The manga is a valuable lot to read. Lot (Lot) is

Surely even novice traders in the first hours of their work came across such a concept as a lot. It may also be called:

  • Lot on the exchange
  • Deal volume
  • trading lot

All these concepts mean one thing - we have a standard unit needed to measure a contract in the stock market. The standard unit has a fixed size. The size of the exchange lot is determined by the rules of the exchange (the amount of an asset that is included in one trading lot).

An important point is that a lot on the stock exchange can be full (the so-called "round lot") - this expression means a package that includes 10, 20, 100 or more shares or bonds. Also, an exchange lot can be incomplete - the so-called "non-round lot", "non-standard lot" - it means some part of the full lot.

On popular American exchanges: NYSE, NASDAQ, AMEX, CME, a standard number of shares is fixed for one exchange lot - 100 units.

And on MOEX in the Russian Federation (according to changes from 2011), the lot size can be: 1, 100 and 1000 units.

Few details.

On the stock exchange, shares are traded in lots. As we found out above, a lot identifies the minimum number of securities of the same type that can be purchased or sold in an exchange transaction.

Thus, the size of the lot will directly depend on the liquidity and value of securities - the more liquid they are, the larger the lot will be, respectively. An example is the Russian stock exchanges - here the largest lot is equal to one hundred thousand shares. They use it to trade InterRAO securities.

Due to the fact that the cost of one share of the company at the time of writing is only a few kopecks, the size of the lot, consisting of 100 thousand shares, reaches several thousand rubles.

As a result, the higher the share price, the smaller the lot will be. So, if the value of a preferred share exceeds several tens of thousands of rubles (a vivid example is the preferred shares of Transneft), then one exchange lot will be equal to one share.

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Lot is a unit or batch of goods put up for sale on an exchange or auction.

The lot is the subject of auction and exchange trading, how to buy and sell a lot, determining the size, cost and initial price of the lot, standard and incomplete types of exchange lots

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Lot is, definition

Lot is the minimum quantity of marketable products or a unit of goods, an item, put up for sale at auctions or exchange auctions as a single object of a trade transaction at a time. Lots can be represented by a number of commodities, shares or securities, foreign currencies, antiquities or art, jewelry, and so on. A lot in exchange trading means the value of a single exchange transaction of purchase and sale, a standard market order for the purchase or sale of an object of exchange or auction trading.

Lot is a certain amount of goods of the same name, variety and consumer properties, intended for sale as a unit of a commercial transaction.

Lot is in the auction trade, a consignment of goods offered for sale. Usually, a lot is indicated by the number under which the goods are put up for presentation to the buyer before the auction.

Lot is a batch or unit of goods under a certain number, put up for auction or participating in any trade transaction.

Lot is a group of homogeneous items or a prize in a lottery draw, competitions, competitions, quizzes, etc.

Lot is a commercial political batch of goods standard in terms of quantity and quality, one trading contract on the exchange, any group of goods offered for sale as a whole.

Lot is the minimum allowable number of units of an exchange commodity in the Order. The lot size is determined by the Specification of the exchange commodity.

Lot is the standard minimum amount of currency that can be presented by the bank for trading on the Forex currency market.

Lot is a measure of the content of a noble metal in an alloy or product.

Lot is an old Russian measure of weight, used before the introduction of the metric system of measures, equal to three Zolotniks or 12.8 grams.

Lot is in maritime affairs, the simplest instrument for measuring the depth of a reservoir directly from a ship. In its simplest form, a sea lot is a lead or other metal cargo suspended on a rope, cable or line.

Standard lot

A lot is a unit of sale and purchase during trading transactions at auctions, exchanges, and competitive bidding. The size of the lot corresponds to a certain, predetermined quantity of goods in physical terms. The standard size of the transaction, contract, made during the auction, is established by the rules of the auction and stock trading.

During bidding at an auction, a lot offered for sale consists of one or more goods, items, things, sets, kits of the same quality. Each auction lot is assigned a serial number and its own auction price is set during the auction.

The objects of auction and competitive bidding can be exchange goods - shares and other securities, currency, stock indices, real commodity assets. In addition, with the help of specialized auctions, transactions are carried out for the sale and purchase of jewelry and antiques, furniture, clothing, jewelry, fine art, collectibles - coins, stamps, postcards, weapons, etc.

Lot on commodity exchanges

Commodity exchanges trade goods in their physical material sense - industrial and agricultural products, raw materials and energy resources, finished products and consumer goods. Commodities must have certain universal characteristics. There should be a lot of them produced and there should be a steady demand for them. That is, massive supply and demand. The product must have certain unified characteristics that are understandable to all participants in the trade - for example, a sample of gold.

The goods must be divided into a certain standard quantity, the size of which is agreed in advance. This certain amount of goods is called a lot, that is, a lot is the minimum amount of goods traded on the exchange. The price for one lot of goods on the exchange is never constant, as in a store. It changes all the time, depending on the balance of supply and demand.

organizational function Commodity exchange is to create conditions for exchange trading. The Exchange determines the rules for conducting exchange trading, the procedure for the presentation and registration of goods, the pricing mechanism and the procedure for interaction between subjects of commercial transactions. The exchange imposes strict requirements on the goods offered for sale. They include the requirements of qualitative uniformity, substitutability of a given product by any other from this batch, quantitative certainty (size, weight, number in a batch).

To simplify exchange transactions, the volume of goods that can be sold under one contract is standardized. This minimum number of goods is called an exchange unit. The exchange always strives to develop unambiguous commodity standards for exchange units that are acceptable for any form of exchange trading. The actual volumes of supplies of goods (lots) provided for in the contracts must be a multiple of the exchange unit.

The form of operation of many leading commodity exchanges is a continuous auction throughout the working day, during which buyers submit bids and sellers make offers. Where the interests of the parties coincide, a deal is concluded. However, in the case of selling perishable or seasonal goods, as well as when it is difficult to achieve standardization of the quality of goods, a different kind of auction is held on the exchange. Under these conditions, the goods go to the highest bidder, as in the case of wool in Australia, tobacco in the United States, tea in India or London.

In this case, “lots” are sold and bought on commodity exchanges - batches of marketable products of standard volume and quality. The standard form of the contract is established by the board or committee responsible for conducting trading operations on a given exchange. Those who enter into transactions on commodity exchanges undertake to deliver goods of the quality specified in the contract. However, it is usually possible to supply goods of a different quality, but with corresponding discounts or surcharges.

According to the terms of exchange services, when a product is put up for auction, it is initially registered in the form of a heterogeneous commodity lot, which is assigned a unique code. For registration of a lot and putting it up for exchange trading, the Exchange charges an appropriate exchange fee.

During the registration of the goods as a lot, information about the goods is provided, which is stated by the client in the order to put the goods up for sale. This information must meet the criteria required for the product of this category. The mandatory information (description) should also contain the text of the sale and purchase agreement, the period for accumulating bids (from 1 to 30 calendar days), and the initial price of the auction for an increase.

A brokerage service agreement may establish a fee for administration of the exchange trading procedure for one lot. In order to speed up the procedure for putting goods up for auction, Exchange intermediaries and their regional brokers pay exchange fees in advance.

Lot placement for exchange auctions and their holding can be carried out in the form of an auction with a period of accumulation of applications. Exchange trades are carried out in the form of open auctions of the seller "up". In this case, all time parameters of exchange trading are taken into account, including the beginning of the trading session, the countdown, the closing time of trading, etc.

When a product is put up for auction, information about the product (lot) placed at the exchange auction becomes publicly available in a compressed form for all visitors and potential participants. Registered users can see all information about the traded lot from the same moment. The opportunity to bid on the purchase of a lot is provided only to registered bidders.

The trading schedule (appointed, ongoing, past) is available to each potential bidder. Each participant has access to all data on the scheduled auctions and lots put up for auction, information about all ongoing auctions and traded lots, as well as archive information about all exchange auctions.

The regulation of exchange trading establishes that exchange trading in the form of an auction "to increase" is closed at the end of the period established for the accumulation of bids, at the same moment the lot is removed from the auction. The customer has the right to withdraw the lot from the exchange auction at any time without giving reasons, if no bids have been made at the time of withdrawal. If during the period of accumulation of applications at least one bet is made, exchange trades are held within the specified period.

Exchange trades are considered completed if at least one bid is made during the period of accumulation of bids. The winner (buyer) is considered to be the bidder who made the last highest bid at the close of the next trading session (end of exchange trading). An exchange transaction is formalized by an exchange contract, the parties to which are the Auction Customer - as a "seller" and the winner of the auction, who offered the highest price - as a "buyer". The subject of the exchange contract is the price of the auction lot put up by the Auction Customer for exchange trading. The exchange contract is a preliminary agreement on the conclusion direct contract delivery (purchase and sale) between the Auction Customer and the Auction Winner at the price and on the terms of the Exchange Contract.

Lot on stock exchanges and securities auctions

Securities on stock exchanges are traded in lots. A lot is the smallest number of securities of the same type that can be bought or sold at the time of an exchange transaction. Lot size depends on price and liquidity security. The higher the liquidity level of a security, the larger the lot size. For example, on Russian stock exchanges, the largest lot is 100,000 shares and is used to trade InterRAO ordinary shares (1 lot = 100,000 shares). But since the price of one such share is only a few kopecks, the cost of the lot will be only a few thousand rubles. The greater the value of a share or security, the smaller the lot in quantitative terms. For example, the price of one preferred share of Transneft reaches several tens of thousands of rubles; in this case, only one share is included in one lot.

Trading in the organized stock market is based on the execution of orders with a certain number of securities. In general, it is impossible to buy or sell an arbitrary number of securities on the stock exchange. Trading is carried out in batches that are multiples of the smallest possible number, called a lot. A lot of securities is the smallest number of securities that can be sold or bought at a regular exchange session. For each security, at the beginning of trading, the lot size is determined, which is usually equal to 1, 10 or 100 securities. If the paper is relatively cheap, its lot will consist of 100 papers (for example, ordinary shares of Mosenergo OJSC at the time of writing the book cost about 1 ruble per share and were traded in lots of 100 shares), and vice versa, if the paper is relatively expensive, lot is taken equal to one paper. Of course, if the security changes greatly in price, then the size of the traded lot can also be changed.

