Current draws for April 1st. April Fool's Day: Ideas for Jokes and Pranks

The first day of April is not the easiest day of the year, and this is not due to weather changes or the beginning of the summer season. This day has long entered our lives as the most mischievous and playful day of the year.

It is on this day, absolutely everywhere you can get into an absurd situation that will bring a smile to your face and the faces of those around you. And in order not to be left out, you need to come up with draws for April 1 yourself.

How to play or joke

When choosing jokes and pranks for friends or close associates, as well as for work colleagues, it is worth remembering a few very important rules. Otherwise, an elementary joke can lead to disastrous consequences.

What topics are better not to joke about:

  • Religion. This topic is very personal, and is perceived by many as a dogma of life, and any attempt to joke about it can lead to an unpleasant outcome.
  • Country of residence or home country. Many people, without realizing it, are patriots, especially if for some reason they are outside of it. Jokes in this area can affect a person too much.
  • Complex life situations . This includes many points, any person does not like it when others scoff at his problems.
  • Illness or handicap. It’s not even worth talking about such topics, let alone joking.
  • intimate relationship. This topic is very personal and should not be shared with the public.

It is very easy to come up with a prank without touching on these topics, you just have to pay attention to your opponent, chat, find common topics.

Remember, any jokes should be cool and funny, as well as understandable to absolutely everyone present, but they should not injure or offend someone.

Examples of pranks at school

Jokes at school can be divided into two types: jokes for classmates and practical jokes for the teacher. If everything is clear with the first point, then with the second it is worth thinking carefully. However, it's the first of April!

The oldest joke is that a blackboard and soap give a lethal effect, but how the teacher will react is completely incomprehensible, besides, washing off the soap from the board can only be done with hot water, and not the first time.

A cardboard box is taken and pasted over with bright paper, then the bottom is cut out. Placed on a cupboard or other elevated position in the classroom. Fill the box with confetti through the open top. The teacher will definitely see it and try to take it off, in extreme cases, you can ask to get it, after the first attempt it will be showered with confetti. You can do the same with your classmates.

Warn all classmates that all answers to the teacher will not be given orally, but in a singsong voice. Most likely, the teacher will highly appreciate your vocal abilities.

Tell the teacher that he is urgently summoned to the director. Hang an April Fool's sign on the director's office door. If your humor is appreciated, then everything will be all right.

Go up to the girl from the class and offer to tell fortunes, take her hand and run your finger over her palm for a long time. When the girl’s patience runs out, she will definitely say something, answer this: this is what you will tell your spouse on the first night! The meaning may not reach immediately, but it will definitely be!

Ask a classmate looking straight into his face: what do you have? When you've finished trying to wipe your face, say: ah, I'm sorry that's your face!

Offer classmates sparkling water, shake the bottle well in advance. Plain mineral water is best, as you don’t have to wash anything.

Write a note and send it to the desks with the following inscription: "the ceiling in the classroom is running." The result is impressive - the whole class is spinning with their heads up, including the teacher.

Family Pranks

Playing close people at home is much easier than strangers, but you should not try hard so that there is no scandal.

Color the dried soap well with colorless nail polish. In the morning everyone will be surprised why it is impossible to wash with soap, because it does not foam.

Swap sugar and salt. The effect will be instant - few people like salty tea or sweet soup.

Glue each family member's toothbrush to the bottom of the glass. Relatives will not immediately be able to understand what the matter is, and you will laugh to your heart's content. By the way, prepare new toothbrushes in advance.

In the same way, you can glue home slippers of loved ones. Relatives will take a long time to figure out what happened to them, and you will present new slippers for the house as a present.

You can replace the sweet cream in cookies with menthol or fruit toothpaste. You can try putting spices with hot pepper there.

Put the cheese and sausage in the freezer in advance, and serve it on the table in the morning and enjoy how your household tries to cut off a piece.

Slip the end of the toilet paper into someone's back pocket and place the roll in the back. Wherever your family member goes, a long train of paper will follow.

Prepare a holiday breakfast for the children and husband. Together with the traditional dish, serve fresh juice with a straw to the table, but instead of juice, let it be jelly. It is quite amusing to see how your loved ones will try to suck up the liquid.

