Figurines to attract love. Feng Shui and recipes for a happy relationship

Feng Shui means "wind" and "water". This ancient species art that has been actively practiced for more than 5,000 years in countries Far East, and today it is already extensive and all over the world. Since the effectiveness of the Shui rules is quite large, the consultation in the field of Shui has become one of the most profitable businesses in the West. Feng Shui of love, signs of how to attract love into your life.

But, learning the art is not so difficult on your own. There are several certain basic principles of Feng Shui, having understood the action of which, you can easily apply in any life situation.

The purpose of the art of Feng Shui is the creation and management of positive Chi energy.

Learning this art feng shui, you can easily meet your soul mate or improve your marital life, financial condition, health, friendship and much more that you want.

If a person practices the art of Feng Shui in combination with a normal, positive attitude towards the world around him, the possibility of a quick and positive effect from Feng Shui increases significantly. Thus, it turns out that a person is able to actively influence our success, our destiny, our happiness.

But, nevertheless, Feng Shui does not create instantaneous and lightning-fast miracles. And also Feng Shui is not a lottery. However, according to the basic traditions of Feng Shui, the first action appears after only 9 days after the start of practice.

You can delve into the secrets and subtle energies of Feng Shui for an infinitely long time, but we decided to stop on our blog to study practical advice about how to find your love. What is further discussed.

Feng Shui - help in finding true love

Tips on how to attract a beloved and desired partner, spouse, friend into your life will help absolutely everyone who wants it. And if you take the advice of Feng Shui into service, then the Universe will kindly send you exactly such a special partner that you have been dreaming of for so long or will help to firmly strengthen your love or friendly relations with an existing partner, friend or loved one.

Feng Shui of love or how to attract love into your life

To find the right person, you need to make a very detailed and specific wish list for the future love of your life. Write it all down neatly and carefully on good quality paper. Be vigilant and try to write down in the list the most important and necessary traits of character and appearance that are important to you in a partner.

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This thoughtful list should be placed in a small but very beautiful red gift box or tied with a red ribbon. Place the list box in the southwest corner of your bedroom.

According to Feng Shui lunar energy significantly increases the chances of meeting a partner (beloved) for marriage. Therefore, it is in the bedroom that you need to hang a picture with a landscape of a lunar path or moon.

There should never be any mirrors in your bedroom. Since mirrors have the ability to blow luck in love and partnership out of your life. Even according to the rules of Feng Shui, the TV that is in your bedroom can easily play against you. Since the TV has an ultra-high Yang energy, which acts quite destructively on partnership and love.

In order to attract a loved one into your life, you need to hang photographs or paintings in your apartment that depict a man (if you are a woman) and a woman (if you are a man).
According to Feng Shui, the sea shell, which is located in the southwestern part of your bedroom, can attract into your life love partner or strengthen already existing relationship with a partner.

To find love and dear person, you need to organize your workplace in the northwest side of the room, this can be done either in your apartment or in your office. And in the east side it is recommended to install red objects. For example, a photograph, a picture, a pencil case, a vase, and so on.

Images of peacocks or other birds, such as phoenixes, which is located in the living room of your apartment, will bring you unspeakable luck in the field of marriage and love, or help you attract a loved one into your life.

Work effectively to attract loved ones in the same way and a pair of items. For example, a sculpture of a pair of cooing pigeons, two domestic ducks or two beautiful swans.
Feng Shui recommends that on the full moon it is recommended to light a couple of candles that float in a container of water.

When preparing for an important meeting or a date, choosing a wardrobe, make sure that the clothes have as many red details as possible. This will greatly increase your Chi energy.

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Notes about love

And if someone says that he does not care about the attitude of the people around him, then most likely this is hypocrisy or an attempt to hide his vulnerability. Many dream of happiness, which involves a loving faithful partner and the presence of a close-knit family.

In order to find out and be ready to accept your happiness in a situation that is developing, you need to pay attention to the prompts in time, in other words, be guided by love signs.

If you have already had the experience of relationships, even if they were short-lived, like a light romance or an affair, then you may have noticed some concomitant circumstances or features of their development. Does it happen that it is not clear why, you feel a pleasant smell, unusual for the current situation?

