“Tolkunova did not believe that her illness was incurable, so she did not prepare for death and did not write any will. How did the personal life of the popular favorite of Valentina Tolkunova develop and what caused her death Cause of death of Tolkunova Valentina

People's Artist of the RSFSR Valentina Tolkunova died in Moscow at the age of 64 after a long illness. famous singer died this morning, around 08:00, in the intensive care unit of the Botkin hospital.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin expressed their condolences to the family and friends of the Soviet stage legend.

Valentina Tolkunova will be buried on Wednesday at the Troekurovsky cemetery in Moscow. This was announced by the director of the singer Alexei Tiroshvili. "It will be possible to say goodbye to her at the Variety Theatre," he added.

Tolkunova has been in the Botkin hospital since the end of February. On the night from Friday to Saturday, she was due to a sharp deterioration in her health. According to LifeNews.ru, after that the singer asked to bring a priest for unction. The rite was performed right in the hospital ward.

The artist is in the hospital. Initially, it was reported that she had high blood pressure, the cause of which was overwork. Tolkunova was sent to Moscow in an ambulance.

Then information appeared in the press that Belarusian doctors: breast cancer, which she has been fighting for years, has reached the liver and lungs. A malignant brain tumor was also found.

Curriculum vitae:

Valentina Tolkunova was born on July 12, 1946 in the city of Armavir Krasnodar Territory. Her parents moved her to Moscow at the age of one year.

At school, she went through a competition in the ensemble of the Central House of Children of Railway Workers under the direction of Dunayevsky. There she sang in the choir for ten years, and in 1964 she entered the conductor-choir department at the Moscow state institute culture. In 1971 she graduated School of Music named after the Gnessins.

In 1966, Tolkunova joined a big band led by Yuri Saulsky, where for five years she was a soloist-vocalist and performed jazz instrumental compositions.

In 1971, in the television movie "Day after Day", the singer voiced the songs of the composer Ilya Kataev to the verses of Mikhail Ancharov. After that, she actively worked with many famous songwriters, including Eduard Kolmanovsky, Mikael Tariverdiev, Pavel Aedonitsky, Viktor Uspensky, Alexandra Pakhmutova.

In 1972, Lev Oshanin invited Tolkunova to perform at the anniversary concert in the Hall of Columns with Vladimir Shainsky's song "Ah, Natasha". After that, the singer began to appear frequently on radio and television.

The artist performed dozens of songs loved by the whole country: “I’m standing at a half-station”, “Silver weddings”, “Talk to me, mom”, “Snub noses”, “Where have you been before”, “Old words”, “My dear, if there would be no war", "Forty-five", "We rode in a boat" and many others. Twenty-three times Tolkunova became the winner of the television competition "Song of the Year".

In 1989, on the basis of the Mosconcert, where the singer has worked since 1973, the Creative Association "ART" was created - the Theater of Musical Drama and Song. Valentina Tolkunova became its artistic director.

People's and Honored Artist of the RSFSR, Honored Artist of Kalmykia was awarded the Orders of Honor, Friendship of Peoples, Lomonosov, St. Anna, St. Vladimir, Peter the Great, the FAPSI badge of honor, and the medal "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow." She is also a holder of the Order "Patrons of the Century", laureate of the award Lenin Komsomol and awards of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, "Honorary Railway Worker of Russia", "Honored Power Engineer of Russia", "Honorary Artek", "Honorary BAM", "Honorary Border Guard and Academician of the Academy of Security, Defense and Law Enforcement".

The Government of Ukraine presented her with the International Order of Honor and the Order of St. Nicholas. Metropolitan Vladimir of Kiev awarded Tolkunov with the Order of St. Barbara. Also, the singer was awarded certificates of honor from the governments of Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Turkmenistan, Kabardino-Balkaria, Kalmykia, and Estonia.

Valentina Tolkunova was married twice. Her first husband was a composer, conductor of a vocal and instrumental orchestra Yuri Saulsky, and her second husband was an international journalist, author of the book "Hemingway in Cuba" Yuri Paporov. The singer's son, Nikolai, works as a lighting designer at the Moscow Theater of Musical Drama and Song.

Press officer Bolshoi Theater Katerina Novikova told open sources information that Valentina Levko died today. The cause of death of the famous opera singer, who performed a wide variety of parties from 1960 to 1982, a severe, prolonged illness was named. The family did not disclose the exact diagnosis of the 92-year-old artist, most likely age increased bad feeling favorites of the public.

