Vampires from Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series. Alice's story from the official illustrated guide to the twilight saga

The strong female cast of "Twilight" can be safely called one of the directors' most successful finds. Before you - facts from the life of the main characters!

Kristen James Stewart
Date of birth: April 9, 1990 (age 21)
Place of birth: Los Angeles
Role: Bella Swan, Edward Cullen's lover

Kristen Stewart was born in Los Angeles, at the heart of the film industry, in famous family Her father is a famous American producer. Therefore, lucky Kristen could immediately count on a brilliant career in Hollywood.

At the age of nine, Stewart made a successful debut in the film "Son of the Mermaid", released on the Disney Channel, and by the time of the casting for the role of Bella Swan, she had tried herself in a variety of genres, from comedies and melodramas to action films and mystical thrillers, and was an established actress.

IN real life Kristen is a tomboy: she listens to rock and roll, wears ripped jeans and sometimes regrets that she was not born a boy. And a couple of years ago there was a real scandal when the paparazzi caught Kristen smoking marijuana. “It was my stupid mistake,” the girl justified. We believe.

IN free time Kristen prefers to surf, play the guitar and read. Her favorite book is East of Eden by John Steinbeck. By the way, for the film based on the plot of this book, Robert Pattinson's idol, James Dean, was posthumously nominated for an Oscar.

Nikki Houston Reid
Date of birth: May 17, 1988 (aged 23)
Place of birth: Los Angeles
Role: Rosalie Hale, Esme and Carlisle's adopted daughter, Emmett's wife


In the life of every person there are meetings that radically change his fate. That's what happened to Nikki. Modest, shy and not dreaming of world fame, the girl met Katherine Hardwig (who will become the director of the first Twilight film). A friendly relationship immediately began between them, and in 2002 they wrote the script for the film Thirteen together. Friendship with Catherine decided a lot during the selection of contenders for the role of Rosalie Hale in "Twilight".

By the way, Nikki is an ardent fan of piercings, there are 14 of them on her body: in her ears, navel and tongue. And the girl also has a tattoo dedicated to the Russian actor Pavel Priluchny, whom they met for two years. On the left wrist of the beauty is written in black and white: GREAT.

It is rather problematic to recognize the blonde Rosalie in the real Nikki: she has tanned skin and dark hair. Nikki's best friend is Kristen Stewart, with her, according to Reed, they can chat all night long and always help each other out in difficult situations.

The girl admits that she is not a fan of Hollywood, she is closer to a more sincere and beautiful Indian cinema. And the actress loves horses and big dogs. “I don’t understand girls who buy themselves tiny dogs and carry them in their purses,” Nikki is surprised.

Rachel Marie Lefebvre
Date of birth: February 1, 1979 (aged 32)
Birthplace: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Role: Vampire Victoria (Twilight and New Moon)

Rachel Lefebvre grew up in a family of intellectuals: her father is an English teacher and her mother is a psychologist. For several years, Rachel studied theatrical art at the Massachusetts State School, and also received a higher education in the field of literature. The girl is fluent in both English and French.

After graduating from university, Rachel was unlucky in her job search - all the interviews failed, and she had to go to work as a waitress in a sushi bar. Luckily, one of the casting organizers of Twilight dropped into this bar and, smitten on the spot by her fiery red hair, invited her to come to the audition. So the role of the vampire Victoria found her actress.

According to Rachel, she is a very responsible person and takes everything she takes seriously. For example, in order to act as a predator in the film, Rachel watched videos about the behavior of lions before filming. And although in the third part of the franchise, Rachel was replaced by another actress - Bryce Dallas Howard, we declare: "Rachel, you are the best!"

By the way, with regard to personal life, the heart of Rachel Lefevre is not free - for several years she has been dating actor Jamie Thomas King.

Ashley Michelle Green
Date of birth: February 21, 1987 (age 24)
Birthplace: Jacksonville, Florida, USA
Role: Alice Cullen, Esme's adopted daughter
and Carlisle, Jasper's lover

Since childhood, Ashley dreamed of becoming a model and showing off on the world's catwalks, but her height (165 cm) did not allow her to make a career as a fashion model. Then the girl with the face of an elf went to conquer the acting Olympus.

True, Ashley Greene's film experience is not as significant as that of many of her colleagues. The 24-year-old actress has starred in Investigation Jordan, The Set Up, The Shark and the film My Dad's Crazy, in which they made up a brilliant duet with Michael Douglas.

Initially, Ashley really wanted to get the role of Bella Swan in Twilight. And she stubbornly went to auditions, which, according to her recollections, were hellishly difficult and painful. Alas! She did not fit the role of Bella in terms of type and manner of speaking.

In her free time, Ashley loves to travel, meet friends and go to fashion shows. When asked about her personal life, Ashley replies that her career takes too much time, and love absolutely does not fit into her tight schedule. Come on, Ashley, don't lie! But what about the novels with Joe Jonas, Chase Crawford and Jared Followil?

Elizabeth Ann Reaser
Date of birth: June 15, 1975 (aged 36)
Birthplace: Bloomfield, Michigan, USA
Role: Esme Cullen, wife of Master Vampire Carlisle Cullen

Elizabeth has known that she would become an actress since she can remember. At family reunions, she constantly made her family watch her impromptu performances in the living room.

After graduating from high school, Elizabeth Reaser entered college at the University of Oakland in Rochester Hills, but without even studying there for a year, she took the documents and went to the Juilliard Drama School, which was supposed to help her realize her long-standing dream of an acting career. As a result, in 1999, Elizabeth received a Bachelor of Arts degree.

This was followed by shooting in the films "The Sopranos", "Black Label", "Taxi Driver", and for the role of Ava in one of the episodes of the series "Grey's Anatomy", the actress was nominated for an Emmy Award.

The actress and her Twilight character Esme Cullen have a lot in common. Like Esme, Elizabeth is a staunch vegetarian. Moreover, she is one of the most active members of the animal rights organization PETA. Elizabeth is also a very kind and caring person, always ready to help. By the way, the actress admitted that she always liked the pair of Bella and Jacob. And if she were a screenwriter, she would never ruin their nascent love.

Elizabeth's hobbies are basketball and athletics. And this is despite her inch height - 159 cm.

Below is character list novel series "Twilight" written by Stephenie Meyer, and their film adaptations. The list includes the names of both the main and secondary and episodic characters of the novels: " Twilight", " New Moon", " Eclipse", " Dawn", " Midnight sun"And" The short second life of Bree Tanner»; films: "Twilight", "Twilight. Saga. New Moon", "Twilight. Saga. Eclipse" and "Twilight. Saga. Dawn ".

Main characters

Bella Swan

A modest seventeen-year-old girl who moved from Arizona to Washington state, to the rainy town of Forks, to her father Charlie. IN new school meets young man named Edward Cullen. She later learns that he is a vampire. In New Moon, in order to protect Bella from himself, Edward leaves her. Bella falls into depression, from which her friend, werewolf Jacob Black helps her get out. She becomes attached to Jacob, although not so much that she forgets Edward. In Eclipse, Edward, his family, and the Quileute werewolves fight Victoria's army of newborn vampires. In Breaking Dawn, they are already husband and wife. Then they have a daughter, and Bella becomes a vampire. And gains the ability to put up a mental shield that only her daughter Renesmee can break through.

