Little Red Riding Hood step by step drawing. How to draw a red riding hood from a fairy tale

"Little Red Riding Hood" is a legendary fairy tale by Charles Perrault. A lot of movies, cartoons have been shot about the little heroine, songs and rhymes have been composed. And if you also like this girl carrying cakes to her grandmother through a forest full of dangers, then you should learn how to draw Little Red Riding Hood.

Little Red Riding Hood with big eyes

Since our heroine is better known in cartoons, we will start with a drawing in a cartoon style. This will not only create a cute image, but also learn how to draw Little Red Riding Hood in stages.

Let's start with the head. So far, we only outline the oval of the face, two pigtails on the sides and a hood.

Then add two big round eyes with eyelashes, eyebrows and a smile. We will not draw a nose - in some cartoon styles it is practised.

Then we will finish the torso and the clearing on which our heroine stands. She will be dressed in a dress, cape, stockings and shoes. And in her hands is a basket. Yes, yes, with those same pies.

Then we paint everything with bright colors. Cloak and skirt - in red, apron - in blue. Let's also draw two yellow dandelions below.

Now everything is ready - the beauty is drawn.

We draw a fairy-tale heroine

Let's continue to draw the cartoon Little Red Riding Hood. This time she will look very small - she looks like 3-4 years old. And at the same time we’ll better understand how to draw Little Red Riding Hood with a pencil.

Let's start with the face. It will be cheeky, with bangs and a wide smile.

Then we draw two funny pigtails with bows and a pretty dress.

Now - a hat, buttons on a dress, hands with a basket and shoes.

Let's color the drawing. Naturally, red will prevail. And a pink blush will play on the cheeks - a real beauty.

Everything, the drawing is ready.

Drawing with kids

Children love fairy tales, especially if we are talking about their age. Therefore, it is worth figuring out how to draw a Little Red Riding Hood for a child - your baby will surely like this idea very much.

Let's draw the face first. Our heroine will be very surprised - her mouth will be wide open. Surely, we captured the exact moment when the girl realized that a formidable predator was hiding under the guise of her beloved grandmother.

Then we add a cape with a hood, two circles - hands, and also a basket.

After that, we will draw a long straight dress, legs, shoes, and in the basket we will depict a lot of small pies that the girl carried to her grandmother.

Then we move on to working with color - for this purpose, you can use crayons, pencils, felt-tip pens or paints. We made the dress orange and the boots black, but you can color them differently if you want. The only thing that should remain unchanged is the red headdress (in this case, the hood).

Now we have completely finished our work. You and your child did an excellent job.

We draw the heroine of the fairy tale by Charles Perrault

Charles Perrault is a talented French poet and writer who gave the world a lot of literary masterpieces, in which a separate niche is occupied by children's fairy tales. "Donkey skin", "Rike with a tuft", "Sleeping Beauty" ... So let's plunge into this atmosphere and learn how to draw the heroine of the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood". You probably know her story from early childhood.

Let's start with a pencil sketch. The exact age of the heroine is unknown, but it is clear that she is a little girl. So let's draw a baby 5-6 years old in a cute raincoat with a hood, pigtails sticking out in different directions. And she will also hold a basket in her hands - this is where the pies are located, which she will take to her grandmothers. By the way, the basket will smile no less happily than the girl.

Then, as it should, we will direct the outlined contours with a marker. In this case, the pencil sketch can not be erased, the main thing is to keep the marker exactly along the given line.

Now let's color our drawing. The baby's dress will be blue, the shoes will be black, and the cloak with a hood, as expected, will be red.

That's all - we coped with the task.

Adults composed fairy tales that allegedly help the child develop and tune in positive thinking. However, the latter ends quickly, approximately as soon as the child enters the real conditions of this world. In life, scary frogs do not turn into beautiful ladies, and money does not grow on trees either. But the fact remains - a wolf can always eat a grandmother and with joy. Today I will show you how to draw Little Red Riding Hood and a wolf at the same time. Little Red Riding Hood is the heroine of an old epic, a lyrical story about a hungry wolf and an equally hungry granny who ate tons of pies. Firstly, not a hat, but a hood, but this is not essential anymore. Secondly, it is not known why the poor girl needs a bright outfit in a dark forest, where, no doubt, predatory living creatures lurk. Apparently, her mother had a good sense of humor.

The story is painfully simple. Girl stomps to visit granny through dense forest, on the way she meets a hungry wolf. He does not touch the girl, she is not yet 18, but he asks the hat about the location of the grandmother. The naive young lady quickly laid out everything she knew about her grandmother's headquarters. Further, events are rapidly gaining momentum, the wolf is already in bed, and the hat asks very rhetorical questions. Most versions of this tale have a happy ending, but we know the truth.

