Olga Seryabkina: natural beauty or the efforts of surgeons? Seryabkina Olga - photos of a member of the SEREBRO group before and after plastic surgery Olya Seryabkina personal life.

The personal life of Olga Seryabkina began to attract public attention from the very times when the girl became a member of the scandalous famous group"Silver". I must say that with the growth of popularity around the name of a talented girl, a lot of rumors and gossip began to spread. Sometimes Olga Seryabkina was simply exposed in an indecent light, which caused scandalous situations with journalists and paparazzi.

Biography of Olga Seryabkina

Olga Yurievna Seryabkina was born in the capital of our state, the city of Moscow, on April 12, 1985. As a child, Olga began to show vocal and choreographic data, as a result of which she was enrolled in classes at music school. Olya also began to attend a circle on ballroom dancing. Before that, no one in the family had anything to do with creative specialties. The future singer Olga Seryabkina was literally torn between a general education school and two specialized ones. I also had to find time to do homework and keep up with subjects.

In the photo: Olga Seryabkina in childhood

At the age of 17, Seryabkina Olga became a candidate for master of sports in ballroom dancing. All her efforts were not in vain. On the way to her dream, Olga was not going to stop at nothing. However, mother and father were categorical about show business, believing that it was very deceptive and the girl might not secure a future for herself. The daughter did not dare to disobey them and went to receive higher education translator.

Olga started working as a backing vocalist and dancer with the famous performer Irakli Pirtskhalava. Magnificent plasticity and outstanding vocal abilities could not but attract attention. Miniature, but at the same time a very bright appearance allowed her to stand out from the crowd. In 2004, Elena Temnikova brought a young and pretty girl to the Silver team. From that moment began the rapid development of Olga's career.

Sexy brunette attracted the attention of not only fans songwriting, but also owners of fashionable men's magazines. The luxurious figure of Seryabkina allowed for candid photo shoots, which brought not only additional income, but also wide popularity. But in Olga's team, relations were rather difficult. Two sexy young ladies could not get along with each other. Seryabkina was even going to leave the group, and Max Fadeev stated in an interview that he had already found a replacement for her. Only at the last moment the girl changed plans and decided to stay.

In the photo: Olga Seryabkina and Elena Temnikova

In 2007, the Silver group represented their country at the Eurovision Song Contest, taking third place. Now they were known not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders. Olga began to write her own songs for the group. Soon, her boundaries of her work expanded significantly, and songs written to her words were performed by many stars of our stage. However, Seryabkina does not call herself a songwriter, claiming that she does not have the appropriate education.

In 2015, Olga decided to start her own solo career. At the same time, she does not plan to leave Silver. Now Seryabkina can be heard under the pseudonym Molly (Holy Molly). She chose pop-hip-hop as her style of performance. Lyrics in English were written personally by Seryabkina. The author created the first composition called Holy Molly together with Max Fadeev.

In the same 2015, Olga Seryabkina tried herself as an actress. She starred in the popular comedy The Best Day Ever. The main role in this picture was played by Dmitry Nagiev, and Olya got the role of one of his assistants. She performed several songs, including the long-loved "Green-Eyed Taxi".

Personal life of Olga Seryabkina

Olga Seryabkina does not like to flaunt her personal life. However, rumors about this began to appear from the moment when she worked as a backing vocalist for Irakli. The couple was often seen together at secular parties and various parties. Representatives of the media have already married Olga and Heraclius, but things did not go further than rumors. Nothing serious happened between the performers.

In the photo: Olga Seryabkina and Irakli Pirtskhalava

The restless press began to spread information that Olga Seryabkina was a typical lesbian and she was not interested in relationships with guys. Even the fact that she allegedly had an affair with a colleague on stage, known as DJ M.E.G., did not become a hindrance. This information was provoked by numerous pictures of the couple that could be found on the Internet. Nevertheless, the guy turned out to be married, and Olga said that they had exceptionally friendly relations between them.

Seryabkina was credited with numerous novels, but no official confirmation of this has been received. The singer claims that she had a relationship with a young man who was not only a great musician, but also just a cool guy. Former lover so tortured Olga with his claims that they were forced to part. Seryabkina does not name this man, since they agreed not to reveal the secret of their relationship to the public. Fans guess that this guy could well be rapper Oksimiron.

