Artist zichi ma and his work. Artist Zichy Mikhail Alexandrovich (100 works)

Now that there is digital cameras, video, paparazzi, we know everything about life the mighty of the world this. But how was the situation, that way 100 - 150 years ago? And so .... let me introduce you to the court painter Mihai Zichy!

Mihaly Zichy, 1840.
If you want to see the works in full scale, and carefully consider everything, click on the works and get ready for a very large scale.
"Ball in Honor of Alexander II Arranged in Helsingfors in September 1863 on the Premises."

"Alexander II and Nasir al-Din Shah on a Parade in the Tsaritsyn Meadow."

"Ante-Room in the Imperial Palace at Tsarskoye Selo."

"Introduction of Grand Princess Maria Alexandrovna to Shah Nasir al-Din in the Winter Palace".

"Ball in the Concert Hall of the Winter Palace during the Official Visit of Nasir al-Din S."

"Breakfast of Emperors Alexander II and William I in the Winter Palace."

"Congratulations brought to His Majesty Emperor Alexander II by members of the imperial family after the coronation on August 26, 1856."

"Performance in the Moscow Bolshoi Theater on the occasion of the sacred coronation of Emperor Alexander II.

"Coronation of Alexander II in the Dormition Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin on 26 August".

"Entry Procession Alexander II".

"Folk holiday on the Khodynka field in Moscow on the occasion of the sacred coronation of Emperor Alexander II.

"Portrait of Empress Maria Alexandrovna the Dowager Empress Alexandra Fiodorovna and Grand"..

"Prozession Alexandra Fjodorownas in die Uspenskij-Kathedrale", 1856.

"Gala Night in Honor of German Emperor William I at Mikhailovsky Theatre".

Mihai Zichy ended up in Russia by accident. Born in October 1827 in the city of Zala in Hungary, and died in St. Petersburg on February 28, 1906. noble birth(the elder branch of his family had the dignity of a count) had no effect on his biography. But art education he got: studied at the first in Pest art school from Giacomo Marastoni, and then began to take lessons from the famous Austrian Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller, soon becoming his favorite student. Proximity to the teacher led Zichy to Russia. Waldmuller himself did not accept the invitation of Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna to give painting lessons to her daughter, but recommended a student - in January 1848, Zichy arrived in St. Petersburg.
A young teacher of girls from the Romanov family who were his age is an excellent start to a court career. However, he is nervous, numerous orders are a burden to him, and then, as luck would have it, the Hungarian uprising of 1849: Nicholas I signs a manifesto in support of Austria, the Russians enter Hungary, the rebels are calmed down, and the rare Hungarian in St. Petersburg, Zichy, turns out to be not so welcome guest. He loses part of the orders and his place at court, making his way through genre sketches and the service of a retoucher in photographs of Veningen. However, the excommunication from the court was not long: already in 1852-1853 he presented the emperor with a couple of humorous drawings depicting officers at the toilet - they liked the drawings, and Zichy received orders, first for a chronicle of several days at the court in Gatchina, and then for two albums officers of the Life Guards of the Horse Pioneer Division and the Horse Guards. Further more. Emperors will change, but Zichy will remain at court almost unchanged. Behind watercolor work the artist was awarded the title of academician by the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, and he was appointed court painter. For 30 years the artist was a "historian of court life." He entered both ceremonial and family events on the pages of his albums: court balls, theatrical performances, parades, camp life, imperial hunting and caricatures of courtiers. He was a favorite portrait painter of Nicholas I, Alexander II. Alexander III collected his works and decorated his rooms in the Gatchina Palace.
The main court orders (for coronation albums), the title of academician, the title of court painter, a workshop in the New Hermitage, excellent salaries, orders, personal exhibitions under the patronage of members of the imperial family ...
In 1858, Alexander II, a passionate hunter himself, made Gatchina the official site of the Court Hunt. On many of the artist’s sheets, hunting scenes are accompanied by amusing comments, for example, such an inscription was made on the watercolor “Bear Hunt”: “Morally struck by the accuracy of the hunters’ shots at the bear, four sensitive dogs fell victims of sudden apoplexy. Evil tongues assure that a bullet was found in each of those dogs; but this is sheer slander. It can be seen in the heat of the moment the hunters shot their own dogs.
Brilliant career and proximity to the highest circles, which were the result of not only talent, but also Mihaly Zichy's loyalty, did not prevent him from creating many drawings and engravings depicting various sexual scenes.

