Black chicken or underground inhabitants read the presentation. Presentation

slide presentation

Slide text: “The mind was not given to you for you to use it for evil.”

Slide text: Alexey Perovsky received an excellent education. In August 1805, Alexei entered Moscow University and graduated in October 1807. In the same 1807, he made his literary debut: he translated into German story by N.M. Karamzin " Poor Lisa and published his translation with a dedication to his father.

Slide text: For two years he led the life of a diligent official: he served in the Senate, traveled with revisions to Russian provinces, and then, having settled in Moscow, he became a good friend of V.A. Zhukovsky, P.A. Vyazemsky, V.L. .Pushkin V.A. Zhukovsky

slide text: Patriotic War 1812, the headquarters captain of the Third Ukrainian Regiment Oleksiy Perovsky took part in the battles against the French troops

Slide text: He returned to St. Petersburg in 1816 and changed his military uniform to an official one - a court adviser. However, soon circumstances developed in such a way that his sister with a one and a half month old nephew was in his care, whom he took to his hereditary Little Russian estate Pogoreltsy.

Slide text: The history of the creation of the story Here, being engaged in gardening, supplying ship timber to the Nikolaev shipyards, acting as a trustee of the Kharkov educational district and - above all - raising his nephew Alyosha, Perovsky composed the first fantastic stories in Russia.

Slide text: First, in 1825, in the St. Petersburg magazine "News of Literature" he published - under the pseudonym "Antony Pogorelsky" - "Lafert's poppy seed plant". It is known that it completely fascinated A.S. Pushkin, so that he read it "twice and in one spirit."

Slide text: Aleksey Alekseevich Perovsky invented and wrote down the magic story "The Black Hen, or Underground inhabitants"for his nephew when Alyosha (nephew) was no more than nine or ten years old, like Alyosha, the hero of a fairy tale.

Slide text: Pogorelsky happily invented one of the most elegant literary plots. One can be as much as surprised that he spoke so clearly and wisely about the almost imperceptible movements of the soul of an immature person: at that time, there were still twenty-six years before the appearance of Leo Tolstoy's Childhood, N.G. Mikhailovsky - sixty-six, and B. L. Pasternak's "Childhood Luvers" - ninety-six.

Slide #10

Slide text: "Black Chicken" - the first Russian author's fairy tale in prose for children

Slide #11

Slide text: The writer's archive has sunk into oblivion. And How?! The manager in Pogoreltsy was a great gourmet, he exhausted all Perovsky's papers for the preparation of "cutlets in papillots." Imagine!

Slide #12

Slide text: In the summer of 1836, A.A. Perovsky went to Nice for the treatment of "chest disease" and, on the way there, died in Warsaw. His sister Anna and nephew Alexei were with him. Perovsky's nephew, having matured, himself became remarkable and famous writer. This is Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy.

Slide #13

Slide text: What particularly shocked you in the biography of the writer? Guys, questions!

Slide #14

Slide text: What episodes did the artists depict on the covers of the fantastic story "The Black Hen, or Underground Dwellers"? Guys, question!

Slide #15

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Slide #16

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Slide #17

Slide text: Guys, questions! What is the difference between a literary fairy tale and a folk tale?

Slide #18

Slide text: What were the life and customs of the private St. Petersburg boarding school where Alyosha studied? (word drawing or text retelling)

Slide #19

Slide text: How do you imagine underworld where did he get to?

Slide #20

Slide text: “Hemp seed freed Alyosha from work, there was no need to learn lessons. Tempting, isn't it? But is it good?

Slide #21

Slide text: What was Alyosha like before he got the hemp seed and what was he like when he got it.

Slide #22

Slide text: Idleness spoiled Alyosha, he was a nice little boy, but he became so bad, proud and disobedient. At first he studied well, and then he did not study at all. At first they loved him, and then they began to love him less, he became worse and worse day by day, an inner voice warns him "that no one will love him" and he will be "the most unfortunate child."