Does Olga Seryabkina have a husband

In 2015, the Internet appeared joint photos Olga Seryabkina and participant musical project"Voice" named Oleg Miami. Young people hugged and looked very happy. Naturally, the press reacted to this with a series of regular sensations. Moreover, young people appeared together in public, went to parties. According to some reports, Oleg even represented the singer as his girlfriend. But she herself quickly denied this information and stated that there were only friendly relations between Olga Seryabkina and Oleg Miami.

In the photo: Olga Seryabkina and Yegor Creed

Not so long ago, the audience stirred new wave rumors that Olga Seryabkina had a stormy romance. The reason for this was the song famous singer, which he allegedly dedicated to his beloved. The girl herself in an official interview stated that there was nothing between them and could not be. If they intersect, it is only on work issues. True, the people were reluctant to believe in such an interpretation.

Olga Seryabkina, whose husband so far exists only in her dreams, admitted that she likes one guy. Only now she has not yet hinted at his sympathy in any way. The girl completely trusts fate and believes that if they are still destined to be together, then fate will surely bring them together. Now fans already treat such statements with a certain amount of skepticism. After all, their favorite does not give the slightest chance to understand whether she is capable of serious relationship or she prefers fleeting romances without commitment.

Olga Seryabkina - latest news

Currently, Olga Seryabkina continues to compose songs not only for her albums and albums of the Silver group, but also for other performers. As an experiment, the girl even wrote a text for a male performance. A young singer Emin sang a song based on her poems. However, the artist's main forces are now concentrated on her solo career and on the release of a new album, which is scheduled for release in 2018.

A talented girl is engaged not only in music. In the spring of 2017, a book was published with poems written by Olga herself. The volume includes 54 author's poems.

In the photo: Olga Seryabkina in a swimsuit

More recently, another sensation thundered that Olga Seryabkina was pregnant. The reason was bad photo taken during one of the photo shoots. Fans managed to see the singer's bulging belly under the spacious dress. Rumors that Seryabkina was expecting a baby immediately began to spread in the press. No one even bothered to go to her page on the social network and make sure from the latest pictures that no changes had happened to her figure.

To confirm that she is not in interesting position, a photo session was made where Olga Seryabkina is in a swimsuit and users can clearly see that her figure is just perfect. By the way, the girl pays a lot of time and attention to her forms, she is not too lazy to visit the gym. She does not hesitate to appear in underwear, because she is clearly confident in her own irresistibility.

What Olga Seryabkina looks like without makeup, see.

The extravagant soloist of the Silver group Olga Seryabkina amazes the imagination of many fans of her work. The ideal external data of the singer suggests that it could not have done without the help of plastic surgery. There is active debate on this topic. Experts and laymen have different points view on this matter, although the before and after photos are not very different.

short biography

Olga Seryabkina performs as a member of the Silver group, and is also actively engaged in a solo career. The girl loves to write poetry, in 2017 she presented her collection. The star has been dancing since the age of 6. Already at the age of 17 she received the title of master of sports. Then she actively studied vocals. The singer is fluent in two languages: English and German. Since 2006, the girl has been the vocalist of the Silver group. She was recommended by Elena Temnikova. Olga is the author of numerous songs performed by popular Russian artists, including Nargiz, Katya Lel, Glucose and others.

Olga Seryabkina has a higher education and is a professional translator

The girl participated more than once in candid photos sessions for men's glossy magazines.

Also in school years Olga showed great promise. She danced well and worked hard in this direction, so she took part in international festivals where she was successful. But this girl was not enough and she decided to become a singer at all costs.

Photo Olya in childhood and adolescence

Olga Seryabkina in childhood Olga Seryabkina in school years Little Olga Seryabkina

Olga's opinion about plastic surgery

A popular singer refutes all rumors regarding surgical intervention. The girl claims that she has never resorted to plastic surgery, despite this, there are many rumors around her ideal appearance. The star declares that her beauty is a natural gift and careful personal care. The girl loves to change very much and often resorts to the services of professional cosmetologists, but, according to her, there can be no talk of plastic surgery.

Singer Olga Seryabkina denies rumors about plastic surgery

Once in the Silver group, the star initially encountered a wave of indignation. It was difficult for her to get along with the team, but after some time the girls became friends.

Olga was credited with many novels with various celebrities, including singer Irakli, DJ M.E.G. and many others. But the singer denies such rumors.