Hungarian by birth Mihai Zichy(1827 - 1906), was invited to Russia in 1847 to give drawing lessons at the court of Emperor Nicholas I. And in spite of everything, he took root in Russia so much that he turned from Mihai into Mikhail Alexandrovich, became the court painter of the Russian emperors until Nicholas II, about whom he was even elected an honorary member of the Academy of Arts.
Mihaly Zichy, or as he was called in Russia Mikhail Aleksandrovich, was born in Hungary in 1827. He received his gymnasium and university education in Budapest, where he studied the technique of painting and drawing under Italian artist Marostroni, zatm continued his art education at the Vienna Academy of Arts, with Waldmüller.
In Switzerland, the first exhibitions of novice talent took place. The paintings “A Recovering Girl Praying Before the Image of the Mother of God”, “The Dying Knight” (1844), “The Driving of the Coffin of a Child”, “The Crucifixion”, an altarpiece for the Fünfkirchen Cathedral (1845) made Mihaly Zichy famous not only in Europe.
Rumors about him reached the Russian imperial court. He was invited Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna as a teacher fine arts to her daughter Grand Duchess Ekaterina Mikhailovna.
Arriving in St. Petersburg in 1847, the 20-year-old Zichy received several more lessons in various aristocratic houses of the then capital. In 1856 for his watercolor studies coronation of Alexander II, the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts awarded him the title of academician.

Breakfast of two emperors. Wilhelm and Alexander.

Grand dinner at Concert hall Winter Palace on the occasion of
visit to St. Petersburg of the German Emperor Wilhelm I.

Cavalry attack. An episode of the parade on Marsovy
field in honor of the visit of the German Emperor Wilhelm I.

In 1859, Zichy was appointed court painter of the imperial court. In this position, he will serve until 1873, when he leaves to work in Paris by order of the Hungarian government.

Parade of the 12th Astrakhan Grenadier E.I.V. heir to the regiment in front of the Anichkov Palace.

Ball in honor of Emperor Alexander II in Helsingfors.

Alexander II with a group of military men at a table in a Gothic interior.

Upon his return to Russia in 1880, he again occupies an honorary position, continuing to capture the front and everyday life the greatest persons. Zichy painted balls, theatrical performances, parades, field life, imperial hunting, and drew caricatures of courtiers.

Alexander II and Nasr-ed-Din Shah during the parade on the Tsaritsyn Meadow.

Cavalry guards at a meeting of the Persian Shah Nazir-ad-Din.

Ball in the Concert Hall of the Winter Palace during the official visit of Shah Nasr al-Din in May 1873.

Meeting of the State Council.

For 30 years, according to the curator of the pre-war Gatchina Palace Museum V.K. Makarov, the artist was a "historian of court life." He entered both ceremonial and family events on the pages of his albums: court balls,
theatrical performances, parades, camp life, imperial hunting and caricatures of courtiers.
He was a favorite portrait painter of Nicholas I, Alexander II. Alexander III collected his works and decorated his rooms in the Gatchina Palace.
At the same time, Mikhail Zichy left and huge collection spicy drawings of erotic content.
Apparently, eroticism was a kind of creative outlet for the artist, immersed in the high society world and who knew all its ins and outs perfectly.

Mihai Zichy

(Mikhail Alexandrovich - that's how he was called in Russia) was born in the town of Zala (Hungary) in October 1827.

