How to create a presentation for 9 students. How to Make a Presentation - Step by Step Guide

To create a presentation on a computer running Windows 7 and higher, you must have PowerPoint installed, text written and checked for errors, pictures good quality, video materials. It is worth noting that PowerPoint is available on all PCs that have Microsoft Office installed.

Create slides

From the creation of the first slide, work begins in Microsoft PowerPoint. To create an initial slide, follow these steps:

  • Click "Start", "All Programs", select "Microsoft Office". We look for the desired program in the list.
  • PowerPoint opens. The first slide is created automatically. It consists of a heading and a subheading.

  • We fill in these fields. Enter a title and subtitle.

  • In order to create a new slide, just select the appropriate function on the toolbar or right-click in the left menu and select "Create Slide".

  • The next slide will have a different structure: title and text of the slide.

  • If you need to change the structure of the slide, you must click on the "Slide Layout" button and select the appropriate option.

This way you can create any number of slides. All of these slides can be styled accordingly. The white background can be replaced in the following way.

  • Go to the "Design" tab and select the appropriate theme.

  • All slides will automatically change their appearance.

  • If you want a certain theme to be applied to individual slides, you should right-click on the theme and select the appropriate option from the list. For example, "Apply to selected slides."

  • As you can see, the first slide received a distinct design from the second.

Work with text

The text should be prepared in advance. It needs to be subtracted, checked for errors. Only in this case, you can prepare a high-quality presentation.

To work with text in the PowerPoint editor, there are special text blocks. The text in them can be typed or copied and pasted in the standard way (Ctrl + A - select, Ctrl + C - copy, Ctrl + V - paste).

Pasted text can be formatted. To do this, on the toolbar, you can select the font type and size, spacing, text orientation, bulleted and numbered lists.

It is also worth noting that you can insert a WordArt object instead of a title. To do this, go to the "Insert" tab and select the letter "A", which is responsible for WordArt objects.

In this way, we add text for all slides.

IMPORTANT! Don't put too much text on your slides. All material must be presented concisely. The person who will watch the presentation should not be busy reading. He should have time to listen to the speaker.

Adding pictures and working with them

If you add a picture to your presentation, it will become more interesting. However, for one slide, we recommend using no more than two high-quality pictures. Overflowing one slide with images would be inappropriate.

To insert an image in the PowerPoint editor there is a whole block. It is enough to go to the "Insert" tab and select "Drawing", "Picture", "Snapshot", "Photo Album".

It is worth noting that no matter which method you choose, you will need to specify the location where the image is stored.

After selecting a picture and adding it to the slide, the position and size can be changed. To do this, use the dots at the corners of the picture.

Also, if the picture interferes, you can specify its location "in the background". In this case, the text will be superimposed on top of the image.

Adding tables and graphs

If you need to prepare a business presentation in which you need to use statistical data, the program has a function to insert tables and charts. You can insert a table from Excel or draw and fill it out already in the editor.

In the first case (pasting from Excel), you should do the following:

  • Select "Insert", "Table" and "Paste with Excel".

  • Next, select the filled cells from the original table, copy and paste them into the presentation table.

If there is no completed table, you should click "Table" and select the number of rows and columns. During selection, the presentation window will display the dimensions of the table. However, they can be adjusted.

Then fill in the table with the necessary information.

You can also add graphs and charts to your presentation. To do this, in the "Insert" tab, you need to click on the "Chart" button or select the same icon on the slide itself.

Then choose the chart type.

The Excel file will open. Populate the table with data.

After filling in the table, we return back to the presentation. A chart will appear here.

Thus, the presentation can be used to provide reports, compare data.

IMPORTANT! After closing the Excel file, the chart will not disappear.

Working with video and audio

You can also add video and audio to your presentation. To add a video. It is worth doing the following:

  • Go to the "Insert" tab and select "Video". Next, specify "From File" or "From Site".

  • Next, indicate where the video is located. Select the video and click "Insert".

  • Embedding the video will take some time. Do not click the "Cancel" button. The larger the file, the longer it will take to download.

To add audio, you should click on the "Sound" button and point to the file.

