Draw a rose with a pencil. How to draw a rose with a pencil easily

Rose. How beautiful this flower is, personifying love and devotion! Flower symbolism roses go into the depths of history. After all, even in ancient times, people made different ones and gave them to each other as a sign of love and respect. So one donated rose was equal to a heartfelt recognition. While twelve roses, according to biblical traditions, symbolized strong for life.

This tendency to express feelings and emotions with the help of flower arrangements has survived to this day: in Paris and Rome, in Moscow and Amsterdam, instead of a thousand words, people give each other these insanely beautiful flowers.

There are many varieties of roses, and all of them, without exception, our children like. Not imbued with symbolic meaning, kids draw roses on postcards, older crumbs make crafts and applications. And all because even the smallest artists are convinced that a flower of such unearthly beauty simply cannot but please mom, grandmother or beloved teacher. Of course, the first children's masterpieces are touching with their simplicity and spontaneity, but it is in our power to help the child improve his skills and teach him how to draw roses correctly and beautifully.

Actually, this is what we will do. So, we present to your attention a master class on how to draw a rose beautifully in stages.

Option 1

To begin with, let's look at how to easily and correctly draw like this beautiful rose pencil step by step.

First of all, let's prepare everything you need: Blank sheet paper, eraser, simple pencil.

So we figured out how to draw a rose in stages with a pencil, it remains to decorate it with paints or colored pencils.

Option 2

Painted flowers may lose in beauty to real ones, but not if they are drawn by children's pens. Such gifts are priceless, and can never be compared even with the most luxurious bouquet. So let's show the child how to draw such a beautiful rose with a pencil.

Let's get everything ready and let's get started.

Here, in fact, the sketch of our rose is ready, it remains only to decorate. As you can see, it turned out to be quite easy. And if you practice a little, you can easily and without any problems draw the same graceful rose step by step, both with a pencil and with paints.

Good day, dear friends!

Our today's lesson is dedicated to the most beautiful, exquisite and popular flowers all over the world - roses. It seems to many that it is very difficult to depict these flowers. Indeed, it is not easy, but it is only at first glance. If you know and apply some little secrets and practice a little, then the cherished buds will turn out better and better for you. Let's try to draw a rose together.


  • graphite pencils of different hardness
  • eraser
  • sketch paper.

If you want to add expressiveness, you can use colored pencils, watercolor or pastels. To obtain good result you need to be attentive and observant.

How to draw a rose step by step

There are a huge number of varieties of these beautiful flowers, they differ in shape, size, splendor, leaf shape, and color. There are ten basic forms of flowers; inflorescences of bush varieties range from a few pieces to 200 buds. The smallest sizes are less than two centimeters, and the largest ones are about 20 cm in diameter.

How to draw glass: how to make a glass vase

In order to correctly represent this complex flower living nature will be very helpful. If you do not have these fragrant plants in your home or garden, look for high-quality photos on the Internet and take a good look at them.

To get started, you can use the sketch below:

In this tutorial we will create sketches with different colors from different angles. We look at two flowers (left and center) from the side from a different angle, they are of different varieties, one is fading, and the other has just blossomed. We look at the third flower from above.

Layout and shape

At first, we draw very lightly, barely touching the sheet of paper with a pencil.

First stage

  • The first thing to do is enclose our flowers in some suitable simple forms: circles, ovals, elongated rounded shapes.
  • At this stage, it is necessary to stems, define flower center. In the illustration below, the midpoints are outlined very roughly, but in fact it needs to be done with barely noticeable strokes.

How to draw a hare

It is important to have a good idea where the center of the flower is, since the petals will diverge and open evenly from it in all directions.

We outline the petals

The most difficult thing in the image of these flowers is to correctly outline the petals. This is where the main mistakes and difficulties arise.

The petals should fit into the previously outlined shapes, and you also need to consider where the center of the flower is. To begin with, you can show the petals with angular straight lines. At this stage, it is important to set the direction, the placement of the petals and show the fullness of the bud.

