Pickled cabbage with beets "Pelyustka" of instant preparation. How to cook cabbage in large pieces with beets in jars

Sauerkraut with beets in large pieces in jars

Harvesting sauerkraut with beets, chopped into pieces in jars is very convenient, because. at the same time, it does not lose its appearance, remains juicy, crispy, and also changes color to bright burgundy. The seaming is also stored conveniently and for a long time, because a tightly closed lid prevents the development of bacteria in the jar and spoilage of the product.

All we need for cooking:

  • A head of cabbage, small in size, about two to three kilograms;
  • Large beets;
  • Big carrot;
  • Garlic, one large or two small heads;
  • Slightly more than half of granulated sugar;
  • Two tablespoons of common table salt
  • A few peas of black pepper;
  • Sunflower oil - depending on the number of jars, one tablespoon for each;
  • Several sheets of lavrushka;
  • Half a glass of vinegar;
  • One liter of drinking water.


  1. We start with cabbage. We thoroughly wash it and begin to clean it from the very top layer of leaves.
  2. Attention to housewives: I do not recommend using cabbage of early varieties for cooking. Onane will give a crunch when preserved and will be too loose and not juicy. In addition, later heads of cabbage will have more useful substances.
  3. We cut the head of cabbage into two equal parts, and then each of these parts into six to eight equal parts so that we get rectangles.
  4. We wash the red beets. The fruit also should not be very young, otherwise you risk spoiling the dish. We clean the beets and cut them in half, and each half into medium-sized slices.
  5. We wash and clean the carrots. There can be two options for slicing a vegetable: rub it on a coarse grater or, like beets, cut into slices. I usually use the second method, but it's up to you.
  6. Wash the garlic and cut it lengthwise into thin slices.
    Tip for you: I do not recommend using a garlic press in this recipe, because in this case the garlic does not convey its taste and aroma very well.
  7. Mix all the chopped vegetables in one large saucepan and mix thoroughly so that the mixture in the jars looks uniform. We put vegetables in jars.
  8. This step is about preparing the marinade. Add sugar, salt, pepper, lavrushka to the water, leave to cook for about five minutes. Add vinegar, and the marinade is ready. Pour the resulting liquid to the edges of the jar, close the lids, wrap in a blanket and let cool to room temperature.

For those who want to see with their own eyes how to cook this dish, I suggest watching the video:

If you wish, after two days you can already enjoy what a very tasty sauerkraut with beets you got. Bon appetit!

Georgian sauerkraut with beets

Ingredients to prepare:

  • Medium-sized cabbage weighing about 2.5-3 kilograms;
  • A large beet root weighing approximately 1-1.5 kilograms;
  • A few red peppers to spice up the dish;
  • Two small heads of garlic;
  • Two bunches of fresh celery;
  • Table salt - two to three tablespoons;
  • Drinking water - about two liters.

Let's start cooking:

  1. The peculiarity of this sourdough is that the marinade, when poured into jars, was not hot, but, on the contrary, cold. Therefore, the first cooking step is not about preparing vegetables, but about preparing the brine. We put a pot of water on the gas and begin to boil water. After bubbles appear in it, add two tablespoons of table salt, cook for literally one minute and turn it off. Let the salt water cool to room temperature.
  2. We turn to the preparation of vegetables. Thoroughly wash the cabbage forks and cut it into two equal parts. We cut each of the resulting halves into pieces, into three or four equal parts. Small pieces will help the cabbage absorb the beetroot juice well and color during pickling.
  3. Thoroughly wash and clean the beet fruit. Cut it into thin slices. This can be done with a grater, or you can do it by hand, whichever is more convenient for you. I use a grater, then the circles are thin and of equal size.
  4. Wash and clean the garlic and red pepper. You should be more careful with garlic, I do not recommend passing it through a garlic press, it is better to cut it into several pieces so that it better retains its taste and aroma. Cut the red pepper into rings.
  5. We take jars and start laying vegetables. First, beets, then cabbage, and so on in turn, adding also garlic, pepper rings and celery, previously mashed in hands, the topmost layer is again beetroot.
  6. Fill jars with brine to the very neck, add a little more salt to taste and close the lid.

In three to five days, the dish will be ready, and you will be able to please yourself and your loved ones!

Recipe for sauerkraut with beets, like my grandmother's - with vinegar

Recipes for sauerkraut with red beets with and without vinegar have the same number of fans, therefore, today I will tell you about both options, and you decide for yourself which one will become a permanent dish on the table.