How to play a joke on your husband

Under the cover of night, while your loved one is sleeping, paint his nails with a bright color. You can move the clock forward a little so that there is no time for breakfast. A joke will be waiting for him on the way to work or in the office itself.

Buy a pregnancy test and draw two lines. In the morning, show your spouse and watch the reaction.

Another similar draw, but you will have to prepare for it in advance. It is necessary to purchase a doll that is similar in size to a newborn baby. Swaddle like a baby, put in a basket and leave at your door, just make sure that the spouse is at home at this time. Knock on the door, and quickly go down to the floor below, when you hear the door opening, rise as if you are just going home. When you see your spouse, ask: “What kind of young girl ran out of the entrance?”, Then observe the behavior of your lover.

And of course, the most favorite way to play a joke on your soul mate - taking his car, tell him by phone that you hit him or had an accident, everything is fine with you, but the car cannot be restored. Then just watch the reaction of your loved one.

How to play a joke on your wife

Let your wife know that you are taking her to a restaurant today. Prepare a chic case, and place a large raisin inside. During dinner, take your wife's hand and say: "darling, whether you like it or not, you are the highlight in my life, when I saw this on the counter, I immediately realized that this should belong only to you!". Of course, it will be much better if you prepare a real decoration, because no one knows how a joke can turn!

Get artificial insects or mice, discreetly put on a pillow or during a joint meal on the table. In an excited voice, announce that you have mice or spiders in your house, observe the behavior of your spouse.

Parents prank

We take a roll of toilet paper, tear off small pieces and crumple them. Then we put them in the shoes worn by the parents. When going to work, parents for some time will not be able to understand why the shoes have become so much smaller.

While the parents are busily getting ready for work or under the cover of night, put in their wardrobe a large number of small inflatable balls. Having opened the closet, the parents will come into a slight stupor, but they will certainly have fun.

This joke will be a tougher one, so if the health of mom or dad does not allow, it is better not to use it.

Change the lock to front door while the parents are away. Then invite a good friend, preferably an adult, to help you. Arriving home, parents will try in vain to open the door with their key. We assure you - they will be very surprised when the door opens for them. unknown man in home clothes with the words: “who are you and what is needed here?”. To a completely natural question from parents: “who is this man and why is he at their house?”, The man will answer that he bought the living space in the real estate center and now he lives here.

The main thing is not to delay with this dialogue, otherwise the consequences can be disastrous.

April Fools' pranks at work

Making fun of colleagues at work is a normal dynamic in the development of relationships in a team, so feel free to get down to business.

Pour the PVA glue on the glass, and when completely dry, remove it. The stain will turn out translucent and give the impression that someone has spilled something. Put colleagues, and then just observe the behavior.

Place the food coloring tablet in the diffuser of the general faucet. Employees will be very surprised when the water goes an unusual color.

You can paste over the employee's car with multi-colored stickers. Let each color be responsible for a certain part of the car.

Download a computer crash screensaver to your colleague's work computer. Such a joke will put many netizens into a stupor.

Stick the coins on the floor and then sit and watch the employees try to rip them off.

Early in the morning, bring an empty cage to the office, put it in places of general congestion, for example, near the cooler. Put a sign: “do not feed or touch the snake!”, Take a comfortable position and watch how colleagues move around the office with caution.

Glue a colleague's mouse with a funny sticker, you can stick your laughing photo.

sms jokes

This section is perfect for jokes on the phone, as well as for pranks through social networks, for example, in VK or classmates, such jokes can be attached to the wall, and all the guests will laugh with you.

Daughter, if you cut your nails, don’t touch them on your feet - it’s terribly slippery on the street!

Tonight I have! I don’t know about drinking, but I’m responsible for a great walk! Message received from Ivan Susanin.

Son, I'm at the cemetery, I'll come home soon and bring a lot of sweets! Mother.

I rarely use my conscience, so it is pure as a tear!

Good job, good dreams!

(name of the girl), I want to wish that today you don’t use cosmetics in vain!

Dear friend! Trust me, at your age it's too late to use shyness.

Alexey, our son was born! Thank you for this, your Vasily.

Dear subscriber! Our company is tired of serving you, you call too often and use SMS correspondence, leave us alone and go to another operator! Sincerely, cell company.

