The candle burns with a high flame. Why does the candle "cry"

Such a phenomenon can make a depressing impression, especially on those people who rarely visit the temple or who have recently converted to the faith. There is a desire to find some “hidden meaning” in this, to understand why this happens, especially if this happens loved one. The thought involuntarily creeps in that this may be a hint of the unfortunate fate of the deceased in the afterlife.

Popular beliefs

Counselors who wish to explain to a confused man the nature this phenomenon, there is plenty. All samples of modern "folklore" concerning smoky, come down to one thought: if a candle smokes black smoke, this is no accident, this indicates an abundance of some " negative energy».

What kind of “negative energy” this is, no one can really explain: physicists do not know anything about it, priests even more so. This does not interfere with the assertion that if a candle smokes in the hands of a certain person, he needs to “cleanse the aura”, and if in an apartment, it means that housing also needs “energy cleaning”. It is recommended to do this with the help of the same church candles, because their flame has the ability to destroy "dark energy". There is especially a lot of such energy in the corners, you should stand there longer, as well as in those places where it smokes and cracks the most.

Church opinion

Priests do not take such reasoning seriously. Lighting a candle in front of the image of the Savior or some saint is not magical rite, aimed at achieving some specific goal, but a visible, material expression of prayer. The Christian should cleanse not the mythical "aura", but the soul, and this is done through repentance, and not with the help of candles. It is possible and necessary to consecrate the dwelling, but this should be done by a priest who will perform a special ceremony that has nothing to do with “energy cleansing”.

No need to look for any "secret signs" in everything that happens in the temple. If the Lord deems it necessary to give a sign to a Christian, He will do it in such a way that a person will not confuse this sign with anything. All other searches hidden meaning belong to the category of superstitions that make a person afraid of the future and even lose confidence in God.

Crackling and smoking when lighting a church candle speaks only of its poor quality. Such an effect can be observed, in particular, if ceresin is mixed with paraffin at the factory during the manufacture of candles. Pay attention to such phenomena, moreover, you should not be afraid of them.


  • When a church candle crackles and smokes, is this a bad sign?

People have been using candles as a source of light for over 5,000 years. The Egyptians made them from rushes and reeds, the Romans from papyrus and animal fat.
Modern wax candles easy enough to make, and you can make candles yourself at home.

You will need

  • Wax, cotton thread, scotch tape, enameled jug with spout, large saucepan, dishwashing liquid, cardboard, nail.


Prepare a mold for a candle, a piece of rubber hose is good for this, its diameter and length depends on the size of the candle itself, to your taste. Make a through cut along the entire piece so that the hose can be turned into a strip, so it is easier to remove the finished candle, wrap the mold with tape. Glue a piece of thick cardboard to an even cut of the end of the form, the glue dries, pierce a hole for the wick in the middle with an awl.

Twist the wick of the desired length from a floss or cotton thread, tie one end in a large knot, pass it through a hole in the cardboard and wind it tightly onto a nail or needle on the other side of the rubber one. Lubricate the inner surface of the hose with petroleum jelly or detergent. Fix the vertically prepared form with plasticine on a sheet of plywood or on a cutting board.

Place a large pot of water on a gas stove or electric stove, heat the water, but do not let it boil. Place an enameled jug with wax cleaned of debris in a water bath in a saucepan. Melt the wax, stirring with a stick, to a liquid state and a temperature of not 70 degrees.

Gently pour the melted wax into the rubber mold in a small stream. If you are making a relatively thick candle, after a while, due to the shrinkage of the wax, a void may form around the wick, into which the melted wax should be poured again. Wrap the mold with rags so that it hardens slowly, otherwise it may crack.

It is believed that good firewood (which gives a lot of heat) should be dried before use until the moisture content of the wood is approximately 15-16% (maximum allowed is 25%). However, even the driest tree retains moisture: this is the so-called "capillary" water in cell cavities, and "colloidal" in cell membranes, and a very small amount of chemically bound water.

When the flame flares up and the firewood is covered with the first charred layer, all the water turns into steam. The continuous crackling of logs in the oven is nothing but a series of real micro-explosions. fibers charcoal burst and water vapor escapes. Charred wood fragments bounce off each other, making loud clicks.

Maybe during the fires you heard strong pops. These were episodic emissions of hot pyrolysis gases - a process during which the thermal decomposition of wood into various chemical elements. Experts even learned in a special way to heat a tree without air access (or with its limited access) for various production needs.

So, burning logs and, interestingly, each in its own way. If you put in dried beech firewood, you can hardly hear the familiar crackle. The aspen will crackle peacefully, while the pine will simply “shoot” in the flame - the accumulated resin will be released from its cavities and fill the room with pleasant ether.

