Secrets of female magical energy of beauty and prosperity. moon magic

I want to continue the topic of female energy that I started in the article There I talked about the importance of connecting with the Earth and how to establish this connection. For example, when doing household chores, perceive them not as a waste of time, effort and energy, but, on the contrary, as a means of filling it.

All our women's daily activities can be done with a double meaning: to do things, and to increase your strength and energy. That's why we and women are to create a special atmosphere and field in our family, this is our female magic and purpose.

In ancient times, women put a special sacred meaning into their daily household chores. Maybe that's why families were stronger, and people were kinder and happier? Washing, ironing, cooking, whatever the woman did, she put her creative forces into this occupation and illuminated it through prayers and images.

Today, women treat household chores and other chores as a daily routine, but in the past it was a sacred ritual. So maybe it's time to start applying the deep knowledge of our ancestors, thereby improving your life? After all, even in the most ordinary things you can put meaning and get strength and energy from it.

Women's magic in daily affairs

Cooking food.

The process of cooking should be conscious, not on the run and in haste (this can be done in some cases, but not always!). You need to put your soul into each dish and cook it with love, then family life will be filled with it.

When I cook, I always read the prayer “Our Father” over each dish, plus you should try to put meaning into each of your actions. For example, while kneading dough, imagine that with every move you make, your family becomes more and more united. Or adding sugar to pastries, that your whole life with your husband will be very sweet and tasty. Most importantly, use your imagination!

Washing and ironing.

Putting laundry in washing machine, imagine that during washing, not only linen and things will be cleaned, but also the energy field of each family member, from dirt and negativity.

And when ironing your husband's shirt, feel his strength and courage, love the man in him and endow his clothes with the strength of a winner. Wearing such clothes, a man will really feel a surge of strength, and his affairs will go better and better.

Cleaning the house.

I personally, before starting to wash dishes or floors, create an intention and say that by cleaning my apartment, I wash off all bad karma, all negativity, unkind looks, envy from myself and my household and completely cleanse our physical and energy space .

You can say and present whatever you want. Just feel that everything dark and bad is leaving your apartment and it is filled with light, purity, and joy. Ventilate your entire house, open windows, light incense or candles, water and care for house flowers. In general, connect and enlist the support of all four elements: water, air, fire and earth.

Cosmetic procedures and personal care.

When taking a bath, decorating yourself, putting on your make-up or doing other beauty treatments, try to feel as clearly as possible that you are connecting with the energies of all female Goddesses and resonating with Venus, which gives you youth and beauty.

When combing your hair, imagine how a comb sliding through your hair removes all the unnecessary information that has accumulated during the day and negative energy and your feminine strength and energy is restored. In general, a woman with long hair energetically very strong and able to create a protective circle for her man. The ancient Slavs even had a tradition: it was believed that a husband receives strength and protection from his wife when he combs her hair.

When taking care of yourself, don't do it automatically. Most often, our women run home, drop their bags, take a quick shower and run to the stove to cook something in haste. Stop, where are you in such a hurry? Don't have time to watch your favorite series? Or surf the internet? Believe me, you go quieter, you will continue. It is a fact!

Energy support and assistance.

Women's magic is not various love spells and other attempts to influence someone else's will and desire to subjugate.

Women's magic is the radiation of love and healing energy.

For example, you can create a healing potion. Take a drink that you want to give to a sick husband or child and imagine how it comes out of your palms. healing energy emerald color. Fill the drink with this energy, whisper prayers over it or any words coming from the heart.

Touching your loved ones (husband, child), also imagine a stream of gracious energy going through your palms to them. Such touches work wonders, they soothe and fill the soul with love and happiness.

Live consciously and put love and blessing into all your household chores. Treat them like a sacred ritual, because this is where your feminine energy and strength is manifested.

Work on yourself, develop, fill up! Visit the page, it is likely that you will find interesting courses and training for their development.

Live in happiness!