If you want the sound to last throughout the presentation, it's worth in the "Playback" tab, in the "Start" section, set the value to "For all slides."

You can also adjust the volume musical accompaniment. To do this, just click on the "Volume" button and specify the sound level.

To prevent the sound icon from being displayed on slides, it is worth checking the "Hide when showing" box.

Adding special effects

Special effects should mean transitions between slides, the appearance and disappearance of text. To add special effects, you need to select the first slide, the title in it and go to the "Animation" tab. Click here to add animation.

Specify "On click" or set the time range for the animation to occur.

It is worth noting that the animation will have to be set for each title and text separately. All animated elements will be indicated by numbers.

You can also set an output for each element. This is a special effect with which the title, picture or text will disappear. This function is in the same section as the input, you just need to scroll the slider down.

After designing the first slide, you should go to the second and set the animation for each element separately.

Saving and viewing a project

After designing all the slides, you need to set up the presentation. Go to the first slide and press "F5". The project preview will start. We look and study the shortcomings. We fix them. Then go to the "Slide Show" tab and click "Show Settings". We indicate how the slides will change (by time or manually), the display parameters, the order of the slides.

You can start the presentation by double-clicking.

How to create a presentation, see the video:

If until now you have been searching for and selecting children's presentations, then this guide will allow you to become their author.

Let's start from scratch. And you will see that making presentations is interesting and not difficult at all. Make presentations about your family, how your child is growing, his favorite toys. It is great if he becomes an assistant and consultant.

One of the programs that allows you to make presentations is the MS PowerPoint program, which is part of the Microsoft Office package.

The basis of the presentation video is the so-called slides. The slides contain text, illustrations, video clips, sound. Slides can be viewed automatically or set in sequence.

So, let's begin.

Let's try to create a small interactive (that is, responsive to user actions) educational video for a preschooler.

Let this be a speech development presentation.

To begin with, we will determine the topic, the age of the children on whom the work is focused.

If the presentation is educational, then it should include learning tasks.

They can be viewed in the "Program for the upbringing and education of children in kindergarten." (In the school program).

Main tasks for kindergarten can be downloaded here (1691 Kb) in doc format.

Without thinking through the tasks, you may encounter the fact that your presentation will seem too difficult for a child, or vice versa, easy, and therefore uninteresting.

The next step is directly related to our tasks: we are looking for pictures of furniture. We need images of furniture both in a single quantity and in large quantities. You will also need images of children's furniture.

Attention! When searching for illustrations on the Internet, do not forget that each picture has an author! If you plan to use your presentation for more than just home viewing, it is important to obtain the author's permission for publication.

The preparatory phase has been completed. We open PowerPoint. When you start the program, a new presentation is created. On the working field, we see a slide form: on the left is a menu of slides participating in the presentation, on the right is a list.

On the right in the list we find the icon - " New presentation and click on it with the mouse.

Now let's save the presentation file. Let there be nothing in it yet, but it will be calmer. To do this, go to the "File" menu and select "Save As...".

Select a save location, give it a name, and click the "Save" button.

Let's get to the presentation itself.

On the right menu “Content Layouts”, click on a blank white sheet and write the title of the presentation on the first slide. To do this, we will use the WordArt collection. At your request, you can make (change) the font color, size, text direction, etc.

In order to put text on the page, we enter the top menu "Insert" and select the item "Inscription". Or find the icon on the bottom toolbar.

We click on the page in the place where we want to see the signature, and type the necessary text. All text blocks are placed within frames. Grabbing the green dot allows you to rotate the selected object. Corner handles help you resize. If the object is a text block, then its size can be changed by clicking on the "Increase font size" or "Decrease font size" buttons on the toolbar.

Let the slides in our presentation somehow open during the demonstration. It is very easy to do this. Go to the Slide Show menu, select Change Slide.

The settings menu appears on the right. Now we find the effect "Corners left - down". "How this effect looks like can be viewed by clicking on the buttons at the bottom right: "view" or "Slide show".

Click on the "Apply to all slides" button.

Now you can press the "F5" key on your keyboard to test the page.

If the check was successful, then proceed to the creation of pages. Insert the next slide. To do this, right-click under the image of the second slide in the list on the left and press the "Enter" key.