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Slide text: "You are windy and never obey the first word, which is not good." “Alyosha, to your current bad qualities you can’t add even worse - ingratitude.”

Slide #24

Slide text: You can’t put yourself above other people, even if you know a lot and can do it. It is necessary to develop modesty, diligence, diligence, a sense of duty, honesty, respect for people, kindness. You have to be strict with yourself.

Slide #25

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Slide #26

Slide text: “Do not think ... that it is so easy to get rid of vices when they have already taken over us. Vices usually enter through the door and exit through the crack, and therefore, if you want to improve, you must constantly and strictly look after yourself ... "

Slide #27

MOU Petrovskaya secondary school

Illustration for the fairy tale by A. Pogorelsky "Black Hen, or Underground Dwellers"

I've done the work

5th grade student

Zhigalov Alexander

Teacher: Ilyicheva Irina Mikhailovna

Among the thirty or forty children who studied at that boarding school, there was one boy named Alyosha, who was then no more than nine or ten years old. His parents, who lived far, far away from Petersburg, brought him to the capital two years before, sent him to a boarding school and returned home, paying the teacher the agreed fee for several years in advance.

Hood. A. Reipolsky

In general, the days of study passed quickly and pleasantly for him; but when Saturday came and all his comrades hurried home to their relatives, then Alyosha bitterly felt his loneliness.

Hood. A. Reipolsky

Before he had time to sit down on a log and had just begun to beckon them to him, when he suddenly saw a cook with a large knife beside him. Alyosha never liked this cook - angry and quarrelsome.

Hood. A. Reipolsky

When he arrived there, the hens had already begun to gather for the night and, sleepy, were not very happy with the crumbs they had brought. One Nigella didn't seem to feel like sleeping.

Hood. A. Reipolsky

Alyosha returned to the house and spent the whole evening sitting alone in the classrooms, while at the other half hour until eleven the guests stayed. Before they parted.

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Alyosha, Alyosha!

Alyosha, Alyosha!

Hood. A. Reipolsky

Alyosha went downstairs to the bedroom, undressed, got into bed and put out the fire. For a long time he could not sleep. Finally, sleep overcame him, and he had just had time to talk to Chernushka in a dream, when, unfortunately, he was awakened by the noise of departing guests.

A little later, the teacher, who had seen off the director with a candle, entered his room, looked to see if everything was in order, and went out, locking the door with a key.

It was a monthly night, and through the shutters, which were not tightly closed, a pale ray of the moon fell into the room. Alyosha lay with open eyes and for a long time he listened to how, in the upper dwelling, above his head, they went around the rooms and put the chairs and tables in order.

Finally, everything calmed down ... He looked at the bed standing next to him, slightly illuminated by the moonlight, and noticed that the white sheet, hanging almost to the floor, moved easily. He began to peer more closely ... he heard something scratching under the bed, and a little later it seemed that someone was calling him in a low voice:

Alyosha, Alyosha!

Alyosha was frightened ... He was alone in the room, and it immediately occurred to him that there must be a thief under the bed. But then, judging that the thief would not have called him by name, he cheered up a little, although his heart trembled.

He sat up a little in bed and saw even more clearly that the sheet was moving ... even more clearly he heard someone say:

Alyosha, Alyosha!

Suddenly the white sheet lifted up, and from under it came out ... a black chicken!

Hood. A. Reipolsky

It's me, Alyosha! You are not afraid of me, are you?

Why should I be afraid of you? - he answered. - I love you; only it is strange to me that you speak so well: I did not know at all that you could speak!

If you are not afraid of me, - continued the hen, - then follow me. Get dressed soon!

They went down the stairs, as if into a cellar, and walked for a long, long time along various passages and corridors, which Alyosha had never seen before. Sometimes these corridors were so low and narrow that Alyosha was forced to bend down...

Chernushka walked forward on tiptoe and Alyosha ordered to follow her quietly, quietly.