Edward Cullen

The first "child" in the Cullen family. old fashioned love classical music, plays the piano superbly, composes etudes himself. In his mortal life, Edward was born in Chicago on June 20, 1901, the son of a successful lawyer. Dreamed of military glory. In 1918, his parents died of a Spanish flu, but Edward himself was saved by Dr. Carlisle Cullen, turning him into a vampire. Edward finds his love only after ninety years, being a school student in the American town of Forks, Washington, where he meets Bella Swan. He can read the minds of everyone around him, with the exception of Bella, who has a shield that protects against psychic influence. In Breaking Dawn, he marries Bella. They honeymoon on Esme Island, Bella becomes pregnant, and shortly after returning home, their daughter Renesmee is born.

Jacob Black

tribal indian Quileutes lives on the La Push reservation, near Forks. Jacob is the first to push Bella into realizing that Edward Cullen is a vampire by telling her Quileute legends about "cold" demons. But he himself did not believe in these legends at that time. Jacob becomes Bella's best friend while simultaneously falling in love with her when Edward dumped her. Throughout the course of events in New Moon, he undergoes transformations, giving him the ability to transform into a large red-brown werewolf with the longest hair in the pack (due to the fact that he has the longest hair). In the Eclipse, he confesses his love to Bella, and after learning that she is marrying Edward, he is completely immersed in the essence of the wolf, trying to get away from human experiences. In Breaking Dawn, Jacob is pictured with the newborn Renesmee, Edward and Bella's daughter. Becomes the leader of a separate group of werewolves.

Bree Tanner


Vampires have an uncanny beauty that allows them to attract prey. Their skin is very hard and feels like marble to the touch, it is almost impossible to damage it. Newly hatched vampires have bright red eyes that develop a deeper, darker hue during their first year. If a vampire drinks human blood, the most nutritious of all, the eyes remain red, while if they feed on animal blood, like the Cullen family, their eyes turn golden brown. Regardless of food preferences, thirst darkens the eyes until they turn completely black. The stronger the thirst, the darker the iris. In the books, they also never sleep and have incredible strength, for example, can uproot trees, lift and throw cars, and grind metal objects into powder. Newly converted vampires are especially strong in the first year after "birth", as they still have a lot of human blood in their body. During this period, it is most difficult for them to control their thirst. All five senses in vampires are unusually developed: they have extremely sharp eyesight, smell delicately, move at such a speed that the human eye is not able to follow them. In addition, they are immortal and practically invulnerable. The only way to kill a vampire is to be torn apart and burned, because even when torn off, their body parts continue to move. On the other hand, torn or cut hair does not grow back and does not grow back, despite the fact that when treated they become thicker and more beautiful than with human life. Sometimes, after being reborn, a vampire gains supernatural abilities, like Edward Cullen, who began to read minds, Alice, who sees the future, her beloved Jasper, who can sense and change the mood of others, and Bella, who has a shield from all mental influences that can be projected and pierced only by the gift of her own daughter, Renesmee. Also, a vampire by nature can fall in love only once in a lifetime, and such love lasts forever: it does not pass or even weaken under any circumstances. Therefore, if love is unrequited or the passion of a vampire dies, mental trauma remains for life, as in the case of Mark Volturi.


Carlisle Cullen

Jasper Hale

Born in Houston, Texas in 1843, he joined the Confederate States Army in 1861 to fight in the Civil War. Thanks to charisma and the gift of persuasion, he quickly began to advance in the service and rose to the rank of major, although he was too young. He was turned into a vampire in 1863 by a vampire named Maria and gained the ability to sense the moods of those around him and manipulate them. With his help, Maria decided to reclaim the territory in Monterrey, and for this she turned many people into vampires. Jasper was supposed to train her army and kill exhausted newborns about a year after the transformation. He befriended one of them, Peter, who, against all odds, survived the first three years. Peter was entrusted with newborns - as if they made him a nanny. But when it came time to do another purge, Peter couldn't kill Charlotte, one of the new converts. After a while, Jasper allowed him to run off with Charlotte. Five years later, Peter came for Jasper. He joined Peter and Charlotte, but left them too after a few years. In 1948 he met Alice at a diner in Philadelphia, in 1950 they joined the Cullens when they were in Alaska. Since Jasper used to feed on human blood, he finds it difficult to stick to the Cullens' diet. In New Moon, he attacks Bella when she injures her finger on the paper the gift is wrapped in, forcing the family to leave Forks for the girl's safety. In Eclipse, he teaches the Cullens and werewolves how to fight newborns. Described as a tall (6′3″, i.e. approximately 191 cm) honey blond (Eng. honey blonde). There are many crescent-shaped scars on his body - from vampire bites. Role played by: Jackson Rathbone (voiced by Prokhor Chekhovskoy).

Renesmee Cullen

Rosalie Hale

Born in 1901 in Biloxi, Mississippi, she was committed to a psychiatric hospital because of her "visions". The smell of her blood was very attracted to the bloodhound vampire, who opened the hunt for her. To save the girl, an old vampire (who liked her) who worked in the hospital turned her. Many years later, James met her in the Cullen clan. Alice does not remember anything from her past, but after a little investigation, she found out that her parents declared her dead: the date on the tombstone coincides with the date of her admission to the hospital. In addition, she learned that she has a sister, Cynthia, her daughter lives in Biloxi.

After turning into a vampire, she gained the ability to see the future. True, she does not see everything, but only the consequences of decisions that a person makes. If the decision changes, Alice's vision also changes. In addition, she does not see "half-breeds" such as Renesmee or Nahuel, and werewolves.

Described as an elf-like girl of small stature (4′10″ - about 147 cm) with short black hair and a voice similar to the chiming of bells. She loves parties and shopping. Alice was one of the first to befriend Bella. In "Breaking Dawn", after learning of the Volturi's impending attack, Alice leaves with Jasper to find witnesses to confirm that Renesmee is not dangerous.

Esme Cullen


Frame from the film "New Moon". Left to right: Aro, Kai and Alec

Volturi- the oldest and largest clan of vampires living in Italy. They are first mentioned in the New Moon book. In their ranks, they select only the most powerful and talented vampires with a special gift. The Volturi are a kind of law enforcement agency with great power among their own kind, which causes fear and respect. They are also famous for their cruelty towards the guilty. Most of them remain unnamed in the series. In addition, a human female secretary works for the Volturi. Despite hoping that the Volturi will turn her into a vampire, they kill her in Breaking Dawn.

Ancient vampires became the leaders of the Volturi aro (Aro, Michael Sheen), who reads minds through touch, Mark (Marcus, Christopher Heyerdahl) feeling the relationship between people, and Kai (Caius, Jamie Campbell Bower), whose abilities are not described in the novels. They have wives who also take part in the management of the clan - wife Aro Sulpicia ( Sulpicia), wife of Caius Athenodorus ( Athenodora) and the late wife of Mark Didyma ( Didyme) who had the power to make others happy.

The clan includes 32 vampires, the names of most of which are unknown.