Knowing the size of the lot for trading is important, since in many brokerage systems in applications for the purchase and sale of securities it is necessary to indicate the number of lots, and not the number of real securities. It should be recognized as more correct systems that allow you to enter the number of securities and recalculate this amount into the number of trading lots.

Some trading floors have introduced special modes for trading non-multiple batches. In other words, if the client has a number of securities that does not match the number that is a multiple of the number of securities in the lot, then it will not be possible to sell such a quantity with a regular order. The easiest way is to sell on the exchange the number of securities corresponding to the whole number of lots, and ask the rest to buy out your broker.

Stock Exchanges operate on the principle of an auction, according to the rules established by the management of the exchange. The Exchange provides its participants with premises for operations with securities, provides settlement and information services. She happens to be non-profit organization, i.e. does not pursue the goal of making a profit, organizes trading on the principle of self-sufficiency.

In the Russian Federation, stock exchanges may conduct transactions with securities that have passed state registration with the RF Ministry of Finance. In addition, each exchange has the right to establish its own additional requirements for securities accepted for circulation on the exchange. The process of admission of the Central Bank to operations on the stock exchange is called listing. Basically, trading on the stock exchanges is carried out in lots - lots of securities (a standard lot is 100 shares). Exchange transactions can be cash (immediate settlement or in the coming days) or urgent (settlement within the contractual period).

In the system of exchange trading in securities, the most important concepts are the lot and ticker of the security. Both of these concepts are included in the system of execution of client orders in trading, which is based on the fact that orders for a certain number of securities are executed. To summarize, trading on the stock exchange is simply impossible for an indefinite number of securities. All papers are sold in clear batches.

Each batch of securities must be a multiple of the smallest number, which is called a lot, which is the minimum number that can be bought or sold during an exchange session. Lots are most often equal to one share, or ten shares, or a hundred. But there are also such trading platforms where shares are sold in non-multiple batches, i.e. this situation occurs when the client does not have the number of securities that would be a multiple of the lot. And such securities simply cannot be sold by a simple application. Therefore, it is easier to ask a broker to buy such balances.

As for the ticker, this is such a short name that is given to each security in the stock market. Such tickers appeared because many clients make a large number of transactions daily, and at the same time it is not profitable to write the number of securities in the transaction that is assigned to each security, since you can easily make a mistake in the number, and buy absolutely the wrong shares that wanted. It is also inappropriate to write the whole name of each action, as it is very long and labor-intensive.

Lot on currency exchanges

A currency exchange is a place where the sale and purchase of national currencies takes place, based on their exchange rate (quotation), which is formed on the market under the influence of supply and demand. This type of exchange has all the elements of classical exchange trading: quotes depend on the purchasing power of the exchanged currencies, which, in turn, is determined by the economic situation in the issuing countries. The main task of the exchange is not to obtain high profits, but to mobilize free foreign exchange resources, redistribute them by market methods from one sector of the economy to another, and establish the market rate of national and foreign currencies in conditions of fair and legal trade.

Trade in national currencies is carried out in compliance with certain generally accepted principles. An investor accredited on the stock exchange (trader) gets the right to conclude transactions for the purchase / sale of currencies of different countries. Rather, trading is carried out in currency pairs, where each pair represents the ratio of the prices of specific currencies. For example - EUR / USD (euro-dollar), USD / JPY (dollar-yen), GBP / USD (pound-dollar), etc.

During the working day (exchange session), depending on many factors, the price ratios of currency pairs are constantly changing. The trader's task is to use this process as efficiently as possible: to buy currency pairs at a lower price in order to sell at a higher price later. One of the features of the foreign exchange market is the constant availability of financial news. There can be dozens of messages marked "important" alone on an exchange day. Why should you know the news? Because they affect currency quotes.

Currency trading in the currency markets is carried out in the form of the formation of lots, that is, certain fixed packages of foreign exchange funds of strictly defined volumes.

To buy / sell any of the currency pairs, you do not need to have the entire required amount on your account; for this, the trader is provided with the so-called "leverage" (1:100 or 1:500). Thus, having only $1,000 on your account, you can buy a lot worth $100,000 (with a leverage of 1:100) or $500,000 (with a leverage of 1:500). But you should always remember that leverage does not provide benefits, but only increases the level of risk / return. Therefore, on currency trading, you can both quickly earn and quickly lose capital.

Currency Lot is a unit of currency measurement during trading on the currency exchange. This is also the standard currency amount used in exchange transactions. The lot size is always indicated in relation to the base currency. That is, if CHF = 1.7862, then this means that for 10 thousand dollars they give a little less than 18 thousand francs. Lot sizes are usually multiples of 10 and 100 thousand. For convenience, the lot size is recorded in fractions of a million dollars. That is, the entry "0.3" is a short designation of a lot of 300 thousand. The minimum allowed lot depends on the brokers. (For the Forex Club partners - International Analytic Service LLC (USA) and CB "MeritBank" (Moscow) - the minimum lot is 10,000 USD, the maximum lot is not limited).

On currency exchanges, using the size of the trading lot, the volume of the currency that is traded under this contract is estimated. In the foreign exchange market, we are talking about the volume of a transaction to buy or sell. When concluding a transaction on the foreign exchange market, a trader chooses a position size that is a multiple of a standard trading lot, thus determining how much currency is involved in the turnover. Depending on the selected lot, the risks and the size of the potential profit change. A standard lot is equal to 100,000 currency units. Knowing this, you can calculate the profit from one point.

The lot has a strictly fixed size and it is used to estimate the volume of the traded currency pair, for example, the euro - dollar. Based on the lot size, the possible risk is set, the estimated profit, loss and possible fluctuations (up or down) of the currency rate are determined.

When concluding a trade deal on the foreign exchange market, a trader must indicate the size of the selected position, which is a multiple of the standard lot. The size of this position shows how many currency units are involved in the trading turnover. For example, a $10 bet equals 0.01 lots, and a $100 bet equals 0.1 lots. And since there is a concept of leverage in the currency markets (1 to 100), by placing a bet of $1,000, you can operate with a capital of $100,000 in foreign exchange trading.

The lot size is not the same for the major currency pairs. For the EUR/USD currency pair, one standard lot is equal to 100 thousand EUR, for the USD/CHF pair it is 100 thousand USD, for USD/JPY - one hundred thousand USD, for USD/CAD - one hundred thousand $; for GBP/USD – seventy thousand GBP; and for AUD/USD it is two hundred thousand AUD.

Starting trading by placing a bet in the amount of the standard lot size, the exchange trader risks either losing or winning ten USD per pip. Since all risks (profit and loss) depend on the size of the transaction. If the trade size is small (that is, the trader entered into a trade for 0.01 of the standard lot size), then both the profit and loss received will be in the amount of 0.01.

Currency lot in the Forex market

Each trading operation on the Forex market, as well as on other currency trading platforms, is measured in lots - this is one of the fundamental concepts and every novice trader should be familiar with it. The most important thing is not just to know the definition of a Forex trading lot, but also to be able to correctly calculate this indicator for Forex trading. What is a lot, what is the price and cost of a lot, what is one standard lot equal to - let's look at these definitions in more detail.

Lot (from the English Lot) is a standard unit for measuring the volume of a currency transaction in the Forex market. One lot is equal to 100,000 base currency units. For example, in the USD / JPY currency pair, the base currency is the US dollar, therefore, one lot of the currency contract for this pair will be equal to 100 thousand dollars. The volume of a deal can be measured by an integer or fractional number of lots.

It is clear from the definition that either large speculators or financial institutions (banks, insurance funds, investment companies) can trade whole lots. To enter the Forex market for individuals, brokers and popular dealing centers provide the opportunity to use various options for a standard lot:

Standard lot(it is also called a whole lot) contains 100,000 units of the base currency, its volume is 1;

contains 10,000 units of the base currency and its volume is equal to 0.1 of the standard (whole) lot;

It contains 1000 units of the base currency and its volume is equal to 0.01 of the standard lot.

The principle of operation of brokers and dealing centers is that they "collect" crushed lots from their clients, combine them and bring them to the Forex market. All this happens automatically and is invisible to users. But it is precisely because of this that we have the opportunity to trade on the Forex market - few people have 100,000 dollars to directly enter the Forex market.

When trading on the Forex currency market, you need to be able to correctly calculate the volume of a currency lot. The volume of trading operations for each trader is different. Even for one trader, volumes can change during the working day. It depends on several factors: the size of the trading deposit and the speculative strategy.

Before calculating the size of a forex lot, you need to decide on two values ​​- the percentage of risk and the number of points before the stop order (Stop-Loss). Let's say that your strategy assumes the following indicators: a trading deposit of $1,000 and a risk of no more than 1% of the deposit amount for one currency operation with a stop level of 50 points. Therefore, for one losing trade, we can lose $10 (1000*1%). It turns out that 50 points = $10, and one point will be equal to $0.2. With a pip price of 10 cents for a 0.01 lot, your working lot will be 0.02 (i.e. 2 micro lots).

Often with the question What is a lot in Forex? beginners care about how much it will be in real money. Let's figure it out. Let's start with a micro lot with a volume of 0.01. In this case, one point will be equal to ten cents, that is, by buying the EURUSD currency instrument at 1.3245 and selling it at 1.3255, the trader's income will be 10 points. With the specified lot size, the profit will be $1. With a lot volume of 0.1, one point will already equal one dollar, and 10 points - 10 dollars.

Buying a standard lot of EUR/USD with a volume equal to 1 and selling it later at the specified prices, the same 10 points will be $100 (i.e. 1 point - $10). With a lot size of 10, one pip of a currency price change will cost $100. As a result: on a standard lot, a change in the price of a currency by 1 point will be equal to 10 dollars, on a mini lot, a change in the price of a currency by 1 point will be equal to 1 dollar, on a micro lot, a change in the price of a currency by 1 point will be equal to 10 cents.