Hood. A. Reipolsky

In an instant the room became still brighter, all the small candles burned even brighter, and Alyosha saw twenty little knights in gold armor, with crimson feathers on their helmets, entering in pairs in a quiet march. Then, in deep silence, they stood on either side of the chairs. A little later, a man entered the hall with a majestic posture, on his head with a crown shining precious stones. He wore a light green robe lined with mouse fur, with a long train carried by twenty little pages in crimson dresses.

Hood. A. Reipolsky

Alyosha glanced at the one pointed out by the king, and then only noticed that between the courtiers stood small man dressed all in black. On his head he wore a special kind of crimson-colored cap, with teeth at the top, put on a little to one side; and around her neck was a white handkerchief, very starched, which made it look a little bluish. He smiled tenderly, looking at Alyosha, to whom his face seemed familiar, although he could not remember where he had seen it.

Hood. A. Reipolsky

Finally, the minister announced that he himself would show the underground rarities to the dear guest.

First he took him to the garden. The paths were littered with large multicolored pebbles, reflecting the light from countless small lamps with which the trees were hung. Alyosha liked this shine extremely.

Hood. A. Reipolsky

From the garden they went to the menagerie. There they showed Alyosha wild animals, which were tied on golden chains. Peering more closely, he saw to his surprise that these wild beasts were nothing but large rats, moles, ferrets, and similar beasts living in the ground and under floors. It seemed very funny to him; but out of courtesy he did not say a word.

Hood. A. Reipolsky

Then he whistled, and grooms entered, leading sticks in reins, whose knobs were carved and represented horse heads. The minister jumped on his horse with great agility; Alyosha was let down much more than the others.

Take care, - said the minister, - that the horse does not throw you off: she is not one of the most meek.

Alyosha inwardly laughed at this, but when he took the stick between his legs, he saw that the minister's advice was not useless. The stick began to dodge under him like a real horse, and he could hardly sit up.

Meanwhile, the horns sounded, and the hunters began to gallop at full speed through various passages and corridors. For a long time they galloped like this, and Alyosha did not lag behind them, although he could hardly restrain his furious stick ...

Hood. A. Reipolsky

Finally he was called. With trepidation, he approached the teacher, opened his mouth, not yet knowing what to say, and unmistakably, without stopping, said the given. The teacher praised him very much; Alyosha, however, did not accept his praise with the pleasure he had previously felt on such occasions. An inner voice told him that he did not deserve this praise, because this lesson did not cost him any work.

Hood. A. Reipolsky

The next day, at the appointed hour, the teacher picked up the book from which the lesson was given to Alyosha, called him to him and ordered him to say the assignment. All the children turned their attention to Alyosha with curiosity, and the teacher himself did not know what to think when Alyosha, despite the fact that he had not repeated the lesson at all the day before, boldly got up from the bench and went up to him. Alyosha had no doubt that this time he would be able to show his extraordinary ability, he opened his mouth ... and could not utter a word!

Why are you silent? - the teacher told him. - Speak the lesson.

Alyosha blushed, then turned pale, blushed again, began to wrinkle his hands, tears welled up in his eyes from fear ... all in vain! He could not utter a single word, because, hoping for a hemp seed, he did not even look at the book.

What does this mean, Alyosha! shouted the teacher. "Why don't you want to talk?"

Hood. A. Reipolsky

Alyosha wept bitterly, and Chernushka continued to give him instructions. She talked to him for a long time and with tears begged him to reform. Finally, when it started to show daylight the hen said to him:

Now I must leave you, Alyosha! Here is the hemp seed you dropped in the yard. In vain did you think that you had lost it irretrievably. Our king is too generous to deprive you of this gift for your imprudence.

Hood. A. Reipolsky

Alyosha rushed to kiss the minister's little hands. Grasping his hand, he saw something shining on it, and at the same time some unusual sound struck his hearing ...

What it is? he asked in astonishment.