  • aro (Aro) is the most important of the Volturi. A brunet with translucent white skin and tarry hair. The iris in the eyes is crimson, but not bright, but matte, as if covered with a veil. Aro's ability is to read minds, however his talent differs from Edward's in that he reads every mind a person has ever had, and he also needs physical contact to do so.
Actor: Michael Sheen.
  • Kai (Caius) - looks almost the same as Aro. Blond, with thin-looking skin. The youngest and most bloodthirsty of the leaders of the Volturi.
Actor: Jamie Campbell Bower
  • Mark (Marcus) - in appearance, the same as Aro. With the help of his talent, Mark can see the spiritual relationship between people.
Actor: Christopher Heyerdahl
  • Jane (Jane) - Aro's assistant. Short, thin, with big eyes, full lips, and a childish voice. Jane's talent lies in the fact that she can, penetrating into consciousness, create the illusion of unbearable pain. In the book, she has short, light brown hair, while in the movie, she has long, golden hair.
Actress: Dakota Fanning
  • Alec (Alec) is Jane's twin brother, Aro's henchman. He looks very much like his sister, but his hair is darker and his lips are thinner. He is in a way the opposite of Jane: she makes you feel unimaginable pain, and Alec deprives him of all his senses, in particular, sight, smell and hearing.
Actor: Cameron Bright.
  • Felix (Felix) - a vampire who does not have special abilities, but only a huge physical strength. He has olive skin and short black hair. Very tall and muscular.
Actor: Daniel Cudmore.
  • Demetrius (Demetri) - a bloodhound in the service of the Volturi. A tall vampire with dark long curls and olive skin. In the film, he has short brown hair. His talent lies in a heightened sixth sense. He can find anyone, anywhere, penetrating the mind of the victim.
Actor: Charlie Bewley.
  • Renata (Renata) is Aro's personal bodyguard. This woman is not a warrior, but she has a gift - to make those who come close get distracted and forget about their goal. This so-called "shield" can protect the ward (wards) only at a distance of two or three meters, so Renata does not move a single step away from Aro when he is in danger.
  • Chelsea (Chelsea) - affects the emotional ties between people, is able to both create and strengthen them, and weaken and even break them. Quite useful is the Volturi, as it can even "make" someone want to serve them. Least of all, she manages to influence love relationships. An example of this is Eleazar, who is in love with Carmen and left the clan, in spite of everything. There is no detailed description of her appearance, it is only known that she is tall, elegant and as beautiful as Rosalie and Heidi. Married to Afton.
  • Heidi (Haidy) - was taken into the clan to lure people as "food" for the Volturi. He wears blue lenses, which makes his eyes appear lilac. Has the gift of persuasion. Heidi is one of the most beautiful vampires, just like Rosalie. She has long mahogany hair beautiful figure, long legs, silky voice. Dress provocatively (short skirt, tight red blouse) to get people's attention.
Actress: Nut Siar
  • Santiago, Korin And Afton- also members of the clan, but little is said about them. In the film, the role of Santiago was played by Lateef Crowder.
  • Korin And Afton have supernatural powers.


  • Tanya(English) Tanya) - the organizer and head of the clan of civilized vegetarian vampires, the same as the Cullen family, living in Alaska in Denali, consisting mainly of women. Tanya loves men very much, in particular, male people, which was one of the reasons for her conversion to "vegetarianism". When Edward Cullen was in Denali, Tanya became attached to him, but he refused in a soft "gentleman's" form. It is also known that Tanya and the others once had a creator mother who was subsequently killed by the Volturi due to the creation of an immortal baby. She did not say anything to her adopted children and thus saved their lives. The only thing known about Tanya's appearance is that she is a reddish blonde with curly hair. long hair. Tanya was born in Slovakia around the year 1000. It should be noted that Tanya, Kate and Irina have Russian roots.
  • Kate(English) Kate) - Tanya's sister, is in her clan. Kate has a talent that makes her almost invulnerable: one touch to the skin is enough for (at her request) the enemy to be shocked. Like Tanya, she loves men very much. Kate is known to be blonde with straight hair. In Breaking Dawn, he meets Garrett and falls in love with him, and he joins the Denali clan because of reciprocity.
  • Eleazar(English) Eleazar) - has the gift of "seeing talents." Once Eleazar served with the Volturi, and Aro was very disappointed to lose such a valuable "exhibit" from his collection. But Eleazar left, now he is in the Tanya clan as beloved Carmen. Together they came to Tanya and live with her and her sister. Handsome brunette with olive skin. Born in Spain in 1600-1700.
  • Carmen(English) carmen) is from Spain. Beloved of Eleazar. Together they came to Tanya and live with her and her sisters. Black-haired, with olive skin. She was born in Spain between 1600 and 1700.
  • Irina(English) Irina) - the sister of Tanya and Kate, was in love with Laurent. After Laurana was killed by werewolves in New Moon, she refused to fight the Cullens against the Volturi in Breaking Dawn. In the book Breaking Dawn, she gave the Volturi erroneous information that Renesmee was an immortal child, for which she was killed by Volturi soldiers right in front of her sisters. About her appearance, it is known that she has straight, chin-length silver hair, parted in the middle. She will be played by Maggie Grace in the film.
  • Garrett- easy to find mutual language with all the young man. Before meeting with the Cullens, he led a nomadic lifestyle, attacking people. In Breaking Dawn, he meets Kate, joins the Denali clan, and adopts a "vegetarian diet". Tall, lean, with long, sandy-brown hair pulled back into a ponytail.

Clan James




  • Diego(English) Diego) is an eleven-month-old vampire who is Bree's lover. Riley appreciated him very much. Before becoming a vampire, he had just turned 18 years old. I wanted to go to college and be out of trouble. But when his younger brother was killed, he decided to take revenge. He was greeted by Riley, who said, "Do you want to be strong?" Then he brought him to Victoria, and she converted him. Diego became close friends with Bree while hunting with Kevin and a boy who called himself "Spider-Man". The latter did not behave very carefully, which Diego and Bree did not like. The new converts started talking in Diego's secret place, where they discovered that vampires do not burn in the sun, but sparkle. Diego decided to tell about Riley's discovery. But he and Victoria killed him because Diego knew too much.
Actor: N/A

fred freak

  • fred freak(English) "Freaky" Fred) is the only vampire in the army with special gift- at his request, everyone around him began to feel sick. He is also the only one of the converts who managed to escape - he escaped from the army in time, not taking any part in the battle of the army against the Cullens and the Werewolves, which Bree also offered, but she refused, referring to the search for Diego. At the end of the novel, Bree regrets that she won't be able to warn about the Volturi before she dies, but emphasizes that Fred is very talented and resourceful, so he will most likely be able to survive.
Actor: N/A

Other clans


  • Zafrina- Amazon. The leader in the clan and also has a unique gift. She can impose on another any illusion that will be so real that he will be sure that he is in the place where Zafrina sent him, in her fantasy. At the same time, she, like all Amazons, has a very specific appearance. Too tall, with a long face, torso, nose, legs and arms with the same long fingers. Deep guttural voice, straight long black hair, cat-like habits. Sharp movements, restless eyes. From clothing they wear leather, decorated with fur and animal skins. The Amazonian clan is the most wild vampires, warlike women, and the legends about the "Amazons" probably came from them. They have dark skin, which probably indicates their Indian origin.
  • Kashiri- another Amazon from South America. As specific and as tall as her two companions.
  • Senna- quiet, but as personable and tall as her companion and mentor Zafrina.


All members of the clan are similar to each other, like brothers and sisters. All have olive skin and hair black as night.

  • Amon (Amun)- the undisputed leader in his clan, distrustful, serious man. He clings to the talent of his favorite family member - Benjamin (he can control the elements: water, air, fire and earth).
  • Kebi- Amon's wife. Silent, kept in the shadow of her husband, afraid to contradict him.
  • Benjamin- unusually cheerful for a vampire, looks like a little grown-up boy, and seems so arrogant and carefree at the same time, has a huge influence on Amon and amazing, one of the most expensive talents - all four elements of nature are subject to him. Fire, water, air and earth. Unlike other "gifts" associated with perception, it operates directly on the physical level - telekinesis, pyrokinesis, etc. Remy Malek will play him in the film.
  • Tia- A taciturn, peaceful and reasonable friend of Benjamin, a clan member from Egypt.


Initially, the clan consisted only of Siobhan and her husband Liam. Maggie later joined them, making Liam jealous, but despite this, they became a tight-knit group (according to Carlisle, thanks to Siobhan's unique talent).

