Extreme vocals - what is it? Teaching extreme vocals Does extreme vocals harm a clear voice.

Extreme vocals, as the name implies, is singing on the verge of the natural possibilities of the human voice. Such techniques are very popular among modern pop performers, and those who want to learn how to sing in this manner first of all need to get acquainted with their art. Extreme vocals are most often used by metal, black and other performers. Among the techniques of extreme vocals, growling stands out (translated as “growling”, in ancient times this technique was used by the Aztec, Mayan and other tribes for the ritual expulsion of evil spirits), screaming (scream, on high notes) and kharsh (a combination of both techniques, and the sound can be of any height, and have an admixture of a pure vocal tone).

Only in October! We give beginners 2 classes as a gift (theory + practice) when paying for a month of training.

Extreme vocals is a complex technique that will require those who want to master it also purposeful classes at the extreme vocal school. This area requires special approach and to performing techniques, and in terms of developing careful attitude to the voice box.

At extreme vocal lessons with an experienced teacher at the Rock Academy "Moskvorechye" you will be able to improve your voice, learn to control your breath and achieve a unique manner of performing extreme vocals. Without mastering special techniques, one cannot imitate one's favorite singers, try to wheeze or shout in their manner: the effects of sound extraction in such cases can be very different, and the methods of their creation are individual for each performing apparatus. In teaching extreme vocals, gradualness and individual approach to each student, to his unique timbre features and vocal skills. Independent work over extreme vocals can lead to serious problems with ligaments. In this work, the control and help of a vocal teacher is very important, who will reveal the secrets of these effects to you and help you save your voice data.

To perform compositions using extreme vocals on stage, you need a microphone that has special characteristics, for example, the ability to effectively amplify low registers, emphasize the timbre features of a particular technique. A student preparing for a stage performance will be able to consult with a teacher in order to choose the most suitable model for this technique. Students of our rock academy successfully perform on stage in different styles and techniques, including in the style of extreme vocals. Graduates take part in variety vocal competitions, including the popular and prestigious show"Voice", and are very popular among listeners.

Price per month:

  • With a partner: 5500 rubles.
  • Individually: 6500 rub.

If you have any questions, you can ask them personally to the vocal teacher at the bottom open doors on Saturday. If you have no doubts, and you know exactly what you want - sign up for classes by phone or by clicking on the "Register" button.

Now heavy music is gaining more and more popularity, such styles as black metal, metalcore, death metal, grindcore, emocore, deathcore. Fans of such music form entire youth subcultures. They gather their musical teams, rehearse, perform, bring their creativity to the masses. In this regard, there is a growing need for training young novice musicians or just guys who are fond of these styles. After all, the specificity of the style implies the specificity of the methods of performing this music, which is very clearly seen in the vocal techniques.

Vocals, characteristic of heavy music styles, stood out in a separate direction, and were called extreme vocals. This includes techniques such as screaming, growling, shri, harsh, pigvoice, etc. All names are taken from foreign words, the value of which reflects the essence of the received sound: scream - scream, grrawl - growl, schrei - scream, harsh - hoarse, pig voice - the voice of a pig. From here you can understand that extreme vocals have a rather aggressive sound, and while doing it, you need to be very careful with your vocal cords. Many begin to mindlessly wheeze, growl, scream, and then simply stop singing altogether. But there is no need to be afraid that the use of extreme vocal techniques in your performance will cause you irreparable harm. If you devote enough time and attention to practicing extreme vocals, you will learn how to growl and scream without harming your vocal cords and clean vocals.

Always prepare your voice before practicing screaming, growling, or other techniques. Ligaments need to be warmed up. Most fast way- it is warm tea, milk or just water (which is even better, because it does not dry the ligaments). And then you need to sing something a little to prepare your voice for doing extreme techniques.

Always drink plenty of water. It is recommended to moisten the throat while singing.

There should be strong salivation in the mouth. This is facilitated by green apples or any candy (just do not overdo it with menthol candies).

