Feng Shui to attract love and happiness. feng shui to attract love and marriage

Love is almost the most important concept for feng shui, so feng shui pays great attention to creating an atmosphere of love, romantic bright relationships in the house. What does feng shui advise so that love comes to your home and lingers there for a long time.

To lay down love, feng shui requires only one thing - you must want to truly love. Therefore, before practicing feng shui to attract love, decide whether you are always ready to be new, interesting for your partner, seek compromises in quarrels, or you just need a man to "be with a man." In the latter case, it is better not to practice feng shui for love, because your thought is material and no talismans will help bring a man into the house just so that he is there.

Pay attention to your thoughts. If you constantly think about work, family happiness will not come to you for a very, very long time. Work is work and has no place in your home. Remove anything from your bedroom that reminds you of work. Arrange yourself a ritual of getting rid of bad thoughts. Choose a specific time for him and with pleasure expel everything unnecessary from your head. Going to bed, for example, is great for getting rid of extraneous thoughts. Instead of thinking about problems, dream about your future happiness and fall asleep with a smile on your face.

feng shui rituals to attract love

Throwing tangerines into the lake (to attract a husband)

Traditionally, the 15th day of the Chinese New Year (Chinese New Year's Eve) or Chap Guo Mei is the night when unmarried girls perform a ritual by throwing tangerines into the lake to ask the God of Marriage for a suitable suitor! Take out 3 tangerines and on each of them write three important features of the man with whom you want to connect your life. Quietly ask the God of Marriage (who lives on the moon) to send you a worshiper with the traits you have identified and then throw the tangerines into the lake that reflects the silver rays of the full moon! You need to remember that this is a ritual that is only performed by an unmarried girl or a divorced woman - do not attempt this if you are still married (even if you have separated!).

Ritual " magic list»

If you are single and want to find your love using Feng Shui, you need to clearly define who exactly you want to find, and only then carry out a love ritual. The fact is that the Feng Shui love method does not provide that you will suddenly have crowds of admirers, among whom you will choose a mate. Feng Shui will let you down the one you order, so you should be very careful in attracting marriage partners. For all the options that an obliging fate will randomly offer you may simply not work. Here's what to do...

1. Make a list of qualities that you would like to see in your chosen one. Love Feng Shui advises: take your time, write, wait a day, remember something else, add it, read it in a day, you can add, cross out, until you clearly decide on the list of positive qualities that your man should have.

2. Make a list of flaws that you are willing to accept in your chosen one. That is, those who, although you do not like it, will not become an obstacle to a happy relationship. For feng shui love, this is very important, because no one will redo it. Consider this list carefully too - if something gets into it that you basically can’t stand, but because of loneliness you try to hide, “maybe it will work”, the Feng Shui ritual for love will not make sense. Everything should be honest, you write for yourself, not for a neighbor.

3. When you have two lists, use feng shui for love, send information to love spirits. To do this, copy both lists on pink paper, fold it into a tube, put it in an envelope or box and put it in the feng shui love zone.

feng shui love zone

Calculating where your love zone is is very simple. The feng shui love zone is located in the far right corner as you enter the room. This is the living room, your room or bedroom - you decide for yourself where you want to see this man in the potential. Feng Shui masters advise building a kind of small altar dedicated to love in this place. You don’t need any icons - it should be clean and bright, put two chairs or armchairs, a small table, hang a picture or a figurine depicting a couple. A place where you could sit alone with your chosen one. There, in the box, there should also be a letter that you have compiled, which you need to periodically re-read in order to always have in your head the image of a potential lover.

Feng Shui refers to the causes and sources of loneliness all the large unpaired objects that are in your bedroom. It can be an armchair, a floor lamp or a chair standing alone in the corner. Such items symbolize loneliness, which means they should not be in your room. Do an audit in your bedroom and make room for one more little man. Make sure that there is nothing superfluous on the bed. Instead of toys and small pillows, it is better to put another large pillow on it - for your loved one.

If the bed can only be approached from one side (it stands against the wall), immediately rearrange it - and this will also be a kind of ritual. Sort out things in your wardrobe and be sure to allocate one or two shelves for the things of your future spouse. Even if you do not plan to live with him in this apartment, this must be done.

What about single men?