  • Siobhan- a large, good-natured woman who is the head of her family and has her own unique talent. The essence of this gift is not clear to the end, according to Carlisle, Siobhan can change the probability of the development of events by an effort of will. According to another version, she can convince others of what she would like. Persuade you to make a decision. But since Siobhan has little faith in her own strength, her gift is not particularly developed, and therefore little is manifested.
  • Liam- Siobhan's husband. Strict, but absolutely trusts his wife.
  • Maggie- a small, red-haired, curly-haired girl. She accurately determines when she is being told the truth and when she is lying. Her verdicts are always final and not subject to appeal, which is why she is very dear to Siobhan.



  • Peter Jasper's old friend. Leads a free lifestyle, travels with his companion Charlotte. It feeds on the blood of people. Turned a few years after Jasper went missing. Platinum blonde with long hair. Same height as Jasper (190 cm).
  • Charlotte- One of Jasper's old friends. Leads a free lifestyle, travels with his companion Peter. It feeds on the blood of people. Platinum blonde as tall as Alice (147 cm).
  • Mary- one of the old friends of the Cullen family. He has known Randall for a long time and is friends with him. But she travels alone.
  • Rendal- One of the old friends of the Cullen family. He has known Mary for a long time and is friends with her. But he travels alone.


  • Alistair- A vampire from England, always preferred to wander alone. Friend of Carlisle. Bloodhound. His talent lies in the fact that he has a slight craving for the object of the search. Tall and dark haired.
  • Vladimir- Stefan's kinsman, the last of the surviving vampires of Romania. Outwardly, he is very similar to Stefan, only he has ashy hair. Like Stefan, he hates the Volturi clan.

Actor: Noel Fisher

  • Stephen- A vampire from Romania. Thin and short, with dark hair, very thin parchment skin, piercing narrow eyes of a pure dark red color. Dressed in a simple black suit that could easily pass for modern, but with a hint of retro. Hates the Volturi clan, because fifteen hundred years ago they burned all the Romanian castles of vampires. He dreams of taking revenge on the Volturi. In the past, Stefan and Vladimir were very powerful, they considered themselves gods:
We have sat too long without moving. Reveled in their own divinity. Everyone came to us on their own, this was a sign of our power. Destined for slaughter, seeking our mercy, messengers. We sat on the throne, believing ourselves to be gods. It didn't take long for us to notice what was going on. We are petrified. Therefore, we should probably say thanks to the Volturi for burning our castles. Until Stefan and I turned into statues.

Actor: Guri Weinberg


Left to right: Paul Layhot, Embry Call, Sam Adley, Jacob Black and Jared in New Moon.

Sam Adley

Paul Layhot

Billy Black

Jessica Stanley

Actress: N/A

Mike Newton

Rachel Black

Eric York

Eric York(English) Eric Yorkie) - Bella's classmate, involved in the school newspaper. A lanky, thin guy with pale skin, black hair and brown eyes. In the film, he is described as the "eyes and ears" of the school they attend. I wanted to write an article about the appearance of the “new one”, but at the request of Bella, I did not do this. Immediately became interested in her and began to care, however, like many others. And, like many others, to no avail. In the film, his character was combined with that of Ben Cheney. Liked by Angela Weber, who, at the suggestion of Bella, invited him to dance. In the book New Moon, he begins dating red-haired tenth grader Kathy Marshall.

Based on books by Stephenie Meyer and adaptations of "Twilight Saga"


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3 1 0

Jane's twin brother, Aro's henchman. He looks very much like his sister, but his hair is darker and his lips are thinner. He is kind of the opposite of Jane: she makes you feel unimaginable pain, and Alec deprives him of all senses, in particular, pain, vision, smell and hearing.

0 0 0

A vampire from England, always prefers to wander alone. Friend of Carlisle. Bloodhound. His talent lies in the fact that he has a slight craving for the object of the search. Tall and dark haired

0 0 0

The undisputed leader in his clan (Egyptians), distrustful, serious man. He clings to the talent of his favorite family member - Benjamin, whom he turned, knowing that he would have a gift (Benjamin can control the elements: water, air, fire and earth).

Angela Weber

1 0 0

Bella's classmate and friend. Modest, quiet and very kind girl, hallmark which is also tall (183 cm). She has light brown hair and light brown eyes. In the movie, Angela has black hair. Unlike most of Bella's acquaintances at school, Angela does not try to use her for her own purposes and has become a true friend to Bella. She always sincerely worries about her friends and is quite satisfied with her life. He loves his little brothers very much. She is tactful, respects the personal space of other people and never asks unnecessary questions. Angela is strongly attached to her boyfriend Ben and twin brothers. In the movie "Twilight" she likes Eric Yorkey

5 5 1

The most important of the Volturi. A brunet with translucent white skin and tarry hair. The iris in the eyes is crimson, but not bright, but matte, as if covered with a veil. Aro's ability is to read minds, however his talent differs from Edward's in that he reads every thought that has ever been on one's mind and only one; also for this he needs physical contact

Isabella Swan

20 30 3

A seventeen-year-old girl who moved from Arizona to Washington State to live with her father, Charlie. At the new school, she meets Edward Cullen, and soon finds out that he is a vampire. But this does not scare her away, on the contrary, her love is so strong that she is ready to become the same herself.

1 0 0

Unusually cheerful for a vampire, looks like a slightly matured boy, seems very arrogant and carefree at the same time, has a huge influence on Amon and amazing, one of the most expensive talents - all four elements of nature are subject to him: fire, water, air and earth. Unlike other "gifts" associated with perception, it acts directly on the physical level - telekinesis, pyrokinesis, etc. In addition, it has the ability to recognize "right" and "wrong" actions

Billy Black

1 1 0

Born and raised in La Push, he is one of the elders of the Quileute tribe. The book describes him as a stocky Indian with dark skin and a wrinkled face, black hair, and dark brown eyes. After the death of his wife Sarah in a car accident, Billy remained the sole parent of three children: son Jacob, as well as daughters Rachel and Rebecca. One of Black Sr.'s close friends is Charlie Swan, Bella's father. Billy is chained to wheelchair due to damage to the nerves of the legs caused by diabetes

Bree Tanner

3 0 0

A three-month-old vampire, was converted by Victoria at the age of less than 16 years. She was part of the army of newly converted vampires who opposed the Cullens, although she herself did not participate in the battle. She was killed by the Volturi, although some of the Cullens tried to intercede for her; before she died, she managed to tell Edward (in her thoughts) about the true reason for the visit of the Volturi detachment


1 1 0

A cunning and very dangerous vampire. Was in a relationship with James, although Edward, in order to confuse Victoria, and tried to convince her that James was just using her. Victoria had the gift of a heightened sense of danger, for example, she was able to evade persecution in time. Also has high speed. She was shocked to learn that the Cullens had killed her lover and have since sought revenge by posing a threat to Bella Swan. He wants to kill Bella, as he follows the tit-for-tat order, being convinced that it was Edward who killed James, and believing that it is fairer to kill his girlfriend in order to make him suffer in the same way that Victoria herself suffers. In Eclipse, the werewolves and the Cullens tried long and hard to catch her. Killed by Edward

0 0 0

Kindred of Stefan, the last of the surviving vampires of Romania. Outwardly, he is very similar to Stefan, only he has ashy hair; in the film, besides that, he looks less chubby than Stefan. Just like his relative, he hates the Volturi clan

0 0 0

Easily finding a common language with all the young man. Before meeting with the Cullens, he led a nomadic lifestyle, attacking people. In Breaking Dawn, he meets Kate, falls in love with her, joins the Denali clan and adopts a "vegetarian diet". Tall, lean, with long, sandy-brown hair pulled back into a ponytail.