Burning firewood not only "talks" in its own way, but also has other distinctive features. For example, the same odorous pine should not be used in a fireplace - sparks will fly. It is better to burn branches there or and enjoy the warmth and pleasant aroma. If you use a home fire or a sauna with a wood-burning stove, be sure to consult a specialist before harvesting firewood.


Diagnosis, treatment and cleansing with a candle October 8th, 2012

Diagnostic abilities of the candle

1. If everything is in order in a person’s life, the candle set by him burns with an even high flame, without forming any sagging.

2. As soon as some mental problems arise, the candle begins to “cry”: influxes run along it.

3. If the lines of influxes go obliquely and intersect, this means that a person is threatened with death from a serious illness, and he himself or the one who “made” him such a fate may be to blame.

4. If a line of influx runs through a candle just placed from top to bottom, this means: a curse has fallen on a person. If two lines - two curses. Larger numbers are extremely rare.

5. If you drive a burning candle clockwise in front of the human body from the head and it starts to smoke with black smoke in some place, it means that the internal organs in this place are blocked by the disease and they must be treated until (with repeated diagnosis) the candle stops smoking .

6. Keep in mind, the candle should always be kept with one side towards the patient. If influxes are formed on his part, he himself is to blame for his illnesses. If with the opposite, then the disease “made” him.

7. If a “tear” rolls down the candle on the left or right, this is a sign that there is an energy struggle between the patient and someone else. If the “tear” is black, then the person is in a state of negative energy. If the traces on the candle are the same color as itself, then the end of sagging is close.

8. When candles are placed in the church, the picture remains approximately the same as at home, but in the temple the candles are sometimes bent. It means that the person is obsessed evil spirit. The influxes sometimes resemble the profiles of the devil or the person who sent the curse.

9. If the candle goes out, it smells like death and you need to urgently take action: repent, ask for forgiveness from those who offended you, and forgive those who offended you.

10. You can put a stearin candle near your feet, heating its lower end and sticking it to a large saucer. If, having started to “cry”, the candle forms at its base evenly around the circumference of cakes with a diameter of 2-3 cm, adjacent to it, this is a serious indication of possible oncological diseases.

"Candle - required attribute my work. A person comes, we sit down at the table, and the first thing I do is light a candle. If the fire is even, calm, it connects our words and thoughts, helps to understand the fate of a person. If, during a conversation, wax, like tears, slowly flows into a candlestick, this is the first sign that the human soul is crying, which hurts it. Sometimes the conversation just doesn't work. You look, and the candle crackles, smokes, almost all darkened. And it is immediately clear: there is a lot of darkness and anger, insidious thoughts in the person sitting next to him. The candle feels this and therefore smokes. And if the newcomer lies, he begins to burn out from one side. No witchcraft is needed, the candle will tell you who is who. If you want, check for yourself: a person will come to you, put a candle between you and him, you will find out who came to you.

If you have been greatly offended, offended in the best of feelings, and late in the evening sleep does not come to you, go to the kitchen or into the room - where no one will disturb you - and light a candle. Put her on the windowsill, sit next to her and, slowly, whisper to her about what happened. Tears will appear, do not be shy about them, cry. Let resentment and pain come out in tears. The fire of the candle will tremble, flicker, listen to you and soothe. And as the wax melts, your grievances will melt, they will not seem as significant as at first.

Another secret: if there was a scandal at home and a lot of rude things were said, cruel words, patiently wait for the night when everyone is asleep and silence reigns. Light a candle and go around all the household with it in your hand. Standing at the head of every bed

Mentally wish them Good night. Don't think bad. Remember how many happy, joyful days were lived together. Wish they were repeated many, many times. The candle will burn in your hands, and words of kindness, tenderness and love will fall like smoke on the faces of the sleeping people. All the good that is in your heart, through the fire of a candle, will be imprinted on the faces of your relatives and friends.

And finally last secret. If you yourself have sinned, acted dirty, hurt someone - it is never too late to admit and confess. First, to yourself. Light a candle in front of a mirror. Looking at your reflection through her fire, tell everything as it was. Don't lie or it won't work. Speak - fire will destroy vile deeds and deeds. Purifying in the flame of a candle, you will feel that even the worst in yourself can always be corrected for the better. And it will become much lighter and brighter on the soul.

The candle will heal and cleanse!

Since ancient times, people have known that the element of fire cleanses and burns everything negative that sticks to the human aura.