He spent his student years in Budapest, where he graduated from both the gymnasium and the university. Drawing and painting he was taught by the Italian artist Marostoni. After entering the Academy of Arts in Vienna, the artist Waldmüller F.G. became Mihai Zichy's mentor. Having earned a name for himself by painting in the capital of Austria-Hungary, the painter goes to St. Petersburg at the invitation of the Grand Duchess of the Imperial Court, Elena Pavlovna. The purpose of the trip was to teach drawing and painting to her daughter Ekaterina Mikhailovna, Grand Duchess.

To the capital Russian Empire artist Mihaly Zichy arrived in 1847. Two years later, teaching in the family of the Grand Duchess had to be abandoned - the artist went to "free bread". Now he sells his drawings and corrects light-painted portraits, retouching them. Times are hard for the artist. Some support these days was provided by Prince Alexander of the Hesse-Darmstadt family.

Positive changes in the life of Mihaly Zichy owes the famous, at that time, French poet Theophile Gauthier. Having visited the city of St. Petersburg in 1858, he, based on his impressions, writes the book "Journey to Russia". Dedicated to Michael The head of Aleksandrovich Zichy raised the reputation of the artist among the Russian beau monde, and already in 1859 he became a court painter, having stayed in this post for almost 15 years, until 1873. During these years, in his drawings and paintings, Mikhail Zichy captured many moments of court life: state affairs and the life of imperial persons, royal hunt, caricatures of people close to the court and much more.

Watercolor works of the artist, written in 1856 and dedicated to the coronation of the Russian autocrat Alexander II, was appreciated by the Academy of Arts of the city of St. Petersburg and awarded the title of academician to Mihai Zichy. In 1869, a personal exhibition of the artist was arranged. In 1874, the artist leaves for Paris and returns to Russia only in 1880. He is again accepted to his former position - a draftsman-chronicler at the imperial Russian court. Died artist Zichy Mihai (Mikhail Aleksandrovich) in St. Petersburg. It happened on February 28, 1906.

Performance at the Moscow Bolshoi Theater on the occasion of the sacred coronation of Emperor Alexander II

Congratulations brought to His Majesty Emperor Alexander II by members of the imperial family after the coronation on August 26, 1856

Folk holiday on the Khodynka field in Moscow on the occasion of the sacred coronation of Emperor Alexander II

Taras Bulba

Portrait of Empress Maria Alexandrovna, Dowager Empress Alexandra Feodorovna and Grand Duchess Alexandra Iosifovna. 1857

Alexander II with courtiers in the Arsenal Hall of the Gatchina Palace. 1859

Costumed ball in the palace of Princess Elena Kochubey in honor of Emperor Alexander II on February 5, 1865.

Wedding of Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich and Grand Duchess Maria Feodorovna. 1867

Breakfast of Emperors Alexander II and Wilhelm I in the Winter Palace.

Meeting scenes Alexander III and the Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph in Kremsier in August 1885. 1887

The wedding of Grand Duchess Xenia Alexandrovna and Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich on July 25, 1894 in the Great Church of the Peterhof Palace 1895

young lady

A Hungarian by birth, Mihaly Zichy (1827 - 1906), was invited to Russia in 1847 to give drawing lessons at the court of Emperor Nicholas I. And in spite of everything, he took root in Russia so much that he turned from Mihai into Mikhail Alexandrovich, became the court painter of Russian emperors up to Nicholas II, about whom he was even elected an honorary member of the Academy of Arts.

Mihaly Zichy, or as he was called in Russia Mikhail Aleksandrovich, was born in Hungary in 1827. He received his gymnasium and university education in Budapest, where he studied the technique of painting and drawing with the Italian artist Marostroni, then continued his art education at the Vienna Academy of Arts, with Waldmuller.

Artist, photo 1891

Coronation of Alexander II in the Assumption Cathedral.