In no case should you drink alcohol and smoke before practicing extreme vocals. And it is better not to do this at all, as it puts your breath and irritates the ligaments. What they say, in order to better growl you need to “smoke” your voice - this is not true, not professional vocalists say so. Don't forget about correct staging voices, only if you follow the correct technique of clean vocals, you will be able to “growl” and “shout” loudly and for a long time.

You need to practice extreme vocal techniques not a single day and not a single month. You need to practice this constantly and then you will get good result. Only then will you be able to sustain long performances with extreme vocals without harming your voice afterwards.

Extreme vocals are usually called those types of phonation that make the listener feel dangerous and harmful to the vocal cords. These types came to Russian vocals not so long ago and are still subjected to harsh criticism from the classical vocal school, both due to their “dissonance” to the ear, and due to the unshakable opinion about their destructive effect on the vocal cords.

On the other hand, as a counteraction to this rejection, a whole guard of young “prophets”-craftsmen who undertake to teach the people those “tricks” that they themselves know how to do flourished in full bloom. In 99% of cases we are talking about amateurs in the field of vocals, who have little awareness of vocal anatomy, but instinctively mastered (correctly or incorrectly) these types of sound production.

And the longer and harder vocal teachers refuse to accept the existence of phonation and techniques alien to them as an integral part of vocal technique, the more they try to fight "unhealthy tendencies", trying to convert another amateur death metal into operatic faith, all the more contribute to the current dangerous situation.

After all, it is absolutely impossible to force a vocalist to change his tastes, and sometimes his career. Therefore, having received another refusal to study, accompanied by an instruction to sing more “healthy” music, he goes directly to the next magician on YouTube or to a lesson in order to comprehend the basics of the forbidden fruit. In the West, this phenomenon is observed to a much lesser extent, and precisely because this type of vocal has been accepted, understood and studied.

As you know, understanding the phenomenon is the key to its successful development, so this article aims to give basic concepts about extreme vocals, its types, principles, problems and general methods of development, bypassing detailed recommendations precisely for the reason that it must be mastered under the supervision of a vocal coach .

So, extreme vocals include: grunt, growl, scream(its varieties: low scream, inhale scream, outhale scream), pig squeal, rattle And distortion. Of course, metal experts will name a dozen more varieties, such as: harsh, fry-screaming, shriek, grim and many others.

But, in fact, they are only variants of the types mentioned above, differing only in their tonal height, additional coloration due to the addition or not addition rattle, or are not at all correct in their name, such as fry-screaming, since when screaming appears, this is far from fry, but a completely different technique in terms of physiology, although it sounds similar. In addition, numerous vocal schools extremes often use different names to refer to the same vocals.

With all the listed variety of extreme styles, you will agree that it is somehow incorrect to call it all “splitting”. Namely, this term, which is not used by any Western school, for some reason has firmly entered into use in our country. And what and what they split, the majority finds it difficult to answer.

Someone interprets this as the splitting of sound into 2: musical and noise, while also arguing that "one respiratory stream is, as it were, split into two." To be honest, I have not seen in nature a single living creature that has two breathing apparatus and is able to create two respiratory streams, as well as the phenomena of the division of exhaled air into 2 streams.

Yes, and not in all styles formed musical sound and noise, which you will learn about later.

Someone claims that the ligaments are split: the false ones move away from the true vocal ones and vibrate independently. Although it sounds attractive, it is absolutely not true from the point of view of anatomy, since the false ligaments are in close proximity to the vocal ligaments, a little higher, adjacent to them and creating a reliable protection-cover for them, and are not able to move away from them. This is equivalent to moving the tonsils up or down, or moving the liver away from the stomach.

Remember, muscles can only do what their joints allow them to do. IN this case the joints of the larynx do not allow the muscle underlying the false ligaments (the lateral arytenoid muscle) to move upward, moving away from the vocal cords, but only to contract, approaching the vocal cords and creating a roaring effect due to the distortion of the vibration of the latter; or move away from them, opening up and not interfering with the vibration of the vocal cords, but then the false ones themselves do not vibrate, and the sound is clear.

