again enjoy life next to your loved one.

Caution and attention should be shown to lonely Gemini. The Red Monkey, the symbol of 2016, will constantly provoke this sign to go all out, you will start a relationship that will not last very long, but you will not experience any regret about this. Lonely representatives of this zodiac sign in the middle of 2016 can completely immerse themselves in the joys of a wild life. As a result, some Geminis will start dating multiple partners at the same time. If you don’t want to be drawn into a very unpleasant situation, you need to tell yourself “stop” in time. Let not the most easy choice, but sooner or later it would have to be done, because you will not be able to meet several people for a long time. Soon, your double game will become known to others and the scandal will not take long.

In the year of the red Fire Monkey, Cancers will feel a great influx of energy that will literally overwhelm them. However, it is during this period of time that they will be able to learn what instability, a sense of fear and self-doubt are. Of course, Cancers will make desperate attempts to hide their feelings from others, devoting themselves entirely to work and striving for material stability, which will help to gain confidence.

We can say that the representatives of this zodiac sign will begin to behave like little children, because all their actions will turn out to be reckless and thoughtless. Quite often, Cancers will show hostility towards people around them. Which in turn will lead to unpleasant consequences, because very soon they will get tired of experiencing a constant feeling of fear, but no one will come to the rescue and they will have to act alone.

The best thing to do now is to try to calm down completely, and then sort out the situation. It is necessary to determine what exactly led to the appearance of a feeling of disappointment and confusion. It is enough just to calmly analyze the current situation and draw the right conclusion. It is thanks to such actions that Cancers will be able to cope with their own internal fears regarding the hostility of the world around them.

Cancers have a unique sense of hypersensitivity, thanks to which they can perfectly understand others without putting any special effort into it. The stars do not advise now to try to withdraw into your own little world. It is worth talking with family and friends, because they can help find a way out of even the most difficult and seemingly hopeless situation. Cancers have a wonderful talent - to conduct a dialogue, finding a common language with everyone. This is the best way to get rid of depression.

In financial terms, in 2016 there will be a kind of “revaluation of values”, Cancers will be able to carefully analyze the current situation and distribute free funds in such a way that they begin to generate income. Perhaps the money should be invested in securities or put it at interest in the bank. Representatives of this sign will have to make even the smallest sums work for themselves, giving up the desire to hide them all in a jug.

Cancer business horoscope for 2016

Cancers do not expect any major troubles in 2016 in the professional field. The horoscope predicts that almost all a year will pass relatively calm, without causing big problems. But, nevertheless, certain changes await Cancers ahead. No matter what happens, everything should be treated with a smile. After all, in 2016 only a positive mood can help you solve all problems and get out of even the most difficult situations with dignity.

The stars are advised to listen to the advice of business partners, you should not constantly avoid others, because it is they who can provide all possible assistance so that you get on your feet in professional activities. In the event that now you realize that you are dissatisfied with your work, you should find a business that will bring not only material profit, but also pleasure. Thanks to this, you will gain additional self-confidence and be able to playfully achieve great success.

In the event that in 2016 you continue to engage in an activity that does not bring pleasure at all, you will soon face a major failure. The stars are not advised to independently provoke quarrels and conflicts in the team, because because of this you can have big troubles. Not only in the eyes of colleagues, but also management, you will lose respect.

If Cancers listen to these simple advice, then they will notice that towards the end of 2016, there will be rapid career growth. There will be a great opportunity to independently implement new projects that have been haunting for a long time. The main thing is not to retreat in the face of difficulties, to continue moving in the given direction and soon everything will work out.

Cancer love horoscope for 2016

For all representatives of this zodiac sign, 2016 promises to be very interesting and full of romantic encounters. Lonely Cancers, who are actively searching, get a lot of opportunities to meet their soul mate. A favorable year will also be for family Cancers, because in relations with a loved one, complete mutual understanding and harmony will reign. Every day, new qualities of a partner will begin to open up, and there will be a feeling that you have just met him. Thanks to these new vivid sensations, you will be able to strengthen your family and literally begin to understand the desires of your loved one at a glance.

Family life throughout the year will give Cancers real pleasure, because a complete idyll reigns in the family. However, some Cancers can relax a lot, because of which they will begin to show increased demands on their soulmate and succumb to selfishness, not paying due attention to their loved one. The stars advise you to be not only more attentive, but also to watch your words, because you can hurt a loving heart with your own rash actions. Even despite the fact that until recently the relationship was excellent, a grain of misunderstanding and mistrust may arise in the soul of a loved one.

Do not be afraid to make important decisions, because in 2016 almost all of them will be implemented. Now is just the perfect time to strengthen your own family relationships. That is why the stars do not advise wasting their time and energy on meaningless conflicts. It is only in your power to make family life every day was a pleasure. With just a little effort, you can achieve the desired level in a relationship, which is likely to happen towards the end of the year.

Still single Cancerians will be able to enjoy bright and unforgettable love adventures at the end of the year, they have every chance to grow into a strong and lasting relationship. Even if the Cancers are not lucky enough to meet their soul mate, with whom they would like to spend the rest of their lives, the hostess of 2016, the red Monkey, will give them a lot of pleasant emotions.

A completely favorable period is coming for the Lions, because in the year of the red Fire Monkey they will be able to achieve great success in almost all areas of activity. This year there will be a feeling of a surge of new strength, thanks to which the Lions will set to work with great enthusiasm. Fate will provide many opportunities for the implementation of not only old, but also new plans. In almost all endeavors, they will be able to achieve the desired success.

This year, Leos should especially listen to their intuition, which will prompt the right decisions. The planets will line up so favorably for the Lions that they can take on the most difficult tasks. But the stars advise the representatives of this sign not to rush into making important decisions. When starting a new business, you need to think carefully about everything in order to avoid unnecessary mistakes, which will then be quite difficult to correct, and sometimes even impossible. The main thing is to calculate possible options failures, because there is a high probability of getting involved in a previously unprofitable business.

2016 is a great year to spend your savings, Leos will part with money very easily, and the more they spend, the more money will come. Those Lions who have been saving money for quite some time to commit major purchase or at the beginning of their own business, they will be able to realize their plans this year. The stars recommend that Leos start their own business this year and invest in new enterprises - such investments will give excellent results. Do not save, but spend, otherwise financial luck turn away from tight-fisted Lions, but generous will indulge and help. The stars provide a great opportunity not only to fulfill the old dream of owning your own business, but also to start earning a decent income very quickly, which will become solid ground for the wonderful future of Leos.

Leo business horoscope for 2016

At the beginning of the year, there will be a slight lull in the life of Lviv in their professional activities. Rapid ups are ahead, but only if you persevere, because you can change the situation for the better on your own, having worked hard. The stars advise not just attentively, but conscientiously treating their work, doing it efficiently, completely devoting themselves to the cause.

In 2016, the Lions also need to be extremely careful and try not to miss the opportunity to climb the career ladder and take a more advantageous position that fate will give you. It is thanks to their attentiveness and iron grip that the Lions will be able to achieve rapid professional growth.