  • We prepare the ingredients for the future sourdough. We will need:
    Forks of medium-sized cabbage, weighing up to two kilograms;
  • Two medium carrots;
  • Garlic - one medium head;
  • Beet root weighing up to about 1.5 kilograms;
  • Drinking water - liter;
  • Sugar sand - three-quarters of a glass;
  • Two tablespoons of table salt;
  • Lavrushka - two pieces;
  • Odorless sunflower oil - one glass;
  • A little hot pepper to taste;
  • Black peppercorns - a few pieces;
  • Six tablespoons of vinegar.

First, thoroughly wash the cabbage forks and cut it in half. We cut each of the halves into several more identical small parts.

Thoroughly wash and cut the beets. Cut it lengthwise into large, approximately the same size straws.

Wash and clean carrots. We cut it into large strips just like beets.

We take the washed and peeled head of garlic and cut it lengthwise either into strips or across into plates, as you like. The main thing is not to pass the garlic through the garlic press.

We are preparing the marinade. Add lavrushka, salt, granulated sugar, pepper, sunflower oil to the water and cook until the mixture boils. After that, turn off the gas under it and add vinegar.

Pour the resulting marinade into jars, cover them and leave to cool for a day. After 24 hours, you will be able to taste the resulting dish.

Option without vinegar

The second option for making sauerkraut with beets is without vinegar. This recipe is also very popular, but I will tell you how to cook it a little lower.

We prepare the following ingredients:

  • A small head of cabbage weighing up to two kilograms;
  • Two pieces of small beets;
  • Two pieces of medium-sized carrots;
  • Two pieces of garlic heads;
  • Sugar sand - a tablespoon without a slide;
  • Table salt - two tablespoons;
  • Four pieces of allspice;
  • Half from hot pepper;
  • Five leaves of lavrushka;
  • Two liters of drinking water.

My head of cabbage, remove the top layer of leaves, cut into two equal parts. We put each part on the side of the cut and cut into about 6-8 identical parts.

Beets and carrots for this recipe should be cut into small strips. We wash the fruits and either rub or cut the beets and carrots very finely.

We fill banks. First, put the garlic, which was previously chopped or crushed, then the beets, carrots, cabbage, spices in turn.

We put water on gas, add sugar, pepper and salt to it. Bring everything to a boil, turn it off and let it cool down a bit.

Now the brine can be added to jars, tightly closed with lids on top and let cool for a day. The next day, open the jars and press the contents with a spoon or fork to release the accumulated air. Again, clog the jars and leave for four days. Very soon sauerkraut with beets will be ready!

Armenian sauerkraut

Armenia shares another recipe for sauerkraut with beets. I will talk about the features of cooking in the next recipe.

Ingredients for the dish:

  • Two small or one medium fork, not exceeding a weight of 2.5 kilograms;
  • One small beet;
  • Garlic - one clove;
  • Two pieces of chili pepper;
  • Celery root;
  • Three liters of drinking water;
  • Half a teaspoon of cilantro;
  • Pepper - a dozen peas;
  • Lavrushka - two or three pieces;
  • Six tablespoons of table salt;
  • Half a cinnamon stick.


  1. I'm preparing the brine. We put the water on gas, immediately add all the spices to it, wait until the water reaches the boiling point. Turn off the gas and let cool.
  2. My heads of cabbage, clean them from the upper layers of leaves and cut into four equal parts. We wash and cut the carrots into circles.
  3. We wash the beets and clean them, cut into thin plates with a grater or by hand. Thoroughly wash the roots and cut.
  4. Alternately put cabbage, carrots, beets and spices in jars. Pour the mixture with marinade, cover with cabbage leaves and leave for several days under load.
  5. After a few days, we remove the jars to the cellar or other cold place.

Korean recipe for spicy cabbage with beets

Like most Korean dishes, this recipe has a spicy taste, so lovers of spicy preparations will especially like it.

For the recipe we need:

  • Medium-sized cabbage, up to 2 kilograms;
  • Small beets;
  • Lavrushki three or four pieces;
  • A few cloves of garlic;
  • Drinking water - one liter;
  • 3 tablespoons of table sugar;
  • 3 tablespoons table salt;
  • One second cup of table vinegar;
  • Peppercorns - a dozen pieces.