The minister raised both hands up, and Alyosha saw that they were bound by a golden chain... He was horrified!...

Your indiscretion is the reason that I am condemned to wear these chains, - said the minister with a deep sigh, - but do not cry, Alyosha! Your tears can't help me. Only you can console me in my misfortune: try to improve and be again the same kind boy as you were before. Farewell for the last time!

The minister shook hands with Alyosha and hid under the next bed.

Chernushka, Chernushka! Alyosha shouted after him, but Chernushka did not answer.

Hood. A. Reipolsky


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Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

Description of the slide:

A. Pogorelsky " black hen, or Underground inhabitants” Composition of the project team: 5th grade students of the MKOUN-Novonikolaevskaya secondary school of the joint venture of the Novorozinskaya secondary school Head: N.S. Belkeeva, teacher of Russian language and literature 2016

2 slide

Description of the slide:

Alyosha's other occupation was to feed the hens, who lived near the fence in a house specially built for them and played and ran around in the yard all day long. Alyosha got to know them very briefly, knew everyone by name, broke up their fights, and the bully punished them by sometimes not giving them anything for several days in a row from the crumbs, which he always collected from the tablecloth after lunch and dinner. Among the hens, he was especially fond of one black crested, named Chernushka. Chernushka was more affectionate towards him than the others; she even sometimes allowed herself to be stroked, and therefore Alyosha best bits brought to her. She was of a quiet disposition; she rarely walked with others and seemed to love Alyosha more than her friends.

3 slide

Description of the slide:

In the course of all these worries, our Alyosha was completely forgotten, and he took advantage of this to play in the yard in the open. As was his custom, he went first to the wooden fence and looked for a long time through the hole; but even that day almost no one passed along the alley, and with a sigh he turned to his amiable hens. Before he had time to sit down on a log and had just begun to beckon them to him, when he suddenly saw a cook with a large knife beside him. Alyosha never liked this cook - an angry and quarrelsome little chick; but since he noticed that she was the reason for the decrease in the number of his hens from time to time, he began to love her even less. When one day he accidentally saw in the kitchen one pretty cockerel, very beloved by him, hung by the legs with his throat cut, he had horror and disgust for her. Seeing her now with a knife, he immediately guessed what it meant - and, feeling with sorrow that he was unable to help his friends, he jumped up and ran far away.

4 slide

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Alyosha, Alyosha! Help me catch a chicken! cried the cook. But Alyosha began to run even faster, hid himself by the fence behind the chicken coop and did not notice how tears rolled out of his eyes one after another and fell to the ground. For a long time he stood by the chicken coop, and his heart was beating violently, while the cook ran around the yard - now beckoning the hens: "Chick, chick, chick!", then scolding them in Chukhonian. Suddenly Alyosha's heart beat even faster... he heard the voice of his beloved Chernushka! She clucked in the most desperate way, and it seemed to him that she was shouting: Where, where, kudukh, Alyosha, save Chernukha! Kuduhu, kuduhu, Chernuhu, Chernuhu!

5 slide

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Alyosha could not remain in his place any longer ... he, sobbing loudly, ran to the cook and flung himself on her neck at the very moment when she had already caught Chernushka by the wing. - Dear, dear Trinushka! he cried, bursting into tears. - Please don't touch my Chernukha! Alyosha threw himself on the cook's neck so unexpectedly that she let go of Chernushka, who, taking advantage of this, flew up in fear to the roof of the barn and continued clucking there. But now Alyosha could hear her teasing the cook and shouting: Where, where, kudukha, You didn't catch Chernukha! Kuduhu, kuduhu, Chernuhu, Chernuhu! Meanwhile the cook was beside herself with vexation!

6 slide

Description of the slide:

Here she cackled in a strange voice, and suddenly from nowhere came small candles in silver chandeliers, no more than a small finger from Alyosha. These shackles ended up on the floor, on the chairs, on the windows, even on the washstand, and the room became as light as if it were daylight. Alyosha began to dress, and the hen gave him a dress, and in this way he was soon completely dressed.