The point of view of experts and fans

The townsfolk believe that the girl resorted to a number of operations, including breast and lip augmentation, reshaping of the nose and cleaning overweight with liposuction. There is no reliable data that could confirm such rumors. The girl is naturally endowed with good forms, which is confirmed by experts. Surgeons only assume that the star could resort to lip augmentation with Botox injections, but they cannot be 100% sure.

Olga Seryabkina's lips seem plumper and more voluminous than a few years ago

Some experts dare to say that Olga corrected the shape of her nose. The tip has become a little smaller and neater. But again, there is no evidence of surgical intervention at all, so such arguments are only an assumption.

Olga Seryabkina's nose in the photo seems a little smaller

Plastic surgeons also suggest that the girl's large breasts may be the result of an operation to install silicone implants. Although it is possible that a chic bust is natural, as it looks quite natural. But controversy arose due to the fact that with such a small weight, the girl’s breasts seem too large and do not correspond to a miniature figure.

Olga Seryabkina's breasts are naturally rather big

Experts suggest that the star could have resorted to liposuction, since at one time Olga was rapidly gaining weight, but later she also quickly got rid of it. Rumor has it that in this case it was not possible without the help of surgeons, but only the singer knows how things really were.

Actress Olga Seryabkina is the owner of a slender and toned body

I think Olga did not resort to surgery. She always had a beautiful slender body and attractive features faces. In addition, if we compare the appearance of the singer in her youth and now, then there is not much difference. It is not necessary to discount the fact that Olya regularly visits a beautician and goes in for sports. I admit that she slightly enlarged her lips with the help of hyaluronic acid, and everything else is genetics.

Photo by Olga Seryabkina before and after the alleged plastic surgery

Changing the appearance of Olga Seryabkina: before and after photos Olga Seryabkina's lips: before and after photos Change in the volume of the lips of Olga Seryabkina The figure of Olga Seryabkina: before and after photos

Changes in the appearance of the singer - video

Outrageous singer Olga Seryabkina always attracts the attention of millions of men. Envious people often unfairly accuse the girl of a large number of operations, thanks to which she looks so great. But it remains a mystery: whether there was a surgical intervention to correct the appearance, or whether the singer is naturally so beautiful.

Olga Seryabkina, whose personal life has long been of interest to her fans, is a popular singer, author of poems and lyrics for songs. In 2016, several authoritative publications at once recognized Olga as one of the most desirable women in Russia.

Despite the frankly outrageous image that Seryabkina demonstrates on stage, in life she is modest and does not like to advertise information about herself. More than once Olga Seryabkina learned from the media about her personal life and relationships with Dmitry Nagiyev and other stars. She endured all this with a smile on her face, since there were no facts confirming this.

Olga Seryabkina: photo

Currently, almost everything that happens in the life of celebrities can be learned from social networks. Olga Seryabkina tries to update them quite often by adding photos from her personal life, travels, and so on. Therefore, if you want to follow her life, then you should definitely subscribe to her.

Olga Seryabkina: d childhood and school years of the singer

Olga was born in Moscow on April 12, 1985, on Cosmonautics Day. Seryabkina's parents were not representatives creative professions. Dad is a military man, and mom is a representative of the engineering profession. However, a girl with early childhood Singing and dancing talents began to appear. Therefore, already at the age of 7 she was sent to classes in a ballroom dance studio and a music school.

Teachers noted the plasticity and incredible performance of the girl. In addition, already in her school years, Olga Seryabkina became seriously interested in poetry.

Olga Seryabkina in childhood and now

Olga's favorite poets are Yesenin, Akhmadulina, Gumilyov. Inspired by the work of these authors, she herself began to compose the first poems on a romantic theme.

Regular dance classes were not in vain. Olga often participated in competitions of various levels and achieved success. It is not surprising that by the age of 17 Seryabkina had earned the title of candidate master of sports. From adolescence, she was unable to establish her personal life, and Olga Seryabkina tried to love relationship have always been in the background. Even today, she tries not to talk on this topic.

The young girl did not have time to do stupid things, because she had to visit three establishments at the same time: general education school, dance studio and art school. Despite such a heavy workload, Olga studied well at school. Favorite subjects were literature, English and Russian. Teachers appreciated Olga, she regularly participated in amateur art shows.