The question arises: do all extreme vocal styles involve this compression of the false cords and their friction against the vocal cords? If so, why is there such a difference in extreme vocal styles? How is it anyway famous performers aggressive styles manage not to lose their voice during their long vocal career?

So, everything is in order.

Mastering any extreme style includes the obligatory knowledge of the base of vocals and special skills. master Right special extreme vocal skills from scratch, not knowing how to control your “clear” voice well is impossible and dangerous. Understand this point firmly, all lovers of quick results with minimal effort!

Very often, unfortunately, one has to observe the phenomenon when a young guy who is fond of some extreme style of rock, often still does not have ear for music, relies on extreme vocals. And what: some extreme styles are more like noise, you don’t need to intonate there, that is, in fact, you can sing without “bothering” by hitting the notes. Why not master this type of vocal right away, especially since you don’t like other styles?

And here it is not. Any professional phonation, i.e. long and loud, whether broadcasting to the public or just a hobby of yelling out the window all day long, requires good vocal control, including:

breath control,

The ability to prevent or regulate the clamping of false ligaments,

The ability to create the necessary closure of the vocal cords,

The ability to create the desired resonance effect.

These are the minimum or basic skills, without mastering which you should not take on special ones, since this will inevitably lead to the fact that you will not only not be able to sing, but also risk losing your conversational voice. And the consequences can be irreparable!

The vocal muscle is weakly sensitive, so even when a vocalist does not feel pain or other unpleasant sensations while singing, this does not mean that he does not destroy his vocal cords. Therefore, it is very important to be able to recognize the vocal clip, which is the main enemy of the vocalist, and be able to control it: not allow it at all or create it in such a proportion and quantity that sound effect was obtained without harm to health.

The following parts of the vocal apparatus are involved in absolutely all types of extreme vocals: false cords, vocal cords, vestibule of the larynx, larynx, tongue, soft palate, as well as special complexes for influencing skeletal muscles - anchoring of the head and neck, anchoring of the torso.

As for false ligaments, it is important to be able to both expand them, avoiding clamping, and narrow them ( not squeeze!), creating a controlled or desired clamp, as already mentioned above.

The vestibule of the larynx, namely its sphincter muscle, is involved in resonance, creating twang, working in this case as an amplifier not only for the voice, but also for all the noise effects that without it would not have been heard even into the microphone. Without this type of resonance, the vocalist would simply have to yell like a cut man, creating a brutal clamp, as well as an undeniable and imminent end to his vocal cords.

The larynx, soft palate and tongue, by changing their position from low to high, are involved in creating the timbre coloring of the sound and / or additional vibration necessary for each type of extreme.

Anchoring helps to control exhalation, as well as create additional resonance.

With regard to exhalation, then a special balance comes into play between the force of exhalation and subglottic pressure. For each individual type of extreme, it is important to know what kind of subglottic pressure is needed, and how much air needs to be used to create individual special effects. These two concepts are not equivalent, since a strong subglottic pressure is never created by expelling a huge amount of air, but on the contrary, using a small amount or only a little more, but in both cases with very good exhalation control, which avoids expulsion (anchoring is responsible for this). With high subglottic pressure, the closure of the vocal cords is always tighter (thick condition or "mass").

Weak subglottic pressure is created in two ways: a small and weak exhalation, if we are talking about low and quiet sounds, or a larger exhalation, if we are talking about falsetto*, which is included in the “recipes” for some types of extreme sports (in this latter case, anchoring is also necessary ).

* In the Western European and American schools, it is customary to call falsetto a sound of any height with the presence of air in it.

Yes, for growl (grunt) requires a large air jet, and for death scream(cry of death) - strong subglottic pressure, but a small air stream, etc.

That is, for each type of extreme, you need to use the necessary subligamentous pressure and the necessary air stream.