In Switzerland, the first exhibitions of novice talent took place. The paintings “A Recovering Girl Praying Before the Image of the Mother of God”, “The Dying Knight” (1844), “The Driving of the Coffin of a Child”, “The Crucifixion”, an altarpiece for the Fünfkirchen Cathedral (1845) made Mihaly Zichy famous not only in Europe.

Performance at the Moscow Bolshoi Theater on the occasion of the sacred coronation of Emperor Alexander II.

Ceremonial dinner in the Faceted Chamber.

Entry of the cortege of Alexander II to Moscow.

The procession is heading to the Assumption Cathedral.

Rumors about him reached the Russian imperial court. He was invited by Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna to teach fine arts to her daughter, Grand Duchess Ekaterina Mikhailovna.

Arriving in St. Petersburg in 1847, the 20-year-old Zichy received several more lessons in various aristocratic houses of the then capital. In 1856, for his watercolor studies of the coronation of Alexander II, the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts awarded him the title of academician.

Breakfast of two emperors. Wilhelm and Alexander.

Ceremonial dinner in the Concert Hall of the Winter Palace on the occasion of the visit to St. Petersburg of the German Emperor Wilhelm I.

Cavalry attack. An episode of the parade on the Champ de Mars in honor of the visit of the German Emperor Wilhelm I.

In 1859, Zichy was appointed court painter of the imperial court. In this position, he will serve until 1873, when he leaves to work in Paris by order of the Hungarian government.

Congratulation of Alexander II on January 1, 1863 by the diplomatic corps.

Parade of the 12th Astrakhan Grenadier E.I.V. heir to the regiment in front of the Anichkov Palace

Ball in honor of Emperor Alexander II in Helsingfors.

Alexander II with a group of military men at a table in a Gothic interior.

Upon his return to Russia in 1880, he again occupies an honorary position, continuing to capture the ceremonial and everyday life of the greatest persons. Zichy painted balls, theatrical performances, parades, field life, imperial hunting, and drew caricatures of courtiers.

Alexander II and Nasr-ed-Din Shah during the parade on the Tsaritsyn Meadow.

Cavalry guards at a meeting of the Persian Shah Nazir-ad-Din.

Ball in the Concert Hall of the Winter Palace during the official visit of Shah Nasr al-Din in May 1873.

State Council meeting.

For 30 years, according to the curator of the pre-war Gatchina Palace Museum V.K. Makarov, the artist was a "historian of court life." He entered both ceremonial and family events on the pages of his albums: court balls, theatrical performances, parades, camp life, imperial hunting and caricatures of courtiers.

Costumed ball in the palace of Princess Helena.

He was a favorite portrait painter of Nicholas I, Alexander II. Alexander III collected his works and decorated his rooms in the Gatchina Palace.

Alexander III at death.

Death of Alexander III

Removal of the body of Alexander III from the Small Palace in Livadia.

Hermitage collection. Mikhail Alexandrovich Zichy.

Hungarian painter (Zichy, Mihaly) 1827–1906

Hermitage: Zichy, Mihai - One of the episodes of the coronation rank is the coronation of the “emperor of the sovereign empress”. From the time of Ivan IV the Terrible, it took place in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. August 26, 1856

Hermitage: Zichy, Mihai - The marriage of Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich and Grand Duchess Maria Feodorovna took place on 28 October 1866 in the Cathedral of the Winter Palace.

Congratulations from the imperial family to Emperor Alexander II.

Hermitage: Zichy, Mihai - Gala Dinner at the Palace of Facets

Coronation banquet for envoys in the golden hall

Alexander II with courtiers in the Arsenal Hall of the Great Gatchina Palace

Ball in honor of Emperor Alexander II, organized by the city Helsingfors in
September 1863 in the building of the railway station.

M.A. Zichy. "The highest reception at the Winter Palace on April 5, 1866 after the first attempt on the life of Emperor Alexander II.", Made in 1866 (paper, watercolor, whitewash).

Hermitage: Zichy, Mihai - Ball in the Concert Hall of the Winter Palace during the official visit of Shah Nasir ad-Din in May 1873

Hermitage: Zichy, Mihaly - A costume ball in the palace of Princess Elena Kochubey in honor of Emperor Alexander II on February 5, 1865

Hermitage: Zichy, Mihaly - Ceremonial performance in honor of the German Emperor Wilhelm I at the Mikhailovsky Theater

Hermitage: Zichy, Mihai - Cavalry guards at the meeting of the Persian Shah Nasir ad-Din

Hermitage: Mihai Zichy. Alexander II and Shah Nasr-ed-Din during the parade on the Tsaritsyn Meadow. 1873 Shah Nasr-ed-Din, Alexander II and Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolayevich on horseback, accompanied by a large retinue, go around the parade of troops on the Tsaritsyn Meadow.

Hermitage: Zichy, Mihaly - Parade in front of the Anichkov Palace on February 26, 1870

Hermitage: Zichy, Mihaly - Anterior to imperial palace in Tsarskoye Selo
(Cabinet of Alexander II)

Hermitage: Zichy, Mihaly - Breakfast of Emperors Alexander II and Wilhelm I in the Winter Palace

Hermitage: Zichy, Mihai - Arrival of Princess Alice of Hesse to Livadia on October 10, 1894

Triumphal arrival in Moscow of Emperor Alexander II

Folk holiday on the Khodynka field in Moscow on the occasion of the sacred coronation
Emperor Alexander II

1. Mihai Zichy. Scenes of the meeting between Alexander III and the Austrian emperor
Franz Josef in Kremsier on August 13-14, 1885.
2. Portrait of Prince Peter Romanovich Bagration

Death of Alexander III in Livadia.

Memorial service for Alexander III in his bedroom in the Small Palace in Livadia Depicted: Alexander III on his deathbed; on the left, Archpriest I.N. Yanyshev with a censer; family members around, including Empress Maria Feodorovna, Grand Duchess Maria Alexandrovna, Greek Queen Olga Konstantinovna, Princess Alice of Hesse, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna and others; on the right is a group of grand dukes, among them Sergei Alexandrovich and Vladimir Alexandrovich.

Removal of the body of Alexander III from the Small Palace in Livadia

Hermitage: Zichy, Mihai - The descent of the coffin with the body of Alexander III in Sevastopol

Hermitage: Zichy, Mihaly - Carrying out the coffin with the body of Alexander III

Mikhail Aleksandrovich Zichy or Mihai Zichy (Hungarian Zichy Mihály; October 14 or 15, 1827, Zala (Hungary) - February 28, 1906, St. Petersburg) - a Hungarian draftsman and painter from the noble family of Zichy, who worked a lot in Russia.

He received a gymnasium and university education in Budapest, and then studied drawing and painting, first there, with the Italian artist Marostoni, and then at the Vienna Academy of Arts, where F. G. Waldmuller was his main mentor. Having already earned some fame with his paintings exhibited in Vienna, he was invited by Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna to teach drawing and painting to her daughter, Grand Duchess Ekaterina Mikhailovna.

He arrived in St. Petersburg in 1847 and, in addition to studying with Her Highness, received lessons in some aristocratic St. Petersburg houses. After two years, he had to give up teaching and find his livelihood by making drawings for sale and retouching light-painted portraits. During this difficult time in his life, Zichy found some support in Prince Alexander of Hesse-Darmstadt. Zichy owes the improvement of his position to Theophile Gauthier, who visited St. Petersburg in 1858.

In 1859, Zichy was appointed court painter, a position he held until 1873.
Even before that, in 1856, he reproduced in watercolors the main sketches of the coronation of Emperor Alexander II, for which the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts awarded him the title of academician. In 1869 an exhibition of his works was arranged. In 1874 he left for Paris.

Since 1880, Zichy was back in Russia, in his former position, and worked as a draftsman-chronicler of ceremonies, entertainment and family events the highest court.
Died in St. Petersburg.