3 0 0

Bloodhound in the service of the Volturi. A tall vampire with dark long curls and olive skin. In the film, he has short brown hair. His talent lies in a heightened sixth sense. He can find anyone, anywhere, penetrating the mind of the victim

Jared Cameron

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One of the Quileutes living on the La Push Indian Reservation. He was reborn as a werewolf the second of the entire pack. Pictured with his classmate Kim Connweller, with whom he always sat at the same desk, but never paid much attention to her. His imprinting took place after the first rebirth. In the form of a wolf, he has brown hair

Jasper Whitlock

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Born Jasper Whitlock, one of the vampires of the Cullen clan, adopted son of Esme and Carlisle, brother of Edward, Emmett and Rosalie, husband and lover of Alice (although they were officially married only once. There is no marriage mark in their modern documents). He was turned into a vampire in 1863 by a vampire named Maria and gained the ability to sense the moods of those around him and manipulate them.

Jacob Billy Black

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Quileute Indian, lives on the La Push reservation, near Forks. The son of Billy Black, a friend of Bella Swan's father. Jacob is a werewolf and he is in love with Bella.

0 1 0

A nomadic, predatory vampire that preys on humans. In Twilight, he meets the Cullen family and Bella Swan. This happens just when they are out on a stormy day to play baseball. He is by nature a "hound" - he has a high instinct and an indefatigable thirst for hunting for his chosen victim. Smelling Bella's scent, James makes it his goal to bite her by drinking her blood, and thus avenge his only failure when he missed Alice, now among the Cullens, but Edward is not going to just give up his beloved. Subsequently, James dies at the hands of Edward's brothers, who came to the aid of his brother when he defended Bella, who fell into James's trap. In the book, he has short, dark blond hair; in the movie, it is long and blond, gathered in a ponytail.

2 0 0

Handy Aro. Short, thin, with big eyes, full lips, and a childish voice. Jane's talent lies in the fact that she can, penetrating into consciousness, create the illusion of unbearable pain. In the book she has short light brown hair, in the movie it is long and golden.

Jessica Stanley

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Bella's first high school friend in Forks, who made Jessica interested in her popularity rather than any personal qualities. Their friendship is interrupted in the book "New Moon" due to Bella's depressive state, but in the next part of "Eclipse" the girls again approach each other. Jessica loves to gossip, go shopping and be the center of attention. Bella is grateful to her for being supportive on her first day of school, but finds Jessica too intrusive. Edward Cullen does not like Jessica, because he sees in her thoughts a lot of envy for Bella

0 0 0

An eleven-month-old vampire who is Bree's lover. Riley appreciated him very much. At the time of turning into a vampire, he had just turned 18 years old. I wanted to go to college and be out of trouble. But when his younger brother was killed, he decided to take revenge. Riley met him, assisting against the accomplices of his brother's killer, and then asking: "Do you want a new life, boy?" After which he brought the young man to Victoria, and she turned him. Diego became intimate with Bree while hunting with Kevin and a boy who called himself "Spider-Man". The latter did not behave very carefully, which Diego and Bree did not like. The new converts started talking in Diego's secret place, where they discovered that vampires do not burn in the sun, but sparkle. Diego decided to tell Riley about the discovery, but he and Victoria killed him because he knew too much.

0 0 0

Possesses the gift of "seeing talents". Once Eleazar served with the Volturi, and Aro was very disappointed to lose such a valuable "exhibit" from his collection. But Eleazar left, now he is in the Tanya clan as beloved Carmen. Together they came to Tanya and live with her and her sister. Handsome brunette with olive skin. Born in Spain in the 17th century

0 0 0

Amazon. The leader in the clan and also has a unique gift. She can impose on another any illusion that will be so real that he will be sure that he is in the place where Zafrina sent him in her fantasy. At the same time, she, like all Amazons, has a very specific appearance: very tall, with a long face, torso, nose, legs and arms with the same long fingers. Deep guttural voice, straight long black hair, cat-like habits. Sharp movements, restless eyes. From clothing they wear leather, decorated with fur and animal skins. The Amazonian clan is the most wild vampires, warlike women, and the legends about the "Amazons" probably came from them. They have dark skin, which probably indicates their Indian origin.

0 0 0

Tanya and Kate's sister, was in love with Laurent. After Laurana was killed by werewolves in New Moon, she refused to fight the Cullens against Victoria's army in Eclipse, resulting in the rest of the Denali not coming to the Cullens' aid. In the book Breaking Dawn, she gave the Volturi erroneous information that Renesmee was an immortal child, for which she was killed by Kai and Volturi soldiers right in front of her sisters

5 2 0

Looks almost the same as Aro. The book is described as an old man with noble gray hair and thin-looking skin. In the films, he is a young blond. The youngest (in the film also externally) and bloodthirsty of the leaders of the Volturi

Carlisle Cullen

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Head of the Cullen family, Esme's husband and foster father to Edward, Alice, Emmett, Rosalie, and Jasper. Carlisle is very kind and compassionate to everyone. Even Jacob, who hates vampires, has no negative feelings towards Carlisle.

0 0 0

Originally from Spain. Beloved of Eleazar. Together they came to Tanya and live with her and her sisters. Black-haired, with olive skin. Born in Spain in the 17th century

0 0 0

Another Amazon from South America. As specific and as tall as her two companions

Quil Ateara V

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One of Jacob Black's best friends and his cousin. Quila's grandfather is on the council of elders. Shortly after the first transformation, the young man is imprinted with Claire, Emily's niece, who at that time was only 2 years old. Since werewolves do not age as long as they can transform, Quil's chosen one is not embarrassed at such a young age. In his wolf form, he has chocolate brown fur. After the pack split, Quil eventually goes under Jacob's command.

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Amon's wife. Silent, kept in the shadow of her husband, afraid to contradict him

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Tanya's sister, is in her clan. It is possible that she was born under the name Catherine. Kate has a talent that makes her almost invulnerable: one touch to the skin is enough for (at her request) the enemy to be shocked. Like Tanya, she loves men very much. Kate is known to be blonde with straight hair. In Breaking Dawn, she meets Garrett and falls in love with him, and he, having reciprocated her, joins the Denali clan and refuses (though not without difficulty) human blood.

Leah Clearwater

1 1 0

The only werewolf girl, beta in Jacob's pack. Daughter of Harry and Sue Clearwater. Lee's father died of a heart attack. Seth Clearwater's sister, ex-girlfriend of Sam Adley. Lee and Sam have been friends since high school, they started dating when Lee was fourteen. Sam hid the fact that he became a werewolf, but they tried to keep the relationship because they loved each other. One day, her second cousin Emily Young came to Lee from the Maca Reservation, with whom Sam imprinted. Lee took it very hard and tried to come to terms with it. She was unhappy that she became a werewolf, as she saw Sam and Emily every day, and her thoughts could be read. When Jacob and Seth left the pack, Lee joined them, later becoming a "beta" in Jacob's pack.

0 0 0

Siobhan's husband. Strict but absolutely trusts his wife

1 0 0

Vampire nomad, about 300 years old. In the first part, he appears with James and Victoria, but after James decides to start hunting for Bella, he leaves them. Laurent manages to warn the Cullens about James' abilities. He then goes to the Denali clan, where he starts a romantic relationship with Irina. In New Moon, Laurent is killed by werewolves for his attempt to kill Bella. Later, when the Cullens, in alliance with the werewolves, start a war against Victoria, the Denali clan refused to come to the rescue, justifying this with the death of Laurent.