For example, are you on a crowded bus and suddenly you smell fresh strawberries? Or perhaps, on the street or in a place where this could not have happened, you caught the scent of vanilla? Olfactory "ghosts" bring us their clues: a pleasant smell that has visited you for no apparent reason warns of an imminent meeting with your love or a person who will give a storm of passions.

Signs of love can be useful not only for girls, but also for mature women, especially those who have the first "silver" hairs. As they say, with the first gray hair you are destined to survive Honeymoon again. And how to explain it?

Just noticing the first White hair, many literally turn back the clock, trying to convince themselves that they are still very young and attractive enough. They actively get to know people, and closer relationships grow out of acquaintance. Usually these acquaintances turn out to be effective and far-reaching, therefore the sign has become established.

Many believe that there are no accidents, therefore, in any meeting or find, they see hidden meaning which needs to be properly understood.

Considering the numerous signs of love, I would like to highlight the most well-established of them:

  • If you find a hairpin or comb on the street, then you have to meet your soul mate (it is recommended to take the found item for good luck).
  • Find a horseshoe on the street (doesn't happen? Well, what if in the summer, outside the city?) - a veil or a wedding invitation awaits you.
  • If you stumbled upon a talisman left by someone - this is very good sign. Just keep in mind that an amulet or a talisman, or a thing that could serve as a talisman, judging by its appearance, cannot be lifted.
  • You can count on a successful course of events in love if you meet a wedding car on the way or you see twins.
  • If you lost the ring and then found it again, this promises new love, and if the same thing happened with earrings or an earring, wait for the wedding. But a love sign is true only if the items found belong to you.
  • Never pick up what you found at the crossroads: as a rule, they leave the charmed money or things in such a place, trying to get rid of misfortunes or the evil eye.
  • Do not make appointments at the bridge or at the crossroads, otherwise good feelings you will be replaced by alienation and contempt, and love will turn into hatred. Do not meet on the steps either, this portends "potholes", bumps in your personal life.
  • Also pay attention to minor everyday problems, which may also have hidden connotations.
  • For example, to hurt yourself with your elbow means that a single guy remembered the girl; if you fell on the "coccyx" - this portends a serious boyfriend; if you prick your finger while sewing - to soon love. It happens that in this way, the representatives of the weaker sex on a subconscious level inform men about their need for their protection. And there you look, and in fact, a fragile girl is already starting a relationship with a gentleman.
  • Minor absent-mindedness also needs to be able to be considered in the light of love signs:
    • to stumble when going on a first date is a good omen;
    • dropping a ring, losing money after meeting a person you like - also promises happiness.

Feng Shui elements help bring harmony to life. With their help, you can attract good luck, happiness, love or money to your home. There are many feng shui ways to attract love. You just need to find the one that suits you the most.

Basic Rules

The very first Feng Shui recommendation for attracting love is to throw everything unnecessary out of the room. This will help activate positive energy Houses. It is very important to clear the space in order to open access to the flows of living energy. When cleaning your apartment, try to imagine that you are getting rid of not only garbage, but also failure and loneliness.

The meaning of the elements

There are five elements in Feng Shui:

  • Earth;
  • Metal;
  • Water;
  • Tree
  • Fire.

In order to attract harmony and happiness into your life, it is very important to maintain a balance between the elements of Feng Shui. Since the Earth is a neutral element, it is used most often. Calm materials include Metal and Wood. But Fire and Water are very strong elements, so you need to use them in moderation.

The southwest side is responsible for Feng Shui love not only for the whole house, but also for each room separately. The main element that provides positive influence on this sector, is the Earth. Complements and contributes to the disclosure of all its qualities - Fire.

When arranging the bedroom, try to ensure that the colors of Earth and Fire prevail in the marriage zone:

  • orange;
  • yellow;
  • beige;
  • red;
  • pink.

Conversely, the elements of Water can disrupt the harmony in relationships. And Metal and Wood drown out the elements of the Earth.