Currency trading using mini and micro lots is very attractive, since you can start trading with a minimum amount of one hundred dollars, which, with a leverage of one to a hundred, will be 0.1 lots or 10,000 currency units.

Currency trading using micro lots can be carried out starting from one dollar. Leverage can be one to one hundred, two hundred and even 1:500.

And yet, when choosing the size of a trading lot (from micro to standard type), do not overestimate your real possibilities. After all, exchange currency trading requires practical experience, global economic knowledge and many different technical strategies, as well as great strength the will to control their actions and the absence of any emotion.

It should be noted that all of the above is true only for dollar accounts! For cent accounts, the calculation will be somewhat different. The change in the currency price on a standard lot will be equal to 10 cents, on a mini lot - 1 cent, on a micro lot - 0.1 cents.

To accurately determine the price of one currency point for any lot size, you can use some specialized software products used when trading on the Forex currency market. Launch the MetaTrader 4 terminal, open a demo account and a chart of the required currency pair. After that, open a new order with the volume you need. In the Trade tab, in the Price column, the current price of the currency will be indicated, and in the Profit column - the current profit or loss of an open transaction. Remember this figure, and if the current price changes by 1 point in the Price column, calculate how much the profit has changed. The resulting figure will be the price of 1 currency point for the lot of the selected volume (do not forget - for a dollar account!). For example, you have opened a lot with a volume of 0.01 for the GBPUSD pair at the current price. Now, as you watch the price, you see that it has changed by 1 pip. Your profit (loss) on this deal has also changed by $0.1 - this figure is the price of 1 point for a lot of 0.01!

Adhering to the rules for calculating a forex lot is extremely important not only for beginners who master the possibilities of currency speculation, but also for successful professionals. Neglecting this simple math can put your deposit at risk and lead to unexpected drawdowns. But there is a wonderful Forex advisor - a specialized program that will automatically perform the necessary calculations and tell you how much you need to open an order, depending on the size of your deposit and the chosen money management rules. Moreover, with the help of this Expert Advisor, you can open orders with the specified take profit and stop loss parameters in one click! Clients of Forexfou and Alpari Dealing Centers can use the appropriate Lot Cost Calculator to calculate the cost of a lot.

Forex lot (Forex lot) is unit of measurement of volumes of financial instruments (currencies). The standard lot for all Forex brokers is 100,000 units of the base currency. For example, buying 2 lots of EUR/USD implies a long position of 200,000 US dollars, and selling 6 lots of EUR/JPY implies a short position of 600,000 euros. If we draw an analogy with the stock exchange, a Forex lot is analogous to a standard contract size.

Standard Forex lots are not used in interbank practice. Banks buy and sell the base currency against the quoted one in any arbitrary amount. That is, the term “lot” is intended exclusively for the foreign exchange market.

Depending on the lot, Forex brokers used to determine the type of account. Today, account types have many other differences - not only in terms of the minimum traded volume and step, but also in terms of the number of open positions, trading conditions, etc. Any Forex broker allows you to use not only whole numbers when working with lots, but also fractional ones. If a full lot is always an integer (10 lots = 1,000,000 currency units, 23 lots = 2,300,000 currency units), then fractional lots are part of the full lot (0.01 lots = 1,000 currency units, 2.3 lots = 230,000 currency units). The lot size when opening a position in Forex is very important, because it determines the risk, profit, and loss of the transaction. Depending on the size of the Forex lot, the value of a Forex pip will vary. The higher the lot, the higher the value of the point.

Lots can be both integer and fractional numbers. For example, we can buy 4 micro lots, which is 0.04 of a standard lot. How to determine the value of a lot? Let the EUR/USD pair rate be 1.3235, we will buy 1 lot, then we will have to shell out $132,350 for it. For example, it is important to be able to calculate the allowable transaction volume in order to comply with the principles of risk management. For example, if we want to risk only 0.5% of our $200,000 deposit on each trade, how much position can we open?

To answer this question, you should decide on the value of the Stop Loss order. Let us think and decide that in this transaction for the EUR/USD pair (rate 1.3100) Stop Loss will be equal to 100 points. Therefore, it turns out that 1 pip cannot cost more than 10 dollars, or the volume of the transaction cannot exceed 1 standard lot, which will cost us $131,000. Plus a risk of $1,000. Our own deposit can easily withstand a load of $132,000 with a margin. In this example, rather specific conditions are presented, and this is due to the fact that in it we consider trading without leverage. At the same time, we get a very low percentage of profitability. Let's assume that Take Profit will be equal to 200 points or $2,000 - this is only one percent of our deposit, which in this transaction will be loaded by more than half. A completely different picture emerges in terms of margin trading.

When carrying out currency exchange transactions using the so-called leverage, there are positive and negative sides. The broker can provide traders with credit funds with which speculators can buy large amounts of currency. The loan is issued against the pledge of margin - funds on the client's deposit. The amount of collateral can be as low as 0.2% to 50%, and there is usually no charge for a Forex loan. The dealing center wins back by increasing deductions from the spread. The larger the volume of the transaction, the greater the amount of deductions for a fixed number of spread points.

In addition, the principles of margin trading allow you to sell currencies (or goods) that you do not actually have in stock. For example, when selling Euros, you do not have any Euros, you only have dollars in your account or rubles. But you can take the necessary amount of Euro from the broker against the security of a certain amount of dollars. At the same time, you also undertake to buy the required amount of Euros on the market after some time and transfer them back to the broker. All these operations (trading without delivery) in the trading terminal occur automatically and do not require additional approvals and the conclusion of special agreements.

Often, instead of specifying a margin, they talk about providing leverage, which is expressed as a ratio, for example, 1:200, which corresponds to a margin of 0.5%. Standard Forex leverage ranges from 1:2 to 1:500. On commodity exchanges, leverage is much smaller than on the foreign exchange market.

For example, when using a leverage of 1:200, we need to have only $670 on deposit to buy one standard lot of the EUR/USD pair at a rate of 1.3400. In reality, we need to have a little more money to cover the spread and to ensure that we are not knocked out of the market at the slightest price movement in the opposite direction. Let the spread be 3 points, with a transaction volume of 1 lot - this is 30 dollars. Stop Loss will be set at 100 points. It will take another $1,000 to cover it. With a margin, we receive the necessary deposit to cover the costs of such a transaction in the amount of $2000. And what about profitability? She is impressive. Let Take Profit be set at 200 points, then the potential profit will be $2,000 or 100% of the initial deposit for one trade, which can be completed even within one day. Compare with example #1, where without using leverage, with the same trade volume, we received a one percent profit.

Lot at specialized auctions

At specialized over-the-counter auctions, exclusive and rare goods are sold - jewelry and antiques, furniture, historical, cultural and technical values ​​​​and items, clothing, jewelry, fine arts, books and other printed and printed products, collectibles - coins, stamps, postcards, weapons, medals and awards, and more.

Through specialized auctions, the sale of movable and immovable property of enterprises and organizations, production equipment of land plots and forest lands, skins of fur animals, breeding farm animals and other goods is also carried out.

An auction (from the Latin auctio - sale at a public auction) is a way of selling certain goods at prices set by buyers as a result of bidding. An auction is a procedure, following which a decision is made on who to transfer the lot to and how much each participant must pay. Participants report their willingness to pay and said decision is made solely on the basis of the signals received.

Both legal entities and individuals can act as sellers and buyers at auctions. Sellers put up for sale goods they own, called lots in the trading process.

Auctions can be held not only by organizations for which this type of activity is the main one. There are also exchange auctions, auction trade can be organized by art salons, galleries, etc. The development of electronic commerce has led to last years to the emergence, including in Russia, of a large number of Internet auctions.

With the help of auction and competitive (tender) bidding, trade transactions for the purchase and sale of property are carried out, contracts are concluded for the performance of work and the provision of services by state organizations and institutions.

The presented goods undergo a preliminary examination necessary to assess their quality and make a decision on the initial price. As a subject of auction, the goods are formalized by an auction agreement signed by the owner of the goods and the director of the auction, and, in addition, by an expert, an auctioneer and a legal adviser.

All goods are pre-divided into lots (standard in terms of quantity and other features of a batch of goods). A lot can also be a single item. Each lot has its own number, under which it participates in the auction. Before bidding, goods or their samples are exhibited for inspection by buyers. In addition, auction organizers may issue catalogs with descriptions of lots offered for sale. Depending on the type of goods, descriptions may be supplemented by their photographs.

Auction sales are held in a special hall. The day and time of their holding, initial prices and lot sizes are determined in advance and are indicated in advertisements, catalogs, invitations, electronic media.

In the field of auction trade, the organizer of the auction is not the owner of the lot and, therefore, is interested not so much in maximizing revenue, but in the fact that the lot is sold. This is especially true in the case of state structures of the operational level, for which plans are usually set not by income, but by volume.

Depending on the technology of the auction, there are: an auction with an increase in the price of a lot (consensual auction), an auction with a decrease in the price of a lot, and a blind auction.

At an auction with a price increase The initial price of the lot is set in agreement with the seller. After it is announced by the auctioneer (leader of the auction), buyers offer their price, increasing the previous one by the amount determined by the auction rules. The item is considered sold to the highest bidder. If the lot put up for auction is not in demand (there are no proposals to increase the price for it), it can be withdrawn from the auction. Bidding with a price increase can be open or covert. In the first case, buyers express their desire to purchase goods openly (with the help of a signal plate), and the auctioneer names everyone who offers a higher price. If buyers raise the price with the help of conventional signs given to the auctioneer, then such auctions are called silent or silent.

At auctions with a price reduction the initial price of the lot is always too high. In the process of bidding, it is reduced until one of the buyers announces their intention to purchase the goods. This method was called "Dutch auction" (Dutch auction), as it is widely used in Holland, where auctions of flowers and ornamental plants, vegetables are held in this way. They are sold using auction watches. The essence of auctions with a decrease in price is that at first the auctioneer sets the maximum starting price, which lights up on the dial installed in the auction room, after which the clock indicator moves in the direction of decreasing it.

