What tire sizes are suitable for the field. What wheels can be put on the Niva? Remember and choose

"Niva" are widespread, and many motorists appreciate them for their excellent off-road qualities. And since the condition of the roads in modern cities leaves much to be desired, they can rightfully be considered excellent city cars.

Getting ready for next season, the owner should think about changing tires. Don't rely on the same set of tires for all weather. What is popularly called "all-weather" in fact will not be so effective for winter, it's more summer tires.

Winter and summer tires

Winter tires differ from summer tires not only in their peculiar tread pattern, the presence of spikes, but also in their composition. Tires for summer are more rigid, designed to withstand high positive temperatures. Low temperatures affect the elasticity of such tires and, accordingly, the quality of adhesion to the road surface. Winter is softer, its tread is designed specifically to deal with snow and ice, and in warm weather it wears out quickly. In addition, it is absolutely not adapted to trips in conditions of high humidity. So, when choosing tires for your Niva, you must take into account all of the above.

Tread pattern and tire size for Niva

With all this, the owner needs to pay attention to the tread pattern. It must fully comply with the quality of the road surface on which the car will move. And, of course, it is important not to confuse the size. Regular tires for the "regular" "Niva" have a size of 175 / 80R16, for Chevrolet Niva- 215/75/R15 or 215/65/R16.

Choice of rims

It remains to deal with the type of discs, and they, as you know, are stamped, cast and forged. Someone strives to make their car "indestructible", for someone the aesthetic appearance is important. With today's available variety, it is easy to come to the right decision and make a choice in favor of precisely those qualities that are important for the car owner.

Stamped discs are the most common, easy to use and have a low price. In addition, they are easy to repair. However, they are the heaviest of all and subject to corrosion.

Alloy wheels are made from aluminum or magnesium alloys. They are quite light, which significantly reduces fuel consumption and the load on the suspension of the car, and, at the same time, the most fragile. Such discs, thanks to the mass of design solutions, have become, in fact, objects of art and allow you to give the car a unique look.

The lightest and strongest in the entire hierarchy are forged wheels, however, their price is several times higher compared to the rest. This is a high quality product whose innovative structure makes it almost 30% lighter than cast and 50% lighter than stamped wheels.

Summing up what has been said, we note that when choosing for your car as rims, and rubber, you should always be guided by the dimensions declared by the manufacturer, since installation of other sizes requires certain alterations.

Many car owners had in their garage a car like the Niva 2121, a wonderful passenger SUV. We fell in love with the Niva due to its cross-country ability and power. This vehicle is great for both city trips and rough terrain. Hunters, foresters and fishermen willingly make trips to the Niva.

The car received respect and positive recommendations absolutely deserved. A spacious interior, two driving axles and indifference to the road surface - this is what makes the Niva one of the best cars in the Russian auto industry.

Thanks to the available distribution, low gear the car passes perfectly through marshy and mountainous terrain. But everything is not so simple. To drive through swamps and forests, you need to pay attention to such a factor as wheels.

This article describes their correct selection for movement in certain conditions, as well as what wheel size for the Niva 21214 is most optimal for Russia. What is needed first? To choose the right size 2121", it is worth remembering that the behavior of the car while driving directly depends on the disks and rubber.

Standard wheel sizes for Niva 2121

According to the standard, the wheel size for the Niva 2121 is R16, having a rim offset of 58 millimeters. Smaller wheels, such as the R15, are also widely sought after.

R15 is installed mainly in cases where the car is operated in mountainous areas. The large thickness of the rubber prevents damage to the disc and perfectly absorbs when stones fall under the wheels or when they fall into a pit or pothole.

For "Niva 2121" wheels from "Chevrolet Niva" are excellent. In this case, no modifications are required. Thanks to the installation of wheels from the specified model, the choice of tires increases, and the car will look stylish.

Installing high profile wheels on the VAZ 2121

If you want to bet on the "Niva" big wheels, but without cutting the arches, R15 wheels with sizes 215-75 are perfect. The tire overhang must be no more than 40 millimeters, otherwise the fender liner will become unusable due to the fact that the tire will scrape the plastic. Therefore, the size of the wheels on the "Niva 2121" without cutting the arches, only 215-75 and a radius of 15 inches.