Lauren Mallory

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Bella's classmate, one of the most popular girls in school. Full of contempt, with high self-esteem, always dissatisfied, envious. She was unfriendly to Bella, as she envied her popularity. Also jealous of her Tyler. With Tyler, the relationship did not start, she began to meet with a classmate named Conner. When Edward left, Lauren turned many against Bella, which reduced the popularity of the latter.

Mike Newton

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Bella's classmate who is secretly in love with her. In Twilight, Mike Newton was one of the first in the new school to approach Bella, get to know each other, and offer his help. He often asked Bella out on dates, although she mostly turned him down. In the same book, Mike began dating Jessica Stanley. Mike's family owns a small shop sporting goods, where Bella worked for a while. Mike treated Edward Cullen with hatred, being very jealous of Bella

1 0 0

Looks the same as Aro. In the films (outwardly) - the oldest of the leaders of the Volturi, with gray hair in his hair. With the help of his talent, Mark can see the spiritual relationship between people.

0 0 0

A small, red-haired (dark-haired in the film), curly-haired girl. She accurately determines when she is being told the truth and when she is lying. Her verdicts are always final and not subject to appeal, which is why she is very dear to Siobhan.

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One of the old friends of the Cullen family. He has known Randal for a long time and is friends with him. But traveling alone

Mary Alice Cullen

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The adopted daughter of Esme and Carlisle, Jasper's wife and lover (although officially they were married only once. There is no marriage mark in their modern documents). After turning into a vampire, she gained the ability to see the future. True, she does not see everything, but only the consequences of decisions that a person makes. If the decision changes, so does Alice's vision.

0 0 0

Jasper's old friend. He was one of the newborn vampires in Maria's army, whom she kept alive to look after and raise other new converts. Thanks to him, Jasper realized that there was another life besides brutal wars. Leads a free lifestyle, travels with his companion Charlotte. Feeds on human blood

Paul Lahote

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One of the first Quileutes, after Sam, to turn into a werewolf. He is very unstable, likes to measure his strength with Jacob. In a fit of anger, he cannot control the transformation, but he does not particularly suffer from this, since all werewolves have the ability to regenerate (wounds after fights heal quickly). Imprinted (imprinted) with Jacob's sister (Rachel), who came to visit her brother after school. Imprinting did him good, and his character noticeably softened. Thanks to Rachel, Paul becomes a frequent visitor to the Black household. His wolf is silver gray

Riley Biers

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The leader of the army and the oldest vampire in it. He was in love with Victoria, but she constantly lied to him (as a result of which she made him lie to the whole army) and did not have real feelings for him (she turned him into a vampire only because (according to the film) he knew the area, being from Forks). However, of the entire army, only he saw Victoria in person and knew her by name, the rest of the army did not know her face and name, so that Alice and Edward would not guess that this was the work of her hands. His age is about a year, but more or less is unknown. Was killed by Seth Clearwater with a little help from Edward

Rachel Black

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Older sister of Jacob Black and twin sister of Rebecca Black. She, like Rebecca and Jake, lost her mother, who died in a car accident, and their father after the incident was confined to a wheelchair. After leaving school on the reservation, despite the protests of her father and brother, Rachel left La Push to study at one of the universities in the States. Separation also turned out to be a heavy burden for her, so after graduating from university, the girl immediately returned to her native reservation, to her father and brother, where she met Paul, who imprinted on her

1 0 0

Aro's personal bodyguard. This woman is not a warrior, but she has a gift - to make those who come close get distracted and forget about their goal. This so-called "shield" can protect the ward(s) only at a distance of a few meters, so Renata never leaves Aro's side when he is or may be in danger

Renee Dwyer

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Bella's mother. She married Charlie Swan right out of high school, but soon divorced him and moved away with her daughter, Bella. Rene is an eccentric, naive, absent-minded and infantile person. In a relationship with her, the restrained and prudent Bella always felt like a mother, discouraged risky ideas and took care of her. Bella calls Rene her own best friend. When Renee remarried a young baseball player, Phil Dwyer, who often moves from place to place, Bella went to stay with her father in Forks so that Renee and Phil could travel together. Edward describes Rene as a shrewd person.

Renesmee Carlie Cullen

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Half-vampire, half-human daughter of Edward Cullen and Bella Cullen. Renesmee is a combination of the names Rene (Bella's mother) and Esme (Edward's adoptive mother), Carly - Carlisle (Edward's adoptive father) and Charlie (Bella's father). She doesn't produce poison. She has the opposite talent of her father, touching another person with her hand, while the one she touches will see her thoughts in his head. She also has a talent that is the opposite of her mother's - no one can defend herself against her abilities. She is growing fast mentally and physically.

Rosalie Lilian Hale

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Esme and Carlisle's adopted daughter, Emmett's wife and lover. In her youth, Rosalie suffered severely at the hands of her fiancé, who left her to die, and later, becoming a vampire, severely avenged him. She was supposed to be a couple for Edward, but he perceived her as a sister, which hurt Rosalie. Was sharply against the relationship between Edward and Bella.

It is simply unbelievable how quickly time flies, because it seems that the first part of the sensational film "Twilight" was released quite recently, and 7 years have already passed!

Since that time a lot has changed. At first, the vampire fashion skyrocketed, and then slowly subsided, giving way to revolutionary dystopias like The Hunger Games and Divergent. There is probably no person who would not know how the career and personal life of Robert Pattinson and his ex-girlfriend Kristen Stewart developed after the end of the Twilight saga. But few people know what happened to the rest cast. Did one of them become a successful actor, getting out of the image of a bloodsucker or an eternal schoolboy?

Let's find out what happened to the actors of the film "Twilight" after 7 years!

Kristen Stewart – Bella Swan

Before the release of Twilight, most people knew Kristen Stewart as the girl who played Jodie Foster's daughter in Panic Room. But in 2008, her name was stamped with "celebrity" status, thanks to her role as the clumsy girl who fell in love with her in the Twilight movie.

Since 2012, when the last part of the saga saw the light of day, Stewart has been very busy not only with her career, but also with her personal life. She and Robert Pattinson broke up violently after the paparazzi found out about the actress's romance with the director of the film "Snow White and the Huntsman", where Kristen performed leading role.

She recently starred with Julianne Moore in Still Alice, which took part in "". In 2015, Stewart can be seen in Equals with Nicholas Hoult and Guy Pearce. The actress also signed up to participate in an unnamed Woody Allen project, which is scheduled for release in 2016.

Robert Pattinson - Edward Cullen

After the film "The Saga: Twilight. Breaking Dawn - Part 2, Rob took a short break from his acting career. Instead, he starred in a stunning advertisement for the fashion house Dior and broke up with Kristen Stewart with a scandal.

In 2014, Pattinson returned to the screens again, but not with commercial or epic projects like Twilight. It was a philosophical film "Cosmopolis", "Rover" and a festival film about the life of Hollywood celebrities "Star Map", where Rob got by no means the main role. In 2015, we can see him in two films at once: Life and Childhood of a Leader. In addition, the actor signed contracts for five films at once, including the high-budget project " lost city Z".

Most recently, Rob got into the tabloid pages thanks to an affair with British singer Talia Barnett (FKA Twigs) and their engagement, which took place in April this year.

Kellan Lutz - Emmett Cullen

Immediately after parting ways with the role of everyone's favorite big man Emmett, Kellan Lutz starred in the film "The Burning Island" with Mickey Rourke, with whom he previously worked in the film "War of the Gods: Immortals." Lats is still collaborating with modeling agency Ford Models, which helped him participate in an advertising campaign for the fashion house Calvin Klein in 2010. In 2014, the actor got the lead role in the film "Hercules: The Beginning of the Legend", but, unfortunately, the picture suffered a commercial failure. In the same year, Lutz starred in the third part of The Expendables. Now we can see him in the movie "The Experimenter".