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Most people have a very strange mindset, they want to learn how to heal others, but not themselves. Eat old saying“Doctor, heal yourself, and then treat others”, for energy practices, this is much more relevant than for official medicine. A real master who owns any healing technique does not work on his own energy, he is a conductor, an instrument through which flows pass and therefore must have the purest energy. Otherwise, errors and distortions occur in the directed energy, and the healer himself becomes unwell. Of course it's perfect healthy people no, but working with others without being able to put yourself in order is not professional.
Now about streams. The human energy system is a complex electromagnetic circuit that receives primary energy from various ranges of the earth and space. The energy perceived and transformed by the chakras goes through the channels (nadis) to the nervous and endocrine systems, and then to the blood. The biofield (aura) is the totality of the entire energy potential, and reflects the state as “here and now”, therefore it makes no sense to work with it, it is necessary to look for the roots of problems in the system itself, where failures subsequently leading to diseases are initially informational in nature, that is perceived by the brain through the organs of sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch.
Why energy therapy, because this technique works to correct the energy system, since the life processes are provided by the wave (field) form of energy that carries information. And bioenergy is the internal flows of a person, which can also be disturbed and reconstructed according to the holographic model of the matrix containing the whole, like each part of it. You can annihilate or correct problems yourself on ethereal body, where layers are clearly visible in the form of various visual images perceived by the brain with increased flow electromagnetic field in the earth-space system of downward and upward direction.
We are an element of the planet's biosphere, and it is part of a huge cosmic system, where there is a continuous exchange of energy and information, the latter for us can be karmic, hereditary (ancestral) and acquired during the current reincarnation. At the moment of communication, biological objects also undergo an energy-information exchange, by the way, telegony issues are from this area, but evil eye and damage is a one-sided directed introduction of information. Energy is universal, but if the system fails, it can acquire qualities that negatively affect the body. Good example blood clots, this is the same blood, but strongly compacted due to a violation of the program.
In practice, everything is less complicated than in the presentation, as they say, "it is better to see once than hear a hundred times." The technique has been developed and tested for more than one year, it contains a complex of various techniques working harmoniously in unison with the main postulate - thought is material, and energy follows thought. Our brain is a computer interface, an intermediary between the material and the ideal. He does not distinguish the seen picture from the imagined one, and the clearer it is, the more effective will be the effect of influencing energy system. Because, based on the holographic structure of reality, each observation has an impact on the observed system.
It has already been said above that the concept of a hologram states: "each part of it is an exact representation of the whole and can be used for a complete reconstruction." This is very important and can be clearly seen in Kirlian photographs, where a leaf of a plant with a cut off part looks whole. There is such difficult problem as a “memory phantom”, when an organ or limb is removed, but the pain remains, this indicates that the integrity of the hologram is unchanged, but the disease program remains. Such things are removed by the directed movement of the torsion field counterclockwise, that is, by demagnetization, but there are other ways to remove information.
Everything in the world vibrates, each cell, organ has its own vibration frequency. We know that color is the length of the electromagnetic wave. We are interested in the range of the visible spectrum, since the work is on visual images, and it can be well imagined, which also corresponds to the colors of the main energy centers (chakras). Pure color is not used, it passes as a component of white prana, and only in extreme cases dark shades are used. Purification of the chakras (except for the higher ones) is carried out on the elements with the condition of the given parameters of the rotation of the torsion field. In the process of work, you can also mentally resort to the help of an egregore of your religious denomination.

After reading this article, some will want to incriminate me with a certain amount of science. I tried to present both the essence of my method and the processes taking place in the body on a subtle level in a more informative way. Both here and abroad, physicists have long been studying the human biofield, most esoteric knowledge has long been confirmed and science stands on threshold of another understanding of nature.

Every person is born for happiness and love. That's just to meet the hero (or heroine) of your novel, create and save harmonious relationship succeeds not for everyone. Meanwhile, there is ancient artlove magic capable of making absolutely everyone happy. How to meet ideal partner, protect your union from envious people and rivals?

Women often turn to me - smart, pretty, but, unfortunately, lonely or dissatisfied with their personal lives. And in the eyes - the same question: “Well, what is wrong with me? Why can't I meet a normal man? Why do relationships fall apart before they even begin? Meanwhile, you can understand a lot for yourself. So first, let's do a little self-diagnosis. Answer a few questions on a scale of 1 to 10, where one means "no, never, not at all" and ten means "yes, all the time, very much." So let's get started.