If you are a man looking for a girlfriend and have not succeeded, look around your bedroom or apartment to see if there is a lot of masculine in your space or, as they say in Feng Shui, is there a lot of Yang energy?! These are objects that reflect predominantly male interests, such as weapons, ships, cars, military equipment, heavy colors, furniture, leather chairs, dark furniture, sports star posters, war paintings, etc. Such a room will only attract other men to your house! You need to include something feminine or yin energy in your space so women will be attracted too. Make soft furnishings, softer lighting and colors, posters of the girls of your dreams, sculptures, paintings of women, etc. If you are seriously looking for a woman to marry, then be careful not to set the type of women with whom you definitely do not seek to connect your life unless you want to attract the wrong type of girls!

feng shui charms to attract love

To attract into your life new love or, as an option, return the former passion to gradually fading feelings with an existing partner, feng shui advises using symbols of love that enhance your desire.

  • A painting with peonies is considered a very strong love talisman in Feng Shui. If you are a single girl and want to get married, a picture with peonies (and, if possible, live peonies) should be placed at the entrance to the bedroom. If you are already married, then peonies in the bedroom will make your husband more loving, but there is a danger that he will look to the side. That's why perfect option- a picture with peonies in the living room. You can read more about feng shui plants in the article How to choose the right feng shui flowers and plants.
  • Crystal or glass crystals are one of the best feng shui love symbols due to their proximity to female energy"mother earth". If placed in a corner in the southwest of the bedroom, it will bring happiness in love relationships. Before displaying or hanging a crystal, it must be cleaned by immersing it in water with sea salt for seven days. If you want a man to talk about his feelings, the crystal should be highlighted.
  • Paired symbols symbolize the natural combination of two principles - male and female. The most striking feng shui pair symbols for love are a pair of mandarin ducks, a pair of frolicking fish, or a pair of footprints symbolizing the footprints of the Buddha. However, you can place any symbols that symbolize love in your ideas - swans, doves, figurines of a man and a woman, and other images. The main thing is that there should be two and ALWAYS DIFFERENT-SEX.

Let new relationships into your life

If you recently broke up with a man and do not plan to return to him, allow yourself to forget about it. Use feng shui to bring new relationships into your life. Throw away without regret all objects that remind you of past love. If you regret photos or gifts, then you are not yet ready for a new feeling. If with all your heart you want to meet your soul mate, throw it away and do not regret anything. Change your bed if possible. Get rid of the old with pleasure and anticipation of the new, happy life. Start a new good habit: every day, get rid of one unnecessary thing or thought that haunts you. Rename your dark thoughts cockroaches and send them away from your home. Draw or write statements that bother you and throw them in the trash. Forget about the past. Feng Shui experts say: the past is forgotten, the future is closed, there is only here and now. Be here and now and He will appear in your life ...

Here you will find useful recommendations that will help you maintain love and harmony in your marriage, avoid cheating, regain your former passion and make your family relationships more trusting and friendly. Feng Shui masters often compare love to a fire - if it is not supported by firewood, it will quickly burn out. Likewise, love does not tolerate monotony and constantly needs new emotions. Many people, having become a couple, cease to amaze each other, take care of each other tenderly, their life turns into a boring routine - this is a dangerous disease that can end in a break.

Special recommendation feng shui for married readers. In activating the luck of your home to attract wealth and prosperity, you should be aware of the hidden danger. You must be sure that you do not energize your husband's "going to the side." Feng Shui, originally created to attract wealth and prosperity to the house, can sometimes, through an oversight, become the cause of adultery.


Be careful with water symbols. Water symbols should be placed to the left of the door. These guidelines apply whether the symbols are inside or outside the home. Water symbols located within sight of your front door will always bring more wealth if they are located in the east, southeast, or north of your garden. But if you place your water symbols in these three directions and are forced to place them to the right of the front door, then it is better for you not to have them at all, since prosperity will not benefit you if you lose your husband! This does not bring abundance, but creates a lot of trouble and unhappiness.

Families with pools should be particularly careful about their location. If the pool is to the right of the front door (looking out the door), there is a very high chance of infidelity problems. And it can become an impetus for the development of love interests in a husband outside of marriage. Right side means to your right when you are standing in the door, facing out.


Be very careful with flowers in the bedroom. Do not put fresh flowers in the bedroom, any image of water. You can read more about feng shui plants. Flowers in the bedroom mean the presence of many women in your life, as in the old days, when one man had many wives and concubines. Do not agree to hang pictures of flowers or so-called artistic images of naked women in the bedroom. If your husband insists on it, hang these pictures in your study or other part of the house, but not in the bedroom.

What to do to avoid
feng shui adultery

To do this, make sure that the bed is not reflected in the mirror, or the TV screen, computer, or other reflective surface.