It is possible to install a larger radius, but it is worth choosing the size of the disk and tire in proportion to each other, in order to avoid grinding them against the fender liner and damaging the wheel itself.

Influence of wheel and tire sizes

From what size 2121 is set, the features of movement can change dramatically, and an important factor is an understanding of what is generally required from the car. With an increase in the diameter of the wheel, such qualities as the style of the car, holding on the road, and comfort when driving on a flat surface will improve and control accuracy.

The downside of the increased diameter is only driving on a dirt or rocky road: the Niva will shake and create inconvenience for the driver and passengers. With an increase in the width of the wheel, all of the above listed qualities will be repeated, and the grip of the car with the road and noise absorption will also improve.

The negative point when using wide wheels is the increase and also the fuel consumption will be higher. So the size of the wheels on the Niva 2121 should be chosen carefully and take into account the area where the car will be used.

Installing and operating larger wheels

In order to put big size wheels on the Niva 2121, it should be borne in mind that the car will have to be subjected to some alteration. To begin with, it is worth making a backlash by replacing the springs. To raise the Niva 2121, the springs from the Chevrolet Niva are perfect. Also, spacers should be made under the springs. We should not forget about the ball.

The standard ball joints, when the wheels are enlarged, are subject to rapid failure. It's best to have them made to order. Well, the final installation factor is cutting arches.

Arches should be cut taking into account the depreciation of the car while driving. If the car will drive through forests and mountains, the arches should be cut 100-150 millimeters more than the wheel itself. When driving around the city, 80-100 millimeters is enough.

By installing high profile wheels, your car will change dramatically in both design and ride quality. In which direction the changes will occur, for the worse or for the better, depends only on the correctness of the installation itself.

Greetings Dear friends. Let's talk about wheels today. There is my omission about the wheels on the field. I didn’t write a word about the wheels, the real takes its toll. A few words for beginners and those people who bought a Niva car for the first time on regular wheels.

The choice of native wheels on the sixteenth discs is not great, you can even say that there are none at all, and the field on native wheels looks not so hot at all. I want to add right away that forget about installing wheels from the Volga and any other analogues, this is not very beautiful and not advisable. There are only two options for replacing standard tires with analogues for cornfield wheels, there is of course a third option, but it does not inspire confidence in me.

The first and most optimal option for the price and choice is to put the wheels, that is, wheels and tires from the Chevy Niva (its dimension is R 15 when native wheels and wheels from the field come from the factory R 16), do not hesitate the wheels will fit like native ones, there is nothing to redo won't have to. There is, of course, a fly in the ointment in this honey, the clearance will decrease, but this is more than compensated by the lift for beginners. (We'll look at the lift for beginners later). The choice of the fifteenth rubber and disks is quite large, I will not paint all the dimensions of the wheels, I will focus on the most popular sizes used without a suspension lift. The first most suitable size in my opinion for a cornfield from shnivy is the size 205/75/R15. The car looks quite cheerful on such wheels and has more or less the appearance of an SUV. But there is one thing. The variety of wheels is very small in this size, so there is not much to choose from. Then there is a common size - 205/70 / R15, in principle, the size is normal for a non-lifted cornfield, it looks especially good on alloy wheels from Chevy cornfields, but I don’t particularly like this option, it turns out to be a very budget option. On this, perhaps, for a non-lifted field in the popular dimension r15, the options end. Unfortunately.

Next, consider the less popular option. This option is more expensive and its dimension is R16 tires and wheels. This size is closer to the native dimension of native wheels, but there is a fly in the ointment and not everything is as simple as it seems.

There are simply no discs stamped for r16 rubber, except for native Niva ones (on which you can’t put normal rubber on). Only alloy wheels which are obtained twice as expensive as standard native Niva.

I would like to note such an important parameter for disks on a cornfield, this is ET (stands for disk offset). For a field on native disks, it equals ET =58. When changing standard disks to analogues, it should be taken into account in full, the closer the number is to the native figure on native disks, the better the hub bearings will feel. Disks from shnivy of our production of the Kremenchug plant have an overhang of em = 48, which, in principle, passes in all respects.

Well, the third option for the dimension of the wheels on the field is also the size of R16 -Native wheels. Yes, you can install anything on them too different rubber There are cheap options and there are also expensive ones. But even here there are pitfalls about them in more detail in other articles about tires and wheels for a Niva car.