Hidden Facts About Little Red Riding Hood:

  • It can be eaten in two cases: either you are a ferocious wolf from the Twilight saga or another film no less self-explanatory, or you bought it, preferably in the form of a candy;
  • In a very specific people, insulin syringes are called red caps, and all because their cap is also red;
  • The Japanese filmed a film based on the plot of the subject, suddenly full of kawaii and cuteness;
  • In the Russian version, the real morality of the tale has been demolished a little more than completely, according to how much morality children need, like a blue stripe on a zebra;
  • Only because of cruel and unimaginable censorship did the fairy tale appear in textbooks for children, and then not lower than grade 10.

Well, now that you know the truth, try to draw a little heroine:

How to draw Little Red Riding Hood with a pencil step by step

Step one. First, select a shape to create a drawing. Step two. Draw the shape of a little girl and a wolf behind her. Step three. Add eyes to the wolf and clearly highlight the contours of the girl's body and features of her face. Step four. Carefully paint everything according to the picture below. Step five. sketch the background with trees and round moon.
Try to draw other fairy-tale characters in the same way.

Description how to draw little red riding hood step by step

How to draw Little Red Riding Hood with a pencil in stages - How to draw Little Red Riding Hood with a pencil in stages. How to draw Little Red Riding Hood! Learn how to draw Little Red Riding Hood from a fairy tale with a pencil step by step very. One of the most favorite fairy tales of all children is Red. For now, I'll show you how to draw Little Red Riding Hood and a wolf at the same time. In order to draw Little Red Riding Hood with a Pink pencil. How to draw a little red riding hood - step by step tutorial. As a heroine, let's take a little sweetheart. Balde with a pencil and in stages? Answers to the question How to draw Little Red Riding Hood with a pencil in stages? in the Leisure section. In order to draw Little Red Riding Hood, you should think carefully about what outfit she will be in. This is an easy very simple pencil tutorial on how to draw Little Red Riding Hood step by step. How to draw a picture in stages with a pencil in a short period of time. Then you can draw Little Red Riding Hood in the environment - on the edge of the forest. Russian folk pattern for every aspiring artist or portrait painter. In this lesson we will look at how to draw Little Red Riding Hood from a fairy tale with a pencil. Answers to the question How to draw Red Square with a pencil step by step. If you wondered how to draw Little Red Riding Hood from a fairy tale, then we are for you. In this lesson we will look at how to draw Little Red Riding Hood with a pencil step by step. In this edition of instructions step by step drawing for you more than 20 options how to draw. How to draw a picture step by step with a pencil. How to draw a hat - earflaps with a pencil step by step? Drawing lessons. 4 examples of drawing a red riding hood with a pencil. How to draw a girl, how to draw a man How to draw a girl step by step. How to draw Carlson step by step with a pencil. Learn how to draw a wolf from the fairy tale Little Red Riding Hood step by step with a pencil. How to draw Little Red Riding Hood with a pencil step by step. How to draw Little Red Riding Hood with a pencil step by step. How to draw a little red riding hood step by step with a pencil; New Year in Scandinavian. How to draw a wolf with a pencil step by step. How to draw a Santa Claus hat with a pencil step by step. Draw! How to draw a nesting doll with a pencil in stages, drawing with a pencil, drawing a nesting doll, how. Wood paint step by step How to draw an airplane step by step with a pencil 13 10 995 0. Don't know what to do with a child? How to draw. Pencil How to draw a girl with a sword How to draw Little Red Riding Hood. In this lesson we will look at how to draw Little Red Riding Hood from a fairy tale with a pencil. Picture from the fairy tale Little Red Riding Hood Women's images, draw an autostable crane step by step Draw a girl war with a bow How to draw a little red riding hood. How to draw a bed and a sofa in stages with a pencil. How to draw Little Red Riding Hood with a pencil step by step. In this lesson we will look at how to draw Little Red Riding Hood from a fairy tale with a pencil in stages. How to draw a school with a pencil in stages. How to draw Matroskin with a pencil step by step. Little Red Riding Hood; How to draw Little Red Riding Hood step by step. To drawing a military pencil in stages.

Little Red Riding Hood did not even think of running away from gray wolf because I didn't see him as a threat. The cute fluffy animal, so similar to a yard dog, did not seem dangerous to the girl, and she entered into a sad dialogue known to all of us. So the innocent grandmother and granddaughter suffered, and then the mother had to cry, though already tears of joy and deliverance.

In fact, Little Red Riding Hood was a very prudent girl and knew everything about safety. It is dangerous to touch the grip heated in the oven, because you will get burned, you should not play catch-up near the goose flock, because the disturbed geese can pinch painfully. No need to wave your hands near the beehive, not knowing the ford, do not stick your head into the water - all this was well known to Little Red Riding Hood. But for her sweet disposition to cause trouble, she could not imagine such a thing. Indeed, in the whole village it was impossible to find a more polite and smiling person than Little Red Riding Hood, and these features were rightfully considered the family dignity of her old family.