Bedroom mirrors are really not recommended for any type of relationship, whether you are in the beginning or in the middle of your relationship, especially if you are seriously interested in this person! Mirrors are often thought to reflect the third party in a relationship, symbolizing the other person always standing between you. This often means "an additional marital bond," but sometimes the third person can be a discouraging relative, a jealous friend, etc. Remove the mirrors, hide them, or curtain them up! You can read more about mirrors in the material "How to hang a Feng Shui mirror".

Avoid dark red roses with thorns

Although this is a classic bouquet given for Valentine's Day, dark red roses actually have quite a negative Feng Shui meaning! The red color (except for what is used in marriage) symbolizes blood, and this is a very negative meaning, especially if the flowers were presented on the occasion of the holiday of love, friendship and happiness. The energy of red roses with thorns is even more objectionable, so if you are planning to send flowers to your soul mate, avoid red roses with thorns. Roses themselves are not bad flowers - in fact, pink, yellow, peach or cream roses (without thorns) have a beautiful symbolic meaning associated with young love!

Mandarin ducks -
symbol of marital fidelity

The king duck or mandarin duck is an emblem of good luck and got its name for its unusually beautiful plumage and superiority over other species.

Ducks fly in pairs, so the bird is considered a symbol of marriage. In Feng Shui, in general, any paired sign is especially favorable for family relations, and these birds, as the Chinese believe, choose a partner for themselves once for life and die if they have to be separated. Therefore, tangerines are also a symbol of marital fidelity. Ducks are best placed in the sector of love and relationships - in the southwest. You can place an image of a pair of ducks in the bedroom. The talisman will bring well-being, prosperity and good luck to your family, will contribute to the normalization or improvement of marital relations.

More effectively, this talisman will "work" near the aquarium or indoor plants. You can also activate Ducks using wedding rings by placing them at night next to the figurines. If there is no habit of taking off rings at night, you can put a marriage certificate with the talisman.

To return passion to the relationship
and former love according to Feng Shui:

Take a red cloth and place it under your loved one's mattress. The result will not be slow in coming. You can redecorate your entire bedroom. If red is too bright for you, use its shades. For example, peach, or pink.

Feng Shui ritual to strengthen relationships
"27 Confessions"

You will need an envelope and 27 sheets of paper, preferably red or pink. It's great if the envelope is red. You can buy a special love envelope that is sold in all Feng Shui stores,

It is better to start this ritual on an auspicious day, and preferably in the morning. You need to relax, let go of all the problems and try not to think about anything. Take a few deep breaths, then hold your breath and write "Love Enhancer" on the front of the envelope and your signature on the back. By the way, the pen must be new, bought specifically for the ritual.

Every day, on one of the 27 leaves, write sincere declarations of love. Pick the most beautiful words, you can write poetry, the main thing is that the confessions are sincere, and come from the heart. It is even better to do this with your loved one, then you write a confession on one side of the leaf, and he on the other!

The more sincerely you do this, the more effective the result will be. While writing, imagine how your love grows and grows stronger every day, how both of you cannot imagine life without each other. After writing, put the piece of paper in an envelope.

Every day before going to bed, imagine that the envelope with love confessions continues to strengthen and multiply your love.

If you performed the ritual together, then after 27 days, when all the leaves are written, arrange a “love holiday” with your loved one: prepare a romantic dinner, read your confessions to each other!

If not, then arrange a romantic evening for yourself, your beloved. For example, prepare yourself a bath with candles, basking in it, re-read all 27 leaves, relax, dream.

After that, the leaves and the envelope must be burned so that other people's hands do not touch them.

This ritual is very effective, but if you miss at least 1 day, you will have to start all over again.

To make relationships more trusting and friendly:

Feng Shui swallows and peonies

Swallows symbolize hope, homeliness, pure and bright love, as well as numerous offspring.

Peonies - regal beauty, perfect dignity and prosperity. Auspicious talisman for young couples!

Most suitable room: bedroom, southwestern part of it.

For this, everything that is described above is suitable. As well as many other recommendations. For example, once every three days you can activate personal sectors responsible for romantic luck with bouquets of fresh flowers. This is the so-called "Flower of luck". For those born in the years of the Horse, Tiger and Dog - this is the east, in the years of the Pig, Goat and Rabbit - the north, the Rat, Monkey and Dragon - the west, and the Rooster, Ox and Snake - the south. This is very effective remedy to improve your personal life.