The neighbor changed the car again. Wait for me in the evening. Toad.

April Fools' jokes and practical jokes are of great importance in Everyday life, thus we become a little closer with people dear to us. However, it is worth remembering - prank a friend, take a prank on yourself.

April 1 never fails to play games. Even the most serious people are capable of foolishness on this day. And although most of the pranks on April 1 have been known for a long time, this does not prevent one year after year from arranging them for colleagues and friends, and others from becoming their “victims”.

There are dozens, if not hundreds, of various pranks for home, office, institute, various institutions, etc. on the Internet. The jokers are sure - the place to be good draw April 1st is always there!

Drawings for April 1 for the office

Pranks for the boss

The whole team write letters of resignation on own will and with desperate faces to bring for signature. True, there is a threat that the boss will actually sign these statements for some ...

You can also compose statements asking for financial assistance in connection with ... (hereinafter everything depends on the author's imagination) the birth of triplets, the arrival of a beloved great-grandmother along with a veteran choir for eternal residence, the arrival of aliens, etc.

If you have a mini-ATS, change the settings - let the director instead of the secretary try to send the chief accountant for coffee, and order the lawyer to go for the papers, mistaking him for a courier.

Pranks for colleagues

Glue with double-sided tape to the table everything that the owner carelessly left on it: notepads, pens, keyboard, mouse, favorite mug, etc.

Compose an order from the boss to change the vacation schedule and post it on the bulletin board. Or "publish" an order that, for example, every third Saturday of the month is declared a working day with the transfer of money to the company's fund.

Swap mice on two adjacent computers. An old, but no less effectively working prank. Works especially well in the women's team.

Drawing with threads requires painstaking preparation and a certain dexterity, but it's worth it. For this draw, you need to stretch the threads from all kinds of objects - books, pens, etc. to a door that opens outwards. When the "victim" of the prank opens the door, all objects fly off their places. Noisy, fun and there will be something to do in the next half hour, putting everything in its place. The most important thing for the organizer of such a draw is to be able to leave the office, in which all the items are “tied up” without dropping them.

Drawings for April 1 for the university

Draw with a box

Before the start of the lecture in the audience, install a box with a conspicuous inscription on the cabinet. Pour confetti into the box. The trick is that the box does not have a day. When the teacher tries to remove the box from the cabinet, all the contents will spill out onto it. In principle, the same draw is suitable for the office.

Prank with cheat sheet

Before offset or verification work prepare a "cheat sheet", which, having come to the audience, "extremely unsuccessful" hide. During the test, you start demonstratively writing off from it - until the indignant teacher takes it away from you. In the "cheat sheet" itself, you need to make an inscription like "zhi-shi write with the letter" and "" or "2X2 \u003d 4".

Pranks in the hostel

The most popular jokes are with sleeping neighbors. Early in the morning to wake up a roommate with a cry: “Dima! Where are the keys to the tractor??? Or: "Sentry, we're on fire!"

Before going to bed, put a long thread under the neighbor's sheet. When he settles down, gently pull on her - the lying one has the impression that someone is crawling under him. Brrr!

You can gently paint your roommate's fingernails and toenails at night. That will be the joy of classmates at lectures!

Drawings for April 1 at home

Refrigerator prank

On the night of April 1, carefully hang the refrigerator door so that it opens in the other direction. Leave the handle in the same place. In the morning, you watch how all the household members unsuccessfully try to open the “stumbled” refrigerator.

Prank with sewn-in sleeves and lined fur

On the eve of April 1, the sleeves of the jacket are neatly sewn up. In the morning, you can enjoy the spectacle of the unsuccessful attempts of the “victim” to get dressed.

Reciprocal "strike" - sew small pieces of fur to the wife's jacket in the armpit area. Such "unshaven" armpits will cause a lot of laughter when she raises her hand (for example, in transport).

Unsalted Dinner Prank

You can put sugar in a salt shaker and salt in a sugar bowl. When cooking, one of the dishes will need to be undersalted - so that your household will certainly add the necessary ingredient to their plate.

Draw with thread

Hide the spool of thread under your clothing by pulling the end of the thread out. The wife (husband) will certainly want to remove the garbage, but it will take a very long time to pull the thread.