If none of the buyers expresses a desire to purchase a lot at this price, then the auctioneer begins to reduce the price. Each of the buyers present in the hall has a special remote control with a button that allows you to stop the pointer. The buyer of the goods is the one who first presses the button in front of him, which stops the price change on the dial. After that, the number under which this buyer is registered with the organizers of the auction lights up on the dial. He is considered the buyer of this lot. He gets the right to choose and purchase the required quantity of goods at a price fixed on the watch. From the same price, bidding resumes and continues until the minimum price set for each product is reached. This method of conducting an auction significantly speeds up the pace of the auction.

Condition of the auction "in the dark"- simultaneous provision by buyers of their rates (for example, in writing). The lot goes to the highest bidder.

Depending on the method of increasing the price of the lot, there are two types of auctions - public and private.

With a vowel the auctioneer announces the number of the lot for sale, names the initial price and asks: "Who is more?" A buyer who wants to purchase a lot at a higher price names a new price that is higher than the previous one by an amount not lower than the minimum markup specified in the auction rules. The auctioneer calls the number of the buyer under which he is registered at the auction, the new price of the lot and again asks the question: "Who is more?" If, after repeating the question three times, no new offer follows, the auctioneer strikes with the gavel, confirming the sale of the lot to the buyer who last called the highest price.

Under the covert method, buyers give the auctioneer a conditional sign of their consent to raise the price of the current lot. The surcharge to the price is standard and stipulated in the auction rules. The auctioneer announces a new price each time without naming the buyer. The auction administration has the right to remove the lot from the auction until it is sold, without giving reasons. It also has the right to lower the starting price if none of the buyers wishes to raise the starting price. After the sale of all lots, unsold lots may be put up for sale again.

Thus, the organization of auctions has its own characteristics, which are determined by the technology of auctions, the importance of auctions, the method of increasing prices for lots, as well as the nature of the goods.

In the organization of auction trade, several stages are distinguished - the preparation of an auction, the inspection of goods and the formation of lots, the auction itself, the execution and execution of an auction transaction.

During preparation auction, the owner of the goods delivers it to the warehouse of the auction organizer. During this period, the preparation of goods for sale is carried out, catalogs are compiled, advertising activities are carried out, large consignments of goods are divided into lots. The lot is selected goods, the same quality. Lot size depends on the value of the item. Each lot is assigned a number, under which it is entered in the catalog of this auction, indicating the characteristics of the lot. Several lots with the same quality indicators form a string. A characteristic sample is selected from each lot or string and exhibited in a special hall for inspection.

During product inspection potential buyers have the opportunity to get acquainted with the lots and strings put up for sale both on the basis of samples and, if desired, with all the goods in the auction warehouse. Tastings are arranged for buyers at auctions of food products. Inspection is carried out according to the auction catalog, which indicates the numbers of lots and strings, their characteristics, the conditions of the auction sale, the date and place of the opening of the auction, its duration and other rules for the auction.

Which is carried out by the auctioneer together with assistants. It starts on a prearranged day and hour in a specially equipped room. Registration of the auction transaction is usually carried out immediately after the end of the auction. The buyer signs a model contract, on the basis of which an invoice is issued, paid by the buyer. The final stage is the execution of the auction transaction. The payment is usually made in instalments. In case of non-payment for the goods within the established period, the organizers of the auction consider the transaction violated and may dispose of the goods at their discretion, and cover the losses from the advance payment received.

Lots are traded at the auction in an open form. All persons wishing to take part in the auction can familiarize themselves with the lots put up for auction at the pre-auction viewing, by purchasing the auction catalog and immediately before the start of the auction. Since the auction organizer publishes the auction catalog and provides everyone with the right to preview the lots, no claims related to the quality and condition of the lots will be accepted after the auction. Auction catalog, including in electronic format, posted on the website of the auction organizer, is an information message (notice) about the auction, containing data on lots and other information.

The auction is conducted in the order of the lot numbers in accordance with the auction catalog. The starting price of lots during the auction can be either lower or higher than indicated in the auction catalog. Offers to purchase a lot for an amount less than the initial cost of the lot are not accepted. The organizer of the auction reserves the right not to accept bids at the full-time presence at the auction and absentee bids of a person without explanation.

The auction organizer has the right to remove any lot from the auction without explanation of reasons before the first lot is put up for auction and is not responsible for losses incurred by the auction participants in connection with their intentions to purchase this lot, as reported by the auctioneer before the start of the auction. Auction participants can take part in it in person, in absentia, including by phone or via the Internet in real time (if the auction organizer has the necessary technical capabilities and resources).

For personal participation in the auction, a potential auction participant must register in advance with the secretary of the auction organizer by presenting the necessary documents and filling out the registration form, and receive a card with the bid number of the auction participant (its electronic counterpart). A representative of a potential bidder must perform similar actions. The card with the bid number of the auction participant is the only proof of the person's right to participate in the auction. Registration of participants in the auction is completed at the time of the announcement of the start of trading in relation to the last lot of the current auction.

If a person wishing to purchase any lot does not have the opportunity or desire to participate in the auction in person, he can leave an application for absentee participation, including by participating in the auction by phone. Absentee bids are stored in sealed envelopes, which are opened before the start of the auction. If the maximum prices for the same lot, specified in two or more absentee bids, are the same, the order with the lower serial number will take precedence. In this case, the starting price of the lot is set based on the maximum price indicated in these absentee bids. In the event that two persons received equivalent absentee bids for the same lot, the auction participant whose bid was registered first has priority.

The auction participant may be given the opportunity to participate in the auction via the Internet in real time. The procedure for conducting an auction via the Internet and the procedure for performing other activities related to such an auction are determined by special rules the organizer of the auction, posted on the website of the organizer of the auction.

Auction bidding begins with the auctioneer's announcement of the opening of the auction. The auctioneer starts selling a lot by announcing the lot number, a brief description of the lot, and announcing the starting price of the lot, as well as announcing that there are absentee bids for the lot. If there are bids in relation to the lot by absentee bids, the Auctioneer also informs the Bidders of the auction that he reserves the right to keep his hand raised until the maximum bid in relation to the lot by absentee bids is exceeded during the auction.

The step by which the price of the lot rises during the auction is 5-10% of the starting price of the current lot. The auction participant can make an offer to purchase a lot at an arbitrary price that exceeds the previous offer by more than one step. In this case, further counting is carried out from the price offered by such bidder. Raising a card with a bid number means the unconditional and irrevocable consent of the auction participant to buy the lot put up for auction at the announced price. Each subsequent raising of cards with a bid number by the auction participants means an agreement to purchase a lot at a price that exceeds the last price of the lot named by the auctioneer by one step.

The strike of the auctioneer's hammer means the end of the auction for this lot at the price announced by the auctioneer. The person who won the auction (ie the buyer) is considered to be the participant of the auction who last raised the card with the bid number. If the highest bid received from the auction bidder in the hall is equal to the bid of the absentee bid, the winner is the bidder who left the absentee bid. From the moment the hammer is struck, when, after three times the highest bid was announced, none of the participants made a new offer, the contract for the purchase of the lot is considered concluded, and the auction participant who offered the highest price becomes the owner of the lot, and the burden of maintenance and the risk of accidental loss or damage passes to him lot.

The auction participant who won the auction in respect of the lot and the organizer of the auction sign on the day of the auction a protocol on the results of the auction, which has the force of a contract for the sale of the lot.

To the sale price of the lot, reached during the auction, a buyer's premium of 15% of the sale price of the lot is added. Purchasing a lot at auction means the unconditional consent of the buyer to pay the buyer's premium in excess of the sale price of the lot. The won lots are transferred to the buyer only after their full payment and payment of other financial obligations of the buyer to the auction organizer.

Purchased and fully paid lots, the buyer must pick up within 7 (seven) calendar days after their final payment. Delay in receipt of lots by more than 10 (ten) working days from the specified date releases the auction organizer from any liability for the condition of the lots, and the auction organizer has the right to establish a fee for storing lots or transfer lots for storage to a specialized organization and establish a lien over it until the debt is paid off for storage of lots.

The auction organizer guarantees the authenticity and safety of the lots put up for auction, and bears responsibility for this within one year. In case of violation of these warranty conditions, the organizer of the auction shall reimburse the buyer for direct damage in the amount of the sale price of the lot. The organizer of the auction shall under no circumstances be liable to the buyer for indirect losses and lost profits associated with the acquisition or non-purchase of the lot.

Types of trading lots on financial exchanges

When applied to the word lot on commodity and financial exchanges, such terms as full lot, incomplete lot, bulk lot, packaged lot are used.

Full lot (round lot, Round Lot) is the standard unit of measure for the contract. The lot has a fixed size equal to a strictly fixed minimum quantity of an exchange commodity. With its help, the volume of currency, securities and goods traded under this contract is estimated.

Incomplete lot (non-standard lot, non-round lot, Odd lot, Broken lot) is a package or consignment of currency, securities or goods containing a smaller amount of a market asset than a full lot.

Broken lot in the stock market is fractional lot, determined depending on the established (smallest) number of securities of a strictly defined denomination included in the lot.

The packaged lot (Board lot) in the stock market is a lot determined by the number of securities depending on their face value.

Full lot

Full lot is a batch of securities, exchange goods, foreign exchange funds offered for sale, equal to a strictly fixed unit of transactions accepted on a given exchange floor, or a multiple of such trading units. In exchange and auction trading to a broker, an instruction to a broker for the purchase and sale of an exchange commodity, securities, currency in an amount that maximally matches the established standard lot size.

For example, on the New York Stock Exchange, a full lot (round lot) is 100 shares, on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange - 50 shares. The total volume of exchange transactions must be a multiple of the established Lot. Standards are also set for the amount of securities transactions. The exchange may revise the size of the full lot. The size of the Lot is taken into account by the investor when drawing up a trading order for the purchase and by the holder of securities when submitting a trading order for the sale of his securities. The lot size can affect the bid price and the ask price for the sale.

Establishing a fixed exchange lot makes it easier to conduct an exchange auction. Only the price of securities is subject to agreement. When dealing with clients who are unable to purchase or sell a full lot of securities or other commodities, brokers specializing in operations with a disparate number of securities assemble orders until full lots are formed for an offer on the exchange.