We begin to place pictures on the pages of the presentation.

On the top panel "Insert" select "Picture" - "From file".

We find the directory with our prepared images and select the desired file with a mouse click. After that, click on the "Insert" button.

The picture appeared on the page. Pretty small, isn't it? It needs to be enlarged. This is easy to do by grabbing any corner mark and stretching the drawing to the required size.

From the WordArt collection, we will select the desired font and write the text, adjust the size. Let the child see the object and the word that denotes it.

We fill all the slides with pictures and inscriptions.

In our example, these are images of furniture. First, the child uses nouns in nominative case in singular and plural.

(In order for the child to focus on the learning task, I used the same pictures. One sofa - many of the same sofas. Through copying and reducing the size, you can quickly solve the problem).

According to our idea, the child must combine the specific concepts into a generic one - “furniture”.

The last slide of the presentation is an encouragement. This is the result of our work on the topic. I picked up the original children's sofas and in the middle wrote the word "well done!"

Now, in order for everything to move, change and switch, we need to make an animation.

In the top panel, open "Slide show" - "animation settings"

If we want to draw the child's attention to the text, we can make the effects of blinking, increasing the size, swinging, etc.

Let's highlight the question "What is it?" right-click and click on the "Add Effect" function. 3 types of actions will appear. Select "Selection" - "short-term expansion".

The beginning of the effect is “after the previous one”. Speed ​​- "Medium".

What happened?

A picture with a picture of a table opens and the inscription “what is this?” flashes.

Now, under the image of the table, the inscription "table" should appear.

Open the tab on the right "Add effect", select "Input" - "fading".

By default, this effect is set to start on mouse click. We don't need this. Let's do it - "After the previous one", set the average speed of the action.

In the same "Animation Settings" panel, at the bottom right, there are "View" and "Slide Show" functions. You can see the result of our work.

The next task will be more technically difficult.

We work with grammatical forms: "One table, but many tables."

First, on the slide, the child sees the word “one” and a picture of the table appears, then under it the inscription “table”, then in the middle - the union “a”, on top - the word “many”, under it - the picture “tables” and below the inscription “tables” .

We set up the effects of the "entrance" in the sequence we need.

Making a game "Guess what's gone?" to work out the change of a noun in the genitive case.

The child remembers all pieces of furniture. (4-5 objects), on the bottom slide one object disappears, then an inscription appears and only after it - the object itself.

So that this action is not very fast, and the child has time to think, we will delay the appearance of a guess.

To do this, select the word "sofa", then on the right on the "animation settings" tab we will find this object and right-click on it. Let's choose "time".

In the window that opens, set the delay time to 2 seconds.

Now we need this word to disappear, and a picture appears in its place - a guess.

On the right, in the Animation Settings, add the effect “exit” - “disappearance” - “after the previous one”.

We will do the same with other objects in the next similar game exercise.

The last slide is an encouragement. I chose the rotation of the word "well done". If you don't like the effect, by clicking on it in the list of effects, you will be able to change it.

So we've done quite a bit. painstaking work: set up animation in each slide of our presentation.

Now let's think about how sweets will replace each other. (By default slides change on click).

We would like the child to sit and watch the presentation, and the slides would change automatically.

On the top panel, open the tab "Slide Show" - "Change Slide".

Uncheck the option "On click" and check "automatically after" 3 seconds.

And click on the button "Apply to all" presentation slides.

Let's check how it works, whether the child will be able to complete all the tasks. Once again, click on the lower right button "Slide Show".

If you need to put different time change slides, then you will need to do this for each slide separately.

The work has come to an end.

The child sees the word encouragement and hears applause.

Where to get them?

In the same place on the right in the settings for changing slides. Open the "Sound" tab and select "Applause".

If there is something more original in your music library, then we select “another sound” and put it from your folder into the presentation.

Attention! The sound must be in WAV format! When forwarding your presentation, this sound file must be attached to the folder with the presentation.

Let's save the results of our work.

We can review what we have done at any time. To do this, press the "F5" key on the keyboard. It starts playing the presentation video. In order to exit playback, double-click the left mouse button on a free field.