Salt draw

Tell your wife (husband) that a neighbor just called and asked to bring salt to her. Naturally, no one asked anyone for anything.

Neighbors prank

Stretch the rope across the stairs and make the inscription: “Caution! Repair!"

Post a notice at the entrance to turn off water, electricity or an elevator. With questions and complaints, contact the apartment number ... Let the neighbor be surprised by the influx of guests!

Place an announcement that from 18:00 a scheduled inspection of apartments will be carried out by a district police officer, plumber or juvenile justice workers. At 18:30, walk around the apartments and congratulate the neighbors on April 1.

If the apartment doors open inward, tie a rope to the door handles and ring both apartments at the same time. So you can find out which of the neighbors is stronger))

Giveaways with gifts

It is very nice to receive a gift when you do not expect it at all. On April 1, you can give your wife a "gift for the most tender woman in the world." As such a gift, you can use a baseball bat wrapped in wrapping paper in the form of a bouquet. When the spouse unfolds the "bouquet", tell her that this multifunctional gift can be used as a sports equipment, a rolling pin or a hammer.

And on this day, you can give your husband stylish “cufflinks”: a pair of dumbbells packed in a beautiful box with the inscription: “a gift for strong man". And it's nice, and sporty, and useful in the household!

Drawings for April 1 for crowded institutions

Raffle with signs

A banal, but invariably valid raffle that can be arranged in any institution where a lot of people come. A sign with the inscription "Toilet" is attached to the door of, say, the accounting department. The influx of "customers" is guaranteed! You can also hang a sign "Information" on the office of lawyers - let them also communicate with the people. But the toilet doors can be "decorated" with the inscription "Buffet". Children's humor, of course, but for April 1 it will do.

Drawings for April 1 on the street and in transport

Rope prank

This prank will require a long rope. Having handed one of its ends to a passerby, ask him to hold the rope for a while under any pretext. The other end of the rope, bypassing the corner of the house, hand over to another poor fellow. Ask to pull the rope and stand for a while. Step aside and watch how much patience the victims of the prank have. You can make a bet with friends, which of the "experimental" will give up first.

Raffle in the subway

This draw will require at least two people. The first, pretending to press the button to communicate with the driver, asks to bring pizza to such and such a car. At the next stop, the second participant in the prank wearing a “Pizza World” cap, for example, enters the car and inquires loudly, “Who ordered pizza?”, hands over the box, takes the money from the “customer” and jumps out of the train. The first one again approaches the speakerphone button and “asks” the driver to go to the final one without stopping.

Prank on the bus

When driving a bus over the bridge, exclaim loudly, looking out the window: “Look, a crocodile!”. All passengers will certainly begin to look at such a marvel overseas outside the window. Best of all, when two or three people participate in the draw, who portray random passengers. Then, after the exclamation of the first, the other two participants in the draw can begin to exchange remarks like: “Look, he swam over there! Just yesterday, they said on TV that a crocodile had escaped from the circus!”, attracting even more attention from the other passengers.

And for the organization of drawings and all kinds of surprises, you can contact the event agency. Specialists who organize the most unusual jokes will help to give colleagues, friends and loved ones positive and vivid emotions.

1. Sugar cocaine
We were sitting somehow, drinking about February 23, and at some point in the middle of the conversation (because I didn’t feel like vodka anymore), I offered to sniff cocaine, which they allegedly gave me for New Year. Well, of course, a couple of people immediately agreed to try. With a conspiratorial look, I went into the kitchen (of course, alone), pulled out the POWDER SUGAR from the cabinet, poured a little into a bag from the newspaper and carried it into the room. There, according to all the rules of modern films, he pulled out a mirror, made “tracks” with a credit card and, folding a bill of 50 lats (about $ 100), the first one leaned over and covered his face with his hand, pulled a track of powder into his mouth ..

After me, those who agreed also tried, but naturally, drawing them into their nostrils .... You had to see their happy faces and hear their discussions of the sweet taste of "cocaine", who has what sensations, etc. :) A joke (I think it's harmless) only happens in OWN companies, but good mood instead of a severe hangover, especially if recorded on
video, I guarantee.