Cooking steps:

  1. Thoroughly wash the head of cabbage, cut it in half, and then each of the parts into six more parts.
  2. We also thoroughly wash and clean the beets, cut them into small strips or three on a coarse grater, as it suits you.
  3. Thoroughly wash and peel the garlic, cut into several slices, plates. Place all vegetables in a large bowl and mix.
  4. We are preparing the marinade. We put water on gas, after boiling, add sugar, salt, parsley and pepper. Cook for another ten minutes, clean the water from the leaves and pepper, then pour the vinegar.
  5. We put the mixture in jars, pour the marinade into them. Let the jars cool for 24 hours and then put them in the refrigerator.

Now you can try the resulting dish, bon appetit!


Now I will tell you about another option on how to ferment Gurian sauerkraut with beets. This is another Georgian recipe for a 3 liter jar, but with a slightly different taste.

Ingredients for cooking:

  • Head of cabbage - 2 pieces;
  • Two small pieces of beets;
  • Red pepper - 1 tablespoon;
  • Apple cider vinegar - 1 cup;
  • Table salt - 2 tablespoons;
  • Two small cloves of garlic;
  • Sand sugar - about 1 cup;
  • Table salt - two tablespoons;
  • A little over one second cup of unflavored sunflower oil;
  • A liter of clean, drinking water.

How we cook:

  1. We wash both cabbage forks and cut them into small pieces to make rectangles.
  2. We wash and clean the beets, wipe on a coarse grater or cut into plates by hand.
  3. We carefully wash off the dirt and peel the garlic, cut it into medium-sized slices.
  4. We are preparing the marinade, for this we put water, pour pepper into it, and spoons of salt and granulated sugar. After the mixture boils, pour in the vinegar.
  5. Layer vegetables in jars. Pour the resulting mixture into them, let them cool, then store them where you see fit, but be sure to keep them away from sunlight and heat.

Today I shared with you wonderful proven recipes for sauerkraut with beets, like my grandmother's - large pieces in jars, in Georgian, without vinegar and others. I hope you and your family enjoy the meals you prepare. I wish you good luck and inspiration!

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Classic delicious recipe

Let's start with a small portion and the easiest option.


  • Cabbage - 1 kg
  • Beets - 0.5 kg
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. spoons


We chop the cabbage. Three root crops on a grater. Mix slices and add salt. Press lightly with your hands to release the juices from the vegetables.

We put the mixture in a saucepan, on top of a plate and a load (a bottle of water). We are waiting for 3 days. Usually this time is enough for high-quality fermentation. We transfer the crispy and colorful result to the banks, tamping well. Store under a nylon lid in the cold.

This cabbage version is convenient both on its own and as a base for salads. A beauty in the usual shredder will make friends with an apple, and with a pear, and with an onion, and with greens. Experiment: you'll love it!

Recipe without vinegar chunks with a twist

Rich brine, juicy vegetable company with carrots and a spicy accent from Borodino bread. Proportions are also notable - for big family. They worked hard once, and a spectacularly crispy snack pleases loved ones and guests for a long time.

We need:

  • White cabbage - 5 kg
  • Beets - 2-3 pcs. (about 350 g)
  • Carrots - 2-3 pcs. (about 300 g)
  • Garlic - 1 head (the size of a chicken egg)
  • Hot pepper (chili) - about 1 pc. (average in 8-10 cm, adjustable to taste)
  • Bread Borodinsky - 100-120 g (optional)
  • 2 pieces of gauze (according to the diameter of the pickling dish)

For brine:

  • Drinking water - 2.5 l
  • Sugar - 125 g
  • Salt - 125 g
  • Allspice - 12-13 pcs.
  • Carnation - 3-4 pcs.
  • Bay leaf - 3-4 pcs.

Other spices - to taste, for example, black peppercorns and cumin or cumin, but little by little - about 1/4 teaspoon

Important details.

  • Do not forget to clarify which varieties are suitable for fermentation - at the end of the article.
  • If you want to make less, all the ingredients decrease proportionally.
  • Recall that this blank should be kept cool. It may be inconvenient for you to make it for the future in large quantities. Take a closer look at those that are suitable for storage in an apartment environment.
  • By the way, cabbage from a personal garden can be well preserved right in forks, hanging in bags in a cellar or in a dry, pest-free basement.

How to cook.

Let's make a pickle first. We need to pour all the ingredients into hot water and boil them for 2-3 minutes, stirring until sugar and salt are completely dissolved. Remove from heat and let cool. We will pour the vegetables with a cooled solution.