Those Lions who are engaged in their own business will very soon receive an offer of profitable cooperation. And the rest of the representatives of this zodiac sign will be able to win the respect of colleagues and rise in the eyes of the authorities. It is important to remember that fate does not give such gifts to everyone, so try not to miss your chance, otherwise you will be bitterly sorry.

A great revival in the professional activity of Lviv awaits in the second half of the year, when a more prosperous time comes and you can easily cope with any project. Perhaps, against the background of your success, envy from colleagues will appear, which is why you should be especially careful to devote them to your affairs. The stars are not advised to succumb to pride, because as a result of this, ill-wishers and enemies may appear, among which even close people will be. If you are on good terms with colleagues, you should not refuse to help them, because thanks to their support, in the future you will be able to achieve greater success in your professional activities.

The lions who are in search of work will also not be deprived of the mistress of 2016, the red Fire Monkey, because soon they will be offered an interesting job that they have been dreaming of for so long, and high wage would be a great bonus.

Leo love horoscope for 2016

With the onset of 2016, warmth and complete mutual understanding in relations with a loved one will come into the life of Lviv. It is worth remembering that loved ones will treat you the same way you treat them. The horoscope predicts that for Leos 2016 will be filled with a lot of emotions. But, despite this, the representatives of this sign are in no hurry to expose all their inner experiences to the public. During the first few months in personal life there will be a period too calm for Leo, because of which many representatives of this sign will feel bored and longing.

Those Lions who have relatively recently found their soul mate can expect a complete revolution in their lives in 2016. But all the events that take place will only be for the better. Some representatives of this sign will decide to marry a loved one, without whom they cannot live even one day. Such relationships will soon become stronger, and most importantly, permanent. Do not worry about possible changes for the worse, as this will not happen. By nature, Leos are dreamy, sedate and family signs. That is why they are much easier to decide to marry a loved one.

Leos will have to be more careful in the middle of the year, as a period of emotional instability sets in. If there was misunderstanding and discontent in a relationship with a loved one, right now everything will come out. You can no longer put off the decision of such an important issue until later. All accumulated for for a long time Lions will express claims only at a convenient time for themselves. It is because of this relationship that may be on the verge of breaking. But the separation will not be long, because very soon everything will be clarified, and the Lions will be reunited with their loved one. As a result, a period of love, respect and complete mutual understanding will come in the relationship, which was so lacking before.

By the end of the year, representatives of this sign will be in complete understanding with themselves and in harmony with the world around them. Lonely Lions will meet interesting person with whom they want to connect their lives. Such relationships promise to be not only bright and long-lasting, but also happy.

The Year of the Red Fire Monkey promises a good shake-up for Virgos in the form of a new position, long-distance travel or replenishment in the family, all this can turn the worldview of this sign 180 degrees. And although the changes will be favorable, Virgo is able to get confused by the novelty and even fall into mild stress.

In 2016, the virgins need to pull themselves together and try to abandon unnecessary principles. It is in this case that they will have the opportunity to achieve great success not only in their professional activities, but also significantly improve their own personal lives. Fate has prepared many tests for Virgos in 2016, and in order to cope with all the cases, they simply have to get rid of their internal contradictions.

This year, representatives of this sign have serious work to do, because they need to completely rebuild their own spiritual world. If the Virgos can completely resolve all existing internal contradictions and come into harmony with the real world then they can understand one simple truth- they need to reconsider their values ​​and understand that the magnificent abilities that are given to them by nature must be used correctly. First of all, the star advises to pay at least a little attention to self-criticism, after which it will be possible to condemn others.

The first half of the year will be filled with many difficult things, Virgos will desperately try to improve their financial situation, but the result will be delayed. Only by the middle of the year the situation will change for the better, and there will be more money in your pocket, but practical Virgos will be so frightened by financial difficulties that they will habitually save money, being afraid to spend it on anything. Relax, the black streak of savings on everything will end by the summer.

Virgo business horoscope for 2016

Already at the beginning of 2016, Virgos will have to go through quite serious trials, which will eventually bring significant progress in the professional sphere and give self-confidence. Thanks to this, Virgos will move towards their goal with great enterprise and determination. They will be able to brilliantly cope with almost any task, bringing to the end almost all the work begun.

Right now you will be able to use your hidden talents, which until now have been hidden very far. But the stars predict that this year you can achieve the greatest success in personal relationships.

Virgos have a fairly large variety of positive qualities, but one of the best is their excellent business acumen, thanks to which they will be able to achieve great career growth. Virgo will not be deprived of attention from colleagues, they will be very popular. They will constantly listen to their opinion, Virgos are not very good interlocutors, but during this period they will actively communicate and discover new qualities of a skilled leader.

Throughout 2016, representatives of this zodiac sign will discover in themselves more and more new business qualities that were not even suspected before. At the end of the year, Dev will see rapid growth in his career - it is possible to sign a contract for a very prestigious position, there is a high probability of profitable deals, a change of job, a salary increase. This will be a great start for your future. Do not be afraid to make decisions - the end of the year is favorable for advancement in the professional field.

Virgo love horoscope for 2016

At the beginning of 2016, Virgos who have been married for a long time will feel the emergence of a particularly strong mutual attraction to their partner. Now the feelings will become more trusting, mutual understanding will appear in the pair. Despite the fact that Virgo's emotions in relation to the partner will become warmer, vivid emotions and activity will be present in their relationship, life will be in full swing.

A loved one will begin to take an active part in the life of the Virgin, so that they can become even more confident in their own abilities. This year, family life will not only be happy, but also light, rich, colorful.

Bad forecasts for single Virgos - the Red Monkey, the symbol of the year, is unlikely to provide an opportunity to meet your soul mate. But there is no need to despair, those Virgos who remain lonely will be able to change their attitude towards others and relatives. Thanks to this, they will gain additional self-confidence, will be able to concentrate and soon begin an active search for a soulmate, which promises to be quite successful.

Regardless of what happens in the first half of the year, Virgos will be able to solve all the problems related to their personal lives already in the middle of summer. The middle of the year will proceed in a rather calm rhythm, but at the same time, it is the Virgos who will begin to show restlessness. There will be simply an irresistible desire to go in search of new adventures, thus trying to diversify the boring routine in a love relationship. Lonely representatives of this zodiac sign can succumb to this impulse, which as a result will bring only one benefit. But because of this, family Virgos will have to go through not the easiest test, failing which they risk losing their loved one.

Quite a lot of not the most pleasant events await Dev at the end of 2016, they will have a direct connection with their personal lives. For them, a dangerous period of time comes when the former idyll in the relationship can be seriously violated. Someone will know that a loved one secretly went to meetings with past love. However, the stars do not advise immediately to show aggression, because first you need to fully understand the situation, and only after that you begin to act.