7 slide

Description of the slide:

When Alyosha was ready, Chernushka cackled again, and all the candles disappeared. “Follow me,” she told him, and he boldly followed her. It was as if rays came out of her eyes, which illuminated everything around them, although not as brightly as small candles. They went through the front...

8 slide

Description of the slide:

They went down the stairs, as if into a cellar, and walked for a long, long time along various passages and corridors, which Alyosha had never seen before. Sometimes these corridors were so low and narrow that Alyosha was forced to bend down.

9 slide

Description of the slide:

Suddenly they entered a hall lit by three large crystal chandeliers. The hall had no windows, and on both sides hung on the walls knights in shining armor, with large feathers on their helmets, with spears and shields in iron hands. Blackie walked forward on tiptoe and Alyosha ordered to follow her quietly, quietly ...

10 slide

Description of the slide:

At the end of the hall was a large door of pale yellow copper. As soon as they approached her, two knights jumped down from the walls, struck their shields with spears and rushed at the black hen. Nigella raised her crest, spread her wings... Suddenly she became big, big, taller than the knights, and began to fight with them! The knights strongly attacked her, and she defended herself with her wings and nose. Alyosha felt frightened, his heart fluttered violently, and he fainted.

11 slide

Description of the slide:

While he was examining everything with curiosity, a side door opened, which he had not noticed before, and a multitude of little people entered, no more than half a yard tall, in smart multi-colored dresses. Their appearance was important: some of them looked like soldiers, others - civil officials. They all wore round feathered hats, like Spanish ones. They did not notice Alyosha, walked decorously through the rooms and spoke loudly to each other, but he could not understand what they were saying. For a long time he looked at them in silence and just wanted to approach one of them with a question, how the big door at the end of the hall opened ...

12 slide

Description of the slide:

The next day, at the appointed hour, the teacher picked up the book from which the lesson was given to Alyosha, called him to him and ordered him to say the assignment. All the children turned their attention to Alyosha with curiosity, and the teacher himself did not know what to think when Alyosha, despite the fact that he had not repeated the lesson at all the day before, boldly got up from the bench and went up to him. Alyosha had no doubt that this time too he would be able to show his extraordinary ability: he opened his mouth ... and could not utter a word! - Why are you silent? the teacher told him. - Speak lesson.


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Slides captions:

Literature lesson in the 5th grade based on the fairy tale by Antony Pogorelsky “The Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants” (EMC edited by V. Ya. Korovina) (work done by the teacher of Russian language and literature of the Lesogorskaya secondary school Golubeva Natalya Leonidovna)

Lesson objectives: Repetition and systematization of students' knowledge about folklore and literary fairy tales. Teaching techniques for analyzing the character of the protagonist of the work. Formation of skills to navigate in the text artwork. Enrichment of children's speech with evaluative vocabulary of the moral aspect. Development of skills to generalize the analyzed material. Spiritual and moral education (development of skills to draw conclusions for oneself, observing the hero, with the aim of possible personal growth).

Lesson objectives: When working with the text of a work, to teach to see the logic of the development of action in the epic, to highlight keywords, compose them thematic groups to improve reading technique. Develop abilities for figurative and logical generalization, reflecting the result of text analysis in color scheme, figure, diagram, table, collection (of wise thoughts). Analyzing the actions of the hero, evoke an emotional response to the manifestation of virtues and vices in a person; develop value orientations.

During the classes: Organizing time. Checking the readiness of the class for the lesson. (1 min.) Content: 1. Game "Chain". (2 min.) 2. Repetitive-generalizing conversation. Drawing up a table "The main features of a folklore and literary fairy tale." (9 min.) 3. Checking students' knowledge of the text. (2 min.) 4. Analytical conversation. The character of the main character. Compilation of the table "Virtue and vices". (20 min.) 5. The life of the hero's soul. Conversation about conscience. (7 min.) 6. Moral lessons of a fairy tale. Conclusions. (3 min.) 7. Homework. Compilation of a collection of wise thoughts. (1 min.)