In the illustration, the markings for the petals are shown with very clear lines, but you need to work very lightly at this stage, so that later it will be easy to make changes and add details.

Now, let's make these straight lines more elegant, bend a little, add bumps, refine them a little and detail them.

We draw a parrot

Placement and shape of the petals

To more easily and correctly show the petals of the first two flowers, you need to use straight lines, not rounded ones, forget about roundings and smooth turns. These flowers are painted and painted in oils, acrylics, following straight lines, angular and square shapes.

Draw a rose with sharp shapes that clearly stand out at the corners: sharp, straight, obtuse…

In the illustration above orange emphasized angularity. For most views and angles, "angularity" helps and works great. For the last flower, this rule was not used, although it is possible to outline a little with lines, with wide obtuse angles. Although, in this perspective, it is easier to immediately outline the rounded petals, which diverge evenly from the center.

In fact petals not at all square, they are quite elastic, fastened close to each other forming a dense, stuffed bud. Most often, the petals are bent down, thus forming corners. This is shown in the illustration below.

Draw a human nose

Petal placement. Also pay attention to how and in what order the petals are placed. A lush beautiful bud is formed from many rows of petals, their number is completely different, from 5 to 128 pieces. It is important to catch the rhythm, the sequence of placing the petals at the joints between the petals.

One petal of the top row overlaps two leaves of the bottom row. It is pointless to calculate this, since there are a lot of rows of petals. Just make sure that the joints of the petals do not match (n and the illustrations above, in orange, indicate how the petals touch each other; green - schematically shows the incorrect arrangement of the petals).

stems and leaves

Showing the stems and green leaves correctly is also very important. The stems are straight and even, hard and woody with large thorns. In climbing bushes, thin, winding and plastic, dotted with small thorns.

The picture below shows the stages of drawing leaves, their shape and arrangement are clearly visible here.

How to draw a red tulip

Practice drawing the leaves according to this scheme, so that later they can easily and naturally turn out in more complex compositions.


When painting a bouquet or bush, it would be appropriate to add a few unopened buds: they are beautiful, graceful and will make your work more interesting. This is not difficult, but it is important to correctly show the green leaves that “hug” the hidden bud.

Stages of drawing a bud

Volume and color

To show the depth and volume inside the bud with a pencil, it is enough to emphasize the curves and shadows between the petals with strokes.

This illustration shows how a stroke can add volume to a drawing. Each button is worked out to a different degree. Sometimes a few strokes are enough to emphasize depth and volume. Inside the bud, the color of the petals is more saturated, dark.

If you add a little brightness to the sketch with felt-tip pens, watercolors, or pencils, we get a good result.

The most famous and sought after flower, at all times, is the rose. Not surprisingly, there is often interest in how to draw a rose. After all, it is given for various holidays, depicted in illustrations on greeting cards etc. This can be easily explained, because despite the sharp thorns, the rose has an incredibly pleasant smell and exquisite look. There are a large number of types and forms of petals of this flower, but today in my step by step lesson, we will learn how to draw a standard rose. No matter what the drawing will be depicted with a simple pencil, the sight of a beautiful flower does not lose its power.

Tools and materials:

  1. White sheet of paper.
  2. Simple pencil.
  3. Eraser.

Stages of work:

Photo 1. First of all, we create a shape for the future flower, namely, draw a circle:

Photo 2. Draw another shape in the middle of the circle. In its shape, it will resemble a grain:

Photo 3. We begin to draw the middle of the rose. In the center, the petals are very close to each other, so let's outline their peeking tips:

Photo 4. Add a petal on the right. Its upper part will be with a sharp end. Do not forget this considering all the petals. Note that the growth of the petal starts from the central rounded shape:

Photo 5. On the left, draw another petal, and also outline a shadow on it. It is located at the base:

Photo 6. Now let's draw a petal from above. It is located between two petals and will resemble a slightly square shape:

Photo 7. We continue to add the petals of our rose. This time we will draw small curved petals on the left and bottom:

Photo 8. The outer petals will be the largest of the entire flower. We make the ends sharp, and the shape is a little square:

Photo 9. We complete the construction of the rose. It is not scary if the ends of the petals slightly extend beyond the previously outlined circle. After all, this flower has no strictly defined boundaries:

Photo 10. Erase all unnecessary lines with an eraser:

Photo 11. We begin to impose a shadow on the middle of the rose. We make strokes from the place of growth of the petal to the top:

Photo 12. Let's draw the edges of the petals and the middle, outline their clear shape:

Photo 13. From the middle we continue to lay a shadow on the nearby petals. The place where the petals grow will always be darker than the edges:

Photo 14. We will draw a shadow at the place where the petals grow, and also add a little along the edge. This technique allows you to make the drawing more voluminous:

Photo 15. We continue to add shadow to the rest of the petals, mainly on the right side of the rose:

Photo 16. We finish working out the shadow on the flower. We make the left part of the petals darker than the rest, because the light falls more on the right:

  • From this article you will learn how to draw one of the most beautiful flowers in the world - a rose. For many people, the holiday is associated, if not with roses, then with a lot of flowers, bouquets and small flower arrangements.
  • A beautiful drawing of a rose will cheer you up, which can be done both with a simple pencil and with paints. The signed drawing will convey the atmosphere of the holiday to the hero of the occasion for a very long time.
  • Even a novice artist can depict one rose or a whole bouquet on a sheet of paper if he follows our step by step guides. With the help of a simple pencil and a few felt-tip pens, you can not only convey the basic shapes of a flower, but also draw the petals, transfer their beautiful curves to paper.

How beautiful it is to draw a rosebud in stages with a pencil: diagram

If you decide to depict an opened rosebud, then you will need to draw each petal. We draw without pressing hard on a simple pencil, so that later it would be easy to remove the extra lines. Just add lines at every step, referring to the original picture.


  • Start drawing from the top of the bud. The main thing here is to adhere to the shape of a spiral, which resembles an incompletely opened bud.
  • After that, stepping back a little, begin to draw a petal: the largest and deployed is larger than the others in size, and then the others are smaller.
  • When the rose takes on recognizable contours, start adding volume. Stepping back from the top of the bud, draw its lower part. If you stretch out long lines, then the flower will look unopened.
  • We draw the petals on the sides of the flower. If you decide to depict a lush flower, then add more petals.

How to draw a rose in stages with a pencil: diagram

  • Despite the fact that a rose is a difficult flower to draw, artists often depict it on their canvases. If you are just starting to comprehend the basics of drawing, then it is better to opt for simpler colors.

For those who nevertheless decided to depict a rose without having great experience in drawing, masters reveal their secrets in master classes. Here are some of them:

  • You can draw a rose without experience in drawing flowers. The main factors of creation beautiful drawing are the presence of desire and the absence of haste.
  • Diligence helps to reveal the artistic talents of even those who can hardly get the simplest drawing.
  • To get started, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with a few basic drawing lessons. Now there are many sites where such information is available and informative.

Roses go well with other flowers.

  • Watch the lessons, which describe in detail the techniques of applying pencil strokes, how to do shading correctly, and which paper is better to take for drawing with a simple pencil, and which one is better for drawing with watercolors.
  • It is also worth picking up pencils of the appropriate degree of hardness. However, do not overload yourself with unnecessary information. One or two lessons will be enough to depict a flower no worse than an experienced artist.
  • Try to draw simple 3D objects. This will help you understand how to arrange objects on paper.

  • Be careful and do not rush, because extra lines will not decorate your drawing, but can only lead to irreparable mistakes. Yes, if you draw with a simple pencil, then all additional lines can be erased (drawn without strong pressure), but real artists avoid drawing unnecessary contours.
  • Try to study the selected object before starting drawing so that the picture is in the smallest details could be reflected in your imagination.
  • First, draw a flower with an unopened bud. Its contours will be much easier to depict for a novice artist. Then follow the step-by-step explanations, drawing new lines to the original contours.
  • Regular classes will help you transfer even complex shapes and pictures to paper.

