Bolshoi Theater and its chandeliers. Theatrical crystal chandeliers Features of theatrical chandeliers

When you come to the theater, you don't even think about its life, life, any components. They came, watched the performance, admired the interiors of the theaters. And almost no one thinks about how it all works. For example, all visitors to the Saratov Opera and Ballet Theater admire the chandelier in the auditorium - it is simply mesmerizing. But has anyone thought about how many light bulbs are in it, what they are, how often they are changed? I'm sure not.

And just before the opening of the new theatrical season, the management of the Opera and Ballet Theater decided to reveal the secrets of chandelier maintenance. And this technological process is very difficult and lengthy - it takes at least a day. And such a ceremony is performed annually, just before the opening of the theater season.
First it was decided to show the maintenance of the chandeliers in the blue drawing room of the theatre. This is the place where various official events of the theater take place (press conferences, presentations, etc.).
In the photo, by the way, you can see the garbage accumulated over the year on the chandelier.

To clean the chandeliers, replace burnt out light bulbs - for this they need to be lowered closer to the floor. And they lower the chandeliers with the help of special mechanisms that lower the chandelier to the floor with winches. There are 2 chandeliers in the Blue Living Room. Each of them weighs about half a ton, and the light bulbs in them are 60 each.
Here you can see how the chandelier goes down

Light bulbs in chandeliers, by the way, are the most common, 40 watts. But two forms are used. but you can’t put energy-saving light bulbs in chandeliers - this will disrupt the entire lighting process.

There is a legend that these chandeliers were supposed to hang at the Teatralnaya station of the Moscow metro, but for some reason they ended up in the Saratov theater.

The chandelier was specially turned on - so all the burnt out light bulbs can be detected.

The included chandelier looks even more beautiful up close.

And here is the main chandelier of the theater - in the auditorium. She weighs almost a ton. And there are much more light bulbs here - 256 pieces. The chandelier is very heavy, so they lower it for a very long time - this process takes 30-40 minutes, 1 cm / second.

When descending, the chandelier sways a little, and with a slow shutter speed of the camera, you can get this effect

The chandelier is lowered and it is also turned on after that

Looks very impressive

When there is a craving for art in the soul, but this is not the art of ballet or opera, but architecture, then it is definitely worth going to Grand Theatre for an excursion. Yes, yes, in addition to the performances, you can look into the Bolshoi and see it from the other side.

On the eve of the new year, I will take you through the halls of the theater and tell you about its details.

1. The Bolshoi Theater is a palace. And how could it be otherwise, because this is the Imperial Theater, and people close to it had an entrance here.

The main hall has an arched vault because it is the strongest structure for such a ceiling area. The vault is smooth, does not have a single protrusion, but the painting perfectly deceives the eye. This is the "grisaille" technique, when different shades create the illusion of volume.

2. From the main hall you can get to the Imperial Foyer.

3. Big hall The Imperial Foyer (the former Beethoven Foyer) is famous for its silk wall panels made for the coronation of Nicholas II.

Starting from the twenties, the panels gradually fell into disrepair: first, coats of arms were cut out of them with scissors Russian Empire, and in the seventies, the fabrics were dry-cleaned, after which they completely deteriorated.

4. The panels were restored for several years on jacquard hand looms, made according to the model of the last century in the Moscow Scientific and Restoration Workshop "Ancient Fabrics".

5. After the reconstruction, the area of ​​the theater doubled. Since it is impossible to attach something outside, the builders went underground. A new space appeared there, called the Beethoven Hall. Accommodates 300 people, consisting of three mobile platforms. They descend or rise, an amphitheater can be formed from the platforms or concert hall. It will be used for performances, concerts, receptions and rehearsals. The glass houses that appeared on the square between the fountain and the theater are exits from this hall.

6. Faucets have been preserved on the horns of French lamps (see them in the photo). The theater used to be lit by gas.

7. The auditorium is not just a room, but a whole musical instrument. The acoustics, which were almost completely ruined in the 20th century, have been restored in the theater as far as possible. Sound is now controlled by an air cushion under auditorium(it was poured with cement during the construction of the subway), panels of resonant spruce, which in Soviet times almost completely replaced by plywood, especially processed furniture upholstery and papier-mâché stucco.

themselves opera singers acoustics are not entirely satisfied. They say that the sound goes into the hall and does not return, as it should be. Therefore, microphones are now hanging on the stage, which were not there before the reconstruction.

The famous chandelier was made back in 1856. Initially, the chandelier was lit by three hundred oil lamps. To light them, the chandelier was raised up into a specially equipped room, upholstered in iron, where the lamps were refilled. Often the glass on the lamps became hot, burst and fragments fell on the heads of the audience. Later, to avoid such troubles, a net was pulled under the chandelier. Later, when the theater was already electrified, the chandelier was upgraded with electric lights.

Now a rehearsal room is equipped in that room for a chandelier.

8. Papier-mâché was brewed according to an archival recipe in old vats found in one of the Altai factories. All the white and gilded beauty is just from papier-mâché. The only stone decoration of the auditorium is a double-headed eagle above the imperial box.

9. View of the royal box of the Bolshoi Theater in 1856. It has just been restored after a fire. The theater burned for almost a week. Only the stone outer walls of the building and the colonnade of the portico survived. Various architects were involved in the competition for the restoration of the theater, but the project of the chief architect of the Imperial Theaters, Albert Kavos, won.

