Guillaume Canet with his wife and son. Marion Cotillard and the Curse of the Oscars

40-year-old Marion Cotillard, with whom Brad portrayed love in the movie "Allies". The news about and completely blew up the editorials. Gossip claimed that it was Pitt who was the father of the unborn baby. Numerous Brangelina fans bombarded Marion with threats and insults.

The situation became so aggravated that the cohabitant of the actress Guillaume Canet had to speak out. The actor and director said that he was the father of the unborn child, and asked Cotillard not to interfere with Angelina and Brad anymore. An open letter appeared on the page of her beloved Marion on Instagram.

“I don’t comment on rumors about us, I don’t have the habit of talking frankly about my personal life, which until now I have always tried to protect. But I was forced to change my principles and speak out stupid and corrupt people who call themselves journalists, representatives of the tabloids, as well as haters, who feel so omnipotent, sitting at the keyboard and pouring mud on innocent people," Guillaume does not hide his indignation.

Photo posted by Guillaume Canet (@guillaumecanetofficiel) Aug 30, 2016 at 10:02 AM PDT

The actor assured his subscribers that he and Cotiyar, despite the hype and dirty gossip, everything is cloudless. “They forced me to admit that I am proud of Marion, love, respect and admire her. For me, she remains strong and smart, despite the fact that stupid and unfounded accusations are made against her. Even in such an ugly situation, I want to maintain a positive attitude and not sink to the level of these people. And as Marion said, I wish you all to become better and strive for something more in your life than pouring mud on others, "Kane concluded.

“It will be on the flow of news that broke out in the last 24 hours. Usually I don’t comment on such things and don’t even pay attention to them, but since the scandal affects people I love, I have to speak out about this,” Marion wrote. The actress explained that she was expecting a child from her husband Guillaume Canet, and also called him the only man and best friend. The couple is raising a five-year-old son, Marcel, who will soon have brother or sister.

The actress also answered those who were worried about her health and nerves. "I feel good, thank you. The noise created around all this does not tire me. And to all the media and haters who draw such hasty conclusions, I wish you a speedy recovery from this disease," she added.

Today, the name of the French actor Guillaume Canet is known to film lovers who closely follow the development and novelties of Western cinema. It is noteworthy that Guillaume himself did not dream of the profession of an artist at all, but came into it thanks to an accident.

Guillaume Canet was born in the spring of 1973 in a small town on the outskirts of Paris. But the future actor grew up not in Boulogne-Billancourt, but in the countryside, on a horse farm. The boy's father was in business. WITH early years addicted to horses and son. He was an excellent rider, adored animals and was going to become a horse breeder. Young Kane considered another option for his own future: to try his hand as a jockey.

But plans collapsed at one point, when Guillaume fell off his horse. Fortunately, the injury did not make the guy disabled, but he could not be a professional rider. For a while, Canet plunged into depression.

One day, Guillaume Canet heard that boys and girls of the age of a young man were recruited for acting classes. He tried his hand. Soon Kane noticed that the new occupation absorbed him so much that the guy forgot about his previous unfulfilled dreams related to horses.

After completing the initial courses, Guillaume Canet decided to thoroughly prepare for the profession of an actor. The future star was accepted into the studio of the famous mentor François Florent, under whose guidance he made his first successful steps in the profession.


The creative biography of Guillaume Canet began on the stage. The young artist took to the stage for the first time youth theater"Eberto". He was trusted to play romantic young men, in love and naive, inexperienced in amorous affairs. This role was assigned to Canet on theater stage and in cinema. It brought the novice actor the first fame.

Guillaume Canet made his film debut in 1995. He was offered a role in the short film "The Only Son". Then he starred in several more tapes before the long-awaited star role came in 1997. The audience discovered Canet in the thriller "Barracuda". And a year later, the picture “In the Heart” was released, which thoroughly fixed Guillaume on the cinema Olympus and brought him resounding success.

In 2000, a film was released that instantly became a cult classic. This is Danny Boyle's painting "The Beach". Guillaume Canet appeared on the set along with the masters of Hollywood: and inimitable.

In the same year, the audience saw Guillaume in the drama "Fidelity" with.

Success followed success. In the same year, viewers watched the premiere of the sensational detective Vidocq. Kane's hero is a young journalist who investigated the causes of death famous detective Vidocq. Played the last one. The film was a huge success with audiences and critics.

It is noteworthy that in 2002, Guillaume Canet became cramped within the framework of only acting profession. He decided to try his hand at directing. The film "My idol" became the debut. He received a warm welcome. And fame came to the director Kane 4 years later, when he filmed the next project “Don't Tell Anyone”. For this work, Guillaume received several awards at once, among which the largest and most prestigious is Cesar.

The next film in which the artist starred was Fall in Love with Me If You Dare. The tape was noted at the Newport Beach Film Festival.

IN last decade the acting career of a talented Frenchman is successfully developing. Most famous works Guillaume got roles in the films Just Together, Last Night in New York, Right to Left, and The Man Who Was Loved Too Much.

As a director, Canet presented the film "Blood Ties" to the audience and film critics in 2008, in which she starred.