To be continued.>>>

Fields of dirt are not afraid! The choice of off-road tires for the classic Niva.


It's no secret that SUVs are very popular in our country. This is due to two main factors:
The first is when car owners want to get additional status on the roads and for this they choose very bulky SUVs. These formidable crooks in all their years of existence may never see more or less serious dirt.
The second, when the owners of the SUV went to buy it consciously, not for the sake of status or consolation of self-esteem, but to use the car for its intended purpose.
Despite the saturation of our car market with foreign cross-country vehicles, among lovers of an active lifestyle, domestic brands - Niva and UAZ - remain priorities. There is an explanation for this. Firstly, domestic off-road vehicles are inexpensive, secondly, they are more suitable for maintenance in any corner of our vast country, and, thirdly, our off-road vehicles are in no way inferior, and often surpass their foreign competitors in cross-country ability. The fact remains that after participating in off-road events of various formats over the past five years, it becomes clear that most foreign SUVs in standard form they are not particularly capable of anything, they are very expensive both in tuning and in maintenance or restoration.
In previous reviews, I told you how, with minimal financial losses, you can achieve a serious increase in the cross-country ability of a standard UAZ Hunter. In today's review, I will tell you how you can achieve similar performance, only on the classic Niva (not Chevrolet) of the latest generation.
I think it will not be news to you that the right toothy tires are important for an SUV. If we take for example the classic UAZ of the Hunter or 469th families, there are no particular problems with them. These are frame cars, they are simple and inexpensive in tuning, with a large amount of iron that can be cut off and installed on cars of slippers of various calibers and class affiliations. There are also more humane tuning options, with a suspension or body lift relative to the frame.
But what about our legend and the very first SUV in the world? Nyvka, despite the fact that it is devoid of serious power elements of the body structure (frame), continuous bridges (front end), etc., is still considered more of a professional off-road vehicle, and not a car with the prefix "parquet", for the cross-country ability of which “robotic smart dogs” answer.
Niva has been and remains an uncompromising fighter against Russian off-road. All that she lacks for complete happiness already from the factory is the right slippers. There were times when Nivka was complemented by another off-road legend - VLI5. Years passed, the Niva was seriously modernized (he smiled himself), and VLI5, like the I-192 (standard for UAZ), remained oak and chamber tires. Of course, both samples are still able to compete in their off-road qualities with modern tires of the MUD-TERRAIN class, but only in certain cases. I will not go into lengthy comparisons and give a couple of highlights that seriously distinguish our "good old" tires from modern ones. First and foremost, these tires are available in only one size. Secondly, these are narrow and heavy, chambered tires that do not respond well to pressure reduction. What VLI5, what I-192, are capable of good performance only on hard ground, or when there is something solid under the mud slurry and there is enough ground clearance to reach it. As soon as the car hits weakly bearing soils, both representatives of the domestic tire industry will be forced to retreat. And if we still touched on the topic of off-road slippers for the Niva, so as not to get confused, we will return to UAZs only in comparative cross-country tests.
Niva and her off-road shoes.
What do we want to do when we get our hands on a brand new SUV? Immediately test it on real off-road. Naturally, the concept of off-road can be different for everyone, but ... In the very first rides, you can be seriously disappointed in the capabilities of a brand new car that turned out to be helpless on a grassy hillock after a rain. And if he cannot get out of a harmless wet rut, then even more so. "Why is that, I have four-wheel drive and the levers I turned everything on ?! - calls to friends begin (naturally, no one picks up the phone), and the search for tractor drivers. It happened that newly minted jeepers had to be pulled out of places where tractors refused to go. Rescue work was completed by a revel that generated an epiphany: "We need toothy rubber."
The newly minted nivovod recalls all the same good old VLI5, but they will turn out to be too narrow and incapable of moving along weakly bearing soils. The element of VLI5 is small forest ruts, snow-covered virgin land (without ice), slightly muddy field roads and some stony soils (mostly dry). The dream of a collective farm chairman! By the way, I’ll add that at low pressures, chamber tires do not behave in the best way. At pressures close to zero, the chambers wear out intensively, cuts by the disc are possible, and there is a high probability of tearing off the nipple. There are not many advantages in these tires, except that the clogged dirt between the disc and the tire will not affect the tightness of the wheel as a whole.
There are other representatives of the domestic tire industry, for example, Cordiant OFF ROAD. Despite the fact that these tires are produced in Russia, they hardly compete in price with foreign-made tires. It is worth noting the fact that Cordiant OFF ROAD in its properties to mechanical damage and work at low pressures is not much different from conventional tires for public roads. In order to feel confident on real off-road and not be afraid of any surprises away from home, you need something else.
Before the start of the next off-road season, our team was also puzzled by the selection of off-road tires for the new Niva, which was supposed to compete in the Standard class. The "Standard" class implies the participation of cars without major technical changes, with the possibility of using toothy rubber with a slightly larger outer diameter. This class is a clear reflection of the average off-road vehicles, which in the vast majority roam our vast homeland in search of hiding places and new fishing spots, or comb hunting grounds in search of game. We found such tires and tested them in real combat conditions.