A full lot on the currency exchange is a standard unit for measuring a contract, which has a fixed size and is used to estimate the volume of a currency that is traded under a particular contract. When it comes to a full lot, it means the predetermined size of the contract for the sale or purchase of currency. The lot size in accordance with the standard for normal Forex trading is 100,000 US dollars.

When concluding a deal on the exchange, the trader must specify the position size (multiple of the standard lot). It is the size of the position that determines how much currency the trader provides to participate in the turnover. This volume of transactions on the exchange determines the level of profit and risk, the necessary fluctuations in the exchange rate.

Any trader should know exactly what a lot is and how it is calculated. For ease of calculation, as a rule, 1 lot is taken as 100%. In such cases, each position with a volume of less than 100 thousand will be determined as a percentage of the standard (taking into account leverage). So, one lot is equal to 100,000 units of the base currency. If the leverage is 1:500, the trader will be able to buy one lot for 200 units.

In order to make profitable transactions, a trader is not required to have huge amounts in the account - thousands of units of currency. Having a computer with the Internet, a Metatrader 4 trading terminal and a minimum deposit amount, it is quite possible to work successfully. To do this, brokers provide traders with leverage to enable them to work with large amounts. The value of a point and the margin of the opened order depend on the lot size. With a larger order value, a larger margin will be required, and each point in this case will bring more profit.

(non-standard lot, non-round lot, Odd lot, Broken lot) is a lot of securities, commodities or foreign exchange funds that is less than or different from a multiple of market assets.

An incomplete or non-round lot is the number of securities that is less than the standard trading unit on the stock exchange, called a full or round lot. On the New York Stock Exchange, a full lot represents 100 units for active stocks. New York Exchange Regulation No. 55 provides, however, that for special promotions, at the discretion of the exchange, the standard trading amount may be less. For such less active shares, the size of the round lot is determined as ten shares. The standard value for trading bonds is a package of bonds worth $1,000 (at their original face value).

Similarly, except in special cases provided by the exchange, the transfer of shareholder rights is carried out on the basis of the principle of one right for each individual share, and the unit in rights trading is a block of 100 rights. Accordingly, an incomplete lot with a round lot of 100 shares is a lot containing any number of shares from 1 to 99, and for shares with a round lot of 10 shares - any number of shares from one to nine.

formed on the New York Stock Exchange own system incomplete lots with a specific order of the transaction. A deal with an incomplete lot begins with the entry of orders and their confirmation. There are two ways to submit an application. Most of the large firms that participate in the exchange use computer systems and data networks to receive orders from their regional offices, after which they forward these orders to the Corporation for Automation of Securities Transactions at its General Message Switch (CCM). Other participating firms use computer systems and/or data networks provided by private providers for the same purposes.

Firms that send their applications directly to the switch are called computer firms (CF); they account for over 75% of processed applications. The second way to enter orders is through the New York Stock Exchange's Entry Center, which is equipped and maintained by the Exchange's staff. Firms that use the telephone or teletype to transmit orders to their booths located around the perimeter of the trading floor are called non-computer firms (NF). These firms then use the exchange's pneumatic mail to send orders to the New York Stock Exchange's Entry Center, where exchange operators enter orders into a switchboard. The non-computer filing method requires more steps and usually takes longer than the direct access method of computer firms.

In the switch, all applications for non-round lots are checked for compliance with standard principles (requirements). In case of significant deviations and errors, applications are returned to the firm for correction and re-entry. All properly edited bids are sent to the special computers of the partial lot system for further processing.

Next comes the evaluation of applications for incomplete lots. The computer system for evaluating bids for incomplete lots is called the automated evaluation and notification system (ASO). The ASO system receives all requests from the switch and stores them in a temporary executable file. The ASO system also receives information from the New York Stock Exchange on round lots from the exchange information system. She then matches the round lot data with the bids in the temporary file and begins the price determination process.

Market bids for non-round lots are evaluated automatically using information about the nearest round lot trades received by the ASO system after the order is received. A short-term short-term market order is valued at the next auction, which is higher than the round lot price at the last auction. Such trades are called having a positive bias (it is defined as the minimum deviation of the rate of a round lot, which is 0.125 dollars), or `zero plus`. Each dealer on an incomplete lot can order the ACO system to charge or not to charge a surcharge. At present, until the system acquires other options, the premium (if it exists) is one-eighth of a point per share ($0.125).

Each dealer can decide whether or not to charge a premium on the shares he holds. In addition, each dealer has the ability to charge or not charge a premium on market orders received before the opening of the exchange, and independently has the right to decide on the issue of a premium on market orders received after the opening of the exchange. The opening time of the exchange for the purpose of resolving the surcharge issue is currently set at 9:50 am. am so that every dealer can get full information for incomplete lots of shares subject to evaluation based on the results of trading in full lots. If necessary, this time can be slightly changed if the official opening of the exchange is postponed for some reason to a later time.

Partial lot orders that are subject to certain terms and conditions, and certain others, such as those requiring execution at bid or ask prices, are considered non-market orders. Dealers have the option of forfeiting or not forfeiting a one-eighth surcharge on these orders, regardless of when they are received. These bids are grouped by price and ordered by time of arrival.

The ASO system registers the maximum purchase price and the minimum sale price for pending orders. At the same time, it takes into account whether a surcharge will be collected from these applications. The limit of the buyer's price is set at the nearest auction in round lots and is lower than the specified price by the amount of the premium or more. If a surcharge exists, it is added to this price. The limit of the seller's price is also determined by the nearest auction in round lots and is higher than this price by the amount of the premium or more. If a surcharge exists, it is subtracted from this price. As in the case of market bids, when selling shares short, the price is determined by the transaction "plus" or "zero-plus".

The buyer's maximum bid price and the seller's minimum request price determine what is called the backlog range. The computer keeps track of these prices to determine when lots should be priced. When round lots are bidding at or below the low limit (buyer's maximum bid price) or at or above the high limit (seller's minimum ask price), the computer scans the non-round lot file for bids. If a sale occurs, the price range changes and the computer must update its registration data to reflect the new maximum bid and minimum bid; adjust your observations of the prices of future trading in round lots. The computer also checks the price limits of all new bids and updates the price range as needed; eg if the new bid price is higher than the previous maximum bid price, the new bid price becomes the lower limit of the range.

Purchase and sale orders upon reaching a certain rate are processed, as well as limited ones. Bids to buy at a particular rate are recorded along with ask price limits, and sell orders at a particular rate are recorded along with bid price limits. The price range for each security affects both buy and sell orders at the set rate and limit orders. When the market price equalizes with the requested buy/sell (in other words, the strike price arises), it is treated as a normal market order and valued accordingly. When the market price equals that specified in the limit order with the agreed price, it is registered and processed as a normal limit order.

To withdraw orders for non-round lots, the latter can be entered into the system as orders of one day, i.e. as orders, whose action ends at the end of the exchange day of their entry. They can also be entered as tickets valid until they are cancelled. In this case, they can be valid indefinitely. Typically, a register of open applications is listed once a year from all applications older than one year, and participating firms should confirm these applications if they wish to keep them in force. From time to time, the client has a desire to cancel or change an order, both entered for one day, and located in the register of open orders entered earlier. This can be done by a simple order to cancel or to cancel and replace the application.

Orders can be given in relation to any combination of market or limit orders, i.e. one market order can replace another market order, one limit order can replace another limit order, and finally a market order replaces a limit order, or vice versa. In recent years, participating firms have been encouraged to submit two separate orders, one to withdraw an order and one to replace a previous order, especially when a limit order has been replaced by a market order or vice versa. This procedure leads to faster processing and more accurate execution of applications. If the application to be replaced is in the register and is still not executed, the order to cancel it is executed and a new application is entered in the register, which is awaiting execution. If the order to withdraw and replace an application does not find an application to be withdrawn, a new application is still entered into the register and awaits its execution. The bidding firm is notified that no bids to be canceled could be found.

When evaluating each application, the automated evaluation and notification system produces a performance report in a standard format. Most applications are evaluated and registered automatically by the computer system itself. Evaluation and registration of an application that requires manual processing begins with its entry on the keyboard of an on-line computer terminal. Applications that are subject to entry day evaluation require very little data to complete the computer files.

When entering applications that were opened earlier, more extensive information is required. Regardless of how the message is initiated, automatically or manually, all tickets are evaluated and registered in the same way. Messages about the execution of orders are sent to the switch for transmission to the settlement firms indicated in the order. The switch transmits the message to the firm's computer system machine for further distribution within the firm. For non-computer firms, messages are sent to printers located on the marketplace, where they are then transmitted to the booths of these firms.

The list of applications for incomplete lots is managed by an automated evaluation and notification system. The ACO system is designed to assist dealers in dealing with lists of shares submitted by persons interested in buying and selling non-round lots. The execution of orders to buy shares reduces the list, while the execution of orders of clients to sell shares increases it. Many thousands of trades are made for clients every day of exchange trading, resulting in a turnover of several hundred thousand shares daily.

The list management system is designed to minimize dealer risk and increase the profitability of operations on the exchange. This is ensured by notifying dealers as quickly as possible of activity in the Broken lot market and large volumes of claims on shares in the register of open limit orders at prices close to the current market price. Each dealer learns about the price of a block of shares for each position about which he would like to receive information from the system. Unless otherwise instructed, the system will operate in regular trading units of 100 or 10 shares. These values ​​are called the list string. Each line is assigned a numerical code to simplify operations. Each code represents both buy and sell prices for the term. Any dealer can change his code at any time to any other code/price that exists in the system. For management purposes, such change requests must be submitted in writing at least ten days in advance.

Border warnings. A dealer operating on the Broken lot market receives information about significant accumulations of limit orders and orders with a set price for buying or selling shares at prices close to the current market price. Such informational messages are called border alerts. Every morning, the dealer is given an initial border warning informing him of all promotions in the nightly register, i.e. register as of the end of the previous trading day. This initial alert includes information about all stocks that were a dollar below the floor, i.e. the maximum bid price and minus one dollar, as well as all shares whose price is one dollar above the upper limit, i.e. minimum offer price plus one dollar.