Libra is entering a bright and dynamic period of life; throughout 2016, representatives of this sign are waiting for quite a lot of unexpected and interesting events. At the same time, they sometimes will not even have time to respond to everything that happens in their lives, which can lead to confusion. As a result, Libra will at times not understand who is positively disposed towards them, and who, on the contrary, wants only evil, and because of this, representatives of this sign will feel a loss of life orientation. It is quite possible that Libra will be right in their suspicions, it is possible that an envious person will appear in your environment who will in every possible way put spokes in the wheels.

As a result of such a state of mind, Libra will feel indecision and self-doubt throughout almost the entire year. This will cause them to have some difficulty in making important decisions and will start to check several times before making the final decision. However, despite all the events that take place, Libra will not be able to completely lose harmony in relations with others, while they will begin to approach even minor problems with great responsibility.

The Red Fire Monkey will be able to inspire Libra to make money, they will even feel the excitement of doing this, in general, not an easy thing. Libra will be so inspired that some of them will have a desire to prove to their competitors that they are worth something in this life. Some representatives of this sign may even wish to ruin their ill-wishers, and thus assert themselves in life.

But not all representatives of this sign are able to faithfully follow the path of the Fire Monkey. This is fraught with rash spending and a very risky investment of money. Libra does not need to trust intuition in matters related to money, on the contrary, in this matter one has to rely only on logic. Remember that unjustified spending can lead to living in poverty. Therefore, Libra should learn one important rule - you have earned a lot of money, be able to save or invest it correctly.

Business horoscope Libra for 2016

In 2016, Libra will have all the trump cards in their hands in order to achieve great success in their professional activities. However, in order to get what you want, you need to direct all your energy in the right direction. Thanks to the unique arrangement of the stars, Libra will be able to boldly take on any new business, because now they will be able to defend their opinion quite easily. The professional activity of Libra in 2016 will not only be rich, but also quite productive.

Those representatives of this zodiac sign who own own business may be engaged in the implementation of new projects that promise to be quite successful. If your business is located abroad, then you should not worry at all about how things will go, because in 2016 almost any business activity they have will go well, especially those related to other countries. Around the middle of the year, Libra may decide to purchase real estate, and this will have a direct connection with the business. These investments can bring additional income.

Toward the end of the year, Libra may not have the best relationship with business partners. As a result of frequent conflict situations, there is a possibility that Libra's career will be seriously damaged. That is why the stars are advised to try to quickly resolve all quarrels and conflicts that arise with employees, colleagues, partners and superiors.

Expect changes for those Libra who work in a large company. Perhaps a better offer will come in, and you will think about changing jobs. Because of this, there is a possibility of quite serious conflicts with the leadership. Now the most important thing is to understand how to act decisively, thanks to which you can correctly extinguish almost all conflicts.

In 2016, there will be an acquaintance with an important person, which will have a positive impact on career growth and professional development. This year promises to be quite prosperous for those Libras who are engaged in creativity, because in almost everything they will be lucky.

Love horoscope Libra for 2016

Charming and gentle Libra in the first half of the year of the red Fire Monkey will be irresistible. Representatives of this sign will spend time with the family with great pleasure, and Libra will be drawn to their soulmate like a magnet. It is thanks to this behavior that old feelings will flare up with renewed vigor, a magnetic attraction will appear and life will sparkle with new colors. Married Libras will spend their free time with their families and communicate with relatives with particular pleasure.

Quite big changes await Libra by the middle of 2016, this period will be full of various events and they will have to make a serious choice. There is a possibility that the representatives of this sign will have to temporarily find a new place of residence or move to a rented apartment. Those Libras who managed to get children will have a period in which they will feel great closeness with them. Due to conflicts in the family, children may have problems, and Libra will try to take on some of the burden that has fallen on them. But it is the children who will be able to unite you with your loved one. And very soon the relationship will blossom again and be filled with harmony.

2016 will be a romantic year for single Libras. New acquaintances, subtle and vibrant relationships, the attractive power of love - these feelings will be experienced by many representatives of this sign. The Year of the Red Fire Monkey is a good time to enter into marriage unions, which will not only become strong, but will also be filled with tenderness and romance in relations between spouses for a long time.

Outwardly cold and restrained Scorpios, in the year of the red Fire Monkey, they will simply physically feel how they are filled with energy. They will be so inspired by some ideas that they will be able to infect others with them. However, despite this, they will continue to radiate coldness and detachment, restraint will be in everything. At the beginning of the year, representatives of this sign are advised to behave prudently, slowly adapting to the Fire Monkey. You should not quickly break into the new year and shock the hostess, gain momentum gradually.

This year, representatives of this zodiac sign will begin to radiate some kind of special charm, which will have a certain hypnotizing effect on others. Now is a very favorable period for communicating with old friends. Scorpios will often be called in the company and will be happy to have a conversation with them. They will be able to show a really special gift in communicating with others. But, at the same time, in 2016 these personalities will have not the most good quality- they will begin to react sharply to all statements that they did not like or offended in some way.

The stars advise you to learn to exercise restraint and patience, no matter what happens around. The fact is that such aggressive and harsh behavior can have a negative impact on the personal life of Scorpios. As a result, others, friends, colleagues, relatives and even a loved one, will begin to avoid communication with Scorpios. Representatives of this sign may have a heightened sense of jealousy, as well as unexpected envy of achieving friends. Moreover, envy will be so strong that Scorpios do not disdain to intrigue their comrades or business partners. It must be remembered that this negative energy can turn against you with the same force. Only complete self-control will save Scorpions from loneliness and conflict.

At the beginning of 2016, Scorpios need to pay off all the debts that have remained from last year and repay loans. Only then will the financial position of the representatives of this sign become somewhat stronger. In the first half of the year, there is a chance to start new projects that will bring stable profits, perhaps Scorpions will be able to make successful deals that will significantly replenish the wallet. The second half of 2016 in the financial sector promises to be difficult, problems may arise that will shake your financial situation. Scorpios will have to save money by avoiding dubious investments and rash spending.

Scorpio business horoscope for 2016

Quite a lot of changes that will have a direct connection with their professional activities await Scorpions in 2016. Moreover, these changes will not always be pleasant, some Scorpios will have to step down the career ladder or even lose their jobs. The turns in affairs that will fall to the lot of Scorpios will be so abrupt that they will not always be able to correctly analyze the situation and draw the right conclusions. The hardest thing will be for young Scorpios, who are not yet hardened by life's difficulties and troubles at work can make them depressed. The main advice for them is not to give up and not hang up, the representatives of this sign have a fairly strong internal potential that needs to be used and turn the tide.

From the very beginning of the year, Scorpios will try to start doing many things at the same time that will be related to their professional activities. They will try to do everything at once, but the surprises presented by the red Fire Monkey are not so easy to handle, as a result, there is a possibility that they will have to fail due to such excessive enthusiasm.

To succeed in their work, Scorpios need to take all their steps with confidence and firmly defend their own beliefs. In 2016, they will have to make several important decisions that will be directly related to work. It is worth remembering that it is from these decisions taken and further career growth and career advancement will depend.