We clean the cabbage head from the upper leaves and wash it in running water. We cut into medium pieces - up to 5 cm. Peel and chop the beets and carrots on a large regular grater. A more sophisticated option is a thin straw on a Berner.

We clean the garlic into slices and cut into slices, or squeeze it a couple of times in a blender - until large pieces. With chili peppers we manage for love of spiciness. A smaller piece or a larger piece and no seeds if you are inclined towards delicate dishes for all tastes.

For fermentation, we will use a convenient large container. Suitable pans (stainless steel or enameled), or a bowl made of glass or inert plastic. Before using the dishes, wash them thoroughly without detergents - just with soda in warm water.

Alternating layers to the top, lay the prepared products in this order:

  • slices of bread: close the bottom with them and cover with gauze in 1 layer;
  • cabbage slices (you can slightly push in your hands for juice);
  • garlic slices and chili peppers;
  • straws from beets and carrots.

Pour in the cooled brine. Do not be afraid that the liquid seems to be small. It shouldn't cover the mixture. Already in the process of fermentation, vegetables will give up their juice.

The last important step is to put oppression on the cabbage. We use a plate with a diameter slightly smaller than the pan and a fairly heavy bottle of water - 4-5 liters. We keep the workpiece in the kitchen (warm) for a long time - 4-5 days, sometimes up to six. We pierce the vegetable thickness several times a day to maintain the correct fermentation process. If you think the brine is becoming viscous, don't worry. These are features in the middle of the process.

From the 3rd day, try and decide if it's time to put the vegetables in the cold. You will immediately understand that they are ready: the cabbage taste will be classic sauerkraut.

Don't forget to transfer ready-made cabbage with beets in clean containers with a tight-fitting lid and already without bread, which we laid on the bottom. Ideally, although not necessarily, it is worth holding this charm in the cold for another 7 days - until the most saturated result.

Not only is it very tasty without a bit of vinegar, but this beauty is also useful to the highest standard. Little trouble with her. Well, patience, which is worth stocking up, is a feature of any natural fermentation.

By the way, here is our favorite winter salad: add finely chopped onion and hard apple straws. Olive oil for dressing, and for a bite - fresh Borodino bread, rubbed with garlic. Yum yum, worth a try!

A simple recipe in pieces in jars without frills

Very tasty and even without the bells and whistles, which many consider Borodino bread to be.

Don't want to experiment? No problem: only vegetables, medium volumes and familiar three-liter bottles. We vary the cutting of beets and carrots according to the mood, for example, we will make thin plates.

For a 3 liter jar we need:

  • Cabbage - 2 kg
  • Beets - 2 pcs. medium
  • Carrots - 2 pcs. medium
  • Garlic - 4 cloves
  • Chili pepper - ¼ pod
  • Water - 1.5 l
  • Salt - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Spices - optional (for example, from the list above)

We do elementary.

We fall asleep vegetables in a jar, alternating layers, and pour the cooled brine. We put the jar in a bowl and wait. .

The workpiece reaches readiness in the heat in 3-5 days.

Be sure to pierce a couple of times during the day, try for salt at the beginning of fermentation and we evaluate from third day, how the process is going. It depends on the current conditions in the room: it is important not to miss the moment when it is time to rearrange the snack in the cold.

Georgian sauerkraut

However, culinary specialists who have lived in Georgia for a long time insist that the name is inaccurate. That's right - "in Gurian". Allegedly, it is in Guria - a separate region sunny country- came up with this fragrant and healthy way without vinegar, how to cook sauerkraut in large pieces in a 3 liter jar.

We need:

  • Cabbage - 2 heads (medium)
  • Beets - 4 pcs. (medium)
  • Garlic - 2 heads (each the size of 1 chicken egg)
  • Hot red pepper - 1 pod (medium - 8-10 cm)
  • Salt - up to 1 teaspoon (for water when blanching)

Pickle, incl. herbs and spices:

  • Water - 2 l
  • Salt - 2.5 tbsp. spoons (heaped)
  • Celery (greens, i.e. leaves and stems) - 1 bunch (100-120 g)
  • Black pepper (peas) - 1 pinch
  • Allspice (peas) - 1 pinch
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.

Cooking is in the video below. Listen carefully to an experienced hostess. For a very tasty result, you need to follow these steps.

We cut the cabbage into equal eighths, keeping part of the stalk in each. Blanch these large slices in salted boiling water - 3 minutes. The proportion of salt without fanaticism: to taste, like a soup.