The game "Chain" The first option calls folklore tales, the second - literary. The first student names the fairy tale, the second repeats the name of the first and adds his own, etc. For example: "Princess - Frog" 2. "Princess - Frog", "Marya - Morevna" 3. "Princess - Frog", "Marya - Morevna", "Finist clear falcon" (and beyond)

Repeatedly - a generalizing conversation. Find in the content of the reader the fairy tales “The Frog Princess” and “The Sleeping Princess”. Flip through the texts you know. How are the works different? Try to compare them by - the presence of authorship - the presence in the text of the description of the area, the appearance of the characters, their characters, the way the main idea is expressed (as a result of the conversation, the table is filled)

The main features of a folklore and literary tale Folk tale literary tale Orality, collectivity, anonymity Belongs to a specific author Traditional images-characters (masks-types) are used Characterized by figurativeness (description of the place, appearance of heroes, their characters) National ideals are reflected, the personality of a particular storyteller is erased Clearly expressed author's position, likes and dislikes of the author

Checking students' knowledge of the text. Before you is a chaotic presentation of the main events of the tale. Put them in order using numbering. When checking the chain of events, speak. 1. Alyosha shows extraordinary abilities. 2. The king rewards the hero with a hemp seed, promising to fulfill his wish. 3. Alyosha in the underground kingdom. 4. Saving Nigella. 5. Parting with the minister. 6. Betrayal. 7. Alyosha's life in a boarding house. 8. Illness and recovery. (7 , 4 , 3 , 2 , 1 , 6 , 5 , 8 - ordered course of events)

Analytical conversation. Work with text. Main character fairy tales - a ten-year-old boy Alyosha. 1. How do we see him at the beginning of the work? 2. What act of Alyosha struck you? (reading and discussion of the episode "Saving Chernushka") 3. How and why has Alyosha changed? The results of observation of the character of the hero. Paint over the space, expressing in color your attitude to the meaning of the word (deed) self-sacrifice betrayal

Work with the evaluative vocabulary of the moral aspect What Chernushka calls negative qualities manifested in the hero? (VICKS) Name the word that is opposite in meaning. (VIRTUES) Get to know the definition of the meaning of this word: Virtue is any meritorious quality of the soul, an active desire for good, to avoid evil (V. I. Dal's dictionary) Find in the text of the words with which you can name, evaluate the qualities of the hero and his actions. (As a result of collective work, a table appears)

VIRTUE VICE Modesty Disobedience Obedience Indiscretion Compassion Pride Remorse Ego Shame Self-confidence Conscience Idleness Kindness Self-exaltation Diligence Ingratitude (All vocabulary is taken from the text of the fairy tale. Of course, the teacher is included in the work, prompts the children desired episodes and even pages. This is the beginning painstaking work with text. Be sure to learn how to work with a pencil in hand).

Right moral choice And now we will present two columns of the table in the form of two tracks. You have to choose which one to go. Remember how in fairy tales: you will go to the left, you will go to the right ... What will happen at the end of the path? You have the right to choose.

The life of the hero's soul. Conversation about conscience. We remembered the external events of the hero's life. But man also has an inner life. Soul life. We rejoice, we are sad, we experience pain, having become a witness or participant in some event. Inside each of us, a bell rings, telling us whether we are doing well or badly. This call is called conscience. When a person acts contrary to conscience, he becomes somehow uncomfortable, his conscience torments him. If a person does not pay attention to the voice of conscience, then the bell stops eventually. This means that a person has killed his conscience. They say shameless about such people. List the events that take place in inner life fairy tale hero. Reflect on the questions: 1. In your spiritual development Is the character moving up or down? Show this movement in the form of a diagram. 2. How does the author feel about his hero? (Alyosha does many rash acts, there are many contradictions in him. But the author treats him warmly for his ability to feel guilty and repent).