Fortunately, now even kids know that talking to unknown adults is dangerous. And for a long time no one runs through the dark forest to their grandmothers. To visit them, as well as to classes and back, mothers accompany the children with their own hands. Moms do everything to keep their children safe: they get behind the wheel of a car, work remotely, do freelance work and hire governesses. The more the world of technology develops, the more people become corrupted, which is why all the kids are now securely hidden behind seven English locks, placed under the supervision of baby monitors.

And it seems that peace and security surrounded our children, but there is one important skill that children lose from year to year. Gradually, the rules of real live communication with peers are forgotten. Children do not know how to make friends, and they do not see the point in equal friendly relations and cooperation. Society is gradually disintegrating into atoms of leaders striving for personal success. Meanwhile, the leadership step does not exist for everyone, because it involves loneliness and pain from total misunderstanding.

Now, hand on heart, we confess: what makes our children loners, except for new circumstances? And once again we will think and estimate: is there at least one alive soul with which we maintain good neighborly relations? Yes, it looks like the tradition of borrowing a handful of salt from neighbors, a cup of cereal or a couple of stools for the evening is a thing of the past. Behind every door in any apartment building lives either a hated person with a drill and constantly moving furniture, or a terribly corrosive old woman who is not worth dealing with. Didn't the mental wolf eat us?

Everyone knows the feeling of bitter helplessness in the face of a flurry of dull thoughts about our colleagues, neighbors and distant relatives who are hostile to us. “When I talked at work about our vacation in Spain, everyone just threw lightning at me with their eyes. Clearly, it was jealousy!” - says the mother of the family at the dinner table. “It seems to me that NN’s look makes me understand that I will not become the head of the department and that I should quit,” my father immediately saddens. “You know, the godfather lent me money with such a victorious look, as if we were losers!” his wife echoes.

Children always listen with great interest to everything that concerns adulthood, therefore, having quieted down during such a dialogue, they receive a powerful inoculation of hypocrisy and suspicion. Then these qualities, initially unusual for children, are manifested in the sandbox and at breaks in elementary school.

By the way, let's see if our suspicions are always justified? Let's imagine a situation: all day a person is haunted by failures: a trolleybus leaves under his nose, he is cheated in a store, some important document is lost among a pile of papers. And among this local hell is heard phone call, and the person on the move rudely shouts into the phone: “Hello? Well, what do you want?!” And this is a school teacher calling to notify dad that his child took prize-winning place in the Mathematics Olympiad. Or an old friend came for a week, bought a local SIM card and wants to meet. And it becomes very embarrassing. I would like to apologize, but there seems to be nothing special, because a bad thought seems like a trifle, nonsense. It's embarrassing and kind of sad. And everyone knows.

As soon as we know the unpleasant aftertaste of even mental evil, then it’s time to start tracking and discarding our conjectures and suspicions that we are treated badly. Otherwise, our children will inherit parental debts in the form of pessimism and gloomy loneliness.

And let's draw with our children Little Red Riding Hood, which today has served us as an image of an unreasonable mind, leading idle conversations with dangerous strangers, the essence of evil thoughts. Sooner or later, all little draftsmen take on a portrait. The sitters are often mothers, and the picture plane is the wallpaper in the corridor. But the creative impulse can be directed in a peaceful direction!

We need a little:

White paper,

- colored pencils, crayons or pens.

Moms, offer your child paper and figurative means and pose a little. Just let's agree not to laugh at the picture! You should also not suggest how the eyes and nose are drawn; Each artist has his own discoveries and developments. It is worth paying attention only to the fact that the cap is drawn in proportion to the head, so the first drawings of the headdress can be done directly on top of the already finished portrait.

If there is a desire and age and skills allow, then you can draw Little Red Riding Hood in the environment - on the edge of the forest. The main thing here is to observe the proportions of the girl - the size of her head should fit in the height of the entire figure no more than three or four times, otherwise the girl will come out too old. You can even draw a wolf watching Little Red Riding Hood, oh, how imprudent she was!

The mind is a self-moving force, and it cannot be idle. And if grains of goodness and prudence are not poured into this mill, then it begins to work idle, erasing the millstones, raising dust and not producing a product, and then harming itself. It is not for nothing that people with a conscience that has not yet fallen silent are ashamed of a bad thought, because any act begins with a thought, an act forms character, and character determines a person’s whole life. Thus, the hygiene of the mind plays an even greater role than clean socks and a neatly tidy apartment. You can still be friends with a slob, but not with a dull bore. That's why wise old fairy tale teaches us not to trust an evil thought.