We cut the beets into thin circles, clean the pepper from seeds, clean the garlic and disassemble it into slices.

Stir the brine with all the additives and bring to a boil. It is not necessary to wait for cooling and filtering. Everything will work!

We put the ingredients in a jar in layers - denser. Pour in hot brine and top layer we lay the greens from the brine. Cover with a lid and let it brew in a warm place. Sauerkraut with beets for the winter in Georgian will be ready in 2-4 days.

In video step by step cooking will start from 00:50. Useful viewing!

How to choose cabbage and other ingredients

Which cabbage is best for sauerkraut and pickling?

You can easily find the best varieties for blanks, you can navigate by appearance. Look for large heads, each from 2.5 kg in weight. In this case, the forks should be as if flattened from below and from above. The color of the leaves is very light, slightly greenish or white.

Such cabbage is perfectly fermented and marinated without loss of crunch even in a thin shredder, especially in rolled pieces. But young, very old and round-headed cabbage is not at all what suits us.

How to choose beets with rich color and taste?

Sweet and colorful varieties are characterized by smooth and dark skin. If we cut the root crop, we will not see either white rings or coarse inclusions, but droplets of juice will be clearly visible.

In general, if you are not too lazy to remember, you can also choose by the names of table varieties. Here are a few: Marusya, Kestrel, Bohemia, Bon-bon, Furor, Detroit and others.

What kind of salt to use for homemade preparations for the winter?

An ideal component in any conservation is domestically produced salt, coarse grinding, without iodine and E-nis. Chinese, even large ones, say no forever.

What can you say about beautiful pickles: do you support our love for ruby ​​color? Will you make sauerkraut with beets for the winter? And according to what recipe: in jars or in a saucepan?

We would love to hear your feedback on tasty preparation. Other proven options with vegetables are waiting for you in the section "Easy Recipes" - "Homemade". See you and bon appetit!

P.S. For those who are looking for delicious fast food

It is difficult to resist not to show pickled cabbage with beets fast food. With such a blank, we began our acquaintance with a bright couple. Just a day and you can enjoy a crispy salad! The recipe is often called "Pelyustka". This is curtsy Ukrainian language and comparison with rose petals.

Cabbage with beets for the winter is one of the most popular options for vegetable rolling. Such vegetables are inexpensive, but at the same time they contain many useful substances and vitamins. These qualities are especially useful during cold weather. At the same time, cabbage with beets is also a very tasty snack that will appeal to all households, both in its pure form and together with additional ingredients as a salad.

For preservation for the winter, white cabbage is most often used, but if desired, you can also take cauliflower or red cabbage. Beets are added to it not only because of the taste, but also for the sake of rich color. Together, these vegetables turn into a bright pink dish that is not ashamed to offer guests. Experienced housewives usually stock up on such a delicacy for the future, since it is used both for festive feasts and for home use.

Preparing cabbage with beets for the winter is quite simple. The most difficult step in cooking is cutting vegetables. And then difficulties arise only with global seaming, and for several jars the process will not take much time. After chopping, cabbage and beets are laid out in clean containers and poured with marinade. It uses water, vinegar, vegetable oil, salt and sugar. You can also add black and allspice, fresh or ground chili, bay leaves, roots, horseradish, garlic, etc.

All you need to decide before you cook cabbage with beets is a way to chop vegetables. They can be marinated in straws, squares, or even very large pieces.

Cauliflower inflorescences with beets will really become colored. More precisely, they will acquire a pleasant pinkish tint. In this case, the cabbage will be crispy and juicy. The amount of ingredients is calculated per liter jar. By and large, just pour boiling water over the cabbage and add spices to get a tasty and bright appetizer.


  • 1 fork of cauliflower;
  • 1 beet;
  • 1 st. l. salt;
  • 1 st. l. Sahara;
  • ½ tsp coriander;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vinegar;
  • 1 bay leaf.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the cabbage thoroughly and disassemble it into inflorescences, pour boiling water over it.
  2. Quickly dip the cabbage into ice water, then leave to drain.
  3. Peel the beets, grate on a coarse grater or cut into strips.
  4. Lay the beets and cabbage in layers in a clean jar, add a bay leaf in the middle.
  5. Sprinkle coriander, salt and sugar on top of vegetables.
  6. Pour everything with vinegar and boiling water (up to the top of the jar).
  7. Cover the jars with a lid and sterilize in boiling water for 5 minutes.
  8. Roll up the jars and turn them upside down, leave to cool at room temperature.