During the day, the system sends all new warnings to the dealer when orders with a fixed stock price accumulate at the borders or within the range of maximum buy and minimum sell prices above the value in the list line. All warnings about restrictions are sent throughout the day, replacing all previously sent warnings, with the exception of the very first, initial one. They contain information only on unrealized orders, adjusted for orders to withdraw orders received on that day. Throughout the day, the stock information in the current alerts must be added to the stock information in the initial alert to get the total number of open orders that exists at that time.

Limit alerts list stocks at round lot prices at which orders will be filled. The system provides compensation at the dealer's choice when charging or waiving a surcharge, so that all warnings give consistent information, regardless of the amount of the surcharge. In addition to automatically issued restriction warnings, the system can issue additional warnings upon request. For example, exchange rate accumulation not contained in the initial daily warning can be requested before or during the trading day if the market price moves from the limits that existed earlier that day. In addition, the dealer can request a special warning for every dollar the price of their shares goes through. At each workplace, the firm has a telephone to communicate with the attendants of the trading of partial lots, so that the dealer can apply for such warnings.

Next, a notification of a change in position is made. The computer keeps track of changes in positions in the list of stocks as activity increases in the market for non-round lots. Customer orders to buy are subtracted from the position at the time of receipt of orders, and shares sold on customer orders are added to the current number of shares in the position. Limit Order Shares and Short Sell Shares are added to or subtracted from the position at the time the orders are executed.

Each time the position calculated by the computer exceeds the line value specified by the dealer, a position change notification is issued. This notice advises the dealer to change his position up or down the list due to the results of trading with non-round lots. The notice also indicates the code of the exchange line and the total number of round lots transferred per day, including the last notice, while plus six means that there have been plus 600 shares so far, and minus three means minus 300 shares. After the notification is sent, the computer considers it completed, reduces the position to the odd lot size, and again starts accumulating the number of shares in the position. This residual position, with the number of shares corresponding to the partial lot, is also shown in the notice.

Position change notices are not issued until 9:30 AM, so dealers usually receive one major round lot accumulation notice before the market opens. Since no trades have taken place before, we can assume that the notification indicates the net starting position of each dealer for odd lot, as well as unfilled market orders received to date (carried over from the previous day). This arrangement reduces the number of notices that would otherwise be sent from 8.30 to 9.30. All notifications refer to the value per line, but cannot be less than a round lot or a multiple of it.

At the end of the trading day at the close of the market, the system performs a number of transactions, designated as "at closing" and "main". All unfulfilled orders of one day are considered invalid and are removed from the registries. Where applicable, the bid cap and bid floor are reduced by the respective dividend. Orders executed after the close of the exchange and changes made after the close of the exchange cannot be offset until next day trades.

The incomplete lot servicing system processes all completed orders to prepare them for accounting in the settlement system. All purchase and sale transactions are repeatedly checked for the correctness of information, cleared of repetitions and the presence of applications from participating firms for changes. Upon completion of these operations, a final detailed trading report is prepared for each dealer working with an odd lot. In addition, a consolidated report is prepared, which is used by dealers to calculate profits and losses. The system for providing trading in incomplete lots on the trading floor of the exchange. Clients wishing to buy or sell an incomplete lot have several options to choose from.

If a client has a market order for an odd lot, the brokerage firm's program can execute this order at the prevailing bid or ask price without being present on the exchange's trading floor. In this case, the client has the opportunity to immediately buy or sell a non-round lot to firms at current bid and demand prices that prevail on the market when submitting an order, and not wait until it hits the trading floor, thus the client has the advantage of knowing the fixed prices at the moment filing an application.

Another advantage of the system is the exclusion of the surcharge for applications for incomplete lots (1/8 points). On the other hand, if the client expresses such a wish, the firm can execute the client's order directly on the trading floor of the exchange, but the markup of 1/8 point will be added to or subtracted from the order execution price; the only exceptions are applications submitted at the time of the opening of the exchange. The price is based on the next auction, unless these orders were received by the exchange at its opening. Saving on the 1/8 point markup does not necessarily mean that bids will go better. When the gap between the bid and offer prices exceeds 1/8 of a point, it may be more profitable for the client to make a deal on the trading floor.

The firm's incomplete order program also offers limited order execution on the trading floor. For orders with a limited price, there is no difference between the execution according to the method proposed by the firm, and when they are directly realized on the trading floor.

Exists special theory incomplete lots. The popular notion in the past that the short-lot trader is always on the losing end of time-distributed net buying and selling at the supply and demand frontiers has not been factually confirmed. For example, studies conducted by the Cleveland Trust Company Business Bulletin in November 1974 on the dynamics of trading in short lots from 1966 to 1974 found that in fact the volume of odd lot sales increases faster than the volume of purchases in the market peaks, and buying is rising faster than selling at its lowest point, as measured by the Dow average.

The completeness of information on the volume of trading in non-round lots has been influenced in recent years by odd lot transactions made on the trading floors of the exchange, information about which has become available to clients thanks to large participating firms and dividend reinvestment plans announced by leading corporations to their shareholders. Suffice it to say that all registered shareholders had the right to take part in planning the reinvestment of the company's dividends and the purchase of shares. This plan called for the purchase of additional shares of the company at a 5 percent discount from the market price through the reinvestment of dividends, in whole or in part. Participants could also purchase additional shares worth up to US$25,000 annually by voluntarily paying in cash for an option to the company. Shares under this option were sold at full price. The company paid any commissions for the services of brokers and banks related to both the reinvestment of dividends and the voluntary purchase of shares for cash.

In share transactions, any purchase or sale of less than 100 shares is considered an under-lot, although unbid shares may be traded in full lots of 10 shares. An investor who buys or sells an incomplete lot pays a higher commission than an investor who trades with a full lot. Partial lot differential commissions are arbitrarily set, but for stocks they are often 1/8 point (12/2 cents per share). For example, an investor purchasing 100 shares of a certain company at $70 would pay $70 per share plus fees. At the same time, an investor who purchases only 50 shares of this company will pay $70/2 per share plus fees.

Other meanings of the term Lot

In addition to the use of the word Lot in the field of finance and stock trading, this term has several meanings in other areas of human activity. This term defines prize winnings in lottery and competitive raffles, is an old Russian measure of weight and an indicator for measuring the content of precious metals in their alloys, denotes a device for measuring the depth of a reservoir directly from a ship.

Lot in lotteries and contests

Lottery(Italian lottería, goes back to the Frankish hlot - lot) - a form of voluntary attraction of funds from the population by selling lottery tickets, in which part of the funds raised is played in the form of cash or clothing winnings. One of the types of lotteries is called the Allegri Lottery, in which the drawing takes place immediately after the purchase of a ticket.

The lottery is organized gambling, in which the distribution of benefits and losses depends on the random extraction of one or another lottery ticket or number (lot, lot). Part of the funds contributed by players goes to the organizers of the lottery, part is paid to the state in the form of taxes.

As a lot in lottery and competitive draws, lottery tickets, forfeits, or numbers that correspond to certain specific winnings, in the form of material prizes or cash amounts, usually act. Winning lots for lottery lots can be announced in advance or presented hiddenly, in the form of a surprise.

lottery lottery or a lottery ticket is formally a bearer security certifying the right to demand a draw or the right to determine its owner's legal position in relation to winning or losing. and also (provided that the winnings fell on him) - the right to demand the payment (issuance) of this winnings.

Although, according to the Regulations on the issue and circulation of securities and stock exchanges in the RSFSR, approved by the Decree of the Government of the RSFSR of December 28, 1991 No. 78, L.b. is not recognized as a security, however, it has all the features of a security, provided for in Art. 142 and 147 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The only circumstance that does not allow considering it as a security is that it is not directly designated by law as a security. Therefore, a lottery ticket would be more correctly called a bearer document that has the properties of a security.

- lot = 3 spools = 12.797 g;

- spool = 4.27 g.

Berkovets is a large measure of weight, used in wholesale trade mainly for weighing wax, honey, etc. Berkovets - from the name of the island of Bjork. So in Rus' a measure of weight of 10 pounds was called, just a standard barrel of wax, which one person could roll onto a merchant boat sailing to this very island. (163.8 kg). There is a mention of a Berkovets in the 12th century in the charter of Prince Vsevolod Gabriel Mstislavich to the Novgorod merchants.

Pud was equal to 40 pounds, in modern terms - 16.38 kg. It was used already in the 12th century. Pud - (from the Latin pondus - weight, heaviness) is not only a measure of weight, but also a weight measuring device. When weighing metals, the pood was both a unit of measurement and a counting unit.

Hryvnia(later pound) remained unchanged. The word "hryvnia" was used to denote both the weight and the monetary unit. It is the most common measure of weight in retail and craft. It was also used for weighing metals, in particular gold and silver.

Lb(from the Latin word "pondus" - weight, weight) was equal to 32 lots, 96 spools, 1/40 pood, in modern terms 409.50 g. Used in combinations: “not a pound of raisins”, “find out how much a pound is worth”. The Russian pound was adopted under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich.

Lot as a unit of precious metal content

The term lot was used as a unit of mass, which measured not only the content of precious metals in an alloy or products, but also determined the postage depending on the mass of correspondence.

Lot was widely used in the Middle Ages to determine the content of precious metals, in particular pure silver in alloys or silver products. The system by which the content of pure silver in the alloy was determined was called the lot sampling system. The so-called lot samples were affixed to the manufactured silver items, which were usually recorded in Roman numerals. The lot sampling system made it possible to bring the content of precious metals in alloys to a single standard. With the help of lot samples, it was possible to control not only the quality of silver or gold products, but also to identify unscrupulous craftsmen who could change the pure metal content in the alloy at their own discretion. Therefore, the lot sample marked on the stamp guaranteed the quality of the silver product.