The uniqueness of the impact of a candle flame on the biological field that surrounds a person is that it helps to cleanse the body of all the negative that accumulates in us day after day. And if a person living in an urban environment rarely has the opportunity to sit by the fire, then he can always light a candle in front of him.

After sitting near a lit candle for at least 7-10 minutes, watching the fluctuations of the tongue of its flame - how it deviates to the right, then to the left, then freezes in place, we soon begin to notice how the candle throws a small amount of soot into space, which, like shows many years of experience in magic, absorbs fatigue, irritation and resentment that has accumulated in a person.

The pain subsides and sadness passes, not allowing the disease to penetrate through negative thoughts and feelings into our physical body. Thus, the pain of the soul, gradually dissipating, prevents the pain of the physical body. Together with the crackling of the candle, our pain disappears, and peace and peace of mind return to its place.

To remove layers of negative fields and programs from a loved one, ask him to sit sideways on a chair so that the back does not block his back from the impact of the candle flame, and stand behind him yourself.

Light a candle and forget about all everyday thoughts for a while. The patient must begin to "clean" from the coccyx. At the same time, the hand with the candle should rotate counterclockwise.

The amplitude of this movement is 10-15 centimeters. And the time during which you will conduct the ceremony is chosen by you arbitrarily. If the candle begins to crackle, it means that you have found a “problem” place - a zone in which a person has serious disturbances in the functioning of the body. Surely at this moment you will see a flash of soot. Hold the candle near such an area until the candle stops smoking! When the flame has become pure again, we continue to move up the spine - to the very top of the head.

We end the ritual with a movement above the head: at a distance of 10-15 centimeters above.

Purification must be carried out 3 times, checking whether the candle burns evenly in the place where it used to smoke. Repeat this procedure every night and see how much better your life has become.

WHY "CRYING" CANDLE ====================== In religion and magic, a candle is the main attribute during religious sessions, rituals, ceremonies. Candles cleanse both the church and the house from various evil spirits. According to the drips of wax on the candle, according to the characteristics of burning, the bends of the candle, it is possible with a high degree of probability to judge the source of the troubles that have fallen on a person. If suddenly your troubles are growing like a snowball, and you cannot understand what the matter is, what is the reason, then take the advice: go to church, go up to an old icon there and put a candle to your health. Look carefully: if the set candle burns with a high, even flame, without wax buildup, then you are all right. If there is an influx on the candle you just placed from top to bottom, this means that a curse has fallen on you or someone has done damage to you. If there are two influxes along the candle, then two damage has been done. If the lines of influxes go obliquely and intersect, a serious illness awaits you, and you yourself are to blame. If you drive a burning candle clockwise in front of a person’s body and it suddenly begins to smoke, this is a direct indication of disease internal organs. If the candle goes out three times in a row, then this is a sign of imminent misfortune, up to death from an accident. If you undertake to help the patient, then remember one condition: you do not need to turn the candle either with one or the other side to the patient. She is an indicator of the patient's condition. If the influxes are formed on the part of the sick person, then he himself is to blame for his illnesses. If with the opposite, then the disease was sent to him. If a tear - a drop of wax - rolls down the candle on the left and right and the candle crackles strongly, mobilize: there is a serious energy struggle between the sick person and the dark force sent to him by someone. If the tear of wax is black, then the person is dominated by negative energy, and in this case it is necessary to take urgent measures, otherwise irreparable things may happen to you. You can watch how the candle bends during the ritual. This indicates that the person is possessed by an evil spirit. The influxes sometimes resemble the profiles of a devil or a person who sent damage to you, for this you just need to look closely. If the candle put to the icon goes out, take serious measures: repent of your sins, ask for forgiveness from those who offended, and forgive those who offended you. These actions will save you from stress - fertile ground for most diseases. modern man. If something prevents you from going to church to a priest (for example, you are not a baptized person), then choose a time when no one will be in the house, open a window or window, light a candle and read “Our Father” in front of the icon. Then place the candle on the table and sit on a chair, straightening your back, put your feet together, and put your hands on your feet with your palms up. Aloud three times ask for forgiveness, calling by name and surname (if you know) those who offended you. Then blow out the candle. After this ritual, you will feel better psychologically, and it is possible that soon you will find out "accidentally" that those who offended you were judged by the Lord's court. No wonder the Bible says: “Judge not, lest you be judged, for by what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with what measure you use, it will be measured to you.” New Testament Matthew 7:1). If you need to ask someone for forgiveness, then light a candle in front of a mirror and, looking through the flame at your reflection, honestly and frankly tell aloud what happened and how, condemn your act, words; and then your misdeed, as it were, will burn in the cleansing flame of a candle, you will feel better and find the strength in yourself to ask for forgiveness from real person(if he is alive).