Facts from the biography

The nee Surkova was born on August 13, 1923 in one of the capital's hospitals. From the age of 8, Valentina Nikolaevna was fond of music, successfully passed the qualifying exams in music school at the conservatory in the violin class. From the age of 12, a talented girl began to simultaneously engage in professional vocals.

In the period from 1943 to 1949 she received higher musical education at the Gnessin College and at the university of the same name as an orchestra artist and viola teacher. During her studies, she repeatedly worked as a guest violinist in the Theater of Miniatures and the Theater. Yarmolova.

Died Valentina Levko

Since 1963, she participated in all tours, thanks to the rapid receipt of a diploma as an opera performer at the Moscow Conservatory. natural data and own wish did the impossible - Valentina Nikolaevna graduated from the university as an external student, which no one had done before her.

Her contralto and mezzo-soprano are remembered by the most famous concert halls world:

  1. Carnegie Hall and Music Ferrine.
  2. Albert Hall and Big hall Moscow Conservatory.
  3. Concert Hall named after P. I. Tchaikovsky and the Small Hall of the Philharmonic named after M. I. Glinka in St. Petersburg and others.

Opera singer dies at 92

Music critics at the beginning of the century became interested in the works opera diva last century. Thanks to this, the world saw 11 CDs with recordings of her parts. Soviet viewers of the older generation remember the actress's voice in films:

  1. "Wedding in Malinovka" - mother's song main character Sophia.
  2. "A simple story ..." - the song "To that highway, to the crossroads" and others.

Family and Children

The artist married in 1950 the best pilot of the 67th Guards Aviation Regiment Vladimir Levko. After the end of the service, the husband of the opera diva was a test pilot for many years. The pilot died in 1991, at the height of the default and the fall of the USSR.

The singer's brother spoke about her two husbands. The first was a composer. Now many people know his name. “For her, there was no one above this person. Saulsky was 18 years older, experienced, educated. What there were feelings! It seems to me that in terms of intensity, that feeling was the strongest in Valentina's life, ”says Sergey Vasilyevich.

According to him, Valentina lived with Saulsky for five years in perfect marriage. And worked in his team. But Yuri succumbed to new feelings. Valentina found out and filed for divorce. “How worried she was! Outwardly, she held on, but we saw how bad she was. In addition, it became more difficult financially - it was necessary to pay money for a cooperative apartment alone, ”says the singer’s brother. Leaving her husband, Tolkunova also resigned from his orchestra.

The second husband of the artist was also called Yuri. They met at the Mexican embassy, ​​where future spouse Valentina worked as a translator that evening, and she sang at the concert.

“Yuri charmed Valentina with his knowledge and intelligence. In 1977, their son Kolya was born - his parents decided to name him after our grandfather. Valya was happy. She so dreamed of a child, of a family! During the years of loneliness, of course, she suffered, ”shares a relative of the Soviet pop star.

A few years later, Tolkunova's husband left for the United States to write a book about Leon Trotsky. In America, he stayed for 12 years. “Valechka, of course, was going through a breakup. But she refused the offer to move to live overseas. She said: “Who will need me there?”, Sergey Vasilyevich recalls.

1992 was the year that began a black streak in the life of the singer. She was diagnosed with breast cancer. “Before this, she had not been to the doctor for six years. Once it was, went, worked. Maybe if the disease had been found on time, the terrible tragedy would not have happened later, ”says Valentina’s relative bitterly.

And then, in his words, the singer made a fatal mistake - she did not complete the course of treatment: “The tumor was then cut out for her, and Valya refused chemotherapy - she was afraid that her hair would begin to fall out. How then to go public? And she began to be treated with some folk remedies. At the same time, I began to attend church more often, I learned prayers.”

When Tolkunova's husband returned to his homeland, he was already an old sick man, because he is 23 years older than the artist. “The heart is already weak, hearing was lost, vision deteriorated. He was also diagnosed with cancer. Valya, forgetting about herself, looked after her husband. She hired nurses for him, took him to doctors, arranged for him in hospitals, ”Sergey Vasilyevich said in an interview with Sobesednik.

Maybe her tendency to self-denial allowed her to last 14 years. “In 2006, Valya was again diagnosed with breast cancer. And again, an operation, a course of chemotherapy ... Three years later, Valya began to suffer from terrible headaches. They did an examination - a brain tumor. She didn't have long to live after that.

