General cleaning before the new year according to the list. We clean the walls - how to put things in order in the rooms? A constructive approach will help to catch everything

General cleaning before the New Year is a large-scale, but important and responsible business. We advise you not to exhaust yourself with cleaning, but to approach this process in stages. There is still enough time left before the New Year, therefore, cleaning can be divided into small blocks.

If necessary, the blocks can be combined, but for greater convenience, we will describe each stage of preparing your apartment for the New Year 2015 in detail and clearly. Our cleaning tips before the New Year will help you go the other way and come to the holiday with a clean and beautiful apartment, full of strength and health. By the way, this is the year of the Goat, and this animal loves homely people.

New Year's Eve Cleanup Plan


Many recommendations for general cleaning begin with the fact that the windows should be opened wider in order to release dust and dirt from the apartment. But we offer not just to open the windows, but to wash them, if the weather permits. It is also necessary to remove curtains and tulle from the windows, send them to washing machine. Already only such cleaning will allow you to refresh the apartment and add a festive atmosphere. Do not forget also in the process of cleaning this part of the apartment to wipe the cornices, remove dust from the radiators.

Storage room and balconies

You can combine cleaning of windows and such rooms of the apartment as a balcony and storage room in one day, if you have them. You will not believe how many interesting and unnecessary things could accumulate there during the year. Cleaning before the New Year according to Feng Shui implies the obligatory disposal of old and unnecessary things. The more old you remove from your life, the more new and positive you bring in.

Bedroom and living room

We clean these rooms all the time, but there are areas that we simply don’t get our hands on. Before the onset of the new year, it is necessary to promote and motivate yourself so that your hands reach everything. Therefore, we recommend starting cleaning in these rooms by wiping all the mezzanines, putting things in order in the shelves with linen. Here, too, you may have to throw out half of the things. Get your packages ready for this. It is believed that if a thing has not been worn for a year, then you can safely get rid of it. Cleaning before the New Year is a great opportunity to free your wardrobe from unnecessary things and prepare a place in advance for new purchases and gifts.

Be sure to move the bed and clean under it. Sometimes general cleaning helps to find long-lost things, for example, a favorite earring. In the living room, be sure to wash the crystal chandelier. You need to clean up only in a good mood, you can involve children in the process of preparing an apartment for the New Year. Ask them to sort out their toys, get rid of broken and old things, it is also worth sorting out children's clothes.

Kitchen cleaning

The signs of cleaning before the New Year are completely different. But one thing needs to be clear - the more old and unnecessary we take out of the house, the more space we free up for the new and good. The kitchen is a small space, but cleaning it often takes a lot of time and effort. We plan to clean up according to the following plan:
Wash tiles, hood;
Clean the dishes, also sort them out. If there are any broken cups, plates, then you must definitely get rid of them. Do not forget to wipe the dust on the wall cabinets;
Next, proceed to washing household appliances and stoves. Particular attention should be paid to getting rid of multi-layered fat, which often accumulates on the baking sheet, the inner walls of the oven, as well as on the stove switches;
It remains only to wash the refrigerator and bath. We advise you to audit everything that is in the refrigerator. Perhaps old stocks will expand the menu of the festive table;

Hallway and bathroom

Signs say that the new year must be given way to your home. Therefore, you should check again whether the entrance to the apartment is not cluttered with anything. Put your shoe racks in order, if seasonal shoes and things are not yet hidden in the closet before the summer, then it's time to do it. Be sure to clean the rug front door: you may not even imagine how much sand, dust and dirt accumulate there during the year.
Empty jars, bottles and flasks should be thrown away without regret. In the bathroom, it remains to wash the tiles, shelves and all plumbing. You will also have to be patient and clean the toilet. Everywhere thoroughly wash the floors, looking even into the farthest nooks and crannies of these rooms.