Look finished presentation you can do it again here:

I think that once you start making presentations on your own, it will be hard to stop.

Of course, the possibilities of MS PowerPoint for creating presentations are extensive. You can study the program using the "scientific poke" method, since the program does not represent anything super complicated. And you can buy specialized literature and become an ace in making presentations.

Creative success, interesting ideas! Good luck!


How to make interactive games - presentations.

Also on u-mama:How to make a voiceover presentation , Multimedia presentations in teaching preschoolers

Sometimes it is necessary to publicly present information in a visual form (with images, diagrams or tables). It can be a presentation with a business idea, a training seminar, or a Power Point program that everyone has can solve this problem. You will learn how to make your own presentation with slides.

Where to find and how to enable Power Point?

First of all, you need to run the program. Depending on the installed operating system, it is located in slightly different places. For example, in Windows 7, it is enough to find it by clicking on the round Windows logo icon in the lower left corner. In general, it is located in the "All Programs" - "Microsoft Office" section.

How to make the right presentation? Part 1: foundation

Create own work it's not that hard. To do this, follow the steps below.

1. In the "Design" tab, select a presentation template. You can import it from another job.

2. Choose your favorite shades in the "Color" category, set the style of the main font. You can change the background style in the Background Styles section.

3. If you want to simplify your work and save some disk space, then select the "View" section, then "Slide Master". in front of you ready template, in which it is enough to make some changes.

4. It happens that a completely different slide structure is needed. You can make changes by being in the "Home" section and selecting the "Layout" icon.

with slides? Part 2: filling

1. You can enter any text in the Sample Title or Sample Text field. Its size, style, color and other parameters can always be changed from the Home section.

2. To add a picture to a slide, go to the "Insert" section, then select a picture from your computer.

3. If you need to add a diagram to your presentation, you should select the "Smart Art" section, from which a variety of templates are inserted in the form of a hierarchy, list, cycle, matrix or pyramid. Their color can always be changed. To do this, while in the "Designer" section, you need to click "Change Colors".

4. From the "Insert" section, it is easy to add a table of the required parameter by clicking on the corresponding icon. Its design can be changed in the "Constructor" section.

How to make a presentation with slides? Part 3: animation

Would you like to do your work in a lively way? The Power Point program makes this wish come true! Effectively appearing photos, text or other elements will decorate the presentation, not allowing viewers and listeners to get bored!

1. If you want to animate the entire slide along with the background, then click the "Animation" tab and select the one you like from the proposed options.

2. In order to animate a separate object, you need to select it and click "Animation Settings". In the field that appears on the right, select "Add effect" and configure the desired parameters.

Don't rush to delete the slides you don't like. If you want to remove them, then it's better to do the following: by right-clicking on an unnecessary layer, select the "Hide Slide" section. What you do not need will disappear, but if necessary, everything can be returned.

This is the algorithm used to create original presentations with slides in the Power Point program.

Think making a presentation for kids is easy? This is wrong. Children are a much more demanding and demanding audience than adults. They will not pay attention to what they are not interested in. Add text to the slides by adding a couple of pictures - this trick will not work with the younger audience, they will not listen attentively out of politeness and diligently portray interest. When they are not interested, children begin to be distracted, indulge, get bored, or even fall asleep. To attract and hold attention, to convey the main idea is your task, which this article and our tips will help you cope with.

How should presentations for children be designed?

First and most important - visualization. Visual images attract children more and hold their attention more than any shooing, demands not to fidget in your chair and reassurance that your presentation is "interesting and useful." There should be exactly enough illustrations so that, following the text, they line up in the minds of young listeners in a sequential chain of pictures. Ideally, there should be an image on every slide - just looking at the solid text discourages the desire to read it.

The principle of visualization works for everyone age categories, but each has its own nuances:

  • for older children, graphs and diagrams, illustrations - photographs, will be informative and not too tiring.
  • for middle age group hand-drawn images (engravings, paintings, etc.), bright photographs are suitable, you should not abuse diagrams,
  • the younger group needs simple, bright, eye-catching drawings and photographs with a few key elements/characters.