Nikki Reed – Rosalie Hale

Before becoming "the bitch Rosalie everyone hates" in Twilight, Nikki Reed was "the bitchy girl everyone wanted to be" in Thirteen. It was her previous working relationship with Catherine Hardwicke, director of the first part of the Twilight saga, that secured the actress the role of Rosalie.

The main achievement of Nikki was the marriage with another vampire, more precisely actor Ian Somerhalder, who plays Damon Salvatore in popular series"The Vampire Diaries". The couple started dating in 2014 and six months later legalized their relationship.

During this time, Nikki had minor roles in passing films and several episodes in the TV series Sleepy Hollow. Soon we will be able to see the actress in the films The Quest and Highway for Players.

Ashley Greene Alice Cullen

Unlike some of her fellow celebrities, Ashley Greene was not a big star before the release of the film "Twilight", and after the end of the saga, she did not turn into a sought-after actress of the first magnitude. Now she mostly does voice acting. computer game"Batman: Arkham Knight" and simple roles in films such as "My Girlfriend is a Zombie", "Summer in Staten Island" and "Christie". More recently, Green signed on to several film projects at once: "And Lost the Fight" and "Motivation."

Jackson Rathbone – Jasper Hale

Before becoming a brooding and sensitive vampire, Jackson Rathbone worked for Disney 411 as a journalist and interviewed celebrities. Rathbone is now an honorary board member of Little Kids Rock, non-profit organization which deals with musical education in troubled American public schools. As for his film career, two films with his participation will soon be released on the screens: "The Road to Pali" and "The Dead".

Peter Facinelli – Carlisle Cullen

It seems that Peter Facinelli enjoyed being a doctor so much that he remained in this image after the end of the twilight saga. Since 2009, he has been playing Dr. Fitch Cooper in Nurse Jackie, and this year Facinelli was cast as Peter Decker in An American Odyssey.

But the actor made the public talk about himself not thanks to his acting merits: in 2012, after 11 years of marriage to Jennie Garth (remember Kelly from the Beverly Hills series?), he filed for divorce. That same year, Facinelli began dating his Weeds co-star Jamie Alexander (Thor and Thor: The Dark World), and in 2015, the couple got engaged.

Elizabeth Racer – Esme Cullen

Since Elizabeth Racer said goodbye to the role of the mother of the Cullen family, she has not done much for her career. Last year, she landed a small role on True Detective and a role on the final season of Mad Men.

Billy Burke – Charlie Swan

Billy Burke will always be Charlie Swan to us best dad in the world. After the release of the first part of "Twilight", Burke starred with the director of the twilight saga, Catherine Hardwicke, in the film "Little Red Riding Hood", where he embodied on the screen ... his father main character. From 2012-2014, he played Miles Matheson on Revolution, and in 2015, he landed the role of Mitch Morgan on the TV project Menagerie, a show about a young scientist trying to figure out what caused violent animal attacks.

Taylor Lautner - Jacob Black

As one of the most-teenagers in the history of cinema, Taylor Lautner did not have to work after the end of his life-changing saga. But despite this, in 2013 he starred in the film Odnoklassniki 2, as the antagonist of Adam Sandler and his company, and a year later, in the TV series Cook. We'll soon be able to see Lautner in Tracers, Ride the Wave, and The Ridiculous Six, starring Adam Sandler and Steve Buscemi.

Anna Kendrick - Jessica

If anyone has really developed successful career after the Twilight saga, it's Anna Kendrick. Unlike Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, who got movie roles only because they were in the main star cast, Kendrick had to work hard to achieve success.

While working on the gloomy saga, Anna got a role in the film Up in the Sky with George Clooney, which attracted the attention of directors and was nominated for an Oscar. And then she played Beka in the film " Perfect voice and literally made everyone fall in love with her. This year we can see her in the films Pitch Perfect 2, Cake and Into the Woods. In the near future, seven projects starring Kendrick will be released, including the comedy Job Hunt and the drama Looking for Fire.

Christian Serratos – Angela

Fans " Walking Dead Do you recognize her? Christian left behind the role of Bella's quiet and close-minded friend to play Rosita in the most popular zombie series. In March 2015, Serratos appeared on the pages of the men's Playboy magazine.

Michael Welsh – Mike Newton

After playing "another guy who loved Bella Swan," Michael Welsh was cast in Boy Meets Girl in 2014. For it, he received an award in the category "best actor" at the FilmOut Festival Award. In the same year, Welsh began acting in the TV series Z Nation. In addition, he has roles in the films Crazy, Lands and Kavdor, little known to our viewers.

Justin Chong - Eric

Justin Chon left the role of a schoolboy from Forks for the role of a student in the film "21 and over." This year, he starred in the independent film Looking for Seoul, which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival. Jung also co-wrote, directed, and executive produced the film Man Up.

Rachelle Lefebvre - Victoria

As you can see, Rachelle Lefevre didn't play the role of Victoria in the third movie of the Eclipse saga. She was replaced by actress Bryce Dallas Howard from Summit Entertainment due to a filming schedule conflict. Rachelle left the Twilight saga because of the independent Canadian film Barney's Version. And although the role of the actress was completely cut out in the final version of the picture, this was not the end of her career. Since then, Rachel has been actively filmed on television. Among her famous roles is the TV series Under the Dome.

Cam Gigandet - James

Unlike all the other actors on this list, Twilight was Cam Gigandet's acting debut. As you all know, James met his end in the final scene of the first film, but that was the beginning for the actor himself. After the gloomy saga, he played Amanda Bynes' boyfriend in the film "Easy A", a cute bartender in the musical "Burlesque" and a womanizer in the film "You will answer for the end." Among his future projects are the films Broken Vows and The Magnificent Seven”, where he will be accompanied by Chris Pratt, Vincent D'Onofrio and Denzel Washington.

Edie Gazegi - Laurent

The character of Edi Gazegi was not liked by many in the twilight saga. But after Laurent's death, the actor landed the role of Armando in the X-Men: First Class franchise. This character also ended his days not very rosy. After that, the actor switched to television, where he starred in the series "Proof". Soon we will be able to see Gazegi in the film "Criminal Activity"

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Rosalie Lilian Hale (born 1915, Rochester) is a female vampire from the Cullen clan. She is the adopted daughter of Esme and the eternal lover of Emmett Cullen and the sister of Alice and Edward Cullen, as well as Jasper Hale, who, according to legend, is her twin brother due to external resemblance. After being adopted into the Bella Swan family, she also becomes Rosalie's sister, and her daughter Renesmee becomes a niece.

As a human, Rosalie Hyle grew up in early 20th century Rochester and was the bride of the most eligible guy in town, but after being beaten and sexually assaulted, she was on the verge of death. Then she was turned into a vampire by Carlisle and after the completion of an act of revenge she became a member of the Cullen family.


Rosalie Hale, whose photo you see in the article, was born in 1915 in Rochester, New York. Her father was a successful bank employee, and her mother was a housewife, devoting all her time to her husband and children: her eldest daughter Rosalie and two younger sons. Despite the hard times of the Great Depression, Rosalie's father earned enough money to ensure a decent social status for his family.