Olga Seryabkina

After graduation, contrary to expectations, the girl did not receive a professional choreographic education, but preferred to choose a more solid profession. She entered the Institute international law and economics as a linguist. Olga Seryabkina is fluent in English and German. The teachers of the institute had high hopes for her, however, Olga Seryabkina preferred a completely different field of activity.

First steps in show business

A career in domestic show business began with work in a team of a young pop singer of Georgian origin, Irakli Pirtskhalava. Olga Seryabkina was a dancer and sometimes a backing vocalist. Against the background of other girls who are part of the team, Seryabkina always stood out favorably.

In two years bright personality noticed famous producer Maxim Fadeev and Star Factory finalist Lena Temnikova.

Olga Seryabkina: personal life and Elena Temnikova

That's how it was created popular group"Silver". The first team included Elena Temnikova, Olga Seryabkina and Marina Lizorkina. The musical group was distinguished by its original style and frank appearance soloists.

In 2007, the group was selected to participate in the international music competition"Eurovision". The girls took an honorable third place, which is very good for such a young team. After a loud performance on the international stage, the girls became incredibly popular. They began to be invited to major concerts and music programs. In 2009 they recorded their debut album Opium.

Olga Seryabkina and the group "Silver" at the Eurovision Song Contest

Almost every song on the album was a hit, their videos were constantly in rotation on the radio and music channels. The band has released three albums to date. The team is popular not only in Russia. Their songs break popularity records in Japan, China and some European countries.

Despite the growth in popularity, not everything was going smoothly within the team. The girls often quarreled and did not agree. This explains the frequent change of composition. Only Elena Temnikova and Olga Seryabkina were permanent members of the group.

At one point, the tension in the group reached such a level that Olga announced her desire to leave. However, the conflict was soon settled, and the group continued their work.

Olga Seryabkina and the group "Silver" old composition

Seryabkina, being a very vulnerable girl, always painfully endured the change in the composition of the group, she considered each of the girls a close friend. The leader of the team, Elena Temnikova, unexpectedly left the group, and then stated that she had never considered Olga Seryabkina her friend, their relationship was a planned production move. After that the girls long time stopped their communication. Olga refused to comment on this situation.

Olga Seryabkina pampers fans with her nude photo shoots

However, after the departure of Elena Temnikova, the situation in the Silver group has changed radically. Now her clear leader is Seryabkina. She is considered the face of the group and its ideological inspirer, songwriter. Seryabkina is not afraid to show her body. Therefore, she often receives offers to shoot in famous men's magazines. The singer is regularly included in the rating of the most attractive stars of Russian show business.

Writing and acting career

The writing talent of the girl made itself felt already at the beginning of her career. The main hits of the group were written by Olga Seryabkina. Soon she began to write lyrics for others famous performers: Glucose, Nargiz, Oleg Miami, Yulia Savicheva. At the same time, Olga Seryabkina does not consider herself a songwriter, arguing that she does not have enough knowledge for such a title.

Olga Seryabkina and producer Max Fadeev

Olga Seryabkina thought about writing her biography in the form of a creative presentation, which would reflect facts from her personal life. She made this decision recently and shared with all her fans. Her writing activity worthy of respect.

On pages in in social networks She actively publishes her poems. They reflect all the experiences, problems and bright events that occur in her life. The star is very sensitive to her work, however, she is never afraid of criticism from readers. That is why in her social networks you can find candid photos of 2017, where Olga Seryabkina demonstrates her charms and shares events in her personal life.

Olga Seryabkina and other members of the Silver group

Olga's work was noticed by major publishers and offered to publish an author's book. In April 2017, the book "Thousand M" was published. It includes selected poems of the girl, as well as some details from her biography.

In the book, Olga speaks frankly about love, friendship and betrayal. The singer also shares her experiences related to the death of her beloved father. Some of the poems are very frank, so the publication was categorized as 18+.

In 2015, the singer starred in the film The Best Day Ever. In the picture Olga played leading role, Dmitry Nagiyev became her partner. The film gained popularity among the audience, and film critics noted Olga's acting talent.

Solo career

Over time, a bright extraordinary personality became crowded within the group. Together with Maxim Fadeev, they decided to create an international solo project Holly Molly. Seryabkina performs in a bright image of a girl performing hip-hop music. In this area, her knowledge was useful foreign languages. All songs, under the pseudonym Holly Molly, she performs in English.