Don't go overboard with illustrations when creating a presentation for young children! An excessive abundance of colors and characters will not draw their attention to the material, but will simply “pull” it onto themselves. Children will not want to listen to you, they will look at the pictures.

Image- a key that attracts attention (it should correspond to the content of the slide, be in harmony with it), puts a visual accent, catches the text in a bunch and contributes to better memorization (if your goal is to teach children something).

Animation as a visualization element always works 100%, but here you need to be careful. Too bright, flashy, flickering animation will distract the attention of younger children and annoy older ones.

Text in presentations for children

Do not shrink, do not save space on the slide. The younger the audience, the larger the font should be. But do not get carried away: too much large print will not play a role for kids, and it will be unpleasant for older children to feel that they are considered silly (large print is subconsciously associated with books for the smallest).

The text should be broken into small paragraphs. Avoid monolithic arrays of text - it's depressing. In addition, it is unlikely that the thought is a continuous text - most likely, you have placed the semantic accents incorrectly. It’s better to make more slides with illustrations than stuff dozens of text to the eyeballs. Children will get tired too quickly, get bored and stop listening to you.

How the text should be built

First of all, avoid complex sentences and introductory constructions. In a presentation for younger children, they should not be at all. Depending on the age of the audience, long sentences and introductory constructions are acceptable, but beware of “overloading” the text with them. The longer and harder sentence, the more difficult it is to perceive the information contained in it. Brevity is the sister of talent, and short sentences are the key to clarity of thought and its understanding by the audience.

The second important point is story logic. Be consistent in expressing your thoughts! How more presentation“jumps” from one question to another, the more difficult it is for listeners to follow the thought, build an associative chain, understand what the author of the presentation wants to convey to them, and even more so to remember.

Check the text of your presentation: write a simple outline for it. Are the points of the plan lined up in sequence? Do all slides fall neatly under paragraphs, or do some of them only conditionally? The clearer and more consistent your thought is, the better it will reach the audience.

What words should not be used in a presentation?

Avoid Terms and expressions, the meaning of which may be incomprehensible to children. Most likely, they will not begin to think about incomprehensible words, but will let them pass by their ears. The younger the audience, the more this rule works. If there is a need to use a term or a suspicion that a word may be misunderstood, explain it in footnotes.

In what tone is it better to present information?

The most effective and proven way - build a dialogue with children. This helps to grab their attention and is therefore especially useful in presentations to younger age groups. You can intersperse small blocks of text and dialog elements. For younger children, the role of an opponent is best played by a character known to everyone or invented by you (no need to be smart, a simple talking animal or hero will do this task quite well).

In a presentation for older children, it is necessary to build a dialogue with an adult. Do not confuse, a quiz on a topic and a dialogue on an equal footing are two different things. Invite the children to think about what you are saying, come up with something that will captivate them.

Another effective reception - speak the same language with children. Children are always more willing to accept those who talk to them as equals. An attempt to give a lecture, openly impose an opinion or dictate rules will be perceived with at least indifference. The other extreme, familiarity, is no better - children simply will not take the narrator and his presentation seriously. Keep your distance and talk to children as equals.

How to include big numbers/statistics in a presentation for kids

How younger child, the worse his abstract-analytical thinking is developed. If you inform little child, that in a boa constrictor 380 cm long, this will not say almost anything for him. But when there are 38 parrots in a boa constrictor, a funny picture appears in the mind of a child. This technique works with any large numbers and similar statistical facts, even the circumference of the Earth can be measured with a chain of Barbie dolls, and for everything else, even more interesting equivalents can be found.

Firstly, this is how numbers and boring statistics acquire meaning, clarity, and secondly, it helps to better remember factual information (in the mind, facts “cling” to a visual image).

How to make your presentation interesting and engaging

Give examples, unusual facts and funny digressions . First of all, children should be interested - then they absorb information like a sponge. You can make any presentation interesting: add a poem or song to the text for younger kids entertaining facts in a presentation for high school students. Unusual, sometimes fun facts related to any topic - such a highlight will provide you with 100% of the children's attention.

Following these simple advice, you will create a wonderful presentation for children, and the audience will be delighted, no matter what topic you choose.