  • Do you feel very tired at the end of the day?
  • Do you feel overwhelmed in the morning?
  • Do you often pamper yourself (make yourself gifts, have a good time, relax for your pleasure)?
  • Are you easily off balance?
  • Are you often dissatisfied with yourself?

Well, now let's count. If you scored about 50 points, you are clearly not enough vital energy in general and women in particular. The more points, the more serious the situation. In such a state, we can hardly cope with everyday affairs - what kind of attraction of love can we talk about?

Restoring feminine energy

Fortunately, everything is fixable. And above all, we must learn to live positively. How does your day start? Those of us who feel a lack of feminine energy wake up broken, irritated, dissatisfied.

But morning is the most important time of the day: right now you set yourself the mood for the whole day. So drive away all gloomy thoughts. First, consciously change them to positive ones: literally pronounce positive emotions– and very soon you will notice that you are actually experiencing them.

Well, we finally got out of bed and went to the mirror. Oh horror: wrinkles, some spots on the skin, a pale complexion. Well, the “beauty” ... Dear ladies, with such an attitude towards yourself, you only increase your problems - both with appearance, and with self-esteem, and with your personal life. And since such discoveries are usually made in front of a mirror, the negative effect is doubled. But it is not difficult to see something beautiful in yourself. Perhaps you have interesting type face, beautiful eyes, pretty nose: focus on the merits, I assure you, absolutely everyone has them, you just need to learn to notice them - then they will gradually crowd out the flaws, you will feel like a beauty without any quotes - and become like that!

Make time for a leisurely breakfast. In no case do not snack on the run: it is harmful for both the stomach and energy. When brewing tea or coffee, say into the cup:

“I create a magical drink. With every sip, I increase my health and beauty. With every sip, I am filled with energy and good luck. With every sip I radiate lightness and tenderness. With each sip, I am filled with confidence and love for myself. With every sip, I draw attention to myself. There is a magnet inside me, they see me, they hear me, they love me. My word is lock and key. As I said, so be it."

Drink your magic drink with pleasure, calmly, slowly and, most importantly, think only about the good: this will help you maintain a positive attitude for the whole day, increase your luck and attractiveness.

Everyone is familiar with the expression that beauty is horrible power. And almost the entire fair sex always strives to look stunning, but at the same time, many are still alone or cannot keep a man near them for a long time. Outer beauty, of course, plays a huge role in the perception of a woman by others, and even herself. But if there is nothing more behind the ideal appearance, then there is no point in all this ideality.

A woman is attractive when she is full of energy! And today I will give you some practices for activating female energy and beauty. After all, we are all a little sorceress, and a little witch, the main thing is to direct our forces in the right direction and for the good of ourselves and other people.

Strengthening the female chakra and energy

This chakra is called Muladhara. To practice, you will need ylang ylang oil and a rose quartz sphere. Put 4-5 drops of oil into the aroma lamp and wait until the aroma spreads around the room. Lie down, relax and put the quartz on your stomach, in the area of ​​​​the uterus. Breathe deeply and calmly, and then inhale the air into the center of the forehead (third eye area) and, holding the breath, lower it into the lower abdomen. Feel how the energy fills the area of ​​the lower abdomen, then, as you exhale, raise the air and exhale again through the center of the forehead.

Take 20 such breaths, and then just relax and breathe calmly, feeling how rose quartz fills your body with warm, pink energy. As your feminine energy, your power is concentrated in your lower abdomen and then spreads throughout your body. It is enough to lie down like this for 10-15 minutes and you will be filled with strength and energy. You can connect ovarian breathing to this practice, you can read about this powerful technique of filling energy in the article.

Changing vibrations and filling yourself and your field with love

Many have heard about this method of increasing attractiveness. This is such a kind of three-week love awakening marathon.

Within three weeks, you will need to pay attention to all males (young men, men, pensioners) both in reality and on TV and on the Internet.