The lot system of samples was based on the medieval stamp, which was in circulation among the Germanic, Scandinavian, Celtic population of Europe and Britain and contained 16 lots. Silver lot samples were the number of lots of pure silver contained in 16 lots of the tested alloy or in one grade. Therefore, the 16 lot silver items were pure silver items. All other lot samples were alloys with a lower content of pure silver.

Silver assay systems have been constantly changing. The lot system of samples of silver was an inconvenient system, therefore, it was first replaced by a spool system, which was soon replaced by a simpler and more perfect metric system. The metric system for designating silver samples is the most convenient of all previously proposed systems. It has become widespread throughout the world. This system is widespread throughout Europe, including Ukraine and Russia. The carat sampling system applied only to gold items.

To date, there is no lot system of silver samples. This is an outdated system for designating silver samples. Knowledge of this system is still applied in practice when converting lot samples of silver into metric samples.

Lot as a depth gauge

Lot (Dutch. lood) is hydrographic and navigation instrument for measuring the depth of a reservoir.

Initially (at the time of the sailing fleet), a weight, usually lead, was used as a lot, with a thin rope (lotlin) to measure the depth. Lot descended from the bow channels of the ship. Sometimes a recess was formed on the bottom of the weight, into which lard or a mixture of lard and crushed chalk was put in, so that soil particles would stick to it to determine the nature of the bottom.

Lots according to the principle of measuring depth are divided into manual, mechanical and hydroacoustic (echo sounders).

hand lot is a conical or pyramidal load weighing 3.5–5 kg, with a fixed cable-lotline, on which meter or foot marks (marks) are applied. There is a type of lot - a diplood (Dutch. dieplood), which is used to measure great depths, and is distinguished by a particularly heavy load of 20–30 kg. The measurement is based on the count of the length of the lotline when the tension is released at the moment of touching the bottom. The disadvantage of this type of lots is the need to carry out measurements at low speed (up to 3–5 knots, that is, 5–9 km/h at depths up to 50 m) or when the vessel stops and the difficulty in determining the moment of touching the bottom at great depths.

mechanical lot is a device for measuring the hydrostatic pressure of water at the bottom, the simplest version of a mechanical lot is a vertical air-filled tube, sealed from the top side and immersed in water with its lower open end. The depth is determined by the height of the water rise (for example, by flushing or changing the color of the paint applied to the inner walls of the tube). Since the verticality of the Lotline does not matter in the case of measurements with a mechanical lot, a mechanical lot can be used to measure depths up to 200 meters on the move (up to 16 knots, that is, 28 km/h). Mechanical lots for measuring great depths are called depth gauges.

Also called a lot is a stone or metal cargo used to correct the course or delay floating ships, rafts or caravans towed behind the ship.

At present, lots as navigational devices are almost universally superseded echo sounders However, in oceanographic research, lot-batometers are used, equipped with devices for measuring temperature, sampling water at depth, and grapples for sampling bottom soil. The echo sounder measures depths by the time of passage of an acoustic pulse reflected from the bottom.

Sources and links - the free encyclopedia - a collection of online dictionaries - General explanatory dictionary of the Russian language encyclopedic Dictionary - exchange navigator - the first independent online magazine for traders

financial-exchange.rf - information and analytical business portal - information and analytical portal Video-Forex - Russian business portal - agency of creative technologies - Encyclopedia Around the World - Luhansk Regional Universal Scientific Library - global network of abstracts – Abstracts, books, term papers, diplomas, dissertations - encyclopedia of banking and finance

The storm subsided by morning.
The draenei who woke up was dormant with an enviable skill, and maybe that’s why, without a real problem, different… entertaining and fake roots took root. Why, tell me, did not demons without eyes, sandworms and headless walkers come during the night? And what about the local people (Kutlug was especially worried)? Why not put collars on strong slaves and let them go along the road to the fat west (Ukharga was especially worried)?
- Well, above your head, people, - Mizar scratched his head with an innocent look, - we will reach this fork on foot in a day, I know the druid ...
- Nah! - Kutlug spat here.
- Elf listened, bl * d! He has this ... experience .. - Barsaga objected.
- And animal husbandry ... - Ukharga pulled.
“Well, not at all,” Mizar already shrugged his shoulders (he only had an owl from animal husbandry), “it’s just that in a day there will be Khan Beldy, and if anyone doesn’t know, after him we will be dust and manure. On the other hand, he has been very fond of trolls lately. So they say ... tell me, sorcerer?

"Do I look like a Zandalari, Elphas?" asked the bokor, swaying in his saddle.

- If not, it's never too late to start, - "thank you, you helped a lot," the elf's face expressed, but was distracted.
- Road! People, dear! - For some reason, the sentinel Jung, who was driven to the northern terrace, cheered.

Zebulak just chuckled. I must say, he was generally quiet in the morning and seemed to be sleepy: he saddled the raptor, climbed on his back and hunched over, like that Mizarov owl. Eyes - zyrk.
- For a centaur you will go, Zul, - Jantala appreciated. - They seem to understand. Teeth stick out, already good. What is the road?

- Well, in a sense, some kind of dick ... plows.
“Elune's mother…” - sharp-sighted Mizar portrayed his face and climbed onto a half-collapsed wall that hid the camp from the north side, the road and all the evil demons of the world. Mizar's face quickly changed.
- Tell me, grandma. I mean, one. Has anyone lost a girlfriend?

- It's you in vain, - the troll yearned, shrugging her shoulders uncomfortably. It was bad with the girlfriends in the caravan. With the ability to share - even worse, and the faded prospect of massacre shone with morning suns.

- Well, we're not asking for it ... - the conductor answered philosophically. - Here are the people...

Sand was everywhere: in the blood dried in the hair, in the eyes, in the mouth. Dagmara spat dryly and cocked her head, looking at the elven ruins as she walked. Noticing how someone's head flickered on the terrace above, the Orchan realized that she had been noticed. She stopped, took a closer look, reached for her boot for a knife, but changed her mind and headed towards where the silhouette flashed.

By that time, there were more observers: Ukharga looked out, thought with his head (which, in general, was a rare thing) and confirmed - a woman. Kutlug, reflecting on some superworldly feelings, decided: not a demon, and that's why everyone cheered up, and Mizar from the company began to noticeably limp.
- Stop, beauty! - judging by the fact that a healthy army orchin with a healthy army crossbow leaned out from behind the wall, the company nevertheless came to an agreement. - Who is she?

Jantala, too, pondered with her head and, judging what happens to women who stand up for other women, with great zeal, she took up cleaning the equipment. Significantly pissed him off.
Zebulak glared.

Dagmara stopped - the argument in the hands of the orc was quite weighty. She even spread her arms a little to the sides, showing that she was unarmed. But, judging by the fact that they didn’t finish her off right away, there is a chance that they will be able to negotiate peace, and even get drunk. Or maybe find out something about their former companions.
“Dagmara, daughter of Gorash,” the redhead blurted out as briskly as she could. - The traveler ... involuntarily.

- A. We are good with this. - Ukharga waved his weapon understandingly, without specifying with what exactly. - Lift your shirt, huh? And around. We have a touching distrust of extra knives here.

Actually, there were few options. If, of course, she didn’t want to “make a circle” right now and give a tear, it was worth following the order of this fellow. But Dagmar acted a little differently:
- I have one knife, and I won’t use it - there are more of you there, and I’m alone. And not completely intact. I would like to ask a couple of questions and get a couple of sips of water, and if we are not on the way, I will not be late.
However, the orchanka nevertheless opened the skirts of her jacket to the sides, demonstrating an old leather sleeveless jacket worn over her naked body. Sand spilled out of a holey inner pocket.

- Well, nothing like that, - the orc head grunted, causing a quiet chorus of agreement from the other side. - Throw the knife to me and climb here.

Dagmara pulled out a knife from behind her top - a simple, hunting, not throwing one, weighed it in her hand and grunted:
- What if you don't get it? - but she threw it confidently, so that the knife would not hurt the orc, but would plop next to it, if he was not a fool and really caught it. - Give it to you at the exit.

Bokor carefully examined the orc, occasionally grunting. Orcs in this caravan ended badly.

- Don't worry.
Dagmara climbed up and realized that she had fallen into a company that had sat out the night storm in ruins: near the inner walls of the old palazzo, kodoi stained with dust were snoring. The cleared marble of the floor left traces of fires and opened metal cans, like those used by the Alliance warriors. Dagmara climbed and realized that she had fallen into that company: a dozen orcs and hums, strong, broad-shouldered and smiling. Three trolls - a tall maiden and a youthful-looking Darkspear, and a large, plump Amani - sat apart, in the company of a night elf hiding his head under a keffiyeh. A sleepy owl fit on the shoulder of the latter.
In the center, in the pool, people gathered - dead and stained mixed with strong. Bound in chains of four. Here it is.
Ran into slavers.
- Hey, let the girl eat. - An open can of stew was drawn. - So what's wrong with it?

A company of slavers was hardly worse than starving to death from thirst in the desert. Because if you do not have freedom, but there is life - this is not so bad. The problem is when it's the other way around. And sensing the smell of meat, Dagmara’s stomach muttered something mournfully, and the orchka, without hesitation, fished out a fatty piece with her fingers and put it in her mouth:
“Mind my own business,” she replied, chewing. - Met a few goblins who want to carry goods to some fair - the second piece disappeared behind the cheek. They asked me to accompany them. True, I was not a mercenary, but I had a she-wolf, a gun, a bow. And after the storm - nothing of this was left, except for a hole in a stupid head. This is in short…
There was indeed a blood crust in the red hair, already caked and mixed with sand.

- Where did they go? - grimacing, asked the extreme orc, with reddish pustular eyes and brown spots around the lips, sure signs of a quivering love for everything defiled green. - And ... I mean, Kutlug. This one, Uharga. Elfas is Mizar, and these fellow travelers.
So many eyes wandered around Dagmar - ah, listen. Now it will itch. However, no one dared to speak ahead of Kutlug and Utkharga.

- From the Steppes through the mountains, then past the Cenarion shelter and here, - the Orchan licked her fingers. - My name is Dagmar, as I said, - she introduced herself again to those who looked at her. - And the demons would be with them, these caravaners, my she-wolf was gone - that's what's strange.