Not the easiest period awaits Scorpions in the second half of the year. Not only business partners, but also immediate superiors will demand greater activity, now they will have to meet the inflated requirements. But even despite the fact that there will be a biased attitude on the part of employees, representatives of this zodiac sign should pull themselves together and begin to actively show their own professional qualities. In such a situation, you should not be offended and complain, but on the contrary, you should take the chance to prove that your talents were not fully disclosed before.

Representatives of this sign will be able to achieve greater success in their professional activities towards the end of the year. At this time, fate will present an unusual and very valuable surprise. The most important thing is to have time to use such a gift in time and then luck will turn to face them.

Scorpio love horoscope for 2016

Already at the beginning of 2016, almost all representatives of this zodiac sign will be able to feel harmony in relations with a loved one. There will be a feeling that long dormant feelings begin to gradually revive. This year, Scorpios will be truly irresistible and will become attractive not only to members of the opposite sex.

Those Scorpios who have been married for quite a long period can begin to prepare for a bright emotional outburst, because every minute the feeling of love for the chosen one will become much stronger. Many couples who have been married for a long time and thought that they would no longer experience such feelings will realize that they were greatly mistaken. 2016 will bring into the life of Scorpions pure love and sincere feelings, peace and understanding will reign in the family. In the year of the red Fire Monkey, the house will fill only positive energy, which will begin to have a positive impact on all areas of life.

Small changes in relations will come in the middle of the year. All people who were lucky enough to be born under this zodiac sign are not only good lovers but also traitors. However, if someone cheats on Scorpio, it overflows negative emotions and does not even think about the further consequences of their own actions. They instantly express all their thoughts, scandals that break out can lead to a break or to reckless actions.

But do not worry, you just need to remember that during this period of time you will have to use all your wisdom and if certain changes in the behavior of your loved one begin to occur, you should try to speak frankly and understand your soulmate. The stars are not advised to immediately start a scandal, since such actions will not lead to anything good. In addition, one's own intuition can deceive, but relationships in which a crack has appeared will be very difficult to restore, and sometimes even impossible.

In 2016, for the representatives of the Sagittarius sign, the red Fire Monkey has prepared global changes in life. But this news will not cause much surprise, because such life situations also happened in 2015. Now a serious restructuring will begin in the inner world of Sagittarius. There is a very favorable period to start strengthening your financial situation. It is these changes that will help increase self-esteem, gain self-confidence, thanks to which Sagittarians will be able to overcome all the difficulties that arise this year.

The stars do not advise Sagittarius from the first days of 2016 to start new business and projects. Now it is best to move as smoothly as possible and slowly, confidently moving towards your goal. During this period, great opportunities will open up that should not be missed. Sagittarians must use everything that happens around them for their own benefit, because both their future and the future of their family will depend on this.

2016 is a good time to take stock of the future. Most likely, with the onset of 2016, Sagittarians will have to deal with active search new sources of income. Perhaps new interesting financial projects will appear on the horizon, and if Sagittarians dreamed of taking a leadership position, then this is the best time to implement their plans. If Sagittarians act assertively, they will get such an excellent result that they did not even count on - the amount of their income will increase significantly.

Sagittarius business horoscope for 2016

Already at the very beginning of 2016, Sagittarius will be very puzzled by the question of their development. They will actively make new acquaintances in order to fully realize themselves in their professional activities. Sagittarius will begin to look for benefits in almost every person.

The first months of 2016 will not be the most favorable period for Sagittarius, but the losing streak will not last very long. Already closer to the middle of the year, things will begin to unwind rapidly, while the Sagittarians themselves may simply not keep up with the series of rapidly developing events that filled their lives. The stars advise the representatives of this sign to fully concentrate on work and not be distracted by various trifles.

By the end of the year, Sagittarians will realize that they have enough experience and knowledge to achieve the desired career success. Most importantly, forget about your own insecurities and continue to move rapidly in a given direction. You need to show that you also know how to take risks, you should not be afraid to put pressure on people who constantly interfere with your movement up the career ladder.

Many Sagittarians will often go on business trips this year, and besides, they will be trusted not only with important documents, but also with the right to sign. It is thanks to such trips that you will be able to achieve great success, which will positively affect your professional activities.

In the event that Sagittarians want to have nothing in the near future and fully provide for their family, in the year of the red Fire Monkey, representatives of this sign will have to work hard. The stars advise them to gather all their energy and inner strength into a fist in order to continue moving up the career ladder.

Sagittarius love horoscope for 2016

In 2016, a rather turbulent period begins in the personal life of Sagittarius. The mistress of the year, the red Fire Monkey, has prepared many pleasant minutes that representatives of this sign will spend with their soulmate. Dates will be filled not only with love passions, but also with tender feelings flavored with a large portion of romance.

The stars predict a meeting with a chosen one for lonely Sagittarius. However, this does not mean that you should immediately decide on marriage, you should not associate fate with a person in whom you are not one hundred percent sure. Before you start a family, you need to spend enough time with your chosen one, the feelings between you should become really strong. Before making such a fateful decision, you need to make sure that you have met the right person with whom you are ready to spend your whole life. A certain category of single Sagittarius will even be delighted with this turn of events, because not everyone is ready to tie themselves up with family ties. Most often, acquaintance with representatives of the opposite sex will be filled with flirting, which does not oblige you to anything serious.

The stars predict that 2016 will be a very calm and favorable period for representatives of this zodiac sign. In the event that Sagittarians have been in a relationship for a long time and at the same time there are suspicions that a serious conflict with a loved one is brewing, it is worth making every effort to normalize the situation, because as a result this can lead to not the most pleasant conversation with far-reaching consequences. Of course, you need to take action if you really do not want to lose the person with whom you have a relationship. It is also worth remembering that without difficult situation can exacerbate a rude word spoken at the wrong time.

Relations with a loved one in the middle of the year will not be in the best condition. However, with a little effort, you can not only establish, but also improve your connection with your partner. As a result, a new spark and sharpness may appear in your relationship with your loved one.

By the end of the year, Sagittarians will certainly want to improve their living conditions, someone should take care of arranging a family hearth, make repairs in an apartment, or work more closely to improve living conditions. And although money is not the main thing for Sagittarius, their relationship with a partner will very much depend on material well-being. Most Sagittarians will understand that a happy family life in the near future will directly depend on money, so they will have to look for an additional source of income.

For Capricorns, 2016 will be a year of intense work: on themselves, on improving their financial situation, on securing leadership positions in the environment. Most Capricorns from an early age began to understand that they could achieve great success precisely thanks to their own strengths. Therefore, they always rely only on themselves, do not wait for outside help and work hard. Your work will be rewarded, you just have to be patient.

A difficult fate makes Capricorns dry, callous people, quite indifferent to relatives and friends. In the year of the red Fire Monkey, work can so absorb Capricorns that there will be no time for personal life at all. As a result of such behavior, close people will begin to feel unnecessary and deprived, it will be possible that they will soon express their claims to Capricorns in person. Of course, this will not be very pleasant, but thanks to this you will be able to realize your own mistakes and draw the right conclusions.