Personal life

The popularity of the actor and director was brought not only by screen works, but also by novels. The personal life of Guillaume Canet was often discussed in the press. The first wife of the artist was a German star. But the actors lived together for only 5 years and broke up in 2006.

The reason for the gap was the difference in creative way. The couple was constantly apart and saw each other only once a month.

Discussion of divorce ceased immediately when new food for conversation appeared: Guillaume had a new novel with a no less famous person - the French actress Marion Cotillard. The couple met on the set of the melodrama Love Me If You Dare. Then he was married, and the actress was going through hard times, and the relationship of the artists was exclusively friendly.

After filming, Guillaume and Marion parted ways, but they continued to communicate.

When the actor divorced Diana, he had affairs with Louise Bourgoin and Elodie Navarre.

Today, Canet and Cotillard live in a de facto marriage. In 2011, they had their first child, Marcel. In 2010, Guillaume gave his beloved a ring, but the couple has not yet legalized the relationship.

In March 2017, Marion, who was named Louise. Shortly before this, the hype surrounding the divorce did not subside, in which the journalists also implicated Cotillard. There were rumors that it was the Hollywood sex symbol that had gone to her. And all because Pitt and Marion Cotillard starred together in the film "Allies", where they played a married couple.

As a result, the actress rejected the speculation and announced that she was expecting a child from Canet, and Guillaume did not doubt the woman he loved for a second. He even posted on Instagram”, where he urged people to strive for the best, and not pour mud on others.

Like many artists, the actor maintains an officially verified Instagram. He shares with thousands of fans personal photos, frames and cuts from films. In addition, he posts entries in the official "

Marion Cotillard's first love ended in the death of her lover.

Marion Cotillard(Marion Cotillard) was 16 when the aspiring 23-year-old director Julien Rassam invited her to leading role in the short film "The Game". The girl was happy - the first role in the movie, and even the director is so handsome! Soon the young people began to meet, together they rented an apartment in the center of Paris. Julien introduced Marion to actors and directors.

"Rassam introduced me Marion Cotillard in 1998, the director recalls Alexander Azha. - At that time I was looking for an actress who could play the role of an ardent opponent of the regime in the film "Fury". I remember Julien said: forget about all these car races (the film has just been released Luc Besson"Taxi" with Marion Cotillard as the main character's friend. - Approx. StarHit), this girl is capable of more. Julien was delighted with Marion, and she loved and idolized him.

But even strong feeling Marion Cotillard couldn't save Julien Rassam from a bad habit. He was a complete drug addict. In the summer of 2000, after learning that his mother committed suicide, Julien took a huge dose of drugs and jumped out of the window. Rassam survived, but remained paralyzed. For more than two years he was bedridden. Marion Cotillard all this time cared for loved ones. In 2002, Julien passed away, Marion, out of grief, left for India .

Take on "weak"

Diane Kruger and Guillaume Canet in As You Say. The marriage of the actors lasted six years.

Marion Cotillard returned to Paris and received an invitation from Jan Samuel act in a film "Fall in love with me, if you dare". Then she recalled in an interview how the director told her: “Your partner’s name is Guillaume Canet. Actually, he is a director, but he was a jockey. At the age of 18, the poor fellow broke his back, falling from a horse, so he had to forget about the career of a rider. In general, Marion, I think you have something to talk about.

Guillaume Canet was married to an actress at the time Diane Kruger(Diane Kruger). A Marion Cotillard The paparazzi took pictures embracing the DJ Bob Sinclair. “I find it indecent to talk about my personal life,” said Marion.

Marion Cotillard And Guillaume Canet quickly became friends and, like their heroes Julien and Sophie, constantly teased each other. The actors played so naturally and naturally that after the release of the film there were rumors that they had an affair not only on the screen. Canet and Cotillard denied everything. “We are friends and we know the main thing: you don’t need to believe everything that they say or write about us. It’s better to stay in the shadows and live your own life,” he told reporters. Guillaume Canet.

Just friends

Marion and Guyom fell in love with each other on film set movie Fall in Love with Me If You Dare.

In January 2003 Marion Cotillard went to America for a few months to act in a film Tim Burton "Big Fish", Guillaume Canet waiting for the movie to come out "Narco", in which he played a major role, and wrote the script. The actors were constantly in touch.

“I sent pages of the script to Marion, didn’t hide Guillaume Canet. - I have a perverted mind - I see everything in a gloomy light. It is important for me to hear a different point of view - smart and bright. We are good friends with Marion, so I consult with her.”

In January 2007, a plane from Paris landed at Los Angeles Airport. Marion Cotillard descended from the plane's ladder arm in arm with... Guillaume Canet. At the airport, many saw the couple kissing. However, in February for the award "Oscar", which Marion Cotillard awarded for the role Edith Piaf in the picture "Life in Pink Light", the actress came alone. Marion Cotillard And Guillaume Canet hid the relationship for two years, although Kane divorced Diane Kruger(Diane Kruger) back in 2006.

When Marion Cotillard was asked why, having succeeded in her homeland - in France, she recovered to conquer Hollywood, she jokingly replied: "Because there are very few French actresses." And it looks like there was some truth in her joke.