Interesting from the network

Korean cabbage is an easy recipe delicious dish, which can be expensive in "Korean" shops, but at home it will not require any extra finances or time costs. It is enough to cook this appetizer once on your own, so that you will never again buy in the markets or in supermarkets. All the ingredients are sure to be found in the refrigerator, especially if you are thinking about winter stocks during the season of vegetables.


  • 500 g cabbage;
  • 500 g of beets;
  • 200 g of onion;
  • 200 g of sugar;
  • 900 ml of vinegar;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 120 g salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the beets, peel and cut into strips.
  2. Cut the onion into rings, cabbage into squares.
  3. Boil water in a saucepan, dissolve sugar and salt in it.
  4. Pour vinegar into the same pan, mix well.
  5. Place all prepared vegetables in the marinade and cook for 10 minutes.
  6. Transfer the salad to clean jars, pour the marinade to the top.
  7. Sterilize jars for 15 minutes, then roll up and leave to cool.
  8. After cooling, rearrange the preservation in a cool place.

Beets, carrots and cabbage are a wonderful composition for a winter vegetable salad. Not only are all these vegetables quite inexpensive, they also have a rich composition of vitamins. All while cooking beneficial features ingredients will be preserved, so you can safely use the salad as a means to prevent seasonal diseases. If desired, you can add a little more garlic to the appetizer if you like spicy dishes.


  • 1.5 kg of cabbage;
  • 300 g of beets;
  • 300 g carrots;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 1 ½ st. l. salt;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • Bay leaf;
  • Black peppercorns.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the cabbage into roughly equal pieces of 5-8 cm.
  2. Grate peeled carrots and beets (it is best to use a Korean grater).
  3. Chop the garlic and put it on the bottom of a three-liter jar, then add cabbage and beets with carrots in layers.
  4. Boil salt, sugar, bay leaf and peppercorns in water.
  5. Cool the brine a little and pour vegetables over it, cover the jars with lids (do not roll up).
  6. Keep the cabbage at room temperature for 2 days, then store in the refrigerator.

Cabbage with beets in Gurian style is a very spicy and spicy dish that not everyone will like. Nevertheless, if there are sincere admirers of such snacks in your family, they will simply be delighted with such a variety in the diet. The salad will turn out to be very satisfying and nutritious, it will look great as a side dish for meat or fish dishes, and in a vegetarian menu it can become a full-fledged light dinner itself. It is better to take apple cider vinegar for this recipe, although regular table vinegar will do.


  • 2 kg of cabbage;
  • 2 heads of garlic;
  • 2 beets;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1 glass of vinegar;
  • ½ cup vegetable oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 2 red hot peppers.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the beets, remove the top leaves from the cabbage.
  2. Cut vegetables into large pieces.
  3. Peel the garlic and cut it into thick slices.
  4. Put cabbage and beets in jars in layers, adding a little garlic to each layer.
  5. Put a pod of red hot pepper in the middle of the jar.
  6. Boil water, pour vinegar and vegetable oil into it, add sugar and salt.
  7. Boil the marinade again and pour it into jars to the very top.
  8. Roll up jars with lids, keep at room temperature for 2 days, then transfer to a cooler place.

Now you know how to cook cabbage with beets for the winter according to the recipe with a photo. Bon appetit!

Cabbage with beets for the winter is a tasty, bright and healthy delicacy that can be stored in jars for a long time and does not require any culinary delights. It will decorate any meal and help to cope with vitamin deficiency in the cold season. It is enough to figure out once how to cook cabbage with beets for the winter in order to delight your loved ones with delicious canned vegetables every year:
  • If you decide to cook cauliflower with beets, then, before pickling, pour boiling water over the inflorescences, and then dip them in ice water for a couple of seconds. This will allow them to keep their shape better and become more crispy;
  • Do not rush to hide jars of cabbage in a cool place - they should cool slowly. So it's better to leave them in the kitchen and even wrap them in a warm cloth;
  • The jars are usually cooled down with lids. That way they won't explode. At the same time, before salting the cabbage, be sure to sterilize both the container itself and the lids;
  • If you stack the salad in jars in layers, then there should be beets on top and bottom. So the cabbage will be evenly colored in pink color;
  • Cabbage preparations with beet winter can be used to prepare vegetable salads. The vinaigrette is especially tasty.