Well, all this knowledge fits into the framework of "splitting" and individual lessons from the carriers of extreme skill personally or on YouTube, with recipes to "cough", "try to squeeze the false cords until they get rough and used", "send a sound in the nose", etc.?

The types of extreme styles and their differences will be considered in detail.

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What is extreme vocals? Types of extreme vocals? Are there extreme types of singing at all?

So, let's figure out what extreme vocals are. Is this a life-risking vocal, you ask? Or maybe there is a risk of stunning yourself or listeners? Yes and no, we will answer you! Extreme vocals are a type of vocals that use special techniques, and this vocals sound very specific. Let's look at the main types of extreme vocals. Most popular species- This screaming which means scream, growl- growl Shri- scream, harsh- wheezing, pig voice - the voice of a pig.

This type of vocal has a very aggressive sound and is used in such musical styles like metalcore, emocore, black metal, dead metal, deathcore. The technique required to perform in such genres is not so simple and requires a special approach. In no case should you independently master these extreme types of vocals without a teacher, because this can lead to severe damage to the ligaments! In no case should you thoughtlessly start wheezing or screaming, imitating your favorite performers. They, in turn, trained their apparatus for a long time to achieve such a sound. This should not be forgotten in any case. But you also need to understand that right classes and giving extreme vocals enough time will soon teach you how to sing in your favorite genre.

Here are some tips to help you when practicing extreme vocals.

  • Classes should always take place on warm ligaments. In addition to singing, hot milk or tea will help you.
  • This type of technique always requires strong hydration of the ligaments, so drinking water during classes is a must.
  • A prerequisite for successful extreme vocals should be good salivation, often for this, performers eat green apples.
  • Before classes, and in general, it is not recommended for vocalists to smoke and drink alcohol, as this greatly irritates the ligaments.
  • As in any other vocal technique, you need to remember about proper breathing and vocal support. Only under such conditions will you be able to growl or scream for a long time and with a roar, without breaking your ligaments and voice.

Summing up, I would like to say that you need to practice extreme vocals for a long time and regularly in order to achieve the correct sound extraction and not harm your ligaments, and also remember that in some cases practicing this type of vocal leads to the formation of knots on the ligaments, because the body protects the ligaments and makes them rougher so they don't get damaged. So think about it, are you sure that the desire to learn how to sing with extreme vocals is the goal of your life? Maybe just enjoy the creativity of your favorite performers, without trying to tune your voice apparatus to such waves?

Anyone who is seriously interested in vocals will surely be happy to watch an introductory video lesson to the school of extreme vocals. This type of vocal is exactly the type of singing that is extremely popular in modern heavy music. You can start getting acquainted with how to learn how to sing extreme vocals by starting to watch a series of video lessons from Vlad Lobanov.

Video lesson "School of extreme vocals by Vlad Lobanov"

When can you start practicing extreme vocals?

The human vocal apparatus is originally adapted to make sounds that become the basis of extreme singing. That is why it cannot be said that there is a certain age when you can start practicing. Learning this type of vocal is possible at almost any age. Since we don't use such vocals in real life, the vocal cords gradually loosen. This leads to the fact that you need to train additionally, wanting to learn extreme vocals.

When not to practice?

There are several contraindications for practicing extreme vocals, including:

  • diseases associated with ENT areas;
  • voice breaking period.

Does extreme vocal harm a clear voice?

People who start taking extreme vocal lessons often ask if such singing harms their ability to sing cleanly. It is worth knowing that extreme vocals do not harm pure singing. Doing it right and observing the technique, you can not harm your clear voice. You can sing in parallel with clean vocals and extreme vocals. It is worth remembering that in order to effectively combine, you need to practice.

Where should you start?

If you want to do screaming or growling, you should familiarize yourself with what types of extreme vocals are. After reading about the types of extreme singing and listening to demo recordings, you can choose what you like. To decide what suits you best, try recording a few cover versions of songs after watching the main lessons of Vlad Lobanov's school.

Answers to basic questions about extreme vocals will help those who want to learn how to scream or growl, start practicing and decide on the type of extreme singing.