At the end of the year, Capricorns may develop chronic fatigue syndrome, so they should reconsider their work schedule and allocate enough time for proper rest. A trip to the sea can be an ideal solution, especially since long-distance travels in the year of the Fire Monkey will be especially successful and full of positive emotions for you.

The Red Fire Monkey in 2016 will help Capricorns to strengthen their financial position, and practical Capricorns will feel great satisfaction knowing that the cash flow will not dry up this year. At the end of the year, you should think about large investments in the form of buying real estate or a car, you can also go on an expensive trip or open a savings account in a bank. It is not recommended to only lend money, as there is a chance that you will get it back with great difficulty. If you absolutely cannot refuse this slippery issue, be sure to issue an IOU so that you do not lose your savings later. At the end of the year, Capricorns will have a great opportunity to pamper themselves and their loved ones by making a nice gift, but you need to spend money within reasonable limits and not buy unnecessary things.

Capricorn business horoscope for 2016

In 2016, an active period begins when Capricorns will work tirelessly. This time will be very eventful, there is a lot ahead business meetings and negotiations. Those positions and projects that you have been dreaming about for a long time will finally take shape. It is only important not to wait for the weather by the sea and to act actively. Thanks to this, you will soon be able to achieve success in your professional activities.

The most important thing will be money transactions, taxes, insurance and everything related to finance. It is enough to show just a little ingenuity and in a relatively short period of time, Capricorns will be able to achieve all their goals. Almost throughout 2016, Capricorns will have great luck, of course, if they are not lazy, but continue to stubbornly move towards their goal.

In professional activities, a good time for Capricorns will come closer to the middle of the year, which they cannot help but feel. Professional activity will be full of just a huge number of various events, great achievements and success in almost all endeavors await the representatives of this sign. All new projects will be personally handed over by the management to Capricorns, because their zeal and efforts will not go unnoticed. It is important not to relax during this period, to carefully monitor your subordinates and colleagues, as well as competitors, so that no one can deliberately put spokes in your wheels or, simply because of their negligence, set you up.

Representatives of this zodiac sign should not expect any special changes at the end of the year, everything will happen at the same pace as during all 12 months. Summing up the results of 2016 professionally, most Capricorns will think to themselves: “Life is good!”. Most importantly, while performing your professional duties, you should not get carried away and forget about your relatives, because as a result this can lead to serious conflicts in the family.

Capricorn love horoscope for 2016

Many interesting events await Capricorns in 2016, while many of them will relate specifically to their personal lives. In the event that you have been living under the same roof with your soulmate for quite a long time without formalizing a relationship, it is a good time for you to consider creating a family and giving it legal status. Those Capricorns who are still not ready for such a turn of events should mentally prepare for a serious conversation, because soon this topic will definitely come up.

Lonely Capricorns will be able to find out this year what real, sincere love means, life will be filled with new bright colors. Ahead is not only an exciting romantic adventure, but also strong emotional experiences. For some, simple flirting will be enough, while others will meet their true love that I have been dreaming of for so long. However, the stars warn that you cannot immediately open your soul and completely trust a stranger. If you meet an unworthy person who decided to use your feelings for selfish purposes, you should not worry, because for your suffering, fate will soon give you a meeting with true love, which you have been dreaming about for so long and such love will be mutual.

Many Capricorns, when paired, can greatly spoil the relationship with a loved one because of their own jealousy. Representatives of this sign are owners and at the same time they are sincerely sure that all people are simply obliged to devote almost all their free time to them. But for someone, a sudden outbreak of jealousy can be a real salvation, because it will not be causeless. As a result, your chosen one will understand how much you love him, and draw the right conclusions. The most important thing to remember is that even in the heat of jealousy, you should not lose your head.

The Year of the Red Fire Monkey will begin successfully and fruitfully for Aquarius, while they will devote most of their time to family and relatives. Already at the very beginning of 2016, Aquarians will feel a great surge of energy, and of course, they will gain confidence in their own abilities. It is now that they begin one of the most successful and fruitful periods in their lives. At the beginning of the year, you should choose one goal and one thing to dedicate yourself to. Only then will Aquarians be able to fully use the opportunities provided to them and improve their financial situation. Fate will give you a chance that you cannot refuse, you just have to not miss it, more zeal, you can safely take on a serious money project. True, it should be warned that you will have very little rest.

By the middle of the year, many representatives of this zodiac sign will be able to find a job that they have been dreaming of for so long. Aquarians plan to implement serious purchase and will try to earn as much as possible more money. Perhaps the work will completely absorb Aquarius during this period, but the result will be positive, the plans will come true. Failure can befall only those Aquarius who cannot prioritize, because you should not forget about family and friends.

The end of the year of the red Fire Monkey will be the time for Aquarius active rest and travel. During this period, Aquarius will experience a great upsurge internal forces. Great time to spend with family and friends. IN recent months 2016 Aquarians need to avoid risky investments, it's better to hold on to money than to lose it and the profit that you expected to get from your investments. It is better to hoard and wait for a more favorable arrangement of the stars. Perhaps many of your friends will consider you too greedy, but do not listen to someone else's opinion, it is better to be a rich greedy than a beggar who everyone likes.

Aquarius business horoscope 2016

In 2016, almost all Aquarians will be very concerned about the events taking place around them, especially those related to their professional activities. Aquarians will use every opportunity to strengthen their own positions. The stars are advised to try not to enter into disputes and conflicts with colleagues. In the event that you act according to the plan, then in the near future you will be able to achieve your goals and success.

This year, in professional activity, the question will be important whether Aquarius will be able to realize their ideas or not. Now is the best time to learn not only to speak loudly, but also to correctly express your own thoughts so that management understands you. Only thanks to this, Aquarians will be able to make a rapid jump up the career ladder. Start actively acting now, and the desired result will not be long in coming.

Aquarians who have dedicated themselves to the creative profession may fall into creative crisis, it will seem to them that they are locked in their small, cramped world, from which they will want to escape, at least for a while. Now you can not be afraid to show others your feelings, desires, emotions. Thanks to this, you will be able to positive changes into your usual, ordinary and sometimes boring life. Such changes will have a positive impact on creative activity.

The end of the year of the red Fire Monkey promises major changes for Aquarius. With new forces, Aquarius will get to work and reach certain heights. Moreover, the reality will be even better than your wildest expectations. If one of the Aquarians sought to take a leadership position, there will be no more favorable time - you need to take risks and offer your services. Great time for self-realization and new projects.

Aquarius love horoscope for 2016

2016 will be a very important year for Aquarius in the area of ​​personal life. During this period, they will have to go through quite a lot of significant moments. The stars advise you to learn to show restraint, now you need to calmly perceive all the events that take place in life.

It is in 2016 that the representatives of this zodiac sign will have to go through just a huge amount of emotional outbursts. As a result of this, Aquarius can experience a feeling that they did not know before, they will experience all the depths of lyrical feelings and it is likely that they will meet their fate. In life, almost everything can change, as a result of which Aquarians will reconsider their life positions.