About such a household item as candles, folk omens can tell a lot. Beliefs were folded in those days when they replaced electricity, still unknown to man. Candles have always been important part life, religious services, magical rituals and divination.

Candle flame superstitions

By burning the flame of an ordinary candle lit in the house, you can learn a lot about the energy of the home and its inhabitants. So, if candles burn clearly and calmly in your house, signs promise a quiet life. The flame of a candle near a person is serene - the absence of damage, evil eye and other negative programs.

"The game is not worth the candle" - originally a proverb of gamblers, which displayed the high price of candles of that time.

Is the tongue of fire swaying from side to side? Peace is not to be expected. This is a belief in travel, adventure, bright events. The flame rises in a spiral or describes a circle - a warning. Enemies are making plans, they are going to harm you. Weak light - to the disease.

Crack is a bad sign. If candles crackle near you, they warn of damage. They go out as soon as you get closer - a sign of imminent death, but about such superstitions and the removal of their negativity - a little lower.

Shoots sparks - coming evil person to the house. Hisses - to disappointment. When a candle smokes, it burns away negative energy. The blue flame warns of death in the house. But the blue fire also indicates that there is a spirit in the room. One version of superstition combines both options. The spirit of a deceased relative has appeared in the house, who will soon take someone with him.

The above knowledge can be used to diagnose your home and biofield. You can also find out the intentions of the guest. Light a candle and follow the flame. You can cleanse the house of negativity by walking around the perimeter with a candle in your hand. Stay where it starts to smoke and the fire becomes restless. Baptismal and wedding candles are watched to find out the future.

How to ignite and extinguish

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From time to time it is worth lighting candles in the house. They bring comfort, reconciliation, relieve negativity, quarrels and scandals. Once in every house there was a source of living fire, home. In modern realities, this has become difficult to obtain, while candles are sold in almost every store.

You need to light candles correctly. So, you can not light from one candle more than two others. This brings poverty into the home. The same rule exists for torches or matches. Set fire from the stove fire - to poverty. Don't burn at all? So it will rain.

From a candle, you can light incense or, for example, a sheet of paper with desires or a list of what you want to get rid of. But you cannot smoke from its flame. This portends trouble.

There are many superstitions about extinguishing candles. It is believed that they cannot be blown out. One of the superstitions explains the prohibition by the resentment of the fiery element that it was expelled with the help of the air element. Another - connects it with the sign of spitting into the fire. Extinguish candles with your fingers or special caps. This is especially true of candles, near which prayers or conspiracies were read.

It is customary to blow out only those that are on the birthday cake. It brings good luck to the birthday boy birthday quotes. If he makes a wish at the same time, it will come true.

Accidentally extinguish a candle - to unexpected guests. True, it is not a fact that they will be pleasant.

Goes out - a bad sign

In general, if the candle goes out on its own, it is unfortunately, even fatal. Even if she was burning near a seemingly healthy and full of strength person. But this sometimes means the completion, the death of a certain business, project, relationship.

During the wedding, the young are given a candle in their hands. If one of them goes out in the hands of the bride or groom, a quick death awaits the person. According to other beliefs, the marriage will soon fall apart, there will be a betrayal of one of the partners.

If the candle set for health goes out, this also portends the death of the person for whom it was placed. It is impossible to extinguish such a candle. Therefore, it is supposed to look after the candles set for health until they burn out. They can be removed by the ministers of the church. Healthy candles that have not burned down to the end can be taken away by black magicians for their affairs.

When we are talking about a candle placed for the rest, the sign changes its meaning to positive. By extinguishing the candle, the soul of the deceased gives a sign that she has found peace in the afterlife.

Extinguished baptismal a candle promises a child a life full of difficulties. There is another opinion on this issue. According to him, the baptism of the child was necessary - it removed the mortal threat hanging over him from the baby.

A dream in which a candle went out most often has the same meaning as a sign. But other events from the dream also affect here. By interpreting them, you can get full value sleep.

What to expect if a candle fell, broke, candlestick burst

Drop a candle from your hands or, for example, a table - for an imminent wedding. If a candle falls in a church, it promises trouble for the one who dropped it in the near future. If she fell out of the candlestick - expect problems.

If she fell herself, to the bad news. Sometimes predicts an unexpected unpleasant event. Where the candle spontaneously fell, a couple lives, the family is on the verge of divorce.

A broken candle, like broken dishes, should not be used. But a new product can be made from it by melting wax or paraffin and pouring it into a mold. If this is a special candle, for example, wedding, its damage indicates damage. And this means a really serious negative, and not a household evil eye.