In one of the songs most loved by the people, she sang: “If you get sick, I will come. I will spread the pain with my hands. I can do everything. I can do everything. My heart is not a stone." Just like that - kind, selfless and loving people remembered by her family, friends and relatives. Photo: Personastars


The favorite of millions, the talented and touching Valentina Vasilievna Tolkunova died on March 22, 2010. This was a shock and a shock for her multimillion-strong army of fans, who got used to and fell in love with a talented and modest singer with invariable pearls in a chic braid. How old was Tolkunova? Total 64

Childhood and youth

Valechka was born in the post-war period - July 12, 1946 in Armavir, which is in Krasnodar Territory. Vasily Andreevich, the girl's father, was a regular military man, and her mother was an employee railway originally from the Buryat-Mongolian ASSR. My maternal grandfather was repressed and spent 18 years in a camp. In 1949, the son Serezha was born in the family, who later became a singer. Now he is the president of the sister charity foundation.

At first, the Tolkunovs lived in the village of Belorechenskaya, which Vasily Andreevich was supposed to restore. In 1950 they moved to the capital. The house has always loved music and appreciated performing arts- Lidia Ruslanova, Klavdiya Shulzhenko, Leonid Utesov - their voices have always sounded in the family. Valentina decided to enter the Moscow Institute of Culture at the conductor-choir department. In 1966, a talented graduate passed the competition and became a soloist of the vocal and instrumental orchestra (VIO-66), led by Yuri Saulsky.

“I can't help it”

In 1971, Tolkunova graduated from the Gnessin Music College and immediately recorded songs for the film Day by Day. In 1972, at the invitation of the front-line poet Lev Oshanina, she performed on the stage of the Hall of Columns in the House of the Unions. There was an anniversary concert at that time. She performed the song of the composer Vladimir Shainsky "Ah, Natasha". For the performance, she was sewn a dress embroidered with pearls. To create the composition of the image, Valentina wove a string of pearls into her hair. It has become a part of her image forever.

Since 1973, Valentina Vasilievna began working in the Mosconcert association. Since 1989 she has been the head of the Theater of Musical Drama and Song creative association"ART". They staged in the theater musical performances which were successfully completed. In 2004, Tolkunova bought a small house near the Diveevsky Monastery. While there, she attended services, prayed, took communion. From that moment on, the people's favorite began to do charity work. She gave part of the fees for the restoration of temples, arranged charity concerts to help large families.

Her style of performance and she herself always remained simple - without arrogance and arrogance, with an irresistible desire to help, warm. She was a model of a Russian woman - beautiful, harmonious, wise, patient, gentle and faithful. The answer to all her good deeds was a line from the song - "I can not do otherwise." A whole generation has grown up under “snub noses”. Her stage colleague and life friend Lev Leshchenko always said that Valya was real. They were credited with marriage, romance. Those who knew Tolkunova never believed in this. The audience just wanted to create perfect couple from your favorites.

“I will always love you - I can’t do otherwise”: Tolkunova’s personal life

In fact, in the life of the singer there were two marriages. The first time she married the leader of their orchestra, Yuri Saulsky, who was much older than Vali. Five years later, the marriage broke up, and Yuri left for Valentina Aslanova. The second time Tolkunova married in 1974 to international journalist Yuri Paporov. He was also older than his wife, traveled a lot and wrote books. Married in 1977, the only son Nikolai was born. Having matured, he worked at the Moscow Theater of Musical Drama and Song as a lighting designer.

But this marriage turned out to be strange - Paporov left to work in Mexico in the early 80s. Tolkunova did not leave her fans and did not go with her husband. And for many years he forgot about the existence of his son - Kolenka did not see any money, no education, no participation on his part. But when, after a car accident, Yuri returned to Moscow, his eyesight began to rapidly decline. Valentina Vasilievna took him to her place and organized peace and care. He died 1.5 months after Tolkunova's death. It is known about the son that he was involved in a scandal - he was detained with heroin. And only his mother's connections and love for her then helped him avoid punishment.

Illness and death of Valentina Tolkunova

In 1992, the first blow happened - breast cancer. There was a course of chemotherapy and surgery. In 2009, the next blow was brain cancer, which caused death. It so happened that Tolkunova toured and after one of the concerts in Mogilev she was hospitalized - she first ended up in the intensive care unit of the local hospital, and then - Botkinskaya. At 6 am on March 22, 2010, Valentina Tolkunova died: she fell into a coma and never woke up again. They managed to unction right in the hospital ward. We said goodbye to the people's favorite at the Variety Theater. The grave is located at the Troekurovsky cemetery. At the end of August 2011, a monument was unveiled there. The second husband, Yuri Paporov, rests nearby.
