Mikhail Zadornov died. Mikhail zadornov died, health status in recent days, cancer, latest news

Satirist Mikhail Zadornov died at the age of 70. The humorist's death came after a long serious illness. In early October 2016, it became known that Zadornov had brain cancer. The writer reported in social network"VKontakte" about the cancellation of a number of concerts due to a "serious illness", and then told fans about the upcoming course of chemotherapy. On October 22, Zadornov was hospitalized in Moscow after he became ill during a concert held at the Meridian Center for Culture and Art. In November 2016, Zadornov underwent a brain biopsy, after which he underwent treatment in one of the private clinics in the Baltic states.

Mikhail Zadornov is a satirist, humorist, actor, author of pseudoscientific theories. Most famous theme his monologues are a critique of the Western, primarily American, way of life, thinking and culture. The satirist's phrase "Well, stupid-y-s-e" to the Americans has become a meme. Zadornov was born on July 21, 1948 in Jurmala, on the territory of modern Latvia, at that time - the Latvian SSR. Graduated high school N10 in Riga. Higher education received at the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI). The father of the satirist Nikolai Zadornov (1909 - 1992) is a Soviet writer, Honored Cultural Worker of the Latvian SSR, laureate of the Stalin Prize of the second degree for the novel "Amur Father" (1952). In December 2009, Zadornov opened a library named after his father in Riga, coinciding this event with the centenary of his birth.

In the 1970s and 1980s, Zadornov was the artistic director, director and actor of the MAI propaganda theater "Russia". In 1984-1985 he headed the department of satire and humor in the magazine "Youth". Since 1974 he began to publish. He made his debut on television in 1982 with the monologue "A student's letter home." Popularity came to him in 1984, when Zadornov read his story "The Ninth Car". Since the beginning of the 1990s, he has been the author and host of well-known television programs - "Full House", "Laughing Panorama", "Satirical Forecast", "Daughters and Mothers". Since 1990, Zadornov's books have been published: "End of the World", "I don't understand!", "Return", " Modern people", Blouse", "A great country with an unpredictable past" and others. The satirist acted in films several times and was the author of a number of musical works.

In 1991, it was Zadornov, and not, as usual, the head of state or the announcer, who congratulated the Russians on the New Year on the air Russian television. In his speech in live the satirist was so carried away that he spoke for a minute longer, so the broadcast of the chimes had to be delayed. The appeal of Russian President Boris Yeltsin was also recorded and broadcast on television, but after Zadornov's appeal. At the same time, it is known that Yeltsin and Zadornov were friends. In 1993, the satirist even got an apartment in the "nomenklatura house" next door to the politician. In his book "Boris Yeltsin: From Dawn to Dusk," Alexander Korzhakov, head of security for the first president of the Russian Federation, wrote: "His friendship with Yeltsin began in Jurmala, during the holidays. Misha knew how to amuse Boris Nikolaevich: he fell amusingly on the court, deliberately missed, made jokes And so, half-jokingly, he entered into trust ... "

As a sign of protest "against discrimination against the Russian team at the winter Olympic Games 2002 in Salt Lake City "Zadornov canceled an American visa. According to other information, the satirist was deprived of a visa with a ban on entering the United States. Since 2006, Mikhail Zadornov has been actively performing numerous amateur exercises in the etymology of Russian words that are not consistent with scientific achievements in this field of knowledge. He received support from the decoder of the so-called "runic syllabic writing" V. A. Chudinov. Despite the lack of support from professional historians and philologists, Zadornov continued to engage in non-academic research "from Slavic history". In 2012, he released the pseudo-scientific film "Rurik. Lost true story", in 2015 - "Prophetic Oleg. Acquired reality".

Zadornov hosted the program "Neformat with Mikhail Zadornov" on the radio "Humor FM". He had his own YouTube channel as well Official page in the social network "VKontakte". In March 2014, Zadornov signed a letter Russian leaders culture in support of the position of Russian President Vladimir Putin on Ukraine and Crimea. After that, the Latvian authorities announced the possible deprivation of the satirist's residence permit in Jurmala, where he was born. Zadornov was included in the list of persons who are prohibited from entering Ukraine.