Simex Extreme Tracker

SIMEX EXTREME TREKKER is SIMEX's most popular MUD-Extreme off-road tire. I will say more, SIMEX is one of the few manufacturers of tires of the MUD-Extreme class, in the assortment of which you can find a size suitable for a standard Niva.
A little about the specifics of SIMEX EXTREME TREKKER tires.
This is a relatively rigid tire with high physical and mechanical resistance to damage. Rubber is not afraid of punctures by knots and sharp stones.
Initially, the manufacturer positioned SIMEX EXTREME TREKKER as a rubber for clay and rocky off-road. Field independent tests, which were carried out in central Russia, showed that EXTREME TREKKER performed well in work on dry soils, virgin snow, muddy clay soils, deep ruts from logging equipment. If you collect all the countless reviews from car owners who have used these tires throughout Russia and summarize with one phrase: "SIMEX EXTREME TREKKER is a crawl of clay."
It is worth noting the fact that SIMEX EXTREME TREKKER behaves well on public roads. For a MUD-Extreme class tire, EXTREME TREKKER moves quite confidently on wet and dry asphalt in the speed range from 0 to 90 km/h with good directional stability and acceptable comfort. Taking into account the specifics of the tread organization, it is recommended to reduce the likelihood of emergency braking on wet pavement, as well as to reduce the speed in corners, otherwise the side lugs may break and wear out intensively.

Simex Extreme Tracker installed on a regular Niva.

Regarding our brand new combat Nyvka, these tires were chosen in the dimension 29 / 7.5R16. As the practice of operating Chevro-Niva and Classical Niva has shown, an outer diameter of 29 inches is the limit that a standard car transmission can “digest” relatively painlessly. I hope you understand now we are talking not about driving on public roads, but about the real operating conditions of the Niva family cars in the difficult conditions of the Russian off-road (deep ruts, wetlands, windbreaks, sandy and clay soils, rugged terrain). Considering the low margin of safety of the Niva transmission, we began to deal with all the factors that could affect the breakdown of the car. Unfortunately, when it comes to participation in competitions, where there are strict regulations with technical requirements, the flight of technical thought is seriously limited. The first factor we dealt with in the first place was the weight of the wheels. After a short search, the lightest cast aluminum wheels from the manufacturer K&K were chosen. In addition to weight, we also took into account the width of the wheels. Knowing the specifics of SIMEX EXTREME TREKKER(a), its rigid sidewalls and toothy tread, it is easier to turn a tire or take it apart at low pressure steamed turnip. That is why the lightest, narrowest disk with an offset close to the regular one was chosen.
The increase in the outer diameter has made its own adjustments to the operation of the transmission. Larger diameters are harder to push. In fact, few people pay attention to it. Quite often we hear stories that a prepared car on large and toothy wheels is inferior in cross-country ability to cars in a standard configuration. This is especially noticeable on weakly bearing soils or rugged terrain. Undoubtedly, ground clearance it's an important part of off-roading, but off-road isn't limited to ruts, and transmission ratios are, in our opinion, more important than many other tuning factors. I will give an example: sand, bogs (grass with peat), carpet bogs or high rises, snow crust. On such soils, the main task is to overcome resistance and move without slipping. The regular transmission of domestic cars with the installation of wheels of a larger diameter is practically powerless. Option one, riding on the move (not yet buried). Usually in such cases they burrow immediately, it happens that they pass a couple of meters (we can consider success). Riding in tightness is fraught with a quick failure of the clutch basket or disc. Again, riding on slopes, when driving across ruts or overcoming windbreaks (logs of different calibers) is fraught with damage to the cv joints or axle shafts. What to expect? Change the gear ratios of the demultiplier (razdatka) or main pairs. At the first stage, we chose the most budget option for ourselves - replacing the main pairs in the drive axles with gear ratios of 4.3. By the way, I’ll add, when we climbed into the bridges, we immediately decided to add self-locking worm-type differentials to the tuning kit. In front, in order not to heavily load the cv joints and axle shafts, we installed a self-block with a preload factor of 4, we put a “preload” of 8 on the back. To make it clear, the full differential lock is a factor of 10.
Looking ahead, I’ll say, as practice has shown, the installation of self-blocks in front axle not desirable. Either a "hard" 100% lock, or a free differential. On large and toothy wheels, factory-made CV joints and axle shafts for Niva, and for UAZ - new-style CV joints on balls, become consumables! I will make a reservation if we are talking about real "cuts" in heavy off-road. There is a way out for both cases, for Nivok, reinforced axle shafts, CV joints and metal front gearbox housings are produced, and for UAZ (the latest generation Hunter with Hybrid axles), you just need to switch to old-style CV joints (fork-fork).
Let's return to our Nivka. Toothy wheels of a larger diameter became a little heavier, therefore, we had to “calm” all this. In order to be able to move confidently and quickly, without breakdowns of the suspension and “striking” of the wheels behind the body arches, we decided to work with the suspension. A used set was chosen: Phobos springs standard for Niva with a variable coil, Koyaba Excel-G shock absorbers, 34 series and reinforced jet thrust (yellow). We no longer needed any lift kits and other tricks. SIMEX EXTREME TREKKER in size 29 / 7.5R16 settled in the arches of the regular Niva as a native!