Rosalie Hale has always stood out for her beautiful angelic appearance and often heard compliments from enthusiastic men. Constant attention seriously increased the self-esteem of the girl, who was completely satisfied with life. However, her parents stubbornly wished her more, trying to find a suitable match for her daughter. Once Rosalie went to work with her father, where she was noticed by Royce King, a young and famous guy in Rochester, who is the direct heir to a wealthy family that owns a bank. The self-confident rich man began to court the young beauty, soon gaining her favor thanks to expensive gifts and his own charm. Despite the strong attraction, King did not have romantic feelings for Rosalie at all, but nevertheless proposed to her. The bride herself was happy, looking forward to the future family life with my beloved husband and children.

One day she went to visit her friend Vera, deciding to look at her little son. Rosalie was surprised by the warm relationship between Vera and her caring husband, who worked as an ordinary carpenter. Watching the vivid manifestations of love of happy spouses, Hale experienced sincere envy, realizing that her fiancé would never do this, given his complex nature. Returning home, she ran into a group of drunken men, among whom was her beloved Royce. Noticing the approaching bride, King began to show off her beauty to drunken friends. After a short dialogue, they decided to appreciate the beauty of Rosalie without clothes, which ended in gang rape and severe beatings.

Dying on the street, the girl was discovered by Carlisle Cullen, who at that time worked as a doctor. After examining her wounds, he decides to turn the unfortunate woman into a vampire, not finding ways to save her life as a person. After a painful rebirth, Rosalie meets her new family in the person of Carlisle, his wife Esme and disgruntled Edward, who, according to the plan of the adoptive father, had to get closer to the convert. Wounded by the indifference of the handsome Edward, Rosalie masters new abilities, marveling at her perfect beauty, seriously enhanced after the transformation.

Deciding not to waste any time, the newly converted vampire kills all the drunkards responsible for her violent death in succession. The last was the main culprit of what happened - a frightened Royce King, who surrounded himself with security after the mysterious deaths of all participants in recent events. Having dealt with the guards, Rosalie burst into the room of her ex-fiance, dressed in snow-white Wedding Dress, a minute later stained with fresh blood.

After that, the girl returns to the Cullens, continuing to be angry at the indifferent Edward, considering him completely incapable of a relationship with any woman. Two years later, she accidentally finds a dying young man named Emmet, injured after a fight with an angry bear. Outwardly, he looked like the little son of Vera, and the vampire decided to save him. Realizing that, having tasted his blood, she would not be able to stop in time, Rosalie suppressed her inner hunger and took the guy to Carlisle. After turning into a vampire between Emmett and Rosalie, a stormy romance began, backed up by real feelings. In the middle of the 20th century, Jasper and Alice joined the Cullens, who were welcomed into the family. Behind long years During her life as a vampire, Rosalie acquired a favorite hobby: collecting and repairing expensive and rare cars, in which she seriously succeeded, thanks to the vast financial resources of her clan.

Events of the novel "Twilight"

Rosalie was not particularly happy about moving to the small and boring town of Forks, where she went back to high school with her siblings. The unexpected love of the eternally melancholy Edward shakes the vampire, who still has not forgotten her long-standing resentment when her adoptive brother did not express due admiration for her beauty after the transformation. When Edward opens up to his beloved Bella, Rosalie begins to hate the strange human girl who unexpectedly captures her brother's heart. However, despite her pronounced negative feelings, Rosalie helps hide Bella from the vampire hunter James who was hunting her.

Events of the novel "New Moon"

After the next graduation from school, she, along with Emmett, leaves for romantic trip across Africa. Back at Bella's birthday party, they witness Jasper's sudden rage reacting aggressively to the clumsy birthday girl's small bleeding cut. Afterwards, the Cullens leave Forks. A few months later, Rosalie learns about the terrible vision of Alice, who saw the death of Bella. Rosalie immediately informs Edward of this, not knowing that in a fit of desperation, he will go on a suicide trip to the Volturi vampire clan. After returning to Forks, Rosalie apologizes to Edward and his lover, nevertheless protesting Bella's conversion to a vampire.

Events of the novel "Eclipse"

Watching Bella and Edward's relationship develop, Rosalie seizes a moment to have a solitary conversation with her brother's girlfriend. She tells a hushed Bella about her past life and tries to dissuade from the life of a vampire, convincing him of the importance of remaining human. When Victoria attacks the Cullens with an army of new vampires, Rosalie, along with the rest of her family and the Pack, fights on the battlefield to protect those she cares about.

Events of the novel "Dawn"

During the wedding of Edward and his young fiancée, Rosalie assists in applying Bella's bridal makeup and is present at the later wedding ceremony. Upon learning of Bella's pregnancy, the shocked vampire decides to protect her by helping her bear the baby. During childbirth, she almost loses self-control due to the abundance of blood, but quickly comes to her senses while caring for the newborn Renesmee. For the next few months, Rosalie tried not to leave the baby, even learning to endure the presence of Jacob imprinted with her. After Irina informs the Volturi about the presence of a vampire child in the Cullen clan, Rosalie and Emmett go in search of vampire witnesses. When the chance of a fight with the Volturi army becomes too great, the girl prepares to fight to the death for her family. Nevertheless, the situation is resolved peacefully, and life returns to normal.

Personality and character

Rosalie Hale ("Twilight") is quite selfish, but very devoted to her family and husband Emmett. Indifferently and arrogantly looks at ordinary people, wary of unfamiliar vampires. He dreams of having his own children and becoming a man again. With quivering warmth, she treats her niece Renesmee, in whom she sees an opportunity for the manifestation of her maternal instinct.


It is distinguished by incredible beauty, blinding almost all men (humans and vampires) in sight. Rosalie is tall, with a model figure and long blonde hair. As a person, she was also quite beautiful, and her eye color was violet.

Rosalie Hale: makeup

Combining your natural beauty with bewitching vampire magnetism, Rosalie prefers to use a minimum of cosmetics. From time to time he tries to change the color of his skin from deathly pale to more vibrant, mainly because of his unrealizable fantasies about the delights of ordinary human life.

Skills and Special Abilities

She knows how to play well musical instruments(more on the piano), well versed in cars. She has no special vampire skills, except for her dazzlingly beautiful appearance. Like all Cullens, he is proficient in hand-to-hand combat.

Rosalie and Jasper Hale

Rosalie Hale and Jasper Hale are tall, slender, beautiful blondes. Because of this external similarity, they are everywhere presented as twins with the surname Hale, taken under the care of the Cullen couple.

Rosalie Hale: actress

The role of Rosalie Lilian Hale in all five films was played by a young American actress Nikki Reed. She was born on May 17, 1988 in West Los Angeles, California. Her father worked at McDonald's for a while, but soon abandoned his daughter and wife. Until the age of 13, she was a rather quiet and calm girl, preferring to spend her free time reading books and walking with her friends. However, after reaching adolescence, Nikki Reed (Rosalie Hale) began her acquaintance with drugs, sex and occasional hooligan antics. After quarreling with her worried mother, she decided to live on her own, renting her own apartment.

At the same time, she visits her father and his girlfriend, with the help of which Nikki wrote the script for the film "Thirteen". The girl herself temporarily took the post of casting assistant, but soon received an offer to play the main role due to the lack of suitable candidates. Young Nikki, who had not previously thought about a career as an actress, decides to continue acting, after a while receiving new offers from various producers.

Rosalie Hale (real name Nikki Reed in the movie "Twilight") is a pale-skinned cold blonde. Nikki herself is a tanned, cheerful brunette with glasses and piercings. To shoot at dusk, she had to dye her hair and wear lenses to match the amber eyes of vegetarian vampires.

The entire Twilight saga is hugely popular. All her characters are quite interesting personalities that deserve your attention. Enjoy watching!