Zone activation

  1. To bring happiness and harmony into your life, you need to balance the energy of Yin and Yang. It is impossible for the interior of the house of a lonely girl to be filled with exclusively female elements. The appearance of a man in such a room is unlikely. For balance, add Yang energy. Remove unnecessary ruffles, floral patterns, numerous figurines. A man, on the contrary, needs to add something feminine.
  2. Purchase paired items such as a couple of cups, animal figurines, add a second pillow to your bed.
  3. Hang a picture of a couple in love. Single women can hang a picture with peonies, they attract romantic energy. But after the appearance of a man, it must be removed, since excessive romance can harm relationships.
  4. Add red to the sector. Ideally, you can even paint the wall. If you do not like the color red, you can paint the items inside. Or put a red cloth under the mattress.
  5. The bed must be double, with a whole mattress.
  6. Make sure that the bed is not reflected in the mirror surfaces.
  7. Remove objects with the image of water from the bedroom. Because water cools the senses.
  8. Place red or red candles in the marriage corner orange color and light them regularly.

Symbols and talismans of love

In feng shui, there are additional elements in the form of hieroglyphs, figurines, crystals or images. Each of them acts differently.


Before using Feng Shui hieroglyphs, read their meaning. Choose your hieroglyph carefully. It should symbolize what is really missing. Otherwise, the balance of Yin and Yang will be disturbed. Hieroglyphs are considered a very strong symbol. Therefore, use them with caution and for a short time.

mandarin ducks

Mandarin duck figurines are popular for their fidelity. When choosing, consider a few rules:

  • choose birds according to the color of feathers as close to natural as possible;
  • it is desirable that figurines are made of material corresponding to the elements of the Earth - stone, clay.

dragon and phoenix bird

Images of the Dragon and the Phoenix in a pair help to achieve happiness in marriage. Not only for a married couple, but also for people in active search. You can depict them on curtains, a bedspread or a headboard. The main thing is that the Dragon is located to the left of the Phoenix.


Hang an image of the moon or a lunar path in the bedroom. Her energy has magical power and attracts marriage luck.


Place a crystal with many facets in the room so that light falls on it or hang it on a red thread. The main thing is that the length of the thread is a multiple of nine. Light passing through the crystal is scattered. These rays and sun glare bring positive Qi energy. Try to hold the crystal in your hands from time to time. At least once a month, the stone must be washed in salted water.

In the philosophy of feng shui for love, there are many recommendations for attracting love and marriage, here are a few of them:

  • light floating candles during the full moon;
  • wear clothes with red elements for a date;
  • get rid of trinkets and gifts from the previous partner;
  • do exact description twist the man you want to meet into a roll and place it in the marriage sector located in the farthest corner to the right of the front door.

Choose the feng shui methods that you like. Try to clean the space in the room and apartment more often. Use your favorite scents to enhance your luck. Project positive thoughts, because they are material. And everything will definitely work out.

A very complex technique is the practice of divination, associated with dance and simultaneous blows to a tambourine, which came to our culture from shamanism. During this action, all organs resonate with subtle matters, and a person, being in a trance, predicts various events.

What awaits you in the near future:

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How to attract love and get married in feng shui

The ancient Chinese teaching of Feng Shui helps to find harmony in life. Can help with this simple rules, the main of which concerns your home - it is through it that Qi energy flows, influencing certain sectors that are responsible for different areas our life.

  • If you do not have enough love, then you need to help the energy stay in the right sector and activate it with the help of special talismans.

The most interesting thing about feng shui for marriage is focus on results. If your intentions are frivolous, and your dreams do not go so far as to put a wedding ring on your finger, then Chinese wisdom is unlikely to be useful to you. Among its main tasks is to help to find serious relationship and get married.

how to attract love in feng shui

  • To begin with, we hasten to educate you - according to the laws of the Universe, all things should have their own pair. Loneliness is unnatural, it breaks harmony. So, the Universe itself will help you find your soul mate.

Step one

The feng shui rules for attracting love are very simple. The main one is universal - clean the home so that Qi can freely penetrate and circulate in it. To do this, remove all rubbish away from the front doors, remove heavy curtains from the windows, and free the window sills. In general, do general cleaning with the revision of all things - send everything old, broken, unnecessary and not used for a long time to the dump or to a link to the dacha.

step two

The second step is to determine the Ba Gua Feng Shui Love Zone in your home. To do this, you need a compass or an understanding of where the cardinal points are (you can navigate by sunrise and sunset). The southwestern sector is responsible for love. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, love will come to your home if you use red, pink, raspberry, terracotta in this zone, brown colors in interior design. With red, by the way, you should not be zealous. A pair of figurines or an evening lamp with a red shade is enough.