2. Draw with a box.
"In the audience where the lecture will now be, put a small box on a high (higher than human height) place, for example, on a closet. The box should have an opening top and should not have a bottom. Paste a bright, noticeable from afar inscription - for example, SEX, CONDOMS and fill a box of confetti. The teacher enters the classroom, sees a box with a defiant name, and what does he do? Of course, he removes it from the closet. But the box has no bottom. The result is clear. It will go in the office and in the hostel."

3. Drawing with threads.
"If in the room of your colleague or dormitory neighbor the door opens outward, then such a prank is possible. You need to connect all possible objects: books, pens, light pieces of furniture, etc. using threads with a door handle. The "victim" opens the door, and all the objects fly away from their places. Complete destruction. The only difficulty is to leave the room, picking up the threads to the handle and not disturbing the objects. "

4. Raffle with signs.
"In an institution where there are many visitors, place a sign indicating the toilet on the door of a completely different room. It is desirable that the workers in this room go outside as little as possible - this will take your sign longer, and the longer the workers will observe the rapidly running in, you can make several pointer arrows so that people find their way to the pseudo-toilet. You can use the inscription "buffet" instead of the inscription "toilet" - workers will have to explain a lot of times that this is not a buffet, for example, laboratory assistant.

5. Draw with a rope.
"Take a long rope and find a small detached house. Ask a person passing by to hold the end of the rope under any pretext. With the other end of the rope, go around the house and, bypassing almost completely, ask another person to hold this end of the rope already. Ask the rope to be pulled tight and leave . What
it turns out? These people do not see each other, the angle interferes with them (you see them both), and they cannot throw the rope - after all, they were asked to hold it. Where will it end? Don't know."

6. Draw by phone.
"Let's say a new young secretary has appeared in your team. Spectators dedicated to the prank are watching her behavior. Someone from the next room calls the secretary and reports in the most serious voice that they are calling from the telephone exchange, and now in order to cleaning wires over the telephone channel will be served
hot steam under pressure. Therefore, you need to wrap everything up very quickly. handsets in the office with polyethylene or paper (or put them on the floor). Everyone is sitting and watching. The most important thing is to say it seriously and quickly. Well, the secretary should be quite trusting."

7. Draw with the "mannequin".
"Choose the "object" of the prank. It can be a neighbor or roommate or office. The room must be at least on the 2nd floor. In front of the" object ", you need to sit at the open window on the windowsill. At some point, when the "object" is not looking at you, you must hide or silently leave the room.
At the same time, your assistant on the street under the window lays out a scarecrow - clothes like yours stuffed with paper for volume (bright T-shirt, etc.) - and plywood in the color of asphalt with a painted spot of "blood". Then he screams your name with the words: "Crashed, crashed, help::.".

The assistant in the room and the "subject" run to the window and see your body on the pavement. The assistant offers to go down and help you if possible. When they run away, you return to your seat in the room and sit as if nothing had happened. While the "object" is running down, the "body" and plywood are removed. "Object" does not understand anything. Assistant
says the body must have already been removed. They return to the room and the "object" sees you - silent scene::.."

8. Draw with dry ice.
"Take a basin of hot water, pour a bottle of shampoo into it and throw in dry ice. I haven't tried it myself, but they say there is a lot of foam - it can fill your neighbor's room. Can you imagine the picture?"

9. Powder prank.
"Your roommate is in the room. Temporarily block his door so he can't get out. Fill up the tube right size baby powder. Substitute one end of the tube under the door or to the gap in the jamb, and substitute the other to the hair dryer. Turn on the hair dryer, and a full room of powder is ready."

10. Draw with the bed.
"In a dormitory or in a barracks. While a person is sleeping, take him out on the bed to the toilet. On the command "get up", he jumps up, and there are only toilet bowls around::. And there are no clothes."

11. Snowball prank.
"Roll up a huge snowball and, with the help of assistants on a sheet, drag the "object" into the room (study) shortly before his arrival. He will not be able to pull the snowball out entirely, but the snowball is melting: .."