Perhaps you will not meet a person in the post-Soviet space who would not have heard of Mikhail Zadornov. This talented satirist has been on stage for more than 30 years, and his sparkling jokes have been taken away for quotes. On November 10, 2017, Mikhail Nikolayevich died at the age of 70, after fighting a serious illness. cancer.

Mikhail Zadornov was born in Jurmala (Latvia). His father, the writer Nikolai Zadornov, instilled in his son a love of literature from childhood. IN school years future satirist took part in theatrical performances. Everyone was delighted with his comic images. In addition, Mikhail paid great attention to sports and was even a member of the Latvian youth handball team.

After leaving school, the future satirist decided to take up a serious business and entered the Riga Institute of Engineers civil aviation. A year later, he continued his studies in Moscow. After graduating from the institute, Mikhail Zadornov became a design engineer, but after a while he plunged headlong into satirical speeches.

First, Mikhail Zadornov became the head of the youth theater of the Moscow Aviation Institute. This was followed by activities in the humorous department of the magazine "Youth".

The debut on television took place in 1982. The comedian performed with the monologue "A student's letter home." In 1984, the first solo concert of Mikhail Zadornov took place. The satirist himself has repeatedly said that one of the most important speeches in his life was the congratulation of the whole country on the New Year on December 31, 1992 on central television.

largest creative success Mikhail Zadornov came in the late 1990s and early 2000s. The satirist toured with concerts, often appeared on television. His jokes became catchphrases. In the era of the development of the Internet, the satirist also did not stand aside and actively maintained his blog on LiveJournal, and on his Youtube channel collected best performances satire.

In October 2016, Mikhail Nikolaevich had an epileptic seizure right during the concert, and soon after that it became known that the artist was struggling with cancer (brain tumor). The course of chemotherapy did not bring relief to Zadornov, so the satirist a few months ago decided to abandon further attempts at treatment and considered it right to spend the remaining time allotted to him with his family. Today it became known that Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov was gone.

A friend of the late Mikhail Zadornov, Vladimir Kachan, whom he spoke about more than once in interviews and his books, told reporters about how the satirist courageously fought against oncology. The writer himself and his relatives tried not to share such information with the public, not wanting to draw too much attention to their problems. According to rumors, a few months before his death, Zadornov turned to a famous healer.

Vladimir Kachan confirmed that the satirist really tried non-traditional methods of treatment, but was disappointed in them. A famous healer came to Zadornov, who managed to help Philip Yankovsky. According to rumors, the specialist even advised Mikhail Gorbachev. But he failed to find an approach to Mikhail Nikolayevich.

“We decided that such treatment would not bring harm to Zadornov. As they say, attempt is not torture. The healer came to the hospital, made passes over Misha's head with his hands, and talked about his eminent patients. At some point, Zadornov could not stand it and whispered: “Listen, in my opinion, he drives!” .. I hoped to the end. If Misha has not lost the ability to joke, then we will get out. But ... the miracle did not happen, ”the writer’s friend shared.

Kachan also remembered how his friend's illness began. According to the artist, the development serious illness provoked a head injury received by Zadornov while skiing in the Alps. Maxim Galkin and other friends rested with him then. When Mikhail Nikolaevich suddenly disappeared, his acquaintances were seriously worried. The satirist was found only three hours later. The right side of Zadornov's face was swollen, and he had to go to a Swiss hospital.

Having learned about the terrible diagnosis, Mikhail Nikolaevich went to Germany to see a famous surgeon who performed an operation on him. The writer was promised that everything would be fine. However, three months later, a new tumor began to grow in him. “She turned off body parts in parts: her legs and arms stopped obeying ... Only the brain worked to the last,” Kachan said.

Relatives of Zadornov believed to the end that he would be able to overcome the disease. The writer showed those around him a cheerful mood. Both beloved women of the satirist - the ex-wife of Velt and the current chosen one Elena - were on duty near his bed, replacing each other.

“Their common grief united them. Misha left hard. Only the closest people, literally a few people, knew about this. The rest were told that he had gone to Riga for treatment. They said this so that no one bothered him. In fact recent weeks my friend was fading away in a rehabilitation center near Moscow, ”recalls Kachan.