Step 1: Outline the Rose Bud and Stem

  • We carry out conditionally horizontal line that divides the sheet into two halves. In the upper half of the sheet, we begin to draw a circle. We do not need a perfect circle, the main thing is to guess with the size of the initial contour.
  • After all, inside the circle we will place a bud. We draw all auxiliary lines without pressing hard on the pencil.
  • When the drawing is ready, we will get rid of them with the help of an eraser. We draw two parallel curved lines under the circle. This will be the stem.

Step 2: Draw the Petals

  • In the center of the circle, draw the unopened part of the bud. After that, we conditionally divide the bud into two halves (in our example, this auxiliary line is blue).
  • Now it will be easier to navigate: we have the right and left parts of the bud, on which we need to draw the petals.

Draw petals

Step 3: Draw the Leaves and Add the Bud Details

  • Let's focus on the petals.
  • No need to copy them exactly: just give them natural curves.

Adding Leaves

Step 4: Draw the Petals

  • At this stage, you need to depict the leaves on the stem. Here you can also turn on your imagination and draw a few branches with leaves so that the picture looks advantageous and the flower does not seem lonely on a piece of paper.
  • When drawing branches with leaves, try to give them more realistic sizes and shapes. Too large leaves will immediately spoil the overall impression of the picture. Let's draw the veins on the leaves.
  • Let's draw the petals in more detail. Additional lines can be removed now, or you can do it at the final stage. You just need to keep in mind that the beauty of a rose lies in the correct image of the petals.
  • We begin to draw lines under the upper, previously drawn contour of the petal, connecting the edges. Each petal will be depicted with two lines, so we can create the impression of petals slightly bent at the edges. Two lines of petals will also help in the future to properly position the shadows on the bud.

Draw shadows

Step 5: Draw the Shadows

  • The rose is almost ready. We just need to give it volume with the help of shadows. In order to depict a falling shadow, imagine which side of the rose is under the light source.
  • We fill the recesses between the petals with darker shadows, trying to press the pencil a little harder. At the junction of the petals, we also draw dark areas.
  • After all the shadows are applied to the flower, rub the shaded areas a little with a fingertip. Such a simple technique allows you to smooth out sharp lines, which will make the drawing more gentle.

Step 6: Finishing

  • You can make this stage final and remove all auxiliary lines with an eraser. The rose will look more realistic if the tinting with a simple pencil is replaced with colored pencils or paints.
  • You can decorate rose leaves in green, and the bud is a bright red or any other suitable shade. When drawing a rose with paints or colored pencils, do not forget to also draw shadows with deeper shades. Otherwise, the flower will look "flat", two-dimensional.

Coloring the rose

A simple scheme for drawing a rose

Video: Drawing lessons. How to draw a ROSE

How to draw a rose step by step with a pencil in the cells?

  • Draw by cells like both children and adults.
  • If it is necessary to make preliminary markings on the landscape sheet so that the picture fits into the conditional boundaries, then when drawing by cells, it is only necessary to take into account the scale of the intended drawing and strictly adhere to the scheme.

  • If you can't draw at all, then transfer schematic drawings in a box on paper is not difficult. The main thing is attentiveness and some free time!

Rose pattern by cells

  • And with a set necessary materials with this method of drawing it is quite simple: pictures can be created with felt-tip pens, colored pencils, markers, black and white using one simple pencil or even a regular ballpoint pen.
  • One necessary condition: the presence of a notebook in the box.
    You can transfer ready-made simple circuits drawings, or invent your own, based on your favorite photo or picture. You won't need any knowledge of various complex drawing methods.

  • Why do we propose to draw exactly roses? Yes, because these flowers perfectly cope with the task of decorating any diary, notebook.
  • When drawing by cells, you need to start with the light schemes themselves, which provide a small number of cells to fill in with colored pencils.

  • After simple pictures will begin to turn out without much effort, you can start drawing complex schemes that involve several colors.