SIMEX EXTREME TREKKER ran its first hundred kilometers on asphalt to the competition venue. According to our friend, the noise level and driving comfort on asphalt pleasantly surprised him. At first glance, the toothy wheels ran very confidently and did not annoy with a rumble. In this case, three checkers in the central block of the tread played positively. For reference, I will say that SIMEX EXTREME TREKKER is available in two tread patterns, with two or three checkers in the central block. According to the owners of SUVs, shod in SIMEX EXTREME TREKKER, with three checkers, these tires behave more confidently on asphalt. On that day, after a sprint race on asphalt, the new Nivka had to pass baptism of fire in one of the most difficult Trophy-Raids of the Moscow region and trample down new off-road slippers. It is rather difficult to tell something new about SIMEX EXTREME TREKKER tires and their specifics. All advantages and disadvantages have been described in previous articles. I will only add that with the installation of these wheels, the permeability of the Niva has increased significantly. An almost standard Niva, shod in SIMEX EXTREME TREKKER size 29/7.5R16, can easily compete with UAZ (in a tarpaulin) on which SIMEX Jungle TREKKER wheels size 31/9.5R16 are installed. These comparisons are taken from real-life driving conditions where two cars went through a series of off-road competitions and took turns losing to each other. top places. On weakly bearing soils, both cars kept the same, they got stuck in ruts almost simultaneously. Cars, in principle, were not much inferior to each other, with the exception of the Niva's not the largest margin of safety and the larger overall size and weight of the UAZ.

Simex Extreme Tracker on regular Niva

At the first competition, while our friend was getting used to the specific behavior of SIMEX EXTREME TREKKER(a), he still managed to disassemble one wheel. This happened at the moment when he was walking along a deep rut and tangentially ran one of the wheels onto a log. After this disassembly, and the case when one of the tires in the Tverskoy swamp was full of wood with silt at the point of contact with the disk, all the wheels were reassembled with tire sealant. There are no more such unpleasant surprises.
You can read more about the off-road qualities of SIMEX EXTREME TREKKER rubber in the article "SIMEX EXTREME TREKKER - the king of clay!".
Hope, this review will help you make right choice off-road tires for the classic Niva or Chevro-Niva.
Vsevolod Fomin, sport Team"Formula 4x4".

3 years Tags: formula4x4, formula4x4 team, vsevolod fomin, tires for fields, simex extreme, formula4x4, formula4x4-team, simex, simex extreme trekker

What tires are better for Niva - such a question in Lately many motorists are puzzled. Especially difficult is the selection of rubber for driving on roads in winter time. Everything in life is interconnected: to drive, a person needs a car, and for a car to drive, it needs wheels. One of the most popular Russian cars - Niva - is no exception.