Maxim Galkin visited an old acquaintance and shared news with them. During one of recent visits Zadornov was already quite weak. The TV presenter, who considered Mikhail Nikolayevich his friend, understood that he did not have much time left.

“At the very end, Misha experienced severe pain and suffered a lot. (...) For the past few weeks, Zadornov has been in a coma. I brought a priest I knew, whom I had a hard time persuading him to take unction. Other priests did not agree, remembering that Misha liked to call himself a pagan. Father Andrei also initially refused, ”shared a friend of the writer.

Recently, Vladimir Kachan found out that Zadornov wrote a will, the magazine reports. "Caravan of stories". last will satire should be published this spring.

Mikhail Zadornov- famous Russian writer, satirist, humorist, famous short stories with whom he himself performed on the stage. Member of the Writers' Union of Russia. Author of over ten books. He acted in films. After a serious illness, Mikhail Zadornov passed away on November 10, 2017.

Childhood and education of Mikhail Zadornov

Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov was born on July 21, 1948 in Jurmala (Latvian SSR). Mikhail's father is the famous Soviet writer Nikolai Zadornov (1909−1992). Zadornov Sr. was a laureate of the Stalin Prize of the second degree for the novel "Amur Father", worked as an actor and director in theaters of Siberia and Far East. Mikhail's mother is Elena Melkhiorovna Zadornova, nee Pokorno-Matusevich (1909-2003). Elena Zadornova worked as a proofreader, met her second husband in the Ufa newspaper. The first husband was a ministerial worker. By nationality, the mother of Mikhail Zadornov is Polish. Her father, the grandfather of Mikhail Zadornov, Melchior Iustinovich Pokorno-Matusevich was a nobleman and a royal officer. In the biography of Zadornov, it is noted that, through his mother, Mikhail Nikolaevich comes from the old gentry Polish family of Pokorno-Matusevich and the Olizarovsky family, which leads to King Stefan Batory. Paternal grandfather Zadornov Pavel Ivanovich worked as a veterinarian, died in prison, and was rehabilitated in 1956. Grandmother - Vera Mikhailovna Zadornova.

Father and mother of Mikhail Zadornov (Photo: zadornov.net)

Mikhail Zadornov has a brother Lolly (1930) and an older sister - Lyudmila Nikolaevna Zadornova (1942), who works as a teacher in English at the Baltic International Academy.

Mikhail Zadornov in childhood (Photo: zadornov.net)

Mikhail Zadornov graduated from Riga secondary school No. 10. After school, he entered the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI), as the writer himself wrote in his autobiography, in those years he dreamed of becoming an outstanding scientist, nuclear physicist, or designer of spaceships. From the first time, Zadornov did not enter the MAI because of the four in literature, but later Mikhail Zadornov transferred from the Riga Polytechnic Institute to the Moscow Aviation Institute with the loss of a year - from the third year to the second. Zadornov graduated from the institute in 1974 with a degree in mechanical engineering. Started there work biography engineer at the department "Aviation and space heat engineering". Became Lead Engineer. At the same time, already in 1974 he began to publish. Also in the 70s, Mikhail Zadornov was the director of the student theater MAI "Russia". As Zadornov recalled, "MAI was deciphered as the Moscow Actors Institute with a slight aviation bias."

Main director propaganda theater Mikhail Nikolayevich Zadornov at a rehearsal (left); scene from the prologue of the play by Mikhail Zadornov staged by laureate I All-Russian festival amateur creativity of workers, laureate of the prize Lenin Komsomol propaganda theater "Russia" of the Moscow Aviation Institute, 1980 (Photo: Alexander Sentsov / TASS)

Creativity of the writer and humorist

Mikhail Zadornov made his debut as a comedian on television in 1982 with the monologue "A student's letter home." A few years later, Zadornov became famous by reading the story "The Ninth Car". In addition to the author himself, his miniatures were performed by many famous performers those years. Zadornov's stories in those years were so popular that after the collapse of the USSR on December 31, 1991, the comedian even made a New Year's address to the inhabitants of the already collapsed Union. Thus, at that amazing time, it was Mikhail Zadornov who summed up a kind of result for the existence of the USSR.