- The eyeless grumbled, - the last orc, younger, dismissed. Everyone agreed: well, really, who else will devour a wolf in a storm ..
“Through the mountains, then,” Ukharga was already grunting. - What, the truth is told that caravans are now driving there?

- What kind of eyeless? glared at the young orc Dagmar, then turned to Ukharga. - Drive or not - but we passed. Under supervision.

When the Orchanka spoke about the mountains, the ear of the troll girl who sat in the corner twitched. Then Jantala herself twitched: to whisper something to the bokor.

And in general, many people looked: how much they talked about these mountains.
- The eyeless are the eyeless. Like wolves, only with needles and goads. Don't get distracted... who was watching?

Otou nodded at the troll's words and took a closer look at the orc. The troll kept quiet, but listened and listened attentively.

- For me - so bandits. Or steppe deserters. They looked menacing, roared in Orcish, glared from behind all the stones from all the cracks, until we descended into the Wastes. If my she-wolf was devoured by creatures, then where is it interesting, the bag and the gun disappeared? Who else is roaming around in the storm? - Orchanka kept bending her topic.

- Cattle rummages - pootmahivalsya people. - Taki in tribute to that troll woman and guide Mizar.
- I am begging you…
- And guide Mizar. Remember how they walked through the salt desert?

“Hey, elphas,” the troll called out to Mizar, never ceasing to look at the orc and catch her answers to endless questions out of the corner of his ear.

- Ay?

- How are you doing here? Yatamov Elfas? - the bokor asked, holding the reins with one hand, and rummaging through the bag with the other in search of one of the pipes.

- And then, - smiling, shrugged Dagmar. - I'll go back there if I have to. Do you have water?
The sand creaked disgustingly on his teeth, and his throat was dry from the conversation.

- Well, uncle troll, I would be fat as a sectarian ... - the elf answered somehow thoughtfully, looking at the stage with the wandering woman. - Now I'm taking you to the fork, and do you know which rule is to the north? Fuck sects. Look better.

Truly, there was something to look at, because the extreme, young orc, without getting up, piled a crossbow on his knees: I saw it, dad!
Utharga clapped his hands.
- Hear, people? We have a valuable lot here ... hey, troll, wake up. Naturally a conductor through the salty sea. Either we are now bargaining, or you don't need a wench.

- No, hell, let's bargain. Start, - the bokor nodded and said something to Zebulak in his own language and pulled the mask over his forehead, not letting his hair obscure his eyes.

Zebulak remained silent, but Jantala's eyes sparkled, and this was a bad sign.
- I will begin. What will you give us, Utharga, so that we can take this woman with us and relieve you of your worries? If she stays with you, there will be a fight, and the slaves are already restless.

"Valuable Lot" examined those around wearily, and, having decided that if they were to drink, then after the auction, he began to untwine one of the braids, wincing, in order to remove the bloody tangle from his hair and feel the aching head.

“Not at all,” said Utharga after thinking. What are slaves? The slaves were very slow, the slaves had collars, chains and useless appendages like the most extreme and dead ones. To run away, if Kutlugov's plan failed, it was all the same - to the road.
- Another plan: you, the dental people, give us as much as a whore costs in a large camp. Each and more than half. Yes, go where you want.

The troll snorted with obvious disdain for Utharg's pricing policy.
- If we had so many, you would have taken away a long time ago. Aye, orc, we'll go to the Fork and take a guide or fellow traveler for a couple of coins. We only need the road, not everything else. My zul is already old. Give me another price.

- Ak konbyen yo jennes nan kan gwo? the bokor asked. There was a sincere thoughtfulness in his eyes, apparently, something greatly interested him.

Janthala looked back at him and shook her head. Like, he doesn't know.

The elf guide also blurted out something of his own in an undertone - to the neighboring trolls - quietly, as his sleepy owl could.
- No, - Utharga chuckled, thinking. - I think so, people, maybe you will find a guide there. This is one schedule. Or maybe you won’t find it and crawl along the salty sea with your bare backsides. It is another. And, therefore, in conditions of frightening uncertainty ... let's, people, show these ..
- Liquid values.
- Aye. Let's say God.

Vagabundo glanced at his “compatriots” and took out “liquid valuables” from his bag.
In his right hand he held gilded Khum teeth strung on a thin thread and a collar with a large black stone.
“Sa a tout,” said the troll, clinking his teeth in his hand.

Jantala, shuddering, flattened her ears and stared at Mizar. She made an unhappy face: Zul took away, yes.

- I pass, - the elf added, either out of vindictiveness, or from a vicious unwillingness to engage in charity. “However, while making life easier for your friend Zebulak… people, you asked the wench what you would pick up from her if my friends turned out to be insolvent?”
It seems that the last word caused some problems for the orc, who recently spoke about liquid values.
- The goddess sees, it can be an overpayment.

Zul chuckled when he heard Mizar's words, and, saying something quietly to either the elfas, or Zebulak, or Jantale, nodded at the orc, grinning rapaciously.

Dagmar finally tore out a tuft of hair, squeezed it in her fist and, resting her fist on her side, turned to Utharga herself, raising her head.
- I would take what they give, since I am a harmful girl, and it’s unlikely that you can sell me in some camp there - I’ll run away or bring it to you. Nobody wants my corpse. Well, as for illnesses, so, trifles, - the redhead realized, spat. - But during the storm, someone not only took an interest in my gun.

“Don’t give me the collar, Zul,” the troll grumbled in the corner. - Well, don't give it up. He will come in handy. I'm better at beads… I have many more.

- And it's like ... in a storm? - Utharga combed his head before realizing: the question was, of course, surprisingly entertaining, but secondary. - These are some ... trifles. Take the damn pants off.

The redhead grunted, and, pulling off her trousers, suddenly, without expecting herself, scratched between her legs with relish. Then again. Then, widening her eyes in horror, she herself stared at her causal place, strangely arched.

- Never expose special places to the sand, - Dzhantala made a philosophical conclusion. - Oh, how it got lost. Or what is it?

Everyone got tired.
- The question for the storm is canceled, - Mizar drawled somehow impressed. “Listen, people, take the shells: she’s still with dignity… such modesty after you were f*cked by a herd of wild… defiled… stone elementals?” I don't know…
- Damn, - only Kutlug commented. - It's growing.
- Maybe that of her ... so that she does not suffer?

- Elementals can? - here the troll was also impressed, tsiknuv her tooth. - Take the shells, and say goodbye. Maybe she won't be able to walk at all, and we still have to get through the salt fields.

The horror on Dagmara's face was truly genuine.

Vagabundo chuckled vilely and shook his gilded teeth as he removed the collar.

- I don't even want to know. - categorically zaezhilsya conductor.
Utharga took the shells.

Maybe because of the terrible girl, maybe because of such a completion of affairs, a space immediately happened between the two companies. Those wishing to go to the Green Fork among the orcs decreased sharply, the party of Kutlug triumphed, and Mizar advised the people to load the disease with their own, truly limitless forces. Trade code. God knows what to do and leave the company before Utkharga's cup of patience is completely filled.

- The ethereal spirits can, - Jantala shared her wealth of experience, while Zebulak, so silent in the morning, in every possible way contributed to the exchange of kodoy for these liquid ... Coins.
“But I don’t think,” the troll continued, “that you can grab such a thing from them. Hurts?
Her voice was sympathetic.

“If it hurts, we’ll heal,” the bokor assured the orc and, for better understanding, spoke to her in Orc. - How did you manage? And she pissed off her shooter, and picked up this crap?

“I didn’t have any shit,” the orc answered the bokor very quietly, but angrily. - They just hit me on the head, but the strings were intact, and it didn’t itch ... nothing. Until I got here. Maybe there's some kind of infection in the air?
She had already pulled on her trousers and walked over to the trolls. Dagmara looked confused. She cursed under her breath, then turned to the troll:
- Itchy.

Close up, it was clear that the troll economy was wider than it seemed from the orc side. Besides an elf, an owl and a kodoi, there was a draenei body with a brown blanket and an indecent amount of pieces of iron called armor.
The body was dormant with such a look that slaves, sickness and the wasteland itself ... everything seemed to be passing things.

"Let's find a healer," the troll reassured. - We're in the mountains, you heard? If you bring us, we will let you go, and we will also give you treatment. Maybe Zul will help you with an amulet. I don't know. Ask him yourself.

“Yeah, ask a Zul, girl,” the Amani chuckled from behind the kodoi’s tail, trying to fit the wheeled rubbish left over from the storm-wrecked wagon.

“Ay, Zebulak, by the way, he can treat you himself, I’m sure he has a very healing amulet,” the bokor grinned at Zebulak. He's still a good guy. But they will definitely cut each other's throats. Some day. - Is the horned one still sleeping or has she already died?

The orc sighed and chuckled.
- What let go - so I realized. I'll show you where I know the way. In vain I got involved in all this, - the orc made a wide gesture with her hand, implying either the Wasteland, or a caravan, or even a draenei. “Zul,” she turned respectfully to the troll, “if you really can treat unexpected ailments, I’ll get you skins.” And meat. I'll catch some creature, if necessary. Thank you.

Bokor nodded in understanding.
- We'll get to the fork, and then we'll deal with your crotch, - Otou turned around in the saddle. - Bald forest friend, are you going to mess around with this crap for a long time?

"Should I ship your property as well, you old palm crab?" - Zebulak did not remain in debt. - Pull it yourself. How are you - Dagmar, can you rule the code? Get in, whatever. The rest are on top.
- Mizar, are you ready to go? - called the elf Jantala.

- Only without this body on the hump. - the elf with a certain enthusiasm filled the hump of his kodoy with his own belongings. - And without it.
Apparently, it was a sleeping draenei.

Dagmara did not force herself to be invited a second time, climbed in, took the reins firmly, confidently. We went, they say, on kodoyah. And she scratched herself.

Bokor climbed out of his saddle and dropped to the dusty ground.
"Jah," he nodded at the draenei.
The trolls tossed the heavy, sleeping carcass into Zebulak's wagon and returned to their saddles, ready to ride.