Step Three

The third step is the arrangement of the bedroom. Here you need to put a double bed (even if you sleep in it alone for now, it will attract your soulmate to you like a magnet), hang a picture with three peonies (any other odd number is allowed) and a romantic amulet "Wind Music" - with hearts, stars, feathers. All items and accessories in the bedroom should be paired - bedside tables, table lamps, etc.

  • Do not use dry plants in the bedroom, replace them with live bouquets.
  • Remove cacti and other thorny plants.
  • Use furniture and accessories with rounded shapes.
  • Remove all trash - the more free space, the better.
  • Behind the head of the bed there should be no window or door openings.
  • Remove mirrors from the bedroom.

Finally, the bedroom should look attractive - an elegant bedspread, fluffy pillows, cozy armchairs, beautiful curtains. To a person who sleeps in such a bedroom, love will surely come.

Now the stars advise you to use one of the layouts below. Don't miss your chance to find out the truth.

Chronic loneliness is not a diagnosis. And especially not a sentence. This is a situation that needs to be resolved. If there is no man in your house, you need to attract him. How to attract a man into your life Feng Shui - technology - will tell you one of the most ancient teachings about the harmonization of external space and internal state.

Way to Qi!

First of all, Feng Shui masters recommend putting things in order in the house. Dirt, dust, debris, unnecessary things interfere with the healthy flow of life-giving Qi energy around the house. Dirty windows, dim chandeliers, deposits of old magazines - all this prevents sunlight from entering the house, and with it the male element Yang.

You need to clean up conscientiously, because inconspicuous and invisible dirt under sofas, cabinets and in closets can be one of the main reasons for stagnation in your life.

  • carpets and pillows - dry-cleaning;
  • dishes with chips and cracks - into the garbage chute;
  • unnecessary, but good things - to sell;
  • what is left - to distribute;
  • full rubbish along with old fur coats, grandmother's towels and chargers from non-existent phones - also into the garbage chute;
  • wipe or vacuum the books in the closet;
  • sort clothes into bags or organizers;
  • disassemble and wash the computer keyboard, vacuum the laptop keyboard;
  • remove the computer or laptop from the sleeping area forever.

This amount of work does not have to be done in one day. But it shouldn't be stretched either. A week is a very real time to prepare your home for the second stage and learn how to attract a man in Feng Shui.

Zoning of the premises

In Feng Shui practice, the Bagua octagon is used actively. This is a handy tip for regulating the energies in the zones of each room. The southwest side of your bedroom (or other room) is responsible for love.

The color of the sector on the octagon is pink. So the same color should determine the love zone in the house. Red, beige, ocher are also considered auspicious colors. And unfavorable - black, blue, green.

Squares and triangles are the optimal shape for everything that falls into this zone. Rectangular things are better to move to another place.

Talismans for love

In order for feng shui to start working to attract a man, in the love zone you need to install special talismans that attract feelings - these are rose quartz crystals. Ideally - hearts from it.

Peonies are also considered a symbol of love in this system. Therefore, the picture with their image will become very strong talisman. Figurines or puppets happy couples also normalize the balance of Yin-Yang.

And in general, everything in the bedroom should be paired: pillows, candles (2 red candles - in the love sector!), bedside tables, frames. Be sure to have two birds - live or porcelain. Mandarin ducks and cranes work especially well.

But paintings depicting single girls are unacceptable.

Elements at the service of the senses

In the southwestern sector, the main element is Earth. Therefore, it is imperative to be there. houseplant(but by no means a tree!)

feeding element - fire. Light two red candles regularly in the love zone.

wood and metal should be present there at a minimum, since they weaken the zone.

An excellent island of the elements "Earth" will be created by a stack of flat pebbles, pebbles. To enhance the properties, you can tie it with a red ribbon.

home for love

To the question of how to attract a man into your life, feng shui gives an unequivocal answer - prepare your home for the life of two. The bed should be double, with two pillows and comfortable approaches on both sides.