What else to pay attention to

General cleaning before the new year 2015 is almost over. We must begin to wipe the dust everywhere, brush it off the ceiling and from the corners of the rooms. Next, ventilate the apartment, vacuum the floor, wipe the furniture. The final step will be wet cleaning the floor.
Remember that you also need to additionally wash all the lighting in the apartment. Crystal Chandelier the hall is already shining with cleanliness, walk along the sconces, other chandeliers and lamps, floor lamps. Wash your mirrors.

Now you can decorate the apartment

When the general cleaning is over, you can start decorating the apartment. There are absolutely different ways how can you do it. The easiest is to put up a Christmas tree and hang garlands on the window, you can cut paper snowflakes,

New Year an unusual holiday is a fairy tale, the expectation of a miracle and children's faith in the fulfillment of desires. But in order for the fairy tale to succeed, it is necessary to prepare for the holiday in advance. And you can't do without cleanliness here. General cleaning before the New Year - how to do everything so as not to fall exhausted before the chiming clock ?! Even if it seems that you can't do everything, the main thing is not to panic.

A constructive approach will help to catch everything

● First of all, make a list of things you plan to do for the holiday.

● Then divide the process into stages and write a plan - when, where and what you will clean.

● New Year's Eve is a family holiday, so get your family involved in cleanliness. The kids can do the hard work too. Instruct them to beautifully draw up a New Year's Eve plan, and tick the completed work, put flags, snowflakes or other icons.

A common cause will strengthen the family, and you will be relieved of congestion. The main thing is a positive attitude and a constructive approach.

How to do a spring cleaning before the New Year

To do everything before the onset new year holidays, devote 30-40 minutes of your evening time to cleanliness daily on weekdays.

Get your family members involved in this activity. In 30 minutes, no one will get tired, and the to-do list will gradually decrease.

General cleaning - where to start

● Start with the hardest part, cabinets.

It is better to part with things that you have not used for more than a year. Give them to those in need or throw them away. My friend, for example, donates old clothes to animal shelters for bedding.

● Inspect kitchen cabinets, mezzanines and closets. Remove the excess, wash the shelves, and ventilate the cabinets.

● The next stage of general cleaning will be cleaning of dust, nets and invisible cobwebs of ceilings and tall cabinets. Involve your husband and older children in this activity.

● Spouse and children will help to remove tulle for washing, shake out curtains, blankets, and pillows, clean carpets and upholstered furniture

● Then take care of the lamps. All family members can also participate in this case.

● After the most difficult and time-consuming work is done, things will move much faster. Devoting 30-40 minutes every day to clean up the kitchen, bathroom and toilet, you will have time to redo all your affairs before the New Year holidays, and on December 30, only wet cleaning will remain.


In order not to have to deal with these matters on December 31, when every minute counts, be sure to:

▪ prepare dishes for the festive table in advance;

▪ wash and dry plates, vases, wine glasses and glasses, clean darkened silverware;

▪ make a family holiday menu(it is better to buy groceries in advance before prices skyrocket);

▪ think about how you decorate and serve New Year's table, a lot of useful advice can be found on the Internet (children and a husband can do this, they will show you the proposed options and together you choose the best).

Now you know how to make general cleaning before the New Year and prepare for the holiday.

Happy New Year!!!

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The New Year is getting closer and for many, this thought leads to slight confusion (or not easy!). Someone with bated breath is waiting for the holiday and is already wondering what gifts will be found under the tree. But some housewives are racking their brains over how to do everything, especially when it comes to general cleaning. In fact, everything is not as scary as it seems at first glance, you just need to use some life hacks, then cleaning will bring the sea positive emotions and the process will go smoothly and quickly.

1. Music to help

Not every housewife enthusiastically takes up cleaning, especially if you need to put the whole house in order and do it with the highest quality. If you believe the signs, how you celebrate the New Year is how you will live it. Therefore, it is better to get rid of all the turmoil, broken things, unfinished business before the onset of a magical night.