Olga Seryabkina — Holly Molly

Development solo career does not prevent her from continuing to work in the Silver group. She did not leave the team, so as not to destroy it. Indeed, without Olga Seryabkina, the group will hardly be interesting to listeners and fans. Now the singer is preparing to release her first solo album, which will include sensational hits. But it is precisely all this that will become the most important for her in 2017, Olga Seryabkina is not yet going to associate her personal life with any young man.

Olga Seryabkina without makeup

Olga's career is developing very quickly. Today she is one of the most popular and sought-after singers in the world. Russian stage. Of course, her songs are somewhat creative, but young people perceive her work even better.

Olga Seryabkina and Dmitry Nagiev in the film "The Best Day"

In general, the prospects are huge, and Seryabkina never refuses any offers. In the future, he plans to do more acting.

Personal life

Olga Seryabkina is a public media personality. She has official pages on all popular social networks. On the pages, she actively uploads photos from tours and concerts of the group, leaving her personal life in the shade.

Olga Seryabkina and singer Irakli

Olga Seryabkina is not married and has no children. But this does not prevent the press from periodically posting information about her novels. She was credited with relationships with Dmitry Nagiyev, singer Oleg Miami and Irakli. But, as you can see, this information is not reliable.

The singer is especially reverent about friendship. She does not have many friends, but they are all the closest people. In addition, Seryabkina has an older brother, with whom she has a very warm relationship.

Olga Seryabkin and dj M.E.G.

In her interviews, Olga Seryabkina often says that the image of a frank impudent girl interferes with her personal life. Men do not perceive her as serious, ready for family life girl.

In 2017, Olga Seryabkina continues to work in the Silver team, but she failed to improve her personal life. Constant touring, projects and moving do not allow you to achieve real relationships or get to know really interesting person. As for the information that Olga Seryabkina connected her personal life with Oleg Miami, this is all not true, but only dirty speculation of the media.

Olga Seryabkina and Oleg Miami

She also often talks about her stage image has nothing to do with her real way. Frank outfits and outrageous behavior are designed to emphasize the style of music and the meaning of the lyrics. In life, she prefers homely comfortable clothes, no makeup and a quiet, cozy atmosphere. Olga's favorite hobby is reading, she prefers the classics and some modern authors.

Olga Seryabkina

The second hobby is cars. Olga Seryabkina loves fast driving, while she considers herself a neat car enthusiast, she never puts people around her at unjustified risk.

In 2017, personal life began to interest Olga Seryabkina the most, this can be seen from her interview, where she already thinks like an adult woman.

Olga Seryabkina was born in Moscow in 1985. WITH preschool age was fond of ballroom dancing, and as a high school student she already received honorary title masters of sports in sports ballroom dancing. Entered the Faculty of Philology, knows German and English language. In 2004, she began performing as a backing vocalist for the singer Irakli, then she was noticed by Elena Temnikova.

There is a common misconception that the Silver group was founded by Seryabkina and received a name consonant with Olga's surname. But this is not so, the group was created even before the arrival of Seryabkina. As part of "Silver" in 2007, Olga went to Eurovision, where the team took third. Now he also performs solo under the pseudonym Molly.

We bring to your attention a small article-questionnaire, from which you can find out the height and weight of Olga Seryabkina, the parameters of the singer's figure and some of her other " specifications". You can also see the dossiers of other popular singers, for example, find out what height and weight Polina Gagarina has. The section is constantly updated.

What is the real name of Olga Seryabkina

Real name Olga Seryabkina ( full name) - Olga Yurievna Seryabkina. Olga has a little-known stage name- Molly (Molly).

When was Olga Seryabkina born?

How old is Olga Seryabkina?

At the time the dossier was created (summer 2017), Olga Seryabkina was 32 years old.

What is the zodiac sign of Olga Seryabkina?

Olga Seryabkina's zodiac sign is Aries. She was born in the year of the Cow (Ox) according to the eastern horoscope.

Where was Olga Seryabkina from?

Olga Seryabkina was born in the RSFSR (Russia), Moscow.

How tall is Olga Seryabkina?

Olga Seryabkina's height is 158 centimeters. Olga Seryabkina does not hide her parameters of the figure, height and weight. The singer's Instagram is full of rather candid photos, where you can easily see all the details of the singer's figure. Under the article you can see a photo of Olga Seryabkina in a swimsuit, and on the net you can also find photo shoots for men's magazines.

What is the weight of Olga Seryabkina?