The rooms should contain purely masculine things that carry Yang energy. These are magazines, shirts, hygiene items, slippers.

To balance the energies, you need to hang crystal balls on the windows, the light, decomposed into a spectral rainbow, brings the desired harmony.

Thoughts for love

Feng Shui to attract a man suggests daily repeating aloud or silently special affirmations.

These are short texts that calm inner storms and tune in to the result. For example:

My life is full of joy. I love myself and accept who I am. I love the whole world. And love enters my life freely and easily, I learn to accept it with dignity and gratitude.

Choose the formula that is optimal for your inner state, wrap it in beautiful words and repeat several times a day. At the same time, be sincere!

Waiting for miracles

The house is cleaned, the love zone is all in pink, the bed is moved away from the wall, flowers and rainbows are all around. And where is the prince? Calmly! He's on his way. Meanwhile, your house is being transformed, energy flows are normalizing, it seems that even the air has become fresher and cleaner. This is the beginning of a big change. It is important not to stop and move on.

  • always wear beautiful underwear;
  • bring food into the house that could please a man;
  • sometimes turn on sports channels during football or hockey games;
  • learn how to tie a tie and cook borscht;
  • tidy up your hair and manicure;
  • write down on two pink pieces of paper the qualities that should be present in the future beloved and the features that should not be, twist the sheets into tubes and place them in the love zone;
  • yes, it’s very cool at home now, but the prince won’t come here himself, so go out into the world, communicate, get to know each other, He will meet you soon.
  • do not share your deeds and achievements with friends or relatives, the told dream comes true with great difficulty;
  • if visited by despondency - buy flowers. Another simple way is to wash off longing with water with fragrant oils. A candlelit bath will tell your body that you love it;
  • keep order every day. It takes only half an hour and saves a lot of nerve cells.
  • Every day, in addition to household garbage, throw away one thing. Unnecessary, of course. So you free up space in the closets for your man's things.

Chinese traditions attribute human feelings to critical area a life that helps complete harmony and happiness.

That is why feng shui to attract love is a real science, including certain behavioral tactics and specific talismans.

At the same time, it should be noted that according to Feng Shui, love is associated both with the search for a soul mate and with the establishment of existing relationships.

Feng Shui for love in the apartment

First of all, experts of the ancient teachings recommend optimizing the space around you to increase love energy. The right environment in the house will help not only attract love into your life. The Feng Shui of the apartment also allows you to harmonize the relationship between the sexes.

Apartment design

If you are looking for a partner or future spouse, even if you are looking for close friend try to follow the following rules.

  • Keep pictures and photos of the picture indoors nice people opposite sex. They will help attract a kindred spirit. Decorate eastern part workplace with red objects: vases, talismans, paintings.
  • According to feng shui, love requires a lot of luck, so hang in the living room, whether it be peacocks or phoenixes. Refuse images of lonely people in the house. Such portraits attract only negative energy.
  • Get rid of old things that remind you of past relationships in a timely manner. Past gifts, photographs, as well as romantic correspondence from the past - all this should not be in the house.
  • Get rid of the abundance of female energy in the house. Your partner may be repulsed in advance by the presence of cosmetics, jewelry and lace in every room. If you need to attract a specific man, design the interior taking into account his interests.

How to Feng Shui your bedroom to attract love

When you are puzzled by the question of how to find love in feng shui, pay attention to the design of your bedroom, especially if it has a favorable location in the sector of love and marriage or in the family zone.

  • Hang pictures with lunar paths near the bed, as well as the images of this satellite of the Earth themselves. According to Feng Shui, the energy of the Moon significantly increases the chances of attracting a partner. Paintings are also allowed. beautiful scenery and floral motifs.
  • Do not install mirrors in the sleeping room, especially on the wall opposite the bed. These items very quickly take away love luck from a person’s life. It is not advisable to keep flowers in pots and images of autumn scenes, sunsets in the bedroom.
  • Feng shui love never comes to a lonely house. Therefore, the bed should be double, with free access to both sides. The bed should consist of 2 pillows. The space above the bed itself should not be covered with shelves or decorative elements, because the Qi energy should circulate freely in the room.
  • Do not place the bed in such a way that the head is near the window and the legs are at the door. Also note that the bed should have a view of everyone who enters or leaves the room. The bedroom should not have many corners. In addition, this room cannot be a walk-through.
  • The southwest corner of the nap room is the perfect place to store a seashell to help build relationships. At the same time, children's toys should not be stored in the bedroom.