A candlestick burst - to the loss of a loved one. But this sign is true only when this could not happen for adequate reasons, such as overheating. She can promise a quarrel, separation, and even the death of a friend or relative. To neutralize the value, the fragments of the candlestick should be thrown out on the street without touching them with your hands.

Beliefs about church candles

According to one of the superstitions, set for health dead man the candle will not burn. But it's not worth checking. Anyone who puts a candle for the health of the deceased will not live long himself.

The remains of wedding candles are kept in the red corner, near the icons. Whose candle is smaller, he will die earlier. They are lit during difficult childbirth, severe illness of spouses or their children, serious quarrels, problems with conception. ancient wedding omen- the one of the spouses who holds the candle higher will be the main one in the family.

There was a ritual in the old days. If a girl on Pokrov puts a candle in the church before anyone else, she will soon get married. Epiphany and Easter candles have the ability to help women in childbirth, drive out illnesses and reconcile people. And Thursdays - cast out witches and destroy their spells. Inverted church candles are used by black magicians to appeal to the forces of darkness.

Contemplation of the fire of church candles helps to calm down and clear thoughts. It can be viewed both in the temple and at home. You don't need a lot of time for this - ten minutes is enough.

Sometimes it happens that a person's clothes or hair catch fire from a candle flame in a temple. It speaks of the influence dark forces. It is likely that there is damage, love spell or strong evil eye.

Signs to find, give and others

In America, they believe that you can find a drowned person in a pond with the help of a candle. To do this, you also need a loaf of bread - it is supposed to insert a candle into it, and then let it float on the water. A piece of bread with a candle will stop where the drowned man lies.

During Samhain celebrations, or Halloween, burning candles should be on the windowsills. They drive away trouble and evil spirits from the house. On New Year It is also recommended to put green candles on festive table. They attract good events. Light pyramid candles for Christmas - attract good luck for the whole year.

Wax candles are not the best gift. Wax perfectly absorbs information, it is used in witchcraft. Therefore, it is not customary to give candles made from it. Paraffin does not have this property, and decorative candles made from it can be given and received as a gift.

What to do if you find a candle? Do not lift or touch it with your hands. It could have been used in a rite, the details of which you know nothing about. It is also not worth stepping over such a candle. Especially if she's lying on crossroads on foot.

In general, a lot of beliefs are associated with a candle. This is a mystical object, constantly used not only in everyday life, but in witchcraft and religious services. Candles can not only predict the future and remove negative energy, but also help the black sorcerer bring an enemy to the grave.

Church consecrated candles are the most powerful way to protect against any negativity and evil. Many people have long noticed the special power of the flame of a church candle, and felt its influence on themselves.

No church or temple is complete without a large number of candles. In order for a church candle to become a powerful protection against negativity, it must be purely wax, without any impurities, if there are chemistry impurities in the wax, there will be no sense from this candle. This is the most important requirement for the quality of a church candle.

Monastery candles especially have a very powerful force and they do not contain impurities. Monastic candles are good for removing any negativity, for reprimanding curses, tribal troubles, damage, evil eye. As long as the candle burns, no evil forces cannot harm you, in no case do not let the candle go out, if this happens, be sure to light it again and let it burn out to the end. If everything in a person’s life is successful, the candle lit by him burns evenly, with a high flame without forming influxes. If a person has mental problems in life, a candle lit by him will cry, and swells will run along it, if the candle starts to incense or sparks, burning with a blue flame means that you have been exposed to negative energy. In this case, you need to start reading the Our Father prayer and not let the candle go out. Prayer is read until the candle begins to burn evenly, with a high flame without forming sagging, stops censing and sparkles.

Wedding candles are a family shrine, they have a special power, they must be carefully stored and protected from prying eyes. Wedding candles are lit on special occasions, they can be lit during a serious illness of one of the spouses, or a child, in difficult situation for the family, during family discord. No need to light both candles or separate them into male and female. You are one flesh and your candles are one common. It is only necessary to remember that wedding candles have power under the condition of sincere prayer to God.

Easter and Epiphany candles carry a special grace. Before these lit candles, you can sincerely repent of your most serious sins, ask God for forgiveness. It is believed that your sins will be forgiven, provided that your repentance is sincere and there will be no more such acts in your life. These candles are also used in cleansing rituals.

A candle is evidence of faith, a person's involvement in Divine light. It expresses the flame of our love for the Lord God. You can not light a candle formally, with a cold heart. When we put a candle, the action should be supplemented by a prayer, at least the simplest one, in your own words.