Hero soul life

Conclusions L. N. Tolstoy, compiling a list of books that influenced his spiritual development, included in it the fairy tale “The Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants”. And what lessons from the fairy tale have you learned? (Students offer options for wording that are written in a notebook). 1. We must live honestly, be modest, respect other people. 2. Listen to the inner voice of conscience. 3. Be demanding of yourself. 4. Overcome selfishness, laziness,

The tasks of the teacher and the types of activities of students at each stage of the lesson 1. Activation of mental activity, memory development 1. Game activity 2. Teaching methods of analytical activity 2. Comparison of works 3. Teaching logical comprehension of the construction of the work 3. Restoration of the chain of main events (drawing up a plan) 4 .Training in techniques that provide a deep understanding of the text; improvement of reading technique 4. Work with text, reading, vocabulary work, partial search activity, solution problematic issues 5. Development of abilities for figurative generalization, the ability to see author's attitude to the hero 5. Reflection in the form of a diagram-drawing spiritual growth hero 6. Development of logical thinking. Create a Scale View moral values 6. Analytical activity (formulation of conclusions); development of value orientations

7. Development of analytical activity (evaluation of the statement according to certain criteria) 7. Search activity (compilation of a collection of wise thoughts), creative activity

Student Worksheet

Student Worksheet

Saving Chernushka. Illustrated by Vladimir Pritulin

Illustration by Andrushko Alexandra

Garden in the underground kingdom. Illustration by Ipatova T

Garden in the underground kingdom. Illustration by Milova A

Literature Literature Grade 5. Textbook for educational institutions. Compiled by V. Ya. Korovina. Moscow: Education, 2007. Internet resources: 1. Mikhail Telegin Library 2. Wikipedia

A. Pogorelsky "Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants" History of creation

  • A fairy tale "The Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants" was published by A. Pogorelsky in 1829. He wrote it for his pupil, nephew Alyosha, the future outstanding writer Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy. The publication was welcomed positive feedback presses.
  • Alyosha saves his beloved chicken Chernushka, and she reveals a secret to him: under the floor, in the dungeon, the kingdom of little men, where Chernushka is not a chicken, but the chief minister. At night, when everyone is asleep, Chernushka secretly brings Alyosha to the king and he rewards him. Alyosha's desire, expressed with thoughtless haste, turns out to be distressingly petty - to always know the lessons without learning them. The hemp seed received as a gift helped Alyosha, but due to idleness, "from a kind, sweet and modest boy, he became proud and disobedient."
When the seed was gone, the boy lost his wonderful gift. The story with the seed ends with Alyosha facing punishment if he does not confess, as he manages to know twenty pages by heart. And then the boy betrays a secret, which, of course, no one believed, he was even whipped. But this, and not even the disappearance of the hemp seed forever, turned out to be the main punishment for him. He will part with Chernushka. Through the fault of Alyosha, the king with his whole people must move far from these places, and his friend, the chicken minister, is condemned to wear golden chains.
  • When the seed was gone, the boy lost his wonderful gift. The story with the seed ends with Alyosha facing punishment if he does not confess, as he manages to know twenty pages by heart. And then the boy betrays a secret, which, of course, no one believed, he was even whipped. But this, and not even the disappearance of the hemp seed forever, turned out to be the main punishment for him. He will part with Chernushka. Through the fault of Alyosha, the king with his whole people must move far from these places, and his friend, the chicken minister, is condemned to wear golden chains.
Alyosha's character What does the fairy tale teach?
  • The fairy tale teaches us not only that we must work diligently, but also that children's frivolity can make both themselves and those who are dear to them unhappy. It is better to endure suffering than to break fidelity to a given word because of cowardice.
  • Alyosha will remember the wise fairy tale composed for him by A. A. Perovsky for the rest of his life. Having become a writer, Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy will write many works in which he will carefully preserve the ideas of truth, goodness and justice.
Thank you for your attention!