12. "Spontaneous draw."
"It was in the mid-80s when I came to visit my grandfather in the city of Biysk. Having finished whitewashing the ceilings in his apartment, my grandfather and I went outside and began to wash the airbrush and the film that covered the floor. Both were in We are washing film, and then a woman from a neighboring house comes up to us and, not recognizing her grandfather, asks when we will whitewash in their apartment. I already wanted to say that we are not from the ZHKO, but the grandfather says: “And you take the furniture out into the street, We will come to whitewash it now. Don’t take it out, we won’t whiten it. "The houses there were all one-story, so all things could be easily taken out into the street. We washed the film and left. I already forgot about it. In about two hours I go out into the street. And what do I see. From two everything was pulled out of the surrounding houses: things, books, beds, cabinets, TVs, etc. A neighbor, it turns out, ran around everyone and told the "good" news. I went to my grandfather, told what I saw. We looked out the window and don't know whether to laugh , or cry. By the evening they dragged everything back - when they called the ZHKO. "

13. Draw in the subway
A group of people enter one subway car. Everyone comes in so that no one suspects that they are together. After some time, as the train leaves the station, one of the people who enters approaches the button for communicating with the driver, pretends to press it and says so that as many people as possible can hear: "A hamburger and a large Coca-Cola in car number ____" (the car number is written next to the button). Having said this, he simply stands and waits for the next station. At the next station, another person enters this car (preferably in a Coca-Cola T-shirt or cap) and asks loudly: "Who ordered the hamburger and Coca-Cola." The person who ordered comes up, picks up the "order", quickly pays off and goes on. The one who brought the order must have time to get off at this station. The train is moving. The man again approaches the button and says: "Until the end without stopping." The reaction from passengers is simply indescribable.

14. Sobriety Test Prank
"Here is one old simple prank. Returning home in a company after a party (preferably on a crowded street), a dispute starts - which of the members of the company is the most sober. The chosen victim of the prank is invited to make an even (it should be emphasized that EVEN) swallow (I hope that this is for figure - understandable.) After the victim diligently
will do what is required of her, you need to declare that he (she) is absolutely drunk. In response to the victim's bewildered exclamations, explain that a sober person would never do this in a public place.

15. Trolleybus draw
"The prank is old (somewhere in the early 80s. I performed it more than once). For the prank, you need an orange vest (like road workers) and construction gloves. At rush hour, approach the trolleybus from behind and pull down the ropes with which they regulate contact bars ("mustache"). Have a passerby hold the ropes while you adjust something there in the cabin. appearance there is no doubt that you are a driver. Ooooochen quickly retire to a safe distance. The anger of real drivers is terrible.

16. Trolleybus draw
“Two people dress more or less the same, then settle down at two adjacent stops, for example, trolleybus stops. Then the following picture appears to people in the trolleybus at the first stop: the guy runs after the already departing trolleybus and, of course, does not have time. At the next stop in open doors it seems to be the same type who bursts in with terrible shortness of breath and words like: "Barely caught up !!!" It makes an indelible impression."

17. Phone prank
"In practice, it was used quite often. In big company an arbitrary (or specific) telephone number is selected. Someone calls him and asks for the phone, for example, Petya Ivanov. (For some reason, we always asked Misha Gurevich). There, of course, they answer that Misha Gurevich is not here and never was. After a while, the next one calls, and again urgently asks Misha Gurevich to the phone. Then the third, fourth, how many people are enough (and the fantasies of this people are what to say to those on the other end of the wire). All in all, last call on this number: "Hello, this is Misha Gurevich. Has anyone called me here?"

18. Phone prank
“More about the phone. An old one with a beard. Call someone and say that it is from the housing office, that the water will be turned off in an hour and that they say we advise you to stock up on water in all containers. Call back an hour later and ask: “Did you get water? Warm up, now we will bring the elephant to wash.

19. School-chalk
"Stupid joke from the school days. Rub the blackboard with soap. Then you can't write on it with chalk."

20. Computer prank
A very common joke among computer scientists. It was performed repeatedly by me and my friends on April 1st. A victim working with a computer is selected,
but who understands almost nothing in it and understands English with difficulty. Usually a satisfactory combination of factors can be found in any large office. Execution time - the victim must not have vital files open and unsaved. The inscription "Any key" is printed and glued to the system unit of the victim's computer on
place the inscription "Reset" ... Sooner or later, but some program will display a message like "Press any key to continue". Not finding "any key" on the keyboard, the victim examines the surrounding space and - lo and behold! - detects it on the system unit.