You need to take on general cleaning in a good mood, then everything will go like clockwork. If this mood is not observed, then use the following life hack. Make a New Year's playlist with atmospheric fun songs, include a couple of your favorite songs that are not tied to the holiday. Make your speakers louder, press "play" and get a portion of a positive charge.
To some, this advice may seem strange, they say, how music can affect the order in the house. But it can change your attitude to the cleaning process, and even under rhythmic beats it is much easier to move and do monotonous work. The process is faster and more efficient.

2. Clear plan

Many young housewives do not know what to do first. Because of this, hands are lowered even before the cleaning begins. In order to properly organize the work, it is necessary to draw up a clear plan of action. This lesson will take 10, maximum 20 minutes. Distribute the list by room, include everything that needs to be done down to the smallest detail. Then, when the plan is ready, distribute your forces. Do not try to do everything in one day, firstly, it is difficult physically and morally, and secondly, rest and breaks between cleanings give a greater percentage of productivity.

So, there is a week before the New Year, which means that every day you can put things in order in a new room. For example, today you are completely directing your energy to cleaning the bedroom, and tomorrow you are completely engaged in the living room. Be sure to follow all the points and gradually cross out the completed ones.

3. Folk remedies

Putting things in order in the house do not neglect folk remedies. They will help get rid of many problems, while you do not have to use a large amount of chemistry.

To remove unpleasant odors in the refrigerator, put a few tablets of activated charcoal in the door. It eliminates irritating odors in minutes.

If you need to get rid of scale, rust and grease stains, then use the help of vinegar, citrus fruits and soda. Their effectiveness has long been proven. Clean shiny metal and glass surfaces with vinegar and water. Literally one tablespoon of this miracle liquid is required per liter of water. Wipe the kitchen cabinets with the solution if you notice that moths, bugs or other insects have started up in the products. They are terribly irritated by the smell of vinegar.

4. Big wash

Starting cleaning in the kitchen, collect all the rags for wiping the table and sponges, put them in a small basin and fill with warm water. Add dish detergent there, leave for a while. While you clean up the room, they will get wet, and you can easily wash off all the dirt.

At the same time, you can start the washing machine and dishwasher in order to descale them. To do this, select a mode of at least 60 degrees and add a glass of vinegar to the detergent / powder compartment.

5. Horizontal surfaces

The main secret of cleanliness lies not in polishing the floor to a shine, but in unloading horizontal surfaces as much as possible. Shelves, racks, chests of drawers, consoles and other pieces of furniture should not be visually overloaded with items. Try to constantly keep them clean, they always take attention, and do not forget to wipe the dust in time.

Never wipe the dust first. First arm yourself with a vacuum cleaner, tidy up the carpet and furniture, put everything in its place on the shelves and racks. And after that you can deal with dust. Before this, it is desirable to ventilate and humidify the room. Use a soft microfiber cloth as your main tool. Do not give preference to soft panicles, supposedly designed for dusting. They're only good for tidying up small items decor, figurines, baguettes, chandeliers. Such devices only sweep away dust, but do not remove it.

Before wiping surfaces, spray a little special antibacterial agent on the rag itself (not on the furniture!). Remove dust with smooth movements, do not be lazy to rinse the rag under running water several times, use antistatic sprays or cleaning wipes for the home. So you not only remove dust, but also disinfect surfaces from germs.

7. Attention to the ceiling

Some housewives get so hung up on the cleanliness of the carpet or floors that they completely forget about the ceiling. A lot of dust accumulates on it, so it is also worth paying attention and time to cleaning it. It is best to do this before vacuuming, dusting, or washing floors. To do this, you can use a vacuum cleaner or a broom, collect cobwebs and dust from all corners. If the ceiling is decorated with panels, then during general cleaning it is better to wipe them with a damp cloth. So you noticeably refresh the interior and the air in the room.

8. Quick resuscitation of furniture and carpet

When there are children or animals in the house, carpets and furniture quickly lose their presentable appearance. appearance. Wool, traces of food, paints, plasticine and felt-tip pens are frequent guests. To quickly clean the sofa and chairs from hair and wool, use rubber gloves. In the folds and corners of furniture, walk with a vacuum cleaner with a special nozzle. Then you can do wet cleaning, for this, choose a product without alcohol and bleach, so as not to spoil the upholstery.

Give preference to detergents that are pre-kneaded into a foam that is applied to furniture and then removed with a vacuum cleaner. Use similar detergents for carpets. They quickly and effectively remove stains and visibly refresh textile surfaces.

If the sofa or chair could not be cleaned, then the most fast way reanimate their appearance - use covers for upholstered furniture or blankets.

9. Pre-soak

Cleaning the house takes a lot of time, so before you start to work, fill the toilet bowl, bathtub and sink with detergent. Be sure to evenly distribute the cleaning liquid, otherwise the plumbing will leave unsightly bleached streaks. Also, open a window in the kitchen or turn on the hood so that the unpleasant odors of detergents disappear faster.

And, of course, pay attention to the hob on the stove. You can fill it with hot water and drop a few drops of an effective detergent into it. So, grease stains will easily lag behind the stove, and you just have to wipe it with a dry cloth.

10. Toothbrush as a powerful tool

Do not throw away old toothbrushes, they will come in handy when you start a general cleaning. With the help of these simple tools, it is easy to clean the space between the tiles in the bathroom and in the kitchen, to get to the most inaccessible places on taps, toilets, cabinets, door handles. In a duet with them, use the most common soda, it will help to quickly and easily remove many types of contaminants.

By the way, if you are interested in the topic of cleanliness, then be sure to read our article.

Cleaning before the New Year is a large-scale, important and responsible business: you need not only to put the apartment in order, but also to decorate it. So that the preparation for the holiday does not become a burden, use the recommendations of the specialists of the company “Oh, clean!”.

The main advice - do not postpone cleaning for the New Year 2017 until the last moment. This is especially true if you work on the holidays and cannot allocate a lot of time to prepare for the celebration.

Start spring cleaning 10-14 days before the New Year and make a plan of activities, distributing them by day. This optimizes the load and makes heavy work much easier.

Cleaning plan for the new year

The cleaning plan before the New Year ensures that there is no messy fuss. List the tidying up of:

  • kitchen;
  • pantry;
  • living room;
  • bedroom;
  • children's;
  • corridor;
  • bathroom and toilet.

A thorough cleaning of one room will take 1-2 days. It all depends on the condition of the premises, the availability of free time, convenient tools (devices) and household chemicals.

In the process of cleaning each room, proceed according to the following plan.

  • Put the scattered items in their places.
  • Wipe or vacuum the dust off the walls and remove the cobwebs from the ceiling.
  • Wash windows and other glass/mirror surfaces.
  • Clean furniture and appliances.
  • Organize shelves and cabinets.
  • Clean carpets.
  • Vacuum and mop the floors.
  • Hang new or washed curtains.

To put in order the kitchen requires special care:

  • defrost and wash the refrigerator;
  • clean the stove and all other equipment;
  • polish glass and metal utensils, festive service and cutlery.

By strictly following the plan, you will quickly cope with the tasks. 1-2 days before the New Year, prepare a place for the festive table and decorate the apartment for the celebration.

Feng Shui teachings and folk signs

Believe in Feng Shui and folk omens? Heed the following tips.

  • Cleaning before the New Year according to Feng Shui should go without irritation. To cheer yourself up, imagine that you are ridding the apartment of negativity (disappointments, resentments, quarrels and stresses).
  • Get to work with the waning moon, during the natural cycle of purification. Cleaning at this time will give best result at the energy level.
  • Take out the trash more often (before sunset) and use a vacuum cleaner with an aquafilter. Timely disposal of negative information and careful removal of dust will bring comfort and harmony. Ventilation will bring fresh positive energy to the apartment.
  • Your assistant is music. Use it to lift your spirits. After completing the cleaning of each room, "ring" the space with Chinese bells. This neutralizes negative and activates positive energies.

After cleaning, fill the apartment with the aromas of natural oils. Jasmine, eucalyptus and geranium - for relaxation; basil and lemon - for cheerfulness; oranges - for comfort.

Do not forget about the advice of our grandparents. Follow the signs, and cleaning before the New Year will bring prosperity to the house. folk wisdom reads:

  • “To carry old rubbish in the new year will not add honor to the house”;
  • “Whoever meets the New Year in purity, he does not know grief all year”;
  • "Sweep last year's rubbish so that there are no quarrels in the house."

A week before the holiday, get rid of old unnecessary things. By freeing up space, you will lure wealth.

Traditional cleaning before the New Year - good way get rid of not only old things, but also from failures. To start life with clean slate, leave everything unnecessary in the outgoing year.

Sometimes it's not so easy to start life anew. Bad memories and problems haunting us block our energy, preventing us from moving on. The New Year is wonderful not only for its festive atmosphere: at this time we have the opportunity to get rid of the unnecessary burden that prevents us from achieving our goals. General cleaning is an important pre-New Year ritual. You can get rid of unnecessary things, and with them let go of your misfortunes. Some items in our house have negative energy, and it is from them that you should get rid of in the first place. The site site team will tell you how to properly clean up your home in order to attract happiness and prosperity.

How to start general cleaning

Since cleaning helps us not only free our home from dirt and debris, but also clean the energy, it is necessary to take into account all the rules for its implementation. To begin with, take a good look around: you need to look around every object in your house. Surely you will notice that when you look at certain things, you immediately experience discomfort or unpleasant memories. It is with these objects that you must say goodbye without pity. To do this, collect them in a separate package and say:

"Together with you I get rid of my troubles and misfortunes."

Things with negative energy can include photographs of people with whom you have a bad relationship, old clothes in which you once failed and failed. It is necessary to get rid of damaged and cracked items, even if they are dear to you. It is necessary to throw away the dishes with chips, frames with cracks and other fragile items with damage.

Cleaning should start from the farthest room and then move towards the exit. Thus, you will "wash" all the negativity from your home and leave it outside the threshold. Start cleaning correctly so that further actions are not ineffective.

How to use cleaning to get rid of problems and attract well-being

The cleaning process begins with wiping dust on cabinets and mezzanines, so stock up on a stepladder in advance. Cleaning should be done from top to bottom in a clockwise direction. Do not lose sight of hard-to-reach places, because it is there that dust accumulates, and with it negative energy that brings problems into your life. Don't forget to wipe down figurines, photo frames, lamps, chandeliers, and crockery—sometimes, it's these little things that accumulate a huge amount of dust.

Pay special attention to doors and windows. Of course, in the cold season, washing windows is an unsafe activity, so you need to wipe them only from the side of the house. An important part doors are thresholds. After all, not in vain and superstition. Try to wash them as often as possible to protect yourself and your loved ones from negative energy impact.

The last thing you should wash the floors, because during the cleaning, the dust that we remove from the cabinets falls on the floor. Majority negative energy we bring from the street, respectively, it accumulates primarily in the thresholds and on the floor. Dirt must be swept out of the corners to the exit in order to sweep out of your home all the failures and problems that have happened to you in the past year.

After completing the above steps, take a few tight bags and collect all the garbage and unnecessary things there. Imagine that at this very moment you let go of your past and discover new page own life.

You should not make hard labor out of cleaning: spend it in good mood like something good is about to happen to you. You can get rid of problems and attract happiness into your life only if you yourself get rid of negative emotions, and you will perform any activity with a smile.

Our words are powerful. Saying some of them, we do not even imagine what consequences it threatens us with. Drive away negative thoughts from yourself and think over your every action so that luck does not turn away from you. Always reach your goals. I wish you success, and don't forget to press the buttons and

22.12.2017 01:09

Cleaning the house in the old folk sense is not only ridding the space of debris and dust, but also cleansing from negative energy and failures. How...