Video: Cell Drawings

How to draw a bouquet of roses in a vase with a pencil and paints?

Having practiced drawing rosebuds, opened to varying degrees, you can proceed to more complex pattern- an image of a bouquet of roses in a vase.

Step 1: prepare a draft and try to transfer the sketch of the drawing to it. This will help you figure out the size of the future image. We will also be able to outline in which part of the sheet it is necessary to start drawing the initial lines.

Please note that the flowers in the vase are not arranged evenly, but slightly tilted.

Step 2: bouquet can be drawn without additional elements, however, most often the flowers gathered together are painted in a vase.

Step 3: flowers collected in a bouquet should differ in size and degree of fluffiness. In such a still life, other flowers will be appropriate. The main thing is that all elements are proportional.

Step 4: when all the flowers take their place permanent place in the picture, start adding volume with the help of shadows, while deciding from what point the light falls on the bouquet of roses.

How beautiful to draw a heart with a rose with a pencil and paints?

The drawing, which depicts a rose with a heart, will decorate both a birthday card and a Valentine. Let's try and draw a heart next to one of the most beautiful flowers - a rose.

  • To begin, we draw the contours big heart. It will serve as the main element of the drawing, to which we will “complete” the missing details.
    Let's start drawing a rose: let's outline the initial lines of the bud at the bottom of the heart.

Draw a big heart

Add some petals.

Draw veins on the leaves

The most interesting thing remains: decorate the picture and arrange it in a frame.

Beautiful drawings of roses for sketching

If it is difficult for you to draw flowers from a photograph, then try to draw the outlines of pictures made experienced artists. Even with this method of drawing, you can show your imagination and choose colors yourself, experiment with their saturation.

Video: How to draw a rose in watercolor

Creative people are always on the lookout for ideas and try their hand at different areas. Someone sculpts from clay, someone or rolls toys from wool, and not always these are people who have received a special art education. Often such people try to draw, but do not know how to approach this process. For example, how to draw roses. The flower is beautiful, but has many petals, and the task seems simply overwhelming.

In this lesson we will tell you how easy it is to draw a rose. Let's try to lay out each petal on paper step by step, and if you cope with this task, any other flower will no longer be a problem for you.

Immediately I want to stipulate what the colored lines on the diagrams mean. Red, blue and gray are outlines to make it easier to see steps. The blue color will indicate the outline that has already been drawn, and the red color will indicate your next step that you will need to take. And gray, already the color of your creativity, with a simple pencil you will model the petals with the help of light and shadow.

Let's figure out how to draw roses correctly and what we need for this.

  1. Paper - the thicker the better.
  2. Simple pencils of different hardness.
  3. Eraser.
  4. Knife or sharpener for sharpening pencils. In the process, you will need a pencil with a sharp thin lead.
  5. Living nature is a rose. This is for those who like to overcome difficulties.

Rose, before your eyes.

Step 1

Start your drawing with a sketch of a bud, it should resemble a cocoon. Each next step will be adding petals. You must "dress" this bud in petals.

Step 2

Now draw the middle of the flower and start drawing the next petals. Of course, you can simply copy the drawing, or you can use your imagination, make the petals larger or smaller.

Step 3

When you finish drawing go to the leaves under it. The leaves should be characteristic of roses, sharp and slightly prickly at the tips.

Step 4

And now it's time for sharp and soft pencil. Light movements start modeling the petals and leaves by applying a shadow. You need to do this starting from the middle, and gradually move from leaf to leaf. You need to draw everything very carefully and slowly.

How to draw roses correctly? This question is very creative, everyone draws as he sees and understands. And if you take it seriously, and you plan to do this, then you will need to study the basics of drawing, human anatomy, or at least leaf through biology textbooks and encyclopedias more than once. Only then will your drawing become conscious. And on entry level you are doing your happy copying. Do not be afraid to make a mistake and do something wrong, you have an eraser with which you can fix everything. Every great artist I started by copying paintings and from the most elementary basics.