Regardless of the location of the bedroom, it is important to know where the feng shui corner of love is. This is the far right area in each apartment. It is here that candles, incense and aphrodisiacs will be appropriate. In this sector, working documents, TV and computer gadgets are not desirable.

The corner of love should always be clean and well lit.

Feng Shui to Attract Love and Marriage: Basic Steps

The right search for a future partner is an important aspect of attracting love luck. According to Chinese teaching should take active position and independently draw up a specific version of the development of events.

  • Make a list with the advantages of the future chosen one. In addition to all the qualities you need, work on a list of your partner’s cons. Please note that both lists must be varied. How to attract love in feng shui in this way? Just send this information to love spirits. To do this, copy the data on red or pink paper, roll it into a tube and tie it with a scarlet ribbon. Keep this scroll in the far right corner of the door.
  • At midnight, in the southwest of the bedroom, light a few red candles, even scented ones. Put them in a wide vessel of water: let them go to free swimming and create a romantic atmosphere in the house. It is desirable that the dishes with water are a crystal or glass vase, and on its bottom there are stones and a precious ring. It is also worth putting a few rose or peony petals on the water.
  • On first dates, try not to forget about the need for the presence of red shades in clothes and accessories. This will increase positive energy.

Flower of Romance

Few fans of Chinese traditions know that feng shui for love and marriage is also a thorough study of the fate of a person based on BaZi astrology. Familiarity with the 4 Pillars of Destiny allows you to discover and activate the so-called Romance Flower or Peach Flower. He, in turn, is one of the main creatures Chinese horoscope: Horse, Rat, Rooster or Rabbit.

First, find out on the day of which animal you were born. This is determined by the exact time, day, month and year of birth. Remember the following ratio:

  • In Monkeys, Rats and Dragons, the Rooster is the Flower.
  • Pigs, Rabbits, Goats should be guided by the Rat.
  • Horses, Dogs or Tigers consider the Rabbit as the Peach Blossom.
  • Bulls, Roosters and Snakes have a Flower performed by a Horse.

Feng Shui to attract love and marriage involves the use of the Flowers of Romance in the form of appropriate animal figurines. You should always keep such a figurine with you. Also keep in mind that each creature has its own side of the world, so everyone has individual romantic sectors in the house.

  • The horse occupies the center of the southern part of the apartment.
  • The rat belongs to the middle of the northern zone.
  • The rooster is identified with the center of the western sector.
  • The rabbit is assigned the middle of the east area of ​​the house.

In the right place, you should put a beautiful vase with fresh flowers and clean water. True, if the romantic sector falls on the bathroom, it is better not to engage in activation, but subtract the Peach Flower not by day, but by year of birth.

Please note that the Flower of Romance only applies to new connections and acquaintances. It will not help in improving contact with an old partner or spouse. On the contrary, this symbol is able to develop infidelity and conflict in a couple. Therefore, the vase of flowers is removed immediately after finding love.

How to find love in feng shui using flying stars

In this case, we are talking about how to attract love according to Feng Shui with the help of special types energy. These streams are presented in the form of flying stars moving around the apartment.

For romance, it's best to follow the Stars called the Green Four and Purple Nine. These elements, when handled correctly, bring true love to life.

To know where the Flying Star is located in this year or month, you should use a special card. Then the favorable energy must be activated. This is done simply: the room in which it is located in given time The star should become the most visited in the house or even a place to sleep.

Please note that according to Feng Shui, love, family and romance are attracted by the Stars only if there are no negative objects around the apartment: dying trees, power lines, garbage dumps.

feng shui signs of love

It is difficult to imagine Chinese practices without numerous symbols of love and family well-being. Some of the talismans will help single people meet their soul mate, while others will provide stability and peace in an existing marriage.