Throughout the year in the life of Aquarius there will be a lot of meetings and new acquaintances. Representatives of this sign are very sensitive and temperamental personalities, so their emotional state may suffer a little, because, as always, they take all events to heart. The horoscope predicts that all changes in personal life will occur in stages, so Aquarius will have a great opportunity to learn how to restrain their own emotions and control them. Thanks to this, all worries and anxieties will go away very quickly, and it will become much easier to cope with the ongoing changes in life.

The most important thing for Aquarians now is to try to pull themselves together, and even unpredictable changes will begin to seem like a trifle. In addition, many changes will only be for the better. If a lonely Aquarius meets his soul mate during this period, we can confidently say that this is for life. So you can safely tie the knot and think about having children.

The year when the psychological strength of Pisces will manifest itself to the maximum. Throughout the entire period, Pisces will help others and lend their shoulder. Thanks to this, they will make many new friends. Representatives of this zodiac sign will begin to show special modesty and compliance in relations with others. Your own sensitivity will play against you. The problems that arise among relatives and friends will begin to be perceived as their own, and all the forces of Pisces will be thrown into their solution. It is thanks to these qualities that others will treat Pisces with special power of attorney, and they will become the first consolation in the most difficult life situations.

The stars do not advise taking to heart all the problems that arise. The most important thing is to make sure that people who need help can realize their own misdeeds. Perhaps Pisces can stumble when solving other people's problems, since there is a possibility that when Pisces needs help in return, they may not receive it.

Representatives of creative professions will not have much inspiration, which can drive Pisces into depression. And only the end of the year will bring relative stability. This is exactly the time when you need to shake things up and act more energetically in order to succeed. Many Pisces will experience a strong upsurge and tune in to active work.

At the beginning of 2016, Pisces will feel that their financial situation is stable. A period of prosperity will come very soon, so for a long time you will not have to worry about where you can make money. Many Pisces will get carried away and start spending their capital, which may soon lead to a negative impact on their material well-being. Those representatives of this zodiac sign who succumbed to an unreasonable desire to make unnecessary purchases closer to the middle of the year may feel quite a lot of tension, which will be caused by financial instability. The wallet will become much thinner precisely due to its own unreasonable spending. The stars advise you to stop buying expensive and unnecessary things.

Pisces business horoscope for 2016

2016 promises to be a very favorable period for Pisces in the professional field, especially if so many attempts have been made before that time to find their own path. This year, all efforts will be rewarded in full. Professional activity of representatives of this zodiac sign will bring both real pleasure and joy. Someone will be offered a new job, and the received position provides much more prospects and excellent opportunities for further career growth. Also this year, many Pisces will begin to rapidly move up the career ladder.

Throughout the year, the professional sphere of Pisces will be saturated with just a huge number of various events, thanks to which they will be able to establish themselves and feel more self-confidence. Pisces will not be able to restrain themselves and will begin to tell their friends about their own achievements. They will simply be overflowing with positive energy and will begin to radiate positivity.

Most of the representatives of this zodiac sign will be in a good mood precisely because of such events and will enthusiastically begin to perceive new twists of fate that are directly related to their professional activities. As a result, Pisces will have to take on a lot of responsibility, but they will not always be able to cope with the task assigned to them. And some Pisces will be responsible not only for their work, but also for their partners.

The stars advise just not to waste precious time, now more than ever you need to think through your every step and draw up a further plan of action. Thanks to this approach, Pisces will be able to avoid making serious mistakes. It is worth trying to fully organize your own time, which will help prevent conflicts at work, avoid getting into stressful situations, because certain problems always appear in a new position.

Pisces love horoscope for 2016

At the beginning of 2016, an ambiguous period begins for representatives of the Pisces sign. It is now that they will begin to look after Pisces and try to win their hearts, but even despite such actions, there will be no harmony and peace in the soul of Pisces. The fact is that Pisces are very complex, as a result of which they are not only sensitive, but also suspicious. Therefore, it will constantly seem to them that the attention shown to their person is not really sincere.

Family representatives of this zodiac sign will feel quite strong tension in the family and relationships. During this period, Pisces will no longer understand their soul mate, which will lead to a chill in the relationship. In those moments when they are surrounded by a large number of people, Pisces will have desire try to hide all your inner feelings and problems, creating the illusion of a happy, loving couple, which is actually not entirely true.

At the very beginning of the year, Pisces in a relationship may feel vulnerable and vulnerable, which will lead to the desire of a loved one to sort out the relationship. The stars advise now to avoid serious conversations, because the course of the conversation can turn against Pisces themselves. You just need to wait a while, and very soon the situation will resolve itself and Pisces will be able to find a calm state of mind.

A more favorable time for Pisces comes in the middle of 2016, when positive changes in personal life begin to occur. They can quite easily get rid of all the accumulated problems, and old feelings will find a new life, filled with bright colors. Pisces will be able to feel that it has become much easier to communicate with your soulmate.

Those Pisces who have been married for quite a long time will be able to feel that feelings that are beginning to fade have flared up with renewed vigor and new qualities will open in a loved one that they had not even suspected before. All this will make you start treating the chosen one more carefully. Pisces will be completely focused on the relationship with their loved one, while they will begin to try to catch even minor nuances and any request from a lover will be fulfilled instantly.

Pleasant changes in personal life await single Pisces. They will start to enjoy just crazy popularity with the opposite sex, but at the same time they will not rush to make a choice, but will give preference to meaningless flirting.

Numerology is one of the oldest sciences, because many peoples communicated by combinations of numbers, and letters were assigned numerical values. It was believed that the date of birth affects the fate of a person no less than the zodiac constellation! The numerological horoscope for 2016 will help you learn not only about the coming year, but also tell you how to profitably live the next 366 days (after all, the year will be a leap year).

How to determine your Destiny Number?

First, let's determine the numerological forecast for 2016 as a whole. To do this, add all the digits of the year: 2+0+1+6=9. So the number of the year is nine. What does this mean? Nine is the final stage in life. Don't be scared - the end of the world is not expected in 2016! Nine symbolizes the end of a certain period in life. It is necessary to sum up, evaluate the correctness of the chosen path and, if necessary, correct it at the next stage.

Numerological horoscope based on individual Destiny Number

2016 is the Year of the Monkey best suited for implementation. cherished dream, as well as for building family relationships and having children. Also, the year will surely be marked by career growth and the achievement of material benefits - though only for those people who used their personal potential, hard work and talents, and did not receive life's benefits “by acquaintance”.

To find out what 2016 will bring to you personally, you can use our numerological forecast for 2016. To do this, you first need to find out your fateful figure, which is calculated by adding all the numbers in the date of birth. For example, you were born on January 23, 1982. We consider: 2+3 (number of birth) +1 (month) +1+9+8+2 (year) = 26, 2+6=8. It turns out that the number 8 determines your fate!