I already have a lot on the blog different ways cooking cabbage, but this attitude is special. Cabbage with beets in jars, cut into large pieces, is a real delicacy in winter. The recipe has two benefits:

  1. Firstly, such cabbage is always juicy and crispy.
  2. Secondly, it is very convenient when it is salted in jars, you can simply store it in the refrigerator.

In addition, I will share a few more recipes for canning cabbage with beets for the winter. such an appetizer is always highly valued for its fresh taste and valuable vitamins, which we lack so much in the winter months.

How to roll cabbage with beets in large pieces

For canning with vegetables, always take late varieties, not only cabbage, but also root crops. They are usually juicier and more vitamins accumulate in them.

For pickled cabbage recipes, it is not necessary to add vinegar, although it always acts as the main preservative. In some cases I completely replace it with citric acid. It is added immediately to jars, at the rate of a teaspoon per three-liter jar. You can even squeeze fresh lemon juice, it will also help preserve the taste of cabbage canned for the winter.

It is convenient to roll up cabbage in pieces, it does not become lethargic over time, remains crisp and turns beautiful purple due to beets. Closed with metal lids, it can stand in an apartment for a long time at normal, room temperature. Agree that you can’t put a barrel of cabbage like that.

How to cook cabbage with beets in large pieces

We will need to take the following products:

  • Medium elastic forks of cabbage for two kilos
  • Large red beet root
  • large carrot
  • Big head of garlic

To prepare the marinade:

  • Liter of settled water
  • 150 grams of sugar sand
  • Two tablespoons without a hill of ordinary salt without additives
  • A dozen black peas with allspice
  • Refined sunflower oil, for each jar, a tablespoon
  • Three leaves of lavrushka
  • 150 grams of table vinegar at 9%

How do we preserve:

We free the cabbage from the upper leaves, take the heads of winter varieties, the early one will not crunch, and it is too loose. We cut the forks in half and cut each of the halves into eight parts. Such are the squares-pilyuski.

Root vegetables for this recipe, I do not chop too finely. I usually cut beets with carrots into medium-sized slices or rub on a vegetable cutter, small neat sticks are obtained. Garlic only with plastics, it will be felt weakly through the crush.

All chopped vegetables are best mixed immediately in a large wide bowl, for example, a basin. So our winter preparation will look very elegant in jars, and on the table too.

Some people think that for this type of salting it is not necessary to sterilize the jars, but I still scroll them for a couple of minutes in the microwave, just pour boiling water over the lids. I put vegetables in prepared jars, do not tamp, just press a little.

We prepare the marinade from water and spices, it needs to be boiled a little to become transparent, five minutes is enough. At the very end, pour vinegar into it and immediately pour the cabbage, close the lids and let cool. After two days, you can already eat cabbage.

Cabbage with beets canned for the winter

For this recipe we will prepare:

  • One and a half kilo cabbage forks
  • Medium dark red beets
  • medium sized carrots
  • Large head of garlic

To prepare the marinade:

  • Liter of filtered water
  • A teaspoon with a slide of table salt
  • Three tablespoons with a little sugar
  • One third of a glass of vinegar at 9%
  • Three carnations in buds
  • Two leaves of lavrushka
  • On the tip of a spoonful of cumin
  • Half a glass of unscented sunflower oil

How to pickle cabbage with beets in jars:

According to this recipe, cabbage turns out to be rich in color and taste, a little spicy, great for meat dishes. Here I do not make large pieces, but shredded cabbage as for sauerkraut. Carrots with beets, respectively, are grated, you can use a Korean or food processor. I cut the garlic along the cloves into strips.

Mix all vegetables thoroughly and evenly. Then we pack them in jars, or you can leave them to marinate in a bowl first, and then put them under the lids, as it suits you.

We prepare the marinade in the same way, immediately add vegetable oil to it, at the end of the vinegar and pour boiling into the cabbage. Let's cool down. This cabbage will be ready completely in five days. She should just stand at home for a day, and then she needs to be hidden in the cool.

How to spin cabbage in beetroots for the winter

We should take the following ingredients:

  • Four medium cabbages
  • Three medium-sized beets (beets)
  • Two heads of garlic

For the marinade:

  • Four liters of filtered water
  • Three laurel leaves
  • Six peas of allspice
  • A glass of table salt and granulated sugar

How will we roll cabbage:

As you may have guessed by the name, a dish from Ukrainian cuisine. This is the easiest and most popular recipe. you will surely meet such cabbage in any cellar of Ukrainians.