Olga Seryabkina's weight is 51 kilograms.

What eye color does Olga Seryabkina have?

Olga Seryabkina's eye color is brown.

What are the parameters of the figure of Olga Seryabkina?

Olga Seryabkina's figure parameters: 88-60-87 (chest-waist-hips). Olga Seryabkina's clothing size is 40th.

What size are Olga Seryabkina's feet?

Olga Seryabkina's leg size according to American standards is 6.5. In our usual meaning - about 36 shoe sizes.

What is the size of Olga Seryabkina's breasts?

Olga Seryabkina's breast size is 3rd. Some sources mention the "fractional" size of the bust of Olga Seryabkina - 2.5. Several photos of Olga Seryabkina in a bikini have been added under the article as a proof, you can get own representation about this parameters of the singer.

Interesting details from the life of Olga Seryabkina

  • Olga Seryabkina writes poetry. Collection of poems and autobiographical stories titled "Thousand M" was released in April 2017.
  • Olga Seryabkina has a role in the film "The Best Day" in 2015. Partner for film set Dmitry Nagiev became.
  • In an interview, Olga stated that she had pediophobia. This is the fear of dolls.

Olga Seryabkina, a member of the Silver group, maintains a page on Instagram both for herself and for all her Music band. The name of the account is "serebro_official", but, nevertheless, it is Olya's photos that appear there more often than others. And so we can say that this page on Instagram is both personal for Olga Seryabkina and official for the Silver group.


The soloist of the Silver group Olga Seryabkina, gathering crowds of fans in concert halls and hundreds of thousands of followers on Instagram, was born in 1985, in the capital of Russia. The family was far from creativity, but for the girl, who in childhood showed talents immediately for singing, music and dancing, they did everything to develop these abilities. Thus, at the age of seven, Olya not only went to first grade, but was also enrolled in a ballroom dancing circle and a music school. Now Olya Seryabkina sometimes recalls how difficult it was to devote time to two hobbies at once, and at the same time manage to do homework and study well.

Despite the fact that by the age of seventeen Seryabkina had already become a candidate for master of sports in sports ballroom dancing, her parents insisted that the girl receive a higher education, which could come in handy if Olga did not work out in show business. And therefore, in addition to the diploma of the School of Arts, where she studied at the faculty of pop singing, the soloist of the Silver group also has a diploma in translation, English and German she is perfect.

The girl's career in show business began with work in ballet and backing vocals for Georgian singer and a graduate of the Star Factory, Irakli Pirtskhalava. By the way, there were rumors about a romance between him and Olga, but this information was not confirmed.

In 2004, producer Maxim Fadeev, who at that time was recruiting girls for the future Silver group, noticed bright girl as a backup dancer for her ward Irakli, and invited her to take part in the casting, which Olga, in the end, successfully passed.

Then there was Eurovision and the rapid growth of the group's popularity, but Seryabkina's relationship with the team was not easy. Due to conflicts with Elena Temnikova, the girl even thought about leaving the group, but, in the end, she stayed.

Now, in addition to participating in the group, Olya is developing her own project called "Molly", for which the girl writes songs herself. By the way, some of the songs of "Silver" were also written by Olga Seryabkina, her compositions are performed by Glucose, the group "China" and Yulia Savicheva.

As for the singer's personal life, absolutely nothing is known about her, judging by the photo of Olga Seryabkina on Instagram, now she is alone. The miniature beauty was credited with novels with Irakli Pirtskhalava (which we have already mentioned), and with DJ M.E.G .. with whom the girl recorded a joint musical composition, with rapper Oksimiron, with a member of the "Voice" Oleg Miami. But each time Olya claimed that with each of these young people she was purely in friendly relations. It's hard to believe that this talented and beautiful singer still alone, but if this is not the case, Olga hides her boyfriend very carefully.


The official page of Olga Seryabkina and the group "Silver" on Instagram just rolls over with abundance female beauty. Both the singer herself and other members of the team post their selfies here, private photos, and not so long ago, a candid photo shoot from Maxim magazine saw the light. In addition to pictures of girls, on this Instagram page you can find information about upcoming performances, premieres of clips (both from Silver and from the Molly project), fresh photos and videos from concerts.

You can see all this by going to the official Instagram website and opening the page of the Silver group managed by Olga Seryabkina, or you can just stay on our website, because we publish new pictures immediately after they are posted online by the star.
