Plan-summary of the lesson on the topic: Lesson of the teacher-psychologist "Peace, put up, put up and don't fight anymore!". Little finger reconciliation tradition

"Peace, make peace,

and fight no more"

Prepared by:

educational psychologist

Dosaeva V.M.



Target: develop in children feelings of kindness, empathy and tolerance. To form the ability to find methods of interaction.

Material and equipment:sheets of paper, paints, cartoon, multimedia equipment.


Educational psychologist:welcomes children.

And here we are together again.

Are you happy, kids?

We greet each other:

And you, and you, and me.

Educational psychologist:We have gathered today to talk about friendship, how to do everything together, live in harmony, negotiate, love and respect each other. And now let's see a part of the cartoon, (cartoon "Bear - bully"). After watching the conversation on the cartoon.

Educational psychologist: And all people in the world sometimes have situations when they quarrel with their relatives or friends. At this moment, they are very sad, offended, sometimes they are even angry with others. Do you think quarrels are necessary?

Children: Quarreling is bad. When you quarrel with someone, it is unpleasant.

Educational psychologist:How does a person who quarreled with someone feel?

Children: He worries, does not want to do anything, is sad, maybe even cry.

Educational psychologist:And the one with whom he quarreled?

Children: He is also bad and not happy. He thinks he needs to reconcile somehow.

Educational psychologist:If both are bad, is it possible to make sure that quarrels do not occur at all?

Children: You can ask how the other wants, how he likes to do, how he likes to do.

Educational psychologist:Why do we do everything differently?

Children: Because we are all different, not the same.

Educational psychologist:That's right, we are different in behavior, in character, in mind and other qualities. And how can you reconcile two quarreled friends? How can they be reconciled?

Children remember children's comic "mirilki":

Make peace, make peace, make peace and don't fight anymore,

And if you fight or call names...

I I'll bite, but there's nothing to bite

I will fight with a brick

And I don't want to fight

Because I love.

Matches, matches, we are sisters,

Mom red sister - reconciled forever.

Educational psychologist:Many mirilok you know. I I will introduce you to another mirulka called Drozd. Children are divided into pairs.

You're a thrush and I'm a thrush

Then to a partner.

I have a nose and you have a nose Touch your nose and then

Partner nose.

I have smooth cheeks and your cheeks are smooth

Then with a partner in the game.

I have sweet lips and you have sweet lips

Lips with fingers.

I am a friend and you are a friend, together we are friends. They point to themselves

Then to a partner.

One, two, one, two

You and I are now friends. Embrace.

Game "Tender words": Guys, do you know affectionate words, let's now say affectionate words to each other in a circle. The teacher-psychologist shows a sample.

Game "Compliment"Well done guys, they did a great job. And now we will say compliments to each other, which of you knows what compliments are. We wake up to compliment the neighbor, he will thank and compliment his neighbor on the right.

Educational psychologist:conclusions - now you yourself can call love to yourself, create good mood to himself and to another - speaking pleasant words, doing good deeds. You are strong, reliable, skillful! Friends are those who are always close to you and with whom it is good to be together. It's good to have friends around!

Educational psychologist:Guys, I want to tell you a story about friendship of 2 colors.

It was a long time ago. Once upon a time there were two colors in the world - yellow and blue. Yellow was very proud of the fact that he is the same as the sun and like the sand on the seashore in clear sunny weather. Not far from the yellow vein Blue colour. He also considered himself very important and did not want to yield to the yellow color in anything.

So they lived, arguing with each other, which of them is more important.

I the most important, because the sun is the same color as me!

No, the most important me! Look - and the sky is blue, and the sea is blue. Can't do without me!

So they argued, argued, and one day they almost had a fight. But at that moment the wind blew and mixed the yellow and blue.

So born green color, and from it - grass, flowers, trees! And it became so good in the world: now the sea, and the sun, and the sky, and the grass - everything is multi-colored! And yellow and blue realized that they were wrong, that each of them is good in its own way, and that if they are friends, a green color will appear, and now no one can do without it! (During reading, the teacher psychologist shows the “monotype” technique)

Educational psychologist: I I suggest you yourself try to make friends yellow and blue and see if they really make friends.

(children do practical work)

Educational psychologist:Well done guys, today we talked about friendship and how to be friends, how to put up, even made friends colors.


It's good to have a friend next to you

I love his smile and the warmth of his hands.

A friend always plays with me

Understands and forgives.

I miss him so much!

It's good to have a friend with you!

Happily and long live not those who do not know how to swear, but those who know how to put up.

Think back to your childhood...

When the trees were huge, when my mother's smell was the most fragrant in the world, when tears had the ability to evaporate from one mother's kiss, when it was so easy to put up with friends ...

You just had to take each other's little fingers and be sure to utter the well-known spell. This:

Make peace, make peace and don't fight anymore.

And if you fight , then I will bite .

And nothing to bite , I will fight with a brick .

And the brick will break , friendship begins

And even if before that, resentment simply burst you, and tears flowed in a stream, this ritual instantly produced a magical effect: tears dried up, resentment evaporated, and a smile of reconciliation appeared on their faces.

With this little ritual, we dedicated ourselves to "friends." After that, it was impossible to pout, be offended, just like offending. Real friends don't do that.

Still baby concept decency and honor always fascinates me. There was no need for papers signed by lawyers, it was enough to swear together and shake hands with little fingers.

Yes, childhood is golden .... Everything was so easy.

So where did this tradition of little finger reconciliation come from, and why does it have such an impact on people?

According to experts, the heart meridian passes through the little finger. Therefore, an oath that is given in this way is given from the heart.

Now it becomes clear that the tradition of tying the little fingers of the spouses with a red ribbon. For life, two hearts together.