The first step is to cook the marinade. We pour sugar and salt into the water, stir and let it boil, then we throw pepper with parsley and boil for about three minutes. Set aside, let it cool down.

We choose cabbage more densely, for such purposes I always plant the winter variety Kolobok, cabbages are small and tight. We need to remove the top leaves and cut out the stalk so that the forks do not fall apart. Then we cut it into 10-12 pieces.

Garlic must be cut into circles for each clove and then these circles are inserted between the cabbage leaves. Cut the beets into "heels" half a centimeter thick.

Banks can simply be washed and dried, sterilization will be at the end. We impose cubes of cabbage with beetroot in layers, On top we make a layer of beets. Pour over the cooled marinade and simply cover with lids. We put the jars in a large container with hot water so that the level reaches the shoulders. We sterilize for fifteen to twenty minutes and only then roll up. Store preferably in the cellar.

Cabbage with beets marinated spicy slices for the winter

For cooking we will need:

  • Large red beet root
  • head of garlic

To prepare the marinade:

  • Liter of purified water
  • Two heaped tablespoons of table salt
  • Two heaping tablespoons of sugar
  • Half a glass of apple cider vinegar
  • Six peas of allspice
  • chili pod
  • Five leaves of laurel

How to preserve cabbage with beets for the winter in jars:

We cut the head of cabbage into square parts, about two by two cm. Cut the beets into thin slices, and the garlic into strips. Mix cabbage pieces with garlic and chopped pepper in a wide bowl.

We will prepare the jars in advance, they should have time to dry, they can be sterilized in the oven. We put the beets in the bottom layer, then we put the cabbage cubes, on the sides of the jar we also put a few slices of the root crop and there will be a layer of beets on top. Spicy cabbage with beets for the winter is ready.

Cook the marinade for three minutes, after turning off, pour the vinegar and immediately pour it into the cabbage. Banks are rolled up with tin lids.

Canned cabbage with beets and garlic for the winter

We will need for the recipe:

  • Medium forks of cabbage for two kilos
  • Two small dark red beets
  • Big head of garlic
  • Two not very large carrots
  • Chili pepper pod
  • A glass of clarified sunflower oil
  • One and a half tablespoons of table salt
  • Two heaping tablespoons of granulated sugar
  • A third cup of apple cider vinegar
  • Two laurels
  • Liter of water

How will we cook:

In this recipe, we cut all the vegetables into strips, preferably of the same size, it will both taste better and look better. We free the hot pepper from the seeds and cut into half rings.

Let's prepare enameled tall dishes and in layers, starting with cabbage, lay all the vegetables. Boil the marinade with spices, pour vinegar into it and pour our sliced ​​\u200b\u200bso that nothing remains on the surface. For a couple of days we will put it under oppression in the cold. Then we pack it in sterile jars and lower it into the cellar.

How to cook daily cabbage with beets

For cooking we need:

  • Medium sized cabbage
  • Small beets
  • small carrot
  • Clove of garlic
  • One and a half tablespoons of salt

For the marinade:

  • One and a half liters of water
  • Two tablespoons of regular salt
  • Lavrushka leaf
  • Five black peppercorns

How to roll up quick cabbage with beets under the covers:

Instant cabbage is especially crispy, but it will need to be stored in a cool place.

We cut the head of cabbage into pellets. Root crops can be quickly chopped into straws using a combine, you can use a Korean grater. Cut the garlic into thin slices.

We sterilize the jars, make the first layer of garlic, then cabbage cubes, followed by beets with carrots, and so on to the top.

Boil the marinade with all the spices and cool it a little so that it is hot, but does not burn. Pour into a jar and leave to stand warm for a day. Then, if desired, you can close under metal lids or eat immediately.

How to roll cabbage with beets without vinegar for the winter

For the execution of such a recipe, we will need the following products:

  • A couple of medium cabbage forks
  • Two medium-sized burgundy beet roots
  • Big head of garlic
  • Horseradish root 5-7 cm long

To prepare the brine:

  • Two liters of purified water
  • Half a glass of regular salt and sugar
  • Three laurels
  • Two buds of cloves
  • Ten peppercorns

How to pickle cabbage with beets in glass:

Cabbage cut into cubes, beets and horseradish three on a grater, garlic can be crushed. Mix everything evenly in a bowl. We cook the marinade earlier so that it has time to cool. Pour the cut and leave in a cool place under oppression for two days. After we pack in jars under nylon lids.