Be sure to do good feng shui in your bedroom with your spouse. It is useful to place a massive earth element in the southwest corner of the bedroom, which will symbolically ground it and make your relationship stable and lasting. Place here also some of the romantic symbols that are recommended to activate the southwest of the house. There should also be no photos of children in the bedroom. Or images of a man or woman surrounded by several members of the opposite sex. This is just as harmful as the image of a lonely person, or a lonely figurine. The bedside table between the beds, like the mattress, divided into two halves, symbolically contributes to the disengagement and disunity between the spouses. Look around - what else in your bedroom can attract situations you don't want? Think about what else you can bring there to enhance your romantic luck? Do it without delay.

Clear the space of your home from time to time, eliminate stagnant energies, attract movement and Qi. A good way to enhance luck is to use scents.

There are many ways. Choose the ones that you like the most, be creative in the process. You can come up with your own way to increase romantic luck for yourself. Listen to your intuition. And remember, it's important to have the right attitude and intention. This can significantly increase your chances of success, although feng shui works without it. But thought is material.

There are many esoteric ways to attract wealth, love, health promotion and career growth. Let's take a closer look at one of these aspects. successful life. Namely, how feng shui can help to attract love and marriage. It's ancient Chinese teaching offers many rituals and talismans to strengthen romantic luck and create a family.

Activation of the southwestern sector

If the southeast corner of the house is used for, then the southwest sector is needed to attract love and marriage. There are eight most effective ways to attract love and marriage. All of them are designed to activate the southwestern sector of the bedroom or living room.

  1. Hang red lights in this sector of the apartment or living room to enhance the yang energy.
  2. Place red and yellow candles and light them periodically.
  3. Place in the southwest mascots of a pair of birds (mandarin ducks, lovebird parrots, pigeons).
  4. Put a transparent quartz crystal under the rays of the sun or under the lamp.
  5. Use a ready-made picture of "double happiness" or draw this symbol yourself. It is good on its own or together with flashlights.
  6. Hang a picture or photo of a mountain view to support the earth's energy.
  7. Decorate furniture, curtains, bedspreads and/or carpets with mystical love knots.
  8. Put bouquets of flowers in beautiful vases (daffodils and peonies are especially good).

Images of Dragon and Phoenix

In Feng Shui symbolism, these two beings are the two most powerful expressions of auspicious Chi energy. Dragon and Phoenix mean the peak of luck. Each of these heavenly creatures individually symbolizes different concepts, but both of them are strong sources of yang energy:

  • The Dragon associated in Feng Shui with courage, strength, victory and the highest luck.
  • Phoenix means new opportunities, recognition, the awakening of new luck and rebirth "from the ashes."

However, in a pair, these two mystical animals mean a strong union of energies that allows you to achieve marital happiness. The combined symbol is an extremely powerful Feng Shui tool for achieving family harmony for both already married people and those who are looking for their mate. This esoteric talisam accelerates the ripening of marriage karma.

The dragon and phoenix are suitable symbols for the bedroom. They should be placed side by side, while the Dragon should be to the left of the Phoenix. These can be large or small pictures, images on curtains or embroideries on a bedspread. Symbols can also be carved on the headboard, chest of drawers or dressing table.

Moon for good luck in marriage

The Chinese believe that the god of marriage lives on the moon, and there is a charming tradition followed by Chinese girls on the first day. full moon after the onset of the Lunar New Year - in other words, on the 15th day of the New Year. At this time, girls, seeking to find good husbands and receive divine blessings for marriage, throw ripe juicy oranges into the water. It is believed that water and wind will carry the message across the seas and oceans and bring it to the home of an honest and respected young man.

If you want to find good husband, then the orange that you throw into the sea or river must be ripe and fragrant. In this case, the girl throws only one fruit, that is, she has only one chance.

The setting may also reflect this belief in magical power Moon. Lunar energy is believed to increase a family's chances of attracting a good son-in-law. If you want to attract marital luck, you should display the energy of the Moon in the bedroom - for example, hang a landscape with the Moon and a moon path.

Wish List

If you are single and dream of finding a person with whom a relationship would bring you comfort and satisfaction, you can describe the desired partner on paper. The universe will gladly help you attract love, but you must be very specific about what you want.

In the left column, list all positive traits that you would like to see in a partner. Before writing down, think carefully about the list of characteristics. On the right, write down his less attractive qualities that are not critical for you, that is, those that you agree to put up with. This important point, because the an ideal person It's a utopia, it doesn't happen in real life.

Men, for example, might write about a woman's love of shopping or chatting with their girlfriends on the phone. Women, in turn, can indicate such male inclinations as a love of football or fishing / hunting with friends.