Getty Images/Fotobank
Marion Cotillard in Cannes

Profession by inheritance

Memories of childhood in Orleans always evoke the warmest feelings - father, theater director, and mother, an actress, did everything to instill in her daughter a love of art. "My dad was a mime," Cotillard recalls in an interview, "so I know how to get around a wall that doesn't exist, ride a bike that doesn't exist, and eat an apple that doesn't exist."

Marion grew up among friends of her parents, who could not talk about anything but cinema and theater. "In our house there were always many different and very interesting adults, which made it much better than any schools or kindergarten". Children - and the actress has two more twin brothers, Guillaume and Quentin - literally absorbed everything they heard, and for them it was not in vain: Guillaume became popular writer, and Quentin is a painter and sculptor. As for Marion, she simply had no other way - except for acting. Her father staged performances for her in a small enterprise owned by him, in which her daughter played the main roles - her mother rehearsed with her, with her future star learned the basics of acting. Later, when Marion grew up, she was sent to school dramatic art and hired a music teacher for her.

Nevertheless, the real passion of the girl was not theater, but cinema. “The first Hollywood movie I saw,” Cotillard later recalled, “was Steven Spielberg’s Alien. The picture made such a strong impression on me that I burst into tears and sobbed until one of the audience said: this girl from the audience!"

Getty Images/Fotobank

French actress for Hollywood

Marion made her television debut at the age of nineteen - she got the episodic role of one of the Immortals in the then-famous French-Canadian TV series Highlander. But the career of a TV series star did not appeal to the young actress, she dreamed of a big movie. And, it would seem, her dream began to come true - in Philippe Harel's film "The Boy Who Wanted to be Kissed" she played the role of the mother of the protagonist. Critics praised her, and Marion hoped that now she would receive offers from directors regularly, but this did not happen - she was still invited only to serial projects. Cotillard was already desperate, deciding that she would have to become an actress of "soap operas", when fate finally gave her a happy chance - a role in Luc Besson's film "Taxi". One of the most popular French films in the history of cinema paved the way for Marion to Hollywood. And the painting "Life in pink color", in which Cotillard played the role of one of the most famous French women - singer Edith Piaf. Cotillard's work so impressed American film academics that they called the game of a European actress - the best, by the way, for the second time in the history of the Oscars (the first marked by this high title was Sophia Loren), before and after only American women won in this nomination.

Almost ten years have passed since receiving the Oscar, and during this time Hollywood achievement list Marion replenished with such tapes as "Johnny D", "Midnight in Paris", "The Dark Knight Rises", "Fatal Passion", " A little prince". But despite the success in Hollywood, Cotillard, with her characteristic modesty, still feels like a beginner. "It always seems to me, she jokes in an interview, that the portraits of great actors, which I looked at for a long time and with reverence, suddenly came to life and spoke to me."

Marion Cotillard in Interview photoshoot

When the Oscar curse capitulates

Marion had several novels - with director Stephane Guerin-Tilli, singer and actors Julien Rassam and Gaspard Ulliel, but none of them ended in a happy ending. Guerin-Tilli was much older than Marion, next to him she seemed to herself stupid and mediocre, and this realization made her look up at her loved one. Sinclair, being an avid party-goer, spent almost all evenings and nights in nightclubs, which Cotillard did not like to be modest and homebody. Ulliel really liked Marion, but she could not forgive the handsome man with the scar of betrayal - perhaps his romance with Cessille Cassel, Vincent Cassel's sister, was not serious, but he ruined his relationship with Cotillard. And Rassam committed suicide in the midst of their relationship, Cotillard experienced his death for a long time and hard. Tim Burton brought her back to life by offering to play in his film Big Fish.

With her husband, actor Guillaume Canet, Marion met while working on the film by Yann Samuel "Fall in love with me if you dare." The director warned Cotillard in advance about the inexperience of the novice actor: “He is a jockey, he fell off a horse, broke his back, he had to say goodbye to sports - so he decided to try his hand at cinema. If something doesn’t work out for him, help. Guillaume is a good boy, you'll like it!" On the set, young people played out passion, but in life, Guillaume was married to Diane Kruger and was not going to divorce her, and Marion did not have any special feelings for her partner.

After filming, they broke up - as it seemed to Cotillard, without any regrets, so she was very surprised when, a few years later, Canet unexpectedly called her from Los Angeles, where he studied directing courses. It turned out that he was divorced - the beautiful Diana began to do acting career and she was not up to the family. Guillaume mentioned that he was writing a script, Marion volunteered to help him, and since then, almost every evening, they talked for hours on the phone. And they met only after Cotillard received an Oscar - it seems that the belief that the actresses named the best by American film academics is collapsing in their personal lives, the so-called "Oscar curse", this time failed.

It soon became clear that these two were made for each other, and when the media found out that Marion was expecting a baby, no one had any doubts about this. On May 5, 2011, the couple had a son, Marcel Canet. True, even the birth of a baby did not force his parents, who live in a civil marriage, to officially register their relationship, but fans of Marion and Guillaume are sure that this event will not be long in coming.