Numerological forecast for 2016 for each digit

Your Destiny Number is 1

Ones people are in for a very difficult year. To achieve your goals in your career and business, you need to carefully analyze the past period and correct all mistakes. You may have to apologize to someone, redo something - remember that fate this year gives you a second chance. In personal life, quarrels and gossip should be avoided. It is better for single Ones not to rush into marriage. In 2016, they are shown solitude and communication only with old people. true friends and relatives.

Your Destiny Number is 2

In 2016, only their optimism and enthusiasm in all matters will save the Twos from troubles and failures. Smile more often, cheer yourself up and everyone around you, but be on the lookout - insincere and evil people, gossips, may appear in your environment. “Trust but verify” is your motto for 2016. In personal relationships, everything is stable and unchanged.

Your Destiny Number is 3

For triplets, fate has prepared a very happy and successful year in every sense. This does not mean that their life will be cloudless, but, compared with positive events, troubles will seem like a trifle to them. In their personal lives, Troikas will also be very lucky: family relationships will strengthen and flourish, and single Troikas will meet beautiful romantic love. Live 2016 to the fullest!

Your Destiny Number is 4

Four people will be successful in work and business only if they work tirelessly and keep promises. Do not give guarantees where you are not 100% sure of success. Be honest and active in your work - and you will be provided with career growth and material well-being. In your personal life, you should devote a lot of time to children, often communicate with them and be together for a long time. If the Fours do not yet have children, then you should know that this is a great year for the birth of smart and healthy offspring!

Your Destiny Number is 5

Fives will do great if they work tirelessly and call on friends and relatives to help. Only in a team can they achieve success in business area, get promoted or successfully start your own business. Large investments and investments will certainly pay off if Fives heed the advice of experienced professionals. Personal life in 2016 will fade into the background, but the loneliness of the Fives will benefit.

Your Destiny Number is 6

The best year for implementation creativity. Sixes can change jobs or change professions - career growth and good luck are guaranteed to them! “Work, work and more work” is the motto of the Sixes for 2016. Just do not overstrain and forget about health - this year it will require a particularly careful attitude. Exacerbations of chronic diseases are possible. In personal life, everything remains unchanged.

Your Destiny Number is 7

2016 will be a year of harvesting fruits and getting results. All negative events are in the past. Sevens can calmly breathe and relax - but this does not mean that they should rest on their laurels. If you weaken vital activity, you can fall behind and get stabbed in the back. In 2016, the Sevens will be helped by higher powers and high-ranking friends, so we should not forget about gratitude. On the personal front, everything will also turn out well: the year is ideal for marriage and the birth of children.

Your Destiny Number is 8

For Eights, 2016 will begin with troubles and sorrows, and so it will be throughout the first half of the year. But do not despair and give up - the second half of the year will radically change your life! If, despite the failures, the G8s work productively and enthusiastically, then from the summer period there will be a shift in career growth, there will be a significant increase in salary or a good profit in business, and in personal life, Eights will finally find happiness in relationships.

Your Destiny Number is 9

Everything that was previously written about the Year-Nine applies to the People-Nines. 2016 will be a year of summing up, successful and fruitful, great for career, business, family and personal relationships. But Nines should appreciate the significance own life and everything that they have at the moment, otherwise it can be lost. And you should also draw up a development plan for the next period of life and set goals.


Are you looking for a horoscope for 2016?
Ordinary horoscopes are based on Western or Eastern astrology.
Before you - Slavic horoscope by date of birth.
Our ancestors, the Slavs, always looked at the Sun and believed that those born at a certain time of the year live under the guidance of one of the solar Gods.
Your birthday will tell you who is in charge of your life.

There are four main states of the Sun (the border is the days of the solar equinox and solstice).
Each period was under the leadership of one Slavic solar deity, after whom the period is named.
The horoscope for 2016 is based on this division.

Anything can happen in this life, even death.
The end of manifest existence means that man has had enough life lessons so that his soul could rise in a future incarnation.
The Gods would give health, and there are many days ahead.
Is it possible to predict this in a prediction for a year?
About each specific person - of course not.
One can only see how this year is planned by God the Teacher, get the advice of the Gods on the right behavior, see what this year should become for many.
Whether it will become so for you depends on your thoughts and actions. We all grow up under the red sun, on God's dew, but some are unlucky, while others are fine.


A lot of things.
Slavic presenter Olga Boyanova will reveal to you the secret of the Future.

In the souls of people there are battles for the right to choose the path of life. One road goes down to Navi, the other goes up to Prav. Knowing the Future Helps strong side. What will happen to you in 2016?

Today I decided to ask the Native Gods about the coming year for myself, relatives, friends and those whom I will never know personally.

The Slavic Rezas of the Family gave me an answer, as if the faces of the ancient knowers lowered their sparkling deep eyes on me. How well did I interpret their message? How accurately did I communicate my intuitions? You be the judge!"

Olga Boyanova


Here is the horoscope for 2016 for those born under the sign of GOD KOLYADA (December 21 - March 19)

The whole of 2016 will be for you a period of revitalization and prosperous growth of financial success, as beautiful as possible for you, the state of health.
A period may come for you that will fill your soul with the joy of life.
The difficulties that tormented you so much last year will soon end, life has come a certain circle.
Stop looking back and regret what you said or didn't do.
Look around you for the sprouts of new life.
In relationships with people close and significant to you, you will succeed if you use a creative approach, use something new that you have not done before.
Life is given for good deeds!
However, you won't need to take any special action to make everything bloom - you've already done it!
Confidently look into the future, the time of dawn has come for you!
Live longer, so you will see more!

Here is the horoscope for 2016 for those born under the sign of GOD YARILO (March 20 - June 19)

A wonderful year that should contribute to your success in all areas of life that are significant to you.
And business success, and the state of health, and your position in society and relationships with loved ones, friends and other people important to you, will be illuminated with light, strength, success!
This year you will receive an award for past merit, you can expect an early acquisition material wealth, success and prosperity.
Most likely, you will be protected from losses, losses, you will be able to save the acquired wealth - both material and spiritual.
However, you must remember that these are all opportunities that you yourself need to use for your own success. Trust in God, don't be fooled yourself!
Show truthfulness in words and deeds, observe the requirements of morality and generally accepted behavior, wish only what you really need - and this year will be happy for you!

Learn more about the situation, health, relationships and work in 2016

Here is the horoscope for 2016 for those born under the sign of GOD KUPALO (June 20 - September 21)

A year in which you are waiting for ups and downs, awareness of your own characteristics and capabilities. A year that will end with a powerful upsurge in all areas that are significant to you - in the field of relationships, in business matters, in your own physical and moral well-being. 2016 in the second half will be amazing for you - you will suddenly become aware of your past delusions, and, having risen above past circumstances, you will be able to find fresh passion, special reasons for joy, new abilities and see new opportunities. received by you life experience will become the basis for success, and others will be able to appreciate you and your merits. Live and learn!