What tires are better for Niva

The wheels of your favorite car will not let you down in rainy or frosty weather, while driving off-road, if you make the right choice of tires. Not a single owner will allow a Niva to suddenly be left without a wheel. But factory wheels do not always please owners, despite the fact that manufacturers claim that Niva wheels have such undeniable quality as all-weather. But such obstacles as soft summer soil, the wheels do not withstand, and it is better not to go on slippery winter roads at all.

For example, if wheels are installed on the Chevrolet Niva, the parameters of which are 185/75 r16, the treads of this tire can be clogged with dirt immediately after leaving the track. And since, due to the parameters, the landing of the car is low, the car will not pass successfully on all roads. Then the bolt pattern of the mount is necessary, and the question arises of how to successfully replace the wheel.

But drivers never lose heart, and thanks to their ingenuity, advice and the necessary devices, they find a way out of any situation. To solve the problem, for a good run of the Niva on the roads, you need to take into account that the car will drive obediently if the size of the tires and rims is the right size. Only then will the machine serve for a long time, as well as the suspensions, all components, assemblies of the chassis will be in good order.

Choosing wheels and tires is not a problem at all now. Manufacturers do not skimp on praise, proving that their mud tires are better. But when purchasing it, you need to consider:

  • the need to drive on paved terrain or off-road;
  • the need to cut arches;
  • the need for a suspension lift;
  • the availability of funds for the purchase of 15-inch Chevy Niva wheels.

Fortunately, the suspension lift on cornfields 2121, 21214 is designed in such a way that it is quite easy to put tires with a rather large diameter. This makes it possible to increase ground clearance. Buying such kits is not a problem, but you need to be able to perform a suspension lift.

The arches are cut if there is a desire or a need to put extra-large rubber on the Niva - over 29 inches.

But you don’t always want to subject a brand new car to this method, so the only means left is an elevator, but the dimensions in this case will remain r15. But this is also an excellent way out, and regular tires will lose a lot in this case, since the number of rubber options in this case increases dramatically.

The off-road properties of the car will increase if you choose tires with the following parameters: 205/70/r16.

In this case, there will be no need for elevators, repair work. The Russian Kama-Flames have proven themselves excellently. But there are excellent Cordiant-Offroad mud tires with a size of r15, they are not afraid of dirt and dust on the road, mudslides, they are very practical and reasonably priced. Only winter tires will be needed to change.

A good option is the Cumho-Road-Venture M / T71 tire. The price is higher, but it will be a pleasure to drive. It rides flawlessly - the tread pattern is very large, wear will be minimal on an asphalt road, it will run flawlessly through mud, and thanks to soft rubber - through mud and swampy terrain.

In difficult places, you only need to lower the pressure of the atmospheres in the tires to 0.8.

An excellent tire for Niva, which is especially prestigious to have, is BF GOODRICH Mud Terrain. Expensive, but good quality large pattern, and even with white letters, goes fearlessly forward both on ordinary roads and in mud.

How to choose wheels for the Niva

Great for cold weather Winter tires Medved. They are good off-road, although they are very hard to the touch, but for the countryside they are a great option. They don't require arches.

Not all wheels are suitable for Niv. There is a special catalog that describes all the available sizes of tires, rims and tires, including Niva 4x4.

In order for the car to drive for a long time, it is better to have alloy wheels with a central hole diameter of 98.5. The size of the disks for these machines is from 15 to 16 in diameter, the offset of the disk should not exceed 45. The main thing is that it does not particularly protrude beyond the body - from zero to plus. Minus alloy wheels for Niva are not provided by the factory version.

Too wide rubber wipes the arch. Wheels are best installed by borrowing r15 wheels from Chevrolet Niva wheels. They are considered the best, as they do not require any processing. In this case, the choice of tires becomes much larger, and it will be easier to select the right rubber based on the conditions in which the car is located.

What tires are better to install on wheels on Niva 15? If the tires are standard, it is better to install 205/75 r15 tires for r15 rims.

Many install alloy wheels on the Niva, and the car immediately takes on a stylish look. Now, given the above information, you can make the right choice for your car.