  • Mandarin ducks are a sign of Feng Shui love, as well as a symbol of tenderness and strong family ties. A pair of these birds expresses happy cancer, but they also promise good luck in relationships to lonely people. The talisman is used to activate the love sector in the southwest, as well as to improve the atmosphere in the bedroom.
  • Crystals are earth elements that are very active in the southwest sector of the bedroom. The illumination of the crystal will ensure the disclosure of the partner's passionate feelings.
  • A pair of swallows in China is the personification of home comfort and cleanliness, large offspring and prosperity. Such birds will be appropriate in any sector of the apartment.
  • A feng shui photo to attract love should contain images of peonies. It is these flowers that are perceived as the strongest talismans. Therefore, such a picture or photograph would be appropriate at the entrance to the bachelor's bedroom. Married partners should place images of peonies in the living room.
  • Butterflies are an expression of joy and fulfillment of desires. A pair of such creatures or a whole flock must necessarily decorate the walls of the bedroom so that the sexual relations of partners do not fade.
  • For those who are thirsty for spiritual unity in marriage, figurines of geese are suitable. The paired image of these birds is especially appropriate in the southwest. In addition, the guarantee of marital fidelity is provided in the same sector by two kissing doves.
  • Feng Shui hieroglyphs for attracting love are also very important. The stability of the relationship is provided by the “double luck” symbol, which will also help you find a new partner. Activation of romantic luck is possible if you place this sign, drawn on red paper with gold, in the southwestern part of the house. It is also allowed to put the symbol under the bed, hide it in a purse and decorate bed linen with it.
  • Classic Chinese lanterns red shades are also very useful in the love sector. If you hang such talismans in pairs, they will return the lost sensual fervor to the relationship. Perfect place for flashlights is Entrance door, as they will be able to lure positive energy.
  • The snail dragon is a mythical symbol of harmony in the relationship of lovers. Such a talisman is necessary to reduce the number of conflicts and search for right exit from quarrels. The creature should be placed in the east of the apartment or in the living room.
  • Among the guardians of the hearth, feng shui for love and marriage advises to put a Zaoshen figurine at home. This talisman helps to get rid of problems in the family, brings general happiness and even improves well-being. As a rule, the figurine is found in the style of netsuke, so it should be placed on the east side of the house.

feng shui marriage relationship

According to Feng Shui, the love of a husband and wife is a special matter that requires a reverent attitude and attention. The organization of space here plays no less a role than in a bachelor's house.

  • Choose carefully the dates of dates, wedding registration and wedding. The energy matrix also implies that each person has several days when he gets acquainted with the opposite sex is dangerous and pointless. Ideally, building relationships is difficult to imagine without analyzing the Bazi map and the Tong-shu calendar. On some days it is also dangerous to rearrange the furniture in the bedroom, especially the bed.
  • Try to activate the sectors in the southwest and northwest. These zones are identified with the place of the mistress mother and the male patriarch, respectively. Please note that these areas suffer greatly when toilets, kitchens, and pantries are placed there. The same negative effect will provide a mess, an abundance of rubbish and the presence of things with Sha-energy.
  • A feng shui family bedroom is ideal for attracting the love of a husband. In the southwest of the room there should be a massive object from the elements of the Earth, but only if the relationship in marriage is not too conservative. To refresh the senses will help shades of orange. Sofas and photographs of children are not allowed in the bedroom. The bed itself should be a headboard against the wall, and old things should not be stored under it.
  • Pay attention to the overall layout of the house. If there are partitions and walls in the center of the room, this is not a good sign. Even worse, when the center of the house is littered with cabinets, surrounded by solid doors, or allocated for a bathroom.
  • Perform regular energy cleansing of the entire house so that Qi or Sha stagnation is not possible. Use scented lamps, candles, incense and even charged water for this. Do not forget about the importance of regular wet cleaning and changing bed linen.

Feng Shui for attracting love is equally important for singles and families. The organization of a harmonious space that attracts good luck and happiness in personal life is not a one-time process. That is why it is worth changing the layout and furniture in your apartment gradually. Also, never forget your own positive attitude.