Satirist writer Mikhail Zadornov, 1993 (Photo: Alexander Sentsov and Alexander Chumichev / TASS)

In those years, Mikhail Zadornov could often be seen and heard in such programs as Full House, Laugh Panorama, Satirical Forecast, Daughters and Mothers, the satirist was a member of the jury of the KVN program. Over time, Mikhail Zadornov moved to big solo concerts In addition, he continued to write books. The first collection of Zadornov's stories, "A Line 15,000 Meters Long," was released back in 1988, followed by "The Mystery of the Blue Planet," "I Don't Understand!", "The Return." In 1997, a four-volume book by Mikhail Zadornov was published - “A great country with an unpredictable past”, then “We are all from Chi-Chi-Chi-Pi”, “Tiny Stars”, “Zadorinki”. Also from the pen of Zadornov came the one-act comedy "Modern People" and a cheerful play for the sad movie "Blouse".

Premiere of the play "Blouse" directed by Vyacheslav Spesivtsev play of the same name famous satirist writer Mikhail Zadornov took place yesterday at the MET (Moscow Experimental Theater) Spesivtsev. Pictured: Mikhail Zadornov (left) and Vyacheslav Spesivtsev after the premiere (left), 2002 (Photo: Tatyana Balashova / TASS)

Comic Tournament "Big Hat" Description: Russia. Moscow. November 12, 1992 Tournament participants (from left to right) - Shamil Tarpishchev, adviser to the President of Russia on sports, Secretary of State Gennady Burbulis, writer Mikhail Zadornov and director of the Kremlin Cup - 92 tournament Eugene Scott in the Moscow sports complex "Olympic", 1992 (Photo : Roman Denisov/TASS)

Long years Zadornov remained one of the most popular comedians in Russia; many hours of performances by the satirist were regularly shown on TV. He continued to publish books, so, only in 2016 five books were published: “Russians are a brain explosion”, “Runes Prophetic Oleg”, “Encyclopedia of national stupidity”, “The whole truth about Russia” and “Invented in the USSR”. In 2017, Zadornov released Perky Pulp and big concert Mikhail Zadornov. The official website of the writer says that Mikhail Zadornov cannot influence the prices of his books in stores, so he decided to sell them on the Internet.

Laureates of the "Ovation" award: Masha Rasputina (in the nomination "Soloist of the Year") and Mikhail Zadornov (in the nomination " Best Writer- satirist of the year "), 1999 (Photo: Sergey Miklyaev / TASS)

In his speeches, the USA and the Americans got a lot from Zadornov, the phrase "they are stupid" ran like a red thread through the satirist's concerts.

Satirical writer Mikhail Zadornov and host of the TV program "Full House" Regina Dubovitskaya (right) during the performance "Full House Gets High" in the Central concert hall"Russia", 1997 (Photo: Sergey Dzhevakhashvili / TASS)

Since 2006, Mikhail Zadornov has been actively performing amateur exercises in the etymology of Russian words, which have often been criticized.

Personal life of Mikhail Zadornov

The first wife of Mikhail Zadornov - Velta Yanovna Kalnberzina - was born in 1948, daughter former first Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Latvia. Zadornov and Velta Kalnberzina got married in 1971.

The second wife of Zadornov - Elena Vladimirovna Bombina - was born in 1964, works as an administrator for the writer.

Mikhail Zadornov with his wife, 2016 (Photo: instagram.com/zadornovmn)

Mikhail Zadornov's daughter Elena was born in 1990. In 2009 she entered GITIS.

Mikhail Zadornov's illness

In October 2016, Mikhail Zadornov was forced to cancel part of the concerts scheduled for autumn and winter and leave the Saltykov-Shchedrin Show project on the NTV channel. The reason was serious condition Zadornov's health. “I really have to cancel some of the shows before the New Year. First of all, those that are far from Moscow and require flights and long-distance heavy journeys. In the body, unfortunately, a serious ailment was found, which is characteristic not only of age. It is necessary to treat immediately, ”commented the writer last news about health on the social network VKontakte, without specifying what kind of disease he was diagnosed with.