The theater was restored in three years. It seems unthinkable in a century high technology. And it was Kavos who managed to create unique acoustics - the playing of the orchestra is clearly audible in any public room of the theater.

10. This is how the entrance to the Imperial box from the main foyer is marked. By the way, she remains attached to the emperor-president. But guests of honor can get there by invitation: for example, Rod Stewart sat in this box, and the other day very small children.

11. You can get on the tour only as part of a group. All information

Chandeliers in Saratov academic theater operas and ballets are beautiful, crystal, hang high, shine brightly and delight the eye. But here's what to do if the light bulb burned out, how to change it up there? I learned this at the next "blogger's day", which the theater arranged last Tuesday.

It turns out that the chandeliers are not just hanging up there, but each is equipped with a special device that allows you to lower the chandelier down and carry out maintenance, which usually happens once a year, before the start of a new theater season. This time, journalists and bloggers were invited to watch this action, for which many thanks to the theater! The process began in the blue drawing room of the theatre, where two chandeliers hang.

They fold slowly, but in the end they are almost above the floor, and you can see these rather big chandeliers like this close in front of you:

As you can see, they use ordinary light bulbs. I thought that it would be time to replace them with LED ones, what would be the savings on electricity, and it would be necessary to change less often. True, the replacement will be expensive.

The chandelier was lowered, now you can turn it on. It becomes clear that not all the lamps are lit

Now the burnt ones will change, clean the chandelier from dust, check the strength of the structure.

And it's very warm up close.

The two chandeliers hanging in the blue living room are now downstairs.

And we are going to auditorium, where they have already begun to lower a large chandelier

Its weight is about a ton, and the descent is slow to prevent shaking and swaying. The whole process takes 30-40 minutes, it is almost invisible to the eye, but on accelerated recording it looks like this:

As a result, the chandelier is below and now it can be turned on.

View of the auditorium with the chandelier down

Around is such a platform on top of the chairs on which you can get to the chandelier

Of course, consider it up close.

And even hug =)

Everything, now experts will be engaged in a chandelier. It is large, there are a lot of lamps and it takes several days to fully service it.

And this is a view of the auditorium from the stage

By the way, it is better to look at photos with one eye, as the camera saw and captured the photo. Here try, close one eye, better by hand. Volume appeared?

And the chandelier will soon return to its place and will shine on the audience in the new theatrical season.

Nothing brightens up a spacious room like a large crystal chandelier. With its help, light will penetrate even into the most remote part of the room.

The Lustravik online store offers a wide range of large chandeliers, among which each buyer will choose the appropriate option. Products in classical style have a figured metal frame of golden color and glass shades in the shape of a bowl. These large chandeliers in Moscow are particularly popular. They decorate the halls of museums, theaters and restaurants or provide access to light in the living room or dining room of a luxury villa.

Advantages of large chandeliers:

  • solemn atmosphere;
  • creating special lighting effects;
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Large multi-tiered chandeliers for the hall and living room. Theatrical chandeliers with lots of light bulbs. Large crystal chandeliers. Massive bronze chandeliers with art casting. You can buy a large multi-tiered chandelier with delivery in Moscow and Russia, as well as order assembly and installation in our online store

theater chandelier

Theater is the pinnacle secular culture, whose constant companion are theatrical chandeliers, which are the focus and soul of the theater. No wonder the famous theater chandeliers have become for many a kind of symbol that embodies the brilliance and sparkle of the theater stage.

Candles in the old theatrical chandeliers were replaced by gas jets, then they were replaced by electricity, but the luxury and solemn mood that chandeliers create for the theater remained unchanged. A large theatrical chandelier is still the most solemn and "rich" version of interior lighting. The luminous flux is refracted in fiery crystals of crystal, flows, plays and floods the stalls and balconies with festive light. The chandelier becomes a source of multi-colored highlights that create an additional effect of illumination and emphasize the depth of space.

Today reconstruction of large chandeliers famous theaters is at the peak of its popularity. Luxurious chandeliers of the Bolshoi, Mariinsky, Alexandrinsky, Kazan, Novosibirsk, Khabarovsk theaters, Sverdlovsk State Philharmonic and many others.

modern crystal large chandeliers

Lighting issues are one of the most important and significant moments in the organization of modern art space. Multi-tiered chandeliers for the theater serve not only as a banal source of light, but create the very "spirit of the place" and the magical atmosphere of the theater. A slowly dying chandelier marks the beginning of the action, and the refined ringing of crystal pendants emphasizes the charm of opera parts.

Large theatrical chandeliers serve as an organizing link that unites the tiers and boxes and merges with all sides. theater life. No wonder the Dutch architect Eric Owen Moss called the project presented for the reconstruction of the Mariinsky Theater "a theater placed inside a theatrical chandelier", combining the presence of the past and the expectation of the future. The light of the theatrical chandelier expresses the connection of times and is the basis for the development of the architect's idea.

Modern theatrical chandeliers must be energy efficient and safe, light enough and mobile enough to allow proper care and maintenance.

To combine all these requirements with the necessary luxury of a chandelier for the theater, professional assistance in choosing which our company offers will help, because the production of theater chandeliers is a highly specialized area and a very responsible activity that real professionals should be engaged in.