The most amazing effect of this prank is a sharp increase in education (as a result of suspicion) in the victim in the next few days ;-)"

April Fools' Day, or April Fool's Day, is celebrated around the world on the first of April. Where the tradition came from on this day to “honor” the gullible and simple-hearted is not known for certain, but the holiday is still alive.

history of the holiday

The tradition, presumably, comes from the Middle Ages, and the first written mention of the first of April as a day of jokes (Fools Holiday) was recorded in 1686. The fashion to play pranks near and far by publishing stupid advertisements in the newspapers came from Britain: as you know, one of the first pranks of this kind was an invitation to wash white lions in the Tower.

In Russia, the holiday appeared and took root during Peter I. It was he who, according to legend, was the author of the first national April Fool's drawing - an invitation to an "unheard of performance", at which simpletons were greeted with a poster: "April 1 - do not trust anyone!".

One of the most famous April Fools' jokes is a 1957 BBC News broadcast about a spaghetti crop harvested from trees.

In Russia, joking in the media on April 1 has become fashionable since late Soviet times. There were good jokes, there were not very good ones, however, all of them were quickly forgotten, and every year the media invent something new. Although Russia recently passed a law on fake news, would-be pranksters have already been reassured that no one will be punished for innocent April Fools' pranks.

Cool jokes April 1 for the office

There are a plethora of resources on the internet that promise to teach you how to play pranks on your co-workers on April 1st. Unfortunately, all these simple pranks revolve around the phrase "who lost a hundred dollars", sticking tape on the phone or gluing a computer mouse to the table.

One office worker, on condition of anonymity, described how he played a cruel prank on an employee whose carelessness caused their department to lose a lucrative job and be left without a bonus.

The lazy employee was not a fool to drink and in this altered state actively entered into close contacts with "girls of reduced social responsibility." “On behalf of” one such girl, on April 1, he received a letter that he had become a happy father ...

The guy who just got married and even quit drinking got so scared that when he found out it was April Fool's joke, quit immediately.

However, as statistics show, mostly office pranks are quite innocent.

Drawings for April 1 for SMS

Here, too, Internet offers do not shine with originality. Basically, the content of the allegedly humorous SMS messages is made in the spirit of, they say, stop talking a lot, otherwise your tariff will be called "Hushed". Naturally, all this with some degree of obscene language, which, as you know, is now strictly prohibited in the media.

Here are some more examples of jokes that, according to the authors, can cheer up your friends on April 1st.

“There are periods in the life of men when they are absolutely indifferent to women. These are the first, second and third periods of hockey.”

“Hello, dear subscriber! We want to thank you for your loyalty, congratulations on April Fool's Day and for the sake of fun, we write off a thousand rubles from your account. Your mobile operator.

“I found out what stone you have according to the horoscope! Judging by your face - a brick.

“Look to the left. Look right. Look up. Don't you feel like a fool?!"

Etc., etc. And that's not counting outright obscenities.

So rather than practicing idiotic pranks, it's better to just congratulate your friends on April Fool's Day.

Wishes on April Fool's Day:
Happiness, joy, success!
Let dreams come true!
Let more warmth!

Let smiles be more often
Let everything in life be sweeter.
Let the sadness go away
Have fun day and night!

We are with let's go crazy slightly,
Let's play the fool
Let's laugh too
We make faces at you!

And without it - in any way!
Who is serious - that fool.
Everyone knows: April Fool's Day
Sadness - sadness - a hindrance!

This day is not a sin at all
Spread laughter everywhere
And play a joke on someone
To cheer up your friends!

So laugh together, people.
Let the joke be harmless
So that a smile from ear to ear
At least sew on the ties!

How to divorce your relatives, friends and just acquaintances on April 1? The relevance of this issue increases as this amazing holiday approaches, popularly referred to as the "April Fool's Day".

History of April Fool's Day - April 1

  • The first vague hints of the existence of this custom can be found in literary works French poets dating back to the beginning of the 16th century.
  • There is historical evidence describing the actions of a Flemish nobleman who played his servant on April 1, 1539, forcing her to carry out playful assignments.

For the first time, the existence of the holiday of fools was mentioned English writer John Aubrey back in 1686.

  • A decade later, several Londoners attempted a hoax by letting Londoners know that a public lion-washing ceremony would take place at the Tower on April 1st.