When you're done with your list, rewrite it nicely, then fold it up and put it in a small box, tie it with red ribbon. Indeed, in Feng Shui it has the power of activation - this will give the wish more Yang energy. Place the box in the southwest corner of your bedroom and activate it using the light and twin talismans. Do not add anything additional to the list, as this may confuse and delay the fulfillment of the desire. Therefore, it is better to spend more time initially on its compilation.

Appeal to the Great Isis

In order to achieve happy love, you can also use the words of a prayer addressed to the Great Isis - the ancient Mother and Goddess of all life. This ritual is very simple to perform. Find a time and place when you can be alone. Light a church candle, let go of all extraneous thoughts and read the following prayer for love:

Repeat the words of the prayer three times, then extinguish the candle. In conclusion, watch another useful video about attracting love for marriage, or rather, about using the “peach formula”, which, according to reviews, works great:

Feng Shui helps to create the kind of Qi energy that can attract favorable opportunities for you to find love and start a family. But it is important to understand that Feng Shui cannot guarantee that your union will necessarily be successful. What qualities the person you marry will have and how long you will be happy with him depends entirely on his and your karmic luck and your personal relationships, and not on Feng Shui.

May love always be in your life!

Attract love with Feng Shui

One of the strongest and most ancient human instincts is the instinct for the continuation of the human race, which finds its expression in the psychological need to love and be loved. The loneliness of a man or woman is perceived as a failure in life, and many fairly successful people are willing to sacrifice almost everything they have to find their love and keep it.

Love represents one of the true values ​​of the human race, shaping the personality and its destiny, awakening all the best that is inherent in human nature. Love is the most altruistic state of the soul, an inexhaustible source of happiness.

In the teachings of Feng Shui, love is one of the main concepts. The Feng Shui teaching claims that each person can attract love by their actions, only faith in a favorable outcome and some of your efforts in this direction are needed.

Feng Shui places great importance on creation in your home. romantic relationship and an atmosphere of love.

Feng Shui ways to attract love

In order to attract a feeling of love and ensure that love accompanies you everywhere and always, Feng Shui uses various symbols whose energy of action attracts love into your life. directly harmonizes the relationship between a man and a woman, attracts special feelings into your life.

For this, both symbols of love are used, and certain actions are performed that enhance their effect.

Feng Shui Finding True Love

Feng Shui tips for attracting a desired friend, partner or spouse into your life:

    The painting "Moon path"

    Hang a picture of the moon and the moon path in the bedroom. It is believed that the energy of the moon increases the possibilities for attracting a partner.

  • Hang photos or pictures of the opposite sex you like in your home to attract a soul mate into your life.
  • On the full moon, it is recommended to light several candles floating in a vessel with water.
  • During a date, an important meeting, try to dress in such a way that your clothes have red details. Red color .
  • Paired items attract future life partners well. For example, a sculpture of two mandarin ducks, a pair of swans or pigeons .
  • Mirrors should not be installed in your bedroom, especially if they reflect your bed. They can take away luck in partnership and love from your life.
  • It is recommended to put a sea shell in the southwestern part of the bedroom, which attracts a new partner into your life or strengthens the relationship with an existing one.
  • In order to attract a loved one, try to organize your workplace in a room or office in the northwestern part of the room, and place red objects (a vase, a picture, a photograph) in its eastern part.
  • Hang images of phoenixes, peacocks, or other birds in the living room of your apartment. They attract good luck in love and marriage, help to find a loved one, partner.
  • Get rid of everything that is in your home and reminds you of your past hobbies and love relationships. There should be no place in your house for sentimental correspondence with former partners, romantic trinkets and gifts given by them. Remember that if you want to attract something new to yourself, you need to get rid of the old, make room.
  • Take a look at the walls and see if there are any paintings on them, photographs of lonely people. Such images can bring the energy of loneliness into the house. It is also better to remove your portraits or paintings.
  • Buddha footprints

    See if your house looks like a lone wolf's home: one chair, a single bed, a single bedside table, only your personal belongings everywhere. Such a dwelling does not "wait" for the appearance of new people. It is necessary to put a double bed, access to which will be provided from both sides, and on the bed itself there must be one blanket and two pillows. Also, nothing should hang over the bed. It is not recommended to hang shelves here, massive decorations. You can not force the space under the bed with anything. Energy must circulate freely. In the interior of the bedroom, it is desirable to have less sharp corners. It is desirable that after waking up, your eyes immediately fall on something pleasant and beautiful, causing pleasant emotions that set you up for positive. It can be a beautiful vase, figurine, picture. It is also not recommended to place the bed so that the head is directed towards the window, and the legs are towards the door. When you are in bed, you should be able to see the door. You can not make a bedroom in a walk-through room.