Zadornov said where he is now, explaining that he will be treated in one of the best clinics in the Baltics. “I warn journalists: it is useless to call me, it is useless to look for me. And it is unlikely that you in this clinic will answer something specific about me. It is also pointless to call my relatives. I didn’t really tell them anything either, ”said the 68-year-old comedian.

Later, Zadornov denied rumors that he had incurable lung cancer and advised not to believe the "reliable newspapers" that write about it. Also, the writer had to “justify himself” that he was being treated in Latvia. “And now about the criticism, they say, Zadornov stigmatizes the EU, and he went there for treatment. I explain: there are doctors who have been observing me for many, many years. And I have been living for a long time. And these doctors preserved the best of Soviet medicine, and did not completely fall under the EU protocol, ”Mikhail Zadornov answered his critics.

Poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko and satirist Mikhail Zadornov (left to right) at the opening of the museum-gallery in Peredelkino, which displays paintings from the personal collection of Yevgeny Yevtushenko and his author's photographs. The event is dedicated to the 78th anniversary of the poet, 2010 (Photo: Evgeny Volchkov / TASS)

Despite the serious state of health, Mikhail Zadornov did not stop his concert activity. On October 22, Zadornov was hospitalized after he became ill during a performance at the Meridian Concert Hall in Moscow. Because of the incident, the concert was interrupted, the artist was helped to leave the stage for the dressing room, after which the ambulance brigade was called.

A few days later, the writer's relatives told where Mikhail Zadornov is now. After an unsuccessful speech, the satirist in a sanatorium, where he felt better, and he set to work.

In February 2017, Zadornov's friend Vladimir Kachan said that the writer underwent a brain biopsy in Germany in December. “Now he is in the rehabilitation department. Doctors do not give any forecasts yet, they say: “Everything goes on as usual!” Treatment in the hospital is expensive. There are no questions about money yet,” Kachan said.

A friend of the writer Maxim Zabelin said that Mikhail Zadornov wanted to leave the hospital in order to attend the filming of Once Upon a Time in America, or ... according to his own script. In the summer of 2017, Zadornov is due to play the role of Donald Trump in this film.

The latest news about Mikhail Zadornov's health was not encouraging, for example, in the news of many media in the summer of 2017 it was reported that Zadornov refused to continue treatment, said goodbye to friends in Russia and decided to stay in Jurmala among people close to him.

With reference to an unnamed friend of the satirist, the news reported that Mikhail Zadornov had brain cancer, the treatment did not help, and the writer was "melting before our eyes." The assistant and secretary of Mikhail Zadornov, Elena Zavarzina, denied this news about his health. Numerous admirers of his talent followed the latest news about Zadornov's condition, wishing the writer good health.

In October, Zadornov personally dispelled rumors about health and "inadequate" treatment of brain cancer. According to him, everything that is written in the press about his physical condition upsets him. Especially when famous people they talk about visiting the artist, helping with treatment and “bringing rare medicines prepared in secret laboratories according to recipes found at the UFO crash site.”

In November 2017, Archpriest Andrei Novikov announced that "at the request of relatives and friends, he consecrated Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov." “Two months ago, Mikhail Nikolaevich brought repentance to God in the sacrament of confession in the Kazan Cathedral in Moscow. He passes this most difficult period of his life as reconciled with the Holy Church Orthodox Christian. I ask for prayers for the servant of God Mikhail, including, may the merciful Lord forgive him for the years of outrageous flirting with paganism, ”the archpriest’s Facebook page was quoted as saying that producer Iosif Prigozhin considers the death of the famous Russian satirist Mikhail Zadornov a grave loss for the country.

In turn, the singer and composer Igor Nikolaev called Zadornov's decision to return to Orthodoxy before his death a wise step.

There were also those who wanted to promote themselves on the topic of the writer's death. So the satirist writer Yevgeny Shestakov said that Mikhail Zadornov wanted to order texts from him, in order to then publish them under his own name.

“About ten years ago. Zhenya Viktorovich Shestakov is visiting Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov. Who invited him to offer to write texts for him. Which will be published under the name of Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov, and Zhenya will receive $ 500 for each. Zhenya refused. 2 witnesses. Sweets and tea were quite okay, ”the news was quoted by Yevgeny Shestakov’s post on Facebook.