Muscovites first encountered the April Fool's hoax in 1703. Arriving at the place of mass festivities at the invitation of street barkers to watch the "extraordinary performance", the people saw the stage with the curtain down.

At the appointed hour, the curtain was thrown open, and behind it everyone saw a canvas with a mocking text: "The first of April - do not trust anyone." No performance followed.

Despite the centuries-old tradition of April Fool's drawings, the leading positions in the arsenal traditional jokes continue to borrow phrases about runaway milk and a back whitened with chalk. The most amazing thing is that these jokes continue to operate to this day.

How to play a husband?

  • A wife who loves to make fun of her beloved husband can cover the toilet with the thinnest cling film. As a rule, an unsuspecting sleepy person does not notice anything and sends natural needs. How good this joke is - both spouses decide, eliminating its consequences. IN best case the prankster will hear a few not too flattering expressions addressed to her. At worst, there will be a scandal. To arrange such a draw or not is up to you.
  • In a family with a child, you can organize such a joke: putting a hefty portion of squash caviar in a clean diaper in advance, wait for the moment when the husband enters the kitchen and, in front of the astonished spouse, start eating ... you know what. This must be done with gusto. When the husband comes to his senses, offer him to try an unusual treat.

A fairly standard joke is the substitution of the contents of the sugar bowl and salt shaker: salt and sugar are poured from one container to another. As a result, for breakfast, the husband makes himself either sweet scrambled eggs or salty tea, and with a particularly “successful” set of circumstances, both.

  • Quite often, wives make fun of sleeping husbands by painting their toenails green. For those who choose this option, we give a hint in advance: hydrogen peroxide will help to cope with greenery.

How to play a wife on April 1 - video

A harmless but effective prank for a wife with a sense of humor.

How to play a prank on your parents? Or how to divorce parents on April 1?

How to prank friends? Or how to breed a friend on April 1?

How to breed friends on the first day of April?

How to prank friends on April 1 - examples in the video:

How to breed and play classmates at school on April 1?

To draw classmates on the first day of April, there are many ways that have already become traditional. Let's remember them:

With the appearance in our shopping malls Departments of jokes classmates got a way to play pranks on their comrades at school. Especially for the April Fool's drawings, they can buy there:

  1. Chewing gum with a disgusting taste (for example, dichlorvos).
  2. Candy with insects inside. Made of food-grade plastic, they will not cause the slightest harm to health, although they make a rather repulsive impression.
  3. A spyglass with an eyepiece that leaves a mark around the eye that resembles a completely natural bruise.
  4. A pen with splattered ink. Defiantly spraying them with an overly elegant classmate and enjoying a violent reaction on her part, you can follow the process of the disappearance of the stain with no less pleasure (this ink disappears after drying).

Harmless pranks of colleagues

Office workers have a huge number of ways to play each other, because everything you need for this is on any desktop.

Tape prank in the office - video:

  • Having printed an image of paper clips on a copier, they put it under a transparent tray: someone will certainly try to get them out of there.
  • Computer mice of all employees are glued to the table with double-sided tape.
  • On the doors of the toilets (preferably on a couple of floors), a notice is posted that they are being renovated.
  • boxes desks glued with double-sided tape so that they open at the same time.

How to breed the boss on April 1?

Before you divorce the boss, you need to think carefully about whether you will have to regret it later. If he does not have problems with a sense of humor and vindictiveness, he does not suffer, you can start preparing the April Fool's prank.

How to breed a beloved guy on April 1? Or a prank on a loved one

how to joke on the internet

ways harmless prank- a great many, and as it develops information technologies the number of ways in which humorous disinformation can be easily conveyed is also increasing. Nowadays, it has become possible to divorce your loved ones over the Internet and via SMS.

Ways of April Fool's drawings on the Internet can be as follows:

  • Secretly from someone close (parents or a guy with whom they live together), they change the password for their favorite computer toy. Imagine their annoyance when they make several attempts to enter it.
  • You can play a loved one in contact by sending him a special link, by clicking on which he will be confused by the sudden change of language on his page. Information on how exactly this is done can be obtained using the search bar of your browser.
How to prank a friend on VKontakte by sending a message from a celebrity - video:
