What moral issues are raised in the story "French Lessons"? Summary of the lesson "Moral problems of the story of V. G. Rasputin "French Lessons"

Students get acquainted with some personality traits of the writer, the main themes of his work, the history of the creation of the story, spiritual values ​​are revealed that make a person richer and kinder, moral problems are indicated.



MKOU "Borkovskaya basic comprehensive school"

Outline plan

lesson on the topic

« moral issues story by V.G. Rasputin "French Lessons".

Teacher Shalimanova S.V.

year 2012

Lesson topic: Moral problems of V. G. Rasputin's story "French Lessons".

Lesson Objectives:

  1. Introduce students to:

some personality traits of the writer,

the main themes of his work,

history of the story.

2. Help to reveal spiritual values ​​that make a person richer and kinder.

3. To cultivate observation, responsiveness, kindness.

Equipment: portrait of V.G. Rasputin, Dictionary edited by S. I. Ozhegov (the meaning of the word "autobiography").

Board design: epigraph: “The smarter and kinder a person is, the more he notices goodness in people” (L.N. Tolstoy)

During the classes.

1. introduction teachers.

Guys, today at the lesson of literature we will get acquainted with the work of V. G. Rasputin, we will learn the history of the creation of the story “French Lessons” and what lessons of kindness received main character from his teacher, and also try to reveal the moral problems of the story.

Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin was born into a peasant family. Mother - Rasputina Nina Ivanovna, father - Rasputin Grigory Nikitich. Childhood future writer spent in the village of Atalanca. “My childhood fell on the war and the hungry post-war years- recalls the writer. - It was not easy, but, as I now understand, it was happy. After graduating from the local primary school, he was forced to leave alone for fifty kilometers from the house where he was high school. After school, he entered the Faculty of History and Philology of the Irkutsk state university. Lives and works inIrkutsk and Moscow. In his student years he was a freelance correspondent for a youth newspaper. One of his essays caught the attention of the editor. In the 1980s he was a member of the editorial board of the magazine "Roman newspaper ". The first story “I forgot to ask Leshka...” was published in 1961.

Rasputin V. G. notes that “childhood makes a person a writer, his ability to early age see and feel everything that then gives him the right to take up the pen. education, books, life experience educate and strengthen this gift in the future, but it should be born in childhood.

2. The main words in the writer's work- conscience and memory.

Valentin Grigorievich called his article about the history of the creation of the story "French Lessons" "Lessons of kindness." Let's read it.

Why is the word lessons used in the title of the article and story?(student answers)

3. Work with an epigraph.

“The smarter and kinder a person is, the more he notices goodness in people” (L.N. Tolstoy).

What is the meaning of the epigraph?(student answers)

4. The story "French Lessons" is an autobiographical work.

What is an autobiography?(student answers).

An autobiography is a description of one's life.

- Today we will get acquainted with the new literary concept of an autobiographical story.. Let's go to the dictionary.

5 . Questions session.

What feelings and thoughts did the story “French Lessons” evoke?(student answers).

Why is the story called "French Lessons"?(student answers)

What two parts can the story be divided into?

Who is the main character in the first part of the story? ( Narrator) .

Who is at the center of the story? (teacher Lidia Mikhailovna).

Find in the text a description of the portrait of Lydia Mikhailovna and write down the key words. (“She sat in front of me, all neat, smart and beautiful, beautiful both in clothes, and in her feminine young pore, which I vaguely felt, the smell of perfume from her reached me, which I took for the very breath ...” “Lidia Mikhailovna then was probably about 25 years old or so; I remember well her correct and therefore not too lively face with her eyes screwed up to hide a pigtail in them ... "). Keywords and the phrases “squinting attentive eyes”, “beautiful”, “carefully examined the class”, etc.).

What technique does the author use in describing Lidia Mikhailovna?(In the description of Lidia Mikhailovna, opposition is used. The antithesis of the description of the teacher is the description of the hero himself. Lidia Mikhailovna is opposed to the principal, and not only to the description of appearance.).

What does she have in common with the main character of the story?

And now, guys, let's find the passage that begins with the words: “- Not to the warehouse! - Vadik announced, "and we will read it by roles.

Why did our hero have to put up with it?(because he couldn't prove himself right).

Why did the boy start playing "chika"?

(The boy began to play "chika" because at first he did not understand the dishonest nature of the game, in the foreground there was only the desire to show dexterity. He also realized that, with practice, he would be able to win money and spend it on milk. So he did: “ I did not allow myself to get too carried away with the game ... I only needed a ruble.")

- Why did Vadik and Ptakha beat the hero?(The hero quickly realized that Vadik was cheating in the game, getting most of the money. And our hero after long workouts achieved good results in the game, he does not cheat like Vadik, but plays honestly. But gambling cannot be fair. She does not accept honest ones.)

Guys, we left our hero in a very difficult situation: he was brutally and vilely beaten. Let's find the passage that begins with the words: "they beat me ..." and read it expressively.

How does the hero behave in the fight and after it?(Courageously. The hero knows that no one will stand up for him. He almost does not defend himself, he only shouts: “He turned it over!”, Upholding justice).

- What kind of person did our hero show himself in this episode? (Honest and principled.)

- Why did the boy trust Lidia Mikhailovna and tell the whole truth?(Lidiya Mikhailovna tries to find out everything with a joke. The hero lies clumsily. If it came to the director, the hero would be threatened with expulsion from school. He is afraid of shame, afraid of seeming an unreliable person.)

Have you met teachers like Lidia Mikhailovna?(student answers).

Why can't every teacher be trusted?(student answers).

Why did Lidiya Mikhailovna decide to play "zameryashki" with her student?(Lidiya Mikhailovna realized that the boy would not accept help, and

decided to use the means known to him - a game for money. She

specially adapts to him, asks not to extradite Vasily

Andreevich. The teacher encourages the boy with trouble-free tricks: “Are you really afraid”; succumbs to it, and when he exposes foul play. then he pretends to shamelessly deceive the hero. So she got it

the boy began to win money and buy milk for himself.)

Was she a teacher? (No. She wanted to help the boy endure the trials of hunger, and she understood that this unusual student would not accept help from her in any other form.)

What is your attitude to the act of the teacher?(student answers).

- How did the director behave?(The director accused the teacher of the worst sins and kicked her out of school. In this episode, kindness, sensitivity, responsiveness, trust, respectful attitude to the children of Lidia Mikhailovna and the callousness, inattention, callousness of the director. He must have known of the boy's plight.)

Why did Lidia Mikhailovna make the hero do extra work? And why were these painful days for the boy?

(She decided in this way to distract the hero from playing with money, to save him from bullying and beatings. The boy did not understand this. And the narrator, already an adult, remembering the events of his childhood, understands that the teacher saved him, helped him).

How do you evaluate this act?(kindness, responsiveness).

How is Lydia Mikhailovna behaving? Why didn't she explain her action to the director?(She responds to the director’s indignation calmly, does not get out, does not make excuses. Her confusion is betrayed by the first seconds after the “exposure”: she “slowly, very slowly got up from her knees, flushed and disheveled ...”)

What actions of Lydia Mikhailovna indicate that there is good in her?(She tries to feed the boy, sends a package, plays a game with him, finally gets her way, and the boy can buy milk again).

What is the meaning of the end of the story?(She emphasizes the responsibility, kindness, sensitivity of the teacher).

What do you think the hero experienced when he received this package?(Following meeting his teacher, the author found out that she did not remember this premise).

Why do you think?(student answers).

How does this fact help us understand main idea story?(Good is disinterested, it does not require a reward, it is transmitted from person to person and returns to those from whom it came).

6. The result of the lesson.

Did Rasputin, using the example of a story from his childhood, manage to tell what the laws of kindness are, that they exist in the same way as real ones? good people? (student answers).

7. Homework.

Write an essay on the topic: "My attitude to the act of the teacher Lidia Mikhailovna"

What moral issues are raised in the story "French Lessons"?

    The problems of morality and morality, to which the author draws attention, can be called eternal. But where is the line, crossing which the act becomes moral and/or immoral? On the example of the story French Lessons, this is especially obvious: let's take, for example, gambling, is it moral or immoral? At first glance, the answer is obvious. But not everything is so simple in life, says Rasputin. Even seemingly immoral acts can be good if they are caused by noble feelings, and Lidia Mikhailovna's act is a confirmation of this. Empathy and compassion, the ability to empathize are rare qualities that are sometimes so lacking in life.

    The moral problem of Rasputin's story French Lessons is the search for an answer to the question of what morality is. The plot of events shows that conscience and morality are on the side of the school principal: he fires a French teacher for gambling for money with a student, while completely sincerely expressing extreme indignation at such behavior. But this person, blindly following ready-made norms, directives lowered from above, is not able to understand that love for a child, the desire to save him is sometimes more important than dogmas. Lidia Mikhailovna realized that the half-starved boy, out of pride, would not accept help from her directly, so she invites him to play a game that has long become a source of income for the hero. The behavior of the teacher gives an understanding that morality often goes beyond the boundaries of generally accepted norms, and sometimes even crosses out these norms in the name of human salvation.

    The main moral problem of this story is the question of how to remain human, if everything in life is not as simple and beautiful as we would like. The difficult post-war years, the boy having gone to study in the city at times finds himself completely without money and he has nothing to buy even milk. Out of hopelessness, he begins to gamble and faces the cruelty of his peers, envy, meanness and betrayal. This is the negative side of life that the hero had to learn.

    And as a counterbalance, a kind and understanding teacher is shown, who is unusually sorry for the hungry and ragged boy and who cannot help him openly - because out of pride the boy does not accept her help. But sympathy wonderful feeling and the teacher finds a way out, she herself begins to play with the student for money. Is this immoral, or is it another lesson that a wise teacher beyond her years gives to her student? It seems to me that the second. It is unlikely that the main character was so naive as not to understand that the teacher did not decide to play chica out of excitement. He saw that they were trying to help him, but they were trying to arrange this help in such a way as not to uplift youthful pride and maximalism.

    And of course, kindness turned out to be punishable - the teacher was fired. And this is another moral problem - if you strive to help others disinterestedly, you must be prepared for the fact that you yourself will have to pay for it. And only a truly kind person can make such a sacrifice.

Lesson topic: Problems of morality raised by V. G. Rasputin in the story
"French lessons".
Lesson Objectives:
1. Introduce students to:
some personality traits of the writer,
the main themes of his work,
history of the story.
2. Help to reveal spiritual values ​​that make a person richer and kinder.
3. To cultivate observation, responsiveness, kindness.
Equipment: portrait of V.G. Rasputin, explanatory dictionary edited by S. I. Ozhegov
(meaning of the word "autobiography"), illustrations for the story (frames from the film)
Board design: epigraph: “The smarter and kinder a person is, the more he notices good
in people "(L.N. Tolstoy)
During the classes.
1. Introductory speech of the teacher.
Guys, today at the lesson of literature we will get acquainted with the work of V. G. Rasputin,
we learn the history of the creation of the story "French Lessons" and what kindness lessons he received
the main character from his teacher, and also try to reveal the moral
story problems.
Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin was born into a peasant family. Mother - Rasputina Nina
Ivanovna, father - Rasputin Grigory Nikitich. The future writer spent his childhood in
the village of Atalanka. “My childhood fell on the war and the hungry post-war years,
the writer recalls. It was not easy, but, as I now understand, it was
happy. After graduating from the local elementary school, he was forced to leave alone for fifty
kilometers from the house where the secondary school was located. After school he entered the history
Faculty of Philology, Irkutsk State University.
Lives and
works in Irkutsk and Moscow. As a student, he was a freelance correspondent.
youth newspaper. One of his essays caught the attention of the editor. In the 1980s
years was a member of the editorial board of the magazine "Romangazeta". The first story "I
I forgot to ask Leshka...” was published in 1961.
Rasputin V. G. notes that “childhood makes a person a writer, his ability to
at an early age to see and feel everything that then gives him the right to take up a pen.
Education, books, life experience nurture and strengthen this gift in the future, but
he should be born in childhood.”
2. The main words in the writer's work are conscience and memory. (attaches to the board
printed terms)
His article about the history of the creation of the story "French Lessons" Valentin Grigorievich
called "Lessons of kindness." Let's read it (reading aloud the article "Lessons of kindness"

Why is the word lessons used in the title of the article and story? (student answers)
What laws of kindness does the author speak about in the article “Lessons of kindness”? (answers
3. Work with an epigraph.
“The smarter and kinder a person is, the more he notices goodness in people” (L.N. Tolstoy).
What is the meaning of the epigraph? (student answers)
4. The story "French Lessons" is an autobiographical work.
What is an autobiography? (student answers).
An autobiography is a description of one's life.
Today we will get acquainted with the new literary concept of autobiographical
story. Let's turn to the dictionary.
5 . Questions session.
What feelings and thoughts did the story “French Lessons” evoke? (student answers).
Why is the story called "French Lessons"? (student answers)
What two parts can the story be divided into?
Who is the main character in the first part of the story? (Narrator).
Who is at the center of the story? (teacher Lidia Mikhailovna).
Find in the text a description of the portrait of Lydia Mikhailovna and write down the key words.
(“She was sitting in front of me, neat all over, smart and beautiful, beautiful both in clothes and in
of my female young pore, which I vaguely felt, the smell reached me
spirits from her, which I took for the very breath ... "" Lidia Mikhailovna then
was probably 25 years or so; I remember it correctly and therefore do not
too lively face with squinted eyes to hide a pigtail in them ...”).
Key words and phrases "squinting attentive eyes", "beautiful",
“carefully examined the class”, etc.).
What technique does the author use in describing Lidia Mikhailovna? (In the description of Lydia
Mikhailovna used opposition. The antithesis of the teacher's description
is a description of the hero himself. Lidia Mikhailovna is opposed to the director, and
not only the description of appearance.).
What does she have in common with the main character of the story?
And now, guys, let's find the passage that begins with the words: “Not to the warehouse! -
announced Vadik ", and we will read it by roles.

Why did our hero have to put up with it? (because he couldn't prove his
Why did the boy start playing "chika"?
(The boy began to play "chika" because at first he did not understand the dishonest character
games, in the foreground there was only the desire to show dexterity. He also realized that
after training, he will be able to win money and spend it on milk. So he and
did: “I did not allow myself to get too involved in the game ... I only needed
Why did Vadik and Ptakha beat the hero? (The hero quickly realized that Vadik was cheating in the game,
receives most of the money. And our hero, after long training, achieved good results.
results in the game, he does not cheat like Vadik, but plays honestly. But gambling is not
can be honest. She does not accept honest ones.)
Guys, we left our hero in a very difficult situation: he was brutally and vilely beaten.
Let's find the passage that begins with the words: "they beat me ..." and read
How does the hero behave in the fight and after it? (Courageously. The hero knows what kind of
no one will intercede. He almost does not defend himself, only shouts: “Turned it over!”,
upholding justice).
What kind of person did our hero show himself in this episode? (Honest and
Why did the boy trust Lidia Mikhailovna and tell the whole truth? (Lydia
Mikhailovna is trying to figure everything out with a joke. The hero lies clumsily. If the matter
reached the director, then the hero would be threatened with expulsion from school. He's afraid of shame
afraid of appearing untrustworthy.)
Have you met teachers like Lidia Mikhailovna? (student answers).
Why can't every teacher be trusted? (student answers).
Why did Lidiya Mikhailovna decide to play "zameryashki" with her student?
(Lidiya Mikhailovna realized that the boy would not accept help, and
decided to use the means known to him - a game for money. She
specially adapts to him, asks not to extradite Vasily
Andreevich. The teacher encourages the boy with trouble-free tricks:
"Are you afraid"; succumbs to it, and when he exposes foul play. then does
the kind that shamelessly deceives the hero. So she got it
the boy began to win money and buy milk for himself.)
Was she a teacher? (No. She wanted to help the boy endure
hunger trials, and she understood that in another form this unusual student
will not accept help from her.)
What is your attitude to the act of the teacher? (student answers).

How did the director behave? (The director accused the teacher of the worst sins
and kicked out of school. In this episode, kindness, sensitivity,
responsiveness, trust, respect for the children of Lidia Mikhailovna and
callousness, inattention, heartlessness of the director. He must have known about
plight of the boy.)
Why did Lidia Mikhailovna make the hero do extra work? And why for
boy were those painful days?
(She decided in this way to distract the hero from the game of money, to save him from bullying
and beatings. The boy did not understand this. And the narrator, already an adult, remembering
events of his childhood, understands that the teacher saved him, helped him).
How do you evaluate this act? (kindness, responsiveness).
How is Lydia Mikhailovna behaving? Why didn't she explain her action to the director?
(She responds to the director's indignation calmly, does not get out, does not
justified. Her confusion is betrayed by the first seconds after the "exposure": she
“slowly, very slowly, she got up from her knees, flushed and disheveled ...”)
What actions of Lydia Mikhailovna indicate that there is
good? (She tries to feed the boy, sends a package, starts a game with him,
finally gets his way, and the boy can buy milk again).
What is the meaning of the end of the story? (It emphasizes responsibility, kindness,
teacher sensitivity).
What do you think the hero experienced when he received this package? (Following meeting
his teacher, the author found out that she did not remember this premise).
Why do you think? (student answers).
How does this fact help to understand the main idea of ​​the story? (Good is disinterested, it is not
requires a reward, it is transmitted from person to person and returns to those from
whom it came from).
6. The result of the lesson.
Did Rasputin manage to tell, using the example of a story from his childhood, what laws are
kindness, that they exist in the same way as real kind people? (answers
7. Student assessment
8. Homework.
Write an essay on the topic: “My attitude to the act of the teacher Lydia

>Compositions based on French Lessons


What is humanity? First of all, it is friendly and humane attitude to people, that is, the ability to understand another person, feel his experiences and at the right time come to the aid of his neighbor. It is this moral quality that is dedicated to the story of Valentin Rasputin "French Lessons" (1973).

The author himself was deeply convinced that the main task of literature is to educate the feelings of a person: "... first of all, kindness, purity, nobility." bearer of these moral ideals in his work is the French teacher Lydia Mikhailovna.

This young woman, in order to help her poor starving student, violated many school prohibitions and rules, for which she eventually paid with her work. But even after that, she continued to take care of the boy and send him food.

The ability of the teacher to remain true to her ideals and go to the goal in spite of everything is truly admirable. By her behavior, this woman demonstrates an example of true humanity.

Lidia Mikhailovna many times faced a choice: to help her pupil or to retreat from him. When she first found out that the boy was playing gambling, she could report this to the director, since, from the point of view of the school ideology, it was precisely this behavior of the teacher that was considered correct. But the teacher didn't.

After asking the boy about his act and learning that the hero needed money only to buy a "jar of milk", Lidia Mikhailovna was able to enter into the position of a child and understand him. Therefore, she began to study French with him additionally at home, so that later she would be able to feed the student with dinner. But the boy resisted this desire every time, because from such, as it seemed to him, too generous offer, "every appetite jumped out of him like a bullet."

At this moment, Lidia Mikhailovna could also have abandoned her idea to help the child, but she persistently went ahead, first throwing a parcel of food to the hero, and then offering to play for money in the "wall". The woman was not even afraid that the director of the school lives in the next apartment, who can hear them. And when in the end this happened, Lidia Mikhailovna honestly confessed to the director of her deed and took all the blame on herself. Thus, she gave her pupil a chance to continue his studies at school.

It seems to me that a person capable of demonstrating such high moral qualities certainly deserves respect. That is why the author dedicates his story to a simple school teacher who turned out to be able to perform a truly worthy and noble deed.

We invite you to take a look at one of the best stories in the work of Valentin Grigorievich and present his analysis. Rasputin published "French Lessons" in 1973. The writer himself does not distinguish it from his other works. He notes that he did not have to invent anything, because everything described in the story happened to him. The photo of the author is presented below.

Meaning of the title of this story

The word "lesson" has two meanings in the work created by Rasputin ("French Lessons"). An analysis of the story allows us to note that the first of them is an academic hour dedicated to a certain subject. The second is something instructive. It is this meaning that becomes decisive for understanding the intent of the story that interests us. The boy carried the lessons of cordiality and kindness taught by the teacher through his whole life.

To whom is the story dedicated?

Kopylova Anastasia Prokopyevna was dedicated by Rasputin to "French Lessons", the analysis of which interests us. This woman is the mother of the famous playwright and friend Valentin Grigorievich. She has worked at school all her life. Memories of childhood life formed the basis of the story. According to the writer himself, the events of the past were able to warm even with a slight touch.

french teacher

Lidia Mikhailovna in the work is called by her own name (her last name is Molokova). In 1997, the writer told a correspondent of the Literature at School publication about his meetings with her. He told that Lidia Mikhailovna was visiting him, and they recalled the school, the village of Ust-Uda and much of that happy and difficult time.

Features of the genre of the story

According to the genre "French Lessons" - a story. In the 1920s (Zoshchenko, Ivanov, Babel), and then in the 1960s and 1970s (Shukshin, Kazakov and others), the Soviet story flourished. This genre reacts faster than any other prose to changes in the life of society, since it is written faster.

It can be considered that the story is the first and oldest of literary genera. After all brief retelling some event, for example, a duel with an enemy, a hunting incident, and the like, is, in fact, oral story. Unlike all other types and kinds of art, the story is inherent in mankind from the beginning. It arose along with speech and is not just a means of transmitting information, but also acts as an instrument of social memory.

The work of Valentin Grigorievich is realistic. Rasputin wrote "French Lessons" in the first person. Analyzing it, we note that this story can be considered fully autobiographical.

The main themes of the work

Starting the work, the writer wonders why we feel guilty every time before the teachers, as well as before the parents. And the blame is not for what happened at school, but for what happened to us after. Thus, the author defines the main themes of his work: the relationship between the student and the teacher, the image of a life illuminated by moral and spiritual meaning, the formation of a hero who, thanks to Lidia Mikhailovna, acquires spiritual experience. Communication with the teacher, French lessons became life lessons for the storyteller.

Game for money

The game of a teacher with a student for money, it would seem, is an immoral act. However, what is behind it? The answer to this question is given in the work of V. G. Rasputin ("French Lessons"). The analysis allows you to reveal the motives that drive Lidia Mikhailovna.

Seeing that in the post-war famine years the schoolboy is malnourished, the teacher invites him under the guise of extra classes to your home to feed. She sends him a package, supposedly from her mother. But the boy refuses her help. The idea with the parcel was not crowned with success: it contained "urban" products, and the teacher gave herself away with this. Then Lidia Mikhailovna offers him a game for money and, of course, "loses" so that the boy can buy milk for these pennies. The woman is happy that she succeeds in this deception. And Rasputin does not condemn her at all ("French Lessons"). Our analysis even allows us to say that the writer supports it.

The climax of the work

The climax of the work comes after this game. The story exacerbates the paradox of the situation to the limit. The teacher did not know that at that time such a relationship with the ward could lead to dismissal and even criminal liability. The boy didn't even know this. But when trouble nevertheless happened, he began to understand the behavior of his school teacher more deeply and realized some aspects of the life of that time.

Story ending

Almost melodramatic is the ending of the story, which was created by Rasputin ("French Lessons"). An analysis of the work shows that the premise with Antonov apples(and the boy never tried them, since he was a resident of Siberia) seems to echo the unsuccessful first package with pasta - city food. This ending, which turned out to be by no means unexpected, is also preparing new touches. The heart of a distrustful village boy in the story opens before the purity of the teacher. Rasputin's story is surprisingly modern. The writer portrayed in him the courage of a young woman, the insight of an ignorant, withdrawn child, taught the reader the lessons of humanity.

The idea behind the story is that we learn feelings, not life, from books. Rasputin notes that literature is the education of feelings, such as nobility, purity, kindness.

Main characters

Let's continue "French Lessons" by V. G. Rasputin with a description of the main characters. They in the story are an 11-year-old boy and Lydia Mikhailovna. She was at that time no more than 25 years old. The author notes that there was no cruelty in her face. She treated the boy with sympathy and understanding, was able to appreciate his determination. The teacher saw great learning abilities in her student and was ready to help them develop. This woman is endowed with compassion for people, as well as kindness. She had to suffer for these qualities by losing her job.

In the story, the boy is striking in his determination, the desire to learn and go out to people under any circumstances. He entered the fifth grade in 1948. In the village where the boy lived, there was only Primary School. Therefore, he had to go to the regional center, which was 50 km away, in order to continue his studies. For the first time, an 11-year-old boy, by the will of circumstances, was cut off from his family, from his usual environment. But he understands that not only relatives, but also the village have hopes for him. According to fellow villagers, he should become " learned man". And the hero makes all his efforts for this, overcoming homesickness and hunger in order not to let down his fellow countrymen.

With kindness, wise humor, humanity and psychological accuracy depicts the relationship with a young teacher of a hungry student Rasputin ("French Lessons"). The analysis of the work presented in this article will help you understand them. The narration flows slowly, rich in everyday details, but its rhythm gradually captures.

The language of the work

Simple and expressive at the same time is the language of the work, the author of which is Valentin Rasputin ("French Lessons"). Analysis of it language features reveals the skillful use of phraseological turns in the story. The author thus achieves figurativeness and expressiveness of the work ("sell with giblets", "like snow on the head", "sleeveless", etc.).

One of the language features is also the presence of obsolete vocabulary, which was typical for the time of action of the work, as well as regional words. This, for example: "lodge", "one and a half", "tea", "toss", "blather", "bale", "hlyuzda", "tack". After analyzing Rasputin's story "French Lessons" on your own, you can find other similar words.

The moral value of the work

The main character of the story had to study at a difficult time. The post-war years were a serious test for adults and children. In childhood, as you know, both bad and good are perceived much sharper and brighter. However, difficulties also temper character, and the main character often displays such qualities as determination, endurance, a sense of proportion, pride, and willpower. moral significance works is to chant eternal values- philanthropy and kindness.

The value of Rasputin's work

The work of Valentin Rasputin invariably attracts more and more new readers, because next to the everyday, everyday in his works there are always moral laws, spiritual values, unique characters, contradictory and complex inner world characters. The writer's thoughts about man, about life, about nature help to find inexhaustible reserves of beauty and goodness in the surrounding world and in oneself.

This concludes the analysis of the story "French Lessons". Rasputin is already one of the classical authors whose works are studied at school. Undoubtedly, this is an outstanding master of modern fiction.