The first week, when you see a male representative, say to yourself that you love him. Even if a formation of soldiers passes by you, just say: “I love this man, and this, and I love that too!”.

For the second week, talk and think about the fact that these men love you (“this man loves me, and this one loves me too, and this one loves me very much”).

And all last week love should become mutual (“I love this man and he loves me”, “he loves me, as I love him”).

In this way, you will create a powerful field of love around you. In many women, there is a deep resentment against men or dislike for them. Men feel it and bypass such ladies. With this practice, you will remove all blocks and resentments and become very attractive to the opposite sex.

Strengthening magnetism and attractiveness with the help of the Moon

Now is the period of the growth of the moon, in the article you can read how you can attract prosperity and health during this period. Soon the moon will be full and this is the most best moment to enhance their attractiveness.

Lunar energy is female energy.

Pour water into a transparent (preferably crystal) vessel and on the full moon, when the moon is very clearly visible, put it on the window so that the light of the moon is reflected in it. And before that, you will need to place a red ribbon with three knots (beauty, charisma and confidence) in the vessel.

As you tie the first knot, say: “I tie the knot and bind myself strongly to attractiveness and natural beauty. I like people and myself.

As you tie the second knot, say: “I tie this knot and bind myself tightly with an easy disposition, affability and charisma. I'm charming."

When tying the third knot, say: “By tying this knot, I firmly tie myself and confidence into one whole. The people around me respect and appreciate me. And I value myself and believe in myself.”

After the vessel stands on the windowsill on the night of the full moon, wash your face with this water until it runs out. On the next full moon, you can again make such magical water.

These are the practices. They are easy and work. Be confident in yourself, in your beauty, in your uniqueness. Signs of self-confidence are a straight look, a beautiful and easy gait, a straight back and a smile on the face.

And if you consider yourself unattractive and cannot find a zest in yourself, spend money once and entrust yourself to stylists. By changing your image, you can completely change your life.

And don't forget about women's practices. I suggest you download 5 qigong exercises to open up sensuality from Lisa Pieterkina, a student of a Taoist master. These exercises take a little time (only five minutes a day), and the effect is good. Fill yourself with energy constantly! And live in happiness and love!

If this article was useful for you, and you want to tell your friends about it, click on the buttons. Thank you very much!

Every woman can create around herself what she wants. And the most easy way to create coziness and comfort around you, it is to enjoy life and yourself. Radiating happiness and pleasure, she creates it for her loved ones, and increases its quantity in the world.

A woman can apply her magic in absolutely all spheres of life. Cleaning, cooking, caring for herself, she does magical things. It depends only on her mood what result this magic will lead to. For example, food can be just an energy product, it can be a magic potion, or it can be poison. Everything in the hands of a woman is filled with its content.

A woman combines 4 elements and, accordingly, 4 female incarnations. The element of fire is a woman-lover, the element of water is a girl, the element of air is a queen and the element of earth is a mistress.

It is the connection with the Earth that endows her with feminine magic. The generally accepted idea of ​​the role of a hostess is often associated with a dishwasher, cleaner, cook - in general, with a heavy monotonous life. However, being a hostess is much more than that. Much closer to this concept is a sorceress. Such a hostess can cook porridge from an ax, embroider a talisman for a betrothed shirt, in which he will be invincible. Such a woman can heal any wound with one touch, and strike on the spot with one look. Such a woman can easily model her future with her desires. And create peace and harmony in your environment.

The most important thing is that it is given to absolutely all women, only not many are aware of this power of theirs. And only sometimes they use it intuitively. Many of us were taught to cook borscht, paying attention to a special set of products. But no one taught us how to cook a magic borscht that will drive any man crazy. We were taught how to use the iron. But no one taught to iron the shirt of a loved one so that he would emerge victorious in negotiations and be at his best.

This is not about manipulation and love spells, when some otherworldly forces are used to produce violence against someone. It's about a completely different kind of magic. About her personal female energy and the ability of a woman to fill and turn desires into matter, about the ability to fill everything around with happiness and love.