  • Perhaps there is a lot of female energy in your house. Lace, jewelry, ruffles, vases, bottles and other feminine accessories can scare your partner away from your room, in which he will feel uncomfortable.
  • Your room should not be filled with various soft toys childhood, dolls, since the energy of a mature relationship is unlikely to appear in such a home.
  • If you want to attract a man and especially know his hobbies, add something to the interior of the room that he might like or be interested in.
  • In the zone of Love, everything should contribute to feelings and there should be only what is directly related to love relationship. Light candles, bring in a light aroma of natural essential oils, which are aphrodisiacs that contribute to the exacerbation of sexual desire.
  • A computer, a TV set, working documents, superfluous things (especially dirty ones) do not belong here. Move them to another place if you want to swirl in a whirlpool of love.
  • Take care of the cleanliness and sufficient lighting in the Love Zone, which is always located in the far right corner in relation to the entrance.
  • The right search for a man. You should always remember that you do not need any partner of the opposite sex, but the one you want to see as your chosen one. Fate may offer you various options but not everyone can suit you. In order to get a more specific version of the development of events, you need to do the following: make a list of the most important qualities that you would like to see in your chosen one. Moreover, the more diverse your list is, the more surprises you will be able to avoid. You should not write on this list what you will never be able to put up with. Then rewrite the entire list on pink or red paper (the color of love), fold it into a tube, be sure to tie it with a red ribbon and place it in the extreme right corner from the front door. This is the corner of marriage.

Talismans and symbols of love

Picture with peonies - the talisman of Love

In his practice he uses numerous symbols and talismans.

Painting with peonies. Peonies are considered one of the most effective and powerful love talismans. A painting with peonies for love in feng shui, placed at the entrance to the bedroom, attracts single women to life companions. married women they can also use the wonderful effect of peonies, thanks to which their husbands will be more loving. But be aware of the possibility side effect, which can cause husbands to be interested in other women, so in this case it is recommended to place them not in the bedroom, but in the living room.

A popular feng shui symbol of love are various pair symbols. Only two creatures of different sexes can serve as such a symbol: figurines or images of paired footprints of the Buddha, fish, mandarin ducks, pigeons, swans, images of a girl and a boy.

Earth symbols. Widely used in Feng Shui crystals considered to be one of the most strong talismans"mother earth". In order for them to exert their magical effect, they must be located in the southwest of the bedroom. Crystals must first be cleaned using a weak saline solution for this purpose, in which the crystal is placed for a period of a week. If a woman wants a man not to hide his passionate feelings, it is necessary to highlight the crystal.

If you do not have the opportunity to use a crystal, then you can use a fairly simple method to attract love.

Take a transparent round bowl or a small vase made of crystal or glass. Fill it with water, and put a ring and pebbles on the bottom of the vase. The ring can be anything, silver or gold, but without any stones. From above, the petals of some flower are placed on the water, preferably a peony or a rose, and two floating candles are also lowered. The vase should be placed in the southwest of the bedroom. Every evening it is necessary to regularly light candles, and also do not forget to change the water and the petals in the vase. Next to the vase, you can put any paired symbol that will definitely help you if you follow the teachings of Feng Shui.

Romance Flower Formula

Romance Flower Formula

This formula is contained in the well-known system "Four Pillars of Destiny". This system considers all life path man, destiny and luck. The essence of the method is to select and activate your Patron of Romance. The patrons of romance in the Chinese horoscope are represented by four animals: the Rooster, the Rabbit, the Horse and the Rat.

To find out who patronizes you, you need to determine which animal year you were born in, and then look at the table.

There are several ways to use this formula. We will talk about the simplest.

The simplest thing is to buy a figurine or talisman of your Patron and carry it with you all the time. You can buy a figurine, a coin, a keychain with the image of your animal, you can even just print the image on a computer or cut it out from any magazine and carry it in your pocket. Feng Shui practice shows that this method really works.

What else needs to be remembered?

Feng Shui talismans, when used correctly, are able to exert their magical effects. They have a beneficial effect on the emotional and mental state of their owner, contribute to the solution of current life problems.

In order for the talisman to act effectively and purposefully, you need to believe in its magical power, and also, when using it, put all the strength of your desire into it.