Learn more about the situation, health, relationships and work in 2016

Here is the horoscope for 2016 for those born under the sign of GOD AVSENYA-SVETOVIT (September 22 - December 20)

The year will be extremely varied for you in terms of events. What it will be - a change of residence, a change in activity or lifestyle, the establishment of new, meaningful relationships for you - already depends on the specific circumstances. But in any case, in 2016 you will have the opportunity to get rid of something you do not need, which has become obsolete, in return to receive a new quality of life, the basis for the next round of your life. The year is likely to be rich in events and emotions, your feelings will fluctuate from anger to joy, from despondency to delight, you will have to deal with your own doubts, but we can assume that in the end the sky will clear of thunderclouds and shine bright Sun. An exciting year awaits you! Not the one who lives longer lives, but the one who has more fun!

Learn more about the situation, health, relationships and work in 2016

The upcoming 2016 is the year of the Monkey, an animal that is famous for its perkyness and restlessness. That is why we can say with confidence that no one will be bored. The monkey will make everyone lead an active lifestyle and not be sad because of minor life troubles.

Astrologers assure that 2016 will be productive for those who begin to work actively. But they remind you that material well-being cannot replace peace of mind. Therefore, you should not forget about rest. Friendly Monkey will support everyone who believes in fortune.

Love horoscope for 2016 - a little about feelings

In the year of the Monkey, a lot of new couples in love will appear, so single people do not need to be upset - everything is ahead.

For fire signs, astrologers promise a rather complicated love relationship. They recommend that Aries finally learn to give in to the second half, Leo - to lower self-esteem a little, and Sagittarius - to abandon attempts to assert themselves at the expense of others.

As for the representatives of the earth element, they are also not so simple. Virgos need to take care of themselves more than their partner. It is desirable for Taurus to decide between passionate impulses and calm relationships. Capricorns, on the other hand, must realize that jealousy will not help them build relationships.

Signs belonging to the category of the air element can relax a little - the pretty Monkey will not let them get bored. Gemini can be in anticipation of joyful events. Aquarius is desirable to make long trips. Who knows, perhaps it is on the other side of the Earth that they are waiting for real love. Libra, in 2016, will literally have to fend off obsessive fans, which is also very good.

Finance in 2016: who the Monkey will give

Only those who work purposefully will be able to get rich in 2016. And it will be easier to do this in the period from June to December.

Astrologers promise fire signs good profit. Aries will be able to deal with all their problems not earlier than spring. Lions will have a unique opportunity to demonstrate their outstanding abilities. Sagittarians, if they work hard, will roughly double their income in the second half of 2016.

Signs of the elements Earth will be a little less lucky. Virgo will have to work very hard to achieve something. Rest is not expected. Taurus doesn't need to be afraid to take risks. Having invested money, he will be able to "wash" them. Capricorns will have to master the school of "family savings", otherwise they will spend all their savings in a record short period of time.

Representatives of the elements Earth can hope for the best. The financial horoscope promises Gemini daily bathing in money. True, they still have to constantly work. Aquarians also have nothing to fear - the Monkey will support them in all endeavors related to earnings. Libras need to shop less. Their tendency to "shopaholism" will lead to serious losses.

The signs of the water element will not be very lucky financially, but 2016 will not be a failure for them. Scorpions need to be economical until spring, after the situation will improve. For Cancers, the coming period will not be very successful. They will not be able to get a well-paid job and assert themselves. For Pisces, nothing will change. Everything they had in 2015 will carry over into 2016, which is pretty good.

What to expect from health in the year of the Monkey

Despite the fact that the Monkey is a cheerful and perky animal, it will not be possible to live the whole year of 2016 without emotional experiences and nervous strain. Many people will experience an exacerbation of chronic diseases, some even require surgery.

Many decide to lose weight and begin to follow a strict diet, but only Aries, Gemini and Sagittarius will be able to achieve good results in this field.

2016 - horoscope for all zodiac signs


Aries in 2016 need to be very economical. It is desirable to perceive all troubles and difficulties as an intermediate stage, which will soon come to an end. In terms of love relationships, everything will be harmonious with them, without quarrels and constant showdowns.


The Monkey prophesies Taurus in 2016 the achievement of great heights. But for this they will have to correctly prioritize and push matters of secondary importance into the background. Very many representatives of the sign are waiting for pleasant changes in their personal lives. They will be able to achieve good results in their careers. It is important to remember that in order to win, you need to plan everything in advance.


For twins, 2016 will be divided into two opposite periods. From January to June, they will succeed in almost everything - in love, in a career, in matters relating to health. But since July, the Monkey will remind them that everything cannot always be perfect. As a result, you will have to calm down, “lay low” and wait for better times to come. Arguing with fate is not recommended.


In 2016, all Cancers will be calm and balanced. They do not need to lend money, as it will be quite difficult to return it. Many representatives of the sign will be able to acquire housing or move to a new apartment.

a lion

Already in January, many urgent matters will appear in the life of Lviv. They will need to complete all old processes and move on to reviewing new ones. Leadership should not be feared - colleagues and management will appreciate the efforts. In 2016, the Monkey strongly recommends to single Lions to get married / get married and have children.


Virgos in the year of the playful Monkey will meet their other half. Family representatives of the sign need to make efforts to strengthen marriage ties, surround their spouse with love and care. As far as a career is concerned, one should strive to take the initiative. All efforts will be credited and appreciated.


In 2016, astrologers recommend Libra to be patient. It is desirable to tune in to success, but you will not be able to relax. Competitors do not need to devote to their plans - excessive frankness will result in serious problems and theft of projects. Money Libra needs to be spent wisely, otherwise you will have to go into debt. In love relationships, it is recommended to compromise and try to avoid conflicts.


For Scorpios, 2016 will be a good year. They are hard workers, and the Monkey loves such people, so he will generously endow them with a variety of benefits. Do not forget about the possibilities of your own intuition. In 2016, the subconscious will advise the right steps. In the spring, profits should be expected, but from October to December you will have to spend money. At work, you should not forget about rest - this is fraught with health problems.


Sagittarius in the year of the Monkey will have the opportunity to improve family relationships. The Monkey will be especially favorable to them in the second half of the year. Travel is possible. In order for the plans to be implemented on time, it is recommended to devote the first half of the year to work.


Capricorns who are able to open up and build relationships with others will live 2016 as successful individuals. They are encouraged to devote all their free time to the family, organizing various active events. Capricorns will make friends with the Monkey, so they can boldly build grandiose plans and implement them.


For Aquarians, 2016 will be a period of stagnation. All their efforts will be ignored by the immediate environment. Free time it is better to devote to the family, gaining new knowledge. It is also good to improve the professional level - this will come in handy in the coming years. Aquarius will not be able to achieve any grandiose goals in 2016.


January-March will be the take-off period for Pisces. They will be able to accomplish everything they planned (and even more). In the summer it is advisable to go on a trip. New acquaintances, connections are not excluded. For close relatives, Pisces will become wise advisers and indispensable helpers.