Previously, women put a special sacred meaning into their daily activities. Cooking, embroidering towels, ironing shirts - everything became magic ritual. Maybe that's why families were more harmonious and stronger, and people were healthier and happier?

How can we today manifest the deep knowledge of our great-grandmothers and apply it to improve our lives?

* Start with awareness of your feminine power. Feel where, in what part of the body is its source. Allow this natural magic to manifest freely. Now, when you do something: clean, cook, etc., do it consciously, fill it all with happiness, joy, fill it with peace, desire and love.

* When combing your hair, do it consciously, imagining how a comb sliding through your hair removes all the negative energy and information accumulated during the day. And the feminine energy that our hair is known to absorb is restored. A woman with long hair has a very strong energy, and is able to create a protective circle for her beloved man. A husband receives protection from his wife when he combs her hair. The Slavs had such a tradition.

* While taking a bath, doing beauty treatments, decorating yourself or applying makeup, imagine that you are connecting with the energies of the Feminine Goddesses of Beauty, that you are entering into resonance with the vibrations of the feminine planet Venus, which gives you youth, beauty, charm and health.

* It is possible to create a love or healing potion by preparing any drink that he loves for a husband or a sick family member, take it in your hands, imagine how green, emerald energy of life comes out of your palms, and nourishes him. And quietly whisper over him kind, blessing words, healing prayers coming from your heart. Such a potion will become nectar, and will be able to nourish and heal not only the body, but also the soul.

* The process of cooking should be approached as meditation, that is, do it consciously and slowly. If a woman cooks hastily, fussing, or even neglects this duty, then her husband will not want a long-term relationship with her. If she puts all her Soul into this process, cooks slowly, and her dishes are always varied, then family life will be long and interesting. Approach the cooking process as if you were preparing a secret potion. Endow each product with some property or quality. Spin the space the way you want. Add love as the main ingredient and spice it up with your feminine magic. I assure you it will be the most tasty dish that exists on the planet. As you knead the dough or stir the salad, meditate on bonding between family members.

* When you wash clothes or iron shirts for your husband, feel his courage and strength, give his clothes the power to win, see how his affairs get better, how success, prosperity and good luck come to him. And then in it he will really be able to reach any heights.

* When cleaning the space of the house, mentally imagine how everything dark, all discord leaves it, the negative is eliminated. And the house is filled with the light of your love, joy and magic. It is favorable to clean the house with a candle flame, open windows to allow free movement of air, burn incense, do wet cleaning and grow flowers. Thus, you enlist the support of all the elements, and gain protection.

* When touching a loved one or a child, imagine how a stream of fertile energy flows through your palms, capable of healing spiritual wounds, calming, filling Souls with divine love. Such touches work wonders.

A woman creates peace and tranquility, she is able to resolve any conflict. Release your feminine energy in all directions of the world. And say: "All beings are peaceful, all beings are calm." You have created harmony and tranquility around you. You brought it into the world.

In everything you do, put Love and Blessing into it. Treat all affairs as a ritual, endowing it with a special sacred meaning. It is in such outwardly imperceptible deeds of a woman that her true, Magic force. And happiness comes to her in the form of spiritual harmony, successful loving husband, healthy smart kids, friendly and strong family. Isn't that what each of us dreams of?

MASTER CLASS "WOMEN'S MAGIC" – a useful practical seminar with a large number of practices and exercises on the accumulation and work with feminine energy, the energy of Beregini, the Keeper of the Family.

We all know perfectly well that the psychic energy of a woman is stronger than that of a man. But few people know that the power of the female spiritual power is hundreds of times greater than the male.

What is it and how to develop it in yourself? How to learn to use your limitless possibilities? - that's what this master class is about.

This master class is for women who want to better understand themselves, learn how to use their capabilities, laid down by Nature, develop their feminine power and reveal their charms (energy).

The master class is conducted by Alexander Panfilov.

1 part of the master class:

Part 2 of the master class:

A selection of materials "Revival of Femininity":

A selection of materials "Harmonious life, home improvement":

A selection of materials "Energy and information security":

Compilation « Family relationships, the relationship of a man and a woman ":

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