Astrologers, on the other hand, say that the little finger is under the auspices of Mercury, the planet of trade and business.

Therefore, in ancient times, this particular gesture was like a seal on an agreement between merchants. They took an oath to fulfill the agreement concluded between them in this very way - grappling with their little fingers. And it was impossible to break such an oath in any case.

If given promise violated, then no one else wanted to deal with the merchant. It was said that such a merchant was not worth a little finger of honor.

Time passes, we grow old, we are already watching how our grandchildren put up with the help of this time-tested method.

And the question arises ... why in the past, in order to comply with something, it was required just a given word, uttered simply by directly looking into each other's eyes. And with age, we try to protect ourselves with a bunch of papers .... Yes, just in case.

Either promises have become cheap, or something is wrong with us.

And why, then, with nostalgia, we recall our serious childhood oath:

Finger for a finger
We'll take it tight
Used to fight
And now for nothing.

In life, sometimes it happens that you feel guilty, but something prevents you from approaching a person and asking for forgiveness. Probably our pride, which we have nurtured over the years of life.

Then you can try to extend the little finger to the person for reconciliation ...

Do not be afraid, the memory of childhood is the strongest and fairest. This person, probably in childhood, also put up with his little finger.

This does not mean that his resentment will immediately pass, but believe me, this gesture will help soften this resentment, make it not so sharp and piercing. And if he stretches out his little finger to you, you are lucky, childhood has become your assistant and peacemaker.

I would like to say one such wonderful Leopoldian banality: let's live together, guys.

I am always glad to see you on the pages of the site

Make peace, make peace, make peace
And fight no more.
And if you fight
Then I will bite.
And we can't bite
Because we are friends

Let's all make peace

Let's all make peace
Share toys.
And who will not reconcile -
Let's not deal with that


Let's not quarrel girlfriends
We are so sad without a friend!

Don't fight

Don't fight, don't fight
Come on, make up quickly

stop being angry

Stop being angry with us
Hurry, let's make up:
- You are my friend!
And I'm your friend!
We will forget all insults
And be friends, as before!

warm ray

The sun will come out from behind the clouds
A warm ray will warm us.
And we can't fight
Because we are friends.

Let's be friends

How to swear and tease
It's better for us to put up with you!
It is very boring to live in a quarrel,
Therefore, let's be friends!

Finger for a finger

Finger for a finger
We'll take it tight
Used to fight
And now for nothing.

Peace-peace forever

Peace-peace forever
Can't fight anymore
And then grandma will come
And kicks in the ass

Make up, make up - don't fight anymore

Make peace, make peace
Fight no more.
If you fight
I will bite.
And biting - nothing to do with it,
Let's fight with bricks.
And the brick breaks
Friendship begins!

How to swear and tease

What to swear and tease,
It's better for us to put up with you!
Let's smile together
Songs to sing and dance
swim in the lake in summer
And pick strawberries
Ice skating in winter
Bab sculpt, play snowballs,
Sharing sweets for two
All problems and secrets.
It is very boring to live in a quarrel,
So let's be friends!

Make peace, make peace
Fight no more.
If you fight
I will bite.
And biting - nothing to do with it,
Let's fight with bricks.
We don't need a brick
Let's make friends with you!

Make peace, make peace
Fight no more.
If you fight
I will bite.
And biting - nothing to do with it,
Let's fight with bricks.
And the brick breaks
Friendship begins!

Make peace, make peace
Fight no more.
If you fight
I will bite.
And we can't bite
Because we are friends.

Don't fight, don't fight
Well, make up quickly!

Finger for a finger
We'll take it tight
Used to fight
And now for nothing.

Make peace, make peace
Fight no more
And then grandma will come
Your ears will prick up.

Let's make peace with you
And share everything.
And who will not reconcile,
We will not deal with that.

Make peace, make peace
Fight no more.
If you fight
I will bite.
Mom will come
We both get it.

Finger for a finger

Mirilka Finger for a finger
Finger for a finger
We'll take it tight
Used to fight
And now for nothing.

Don't fight, don't fight

Mirilka Don't fight, don't fight
Don't fight, don't fight
Well, make up quickly!

Make peace, make peace

Mirilka Make peace, make peace
Make peace, make peace
Fight no more.
If you fight
I will bite.
And biting - nothing to do with it,
Let's fight with bricks.
We don't need a brick
Let's make friends with you!


Peace by peace
dumplings with cheese,
butter patties,
and we are friends forever!

Hedgehog walks in the forest

A hedgehog walks in the forest
Red mullet on the nose!
The hedgehog waves her hand,
And she sings and dances!
If you want, we are with you
Tomorrow we will also go to the forest
And such a red mullet
We will definitely find it!

What to swear and tease,
It's better for us to put up with you!
Let's smile together
Songs to sing and dance
swim in the lake in summer
And pick strawberries
Ice skating in winter
Bab sculpt, play snowballs,
Sharing sweets for two
All problems and secrets.
It is very boring to live in a quarrel,
So let's be friends!

After a fight

How good is that! -
Don't rush anywhere
Do not be silent and do not get angry -
So just next to mom,
Walk side by side with mom
See the sun in the sky
And take it home!

To make the sun smile
We tried to warm you and me,
You just need to get better
And put up with us soon!

Stop being angry with us
Have fun all around!
Hurry, let's make up:
-You are my friend!
- And you're my friend!
We will forget all insults
And we will be friends as before!

And if you fight, I will bite. And there’s nothing to do with biting, I’ll fight with a brick. And the brick will break, friendship begins

(children's) - about the termination of a quarrel, insults.

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  • - Cm....

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  • - See quarrel - scolding - ...

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  • - See quarrel - scolding - ...

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  • - Cm....

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