In the comments under the writer's message, the musician stood up for Zadornov Yuri Loza, writing: “He honestly offered, you refused. What's wrong? He didn't steal the reprise from you."

Relatives of the satirist noted that Mikhail Zadornov was very ironic about publicity and always guarded his and his relatives' lives from someone else's annoying interference. “Please show respect for his desire not to make a fuss about his death. We did not give our consent to anyone for public discussions of his life and death in various talk shows and other television programs, in the print media and on the radio, ”the appeal of the writer Zadornov’s family was published in the news.

On the afternoon of November 15, Mikhail Zadornov was buried next to his father in the Latvian Jurmala at the Jaundubulti cemetery. The ceremony was attended by relatives and close friends of Mikhail Nikolaevich. The writer's funeral was held in the Alexander Nevsky Church in Riga. When the car with the body of the artist left the territory of the cathedral, Zadornov's fans surrounded her. Many could not hold back their tears, the car was seen off with long applause.

In a sanatorium near Moscow, at the age of 69, the famous satirist and writer Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov died. As it became known to the media, Zadornov died after a severe and practically incurable disease He was diagnosed with stage four brain cancer.

Zadornov's death confirmed National artist USSR Iosif Kobzon. He told RT that the humorist died the night before, November 9th. According to Kobzon, Zadornov was "absolutely incurable" because both hemispheres of his brain were affected.

On November 8, it became known that Mikhail Zadornov abandoned neo-paganism and converted to Orthodoxy. Archpriest Andrey Novikov, rector of the Moscow Church of the Life-Giving Trinity on Sparrow Hills, announced this step on his Facebook page.

According to Father Andrei, he unctioned Mikhail Zadornov. The request for this came from friends and relatives of the comedian. Unction is one of the sacraments Orthodox Church, during which the anointing of the body of a sick or dying person is performed.

Novikov said that two months ago, Mikhail Zadornov "brought repentance to God in the sacrament of confession in the Kazan Cathedral in Moscow." He also added that Zadornov is going through this "hardest period of his life as an Orthodox Christian reconciled with the Holy Church."

The priest emphasized that this information was published by him "in agreement with the closest relatives" of Zadornov.

In addition, after the unction of the satirist, Archpriest Novikov asked to pray for the servant of God Michael, and then wrote on the social network: “May the merciful Lord forgive him for the years of outrageous flirting with paganism.”

On October 22, 2016, humorist Mikhail Zadornov was hospitalized in Moscow. This was reported the next morning to RIA Novosti in the help desk of the capital's ambulance. Only then was the satirist diagnosed with cancer after an MRI examination (magnetic resonance imaging - Gazeta.Ru).

A number of media outlets then reported that Zadornov's condition deteriorated sharply during a concert held at the Meridian Concert Hall.

Mikhail Zadornov was born in 1948 in the Latvian Jurmala in a family Soviet writer Nikolai Zadornov, laureate of the Stalin Prize, and the noble daughter of Polish origin Elena Zadornova (nee Pokorno-Matusevich).

Mikhail Zadornov became famous as a Soviet and Russian satirist, comedian and actor. Zadornov is a member of the Writers' Union of Russia. From the age of 50, Zadornov was a vegetarian.

IN new year's eve In 1991-1992, Zadornov addressed the Russians from the TV screens with congratulations instead of the head of state.

Since 2006, Mikhail Zadornov has been actively performing with numerous amateur exercises in the etymology of Russian words that are not consistent with scientific achievements in this field of knowledge.

Mikhail Zadornov is known to the general public for his harsh remarks about Western image life and American mass culture. In protest "against discrimination against the Russian team at the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City," Zadornov canceled his American visa, crossing it out in his passport.

In his work, Zadornov often refers to reforms in Russian education- so, starting in 2010, he actively criticized the system of the Unified State Exam - the Unified State Examination. In addition, in his speeches, the satirist emphasized several times that he does not vote for any of the political parties in principle - but in the elections to the State Duma in 2011 he supported the Communist Party.

March 11, 2014 signed the appeal of cultural figures Russian Federation in support of the policy of Russian President Vladimir Putin in Ukraine and Crimea.

Zadornov was included in the list of persons who are prohibited from entering the territory of Ukraine.
